How I Prep For Q4 as a 7 Figure Etsy Seller

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Hannah Gardner
How I Prep For Q4 as a 7 Figure Etsy Seller ⭐ Exclusive Community or Course Access:
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every Niche on Etsy has a slightly different Q4 experience depending on how your specific products react to the holiday season for example if I look at my holiday stats for last year compared to the previous time period you can see in both periods right here in September you can see a slight uptick hitting right in the beginning of September for my Q4 season beginning so that means that we start our holiday prep in the beginning of August so that we're ready in time for that uptick in the beginning of September now like I mentioned this
is different per your Niche so your upward curve could be way more aggressive than ours or maybe it's just a slight Plateau but depending on how hard or soft that curve is that will help you determine how soon you want to start preparing so my curve was you know it's an upward curve but it's not like a straight upward curve so if you have a straight upward curve then that probably means that you have a really holiday specific shop so if you're in something like candles or jewelry or something like that those types of niches
tend to really see a hard uptick in these months that means that you probably would even want to start sooner than say my shop with my data stats and by the way this tool that I'm using to show you these Doats is something called profit Tre which is the first ever real-time automated profit tracking tool for Sellers and so it gives you a bunch of insights like this and you're going to see how this is utilized when analyzing your own shop data for making these decisions when it comes to setting yourself up for the holiday
and again depending on your own stats it's not one size fits all it's going through these seasons in looking at the collective data sample of what happened in the previous season and pulling out what worked best from the previous season and doing more of that for your next holiday season and don't worry even if you're somebody that does not have over a year of sales history or you haven't been through your first Q4 yet this video is going to be for you as well so here are the four things that I recommend that you do
for your holiday season to get ready for Max profit potential number one is an Iz top performers and pull out the lowest hanging fruit of our existing product line to make new offers around the idea is this whatever is already working in terms of your top performing for this current year or this current quarter ideally as the holiday season comes around you know the holiday rush just puts fuel under the fire for those products and so as we continue launching new products for the holiday season or just launching new listings not technically new products what
we want to do is look at our lowest hanging fruit without having to design a new product or go out and Source material specific to the holiday season so how do we do this so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to analiz what are our top products in terms of profit and the products that are making us the most profit for the most recent time period since those ones are the Hot Products in the lowest hanging fruit to optimize for the holiday season all right so I am in back inside
my profit Tre account and there's two different types of report there's a product report and there is a listing report and obviously if you don't want want to use profit Tre to do this you can still do this kind of sort of you just have to kind of go through all of your Etsy stats manually in a way which is still possible profit Tre just makes it a lot easier so inside profit Tre basically in your product report it's giving you reports on each unique variation option you sell where the listing report is showing you
reports collectively for all the products that exist in this listing but for the lowest hanging through I just want to see the unique variation options that are performing really well now because in terms of setting up new offers for that the idea is is that in the holiday season people are going to buy a lot and a lot of times when they're giftgiving they just want to buy a lot of the same thing to make their life easier when it comes to giving people gifts so if they can buy more for a slightly cheaper price
or you know buy two get one free or bundle different things together as like a gift bundle or something like that those offers are going to do really really well during the holiday season and honestly all year round but specifically we're going to set these up for the holiday offer and make it seem like it's a special holiday offer so let's go to this current year because we want to see what's performing well this year because obviously we want to add fuel to the fire what's currently working and then I'm going to click most profitable
because obviously I care about what's making me the most profit and by the way this report is showing you your actual profit on a product before Etsy ad so after your product cost your listing fees your seller fees your payment processing fees all of that stuff so let's just look at what's going on here so when I sort it by most profitable I want to focus on the lowest hanging fruit meaning what is the most minimal thing I could do in terms of trying to put fuel under the fire of what's already working so this
product right here is obviously the most profitable for the year in terms of profit so let's click on that product in the product detail page what is being shown here so as we can see here this product has a historical trend of going up in September and collectively it's on a downward Trend so that means it's performing worse compared to the previous time period but it's historically still killing it in terms of the profit compared to the other products that are there and so what I'm going to look at first of all is just to
see if there's that low hanging fruit opportunity because we know people individually like this product and this product you know what this is showing here the $7,000 is this unique variation option being sold across nine different listings right so what profer Tre does one of the keys to success obviously on Etsy is duplicating your products to split test them and so when you identify your products via a skew code it can sync the sales data of that unique product together so you can see as a collective across all the listings how it performs so it's
done $7,400 so far for the year across nine different listings but none of these listings have that one unique item showcased in an image but with just two so the main image just showing two of the exact same thing for a slightly cheaper price and again this goes back to the concept that during the holiday season people just want to buy more for Less they can kill two birds with one stone they're going to do it so I would go do a fresh round of analyzing my top performing products in terms of profit and see
where the lowest hanging fruit lies in terms of just duplicating the listing and running a new listing with that new value proposition that doesn't exist yet in my store next week in my photo shoot I would just grab that product and I would basically take two of those items and shoot them in an image together but when the they go to the listing you'll see that there is still an option for to buy one by itself so it shows the cheaper price on the front end but if they buy the bundle set of two then
it's a cheaper price so the key here is that you're still in the drop- down menu in the variation option you're still offering one by itself and I would make that clear in your variation option so I would sync the image to the variation option when they click on it only shows one when they click on two it shows two so there's no confusion there but you earn that Click by them seeing two but they still turned on to the product because basically they can buy more for less and this works every single time I
do this with all of my products whether it's the holiday or not but then we're going to take it up a notch in tip number two by the way guys if you want to try a profer Tre there is a link in my description where you can sign up for a free trial so tip number two is adding holiday badges go figure badges are not something new to Etsy but you can do this really incorrectly and actually turn people off to your listing if you do your badges incorrectly so first and foremost those same listings
that I just talked about with the lowest hanging fruit seeing what you can bundle and offer for More For Less you would also want to explore adding a badge to that or split testing it to see which one gets you a higher CTR CTR stands for clickthrough rate by the way and again just a key note here backtracking we don't want to ever change the main image of performing listing even for the holidays right if you have a listing that's performing and has a best seller badge we never ever want to change the main image
because the algorithm likes that listing mostly because of that image that you have so you never want to change drastically make changes to a listing unless it's a clear value ad and so you know my example was duplicate and create a new listing with the bundles so badges are really beneficial especially for your products that aren't technically holiday specific products like there's products that you can sell all year around like my products where it's like I don't actually have a Christmas branded products adding this badge can make it seem like it's holiday specific even though
it's really not so doing badges wrong can actually hurt your CTR if you do them incorrectly the key things with badges are these four things number one you do not want to use offensive colors or offbrand icons as the badge so poor branding incohesive branding even with the badge with the text the topography the colors or if the colors don't actually go together inside the badge this can actually make the perception of the product lower value because The Branding is incohesive with the actual product image that it's sitting on so let me just show you
an example so I'm inside canva here and I typed in holiday Christmas product Badges and I found this template here and then I started building some templates based off of these things so really using softer colors I guess what you could say is in Trend I would stay away from using in cursive or curly fonts because those are just really hard to read and I know you can read it because you're the one that made it but you have a quarter of a second of someone's attention you need to make sure that that text and
that font is clear and branded correctly and so the cool thing with canva is not only these templates that they provide for you but you know you can come in here and change the color according to what exists in your main image so if you are selling a two candle bundle like this you know you can pull out the blue that exists in this image and actually make that color tone the color tone of your badge and so then it actually looks cohesive in terms of the image you're overlaying it on and again the really
key thing here is that whatever your offer is here or whatever your text is it's clear and readable within a millisecond of your eyes landing on it the second one is like I just mentioned make sure that the color tones are cohesive not only to each other in the badge but cohesive Ive when you overlay it on your image which I just showed you how to do that number three if you don't feel confident in graphic design or making badges then I would just one study Pinterest if you really want to test it out for
your store study Pinterest and see what the trendy Topography is what the trendy colors are for the season and see what goes with your actual product photography or hire somebody to give you a case study example to see how they do it so then you can recreate it for yourself and number four like I said you know you just want to make sure that the text is the most important thing that you want to make sure that the contrast between the text and the background is actually readable so a lot of times you know as
amateur graphic artists whatever when we're making these for the first time you choose colors that are just like that you can't read it but you think you can read it because you can see it so study your competition even see what listings with badges are performing well and what kind of badge they have the worst thing you can do is just if you're doing it for the first time you've never done it before is oh you think it looks good and you just run with it without doing some research on Pinterest or your competitor analysis
because you are not a big enough data sample to say something looks good maybe you get it on your first try hopefully you do but you really want to take that preliminary step of analyzing you know some other case studies of it so what other things can you put on a badge so just some ideas so buy two get one free it could be holiday free shipping it could say limited edition to make it seem like the product is limited for just the holiday season if you're running a daily sale you can put more emphasis
on the sale like 15% off but make the graphic branded for you know the holiday season so it makes it seem like it's exclusive to this holiday time or it could say something like if you're doing that bundle offer it could be holiday bundle something like this that just puts more emphasis on the value proposition of the actual listing but overall I like badges I think that especially during the holidays it helps you stand out a little bit more especially when you're selling products that aren't normally for the holiday and if you're not feeling confident
the best thing that you can do is always test so split test two listings one with a badge and one with not and again see which one gets the higher click-through rate okay and number three again a loow hanging fruit thing that we do every season is that we just change up the keywords and so recently as you know I've been talking about chat GPT a lot I like to just go to chat GPT and just type in a prompt so I typed in the prompt I'm selling home decor and Etsy on Etsy but my
home decor is not seasonal you can buy it all year round and have it in your house all year round what keyword should I add to my listings to rank for Christmas coming up and chat she PT just always gives me new fresh ideas on keywords on keywords that I may have not considered whether they're longtail keywords or short tail keywords and then I'll just add that to the back end of my listing title and if it's like you know something that I think will perform really well I will put that also in my tags
as well that longtail keyword and guys really utilize chat GPT like it is going to site where it gets its information from I'm using it for keyword research I'm having it write my titles rewrite my descriptions build sop processes email marketing everything so it helps me with my ideation it's it's doing the whole dang thing so lean on AI in terms of making you faster in your business and number four is obviously Etsy ads Etsy ads is something that I am not going to stop talking about it is just your goal as an Etsy seller
is to get your Etsy account to the max budget allowance of $1,000 a day profitably yielding more profit not just revenue and so especially during the holiday times if you're somebody that never considered running Etsy ads before but you want to start exploring or you want to really utilize the incoming traffic that's coming in especially because during the holiday season your cost per acquisition should technically get cheaper because there's so many people shopping you really want to utilize Etsy ads and Etsy ads are not a seasonal Thing by any means so I'm saying it's in
you know a seasonal video but your goal with your Etsy ads is to get it to the Max and hold it all year round at its Mac and some people are going to be like well Hannah I only turn my Etsy ads on for the holidays or something like that but it's a really flawed concept because the way that Etsy ads builds you is something called PPC so the amount of traffic that you get is proportional to how much traffic is hitting Etsy when people see your ad they're clicking on it because they went to
Etsy to buy something which makes them the hottest traffic on the internet more than meta ads Instagram ads arguably Google ads because Google ads is so competitive but then also they're searching in the exact keywords that exist in your listing so that makes them even hotter traffic and compared to any media buying Outlet you cannot really get cheaper traffic other than organic traffic or you know viral content traffic from making content on social media which I would never recommend you drive that traffic to an Etsy shop I would recommend you drive that to your own
Shopify store if you're that person that actually knows how to make money from making you know reals and Tik toks and stuff like that but the moral of the story is is Etsy ads do a lot of thing for your shop and the goal isn't let me just get it to the max during the holiday season and then turn it off because technically if traffic slows down on Etsy your spend should also slow down because you're getting less traffic and less clicks cuz less people are searching the platform and what Etsy does to your business
as a collective is it sets you up for the Long play in terms of competitiveness and making you more profit so at the very worst with someone's the ad max out they're at least doubling if not tripling their profit if they're doing it correctly if they're doing it wrong then it could be a disaster so I have a completely free training explaining this step by step what Etsy ads are what they do for your business pretty much any objection that someone could have to Media buying or investing in marketing for their business it's going to
be tackled in that free master class it's a free Master Class it's about an hour long I recommend you watch it if you do watch it you get profit tree for free for month which is not something that we offer publicly and if you're somebody that struggles with Etsy ads you're definitely not alone or crazy because etsy's Reporting System doesn't actually give you one single data point that you need in order to make a higher level decision on how to optimize them but profit tree does and it's actually going to solve the entire problem for
you in terms of knowing how to optimize them to your max profit potential so if you want to get in that free training make sure you click the link Link in the description overall guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you have your own tips or tricks make sure you comment them down below and I'll see you later bye guys
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