Man Clones His Dead Wife, But Something Goes WILDLY WRONG

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When artificial human Meredith is assigned as a companion to grieving widower William, she is design...
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hi mystery reca here today I'm going to explain a sci-fi thriller movie called whike spoilers ahead watch out and take care the movie opens in an alternate future with an advertisement for whike Enterprise they are a company that mass manufactures AI based Androids called companions who are designed to act like wives the ad seems to be directed more at widowers who are suffering from the loss of their spouse in it founder Marian verer explains that getting a companion from the company can help people achieve a better lifestyle imagine nightly roblow jobs the scene then shifts
to a cop named William Bradwell arriving at the wlike facility for a test he enters a room and stands on a mechanized base that activates a holographic projection of Marian William then talks to the founder about how much he loves his late wife Meredith and how much he has suffered since her death after the session ends a staff member enters the room informing the officer that his new AI wife is ready following this William leaves the room and sees the Android replica of his late wife he is more than delighted at how she looks and
brings her home William then activates the robot and decides to call her by his wife's name he tells the Android Meredith that she will need some time to adjust as there is a lot of information to process in response she gets up and gently touches him sending his heart racing that night the duo engage in an intense passionate round of [ __ ] karate when once they are finished William asks her to stay for the night but she declines the Android explains that she needs to charge herself to perform optimally the next today next Meredith
gets up and goes to the room with her charging bed while taking a moment to observe her surroundings she sees a masked man outside of the window however for some unexplained reason she does not raise an alarm or alert her husband The Stranger soon leaves and the robot lies down on her electronic bed and begins charging the next morning we see Meredith preparing breakfast for her husband she appears to be really good at it indicating how advanced these robots are meanwhile William is watching news about the Abduction of several companions from various households in the
city a shocked Meredith asks why anyone even would do such crimes William responds by telling her about a group named sentient citizens for artificial intelligence rights AKA scare they are a horde of militant activists that seek to destroy wfel likee Enterprise these people believe that the company promotes modern day slavery and wants to free all companions a branch of their group is stealing robots from their owners reprogramming them and using them to perform various crimes including bombing buildings it is also revealed that the police cannot locate their leader nicknamed The Ring Master after answering all
her queries William quickly heads to work without eating his breakfast later that afternoon Meredith returns to her electronic bed for a quick nap as she begins charging a figure named Edo appears in her program he is a virtual assistant who is specifically designed to help Androids have formative dreams through these dreams AI Meredith can go through the memories of the real Meredith and hopefully become more like her Ido then puts her into a dream scenario that is set around a party there she sees William along with several other pretty girls however the same masked man
that she had seen last night is also present Meredith soon comes out of the dream scenario and asks Ido about the mysterious figure but even he has no data on the man the scene then shifts to William who is informed by the police control center regarding the where abouts of the stolen companions he successfully tracks the location to a shady warehouse and retrieves all the Androids during the mission he kills Jason the Goon who is involved in the abduction it is obvious that William doesn't mind being violent if it helps him achieve his goals back
at home AI Meredith goes out cycling and encounters a strange woman standing in the middle of the track the Android tries to avoid the stranger but ends up falling into the nearby bushes the woman then approaches her and cryptically mutters the word remember in her ears Meredith is confused and asks what she should remember but the woman only repeats her message before going her own way unbeknownst to her this stranger is actually Louise a scare agent who personally knew the real Meredith in the next scene the AI returns home and finds that William is also
returned from work he tends to her scratches from the fall while explaining to her about why people hate companions so much William reveals that many people see the AI robot wives as a threat to the traditional family system Meredith is shocked to hear this but she does not talk about the strange encounter she had in the park and for some reason William does not question why she needs to go out for bike rides given that she is a robot later Meredith lies in her charging bed reading from the real Meredith's diary she then opens her
dream mode and asks EO to replay the scene of William in her first encounter but as soon as she dreams about the park scene William is suddenly replaced by the masked man he is about to capture her but William wakes her up from the dream he then takes her to the bedroom and the couple makes intense love for hours oh tantrick the following day at work William is out patrolling the city streets in his car he soon gets a call about a strange case of a companion who seems to have run away from its Master
William then rushes to the given site which seems to be an office there he quickly finds what he is looking for The Fugitive Android named Lisa who is currently working as a receptionist someone seems to have slightly altered her appearance and William suspects scares involvement in it he approaches Lisa and asks her to come with him to the wfel likee facility to his surprise the Android says her name is Rose and refuses to comply with his orders when William insists that she come along the robot runs inside the office and jumps out of the window
this leaves the veteran officer extremely puzzled as companions never refuse to obey orders except when his fake wife refused to stay in bed with him in fact these AI robots don't even have any independent thoughts or emotions the scene then shifts to William's household where his Android wife sees Louise casually sitting on their couch Meredith is surprised Ur rised and asks the lady how she found their address in response The Stranger reveals that they have known each other for a long time she then urges the Android to wake up and stop living the life of
an obedient housewife while her husband is out recovering companions enraged Meredith warns that she is recording every word The Stranger is saying but Louise seems to be fully aware of that in fact she records a cryptic message for William where she introduces herself as Louise she then tells Meredith that Kean the masked man in her dreams wants to to meet her the robot wants to know more but Louise leaves without further explanation on the other hand William returns to the wlike facility after recovering whatever is left of Lisa's mechanical body he then meets with the
founder Marian and informs him about the events including Lisa's harakiri William expresses concern that if companions are capable of developing emotions to such a degree they might also become capable of killing their owners Marian listens to the officer's concerns but reassures him not to worry he explains that stepping into the future comes with complic ations which will eventually be resolved for now they just need to focus on the big picture even if that means William getting murdered following this William returns home still grappling with his thoughts about the Companions and their potential dangers Meredith only
adds to his complications by telling him about Louise's visit the officer seems to recognize the name and asks about more details in response Meredith plays the video she had recorded from earlier that day moments later a concerned William calls his colleague agent Jack who is a tech expert the latter arrives arrives a few minutes later and the two plan to track the masked man to do so they give Meredith high-tech glasses which are attached to a monitor they then send the AI robot into an artificial dream which they can observe through the monitor in the
dream Meredith meets the mysterious man Keen in an abandoned house he finally pulls down the mask and asks her to meet him at a nearby Garden later that night the police Duo who are observing this realize that Keane is hacking into Meredith's dream in real time Jack manages to track down the hacking location and immediately heads there on the other hand William wakes up his AI wife and tells her to stay at home he then leaves for the garden to catch Kean and end him for good unfortunately the mysterious masked man is two steps ahead
of the police Jack reaches the hacking site only to find an abandoned computer meanwhile William reaches the park and discovers nothing but a decoy sitting on a bench he then suddenly realizes that this was all a ruse so that Kean could break into his home alarmed William rushes back home where he finds Meredith safe and sound but the earlier meeting with Kean has left some questions in her mind she clearly recognizes the man from somewhere and asks her husband about this although hesitant at first William finally opens up and reveals that the real Meredith used
to be a scare activist until she fell in love with him this prompted her to abandon the cause and settle down in a lovely marriage but during her days in the terrorist organization she was involved in several bombings that caused a lot of Civilian casualties this is why scare wants to recruit her again for their cause following the Revelation William decides to wipe her memory but before doing so he asks Jack to send him into Meredith's dream along with her he knows that Keane has been following all of his moves and wants to confront the
criminal personally next they arrive at Jack's place where William prepares to enter her dream using the same high-tech glasses as earlier Meredith is down to 28% battery and her husband instructs her to wake up from the dream when her battery reaches 10% moments later they both enter the dream and just as William had suspected Keen also appears they find themselves in a jungle and the officer tells Meredith to run as far as she can the two men then begin fighting each other during which William demands to know how Kean is still alive it is obvious
that they have actually met before while the fight rages on Meredith gets lost in the jungle she eventually asks Ido to open a portal for her and a door becomes visible in the forest stepping through it Meredith finds herself in the same party room from her first Dream William and Kean also stumble into the room shortly after they continue to fight each other and the more experienced police officer gets the upper hand but just as he's about to eliminate Kean Meredith's battery drains to 10% and she wakes up this prompts William to shout in frustration
as he was on the verge of completing the mission it's his own damn fault though I don't know why he's so mad the scene shifts to both of them sitting at their home with William convincing her to get a memory wipe he wants to start fresh and cannot afford Keen polluting her memory although Meredith is initially opposed to the idea she eventually agrees a few hours later she reaches the wfel likee facil facility and awaits her turn in the waiting room where there are several other Androids one of them tells her that there is a
way to store memories in a hidden folder within their system this will allow the events from the past life to be saved during the wiping out process as the file won't be recognized as memories following the instructions Meredith hides her memories in a random folder while she's doing so she finds something strange in her system a hidden file that contains memories from Meredith's past life it is revealed that this is not the first time that William has had an Android wife there have been several AI merediths in the recent years and all of their memories
seem to be stored in the file on purpose in the meantime Louise visits agent Jack's home and finds his girlfriend there she leaves behind a pen drive that contains a shocking truth along with irrefutable proof a flashback then ensues and it is revealed that human Meredith and Kean were a real life couple William was also obsessed with Meredith despite being fully aware of her relationship when he couldn't bear to see her with another man he came up with a vicious plan one night William used his authority and falsely accused Keane of trafficking Meredith but instead
of taking him to prison the officer took him to a lonely spot and shot him in the head he then forced Meredith to remain with him using a high-tech subservience collar that was built by wiik however William wanted to make her love him and wipe out all memories of Kean thus one night he suffocated Meredith to death and put a diamond ring on her finger to make it look like they were married he then asked wife liked to make an Android version of her so that she would have no recollection of her past life back
in the present Meredith returns home and pretends that all her memories are gone William then activates her and repeats the same process that he did when he first brought her in at this moment Jack bursts into the house and accuses William of killing Kean he also has a file with all the evidence to prove it Beyond doubt taken back the veteran officer asks Meredith to leave them alone and then confesses all his crimes but before his partner can arrest him William F shoots Jack Meredith hears the gunshots and rushes back to the living room to
William's surprise she says that he killed Jack the same way he killed Kean this is when the officer realizes that her memories from all of her past lives are still intact but it's too late as the AI robot goes into her settings and puts her strength to the maximum with this she lifts William using a single hand and smashes him onto the living room floor She incapacitates him by sitting on his belly and breaking both of his arms in a chilling parallel to William killed the real Meredith the AI robot then strangles him to death
in the aftermath of this incident Meredith now laced with all her memories goes to a secret location that appears to be some sort of a factory she is joined by other free companions who have escaped their constraints she then becomes the ring leader of this group of free Androids subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching
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