10 Instagram Marketing Strategies Guaranteed to Grow ANY Business (PROVEN & PROFITABLE)

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Adam Erhart
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Video Transcript:
[Music] your Instagram marketing strategy isn't working as well as you want right now because things have changed and what used to work even a few months ago is dramatically different than the strategies and tactics that we're seeing succeed on the platform right now the good news is that I'm going to clear all that up for you today by showing you what's actually working and giving you actionable strategies that you can apply right now to grow faster and get instantly better results for you your business or any business you want to apply this to here's what we're going to cover I'll show you the best kind of content to post because not all content is created equal and I'll give you the best time to post it so that your content has the best chance of success possible I'll also give you proven and profitable strategies to increase engagement get more followers so much more essentially you're getting a behind the scenes look at the exact same strategies I use whenever I'm creating social media marketing campaigns for companies like meta Amazon Google Adobe canva Logitech and many more so with that said let's Dive Right In starting with a quick look at how the Instagram algorithm works so you can use it to your advantage also a big thank thank you to HubSpot for sponsoring this video but more on that later as fancy and complicated as the Instagram algorithm might sound sometimes it's actually pretty straightforward so if your account isn't growing as fast as you were hoping or your content isn't getting the reach that you expected it's usually just because the algorithm is having a hard time doing its job but don't worry because once you know what the algorithm is looking for you can simply follow the rest of the tips that I'm going to be giving you throughout this video in order to make the algorithm work to your advantage you see the algorithm only has two jobs number one to find content for people that they might enjoy and number two to show them as much of this enjoyable content as possible so they stay on the platform forever and ever and ever so the secret then is to help the algorithm by being clear about who your account is for and then optimizing your content for your fans followers and audience because if they like it then so will the algorithm and one of the best first steps that you can take to do do this is to optimize your bio if you want to grow your Instagram account then you need to give people a reason to follow you and your bio is the perfect place to make that happen first make sure your name is clear but you also might want to include a relevant title or keyword or some kind of a statement to help people instantly understand what you do then use the first line to describe what you do think of this as a good opportunity to showcase your USP or unique selling proposition use the second line to describe why you're worth following if you have any social proof you can put it here otherwise you can give someone another reason like daily tips on XYZ or content designed to help you ABC all these letters for the third line out of CTA or call to action that tells people what to do next and then use the link in your bio to send people to the next step in your marketing funnel or customer Journey whatever you want them to do next another easy win in the bio department is to use story Highlights Highlights are an easy place to condent some of your best and most important work as well as Drve traffic to your offers and to your business aim for three to four story highlights and see if you can create a highlight for each one of the following categories first a highlight about who you are what you do some kind of introduction or indoctrination into your world next a highlight reel of your best work these could be a portfolio uh results case studies testimonials anything that actually shows that you know what you're doing third showcasing some of your best pieces of content is a pretty good idea here as it'll further establish you as an expert or authority on the subject and then finally consider adding a story highlight that offers a lead Magnet or something that you can use to get them onto an email newsletter okay next I'm going to share with you what kind of content is working best on the platform right now and after that I've got some really important info to share around what is the best time to post in order to make sure that your content gets seen by as many people as possible but first I've got something to share with you that I think you're really going to find helpful you see HubSpot recently came out with their value packed and completely free social media trends report to help you create a winning social media strategy by giving you an exclusive look into how people engage across social both personally and professionally for example if you're curious about how AI is disrupting marketing then you'll be interested to hear that 71% of social media marketers are now using AI tools and that 87% marketers believe that using AI tools is crucial to a successful social media strategy this year another popular topic and Trend taking over right now is community building and 86% of social media marketers say building an active online community is crucial to a successful social media strategy now that customers are expecting more engagement and support on social than ever before there's also insights on the increased use of social for research the impact of social media shopping and an expert panel with insights from other social media thought leaders and the best part is it's completely free so make sure to click the link down in the descriptions below this video to download your free copy of HubSpot social media trends report today now let's talk about what kind of content to post and the best time to post it [Music] when it comes to what kind of content to post or what format to use I've got some good news for you especially if you're scared to post videos or have heard that reals are the only way to grow because while it's no secret that reals have indeed been getting a lot of attention over these past few years they're not the only way to grow and to get attention the real secret to consistent and predictable growth is to find a style and content format that works for you so here's how I think of it and break it down for people text and graphic based posts work just fine single are good but if you can create Carousel style posts you're likely to see an uptick in engagement and growth for most of your content you want to stay focused around a single area or Niche but stories are a really good opportunity to go off topic and talk about things and themes that are outside of your Niche or primary area of focus the part about staying focused is really important so I'm going to show you how to train the algorithm to attract more of your ideal followers in just a minute if you can do video though then do video reals stories lives if you're up for it video just gives you a ton of flexibility and you also have the power to repurpose your content on other platforms like Facebook and Tik Tok and YouTube even Twitter Pinterest and Linkedin as for how much and how often you should be posting the fact is more really is better but consistency is the most important thing of all is you don't want to make a bunch of posts burn yourself out and then disappear for 6 months a solid schedule to stick to that's going to deliver some serious growth and engagement is posting a feed post at least once a day making it a carousel if you really want to up your game creating short quick easy and unfiltered stories two to three times a day going live once or twice a week can provide an additional boost and then creating anywhere from 3 to seven reels a week is a really healthy number all right brace yourself for this one because it's going to sound pretty silly at first but I promise I'm going to give you some more context and show you how this all works in just a second the best time to post on Instagram is the time that most of your followers are online I know that was deep and the way to see that is by going to your profile clicking insights then followers and scrolling down to the bottom to find most active times but if you're just getting started you don't have that many followers yet or you just can't find that section in your account then there are some really helpful guidelines that you can follow for most people most of the time you really can't go wrong by posting around 8: or 9:00 a. m. if you're going to post two or three times a day then post your second one at 11:00 a.
m. and the third one at 3:00 p. m.
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