5 Weeks to Olympia: Chris Bumstead's Chest Day with Joe Bennett

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Get an exclusive inside look at 5-time Mr. Olympia Chris Bumstead's chest workout as he prepares to ...
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all right what's going on guys here with Mr Joe Bennett the hypertrophy coach currently 5 weeks in two days at the Olympia so he texted me asking if I need a little push I'm like always so we're hitting chest today here at the raw Athletic Club he's put me through a little bit of warm-ups right now to get my shoulders moving ready to go which I need right now cuz my neck's a little jacked up and shoulders are always a problem for me so we're moving get warmed up get some heavy presses some flies and
all the good stuff so hopefully you guys learned something a popular time to train what are you training today forarms booby okay you got to grow some boobies in 6 weeks yeah or five weeks five weeks yeah five weeks in two days bro and then work on those arms I don't want to say anything but they're looking small right [ __ ] no up BR they've been drinking what's up how are you feeling KY you got to contend with all the Bros doing chest coming down it's coming down now face is chiseling down that's good
getting there I'm getting close to my weight is what's your weight now 242 where you at now 252 what do you normally weigh on stage on stage 242 okay I didn't know how close you always are every year Well I I'll get down to 241 and then I stop pushing so I just float you know nor stay around that then getting there sorry so I'm saying then you normally actually get on stage around that you never have to like cut down on stage at like 243 probably yeah okay I never know how any of that
works um let's just do some uh warm up stuff right here stay here so I'm going to take you through like two or three different things and then um we'll just find a bench I don't know which bench you like I don't know if these look nice maybe one will open that one looks like it would piss me off it was wide yeah do you like wider or you like more narrow kind of like in the middle I like the OG Life Fitness ones yeah this will be good too for helping with stuff here so
the first thing I have you do is like uh basically just CES with your scapula so I'll demo so like obviously you're just doing like taking them all the directions they go so Elevate protract depress retract and then back up so just visualizing big circles like how much can you get them to move yep squeeze squeeze squeeze Elevate Elevate Pro Track Pro Track Pro track slow them down just a little bit forward forward forward down down down retract retract retract Elevate elevate up up up up yeah get to those weird spots that's where you're going
to help some stuff down down down let's go like two more squeeze back squeeze back squeeze back up up up forward forward forward down down down let's go one [Music] more y the next one we'll just do a isolated internal external rotation so on these I just want you to stop at your end ranges so just go as far as as you can internal without pain hold for like a second and then far as you can external hold for a second you scoot forward just a little bit when you do these I'm going to give
you a little push in here bring it down so then just real light pushing on my hand three two one back up just super light like like you're doing two lbs where push in three two one back down push in three 2 one three two one one more each way three two one three two one the last thing before we start a bench is I'll just have you do circles so literally just think about like how big of a circle can you make so you're protracting when you go this way protract protract protract Elevate Elevate
Elevate how far can you get them back and then we'll do like two or three each Direction and then just back the other way keeping Palms down like this just let them go where they cuz you'll get the like weird spots where like it won't really matter here and as you get up to the top just kind of let them go where they go so don't think about whatever just everything needs to still be comfortable like I want you to kind of push to your end ranges but don't like avoid any little like Pinchy stuff
yep M yep you're good you're good same thing here Elevate Elevate want you go in those weird spots so keep protracted keep protracted keep protracted depress depressed thepress [Music] y just one or two more each way [Music] that's good uh I'm going to have you do one or two more like in between your first couple warm-up sets that's just whatever you normally start with yeah and then honestly if um I mean same as when we work together before like if I want you to the only thing slightly different to the start is just do everything
a little bit slower cuz if I was going to have you do anything at all different today I'd rather have you do more sets for warmup than maybe normally do but less reps yeah you know if that makes sense more warm up less reps more sets less reps per set yeah so I'd rather have you doing like if you let's say you normally do four warmup sets I'd rather have you do five or six but I'd rather have most of the warm-up sets be only like five to eight reps at most all right if that
makes sense yeah I normally only do like five anyway okay pull yeah so like whatever you normally do like I said if anything maybe the team it's like one or two more and then um that'll give me a little opportunity to kind of like tweak stuff we want to tweak stuff at all right yeah beautiful the guy who's done my stem cells does a procedure where he put some like block or stem cell or something in the Vegas nerve yeah huh I don't know if that would do anything [Music] yeah keeping your chest a little
taller as you come to the finish so a little slower to the top like intentionally a little slower I know it's kind of light for you control good feel like you're keeping this to the ceiling as you come to the Finish there you go [Music] [Music] you rack up whenever you're on oh you're waiting for that dude I got you just making sure you're not waiting for me to tell you to do something am I allowed to stop yeah come um I'm going to have you do a little like trap three thing just as another
warmup and I'm going have you do one more for your chest so all that I want you to do here is retract thumbs to the ceiling hold for three or 4 seconds and then back down retract thumbs to the ceiling and same thing just get like a couple second squeeze with the top I was actually doing like consistent trap three raises at the beginning of this year like beginning of every workout like lying down like these and all that [ __ ] like trying to get up to like start was 50 trying to get to
100 and like gone and my posture up to 100 what 100 lb dumbbells on tra no 100 reps oh my go what the hell are you talking about one second yeah I was like if someone can do that I would literally pay money to see that like fing your hands up or externally rotate yeah just think thumbs up probably easy so just retract first nice and smooth and then hard squeeze like honestly with all that stuff like trap three and all that like little corrective work I think it's awesome but like you said like the
practicality is like Nobody Does it yeah so like I'd rather just get in these positions every once in a while squeeze hold little longer 3 two one two more so like this is all like cuz this is like a big pul one and like I used to do the same thing where I would do that like extra rotation I was like working on getting up to these like percentages that pin always had that's good and um but I think the like 90% of the benefit doesn't come from actual like your strength in those positions I
don't want to say that's bad cuz anytime you're getting stronger anywhere is beneficial but like being able to get in those positions I think is where 90% of the benefit comes from so like that's a lot of like Mobility stuff like just like we started like rather just do stuff like that where it takes like 3 minutes just do it before upper body and then honestly I think you'll maintain range of motion so much better just doing that whereas if sometimes it just gets cumbersome where you're trying to do stuff for like 10 15 20
30 minutes before a workout and then you're tired and then just you're not going to do it as well mentally fatigued yeah but and I think about like your traps like the whole thing is like what is magical about this position like your traps work like when you know when you're retracting when you're training back so it's not necessarily about just increasing the strength of the traps I think it's just literally more about getting those positions that nobody gets in and honestly like even when I was like closer to like my heaviest like 250 like
I could get in like crazy positions still with my shoulders just cuz I always did that stuff like what do you do for that I'm like I've literally just been doing the same stuff for like 15 years and don't stop I this I was doing those beginning of the year they were helping stuff when I got in prep but I've been doing like a similar to the some of that stuff we did but like a single arm like a hip car like rotate back ground like that yeah yeah anything like that is like that's worth
it waiting gold just to do anything like getting outside of just all bodybuilding positions you know just something different yeah so on this one if anything's slightly different so that's the one cue cuz I don't want to give you too much [ __ ] today and if I ever give you too much [ __ ] and you're like shut up I just want to go then that's fine like that's why I said beforehand like if you have any patience for anything y but if there's anything on this just maybe have like a little longer pause
and make sure you're keeping this cuz the only thing I was seeing as you come to top is like a little bit of this as you're coming you might just lose a little bit of tension on your chest and so maybe stay out just a little bit so not quite all in here either so just get a little bit more intentional with your end positions all [Music] right feel retracted little boss yeah yeah just smooth the Finish yeah those are really [Music] pretty that look good better yeah um I'll give you one more one just
to warm up so I'm going to have you lat down I'll just show you actually this will be like the last thing that we do like this but I do like this one for just kind of getting good positions feeling your chest soz I'm going to have you basically just go like a fly and then I'm just going to press into you so same thing like I'm going to go with both hands but give you a little bit of pressure right here and I want you to really get to the point where it's like bicep
in the side of the chest kind of coming towards your collar bone and then just squeeze there for an nrom metric and just get like a nice solid contraction and then I'll just have you bring it back down and go again squeeze so same type of thing like maybe like three or four reps where you just for a couple seconds all right so same thing set that position shoulder blades back chest nice and Tall mhm start kind of down here and come up this way just a little bit if that makes sense yeah and just
think about into my hand squeezing your bicep into my hand three two one yep chest nice and Tall there we go bicep right into the side there and squeeze three two one nice it's a good one just forget about your hands just think about bicep into the side of that PE and then squeeze the chest three two one let's go one more squeeze three two one that feel good hey does that feel all right yeah good kind of pop my shoulders a bit too okay adjusted them a little bit Yeah L I was like what
down I still can't figure out what it was like I think I was like grabb these shoes and I didn't notice um I think that's from paintball I went paintball my oldest for the first time something yeah and I was like why is there [ __ ] on my shoes like literally have [ __ ] all over all my clothes it's a good thing I don't care about any of my clothes I'm like on a clothes person anyway and uh but then it's like the like trying to figure stuff out like my boys do baseball
now too so it's like I have Clay on my shoes all the time then for a while and it's like grass sand random whatever we did I was like I can figure out what we did this weekend better than having perfectly clean shoes in a boring life you know yeah yeah exactly why would just wear Vans all the time now yeah this $60 pair of shoes and same thing take your time with these just keep them really intentional check that position really own the bottom and the top especially the bottom pause squeeze it to the
top that's beautiful pause squeeze on the top awesome [Music] that's a great one you here uh elbows yeah that what we normally do yeah yeah just making sure just maybe take this kind of right to one pass failure maybe I don't want to have you go AP [ __ ] on this if it looks good I'll just kind of take you through one more [Music] [Music] right here with [Music] you you got every in is yours now take the time on that bottom make it hard Yep this squeeze squeeze squeeze y yep yep that's [Music]
nice good Stu feel like I like barely tried to slow it down and it still felt yeah significantly harder no it look great they look really good and that looked good too cuz that one even looked sometimes that's the beauty of like a heavier weight is you kind of have to be a little bit more intentional with it otherwise you're really in trouble but that looked even like that one up here looked better than even your warm-ups up here really that's all I watch for too cuz I'm like that's I'm making sure like I've had
it not that I'm concerned with you cuz you know the same yourself but I'll have every once while I'm training somebody and I'll I'll tell them to cut it like I'll see something like that like their pecs might have more but one's over here doing something like that I'm like H it's not worth it just get out of here yeah you know how many reps I got there um I I barely touched on the eighth and then took you through the ninth although we can always review the game day footage if we had to True
instant replay that'd be kind of funny to do on like a video do like an instant replay and then like put like headsets on like see what he did here draw some [ __ ] on it now and then I'm like I was trying to do very specific like Progressive overload this year and I couldn't remember what I did the last week and I didn't track my weight so I just go on my YouTube video right I had three three and a quar that's like the benefit of it I'm sure at some point in time
like that's like w probably I'm sure you're the same way my least favorite thing ever is to have to watch one of my videos back again cuz people will say I had something like conf I like oh that video was really cool like the editing was great and I was like oh like maybe I'll have to watch it if my guy put a lot of time to do it cuz I didn't do it but like I will it's nice to look back and be like oh was I as controlled as I thought or was I
whatever like that part's actually kind of cool of like the filming day and age that we live in yeah you feel it you always feel like at least for me I'm always like all right I'm going to move really [ __ ] slow on this one and the reps are like flying like all right and sometimes honestly it's that intense if you're intense that they're going to turn out better that's why I say like it doesn't really matter the face that much you know plus ebo [Music] yeah I haven't really spoken to him in a
minute yeah I went MIA this year I had a child I'm like all right yeah I'm not talking to anybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right there come on off I'm like that good yep right here with you take your time let's go one more I got control control control all squeeze ni up the right ones hard to give out stability at the end yeah it's like half that I'm always watching I was like yeah feel like we're all good I make it go one more that's always figure if it ever feels bad enough you just
be like nope I'm actually the not the least OCD like there's some things I'm not about like I can put plates on like an idiot that make everybody mad like I'll put one off first whatever but handles like if that that would just have one of these in a c handle yeah yeah exactly that would bother me that would be a bit much for me keep it like almost like slightly like a decline so but to Wards the edge of the seat and then when you're back really big arch so if you look at like
where the cable goes it kind of really lines up with kind of outer Peck line and so basically you're trying to keep upper arm and cable and everything right in line with the outer Peck arm does that make sense so using the bench will really take a nice deep stretch pause and then from there hard squeeze and I'll give you some cues here to finish but I want you having that same thing kind of forget about the hands if anything that's like a slight Bend in the elbow here a little bit straighter to the top
and really finish just driving your Bice are you rotating in at all or just driving want to keep it fixed yep I mean like that little rotation can maybe get it a teeny bit shorter but I find sometimes then it can be like kind of feel like crap on the shoulder pull my scap yeah I already have enough trouble keep my scap and honestly on that is like on these so flies like almost all presses I think keeping the scapula back is a great tool if your scapula comes forward a little bit here is actually
not a big deal yeah so just keep it that's like if you keep the Finish intentional where like your scapula goes like this kind of pulls around good if you just kind of throw it here like obviously that's a completely different thing I'm sure this will feel pretty light but it's new so might as well take it scoot your about for just a teeny bit big arch yep I feel like you're having this towards the wall the entire time yep and just keep this intentionally slow cuz it's new feel it out yeah that looks great
nice deep stretch hit a little pause there yep hard squeeze yep yeah that looks awesome lined up just right pause yep I got you how' that feel feels really good nice that's like complete contraction like yeah it's awesome right and I don't need sometimes on fli I feel like I need to like yeah otherwise something's hitting or something I can't I'm I'm out here and I still have full contraction my pack the nice part on that one is I'll even C you a little bit for the next one is I'll have you take your arms
and it's just worth messing around take your arms even a little bit straighter so you're almost at lock out cuz it's no Challenge on the tricep cuz it's pulling this way anyway and even kind of smush them together even more cuz like that's one of the best cues you'll have if you're ever getting in a position that fully contracts the peck is just smash your bicep into your chest cuz as soon as you think about your hand or almost anything else like you end up like you all people go like this and it's like okay
like that's the end but you look here there's like watch when I do that like I probably have like 20° of range of motion I got cut you know so that's kind of a I have you do one more pretty light one just to nice big AR yeah yeah perfect you try on this one just to mess around and bring the hands the teeny bit lower just see how that feels cuz both are fine just kind of see which one feels slightly different that one's just a little bit more on Plain kind of with the
lower pck yeah nice pause squeeze got you bumy up a little bit cuz I want a lot of tension in the stretch but the further back you scoot it it'll take a little less off of that stretch and have a little bit more on the top and there like one's not so if you're just thinking that whole profile thing the further forward you are with the cables all that staying the same the heavier it is here the lighter it is here the further back you go the heavier it is here the lighter it is here
so the more in line you are with it the harder on the contraction yep for sure and so it's like I don't ever think of it none of that's good or bad because this is a little bit newer I'm likeing we already did something that's like really overloading the bottom I screwed you back just a little bit and then it's also there's a concern for like you know that's always your most compromised position so instead of making that Peak heavy I'll make it just a little less heavy there and then also get a little bit
more up here do you push that a lot and especially when people in prep if you were like uh they're both the same but this is less likely for injury cuz all that discussion like that's where I'm sure you pay marginally attention to the stuff the Nerds like get too much into now is like it be like oh that everything shows that this is superior and like if you actually look at everything shows this is superior you know it'll be on like a bell curve like this much Superior and then it's like even on the
curve there'll be people that it wasn't Superior for people that it was was exceptionally Superior for this whole thing it's like okay well it might be that much better what does that translate to in someone's appearance and then also what does that translate to like considering a whole bunch of other variables too about like well how's that position for the individual doing it are things compromised there is there risk of injury there whatever like there's a million what the other million factors exactly so it's like I I like all that stuff CU yeah you want
guard rails to make logical decisions but some of it's like everything changes for the individual yeah and on the way back you can always mess around too looks like you're in a good position already but I always tell people like feel free to bend the elbow as much as you want cuz if you keep it too straight sometimes you'll feel your bicep tendon stretch before your peck so there's nothing wrong with like sometimes it almost looks more pressy and then a little bit more straight to finish CU it's like same thing you might as well
keep it more comfortable on that bicep tendon shoulder joint General and then more on the chest got you yep feeling pretty good feeling pretty good pretty lighter it was still pretty light yeah okay you want go up two or three maybe do three we'll try working there all right now I'm doing your thing [ __ ] turn them all on those look great man take your time keep that spot pause hard contraction smash on the side there we go squeeze beautiful reps keep this tall reaching it towards me there you go the whole time hard
squeeze great RS good rep keep going man keep it on there you got a couple more keep it there keep it up don't relax don't let tension off that chest hard squeeze good keep this tall keep that stretch no relaxing come on same Pace hard squeeze come on another one don't bounce out the bottom stretch it work there every time pause contract from there hard squeeze there we go good you got another one come on stick with it chest all hard squeeze yeah one more last one same Pace don't speed up make it hard don't
make it easy come on pause contract from there hard as you can keep going squeeze bicep into the side find that end squeeze it squeeze it there we go I got this good set man Feel Good Very isolated say what very isolated on my P yep so it's not just volume by number but nervous system simulation yeah yeah thinking about everything that comes along with it and it's like again things like this where it's like obviously it's the funny thing cuz you had the same all the same [ __ ] growing up that I did
where it's like you have to do like these Mass bilders which obviously there's a whole lot of Truth to that but then it's like at some point in time you're like you know when actually cuz again most young guys like you really should just be beating the [ __ ] out of yourself doing stuff that's really hard Andy but as you actually do get to that point where like you're really tipping on the edge of like what's my recovery especially during prep then it is like okay why I see why like a machine could have
some more benefit or something more isolated could have some benefit yeah especially when you're you're almost 30 had a child sleep not 100% your recover is not what it used to be I do realize the only thing I haven't really been able to like bring up like I did just by beating the [ __ ] out of it were my legs yeah like I could just cheat code them into killing myself on her squats yeah they would grow yeah now they grow but it's like they haven't like progressed barely in years because I can't beat
them up like I used to yeah or my upper body is continuously and growing yep good best reps now chest tall chest tall right from here squeeze hard niice up in the side there we go watch just straighten the arm a little to the Finish finish that contraction keeping this tall it's always tall squeeze him with the chest squeeze him with the chest there we go again nothing changes come on go go go go I got you I got you I got you finishing finishing finishing finishing we got one more come on better up now
Chris keep it right where you want it come on right where you want it go go go go go finish finish finish finish all chest all chest there we go Gotta what's up man I'm going to guesstimate your setup so um just put one on the bottom to start we probably got a similar length torso and this will feel like the the way way I have this weight set we won't keep it like this but just for a couple warm up reps just get a hard squeeze at the top so it should feel really easy
just a little bit more challenging at the top and then I'll show you how I like to warm up on them [Music] [Music] most of the time for like the majority of your working sets if you're ever doing it it's again some of it is personal preference just basing off your failure reps but most of the weight you'll want up here so just kind of overloading the stretch to the mid-range so like typically if I'm doing it I might have like two plates and some change and then like one plate down here or something like
that so similar thing for you but then the way that I look at it where it's again kind of depends on because you don't just press straight up there's a little bit of this going on is um if you got to the point where like you're going through and it gets like way too easy to the top then that might mean move a little bit down here or if it's like so damn heavy that like you can't get past this point then you might move a little bit from here that you know like that kind
of stuff just mess around B yeah um so let's put uh probably pretty let's put another one on top so one in the middle on top feel a little bit of heavier out of the bottom so same as all them little paws and then hard contraction through to the top and on these if you want see how it feels but you can tuck double just the teeniest bit but like mess around with that cuz I'm not really a stickler for two tuck or two FL [Music] I still kind of bottoming out should I just not
go that low or you can just stop just before it bottoms yeah I mean honestly for this it's like one of those things where and you know that extra tiny bit of range I don't think you're gaining a whole lot from mhm feel okay yeah then that's where you can kind of just play with this a little bit like working sets will always give you the best idea of like what kind of weight spread works best for you it'll generally always be like more heish and like less here but the exact ratio is going to
be like a little bit different from person to person and then what we can do for little like the fun drop set that we can do is overload the short position first cuz you tend to be a little bit weaker there so again you'll whatever we do so we put more plates on the bottom so we do normal sets like one or two working sets like this just with what I think if you were ever just going to do Straight working set no extended setss like this is the best way to do it yeah um
but for messing around for like fun extended sets because you're weaker here we could do like let's say we'll do two plates so maybe like two plates on the bottom one plate in the middle we'll take it all the way to failure and then we can take the two plates from the bottom I'll do all this you know to memory this [ __ ] put them all to the top and then you'll be able to get a couple more reps it'll feel weird it'll feel weird as hell cuz it'll feel like you won't be able
to get through but then kind of once you break you be able to get to the top yeah there's nothing magical but it's kind of like a fun way to just whatever do an exp weaker at the top in the contraction that's like a it depends on a lot of factors yeah for like almost every it's it's there's a lot of factors cuz if I say a statement some nerd's going to [ __ ] catch me like not on this mov whatever but in general if you look at any single muscle with like literally like
a tiny bit of exceptions if it's just a single joint muscles are weaker and they're most shorten position if you can actually get there for muscle and generally strongest in the mid and then to the lengthen and then there's like just couple weird exceptions in the body that's literally like the biggest exception of that is glutes and um and that's just the way it's like an internal mechanics thing where it's like that's if you think about like how strong people are with thrust it's like that almost doesn't occur anywhere else they're very unique muscle too
the way they [ __ ] just like fan around yes it's yeah it's honestly like it's very for like a bunch of nerd reasons I can and do nerd about stuff like that but course yeah I like listening to it I just like there's only so much I can soak in you know especially right now especially right now like tomor like was Joe yesterday we did some chest was that a year just we were reminded like something store a little bit different okay the guy who's helping me with my training this year he mentored under
poliquin and he just like got all the knowledge and I'm just like take your time on that first one get a feel for it smooth squeeze oh yeah that's heavy yep and then take your time you said really own that bottom position and then hard squeeze through good hard squeeze hard squeeze about to do one or two stick with him go go go yep yep yep yep yep let's go one more I'm right here don't change anything go go go yep yeah great set you're one of the few people who like perfects the spot oh
yeah I know it's a simple thing but my buddy down here my favorite training partner he it's like all or nothing you know yeah yeah that's like the funny thing it's like and I could nerd about that but I won't maybe some other time when you have calories I'm like hey Chris you want to listen you need to write down things that need a nerd about yeah yeah even then it'll probably like keep this under 15 minutes Joe but if I honestly feel like I have like if my highest skill set is my ability to
spot people that know how to train on like their last reps I could talk about for like a bunch of reasons it's like not just from obviously having trained with people like prior to even being a trainer and being a meathead but like I feel like that's like that's what I want to like I want to get that just right like that's a big deal for me there's a there's an art to that relationship too like when you're like you just have to trust the person so that everything is just like like better than your
first rep yeah yeah a spotted rep could be better than your first rep and honestly for like so many cuz the thing that's the slight nerd about it is like part of the factor is how the machine loads part of the factor then twoo is like people's like you have like the joke is you have like these files like of every like literally every single like set you've ever done in your entire life you have like files of like how does that feel what does that happen and so you have a file if you're doing
this by yourself of when it's like done and so it's just like you used like you would probably know if like that lasts a little bit it would be done here no matter what so you just work hard and then that's the end of it so like part of it is because that file already exists of like it's done right here like I have to override that file and be like hey you just keep going and then you you just kind of like close your eyes and like all right I'm just going to keep squeezing
and obviously some just like I don't even know if I'm doing anything or Joe's just doing all of it or whatever but so it's like stuff like that I find interesting and fun where it's like cuz that half of it is it's like I like it too cuz if you have a good spotter it allows you to focus on what you should be is just what's the muscle doing period you're not thinking about is this going up or down you're just thinking about okay I'm just going to keep Contracting as hard as I can like
when we were doing flies over there I forgot about the way and at the beginning you were just like just squeeze your elow in so I was literally just squeezing my elbows in it makes a massive difference [Music] good take your time perfect good nothing changes come on on that bottom yep all right one more that's up same Pace same control let's go let's go finish finish keep going keep going keep going that was great beautiful nice that was [Music] great can't complain so I'm going to kind of feel this one out but um so
we're going to do this one basically to failure it's going to feel weird as hell cuz it'll feel like nothing and then it's really hard at the top and then when I say done you just chill out I'm going to rearrange the weight in a way that I think makes sense and this first one we'll just do one drop set right all right and then when whenever we do the drop I'll just remind you before you go it'll go from feeling like super easy really [ __ ] hard to like I can't get this up
and I'll be like trust me you can get it up grind through it and then it'll feel easy at the top and then we'll just finish reps like that same thing best thing you do is probably just like close your eyes and think about murdering your pecs kind of just g y give me a little pause at the top on this one nice hard squeeze there we [Music] [Music] go yep same Pace same control sque sque yeah on one more control hard hard hard hardish I got you I got you there we go control just
chill I'll tell you when to go take your time on the first rep particularly cuz it'll feel weird but just then smooth contract through it [Music] yeah these are the fun ones now keep these pretty go go go go come on come on get there get there get there we got one more stick with it now come on Chris don't relax come on 10 out of 10 now go go go go go go go yeah H nice [Music] that that was strange but it felt good yeah that first one felt really good yeah locking in
the contraction there yep there we go come on yep I got I got you I got you I got you come on one more stick with it come on Chris best rep go go go go go down take a break all right back in take your time so we'll pop this hop on the first one it's heavy in the top or bottom bottom bottom yeah it'll feel kind of Po at the top but stick with it a couple slow reps go go go great Chris come on last couple let's go yep yep yep yep yep
we got one last one come [Music] on what's that [Music] man jeez who the hell puts tens here can't even see straight right now it's blurry worth it in [Music] on go go go go go there you go nice yeah I don't think it'll be Florida but no we'll see still a northern boy you know yeah I need some pine trees and a little winner or something I was in Pennsylvania for a very short period of time in my life so I'm I'm full converted to Florida now yeah I don't want Canadian winners but it's
also a little weird over here that's true Tampa is a little more of a normal City yeah I think yeah Tampa is one of my favorite cities obviously I'm now squeeze squeeze squeeze step in little bit as you finish that rep that was it we got it failure obviously just so you don't feel like you're tipping over got in a little longer hold of the end position there really hard squeeze yep how hard can you squeeze right there just keep going until you can't get to lock out all right [Music] squeeze stick with it nice
and smooth into that finish how hard can you contract good keep going squeeze there we go yep walk forward yep yep right there still trying to take him all the way to lck out there you go perfect good one or two more there if you got them good step even closer and if you can to finish it feel like you're almost stepp in just those last couple step yeah if you don't got them you don't got them think you just partial [Music] it oh good that good my body doesn't know what a mechanical drop that
is yeah it's like I was done back there it did it right to the very end yeah hey it looking C getting there trying to be as lean as you bro are you ahead from where you wear last year or anything maybe marginally hard I can't remember and I moved houses so I don't have the same lighting for my check-in so it's like who knows lighting makes it tremendous it does I've started taking my checkins in the worst lighting possible I do too and then I'll get and now be like look great I'm like don't
[ __ ] lie to me yeah [ __ ] you I look like [ __ ] I know my [ __ ] [Music] bro look good or yeah yeah the the only other thing I say with like any like obviously most people are doing overhead stuff for like long head is try and make sure you're keeping your upper arm as still as possible even more than other tricep stuff because like the long head crosses over the shoulder joint so if like you're Contracting it here like to shorten it obviously and at the same time you
move your upper arm then it's kind of like for all intensive purposes like lengthening from the other end it won't have as much of a change so that's the only thing it looked pretty good I mean you're just getting a little bit like kind of almost like a little like pressy that Mak do press no don't do press don't PR it was being you were yeah the last ones I mean so if you and on these because you're really doing for the stretch like don't feel like you need to come all the way up cuz
then your upper arm moves to get all the way up and just think like we already we already trained that position great with what we did first so wherever you go if it's just from there yep so go again so just go stop yep so that instead of that yeah that makes hard for me to even do it no way yeah well honestly the thing you got to train yourself is everyone's so programmed for triceps that you have to go to full extension yeah yeah but then think about like honestly like anything is like the
same as like like it's like chest like if you've already done like how many like flat presses can you do right if you've done the motion you trained that range of motion then it's like redundant if we already really like did this like you trained full extension really well over there so we're trying to get some length so again so if you can just keep your range like right there is perfect there's no reason to have to go to there cuz everything's just changing for you to just get [Music] there yeah yeah that look good
yeah felt strange but yeah after like four reps my triceps were like oh okay oh yeah yeah you you are weaker in this position for triceps than you went for all these you know so it'll feel like I'm not going to that weakest position so I feel like I'm kind of cheating myself but you're actually staying where that load is like working the most in the range where you're actually stronger so cuz it's it's just a sensation thing really cuz I don't have the sensation it's not as hard where in reality is no you're just
actually staying in that length where you want to do the exercise for anyway so you don't have the sensation of just that complete lock it yeah and that that's the tricky part where it's like it's like the double-edged store where people's like like that type of sensation is certainly not necessary like on every exercise it's like the difference between like that's some people that just do leg extensions instead of squats and like well they feel better it's like yeah I get that they feel squeezy and everybody likes that but you're probably actually the other lengths
are better for growing big quads and same here it's like yeah squeezy stuff same with pecs I mean I think it's worth having one exercise that you get all the way there like might as well train muscles full contract range but most of the growth of chest stuff is probably lengthened through mid-range stuff you know it's like the dumbbell Kickbacks yeah yeah exactly I can do 5 lbs and Sh feels great I thought I could do yeah exactly I'm going to pretend like I'm doing something keep that nice and still you can tell me where
to stop M there yeah that was perfect no too high right there now just keep it moving don't speed up keep it moving don't speed up keep going same Pace partials slow slow slow partials keep going keep going keep going if it moves it counts nice thats good not you know it's not more of like if it's more stacked almost like this and it's more of like a chest and shoulder thing but if you're sitting back a little bit and having the hand more right towards your shoulder like that's I really want your elbow folding
up like that crazy elbow flexion and then as you come into the finish I want you have this will be like a weird thing to just have to mess around with it see if it makes sense is as you're pressing down like obviously imagine like your hands going technically like there's an arc occurring so I want you to feel like you're finishing almost like a rope press down so honestly feel like you're trying to like slide your hand that way without it actually sliding that make sense like the pressure's kind of going from the out
to the inner of your hand a bit it's honestly like if it kind of feel like you're trying to rip the handle off that way type thing honestly like so some of this stuff I you'll probably feel a little bit better with like a false grip on this one but that's totally comfort so if it feels weird then obviously it's fine to grab but I feel like it's a little bit easier to fold up where you're not like having your hand fixed like this sometimes you know then it's like weird stuff where if you could
be a little bit more like this and kind of pressing through maybe a different part of your hand might feel a little better um and I think this will make the most sense for the profile but you can always mess around with that that's small qu okay let's say you got small knee joints there you go yep like there y just take time couple them obviously I want to be feel a little bit different so then keep going up if you can keep going up keep going up yep as long as it doesn't feel bad
on the shoulder and honestly if you can I know there's some weight on there sit a little bit more upright not so much Lean Forward there you go that might even help you a little bit on this when we get a little bit heavier sit up right that way it'll feel like h fight the waves more M just tell me when you're done warming up love that that's good yeah that feel better when I was pressing down your shoulders a little bit a little bit okay when we get the heavier weight cuz obviously like part
of the reason you want to lean forward is to keep your Center Mass over it yeah I mean you can cuz the only problem with sitting back for more triceps is you use this a little bit less obviously so then I'll just push down so you can push I'll let you do a couple without and then I'll put in and tell me if it makes a difference or not take your time Fold It Up keep it it does help sorry sorry to say come on stick with it f it up rip that [Applause] handle oops
so when I say different like I might have these a little bit higher cuz compared to normal L rise this allows you to get a little bit further back a little bit more range motion and also tends to be like a really comfortable position for shoulders whereas I can do them a little bit lower and make it more just kind of like a normal lateral raise but it tends to like limit range motion sometimes not as comfortable in the shoulder joint but they're both good variations so basically just bringing them kind of up you know
it doesn't have to be too exact but the cables will pull you basically the height where they should be and then you're just kind of going straight out and back so it's kind of like somewhere between a lateral and like a y raise if that makes sense and you can just mess around with what feels comfortable there but because of the setup like you should be able to like really pull like a good cue sometimes is hand towards the ground or even like cable towards your shoulder joint and you'll probably be surprised it's like a
pretty pretty comfy there so wrist is just sitting in there yeah and honestly so yeah most of the time you'll just find I just kind of take a grip and it should just like kind of sit in there pretty good just like that but you can kind of mess around with that a little bit too y yep that looks really good smooth back can even mess around we move you just a little bit try it like even there a little bit and both spots are fine so just kind of or it just feeling two different
spots nothing really magical about one or the other but that actually gets like the Del a little bit more contracted than like a normal L raise would it feels good yeah like I said most time feels pretty good there good yeah the only pain in the ass a little bit is getting out though getting out of here got big hands yeah small rist come on now I got you keep it smooth same as everything else smooth contract contract contract contract there we go come on another one so s squeeze now and I drive that on
to the floor good let's go one more here come on that's it let's make it good come on go go go go go go great [Applause] jump oh I don't know can you do it let me do one arm at a time you got the other all right oh it's a nice little stretch though yeah oh [ __ ] all right same [Music] Pace come on pause hard squeeze don't swing it squeeze it there we go come on make it hurt there we go come on come on come on come on make it hard don't
make it easy let's go go go go go go go go go go go come on one more these are the fun ones go go go go go yeah I'll do this side first got it there we go last [Music] [Applause] one nice same Pace same control make it hard all those reps to get to these reps let's go all squeeze yep come on again go again come on go go go go go come on come on come on let's go two come on all the way go go go go go go go squeeze again
go go go go go go go squeeze couple partials don't stand up yet same Pace they're not fast straight out there we go right there keep them going straight out come on Chris last ones let's go come on come on don't stop Keep Your Head on let's go come on five 4 3 two nice ooh what that man I'm stuck W that felt good yeah was great that's one of my favorite feelings ever the Bel like oh yeah like it's such a unique thing like how like localized and intense it is yeah completely different horrible
than like legs but still awesome that was good thank you sir yeah absolutely good session good I like these things yeah there you go keep those for me yeah thank you sir odds of those not getting lost now are pretty slim but the odds of them getting lost yeah carbs little carbs just kidding no I'll keep it once they're in my gym they're stuck there forever was going to bring some stuff leaving the gym my jaw's cramping now all right so wrapped up that chest day with Joe I thought we were going to train together
but he bailed on me so did he put me through it what would you say is your number one takeaway to tell people to pay attention to from what we did uh pay attention to everything I don't know I mean honestly just be a little bit more intentional if you're watching this and you're actually strong like Chris you know you definitely want to error a little bit more on the side of use form to make exercises really hard yeah um you know because Chris at this point in time like I said is actually strong he's
not really ego lifting but I think he's from just coming up being a meathead and same as everybody else can just kind of move some stuff and sling stuff around you know so especially for somebody 5 weeks out from something fairly important you know even that's another reason to error on the side of if you slow things down just a teeny bit you can arguably make it just as hard or harder on the muscles and at the same time make it safer so why wouldn't you want to do that um now again obviously this is
any information given anywhere on any subject I guess in the world can be taken the wrong way so there's somebody out there that's already gone really really slow and squeezing everything with 20 lb dumbbells and hasn't moved up in weight at some point in time so some of this just depends on the type of person that you are you know I think a lot of us kind of get started just more Meathead I got to lift as heavy as I can just swinging stuff around it's fun yeah just you know and so that information and
that you know context and advice works really well for people coming from that background but if you tend to overanalyze stuff a little bit then maybe you could be a little bit more of a meat head and really I would say timately is the balance you'll be the best that you can possibly be by balancing both you know sometimes you got to get in you got to work hard but I guess it's just more it's more focused effort you know focused focused aggression Fus on your weak points it's funny how like I always find training
with someone different like you how smart your body is at adapting to weak points and like I'm a very explosive person like I was jumping all that [ __ ] so I'll like explode and then right here I'm strong but lock out and bottom I'm not so you tell me just a queue that squeeze at the bottom and at the top I dropped 10 lbs and made it way harder but I got a better contraction so and everything's whole nothing got injured Nothing Hurt that's the secret yeah yeah yeah so so yeah hopefully you guys
like the video learn a thing or two get a big chest and big delts and big tricep or golden so a nice beard almost there you got to catch up be G soon the next one will be a beard tutorial so by then mine will be shaved up yeah I'm going to come in and dominate I'll be definitively bigger in the beard at that point in time you got me beat there yeah
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