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in any discipline there are some fundamentals that if you get those right and you master the fundamentals that discipline is going to work better for you than it worked if you didn't have those fundamentals down um they're called Basics the fundamentals and we're going to talk about the fundamentals of Financial Freedom today the first thing I'm going to say about Financial Freedom is this a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that Financial Freedom and Financial Security are the same thing and they are not so what do I mean by that I heard Robert
G Allen co-author of one minute millionaire author of nothing down author of multiple streams of income I heard him say this one time and I thought this is brilliant he said in life there are two doors how many doors in life there are two doors he said one is marked Freedom the other is marked security he said if you choose the door Mark security you get neither but if you choose the door Mark Freedom you get both and I thought that is such a good analogy Benjamin Franklin said if we seek security we have no
Independence Helen Keller said security does not exist in all of nature neither do the sons of men man as a whole experience it life is either a daring Adventure or nothing at all my question is what do you make in your life are you making it a daring Adventure or are you going to allow it to be nothing at all it's the fact that it might not work that makes it working so worthwhile like if you remove the risk you also remove the reward because the risk that you had to overcome to get to the
reward is what makes the reward reward desirable or it's one of the things that makes it desirable it's not the only thing I am really not terribly coordinated today but it's okay there are other days for coordination so what are the what are the fundamentals and I'm going to I'm I'm going to in fact I'm going to stay over here on the board the whole time cuz cuz there are fundamentals to success and these fundamentals are absolutely uh if you if you get if you get half of them right your life's going to get better
like you like even if you don't get all of them right it's it's it's interesting how even when you take people who operate at the highest level in the world they're like they're like the best of the best at some fundamentals and at others they're just okay like Tiger Woods at the top of his game was number one in driving distance but he was number seven in driving accuracy right um Steph Curry is the greatest three-point player of all times but there's stuff he's not great at right Allan Iverson may be been one of the
best certainly was one of the best ball handlers ever but he wasn't great at everything right like you don't have to have all you don't have to be great at all the fundamentals you have to be you have to be proficient at all the fundamentals you have to have some skill level at all the fundamentals but you don't have to have you don't have have to have all of them dialed in okay the first one the first fundamental of Financial Freedom is environment and by in in wow why does this keep doing this because something
I'm doing and that's a v so I'm going to do this over my vibe board is acting wonky and it thinks I'm acting wonky environment environment okay so environment what does that mean that means um it's going to be easier to create Financial Freedom in some environments than it is in others now if you're a child you have no control over your environment if you're an adult and you live in a country that does not allow you to accumulate and create wealth now that that's going to that's going to have an effect but again like
I talked about in a video that I recorded earlier this morning that's a that's a contributing factor it's not a determining Factor because even in the United States of America there are plenty of people plenty of people who were born into slavery but they figured out how to get free and they died free so think about that so environment is a contributing factor it's not a determining factor it's not more powerful than your will I think about the children of Israel and when they came out of Egypt from Egypt to the promised land was an
11-day Journey you know how long it took him 40 years took him 40 years to go 11 days worth of distance why because they resisted receiving the promise because the obstacles were big they looked at the environment said yeah this is a really great environment but the Giants though but what about the Giants right so environment your environment contributes to the person you become but it doesn't determine the person you become and what you have to do is you have to acknowledge the environment that you're in and work within that environment now when you have
an opportunity to place yourself in an environment that is more conducive to the outcomes that you desire then do that and now you've got more leverage towards creating Financial Freedom does that make sense for instance I I I'll give you for instance when it come to environment um I used to live in the state of Pennsylvania okay Pennsylvania had state income tax has state income tax right so it's going to be more work to create Financial Freedom in the state I'm not hating on Pennsylvania I'm just making an observation right in the state of Pennsylvania
it's going to be more challenging to create Financial Freedom than it is in the State of Florida that has no state income tax Califoria has a an insanely High tax but not only do they have not only does the environment is it is it heavy heavily taxed but it's also heavily regulated so the more heavily regulated the more heavily reg and the more heavily taxed an environment is the harder it is for people in that environment to break free based on that taxation and that regulation does that make sense so if you have the opportunity
to put yourself in an environment where freedom is more likely then put yourself in that environment where freedom is more likely um when I had aob job my income was limited by the amount of money that my employer would pay me so when I had a job I didn't just have a job I had a job that I worked during the day but I had a business that I worked at night so all the major my the Genesis of my business skills was were created at night when I came home from my job that I
woke up at 2:30 in the morning to go to I was a trash man I woke up at 2:30 in the morning so I get to the yard to make sure I checked the um the tire pressure and the hydraulics in my truck before I went to dump the truck at the at the um landfill so I get up in the morning at 2:30 I go to work I'd work eight hours sometimes 10 hours I'd come home I'd take a nap and then I'd go out on appointments to sell insurance and Investments and when I
got started I was terrible at sales but guess what I knew the environment of me having my own business even though I wasn't good at business was a better en enironment for me to create freedom for my family than just working a job and only making the amount of money somebody else tells me that they're willing to pay for that work that job that I'm doing so I'm not saying quit your job and go start a business I'm saying turn your television off and go start a business I'm saying like quit the bowling league and
the golf league and go start a business I'm saying use your discretionary time to emancipate yourself from Financial bondage that's what I'm saying and so you can you can determine your environment so I I was uh I I went to Las Vegas um last week or week before I don't remember because all the days run together after a while so I went to Las Vegas because Russell Brunson one of my business coaches he was having virtual funnel hacking live he called it funnel funnel hacking live International he invited all the people from his inner circle
to come so I'm there and so one of my one of the his inner circle students who used to be one of my students she said to me she Saidi got a question for you Mar why do you still come to these like why are you here which is a valid question right um because I certainly wasn't going to learn how to do something to make some money I mean think about it like oh if I could just if I could just get one more idea I wasn't looking for an idea and I told her
I said this is why I come here I come here because this is an environment an environment where I grow and I noticed I noticed while I was there that that ideas I was getting ideas not from something somebody was saying just be being in the room with all this entrepreneurial energy I was getting ideas that I don't get when I'm in other spaces even when I come in here I get ideas in this room when y'all are here I get ideas when y'all are here all these folks are watching on YouTube I get ideas
when I'm in this environment then I don't get when I'm in another when I'm on the golf course or just sitting on an airplane sitting on an airplane I was going to say sitting on playing about around a bunch of random people or um in a public place around a bunch of random people that I don't I don't get the same ideas don't come to me see well I don't I don't think people understand how how real energy is in fact energy is so real it is the essence of reality and God is the Ultimate
Energy obviously God is the Ultimate Reality like spirit is spirit is more real than than physical matter how do I know because physical matter didn't make spirit Spirit made physical matter so Spirit has to be more real energy has to be more real invisib invisibility is reality physicality is nothing more than a manifestation of reality for those of you who are watching me on your phone right now on your iPad on your big screen television guess what I'm not in your phone I'm not on your tele on your iPad and I'm not in your television
but that's where you see me I'm manifested there but I'm not there right that's not me that's just a manifestation of me this physical body that that I'm wrapped in this as some people call it this meat suit that I'm wrapped up in it's not me it's just the manifestation of me notice in Genesis chapter 1 it says and God said let us make man in our image and after our image I mean let us make man in our image and after our likeness so God made man in Genesis chapter 1 but if you keep
reading Genesis chapter 2 the Lord God formed man of the Dust of the ground and then breathed into to his nostrils the breath of life and the Man became a living Soul so God breathed the man that he made into the body that he had formed so environment matters and so when you allow yourself like every time I pick up a book and I'm reading a book that was written by somebody who took 20 years to learn something two years to write it down in the book in a book I am literally downloading not just
the words on the page but I'm I'm changing my environment I'm allowing myself to be exposed to the energy that they were that they were emoting when they were creating this book that I'm reading and so what we have to do is we have to immerse oursel in a different environment I I I hated reading you know why I hated it because I wasn't good at it I never read a book till I was 17 16 16 I started reading the Bible this first book I ever started reading other than a karate book or comic
book I read karate books because I like karate and I read comic books because they were easy just keeping it real and the best books ever karate comic books those are the best right and so uh then I start reading this Bible this big thick book little bitty words no pictures two columns okay let's go but now I can't not I can't I can't get in my car and not listen to an audio book I can't sit down and not have a book to open it up and allow somebody else's ideas to permeate my brain
change the environment get an environment you know that's why I like masterminds I like being in masterminds where I'm around other people who are thinking about the same kind of things I'm thinking about okay so environment that's one two super big perspective I said it before I'll say it again we don't see things the way we are the way they are we see things the way we we are perspective perspective what's perspective the angle from which you see a thing you want Financial Freedom you have to start looking at money from a different angle what
there are there are far too many powers that be that would desire us to think that there are ideas situations ideologies that only have one side not possible have any of you ever flipped a one-sided coin have you ever eaten a one-sided piece of bread a one-sided pancake have you ever written on a one-sided piece of paper no why because it cannot exist it is impossible for anything to exist with only one side I submit to you that the majority of the frustration that you experience in your life if not all of it comes from
the fact that you are focused on a singular perspective and you are either un willing to flip it over and look at the other side or the thought just never occurred to you I let me ask you a question can you have a conversation with people you disagree with and still be civil I know you can at least I know you think you can but the greater our need for ensus the lower our belief what does that mean the more I need someone else to agree with my perspective the less I actually believe it because
if I actually believe something I can believe it all by myself it doesn't matter how much noise people make it doesn't matter who says it like anybody can like if somebody if somebody wants to persuade me that the sky is green and the grass is blue I ain't buying but I ain't mad at him maybe they're just color blind and and here's what's fascinating perspective is an amazing amazing thing the Bible gives us some the Bible gives us some some very good insights into perspective like what look not every man on his own things but
look every man also on the things of others wow that's a good perspective which what does that mean that means when anybody whenever anybody disagrees with me about anything ever I am right 100% of the time that's what that means y'all didn't look confused okay you say my what do you mean when somebody disagrees with you about anything ever I'm you're right 100% of the time well I'm right 100% of the time somebody disagrees with me about something in the Bible I'm right 100% of the time somebody disagrees with me about something in society in
politics in media somebody disagrees with me about anything I'm right 100% of the time what do you mean bro you're right 100% of the time here's what I'm right about there's a 50% chance they could be right and a 50% chance I could be right and if they're right I want to know so I can change and if I'm right I want to know so I can stand so when I say I'm right 100% of the time I don't mean I'm right on the position that I have I'm right in realizing that there's a good
possibility that I'm right and I believe I'm right but I'm open to the possibility I might be wrong if when I become unwilling to entertain the possibility that I might be wrong I'm afraid to find out a truth that I am unwilling to accept oh snap that's the problem in that's one of the biggest problems in the world today we are attempting to silent opposing voices I know for a fact somebody said unless it's your wife but but they think I'm married to their wife I'm just kidding I'm just kidding so now I messed myself
up um but the reality is the reality is the reality is like we live in a world that wants to silence all opposing voices the truth does not ever have to be afraid of a lie but if a lie is not afraid of the truth and does not silence it it will not be around very long so what we want to do is we want to silence voices so that people don't even hear what the opposing view is because we're afraid it's going to mess up our agenda whatever that is so perspective about money will
have everything to do with Financial Freedom what do what do I mean well if your perspective is that money is inherently evil because you might say well but the Bible says the love of money is a root of all evil I know I know that's what it says that's the logos what's the Rama the logos is what it says the Rama is what it means what's the Rama the Rama is see people think the love of money is the root of all evil that means that every evil in the world is here because of money
well that can't be true that can't be true stop it you say my what do you mean that can't be true well can't be true because had it been true Eve would have eaten the fruit because the serpent paid her if it if if if the love of money is the root of all evil means that all every single solitary evil in the world is here because of money then every thing that everyone has ever done wrong they would have done it cuz somebody paid them so whatever it means whatever the love of money is
the root of all evil means it can't mean that I don't I I mean like I don't even have to think about that for 15 seconds to know that it can't mean that okay it doesn't mean that the love money is the root of all evil well it has to mean something that's right it has to mean something but whatever it means the Bible does not contradict itself in the same Bible that says the love of money is is root of all evil also says the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he adth
no sorrow with it so whatever the love of money is the root of all evil means it doesn't contradict that are y'all tracking see but you have a perspective like how much money you want to make not too much I want to get into heaven it's why it's easier for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven I mean it's easier for a camel to go through the ey and needle right okay I get that it's it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a
rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven I get that I believe that's true but Mar aren't you rich depends on who you ask you ask Bill Gates probably not ask Elon Musk that that little dude right okay depends who you ask okay but yes I am aren't you worried about getting into heaven because you have too much money no because I know that's not what that scripture is talking about whatever it means it can't mean that Abraham was rich he wasn't just Rich he was very rich go read Genesis CH 13:2 it says
and Abram was very rich in cattle on silver and gold so whatever it's easier for the camel to go through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven whatever it means it's not going to contradict that and God's the one that made Abraham Rich it's not going to contradict that but your perspective is skewed and your perspective is skewed because people who have a limited understanding of Truth give you their limited understanding of Truth not realizing that it's like a half truth as a whole
lie what is that what is what what what does that mean half truth is whole lie well it means that you cannot okay I wasn't going to do this but I'm going to have to do it now so just make sure I'm good on oh I'm good on time so the Hebrew word for truth is the word am Olive me Tav Olive mtav what does that mean Olive mtav every Hebrew word is built if I write H2O on the board that we know that's what say it loud water that's water okay but I didn't write
w a t e r I just gave you the components of water well guess what every Hebrew word is not just spelled it's buil in other words every one of these letters is a component that makes up this doesn't just spell truth it builds truth this is how truth is built what does that mean well this is the first letter in the Hebrew alate this is the middle letter this is the last letter what does that tell us about truth it tells us you can't know the truth about anything unless you see the beginning the
middle and the end of the thing are y'all tracking all three of these letters stand on oops stand on two legs there are three letters that stand on two legs what does the scripture tell us about Truth at the mouth of two or three Witnesses let everything be established so each one of these three letters stands on two legs so it it is a witness of itself this letter represents God W this is this this is lit represents God Olive the word Elohim begins with an olive an olive is made of two yods and a
yod is a hand above is a nail or a hook the word that represents God the letter that represents God is made of two hands and a nail me is the might of the ocean this is God's Mighty and this is a Tav is a cross or a covenant to is a cross or Covenant so what is what is truth truth is God's Mighty Covenant what's a a covenant is a promise between two or more IND an agreement between two or more individuals based upon a mutual love and Trust where they promise to protect the
other and keep their word to the other on their very existence so the Covenant like the Covenant is truth is that God is saying in the word truth God is saying if I lie I die which by the way brings us to this point this is letter represents God the word meav spells the word me m e t h me what is me me is death in Hebrew so if you separate God from the truth all you have left is death if God himself does not keep his word he has to die that's why God
refers to himself as The God Who Cannot Lie not the God who does not lie not The God Who will not lie but The God Who Cannot Lie why if he lies he ceases to exist if he ceases to exist everything ceases to exist this is the the nature of truth I can go on and on and on and on I'm not going to I think this this if you think about this God that represents the father me the might of the ocean that represents the spirit of God the spirit of God moved upon the
face of the waters and the top to represents the sun I'm done oh I want to tell you the next one so the word the word for falsehood the word for falsehood in Hebrew is is the word cough how do you okay couldn't remember how to make a cough okay this sheer okay sheer Shin kof R is the word for falsehood huh that's interesting notice that all of these letters stand on one leg now interesting thing about this is these are three letters remember the the olive I mean a met is the begin first letter
the middle letter and the last letter the word sheer is based on three letters that are really really close to each other it's a small sliver but in the word falsehood or sheer they're out of order because in the Hebrew alphabate uh um I need kof R Shin so this this one comes before kof R and then this one comes after those so the these are three things that are really close together but they're out of order that's what what falsehood is when you look at some a small sliver of something that's out of order
that is a falsehood the number that represents truth which I didn't go into is the number nine or the number 441 but 4 plus 4 is 8 plus 1 is n the number that represents shcker is um is 100 200 300 how much is that that's 600 6 Plus 0 is 0 six sorry 600 I wrote 6,000 okay six 6 Plus 0 6 Plus 0 6 so the number for the number for truth is nine the number for falsehood is six what's six an upside down nine what's a lie an upside down truth like only
a sovereign God could have this much detail in the creation of everything okay say my what's your point my point is my point is that if you have if the one of the reasons people misunderstand the Bible is because they take a small passage of scripture or a single verse they take it out of context which is out of order and then they come to a conclusion on it and then they start teaching false doctrine that they think is true but every there are no isolated doctrines in scripture and there are no contradictory doctrines in
scripture so when the Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil it doesn't mean the love of money is the root of every single solitary evil in the world it means that when people love money they will do the word the word all in that verse is the is the um key word when people love money they will do all kinds all types all manner of evil the word all does not mean every single solitary in that verse it means all kinds all types all manner so when people love money here's
what it means when people love money they will sell drugs to people to make money that harm those people and I'm not just talking about what they call Corner pharmacists I'm talking about I'm not talking about Street pharmacist I'm talking about all like the pharmaceutical industry when people love money they will use people to get it so the love of money is the root of all evil so if you if you have all of these internal conflicts around money you will never work to become something that you despise so you in order for you to
have Financial Freedom you have to change your perspective okay I can go on and on and on and on and on and on just about perspective so I happen to believe that wealth is inherently good I believe that I believe that with every fiber of my being that wealth is inherently good if it were not inherently good God would not have blessed so many other people in the people in the Bible with it and so many people in our world with it if it was inherently evil wealth is inherently good even though inherently evil people
use it for evil a hammer is good if you're driving a nail but if you're hitting somebody in the head with it n not so much so perspective you want Financial Freedom it's going to require income do you understand that income is the result of something income does not exist in a vacuum that's why politicians every time they say they're going to solve income inequality they're always lying because you can't solve income inequality because income is the result of something income is the result of value both intrinsic value and perceived value the perceived value cannot
outweigh the intrinsic value in other words you can't make it seem more valuable than it is or not real value and there are a lot of people in the world who've retained wealth and a lot of income by increasing the perceived value without increasing the intrinsic value but if you have the intrinsic value and you don't have the perceived value nobody's buying it so you actually have to have both are you tracking okay so income well where do we get our income from well you can get income from wages it's not bad to get income
from wages but it's not the most ideal so if you get income from wages you would do yourself a service to add something to that I had I have any of y'all seen I probably shouldn't well I'm going to tell you anyway I'm going to tell you have any of yall seen the YouTube videos by School of Hard KNX this kid that goes around us is that your is that your yacht is that your Rolls-Royce is that your how did you afford to buy that what kind of business do you have right okay tell me
about your faith right okay so that young man came to Tampa two days ago and he calls me he's like heyy you can you do an interview sure let's do it so we did an interview I made him advs we did this like interview thing and I ask him this question how old are you he said 22 he's 22 years of age and he and his brother have partnered together to build this really successful YouTube channel and an agency at 22 right he didn't do that with wages he did that by starting his own business
so so you can you can do it with wages uh you can do it by starting your own business and you can do it with Investments say which one's best M well if if you don't make enough money from your business Investments please keep earning your wages people say oh Mar I want to quit my job so I can build my business wrong answer but we do have some nice constellation process for you in the back do not quit your job to start a business I mean you can if you want to but I promise
you you will find out it is a mistake instead of quitting your job to build a business come home from your job and go build your business and get your family involved with you it'll change the game for you come home get your family involved go build your business on the side when the income from your business is twice as much as the one from your job then if you want to quit your job quit your job why nothing will inspire you to build a business that you love like having a job that you hate
so even if you hate your job especially if you hate your job don't quit it how's that for insight okay in so income here's the next one character by character what I mean when I say character I'm talking about self-control I'm talking about your ability to control yourself what does that mean managing your money making sure that your outgo does not exceed your income so the upkeep does not become your downfall stop making financial decisions based on emotion how many yall tracking but I don't I just love it though love it later you got to
we like there's not a person alive that doesn't have to do things they don't love in order to achieve things they do love I don't love working out but I love being fit so I got to do something I don't love so I can have something I do love you know what I'd rather do and like DD will attest to this I would rather play golf all day every day or prob or practice all day every day can I get an amen from the back row I would I'd rather do that I love I love
golf like it's my it's my but I don't play golf every day I used to play golf every day okay so now I'm confessing in front of the world but I don't play golf every day anymore but I like I there's a whole bunch of stuff I do that I don't love to do oh well I don't like leaving home I love being at home love it I don't like traveling I love to because I love to travel you can have my share I like being at home all my stuff is at my house my
guitar is at my house my bed is at my house my my house is at my house my workout equipment is at my house okay my family at my house is anybody confused okay so but you got to have enough character to do things that you don't want to do so you can afford to do things you do want to do oh isn't that interesting if you focus on environment perspective income and character it's kind of it's kind of Epic you can have epic Freedom oh I see what you did there some of y'all caught
it some of y'all caught it before I even showed it to you well but wait there's more this is one of my favorite ones to talk about and I do have time to talk about okay focus focus focus is so absolutely essential you know what most people are really really good at being distracted the number one commonality I see in people who struggle financially is they focus on distraction and ignore intention the number one commonality that I see in people who have attain some level of Financial Freedom is they focus on intention and ignore distraction
now I know I'm I'm gonna talk to my entrepreneur entrepreneurs out there whose family thinks you're crazy your family if you are a new entrepreneur your family thinks you're crazy your friends think you're crazier than your family thinks you are can I get a witness but here's the reality people say you're so out of balance and they say it like like the 11th commandment was Thou shalt be balanced right you're so out of balance you're so out of balance well no duh when I was broke I didn't deserve to be balanced I won't say if
you're broke you don't deserve but when I was broke I didn't deserve to be balanced why I was broke because balance is not the objective of life balance is a season of life and it's never winter and summer in the same place at the same time sometimes in Texas it is okay okay but it's never winter and summer in the same place at the same time and you're never going to be in focus and imbalance in the same person at the same time here's how it works when it's winter it ain't summer am I talking
too fast and when it's summer it ain't winter how many you tracking okay well guess what when you're in Focus you're out of balance and when you're in Balance you're out of focus and all of us have seasons of focus and seasons of balance you're out of balance when you're at work eight hours a day and and you're home with your family for like less than that a you're home awake you're home you're at work awake working for8 hours a day and you're at home with your family for less than that you're out of focus
I mean you're out of balance but you're in Focus see if you I'm just going to go spend all day with my family because I'm so out of balance yeah but your family's going to be living on the street for long because you thought balance was the objective balance is a season you know what when you first start out your life your seasons of focus and especially in business your seasons of focus this big your season the balance are that big Focus balance Focus balance Focus balance and then eventually get to the point where focus
is not doesn't have to be as big and balance gets a little bit bigger and then Focus gets a little smaller and balance gets a little bigger then focus and balance then focus and balance then focus and balance they're both the same size I focus the same amount on balanced and then eventually and focus this much I got this much balance Focus this much got this much balance Focus this much got this much balance Focus this got this much balance What If instead of having a desire to retire you had a desire to Aspire Higher
by having seasons of focus and focus when I started this business right here my business of coaching Consulting training Etc there were many nights I was up all night duplicating the tapes that I was going to ship out that I sold over the last weekend before I could go to my next event many nights up all night and see people you're so out of Bal I miss some of my kids' games I miss some of my daughter's recitals I miss some of my son's plays I missed some stuff in my kids's life but guess what
I was missing stuff that they were doing so they didn't have to miss it Focus resourcefulness resourcefulness but my and I don't have any resources maybe and maybe you just don't have enough resourcefulness to see the resources and use the resources you have I submit to you that resourcefulness is more important than resources because if you're resourceful you will figure it out I loved when I read a narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglas by the way if you haven't read that book I don't care if you're black white asian Hispanic like you read a
book that will change your life read The Narrative a narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglas his autobiography when he talks about the fact that his master's wife was teaching him how to read and he talks about the fact that his master came in one day and caught his wife teaching Frederick Douglas and other slave children how to read and he just went off woman you can't teach these slaves how to read you teach a Slave how to read they'll start reading books they'll realize the world is so much bigger than the world they live
in now they'll never be content to be a Slave again and whatever you do don't ever let a slave read the Bible and Frederick Douglas as a child decided with his resourcefulness that if the person who owned him and could kill him and not be prosecuted could sell his mother away from him or him away from his mother if that person was that dead set against him learning how to read it was the most important thing he must learn how to do and because he worked in the big house he would take leftovers from the
master's table and exchange it with poor white kids in the neighborhood in exchange for them teaching him how to understand letters and every time he found the piece of paper with some letters on it he would take it back to his slave quarters and he would practice his reading until he got so eloquent like I'm I was 20 something when I read his autobiography there were words in his autobiography I had to look up in the dictionary this is a self-taught man he became so eloquent as an oror that he gained an audience with the
president of the United States and the Queen of England and was instrumental in the abolition of slavery in the United States of America not because he had resources but because he had resourcefulness we could all learn something from that and like how am I going to have an excuse after that okay how are you going to have an excuse after that okay resourcefulness experience what does that mean experience means you have to actually know how to do something that other people care about right I talked about income income what's income income is a result of
value exchange right like the the amount of income you create or you that you make is going to be determined by the amount of value that you create and the number of people you create that value for if you create value for more people you're going to make more income if you create a big a higher level of value you're going to create more income so experience you have to actually know something that gives you the ability to solve someone else's problem here's how here's what's really cool just look at the problems youve solved for
yourself that'd be a pretty good place to start showing other people how to solve their problems like I'm not good at everything I'm just good at the stuff I'm good at you know what you know you know one of the reasons I'm really good at teaching sales because I was so terrible at sales when I first got started I was terrible it was like I'm going out knocking on people's doors I'm doing these presentations for this insurance and everybody's saying no no no bro so bro no oh bro no no no n o it's a
two-letter word bro which which letter you having a hard time with the n o no not for a month not for a week not for a year but for 18 months everybody that I talked to said no and I talked to a bunch of everybody's everybody said no but you know what I did I lasted through the learning curve and finally I did a presentation and somebody said yes and I got a commission check $125 66 I can see that I lit I can see it there was red it was red ink it was put
in red ink on like gray paper and I'm like I showed it to my wife I said baby we gonna be rich within a couple months I was the top sales guy in our office every month how did you go from not being able to make a sale to being top I I went through all the ways that wouldn't work to make a sale the only thing I had left were ways that would work but see some of us are unwilling to do enough iterations while we're bad in order to get good but is your
freedom worth it I submit to you if yours isn't your children's is energy everything is energy energy is neither created nor destroyed it just changes form that's the first law That's the Law of energy the law of energy conservation everything is energy energy you need to create and Destroy just changes form now when you understand that high income which is what a lot of people would like to have it's a good like it's easier to create wealth from high income than is from low income but it's possible to create wealth from low income let's don't
be confused like whether you're you're rich poor middle class is not determined by how much money you make I know a lot of people make a lot of money and they're still broke so whether you're rich poor or middle class is not determined by how much money you make but it's determined by what you do with the money once you get it but High income is always the result of high energy High income is a high energy result here's here's a here's a here's a principle for you no high energy result will ever flow to
a low energy source no high energy result will ever flow to a low energy source what does that mean okay 747 y'all heard of those right big old airplane has an upstairs holds 419 passengers fully loaded with passengers luggage and fuel 987 th000 please somebody say That's Heavy That's Heavy That's Heavy oh it does fly but it shouldn't should it I'm I'm a little confused a 747 is so heavy that when they first made it they were having problems Landing because every time they landed the tires would blow out cu they got so hot Landing
that much weight then some genius figured it out if we fill the tires with nitrogen or hydrogen one of them one of those Jens what is it hydrogen nitrogen nitrogen I thought it was nitrogen blow up okay nitrogen where you feel you feel the you fill the tires with nitrogen nitrogen nitrogen gets cold Under Pressure so when you land the plane the tires actually get colder from all the pressure and they don't blow out W this is so cool I know I thought it was pretty cool but here's my point about the 747 you know
what you will never see in your life you will never see a 1974 Volkswagen Beetle engine strapped to the wing of a 747 and if you did it would not even budget why it does not produce enough energy in order to fly a plane that weighs that much you need a lot of what energy and a 747 has four engines if three of them go out it can still fly it won't fly very straight and it won't be very easy to fly but it'll still fly that's how overpowered a 747 is what if you overpowered
your business to the same degree that a 747 is overpowered what if you brought way more energy to your business and your Enterprise than was required for you to succeed be a whole lot harder to fail discipline I'm just going to say this about discipline what is discipline discipline is doing what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it the way you're supposed to do it and doing it that way every time you do it that's discipline then optimism here's the interesting thing about optimism has anybody ever heard of I think it's called
the the reisenberg principle of uncertainty anybody ever heard of that okay Edward's heard of it I've heard it okay so it it states that when you look at an object I'm not a scientist and I don't play one on television so this is as close as I understand it for all my science scientists out there okay when you look at an object you looking at the object changes the nature of the object when you look at it okay say why did you say that because optimism is a perspective it's looking at the positive side of
a thing I believe that your ability to succeed in life is going to be largely contributed to by your ability to look at the positive side of negative situations why because anybody can see the positive side of positive situations but how how much practice do you have seeing the positive side of negative situations because your you developing optimistic muscles is going to to your ability to succeed in life you got to have some optimism but Mar you don't understand it's so bad right now I understand that it's bad right now but if it's bad right
now the in that Badness there's a seed for an equal opportunity for good why have you ever written on a oneid a piece of paper have you ever eaten a one-sided piece of bread one-sided pancake flip the one-sided coin no why it cannot exist so if the situation is bad flip it over and find the good not because it makes the situation better but because it makes you better even the train agrees okay so optimism optimism changes how I look at a situation and remember I don't see things the way they are I see things
the way I am and remember people don't see you through their eyes people see you through your eyes and if you want people to look at you differently learn to look at yourself differently if you want to see a different situation look at it from a different side and then lastly momentum you know momentum would be easy to create where it not for inertia if you didn't have to overcome inertia and you could just create momentum momentum would be easy but momentum like getting a little bit of momentum is hard you know what's really hard
losing momentum and getting it back that really hard that feels like oh my goodness I'm at the dentist and they're like doing dental work with no novacaine right when you have momentum Everything feels easier it's not necessarily easier it just feels easier when you lack momentum and all you have is inertia Everything feels hard what's inertia inertia is an object at rest will remain at rest until unless it's acted upon by an outside force what's it what's momentum an object in motion will continue in motion until unless it's acted upon by an outside force do
enough iterations when it feels like it's not working keep doing it when it feels like nobody's buying keeps selling when you're not generating any income keep doing the business activity until what until the thing that has been working on you has worked on you long enough for it to work for you and if you will do that you will see that you will have epic Freedom that is the fun those are the fundamentals of Financial Freedom and if you will practice them I believe you can experience epic Financial Freedom in your life stay blessed by
the best hope this video has helped you and if not watch the next one it probably will all right we'll see you in the next video bye for now
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