This will find YOU at the right time, ALWAYS.. – Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Motivation Mastery™
In this powerful motivational speech, Dr. Joe Dispenza reveals the scientific truth about perfect ti...
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You're not here by accident. The fact that you're receiving this information right now isn't random chance. Scientists studying quantum mechanics have discovered something extraordinary: particles can influence other particles instantly, across any distance, completely independent of time and space.
This means every moment of your life, including this one, isn't just a random point on a timeline; it's a precisely orchestrated convergence of energy and information. Responding to your consciousness, when you understand this, you realize there's no such thing as wrong timing; there's only your readiness to receive. Right now, in this exact moment, something extraordinary is happening in your life.
You might not see it yet, but the universe has been orchestrating events, moving pieces into place, and creating the perfect conditions that will lead you exactly where you need to be. I've seen this happen thousands of times with people in our workshops, in our advanced retreats, and in my own life. Now, let me tell you about Sarah, a woman from our advanced workshop in Seattle.
For three years, she kept seeing the number sequence 11:11 everywhere: on clocks, receipts, phone numbers. She noticed it so often that it became impossible to ignore. Then, one day, she received a phone call at exactly 11:11 a.
m. about a job opportunity she hadn't even applied for. This position aligned perfectly with her skills, her passion, and the vision she had been mentally rehearsing during her morning meditations.
The company had found her profile through a series of seemingly random connections. But here's what the latest research in quantum physics shows us: there's nothing random about it. Scientists have discovered that particles separated by vast distances can influence each other instantly, defying our classical understanding of space and time.
This phenomenon, known as quantum entanglement, suggests that everything in our universe is connected in ways we're only beginning to understand. When you start paying attention, when you become aware of the patterns, you realize that timing isn't just about luck or chance; it's about resonance. It's about your energy matching the exact frequency of what you've been calling into your life.
The universe doesn't make mistakes with its timing; it's precise, it's intentional, and most importantly, it's working for you right now. And this is where it gets really interesting: every single thought you think sends a signal out into that quantum field. It's like throwing a stone into a pond; the ripples move outward, affecting everything they touch.
The latest research in quantum mechanics shows us that consciousness—your awareness, your attention—actually changes the behavior of particles at the smallest level. Think about that for a moment. Your thoughts aren't just abstract concepts floating around in your head; they're actual energy patterns that interact with the field around you.
When you wake up every morning thinking about your problems, reliving your past, or worrying about your future, you're literally instructing the quantum field to give you more of the same. You're staying connected to the old you, the old life, the old patterns. Here's what most people don't realize: 95% of who you are by the time you are 35 years old is a set of memorized behaviors, emotional reactions, beliefs, and attitudes that you learned from your past.
You are essentially running on autopilot, creating the same life over and over again. But this is where the magic happens: you can change this pattern. Let me break it down in simple terms: your brain doesn't know the difference between what's happening in your outer world and what you're vividly imagining in your inner world.
That's why Olympic athletes can improve their performance just by mentally rehearsing their sport—they're literally rewiring their brains without lifting a finger. The same principle applies to your life. When you start consciously choosing your thoughts, when you begin creating new emotional states on purpose, you're no longer at the mercy of your past programming.
You're telling the quantum field, "This is who I am now," and the field has to respond. It's a scientific law, just like gravity. I've seen people in our workshops completely transform their lives using these principles.
There was this businessman who had been stuck in a cycle of stress and anxiety for 20 years. Every morning, he would wake up already feeling overwhelmed about his day. But when he learned to break free from his past conditioning, when he started programming his brain with new thoughts and emotions before getting out of bed, everything changed.
Within three months, opportunities started showing up in his life that he couldn't have planned if he tried. The key is understanding that your thoughts are not confined to your head; they're signals that reach out into the quantum field, attracting or repelling possibilities based on their frequency. When you change your thoughts, you literally change the electromagnetic signature you're broadcasting to the universe.
And here's the beautiful part: the universe has to match that new signal. It's not personal; it's just physics. Now, this is fascinating: your body is actually designed to work with perfect timing.
Your heart, your brain, your entire nervous system—they're all working together like an orchestra, and when they're in sync, that's when the magic of timing really happens. Let me share something remarkable about your heart. Scientists at the HeartMath Institute have shown that your heart has its own brain, with about 400,000 neural cells.
It's not just pumping blood; it's sending signals, processing information, and communicating directly with your brain. When you're in a state of stress or fear, your heart rhythm becomes chaotic, like a jumbled radio signal. But when you're in a state of gratitude, love, or appreciation, your heart creates a smooth, coherent pattern, like a clear broadcast going out to the universe.
Here's what's happening in your brain when everything seems to fall into perfect timing: your brain waves shift from the busy beta waves of everyday thinking. To Alpha Waves— that's when you become more receptive, more aware of opportunities. It's like tuning your radio to exactly the right frequency to receive the station you want to hear.
I remember working with a teacher in our Advanced Workshop; she had been trying to manifest a new opportunity for years, but nothing was working. When we measured her heart rhythms, they were all over the place. She was literally broadcasting chaos into the field.
Once she learned to create heart coherence through our techniques, things started changing. Within weeks, she received three job offers, each one better than the last. The timing was perfect because her biology was finally in harmony with what she wanted to create.
Your body produces an electromagnetic field that extends several feet beyond your physical form. Scientists can measure this field with sensitive equipment. Think about that: you're not contained within your skin; you're broadcasting energy into space all the time.
When your heart and brain are working together in coherence, this field becomes more organized, more powerful. It's like upgrading from a weak Wi-Fi signal to a strong, clear broadcast. And so, the timing of opportunities in your life isn't just about luck; it's about biology.
When your body is in this coherent state, you become more sensitive to subtle cues in your environment. You notice things you might have missed before. Your intuition becomes sharper.
You're literally becoming biologically prepared to recognize and receive what you've been asking for. This is why some people seem to always be in the right place at the right time and not just lucky; they've trained their biology to be receptive. Their heart and brain are working together, creating a clear signal that attracts synchronistic events like a magnet attracts iron filings.
Here's something most people don't know: your brain is like a record that keeps playing the same songs over and over. Every morning, you wake up, brush your teeth with the same hand, follow the same routine, feel the same emotions, and think the same thoughts. Your brain loves this because it's efficient; it's familiar; it's safe.
But there's a catch: this is exactly what keeps you stuck in the past. Let me tell you about the science of neural pathways. Every time you have a thought, feel an emotion, or perform an action, your brain cells connect in a specific pattern.
The more you repeat this pattern, the stronger these connections become. It's like walking through a field of tall grass; the more you walk this same path, the more defined that trail becomes. But here's where it gets really interesting: we're actually addicted to our emotions.
When you feel stressed, your body releases stress hormones. When you feel angry, there's another cocktail of chemicals. Your cells have receptor sites for these chemicals, and they start craving them, just like someone might crave coffee or sugar.
This is why people keep recreating the same situations in their lives: they're actually addicted to the emotional states these situations produce. I work with a woman who always found herself in relationships with unavailable partners. No matter how much she wanted to change this pattern, it kept happening.
Why? Because she was addicted to the emotional rollercoaster these relationships provided. Her brain was wired to seek out situations that would give her the familiar chemicals of longing, drama, and eventual heartbreak.
So how do we break free from this programming? First, you need to become aware of your patterns. Start noticing your automatic thoughts and emotions.
When do they happen? What triggers them? This awareness alone starts weakening those neural pathways and can begin to bring you back to trust.
Next, you need to interrupt the pattern. The moment you notice yourself falling into an old thought or emotional pattern, stop. Take a breath.
This creates a pause in the automatic program—it's like pressing the pause button on that old record that keeps playing. Then, most importantly, you need to install a new program. This is where the real work happens.
Every morning, before you start your day, take time to rehearse being the person you want to become. Feel the emotions of already having what you want. Create such clear mental pictures that your brain and body believe it's already happened.
This isn't just positive thinking; it's neurochemical programming. When you combine clear intention with elevated emotion, you start building new neural pathways. You're literally carving new trails in that field of grass.
At first, these new paths might be faint, but with repetition, they become stronger, while the old paths start to fade. I've seen people in our workshops completely transform their personalities in a matter of days using these principles. A man who had been chronically anxious for 30 years learned to create new neural pathways of calm and confidence.
Within weeks, his family barely recognized him—not because he was acting differently, but because he had literally rewired his brain to be a different person. Remember, your past programming isn't your destiny; it's just a set of well-worn neural pathways, and you have the power to create new ones. Your brain is changing right now.
As you understand this, you're already starting to break free from those old patterns just by becoming aware of them. You know, the most exciting research in quantum physics is showing us something that ancient wisdom traditions have known for thousands of years: that everything in the universe is connected through an invisible field of information. When you understand this, you start to see that synchronicities aren't just lucky coincidences; they're actually glimpses into how reality works at the quantum level.
Science has proven that when two particles interact, they become entangled. From that moment on, whatever happens to one instantly affects the other, no matter how far apart they are. Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance.
" But here's what's amazing: this doesn't just happen with particles; your thoughts—your. . .
Intentions. Your very consciousness is entangled with the world around you. At our workshops, we've documented countless cases of synchronicity that defy traditional probability.
There was this artist who had been visualizing a specific opportunity for three months. One morning, she received three separate phone calls from people she hadn't spoken to in years, all connecting her to exactly what she had been focusing on. The mathematical probability of this happening by chance is so small it's practically impossible.
But it's not just about thinking positive thoughts; the field responds to the quality of energy you're broadcasting. Think of it like this: your consciousness is like a tuning fork. When you vibrate at a certain frequency through your thoughts and emotions, you cause other tuning forks in the field to vibrate at that same frequency.
This is called resonance and it's a fundamental principle of physics. The research shows that your brain can process 11 million bits of information per second, but you're only conscious of about 40 bits. So, when synchronicities occur, you're actually picking up on information that's always been there in the field; you've just tuned your awareness to notice it.
I remember working with a scientist who was very skeptical about all of this. He kept detailed records of events in his life for six months while practicing our techniques. What he discovered shocked him: the number of meaningful coincidences in his life increased by over 300% when he maintained a coherent heart-brain state.
This wasn't wishful thinking; this was measurable data. Understanding synchronicity isn't about believing in magic; it's about understanding that consciousness and matter are not separate things—they're different aspects of the same field. When you change your internal state, you literally change how this field organizes reality around you.
This isn't philosophy; it's physics. This is where everything we've talked about comes together in a practical way. When you sit down to meditate, you're not just relaxing; you're literally changing your brain waves to access different levels of consciousness.
Your brain moves from high beta waves of stress and overthinking into alpha waves, where you become more receptive to new possibilities. Let me share what happens in your brain during proper meditation. First, your brain waves slow down from beta to alpha; that's when the mental chatter starts to quiet.
Then, as you go deeper, you enter theta state; that's where you can actually reprogram your subconscious mind. Some of our advanced students even reach delta waves while staying conscious; that's when they report the most profound experiences of connection with the quantum field. There's a specific breath pattern we use in our meditations.
You breathe into your heart area while focusing on feelings of appreciation or gratitude. This isn't just a nice thing to do; it actually creates a measurable coherence between your heart and brain rhythms. When these two organs synchronize, your body produces chemicals that elevate your energy and consciousness.
One of our students, a busy mother of three, started with just 20 minutes of meditation each morning. Within weeks, she noticed something extraordinary: not only was she handling daily chaos with more grace, but opportunities started showing up in perfect timing. Her energy centers—what some traditions call chakras—were becoming activated, making her more sensitive to information in the field.
The key is consistency. You can't meditate once and expect your life to transform; it's like going to the gym. You need to train your brain to sustain these elevated states.
Start with focusing on your breath, then add heart coherence, and then begin activating each energy center in your body, from the base of your spine up to the crown of your head. And when you do this regularly, something remarkable happens: your nervous system begins to upgrade itself. You start operating at a higher frequency.
People around you might notice that you seem different—more magnetic. That's because you're literally broadcasting a different electromagnetic signature into the field. The most powerful part of meditation isn't what happens while you're sitting with your eyes closed; it's what happens when you open your eyes and take that elevated state into your day.
You're no longer thinking in the same way, no longer feeling the same emotions; you're actually walking through your life as a different person, and that's when synchronicities start to multiply. Here's the secret most people miss: your brain can't tell the difference between a real experience and one that you're vividly imagining. This is the key to creating your new reality.
Instead of waiting for something to happen to feel a certain way, you create the feeling first. This is what I call future memory programming. So think about this: every morning, when you wake up, before checking your phone or starting your day, take time to rehearse your future.
Not just think about it, but actually step into it with every sense you have. What does it look, feel, sound, and smell like? Your body should respond as if it's happening right now.
This isn't daydreaming; it's neurological programming. I worked with an athlete who used this technique to overcome a career-threatening injury. Instead of focusing on his current limitations, he spent time every day feeling the sensations of perfect performance.
He programmed his brain with such detail that his muscles would actually twitch during these sessions. Eight months later, he not only recovered but performed better than ever before. The key is emotional intensity.
When you combine clear intention with elevated emotion, you send a stronger signal into the quantum field. Most people wait for something good to happen to feel good, but that's the old model. In the new model, you're creating the feeling ahead of the experience; you're living from the end result.
This isn't pretending; this is training your nervous system to expect a new reality. Every time you do this, you're laying down new neurological tracks; you're programming your autonomic nervous system to match a future possibility. Instead of a past memory, when you do this consistently, your body starts to believe the future event has already happened.
The most powerful part is when you get up from your meditation: you maintain this state; you walk, talk, and make decisions as if you're already the person you're becoming. This isn't acting; it's living from a new level of consciousness. That's when the quantum field begins to organize events, people, and circumstances to match your new energy signature.
The present moment is where all possibilities exist. Right now, in this exact moment, all potential futures are available to you in what quantum physicists call the quantum field of possibilities. Most people miss the power of the present because they're either stuck thinking about the past or worrying about the future.
But the present moment is where you have true power to create change. When you understand how to access the unified field through presence, time becomes more flexible than you ever imagined. This isn't theoretical; we've seen it in our workshops.
There was a woman who had been trying to solve a complex business problem for months. In one moment of true presence, when she finally let go of her analytical mind and entered a state of pure awareness, the solution appeared instantly. What would have taken weeks or months of linear thinking collapsed into a single moment of clarity.
The quantum field doesn't operate by our normal rules of time and space. In this field, everything is happening simultaneously. Your future is not some distant point you're trying to reach; it's a possibility that exists right now, waiting to be selected by your consciousness.
When you enter a state of true presence, you step outside of linear time. You access what I call the eternal now, where all possibilities exist at once. Think of it like this: your consciousness is like a TV antenna that can tune into different channels of reality.
Most people keep their antenna fixed on one channel—their past programming—but when you enter the present moment fully, you can tune into any possibility. This isn't philosophy; it's supported by the latest research in quantum mechanics about the nature of time and consciousness. The key is learning to maintain this state of presence even as you go about your day.
It's not about sitting in meditation for hours; it's about bringing that same quality of awareness into every moment. When you do this, you start noticing how reality organizes itself around your state of being. Time seems to flow differently; synchronicities increase; the right opportunities appear exactly when you need them.
When you're operating at these higher levels of consciousness, the universe is constantly sending you feedback. It's like having a conversation with life itself, but you need to know how to read the signs—how to understand this universal language of energy patterns. These signs often show up in what most people call coincidences.
Maybe you keep seeing certain numbers, or specific words catch your attention repeatedly, or you meet exactly the right person at exactly the right time. This isn't random; it's feedback from the field showing you that you're in alignment with what you're creating. I remember a musician from our advanced workshop who started noticing butterflies everywhere after she began practicing these principles.
Not just real butterflies, but images of butterflies, references to butterflies in conversations, even songs about butterflies. She could have dismissed these as meaningless coincidences; instead, she recognized them as confirmation that she was in a state of transformation, just like a butterfly. The key is learning to trust your intuitive guidance.
Your intuition isn't some mystical force; it's your nervous system picking up information from the quantum field. When you get that gut feeling—that knowing without knowing how you know—that's your body receiving information beyond what your conscious mind can process. The universe always responds to who you're being, not just what you're doing, when you're aligned with the pattern of what you want to create.
When your thoughts, emotions, and actions are coherent, you start receiving clear feedback: doors open, the right people show up, resources appear. This is divine timing in action— not based on your calendar, but on your energy signature matching the frequency of your desired reality. Everything we've talked about today is already working in your life right now.
Your thoughts are creating signals; your heart is broadcasting energy; your consciousness is interacting with the quantum field. The only question is: are you doing this by default or by design? You don't need to wait for the perfect moment to start.
You don't need more information, more preparation, or more time. Right now, in this moment, you can begin. Start with your morning meditation; create that coherent state between your heart and brain.
Program your body with the emotions of your future before your feet hit the floor. Remember what you learned today about breaking free from past conditioning: your old patterns are just neural pathways waiting to be rewired. Your emotional addictions are just chemical dependencies waiting to be transformed.
Every time you choose a new thought, feel a new emotion, or take a new action, you're literally creating new neural networks. The field of infinite possibilities is responding to who you're being right now, not who you were yesterday, not who you'll be tomorrow—who you're being in this exact moment. When you understand this, when you truly live this, timing becomes perfect because you become aligned with the universal flow of creation.
So let this be the moment; let this be the time when you stop waiting and start creating. Because the truth is, this information didn't find you by accident; it found you at exactly the right time—the time when you were ready to become more than you've ever been before. The universe isn't happening to you; it's responding to you, and it's time to give it.
A new signal to respond to; there's time to get that damn breath to give it a feel of being lived up.
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