Top 10 Programming Languages 2024 | Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2024 | Simplilearn

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welcome Tech enthusiasts in today's digital era programming languages aren't just tools they're keys to unlock a world of opportunity as we journey through the top 10 programming languages consider this the demand for developer is skyrocketing with Tech Giant seeking Talent salaries for skilled coders are hitting record highs with some professionals earning as high as $180,000 in us and 35 laks perom LPA in India at ENT level promising a rewarding career these languages aren't just code they're shaping the future of technology from AI to cyber security join us as we unveil the programming languages that are
Paving the way to Innovation and prosperity number 10 Swift let's kick off with our countdown with swift the language that makes IOS app development a breeze Swift introduced by Apple in 2014 is known for its exceptional speed and safety features it's the the driving force behind apps on your iPhone ensuring that they run smoothly and efficiently the demand for Swift developers is on the rise as mobile app usage continue to Surge companies like apple Google Uber and Airbnb are eager to hire Swift developers the average salary for Swift developers ranges from 80,000 to $120,000 per
year in the US and 8.65 lakhs to 14 lakh in India making it an attractive choice for those entering the world of mobile app development number nine typescript at number nine we have typescript a superet of JavaScript typescript was introduced by Microsoft in 2012 and has gained popularity for its ability to catch errors early in the development process the static typing feature adds a layer of reliability to JavaScript making it a favorite amongst developers working on large scale projects companies like Microsoft Google slack and Air Airbnb recognized the value of typescript in building robust web
applications skilled typescript developers can expect to earn between 90,000 and $130,000 annually in us and 7 to 12 lakh in India making it a promising career choice for those seeking to master this language number eight Ruby claiming the eighth spot is Ruby known for its elegant and developer friendly syntax Ruby has been around since the mid 199 and it's the language behind the Ruby on reals framework which has revolutionized web development its Simplicity and readability have made it a popular choice among developers companies like Airbnb Shopify GitHub and base camp appreciate Ruby's craftsmanships Ruby developers
typically earn salaries ranging from 70,000 to $120,000 a year in us and 5 lak to 10 lakh in India and its versatility and web development ensures it remains a solid choice for those looking to build web applications with ease number seven go Goan our seventh pick is go often referred to as goang this relatively young language was created by Google in 2007 and is Making Waves in the development world go is celebrated for its efficiency and speed making it an excellent choice for building scalable applications companies like Google Uber Dropbox and SoundCloud have ad op
to go for various projects the demand for go developers is steadily increasing and it offers a competitive salary range typically between 100,000 and $150,000 us per year in the US to 8 to 10 lakh in India if you're looking to dive into the world of high performance Computing go is a language to consider number six cotlin landing at number six is cotlin the Android developer best friend cotlin was intr produced by jetbrains in 2011 but gained prominence when it received official support from Google from Android app development in 2017 it's recognized for its clean and
concise code which reduces boilerplate and makes development more enjoyable cotlin has become the preferred language for Android app development and companies like Google Pinterest Trello and base camp are amongst its Enthusiast skilled cotlin developers can expect to earn salaries in the range of $80,000 to $130,000 per year in the US to 7 to 10 lakh in India with the continuous growth of the Android app ecosystem cotlin offers a promising future for mobile development number five python python takes the fifth position on our list created by Guido van rosam in the late 1980s python has evolved
into one of the most versatile and widely used programming languages Python's applications range from web development velopment to data science artificial intelligence and more companies like Google Facebook Instagram Netflix and Dropbox heavily rely on python for various aspects of their operations python developers are in high demand and salaries for skilled professionals typically range from 90,000 to $140,000 per year in the US and six to 10 lack in India its extensive Library support and Community make it an excellent choice for those looking to dive into the world of programming number four JavaScript at number four we
have JavaScript the backbone of web development developed by Netscape in the mid1 1990s JavaScript has undergone significant Transformations over the years with the introduction of node.js JavaScript expanded its reach to serers side scripting making it a powerful and versatile language companies like Amazon Netflix PayPal and Airbnb depend on JavaScript to deliver interactive and dynamic web experiences JavaScript developers typically earn salaries ranging from 80,000 to $140,000 a year in the US and 7 to 12 lakh in India it's ubiquity ensures that it remains a solid choice for any developer looking to excel in web development number
three rust stepping into the top three is rust known for its focus on safety and performance rust was first released by Mozilla in 2010 and it's gained significant attention for its unique features it's designed to prevent memory related bugs and ensure safe concurrent programming companies like Mozilla Dropbox Microsoft and red hat have embraced rust for various projects while rust has a steeper learning curve compared to some other languages the rewards for rust developers are substantial salaries typically range from 100,000 to150 ,000 per year in the US and 8 to 10 lakh in India if you
passionate about writing efficient and secure code rust is a language worth mastering number two Java claiming the second position is Java the Evergreen language Java was introduced by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems in the mid 1990s it has since become the Cornerstone of many Enterprise level applications companies like Oracle IBM Amazon and many financial institutions heavily rely on Java to keep their systems running smoothly a career in Java promises job security and competitive salaries Java developers typically earn salaries in the range of 90,000 to $140,000 per year in the US and 6
lakh to 10 lakh in India it's widespread use ensures a stable and prosperous future for those who Masters it number number one C finally at the top of our list is C also known as c c was developed by Microsoft in the early 2000s and has since become the go-to language for game development particularly with the unity game engine companies like Ubisoft Electronic Arts Microsoft and many game studios eagerly hire C developers the average salary for C developers typically range from 80,000 to $140,000 per year in the US and 7 lakh to 12 lakh in
India with its relatively gentle learning curve and exciting opportunities in the gaming industry C tops our list for 2024 and there you have it the top 10 programming languages of 2024 from Swift's mobile magic to C's gamechanging prowess each language offers a unique path to success in the tech world as technology continues to evolve the demand for skilled developers will only grow so choose your language start coding and seize the opportunity that awaits in the exciting digital landscape happy coding staying ahead in your career requires continuous learning and upskilling whether you're a student aiming to
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