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so volumes is a very very big topic but there's a lot of misconceptions about volume and more importantly what you might know about volumes might not be the right way that you are approaching it in this webinar we're going to go through everything step by step but there's a lot of material to cover we have 50 minutes together so I'm going to take you straight to the Chart so we can go into it headon all right so let's do this okay all right so we're going to start off by talking about few things when it
comes to volume okay now how do you get this volume bar the volume is generally at the bottom of your charts many of you guys are on trading view if you're on trading view you can simply click on the indicator icons or hit slash on keyboard if you do that you can just type in volume and there it is right there volume okay it's just the word volume I have the standard settings there's nothing else in there it just says volumes so what it is let's talk about a few misconceptions first what are some of
the myths about volume now that you know how to install it onto your charts every broker will have it whether you're using trading view or not uh you might be using metatrader or anything like that but everybody has volume and you can use your volumes based on your brokerage as well so if you're with fxcm or oanda or interactive brokers whoever you might be with they will present their own volume okay now let let's talk about some of the myths that revolve around volume so you can go jump straight in and say okay I want
to get rid of that I want to get rid of that quickly okay so some of the miss about volume okay there is a volume bar here it's a red in color that means the market is selling no no you don't want to think like that there is a green color volume here that means it's buying no you don't want to do that okay volume is look at this green volume it is higher than the last volume that means it's by no you don't want to do that just because the current volume is higher than
the last volume it doesn't mean anything of that sort so we want to get all the stuff you know pulled out of the brain get it all out regroup ourselves and saying okay so how do I do this okay and what is the fastest way to do this in the next 50 minutes so that you can take home with you on how to do this what we're going to do is we're going to split this up into a different different parts of the video okay we're going to talk about uh we just talked about the
Miss I'm going to train you guys how to use this we're going to go over why this is important and then at the end we're going to do some practice together as well so that way you get to try it out based on what you've just learned all within this webinar okay let's go deeper now so all the myths right colors don't necessarily mean much and the size alone doesn't necessarily mean much it does have an influence but it alone doesn't necessarily mean one so what I'm trying to get at is let's get away from
the idea of that must be the answer that's why I'm not successful yet let's put that aside there is a faster way to do it there is a more convenient way to do it um it's not hard it's easy as we say at Urban Forex um I'm going to show you guys right now all right okay let's let's talk about the training part now how should you look at volumes why why and where does it show up okay we we'll get into that why part in a little bit I want to go how first and
then I'll do the why I'm going to flip it today I'm going to first show you how to do it then I'm going to show you why it's important to do it like that okay all right let's start with I'm going to open up this chart okay what I'm looking at right now is Aussie Frank the time is 4 hours okay forget the time for now okay you know I I like to do this all the time I I don't want you to focus on things which you're normally focused on I don't want you to
focus on time I don't want you to focus on currency pair okay I don't want you to focus on that either okay what matters is what is in front of you and what is going on remember how we just talked about that uh just because there is a high volume here and it's red in color it does not necessarily mean it's going down okay some people might say okay what about if I use confluence if I say if I put a line like that and say it's at resistance and there's red color volume therefore it
must be a sell I should sell okay so a couple of things we need to do we need to First under understand the story of how trading works and then accompany that with volume to make this a lot stronger so I'm going to spend 5 minutes to explain to you how do you get the story right internally you got to internalize that because you're not coming here to look at a chart and then basically draw lines on a chart and expect the market to give you money we we don't get paid to draw lines right
we get paid to understand what needs to be done and we get paid to help the larger players and that's how we earn our commission okay now when the word commission might be like no no I'm not an agent in the market you are in the market you are you are I am everybody is all Traders are nothing but agents who are getting fulfilled for someone else saying I need that order I'll pay you whatever you want for it something to very like internalize okay now think about it this way if the if the price
is going down I want you to always think of price going down as the store okay if anything goes down don't think sellers think of a store the store is offering a discount anything going up just keep it simple I want you to think like a buyer okay just a simple buyer a person who wants to buy this way you you get away from the mentality of thinking buyers and sellers don't do that okay keep it simple keep it in a way you will understand keep it in a way I know that for from the
years I've been teaching this stuff it's very easy for people to relate to this so try to try to focus here okay so if something is going down and it starts going down aggressively think about it this way the price used to be here now the price has come down to here don't look at the chart look at it as when it was here this was the price and now this is the price when prices drop in real life you know something must be wrong why are they giving a discount on it maybe they're looking
for a buyer okay it's a very different me mentality versus if something goes down sellers are selling it don't do that don't do that so if it goes down think the opposite they're looking for a buyer they're looking for a buyer okay now if it's dropping one of the things you want to focus on is speed and time how fast does the price drop and how long did it take for that price to drop so for example if we say from this price whatever that price is let's call it $1 okay if it went from
$1 to 10 cents here let's just call this price 10 cents okay if it went from $1 to 10 cents and this happened in the matter of one candle it's like wow that's a huge move now what does it mean a huge move a huge move is you compare it to what it used to do you got to compare it to itself you don't compare it to someone on social media saying I made 30 Pips and then when you see 30 Pips you're like oh that must be a big move no you compare the product
to itself so if you're trading Euro USD compare it to Euro USD if you're trading pound dollar compare it to pound dollar okay and that's how you know wow the movement here is very slow and then the current movement like this one wow that's a that's a pretty big movement that's fast and how quickly did it go up wow okay internalize that so far so good you guys with me yeah okay I'm G to now press on this information a little bit deeper for you guys here we go here we go now if the store
is giving a discount and the prices are starting to drop drop drop drop drop and they're starting to drop like that I want you to focus on the speed and time and tell me how has it been going towards the end has the speed been getting dramatic has the time been faster or is it the opposite the speed is slowing down and the time it takes to do um from $1 to 50 cents it was super fast but from0 50 cents down to 10 cents it's super slow okay this information tells you they're slowing down
for a reason remember the store is giving a discount because it's looking for a buyer if a buyer is starting to show up there is no reason for them to give a discount so when we come into the mentality of oh it's sellers are selling I should sell and we blindly jump onto a sell because there is an SNR we're going to get into trouble we don't want to get involved in situations like that for simply keeping the mind at Ultra technical analysis and not thinking about the logic whatsoever the logic is not so difficult
as I will prove to you uh in today's uh webinar here okay all right now once you see things are starting to slow down where the volume shows up can be a very important clue where it shows up can be very important clue so now let's take a look at this in this entire process there is volume here right from here all the way to here there's volume there but anything you notice different on this volume on the volume I have something called the moving average which is the blue line on top okay it's there
for my lazy brain it's there to tell me if a volume is extraordinary or if the volume is me it's normal okay so I don't want to say this volume is bigger than this volume but it doesn't mean anything because it's average that's what it's normally doing so that blue line represents to me what it normally does so what it normally does I'm not interested in I'm interested in when when things stick out for the right reason at the right locations okay so let's talk about that what are the right locations okay what are the
right locations where can volume show up and where it's important well the most common ones are at the top and at the bottom okay and bottom now you might be thinking how do I know it's the top how do I know it's the bottom good we don't know this is why you want to plug in volumes together with the story to make sure you do know and increase your odds of you're probably right okay instead of saying oo high volume it must be the bottom ooh high volume it must be the top no you want
to combine the two you want to combine the two okay so going back to our example as when people when the store was giving a discount and as the discounts were coming in it goes full speed da da D D D D D speed D D D D D D da chop chop chop chop chop chop chop and barely makes a lower low look at how the lower lows were generated before okay and now look at how the lower low is made with all that Chop Chop SOI right like chop chop chop chop chop okay
so it's very slow very Jagged which means there must be a buyer around and simultaneously a above average volume shows up at the end now on its own this looks like above average volume too but the story doesn't allow it so if you think that's the bottom you'll get in trouble you see the difference so you want to make sure it lines up with what's happening instead of just blindly saying I'm going to just look at volume volume is very powerful but on its own it's not unfortunately it's extremely powerful okay does it make sense
is it starting to go in a little bit you get make make sure you keep keep me uh updated with your feedbacks on if you're getting it okay all right now by the way if you're liking everything that you see don't forget to like And subscribe okay we we We Gather WR We Gather at least once a month together okay so if you like what you see and you want to learn a lot of these things um you know I would recommend to like And subscribe yeah okay now now that youve started to understand that
things have started to pick up momentum here and there's very aggressive movement here now notice how the candle looks the candle looks like has a big tail on the bottom and it was choppy and it almost says it's having a tough time making a lower low okay this is first indications of warning okay we see earlier it did the same thing here but we don't know anything about it so is this volume it's not at the bottom it's actually at the top of this thing it's at the top of that swing so does that mean
it's a top no we don't really have much information on this thing okay we don't really have much information on this thing because we're following the flow of the market okay they're selling they're selling they're selling they're selling and then boom volume shows up at the end and it's slowing down at the same time interesting what we want to see next is so what are you going to do not what are you going to do what are they going to do that's what's important now following that the follow through is Boom how's that for Speed
and time is it better than it used to be has it jumped up dramatically did it take less time to go up than it did to come down the easier way to do it is like count them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 how many candles on the way down on the way up one two three four five all the way to the top interesting interesting so slows down volume shows up very strong buyers come out of it it's now telling you the store who was giving a discount the
store who was giving a discount is going to basically say stop no more discount for this guy because we found what we were looking for we found what we were looking for there is a crazy buyer out there who can't get enough what does that can't get enough means when the price goes up so fast from this price to this price it basically means there's a shortage it means there's a shortage if you want to buy eggs and there's only one dozen left in the supermarket and there's a thousand of you woo woohoo you know
people are going to rush for that thing and if if it becomes a bidding war people will pay 30 times more 40 times more so it depends on if there's less quantity and more buyers obviously it becomes a bidding war and how big the bidding war is tells you how desperate they are this is very important okay so if it just goes up like this you're like what's this there the bidding war is 10 cents really you want to get involved in that no but if the bidding war is they went from 10 cents to
someone's paying $2 now for this for this thing that cost 10 cents wow I wonder what they know about what's going to happen in the economy that they want to load up right now that's our first sign we like that we like that so we use the volume together with the story to give us that little indication of hey somebody is here and then we see the follow through it is here don't trade it but it is here next we want to confirm does he stop does he stop okay now take a look at this
thing now whoa that's a pretty aggressive discount slow slow slow bam what just happened this is what's referred to as your higher low it is not just a technical term I want you to understand what that means for you today after everything that you've seen load up what does a higher low actually mean rather than a decoration or a design that you can draw you now know the internal meaning of I know why there's a higher low the store stopped giving discount I know I expected it and therefore there it is so you built a
plan before it even happened and once it happened it further sement your idea of you're on the right track you haven't traded yet you're on the right track story is telling you volumes telling you the higher low is telling you you're like gotcha gotcha now with this context I want you to understand one thing when a volume shows up here on this red bar based on everything that's happened a person looking at this and saying that's resistance and at resistance I have a high volume with a red bar do you look at this as a
cell do you look at this as a sell or do you try to figure out everything that's going leading up to that moment telling you it's not selling it doesn't want to do that stuff you can even change the time frame a bit to find out exactly the details of all of this stuff and you're seeing okay I see some volume here okay I see some volume there and it's at the top it looks like someone is selling it looks like someone is selling but you just went through the entire story and you're like how
could anybody be selling the store owner was looking for a buyer a buyer showed up the volume means a very different thing for you at this stage what you're looking for is now confirmation of tell me this volume is for me as a buyer and as that comes you can now begin of doing your money management getting into the trade trade management of saying I now know this is now preparing for their buys doing a buy in this area is a lot smoother safer and headache free than doing a buy for example here or here
or here or here and dealing with chop chop chop chop chop I buy it goes down I sell it goes up I buy it goes down like what's going on and then at sometimes when you do buy it goes fantastically why does it work certain times and it doesn't work the certain time is because you are in the launching phase at certain times and you luckily grabbed it and when it's processing and you trading at that time it's not working for you and you're getting confused of every time I say it's a buy it goes
down every time I say it go down it goes up but certain times when I say it's going to go up it goes up perfectly it's because the story is missing that's what's missing it's not a psychological problem I can't sit here and say you have Daddy Issues it's not like that you know don't let anyone tell you that it's it's just an educational piece that's missing so we're going to raise that educational piece today to make sure that even though we want to do volumes we don't want to forget to bring in the story
to wrap it together with that to make sure the volume is worthwhile make sure the volume is worthwhile so far so good make sense okay now now what we're going to do now is I I'm going to switch some time uh not not time FR I'm going to switch to a different pair I want to show you guys some examples first we're going to want to go through some uh different pairs I want to see if I can find some examples for you guys from the current markets um the markets are very active right now
the election has just happened in the in the US so whether you're watching this live or you're watching this in the recording doesn't matter the whole idea is if the markets are active that's where volume actually will get active as well and that's a good clue for us to tell us hey things are getting ready things are getting prepared so let's talk about some certain things so let's go with some let's do Yen pairs yens are very active as as well these days let's do a Kaden pair for example okay now take a look at
this bohemuth of a movement now in this process here is it a buy is it a sell is it a buy is it a sell is it a buy is it a sell but then in this processess here I think it's a buy I think it's a buy I think it's a buy suddenly it all works that's weird but when I was trying to do the same thing here I run into a mess to a point where it's stressful um it makes me want to think of maybe trading is not right for me I don't
know what I'm doing wrong I am following all the techniques and strategies down to the te you're not understanding that what the market wants to do you're just understanding what you need to do with your to-do list you don't want to do it like that you need to let them tell you what do they need when they need it and then you pull out your to-do list and saying I can do that I can do that okay so it's important to understand what do they want and then we go in and saying leave it to
me I got this i got this remember that crazy demand for the eggs you can stand in line now and also pick up some eggs and sell it to the next guy who's really desperate to buy it that's how you make your profit so wherever you buy you need to know it will go up further how do you know that's the key okay so if you buy at current price whatever that price is whatever your strategy whatever your Technique there is only one way to make a profit is that needs to go higher so instead
of saying how do I enter the question you need to ask is why should it go up when I enter that needs to be solved if you solve that your strategy can be messy and you'll still make money okay all right so now let's take a look at this okay did that sink in what I just said in that last two sentences did I go in okay all right now let's take a look at this from a higher time frame what's the time frame nothing what we're doing is whether I do a 4our daily 64
hours uh weekly monthly one minute 2 minutes answer me one thing the current price is 11071 11071 is that the same price on the 5 minutes on the 6 minutes on the 8 Minute chart on the 60 minute chart 4our chart 240 chart it's the same price everywhere it's not a time frame game it is a price game internalize that it is a price game you are trying to figure out what is where is Price headed based on their behavior okay and then you want to use volume to say Guide Me Guide Me with the
volumes and tell me if what I'm thinking is correct and then I will proceed to take action after that okay now let's take a look at this thing now we're on a higher time frame here okay now if we just do this and I say leave all this out leave all this out and I say okay this chart that you're looking at has been dumping dumping dumping dumping dumping okay it's been dumping like crazy high volume right at the bottom okay high volume right at the bottom what does that mean does that mean buyers are
coming this is a practice quiz for you guys answer me high volume right at the bottom last time we saw that we were preparing for buys how about this time prepare for buys I give you guys two more seconds to answer this thing no good good the answer is no Okay the reason being is the story says the store owner is looking for a buyer look at the speed look at the speed you don't want to get involved in a buy from that moment it's going to be very dangerous it's going to be very dangerous
okay good same situation but you're treating it differently because you know how to read the story now very important so although we're doing volumes to become a master at volumes there is a new once of I I know how to use it but I know when to let it go and saying not yet standby not yet standby okay now this volume comes up the store owner is looking for a buyer giving discounts discounts discount very aggressively how do I know it's very aggressive look at the past that doesn't look like anything look at this move
on the way down oh Mama Mia it's it's collapsing right okay buyers they don't do anything further sellers they do it again now this time when they go after it one more time notice the action strong slow slow slow any lower low no lower low right so whatever this momentum was is starting to die and our store the store owner is basically saying I believe there must be a buyer here somewhere I don't have a particular volume to back me up on that theory of is there really a buyer here all I have is a
Slowdown of the seller now if a seller disappears it doesn't mean a buyer appears this is very important to remember if a buyer disappears it doesn't mean a seller will appear okay absence of one party does not mean the other party shows up okay if you and your spouse are invited to a birthday party and you don't make it it doesn't automatically mean your spouse is going to make it it's a it's a weird thing to think about right just because you didn't show up the the host shouldn't think it's okay the spouse will show
up no it doesn't have to be like that right it's it's it's illogical to say if not a then it must be B don't do that if it's not a buy it must be a sell never do that okay all right so these are some of the things that people get trapped into of saying if the cell is not there anymore it must be a buy don't do that okay so as this is coming down the buyers try their hand no volume and it's also chop huh nothing's happening seller comes down very aggressive to be
instant reverted back up very aggressively notice the word I'm using very aggressive why am I using that word because I'm comparing it to itself just before and I'm like wow they're gone berserk they've gone crazy what's going on if you are the store you're the store owner you're the guy who's giving a discount and then high volume shows up and you're like I I don't I don't know know if this is a buyer I've been giving discounts very aggressively you slow down a bit you're still giving a discount some buyers come not a lot some
some buyers come then you give a discount again this time a lot more only to find out a buyer just bought higher than what he normally used to pay and he became crazy higher low with speed and momentum wait a minute we know what high or low does what's with the power why is it so strong at the higher low interesting I don't have anything to back it up yet I want to see what my store is going to do now when they see this information the store stops giving a discount stop stop stop stop
stop buyers take over again now you tell me if you are that store owner if you are that store owner and you're looking at all this information are you more it's okay give a discount or are you more stop bloody giving discounts this thing's going to go up how do you think based on everything that we've just read what do you more pulled towards the conventional thinking is Oh look The Buy is dying therefore it's a cell that's the conventional thinking and there is some Merit to that but that's the conventional thinking but you have
to think of it from a business perspective why should you give more discounts as a store owner if people are willing to buy right you put that together with volume aggression how many C Les to go up one how long did it take to go down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 seven candles one wipe out a single candle who all gone with volume and that volume happens to show up in the place where you understood it best now if we did this and I said this is resistance and at resistance a high volume
shows up so we must cell that would be thinking about it in a very simple way rather than thinking about it how did we get to this moment how did we get to this moment what does it mean and then when you put the volume together you you figure it out and you're saying there they are bloody hell's about damn time you know there you are okay then you can plan accordingly and saying okay let me gear up because any trades you do after after this is going to be a lot smoother than trying to
do trades within this thinking that it's a buy you don't have the clear opening yet so let's take a step back now let's take a step back now why is all this important why is it important to use volume together with your charts because at the end of the day when we when we talk about story right okay when we talk about story it's important understand what is our role how are we trying to make money in this market do I just hit a buy button money pops out hit a sell button money pops no
we need to see who's desperate we got to get that product and we need to sell it to that guy but we need to know who's desperate because remember as we discussed earlier if you buy at whatever price you buy do you know it's going to go further because that's what you have to solve you don't need to solve how do I enter even though that is the number one thing everybody focuses on what is my strategy how do I enter now you tell me is it how do you enter more important than will it
actually go further if I enter that's the important question to ask and that's how you should evaluate yourself and saying okay am I a good Trader or not will determine how well you answer that question instead of how do I enter how do I enter can be shaky and you will you will still be okay you got to trust me on this how do you enter can be shaky you might not be a perfectionist and that's okay as long as you know what what are they trying to do and how can you support that view
by saying let me Al get some of this product and then I'll sell it to you at a much more expensive price okay that's what's happening remember they can't get enough so if you have some of it then they will they will pay you a little bit more than what you paid for it and that's how you make your money so far so good okay so in stocks you have volume right so you know when you're dealing with equities you have volume and the volume tells you how much money is being pumped into this thing
in Forex you don't actually have it um based on money you have it based on movement okay so let's say every time a candle moves your volume for each movement it starts to go up every movement the volume goes up now I want you to just think about it this way to move a market in Forex it's super expensive super super super super super expensive how much you don't need to worry about that it's super expensive okay it cost a lot of money to move it even an inch or a centimeter or a micro centimeter
it cost a lot of money to do that so when you have to move move move move move move move move move and the volume starts to go up you can pretty much assume there's a lot of money behind that there's a lot of money behind that okay does that make sense did that you know go inside a little bit so it's important to use this understanding of there are some larger players entering this thing with desperation there are larger players coming in that's saying I want this and all you have to do is saying
okay if you want it let me help you if you want it let me help you you and you also get that same product so that way you're entering when it's active you're selling it back to them when it's active but when it's not active what are you going to do you stand by because that's where all the mistakes happen there is no active Market there is no demand nobody wants to buy something but you're out there selling if nobody wants to buy it why are you doing transactions who are you trying to sell this
to nobody wants it right so that's when it becomes harder to make money you're going to have a 50/50 chance of maybe it goes your way by fluke maybe it doesn't go your way but to say it touched my trend line it should go my way that that's a little that's stretching the luck a little bit right because that's not how the market moves okay so now the feds are coming out with interest rates and stuff they're not going to come onto your charts and saying okay I'm going to draw this trend line here and
once we reach this trend line we're going to increase the interest rates if that's what they're doing we better run from that country right let's hope they're not doing that because that's just silly that's just silly so if they're not doing that please you don't do that okay just try to be a little bit more engaged with what's this game all about how can I get involved how do I make money right okay now everyone understand the difference between why it's important how it differs from the stock Market to the Forex Market okay and why
it's important to us why is volume uh important to have as a important tool in all of our charts like I I it's important for me to volume for all to always be there on my chart like it's very very important uh for me okay because it gives me that extra added Edge that says now you know and that is worth a lot of money just to know is worth a lot of money right okay all right so let's go on to another example let's go on to another example and then we'll move to some
practice so that way I want you guys to try but let's do a few more examples together before I move this on to a practice okay again if you're liking everything that you see don't forget to like And subscribe those of you guys who are here live in the chat fire icons if you're following along love icons if you get it and then questions or confused if you are stuck somewhere so I can can re assist you in a different way okay all right here we go here we go moving on to a different chart
let's take a look at something um more common pound dollar right this is a normal pair that everyone uh generally likes to trade you know Euro USD pound dollar USD Yen these are like the majors right so let's take a look at the major is it any different for a major okay it's no different because what you're going to do is you're going to say I don't care what that is I don't care what that is is doesn't matter okay so if that's the case I'm just going to pick a random time okay uh sorry
oops okay I'm going to pick a random time here and the situation on this time is telling me Mama Mia they're aggressively selling right they're aggressively selling now the volume overall is high when you see volume overall being high you can help consolidate it by going up a time frame to find out what is it in a nutshell rather than seeing all of it collectively you can see it as one okay but the reality is it's going down there's no no doubt on on that part so let's say if I go higher even I can
go up two time frames higher let's say so what I see is now it's Consolidated into one and I can see huh whatever this thing was it was getting very slow they got aggressive here volume showed up there and then the buyer started to go up up up up up they sped up here nothing happened okay nothing happened and then they slammed it very aggressively with volume interesting interesting so this is something that's telling you for all this thing that was quiet it got aggressive here notice how I'm saying quiet and aggressive are two different
things I'm not calling this aggressive cuz this is all very traditional and normal it looks like they're all pretty much the same thing until I see this and that's like no that is very different I can see it from the rest while it was doing that the buyer stepped right back in so obviously our store owner is going to say wait wait wait wait so they waited the store owner waited which is the right thing to do that's what you should do that's what I should do if you are giving a discount for a certain
product but there's people willing to pay for it anyone in their right mind would say stop with the discounts enough and that's what this sign means from this sign you are now curious as the store to say are they going to step up and still be aggressive so they they did Step Up they they were buying from here they were buying from here and then they got aggressive again from this price wow they must really want this thing only to know it was a fluke because it took three candles to go up four candles and
one candle with volume to wipe it right back out why is my store owner doing that what happened to the buyers that were trying to come in well we never saw any buy indications apart from this area but that quickly failed very very quickly it failed and we're now resuming with this decision continues now that's a whole different thing okay that's a whole different thing it's like flip the scenario to a buyer now you are the buyer okay you are the buyer you are willing to buy willing to buy willing to buy and then you
take a step back and the discount comes in like that or a news released and you you basically said oh you know what based on whatever this news is doesn't matter what the news is I don't want to buy anymore this changes everything and with volume it snaps all the way down game over for the buyers if it's game over for the buyers should I say okay I'm going to sell this and take it down to the next support resistance think targets now should I take it to the next support resistance or there is no
more buyer that was coming up from here this buyer kapoot so now that volume that story also paints a picture of what is to come so you won't have to say I'm in but I got to get out I don't know if I can hold this because you don't want to use your emotions to say I I I just I booked the profits because I sometimes it turns on me why should it turn on you you have to get good at answering why should it go further in your way why should it turn on you
so that way when you enter a trade even if you enter poorly I'm going to say this over and over again even if you enter poorly you'll be just fine making sense yes click click okay all right all right now what I want to do I'm going to change it up a little bit and we're going to do a little bit of practice those of you guys who are here live I'm going to give you guys um five seconds to answer any question that I ask you those of you guys who are watching the recording
in case it's too fast you can hit pause and answer the questions um but I'm going to give five seconds between each answer um between each question so you can ask uh you can practice along okay and I'll I'll give you the answers obviously all right here we go let's look at New Zealand Yen what I see is St owner giving discount buyer is buying store owner giving discount buyer buying the very first thing I see is I don't know what's going on who do I work for I have no idea okay I need to
see this from a higher picture and seeing what's going on with the price what's on their mind I go to the Daily ah okay so here you guys are on the daily let's start with the elephant in the room Mama Mia what is that kadon right what is that thing it's dropping dramatically right it goes down down down down down high volume shows up what does that mean for you means nothing it just means be aware but it doesn't mean take any action it just means there's a high volume reaction that happened from there now
my store owner will be a little bit confused of he never slowed down but then the buyer just jumped right back up at him not a lot that is how much 20% 30% of the whole move and it never slowed down that move it it's like I see one green candle there barely right so it never slowed down it reached here and then it goes my my store owner is going to be like wait a minute I want to see what this monkey does I'm curious but I'm definitely not going to really pull back right
okay based on the buyer's performance are the buyer stepping in based on the performance of the buy and what you see in the volume are the buyers going to step in should you hit the buy button and hold on for dear life this is going to turn into Bitcoin 2.0 should you get hopeful should you marry this chart should you basically say this is do or die no good do not touch it do not entertain it store owner looks at this and says Ah this is nothing this is nothing store owner gets back into sell
mode baby they get back into sell mode now because of this high volume the store owner is cautious of giving too much discounts because there is some buyer who took the price up albeit slowly 40% 40% it bought upwards slow slowly but 40% the store owner is on alert let's confirm that does this look like the store owner is on alert just that part nope that's not store owners on alert they're going to sell baby and then they do this they are selling will they continue selling most likely and then you see this what's going
on in your mind right now the store owner is slowing down on giving his discounts why does he know there's a buyer around we're looking down at the volumes we're like I don't really see anything there's a little bit of increase in volume and the buy comes and it goes goes goes up now comparing the way the discount came and the way the buyers came and the way the volume is does that mean it's a buy now get ready hit the buys hold on for dear life Bitcoin 2.0 3.0 baby hold on for dear life
sell everything put everything in this buy and we're going to hold on does that mean bu nope all you have right now is a buildup of the story and you're like interesting I know what's happening interesting I know what is happening to this thing I want to make sure just like they want to make sure good good you want to be like that okay now if you are the store owner and you saw it this time where the sto where the buyer who brought it up 40% nasty suddenly steps up he steps up he pays
a more expensive price this time and he's a little bit faster if you are the store owner what kind of discounts are you going to give now you're not going to give discounts you're not going to entertain discounts you'll like are you kidding me I'm a smart store owner no more discounts okay and that is exactly what happens no more discounts until you see this there's a buyer breaking the trend line and he's coming up there I want you to look at that moment and say let's see how he's breaking the trend line and going
up is this my buyer you look at the candles you look at the volume Bitcoin 4.0 hold on baby sell the house sell the grandma sell everything we got to put all the money in this buy hold on bitcoin 5.0 hold on for dear life and everything no not yet good good but how do you feel about the story building up do you feel I know what's going to happen or do you feel I have no no idea what's happening I have no clue it's a range range means nothing is that a range to you
now or are you now looking at this as come on baby I know what this is bloody range come on right you're at a very different position in the mind right now when you see all this stuff reading through the story looking at the volume and saying I know what's happening come on where are you sucker where are you you see owner saying I refuse to give discount you monkeys and then you see again a buyer attempting to go up you see the speed of the movement you see how many candles it's going up and
you look down Bitcoin 6.0 buy it baby sell the house sell the grandma again sell everything we're gonna buy this thing with everything that we've got sell the blood sell the sperm bye bye bye bye bye are you more correct this time than all the other Bitcoin points that you were thinking about you feel a little bit more certain now don't you good good this is what I'm getting at for you guys I want you to read the market as it goes I don't want you to look at it at one single candle and make
a decision because you're bored don't show up to your charts and saying I should do something today I should make some money because I'm a traiter don't do that just because it's a candle that turned red in color and there's a little itty bitty volume that looks red in color doesn't mean it's going to continue to go further from where you entered what you want is if you enter will it continue to go so when you set up a situation like this where you feel it's done baby they're going to get desperate so wh ever
you buy and position yourself even if it's nasty do you feel a higher percentage of it's probably going to move in your favor or do you feel I hope I did my entry right that's not a concern anymore people make that their number one concern I don't want you to make that your concern I want you to make sure is it up or is it down do you know when you get good at that we can work on the rest later we can figure it out we can figure it out right okay so you've gone
through some practice you've done some um examples you found out why this is important you've done some training on the volumes recap is volume important is it important absolutely absolutely it's important but the way people look at volumes now you know the myth as well agree green color volume on its own doesn't mean buy right a red color volume on its own doesn't mean sell now the other myth oh the volume's at the bottom it doesn't mean buy just because it's at the bottom that means it's over it's going to buy it doesn't mean buy
volume at the top doesn't mean sell you got to put put it all together and saying the volume is a very good tool if I get my story wrapped together with it It's a Wonderful Tool It's a Wonderful tool everything going in well everything making sense to you guys isn't volume just wonderful like I hope you guys can you know all the knowledge that I've I've dispersed today with all the Bitcoin 1.0 2.0 I hope all the information that you have you can actually internalize it and take actionable steps immediately practice it on demo first
before you go live because it will take time for you to get used to it but this is going to be the fastest way for you to have growth the fastest way because you're no longer just drawing stuff you're actually trying to understand what am I doing what am I doing in this market why should I get paid and if I know how to do that what are the tools that can help me volume is one of them I hope you guys liked everything that we talked about today gentlemen and ladies please like And subscribe
if you like what we do we catch up once a month uh to to do all this stuff if you are in a hurry you don't want to wait once a month and you want to really get in heads on then check out our courses that we have at Urban forex.com we get straight to the point everything is short videos it's very wonderful in terms of Staff everyone is there on standby to assist you wherever you needed so if you want handholding and at the same time speed of information to get to the point quickly
to learn everything that you need to know then you can head on over to Urban forex.com and check out our courses there and those of you guys who are constantly coming to our YouTube videos um month after month thank you so much for your support this only happens because of all of you guys I hope I never disappoint and I will continue to provide value for you guys your time is very important as much as my time is important to me let make sure this is the best place to be thanks a lot gentlemen and
thanks a lot everybody have a nice day bye for now
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