my name is Lena I want to tell you my story some people will not like me and some may feel sorry for me but I want to be honest yes I am the other woman I am in a relationship with a married man this is not an excuse I want to explain how this happened we met by chance he was kind confident and had a special look in his eyes it made my heart beat faster at first I did not know he was married when I found out I was already in love with him he
told me that his marriage was not good he said he stayed with his wife for the children and for the good image he said I was the fresh air he needed in his life I believed him or maybe I wanted to believe him at first I thought this was temporary I thought he would choose me one day but as time passed I understood that he may never choose me but I stayed with him why because even though it hurt he made made me feel loved and needed he gave me care attention and support I know
my place in his life is easy for him no big responsibilities no problems but it is not only his choice it is mine too I Hold On To those happy moments even if they are rare I hope I mean something to him maybe maybe it is sad but this relationship brings me both happiness and pain sometimes I ask myself why do I stay maybe I am afraid to be alone maybe I am attached to a man who will never fully be mine or maybe I hope things will change one day I know his wife sees
me as an enemy maybe I will would hate myself if I were her but I live in my own world of hopes waiting for small moments of happiness and I also want to have a child maybe one day I will have the strength to leave but for now I stay because I love him and love as I've learned is not always happy I thought a lot about about my life I spent so many hours thinking I loved him but I also felt so sad I asked myself if I could keep living like this could I
wait forever I felt that I deserved more but I was afraid to leave I didn't want to be alone there were days when I felt very confused some days I felt that everything would be okay maybe he would leave his wife maybe he would choose me and we would be happy together I would imagine our future a home a family happiness but those days were rare most of the time I felt lost and unsure I asked myself why am I still here why do I keep waiting I started to see things more clearly I began
to understand that this life was not healthy for me I was always waiting for something that might never happen and I was letting my life go by I was not living for myself I was living for him I was waiting for him to make a choice voice but I never asked myself what I wanted I talked to my friends about my feelings I told them I was tired they told me that I deserved a better life they said I should be with someone who would choose me and love me every day they told me that
I should stop waiting and start living my life for me but I couldn't understand at first I loved him so much that I couldn't see anything else one day I decided to stop waiting I told myself I need to be strong I needed to make a choice I couldn't stay in a relationship where I was always second place it wasn't easy but I knew it was the the right thing to do I spoke to him I told him how I felt I told him that I could not keep waiting I explained that I needed more
than just some moments of happiness I wanted a future a family a life full of love but he couldn't promise me that he said he loved me but he couldn't leave his wife he couldn't make a choice chice I understood it was not easy for him either but I knew I couldn't keep living in this way that was the last time I saw him it hurt so much my heart was broken but slowly I began to heal I realized that I didn't need him to feel happy I needed to find happiness inside myself I started
to do things for me I spent more time with my friends and family I went to the places I loved I worked on my goals I started to dream about my future again months passed and I became stronger I learned that I could be happy alone I did not need someone to complete me I learned to love myself I started thinking about the kind of person I wanted to be with in the future someone who would love me fully without Secrets without lies one day I met someone new he was kind and respectful we laughed
and we talked about everything he listened to me and I listened to him we spent time together and slowly I realized that I was ready for a new start I was no longer the woman waiting for someone who could not choose her I was a woman who knew her worth in the end I found peace I learned that true love is not about waiting or being the second choice true love is about respect trust and being with someone who loves you for who you are and now I am ready for that kind of love if
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