Get Paid With Google Search ($5,312 IN A WEEK)

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Video Transcript:
there is a huge opportunity that many people have been missing out on and I'm about to fill you in on this because I just received an email that I'm definitely going to share with you but it comes from a company that you are probably familiar with and they are looking for Affiliates and they are willing to pay you up to $100,000 a month Yes you heard that right $100,000 in a month and this is going to be done by using a simple copy and paste method that I'm also going to show you that requir you to search on Google I am very familiar with this method myself because I have been using it and have made about $220,000 in the last month and the best part about this is you will be able to get started with this [Music] today what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I am back with the news that you can use but first if you are new here hello Bona Aloha Kish Shalom asalam Alum Jambo child Namaste so I am not going to make you sit here and wait through this entire video just to see this email that I've been talking about so the email I received is from the company T comment down below and let me know if you've ever heard of them I'm sure many people have but in case you have not teu is an online shopping platform that sells a wide variety of discounted products from Electronics to clothing HomeGoods beauty products and and more and as you can see here in my email this information I'm about to share with you comes directly from t. com so it's legit and what it says is we are inviting you to join the t-u affiliate program and by the way this is something that anyone can join for the chance to earn extra income every month but what stood out the most to me in this email and made me had to get on here ASAP and let you know about it is the benefits that they are offering right now as you can see on the first line of benefits it says that they are paying up to $100,000 commission a month and on top of that there are other things that they're offering like a $10,000 bonus and they guarantee no matter what that you will make at least $2 so every single person who does this entire process I'm about to show you today will make some kind of money at least two bucks from just sharing a link so they gave me a registration link and I'm going to share that with you it will be down in the description but you can always just go to t. com and scroll down to the bottom of the page and you'll see affiliate and you'll just select that option and then from there all you have to do is sign up which is a very quick and easy process but one thing I do want to point out on their website they actually show the people that are withdrawing money right now and there are many people that have been making 68,000 they have someone that made 38,000 and I see a ton of people making $3,000 so this is a huge opportunity for a lot of people and how much you make is really going to depend on what you put into it all right so moving on to the next step which is extremely important because yes everyone can sign up and join this program for free however we don't want to just join the program we want to actually make money so in order to do that you're going to have to follow these steps that I'm going to lay out for you and the most important is for you to get that link that they are going to to give you before the right people and there are many different ways that you can do that but I want to focus on one particular one today and I want to show you how to target the people that are searching on Google and that's because Google gets 8.
5 billion searches every single day so what you can do first is go over to teu and then click on the categories and you want to look at everything that they have available and find the ones that you are most interested in promoting and there are tons of different things that you can choose from they also have a bestsellers Tab and you can go to that and look to see what the hot items are that people are interested in right now and these are the things that are getting thousands of sales I'm going to tell you the top categories that people search for on Google will be technology and gadgets as well as health and wellness and luckily teu has both of those categories so once you find the category that you are interested in the next thing is going to be to head over to chat GPT which is absolutely free to use and we are going to have to ask it two different questions and to make this easier I have created some prompts for you to use and you'll be able to just copy and paste these into chat GPT to get the best results and that'll be down in the description all you have to do is just change it to fit whatever your category and the information that you have selected is so the first prop is going to be I am starting a blog focus on and it'll be blank you'll insert whatever your category is here and then we say can you help me brainstorm some popular and trending topics within this Niche that will be suitable for affiliate marketing I want these topics to attract a lot of organic traffic from Google and for mine I just went with electronics because like I said that's probably one of the top search things is technology and once you hit enter it will give you some topics to choose from and looking at this list these are actually pretty good but for the sake of this video I am just going to go with the best budget laptops for everyday use so that's the first thing we need moving on to the next prompt that I have given you already and it's going to be I have chosen the topic and it'll be blank you insert whatever topic you've chosen for me is the best budget laptops for everyday use and next we'll say can you suggest some catchy and SEO friendly titles for this blog post that will attract readers and rank well on Google that's very important and then you'll hit enter again and it is going to list out keywords for you that people are searching for on Google for this particular topic that you've chosen make sure you follow this in order like this guys you don't want to miss anything because it's very important that we get this right so after you've completed that the next thing that's important for you to do is create your own personal website so that you'll have a place to place these articles on and that way when people are searching on Google if you do this right your articles will be found and not only that but having your own website will allow the people that found your one particular article to be able to explore and see what else you have available and then that's going to increase your chances of making more money because we don't want them to just be one and done we want them to continue to keep coming back for more and I'll also be showing you other websites that have built-in audiences that you'll be able to post these articles to for free so that you can get views but it's definitely going to first start with you creating your own website and to do this I definitely suggest using host stinger and thank you to host Stinger for partnering with me on this but in my opinion they are one of the best web hosting platforms which is important when building a website but also with hostinger if you get the business plan which starts as low as $3. 99 a month but that will allow you to have access to Wordpress which is what we'll need today as well as some WordPress AI tools like the AI content creator and this will actually write the SEO friendly blogs the entire articles for you based on just an idea that you give it so again it'll be doing the work for us and on top of that you get free emails they also have pre-built templates that you can use and install with just one click so make sure you go down to the description and click on that link so that you can claim this deal and once you do that you want to make sure you select that business plan and they will ask you to choose a period of time that you want it and if you go with the 48 Monon plan that's going to give you the best rate because you'll also get 3 months for free it gives you the biggest discount however make sure you at least choose the 12 Monon plan because that's going to allow you to get a free domain for the first year and as a bonus if you scroll down to the coupon code and add the hens you'll get an additional 10% off and once you have completed that entire setup you'll be taking inside of hos stinger and let me show you how quick this next part will be they will basically ask some simple questions that you can easily answer and they are going to ask you to create a login for a WordPress account which you will have to do that's what we need then they are going to ask what type of website you want to build and of course we'll go on with the blog and you get to select the theme that you want right here you can select from these options and you'll also be able to change it later I'll show you how to do that but they pretty much list everything out for you they're going to suggest some plugins make sure you accept the ones that they recommend and then at this point they'll tell you to choose a domain name so if you have one in mine already you can go ahead head on and put it in here make sure it's available but if you're not sure of what you want to name this website at this point you can just use the temporary domain for now and then they will set everything up for you so once they are complete with that they are going to take you to this next page and it's very important that you select the speed up content Creation with AI because this is where you will be able to use AI to create your articles and later you'll be able to find this on the left side of the menu under post when you are ready to create more posts make sure you're created with AI but in order for them to make this article for you they are going to ask you the content type of course it's a post and then you can choose the tone of voice that you want the article to be written in and I always like to make sure I include a friendly tone and as far as the length the ones that perform better especially on Google are going to be the longer post so always make sure you go with that one and right here is where you're going to insert the prompt to tell it what type of article you wanted to create and of course I'm going to give you another prompt to help you with this one so what I have put is I am writing a blog post titled and then you'll insert your blog post and the next thing we wanted to do is write a detailed introduction to engage the readers and set the stage for the main content additionally I need you to add the budget friendly laptops that can be found on t-u and provide detailed information for each including a description key features pros and cons price range and recommended use include a place for affiliate links naturally and all you have to do at that point is just hit create content and after a few seconds this is an entire article that it has created for you and this article once you hit post will go directly to your website and when you create these articles through here it will include an image for you and it's going to break down everything that you asked it to do so AI pretty much did the bulk of the work for us now we will need to edit this and clean it up a bit but it did save us a lot of time but one thing I noticed when reviewing you want to make sure you always review it is that it didn't include 10 laptops that's what I asked it to do but we can always adjust that title to eight but other than that the most important thing that we definitely have to do is make sure that we include the affiliate links to the products that we're talking about and you want to find a unique way to add them to these articles you don't want it to be too overwhelming and it to feel like you're really trying to sell them rather than just provide the information that they're searching for so you can find some random places to smoothly integrate these affiliate links into this article and once you find wherever you want it to go you'll just press enter and it's going to say to choose a block and I'll hit this plus sign so that it can open up more options and we want to add a button and to this button is where we will add our call to action that's going to be basically what convinces the people to go and purchase whatever we're talking about so we can say something simple like click here to buy the Lenovo since that's what in this section here and after you've added the call to action you definitely want to make sure you add the link so that when they click on this button it'll take them to that website and once they purchase it you'll get paid so to grab the link we are going to have to go back over to Teo and then you'll go to pick items and this is where you'll have to search for the items that you want to add and so I've just searched for that Lenovo and then I am going to go under here and I'm going to grab that link and as you can see right here they list how much you'll make from a purchase and this one will pay you $58 every single time someone purchases this laptop so if you can get four sales in a day that will make you over $200 and you can also save the image because you'll be able to add the image to the article as well which will add a little bit extra off to it but once you're done we are going to come back over to the article and then you can just click on that link to add it there and you can also go through that same process by adding a block and then selecting image and uploading that image directly from Teo so they can know exactly what it's going to look like once they click over there and look at it on Teo but once you go through link all of your affiliate links to this article and you hit publish it will send it directly to your website and it's as simple as that now before I show you the website we do have a few more things to clean up I want to present it right to you now and so when you selected that theme in the beginning it's going to automatically add some post to your website for you to kind of help jump start you but we want to remove that so we want to hit this sign and then you'll select post and make sure you go to the post that you did not create you want to select that go to bulk action and then we're going to move it to trash so just remove any post that you did not create be careful to not remove the one that you did and also if you decide you know what I don't like that theme that I selected in the beginning if you want to choose a different one you can just come over to the menu on the left and select appearance and then you can just choose a different them here but at this point this is what the website looks like it doesn't have to be over the top we just needed to do what it was created to do which is make us some money and it's going to be pretty simple have your articles on there and once you upload more articles to it it'll list all of the articles on this site and once you are ready to create articles again you'll just repeat the process that I just showed you just keep in mind the more articles that you create and you have on this site the higher chances you will have of making money now I want to be honest with you it can take some time before you actually can get your articles to place on the first page of Google search results but I'm not going to leave you hanging I actually want to show you some other ways that you can use to get your articles out there and before the people that's searching for this information and more important than that to start getting paid but that's going to be by utilizing other websites that have built in audiences already that are searching for these type of Articles and one of the websites that you can go to and upload your article on is going to be script and it is 100% free to do this and on script they have over 90 million readers that will have access to your article so to get started here you can go ahead and create your free account and after you've done that you'll come to the upload section and it's going to be important that you know that this document will have to be in a doc or a PDF and what you can use to make sure that your article is in the right format is Google doc which again is another free site that you can use as long as you have a Google account if you don't you can make one of those for free but you'll just go in there you'll create a blank document and then you can just copy the article from your website come back over here and paste it and usually when you do that it will allow you to keep those hyperlink items that you had from the article so that people will still be able to click on it but if it did not is a simple fix all you have to do is highlight that call to action that you had over there and then you can make it bold to make sure it stands out and you'll just go up to the top and hit this insert link button and then you can just paste it into there that's as simple as that that's how you can fix it in case it didn't carry over from the website but after that once you have it complete you'll just go to file and then you can hit download and this is where you can choose to save it as a doc which is required or a PDF and then after that you'll just come back over to script and you'll upload it now other than scrip there is another platform they actually have a sister platform called slides share and slides share has over 70 million readers and as you can see there are people that upload here and they get thousands of views on their documents and that's definitely what we want and again you can upload to this one for free but this file format will have to be in a PDF or a slide and just like how I showed you to save it in a doc or PDF already if you use doc you'll just go back to the file and now download it as a PDF and you'll come back over here and upload it and I would upload to all of these sites not just one create your own website upload to script and also upload over here on slides share I'm trying to give you as many platforms as possible to help out because I know when first starting it can be challenging but if you utilize all of these things it can definitely give you a boost so the next one that you can use to try to get views on this article is going to be medium.
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