How to be a SUCCESSFUL Real Estate Agent in 7 Steps | Ryan Serhant

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Ryan Serhant
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Video Transcript:
a lot of people asked me how I became the number one real estate agent in the world they want to know how do I sell almost a hundred million dollars worth of homes every month sorry I intermittent fast and I'm hungry whatever so I decided to create a video the video you're watching to show you how to become a real estate agent I'm gonna give you the seven steps you need to take to become a million dollar broker like me hey can you improve these listing those listings they look great I'm gonna show you how
I went from being a broke lonely real estate agent to being a big one with this huge team and five assistants who helped me every single day sure what's it for okay so step one you need to find the best real estate agent in your neighborhood and you need to work for them for free yes you need to be their intern and you're gonna do a lot of things that you don't like like getting coffee shredding paper getting their dry cleaning but you do this it's gonna give you the opportunity to realize if real estate
brokerage is really for you with really low risk and if you do right by that real estate agents they're going to hire you on their team thanks intern hello you want to know where to get your real estate license I'm glad you asked next step is getting your real estate license all kidding aside getting your real estate license is really really serious and the way you do it depends on where you live so go to Google or ask your mentor who you just intern for where they got their real estate license it's easy see I
can type it in now to get your real estate license in Texas pretty simple scroll down okay step one must be at least 18 register for and complete a hundred hours of required education either the team leader who you're interning for or the internet will tell you where and how to get your real estate license and what's great is most times you can do it from home you can also do it in person which is the way I did it or you can do it at work or at school and what could be really cool
is if you're doing it at work because you already have another job and you're getting your real estate license online sometimes the person next to you wants to do real estate too and you can ask them maybe to join up on your team and you can get going right away like bliss right here dude I'm getting my real estate license you want to get yours too oh okay so now you got your license now what before you can go out onto the street and hold up your hand and say hi I'm a real estate agent
would you like to buy or sell a home with me you need to get your license sponsored by a brokerage and better yet you want to join a team you don't want to do what I did when I first started and work by yourself and not know what to do because most real estate agents who start and work by themselves who don't know what to do end up quitting and doing something else so that's not what you want to do and if you did step one that mentor is your easiest first way in to that
team and the team's gonna have all the resources the knowledge they know how to basically be your continuing education into the business after you get your license and honestly the best part about a team is if it's like family and everybody does everything together and they all love each other it's super super cool what's up team [Music] so you're on a team now step four you build your sphere of influence and you do that in two separate ways one you do your warm sphere that's your mom your dad your foster mom your baby daddy everyone
you knew in first grade everyone from Facebook from Instagram you reach out to them and you say hi my name is Bill I'm a real estate agent now would you like to buy or sell with me I promise you your first clients are gonna come from that warm sphere of influence that you're going to build your next fear is your cold sphere those are people you meet on the street people you meet like I did in Starbucks some of my first clients were pregnant women in Starbucks because they needed more room and it's easy to
do here look I'll show you how to do it right now hey man my name is Ryan I in real estate would you like to buy or sell okay it takes time now you've got the ball rolling you're licensed you're on a team you've got support people are starting to know who you are even on the street what's next step 5 set up your day for success also known as finder keeper doer if you read my book or you take my course you'll know that I set up my entire day and I calendar it so
that I can be successful and generate leads finder is putting on your CEO hat set time in your calendar every day to go out and think about how you're gonna build your new business as an entrepreneur because that's really what real estate agents are we are entrepreneurs who go out and try to find people to buy and sell homes next you're gonna set a little time for keeper keeper time is like the CFO keeper time is time you're gonna focus on advertising money how am I gonna go out there and spend money to make money
cuz scared money don't make money maybe that's taking ten dollars that I have in my pocket and go into Starbucks and getting a couple lattes for people that could be clients maybe that's doing a mailer and putting stamps on postcards whatever it might be you have something to spend to make money and then lastly is the doer time doer time is the operations that's you actually putting the stamps on that postcard that's you actually running up and down the street showing apartments painting the walls of the little studio that you just got to rent for
$600 a month find her keeper doer fkd you structure your day for success that way and you will grow your business as a successful sales entrepreneur I guarantee it okay so your day is structured they're starting to build up your sphere of influence you are networking your ass off you're using the other agents in your office you're helping them may be running their open houses and you're building now you feel like a true salesperson now what now it steps six probably my biggest action item may be the most effective step that's the three EPs follow
up follow through follow back it's how I really have built my entire business by structuring my day finder keeper doer by working with other agents and networking my butt off and following up like it's my job because it is my job because I'm a real estate agent that's what real estate agents do we follow up we follow through and we follow back so the first F is follow up that's making sure everybody I meet on the street everyone I talked to I stay on top of them until they die and their grandparents I'm kind of
joking kind of not that's my job I'm gonna follow up with everybody because when they think real estate I want them to think right then you've got follow-through following through is the easiest thing to do but the one that people have the hardest time with it's just doing what you say you're going to do if you meet someone at an event and they say actually I am looking for a home cool you say I'm gonna send you something right now but said when I get home and we said you were listing do it it's blows
my mind how many real estate agents out there say they're gonna do something and then they don't do it and then probably the most important F is following back anyone that you've ever met anyone you've ever worked with going back to them hey happy birthday hey congrats on your one-year closing anniversary the house across the street from you just sold for a record price aren't you happy you the deal you did follow up follow through follow back those are the three acts that is step six you do that on top of everything else you are
now well on your way to crashing it and now a quick word from our sponsors this video is brought to you by the good people over at audible audible is one of the greatest companies in the world actually when I was writing my book I thought to myself man who reads books anymore literally but I knew I wanted it to be on ottoman so if you go to you can download sound like sir ham and you can listen to all of the chapters the same way you would listen to podcast you can listen to
it on the go it's actually really cool and I read it myself but audible is an amazing amazing place and it's not just for audiobooks you can get news you can get comedy they've got original content it's really really really really cool and if you go to the link that's right here in the link in the description which is slash Ryan Serhant and use this code somewhere here on the screen and you text it to five hundred five hundred you'll get a 30-day free trial and you'll get one audiobook download for free and two
audible originals crazy crazy make your mind right and make your body right to make your art right and you will be a better salesperson go to the link now type in the code we'll get your free trial step seven and I can't stress this enough become a people finder you are not a real estate agent you're not real estate you're not anything else you are someone who goes out and finds people all day every day people who want to rent people who want to buy people who want to sell and you want to find other
real estate agents build real estate agent relationships next to you both in your office in other offices go to other people's open houses go to broker open houses go to networking events where other real estate like-minded people are and become part of the conversation now there's social media you can meet new people through hashtags on Instagram you can meet new people through DM on Twitter you can meet people through LinkedIn through Forbes there's so many ways you can meet new people and you should be using all of those platforms to build your personal brand and
to shout it from the rooftops through social media because that's what I use social for both Instagram Facebook Twitter YouTube I'm continuously reminding people every single day actively and passively that I'm the greatest real estate agent in the history of the world and that when you think real estate you should use me and that's what it's for so do that as well as meeting people on the street and talking to your mom and your mom's new boyfriend become that people finder and they will bring you more business and a bonus step step eight I know
the caption the video said that there were the seven steps to becoming a real estate agent that's true but one little bonus step that I want to give to you especially is everybody else in the professional workforce trains they study think about professional athletes they make so much money they spend ninety five percent of their time practicing and only five percent of their time in their life playing games that we watch salespeople for some reason don't think that way they spend ninety five percent of their time in games meaning two with Cline's talking to people
on the phone not practicing not studying at all thinking to themselves oh I'll just get more experience and I'll learn more and then they spend maybe five percent of their time maybe taking a course here and there they don't focus enough and so I'm imploring to you as my last little bonus step I want you to focus I want you to train I want you to study being the best salesperson you can be who's gonna make the most money whether you're doing this full-time or part-time takes practice and it takes training and it takes learning
from somebody who knows what they're doing so I created a course just for you you ready this is how you do it turn negatives into positives it's a really beautiful building to look at and it's not like it's another residential building where everyone's looking into your apartment do a fireplace in your current apartment hey don't would you like one why not there it is I'm literally gonna walk you through how I've done everything my entire career and how I do it today and that's what this course is about I want to show you exactly how
I did that [Music] it comes out tomorrow Thursday August 15th I've been working on it my entire life it's everything I've ever learned about real estate ever how I do everything the course is right here it's through my website Ryan Serhant comm slash course you can sign up now or you can go there after August 15th it's super easy and I promise you it is going to help you sell more make more and live a much better lifestyle that's how you become a real estate agent that's how you become a million dollar broker I will
see you on the other side of success ready [Music] thanks for watching the vlog now go sign up for my real estate course it is the only real estate agent sales course you will ever need and if you don't do real estate you just do sales or you just are a human being you should sign up for a two because it is going to make you a better business person go to Ryan Serhant comm slash course or click the link right here in the description it is going to change your life I'm gonna help you
sell more real estate I'm gonna help you sell more stuff I'm gonna help you make more money I'm gonna make your life better okay Ryan Serhant comm slash course go there right now why are you still watching this go there now open a new tab plus hit the plus sign do that go there right Lincoln bio why are you still watching me talk I don't understand time is money
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