Most people live in this nice, comfortable place that makes them feel really good. And they always ask, how do I become hard? You sure as f*ck don't become hard by living that way.
You have to take yourself out of your comfort zone and bury yourself in something that makes you feel so horrible that you have to see how your mind's thinking in that horrible situation and overcome it while you're in sh*t. If you want to live in paradise, you gotta fight like f*cking hell to get to paradise. There is no easy road.
When I was losing the weight, I had to miserably wake up every morning in the cold. This is your new life. It sucks.
It just f*cking sucks. And it's gonna continue to suck. Because to get to where you want to go, there's gonna be more times you do something that you don't want to do then you are gonna want to do it.
And that's your new norm. My new norm is, you get up every f*cking morning at 4 o'clock and you suffer. That became my new f*cking life.
Most people want to get out of it. I said, no, motherf*cker, this is your new life. This is who you are.
You have to say, f*ck you. I run this motherf*cker. When you feel that, step it up.
Push harder. Make yourself get out of the comfort zone and get into the combat zone where you have to fight. Where you have to dig deep.
Where strength and power and fortitude are found. I don't want to live this lifestyle, but to get to the other side of this, I have to. That's how you start to callous your mind.
So that became my life. It's going to suck. It's not going to be fun.
Do something that sucks every single day of your life. That's how you grow. Embrace the suck.
When life is over for you, I need you to die on E. I don't want you to have one idea left in you. I don't want one dream left in you.
When you die, I want you to go for broke. Every book you were supposed to write. Every degree you were supposed to get.
Everything you were supposed to accomplish. When you die, don't go to the grave with nothing. I want you to give everything you got.
Full potential. I want you to get everything out your system. 'Cause most people that are alive are living on neutral.
So I want you to get out of neutral and put it in drive. You get the f*ck out of bed when it's cold, when it's early, and go for a f*cking run. Commit to one day.
And see how you feel. As you're jogging it back in around five or something, and your neighbor's just getting up, grabbing their coffee, looking outside, wondering, you know, what the day's gonna hold for them. Well, your day's already provided something for you.
And then you go back your day at work, and your co-worker's like, what happened to old Greg, man? This is a new. .
Who's this? That's right. The new motherf*cker's here to stay.
And get the f*ck on my plan, or get the f*ck out of my way. When everybody else says, no, this is not comfortable, you shouldn't do this, you say, yes, motherf*cker, I'm gonna introduce myself to it. I will my way through every situation, every trial, every tribulation.
I will my way through it. I don't care if you fail the boards, go again. I don't care if you failed a law exam, go again.
Will your way through it. Some things you can skill yourself through, some stuff, you got to will your way through. You're still living off talent.
Average people live off talent. Phenomenal people live off effort. If you will be a champion, if you will be a beast, you're gonna have to go through something.
Ain't nobody gonna hand you nothing. Ain't nobody gonna hand you no championship. Ain't nobody gonna hand you no title.
You have to develop a doggedness in order to make it. You got to have some toughness in you. And the only way to develop toughness, is you got to practice being tough.
And you cannot practice being tough by quitting every time you get tired. By stopping every time you don't feel like it. By giving up every time you get challenging.
That's what's wrong with people now. People don't make it because they always give up when it get hard. "You know, it's so challenging now.
" "you know, they was talking about me. " "I feel weak. " "I'm tired.
" Life don't give a damn about you being tired. In life, there's a lot these were supposed to do. We're supposed to be our f*cking best.
We're supposed to get up early. We're supposed to work out. We're supposed to be uncomfortable.
We're supposed to do all these f*cking things that people are now looking for a f*cking pat on the back. You got to get about the business now. You want to be successful, you got to get at it.
We're gonna stop on this soft shoe sh*t and all that mess, man. You got to get at it. You got to tear their mouth out.
I don't see failure. I see grit, determination, drive, sacrifice. Failure means you're trying.
Whole bunch of people out here never fail because they never try. I don't look at it as failure. I look at it as my first, second, third attempt.
The skill of mental toughness is a skill that you must have. And when you have a day that isn't going your way, that's a gift. And it's a gift because you get to test yourself.
And when you pass the test and you got through the day and you push yourself through, even if you had to drag yourself through every motherf*cking step of that day, when you get through that day and you look in the mirror and you say, motherf*cker, I passed that test. Nobody can f*ck with me. That's a powerful thing.
And you make a deposit into your psyche that reminds you of how badass you really are. Nobody's gifted with it. It's developed.
They are perishable skills. Meaning, if you don't invest in them, they will go away. If you invest in them, they will get stronger.
Just like all is in your body, when you test them, they get stronger. Your life is no different. Your brain is no different.
So the next time you have one of these days where sh*t just isn't going your way, remind yourself that it's an opportunity to grow. It's an opportunity to test yourself. It's an opportunity to know what the f*ck you're actually made of.
This sort of thinking is what champions do. One thing in life that's for sure, the valiant motherf*cker always wins. Always, always embrace the suck, adapt to the suck.