Make $150,000 in 12 months (full guide)

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if you need to make $150,000 in the next 12 months in this video I'm going to break down exactly what you need to sell how to sell it how to deliver it and where to find clients who are going to pay you no matter your experience or background my name is Mike Kellan I've helped over 17,000 agencies and marketers charge over $25,000 for their marketing services and last year we did over three $300,000 using this exact method without adding to my workload and I've helped hundreds of other agencies hit $150,000 a year $200 $250,000 a
year and More in recurring revenue and best of all this uses a very simple easy to follow four-step process with two slight changes when you want to get Advanced now if you're already working like 60 hours a week or if you're starting from scratch this process does not mean that you need to work crazy hours or grind it out if anything it's very formulaic it's easy to follow and this is a method that can help anyone hit a six figure year without breaking a sweat so you probably saw from the thumbnail we're going to start
with these kind of four stages and the goal of these is to help us hit $150,000 a year in which is important recurring Revenue which means the money just keeps coming in month on month and what's important to understand about this method is that if you're currently working weekends and evenings and you don't take time off this is going to help solve all of that my goal is to help you hit 150k but also work fewer hours in fact if you follow this you can even do it in just a few hours a day as
well as being able to take time off without adding to your workload so there's four stages and I think what's really important to understand is what makes this system work and what we're going to do is we're going to find a few kind of core characteristics so earlier I mentioned like who you're going to help where you're going to find them so we would start with where you're going to find your clients then who you're going to help like what problems do you solve and whose problems are you fixing we then look at what you're
actually selling and how to sell and deliver so this is sell and deliver and all of this combined basically creates a multiple six business that you can scale multiple times now everyone hopefully will know what a marketing funnel is if you don't not a big deal it's basically a way of converting people who don't know that you exist into Happy profitable repeat clients who refer you to their friends but there's some interesting things happen when we start to look at these stages typically we know that we have things like traffic we want traffic at the
top and then we generate leads from that traffic people who demonstrate their interest we generate sales and then ideally we generate Profit just because you're generating sales doesn't necessarily mean you're generating profit but what's really interesting about this model is that those four stages I mentioned above answer each one of these stages and when you understand what you have to plug in and what you have to do or Target in order to you know get these stages of the marketing funnel everything seems to fall in place so traffic is identifying where are your current clients
or your ideal clients leads is who are you helping who has problems that you can solve and whose problems are you solving sales obviously is what you are selling and profit comes from how you sell and how you deliver and I mentioned there's a couple of other stages as well we'll go into that so there's going to be a few numbers that I might kind of use in this process that you might think are insane maybe they're way too high the best way to start is just by following along and I promise you anything that
comes up and you think well I don't know how to do that piece I will cover in this video so our goal is 150,000 a year now to me the easiest way to do this is to make sure that we're only working with six clients so I want you to think about all the clients you're working with now would you like $150,000 a year in recurring Revenue with just six clients this is why this method is so powerful because what we're going to do is we're actually going to figure out the price first and we're
going to work backwards from that so the price that we're going to settle on you and I now is $225,000 which might sound like an insane amount of money to you but I promise you this will all make sense and I'm going to show you how to find clients who are willing to pay that kind of money how to convince them that you're worth it even if you haven't got any experience even if you're brand new to this even if you've been doing this a long time and you're current clients are like no way would
I pay that kind of money this is the Target now the very simple reason for this is because there's kind of orders of scale right in terms of the number of clients that you need to have and the amount of money that you want to make it actually goes this way down sorry if I want to make $150,000 technically if I had one client I could do that if I charge them 150k which is reasonable personally I think 25,000 is a good sweet spot for six now what a lot of people do is they'll say
I think I want to make $150,000 so I'm going to sell a150 people a $11,000 product and this is going to be extremely hard work because if you're currently struggling now to generate clients generating 150 of them is going to be 150 times harder I would rather work with six clients and get them to spend $25,000 which means means you only need to find one client every two months and what we're going to be doing and it's also important to know I'm going to show you how to justify this I'm going to show you how
to deliver on it we don't ask for 25,000 up front the way that I quite like to do this is I like to ask for anywhere between $2 and $3,000 usually $3,000 a $3,000 upfront like audit and this is what like gets them started and then $22,000 a month for 12 months now to some of you watching you're already like I don't know what I'm delivering I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm offering don't worry about any of that I'm telling you most people figure out all of the offer and they
figure out the deliverables and the stuff they're doing first and then they try to guess what the price is if you've done that you know how difficult it is because you're kind of going uh well I think it's probably about this much and that just doesn't work so we're going to work backwards $150,000 is our goal that's your goal and my goal so the numbers are based on what we want and I would rather work with six clients who understand what I do and I do really good work for those six clients and I justify
2,000 a month and when we work it out like this it ends up being about $25,000 so that's a really easy way for us to do the math so we now know our price the important thing to look at here is the order in which we tackle this now if you look at any of the other guys on YouTube other agency gurus you know the courses and all this type of stuff they will tell you what you need to look at is where to find clients first or what you are selling first and that's actually
fundamentally incorrect if you look at those two pieces first you are going to be spreading yourself Way Too Thin you're going to be selling in all kinds of different directions that's kind of the equivalent of saying well I know I want to sell books so I'm just going to go to a market and try to sell books because there's so many different types of people going to that market it's impossible for you to Target anyone who's willing to pay a decent amount where we're going to start is kind of in the middle and we're going
to focus on who who are you helping and what type of problems do they have so the reason that this is so powerful is we now know that we want to charge $225,000 for a client and so we're going to take this number and we're going to say what would someone else need to get in order for $25,000 to seem like a sensible investment not just sensible to seem like something that they should do even if they were brain dead and this just takes a little while so we'll go through this in a bit of
detail so let's say that I'm giving you $25,000 so that's what's going out what do I expect to get back now what a lot of agency gurus and the other people on YouTube are going to tell you is they're going to say well you need to deliver some kind of SAS there need to be some kind there need to be pages and there needs to be copy and you need to do their emails and they'll add in a ton of deliverables and they'll call this an offer and those guys are 100% wrong and the reason
I know they're wrong is because what do they end up trying to sell you a course and the course teaches you how to sell courses so they actually don't know what they're talking about so ignore that what I want if I give you $25,000 I want anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000 in return on investment right that's what I want if I give you 25 Grand I want to get double to four times my money back now again if you're like I don't know how to do that trust me I'm going to take you through this
entire process I know that we might not have met if we have met before hello if you have watched this stuff before then let me know in the comments but if you're brand new trust me I'm going to walk you through this entire process the biggest mistake that you can make is trying to determine the value of the $25,000 by all the stuff that you do and we know this to be true because if you were to deliver all of that stuff and it still didn't deliver a single customer to the client they would say
well that was a giant waste of time it doesn't matter how much stuff you produced to for them if it's not resulting in any clients what we tend to find is that people businesses customers they'll say yeah well I think we need a new website and I think we need ads and you say why do you think we need that and say well because we want leads I go great why do you think we want that well because ultimately we want to work with clients I go right tell me about those clients why do you
want those clients and they say well we're a coaching company and we sell a $12,000 corporate coaching program and so ultimately we're hoping that the website will result in clients now what you're going to do is you're going to skip all of this stuff and you're going to focus on this end result here you're going to say to people oh I can help you get $112,000 clients it's as simple as that now the reason this works especially if you haven't got any experience is that specificity gives the idea that you know what you're talking about
now I'm going to work out some of the numbers here with you but you don't sell websites you don't sell funnels even if you're a funnel Builder I'm a funnel Builder I love funnel Builders but you don't sell marketing funnels rule one of selling funnels don't talk about marketing funnels right you don't sell websites you don't sell ads you don't sell leads you sell this client uh result here at the end which we typically call a currency so if I was to give you $25,000 and let's say to make the maths easy let's say that
I run a coaching company that has has a $10,000 coaching product if you get me 5 to 10 of those clients within a year I will be extremely happy with the $25,000 investment now notice even this number here is fewer than one a month right in some cases it's one every two months if you were to find me five $10,000 clients $25,000 is a pretty decent payment if you were to find me 10 $10,000 clients I'd be even happier with that now some of you might be thinking yeah but I don't know how to find
I don't know how to find clients willing to pay me 10,000 so how can I help someone else find clients willing to pay 10,000 trust me I'm going to go over all of that I'm going to take you through every single piece of that process because it's actually much easier than you might think what we need to do is figure out what is costing someone between 50 and 100,000 and if it's more great if you happen to already know that your previous clients that you worked with let's say that they're an industrial consulting company and
you know that their typical fee is 50 Grand then perfect if you were to find them three new clients at 50 Grand you've made them $150,000 and that's netted them $125,000 profit because it's only cost them 25 Grand to find that this is critical if you can understand this you will never need to buy another marketing program another course another thing on copyrighting another sales training nothing again because you need to figure out what it is that the person is willing to buy so have we now figured out what would be worth $225,000 because if
you came to me and said hey Mike give me $25,000 and I'll write 25,000 tweets to for you I'd be like but I don't think that that's worth 25 Grand if you came to me and said hey Mike if you give me 25 Grand and I can find you two $50,000 clients I'd be like huh I'll give you that money right we need to make it specific and what we call currency for someone based around what it is that they want so we've now figured out we've begun to figure out who we're working with this
is really critical because who we're working with is going to influence where they are and some of this is going to seem a bit putting the cart before the horse for example it might seem a bit backwards and counterintuitive but trust me I've done this a bunch of times with a bunch of different businesses and this works every single time so you and I now know that our job is to help certain types of customers get the thing that they really really want and what we want to do is build something called a killer offer
now the killer offer is related to who they are we know that we're not working with people who sell $2 keychains on Etsy because we would have to sell 12 and a half thousand of them in in order to make any type of Roi this is where most marketing agencies go wrong is they work with customers who are basically in a death spiral already and even if they executed at a 100% Roi they still wouldn't make any money how often have you worked with a client where you've charged them I don't know even something simple
like five grand and then you do the maths and you think well the customer is only charging $10 which means that I have to find them $500 clients a year to justify the cost of just the five grand it literally doesn't work the maths doesn't work out whereas with our model if you start charging more and start working with specific types of clients they would end up going oh my God I absolutely want to work with this person because they're going to get me $10,000 clients or $25,000 clients and again trust me I'm going to
show you where you can find them and how we deliver on that so a killer offer is made up of a few parts we have a Who there's a lot of who's in this we have a unit we have a number and ideally a time so let's say that we've got coaches and let's say we've got Consultants let's say that we've also got industrial manufacturing and let's choose another one just for a laugh let's say authors you have to look at each one of these who in order to say well well how do they measure
success how do they determine that their business is profitable and working well how do they brag to their colleagues I brag to my colleagues about views on YouTube and affiliate sales right that's the unit that I use coaches if you want to guess I've already given it away earlier but if you want to guess 3 2 1 clients right okay Consultants what do they want again don't over complicate it clients what do manufacturing people want specifically what's the word that they use if they're going to be doing industrial manufacturing you might say they want clients
true but they want something specific manufacturers what they want is contracts that's actually how they measure it and I'll do a few more of these what do authors want now authors want Book Sales now you could argue that some authors what they actually want is a number one bestseller and that's true some authors want a number one bestseller they're not necessarily interested in Book Sales what they just want is the Kudos of having a number one bestseller let's do a few more of these SAS business what's the number one thing that a SAS business wants
how do they measure success what do they point to on their dashboards that goes up or down they go good the numbers are going in the right direction it is subscribers what about YouTubers you might say well they probably want views and subscribers no there's one currency that YouTubers want above all else that's really really really valuable to them sponsors some of them it might be AdSense but YouTubers who really know what they're doing what they want is sponsors let's do a few more what about influencers we'll do influencers and let's do Ecom businesses okay
what do influencers want again more than anything else and again we might say well they want followers they want yeah but why do they want that they want again similar to YouTubers they want sponsors what are e-commerce customers want you might go sales go let's get specific is a client when a coach says I want clients do we just say you want sales no we use specific language when a manufacturer says we want sales what do we say they want specifically contracts eCommerce want repeat customers for example we know that e-commerce businesses will typically lose
money on their first sale or at most break even and what they want is that customer to come back and continue spending money with them so we now we're beginning to understand the types of currency that these different people want now the number is really important we know that we're trying to generate $25,000 and bearing in mind some of these might end up being things that we can't necessarily help with and that's fine our job is not to help everyone right number let's say that we want to do 10 $10,000 we know that they need
to have a $110,000 product and if we can get them 10 of those we've made them more than their money back and we make our lives a little bit easier and we make them profit great same with Consulting maybe they have $10,000 Consulting clients manufacturing maybe their contracts are 50 Grand and again just imagine yourself going to a manufacturing saying I can help you get two more manufacturing contracts and it's just going to cost you 25 Grand I can help you get two $50,000 manufacturing contracts they go yeah sounds amazing now an author the number
would be either across maybe five bestseller lists for example or maybe Book Sales is they want to have 100,000 units shipped 100,000 books and it actually doesn't matter about the amount of money because that's what they're actually looking to do is shift 100,000 units another really good one by the way will use authors again cuz they're a funny breed authors what some of them might want is another thing is paid speaking gigs and you might think well how would I get that again don't worry about that at the moment if an author wants paid speaking
gigs and you say I can help you get let's say 5 to 10 $10,000 paid speaking gigs would that be worth $25,000 to to you and the author is going to go yeah that sounds incredible because the math just works out now let's say a SAS subscriber and again just for the sake of easy maths let's say it's $1,000 a year for them can you help them get 30 to 50 customers now bearing in mind they've usually got a three to five year customer lifetime value a lot of SAS customers so actually a customer to
them might be a th000 a year but they might actually be worth 5,000 so can you help them get 25 you help them get 50 you need to do the maths on this to figure out would someone want that so if you approach a SAS business and say I can help you get 25 new clients for your SAS bringing in at least it's probably ,200 a year right $100 a month now some of them they're not going to be worried about profit they're just doing the customer acquisition phase fine the point is with all of
this again sponsors I can help you get a $5,000 sponsor in order to pay 25 Grand I'd probably need to see 10 of those in order for it to make sense financially for me to spend 25 Grand you need to do the maths to understand is this worth them investing in and when you have found something where you think okay I'm going to help Consultants sorry I've done that Circle really really badly I'm going to help consultants get 10 $110,000 clients that's what I'm going to work on now here's the really important part the overall
time process is going to be 12 months but we're going to be working with them and we're going to start with between 21 to 90 days don't worry about the delivery in terms of how could I possibly do that trust me I'm going to take you through that process if we now went to our consultants and said I can help you find 10 $10,000 clients within 21 days does that sound like something worth spending 25 Grand on they would go oh my God absolutely yes correct we've now created a killer offer and so now the
key is understanding they need to already have a $10,000 product they need to have already made sales in the past and they need to be a consultant so now we can come up to the wear portion which is number two and start filling in this and while it does go in the funnel where who what when we're creating a product from scratch first we need to at least have an idea of who we're going to be working with first in order to understand where they are and this is a bit of a checklist and what
you might find is you need to do this EX size a few times because when we do the where portion we're basically saying where are they where do they hang out are they in other communities are there groups are there events there's a ton of places that we need to start looking at to say the consultant that we've got in mind all right it doesn't matter what type of consultant this we're just making this up could be an IT consultant could be a a processes and structures consultant doesn't matter but are there already groups of
people hanging out who fit this person are they on Facebook are they on LinkedIn are there YouTube channels are there podcasts they hang out uh and listen to are there books that they buy are there authors that they follow uh is there software that they're already using that's a really good one and what you need to go through is go through this list and think of as many different types of communities and try to find your ideal client in there don't worry if you're thinking well I don't know how to reach out to them yet
we're going to come on to that we're going to take care of that all I want you to do is do a checklist of say yeah it seems like there's a big group of people out there already let's say that you decide to go after unicycle repair and for whatever reason you've done the maths and it actually does each unicycle repair is a $10,000 client right and so you think well like I help them get five to 10 new unicycle repairs whatever it might be that's going to make me this type of money if you
go out and start looking and you can't find any communities you can't find any groups there's no events for unicycle repair there's no books or authors you focus on there's no software you know this is not worth going after what you want to find is hundreds and thousands of people already being targ targeted or targeting your current market I know you might think well that sounds like competition to me and to an extent it is but this is why the killer offer is so important because we're now saying to Consultants oh we're not another group
or marketer or marketing agency or freelance or ad buying agency or whatever what we do you don't remember first rule of selling marketing funnels don't talk about marketing funnels what you do is you help Consultants find 10 10,000 clients and we can even do it within 21 days and if you want to get more specific even better you might say something like we work with industrial process Design Consultants to help them find 10 $10,000 clients within 21 days that there is a killer offer don't worry about the delivery yet we're going to come on to
that this is now where we're beginning to say okay I have found communities I've got LinkedIn there's forums there's Facebook groups and there's even YouTube channels about it there's a few influencers who go after these people already there's a couple of Live Events there's one in Germany one in England and maybe one in the states there's a bunch of books telling people how to do this there's software that they use there's an insurance company that specifically targets them hint all of that says that this is a group of people that we can Target fantastic now
we want to move on to what are we actually selling them so we now have where do we find them we've now got like these groups okay if there isn't a community already don't try to create one because you probably don't have the time energy or resources to do that so we've got groups of people where we can start driving traffic we now have a who because when we say to that group I help industrial process Design Consultants land 10 $110,000 clients would you be interested in learning more that says oh yeah that's me I
want to work with that I have that problem I think a lot of people think that what we do is we go to the group and you know there's a group of people and we say to them oh here's what I do so this is you you say here's what I do I do SASS and ads and copy for you and they Wonder like well I'm not interested in that I'm not you know I don't really understand what that is if we flip that round and we say who here is an industrial design processes consultant
and who here wants 10 $10,000 clients all of them are going to say oh that's me I understand what that is I want that we are attracting people with what they want not what you can give and I hope you understand that distinction because it's very important and so now we want to figure out what is it that we're actually selling how could you possibly come up with with the result first and work backwards and I'll show you so sales the big misconception that people have about sales and this is what everyone else is going
to teach you right they're going to teach you about ads and they're going to teach you closing methodologies and they're going to teach you about objections and qualifies and they're going to say what you need to do is you need to create content and then you need to do ads and then you have a sales page and then you need to do a lot of like clever selling where you basically need to convince the person that they're the right you know you're the best person to work with and then we close them and then hopefully
we get the sale at the end now this process not only doesn't work this isn't actually what happens this this here is a misunderstanding of what is actually going on a proper sales process is about 90% qualification maybe 5% sales and 5% closing if you think look I'm not good at selling great I don't want you to be good at selling you don't need to be good at selling what I need you to be good at is qualification I'm going to show you how to do that we now know that we are helping people generate
10 $10,000 clients uh within roughly 21 to 90 days now like I said it's a 12-month process the caveat with all of this is that great we'll help you get your first client within 30 days and then so on and so forth and we're going to charge you 2,000 a month how does that sound they go oh my God that sounds amazing right but that comes later we know we want to get help them get1 $110,000 clients a month imag the our goal we're Nike and imagine our goal is to break a sub 2hour Marathon
now for those who don't know a marathon is 26.2 miles I think the furthest I've run is 20 my wife's on a bunch of marathons right a good time is 4 hours like 4 hours is an extremely respectable Time pro athletes and people who train a lot might be able to break 3 hours possibly so they might get 259 or 314 that's considered lightning f 2 hours is running 26.2 mil at 13 m per hour for 2 hours straight if they were to approach two different people who do you think Nike is one going to
want to work with you've got someone who isn't very fit maybe they're a bit overweight they don't really run they're not a runner the furthest they've ever run is 5K or and that 5K took them 35 mins right which is not super super slow but it's not lightning quick then we've got person B who is fit they run professionally they have the furthest they've ever run is 50 km and their current marathon time is 259 who do you think Nike is going to want to work with they're going to want to work with a person
where they only need to shave six 6 seconds off to hit that sub 2-hour Marathon now as a caveat the sub 2-hour Marathon actually has been broken not officially because it wasn't an official Marathon but that distance has been beaten 26.2 miles by Ellwood Kip chog I've got another video about that somewhere but the point is that we need to work on these people here selling in the way that everyone else thinks is taking this person here and putting all of your time and energy in trying to improve that person qualification is about saying there
will be 99 A's and one b and our job is to work with the 1B is to find the one person who's capable of getting these results this is why your Consulting isn't working is because you're trying to work with people who frankly aren't going to do any better even if you gave them 100% of your time and so what we do is we create a list where we say in in order to hit 10 $10,000 sales what would they need to have already so they probably need to have clients already all right they probably
need to have sold their $110,000 product already before they probably need to have leads coming in maybe they're already spending money on ads maybe they've already got a list now you might be saying yeah but if they've got all this why would they need me the reason they would need you is because just like elliewood Kip chog can't just magically go oh I feel like doing a sub 2hour Marathon today these people are busy they are coaches they're not marketers there will be so many opportunities that they are missing they probably need a sales process
already I remember doing some work with customer of mine this is a long time ago and who was a marketing agency and I listed this out for them and they said but if they've got all this already why would they want to hire me to get them more sales they could just do this themselves and I go okay could they let's prove it and so we called up their current clients who happen to be I think the majority of the person this person worked with was like large Facebook groups that wanted to monetize their groups
and we said they were essentially like a blogger but for like 2015 inside Facebook groups and stuff and we would say what do you think is stopping you from making more sales and making more money and they came up with a list of reasons arguably a list of excuses but I'm not good at writing copy I don't like approaching clients I don't really know how to do this I'm a full-time parent so I don't really have time to focus on this this isn't my only job there are so many reasons that people need your help
successful people need and want your help more than unsuccessful people someone who is this close to the Finish Line let's say that this is the finish line here someone who is this close and just missing out that will pay way more to than someone who is super super far away someone who is like oh my God if I can just do this I can sell my house they are more likely to pay that for that last sort of 1% jump it won't be 1% it'll be more work than that but they are so close they
can taste it they're actually willing to pay more so we come up with a list of things that they would need to have now I ask you if you were to put a post out in these groups or if you were to make friends with people and connect with them and be a normal human being and start connecting with people and saying hey I help Consultants find 10 $10,000 clients who would like to jump on a call with me and you had a hundred people jump on a call would you rather work with someone who
has a list of 100 clients who has sold 25 of these previously maybe they're doing 10 leads a month maybe they're currently spending money on ads they've got a list of around 10,000 people maybe doesn't have to to be that big they're currently getting sales a few other ones are they uh open to raising their prices are they open to calling people do they have a list of failed proposals right this is all really really important and if you came back and you said well actually only two out of a 100 people have got all
of this stuff great that means that you can help them take a look at this person here and what would you do to get them 10 clients I know what I would do and so when we talk about selling what I actually want you to do is to qualify each of these individual statements now typically what I do I'm now going to show you how to make $25,000 in 55 minutes all right because everyone else has proposals and they talk about designing the proposals and it's just on and on and on it drives me nuts
I have a 10-minute call with them where I ask them these questions do you have a list of current clients have you sold this before are you a consultant right how long have you been doing this do you have a way of delivering results to your clients do you have clients who are happy with you do you have testimonials how long have you been working like this how much money do you spend on ads have you bought marketing before have you bought Consulting before do you have a list of previous proposals do you have an
email list do you have a social media following right you can say it's all because these are the questions I ask 10 minutes roughly eight or nine out of 10 will not make it through they literally will be unqualified to work with me the one or two is who are I will then put through to a 45-minute call and on that call I ask all those questions again but I go into more detail how many previous clients have you worked with when was the last time you reached out to your clients when was the last
time you reached out to your leads when was the last time you reached out to your email list how many people are on your email list what type of email list you have and they say oh I I bought a load of data right well that's useless isn't it so I'm not going to work with you I only want to set myself up for Success so I literally will only allow people through who hit all of these individual criterias because I know I can then easily Target each one of these segments over time and find
clients I know I can do that I know you can do that it wouldn't even take that much work and so what we do is then on this call 45 minutes qualify them again ask them what their problems are and again if you want to link to a video where I just go over my sales call process I can link that down below I show all of these problems and why haven't you done this what's happened in the past why don't you think you could do this why do you want to work with someone like
me what's the most amount you've charged what's the least amount you've charged all of this and they said I go great I now know how I can help you it sounds to me like you've got a ton of clients and lists but you're not reaching out to them would you like some help with that and they go yeah I'd love some help with that perfect we you have a program uh it's $225,000 it's a $3,000 deposit it takes 12 months for us to implement and I think we could probably find you between 1 and three
clients within the first 30 days how does that sound oh my God sign me up great and we close now occasionally yeah you're going to get objections like how does it work or take me through the process or I've bought stuff like this before don't worry about that the more you qualify the less resistance there is when you make the offer to help them and to sell and close them so if you don't like selling great I'm not going to ask you to sell I'm just going to ask you to qualify people who meet your
criteria are they Ood Kip or are they me right are they El K saying I I want to beat a sub two-hour Marathon or are they just some guy off the street like me saying yeah I can do this you only want to work with elliewood Kip chog okay so now we have what do we sell them and now I'm going to talk I've talked a little bit about how we sell them as well and now I want to talk about how to deliver it you're probably already working way too many hours and that's fine
but I want to cut that down got Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fridays you're going to take off no one wants to work Fridays and you absolutely are not working Saturday or Sunday categorically you also do not work past 400 p.m. if it hasn't got done by 4 p.m. it sure as hell isn't getting done today okay Mondays are your business growth days that's when you do your work that's when you grow your business and you guarantee that you can grow your business remember we're doing six clients okay we're going to say to them I'm
going to give you an hour a week it's actually only going to be 45 minutes trust me they don't want more than 45 minutes at the first few days and weeks yes they probably want a bit more handholding but as you get into it they won't and you're going to block out three blocks like this per day and each one of your clients is going to slot into one of those blocks and then on Thursday that is when you do the work and so what I mean by this is we know that when we get
six clients on board four five six we're roughly aiming for one every two months in my experience what tends to happen is they tend to group together so you'll probably end up with getting like two in a week and then nothing for another two or 3 months and then another two it's just that's just how the way the world works for some reason and the first time you sell them you're going to say y we're going to do a $3,000 onboarding call we're going to do a deep dive we're going to do an audit and
we're going to find out everything we can about your business now there's a bunch of advanced selling techniques that I'll talk about in a bit that you can use with this my advice is don't go crazy with it just yet I'll talk about this later what you can do is say to them I'm going to give you every single piece of information that we think is pertinent such as clients clickthrough rate open rate like the number of leads you're generating your cost per lead your cost per customer your cost of acquisition all of this lifetime
value there's tons of numbers and if they don't know this stuff you can always say to them does that sound like something that would be worth knowing they go yeah you go great that's why we have this $3,000 order what your basically building out in this process is a game plan for who you're going to sell to First for example let's say in for $3,000 you spend the first two weeks just going through these numbers right here's what I like to do this blows people's minds when I do it I go through all of this
and I get as much data as I can and then within the first sort of 30 days so that's here within the first 7 to 14 days I've got a pretty good idea of what their business looks like now bearing in mind I've already asked these questions during the qualification call and the sales call which is itself another qualification call so I know a lot of this stuff so I shouldn't be any surprises but who do you think the most likely client will be for your client who do you think is going to buy first
and what a lot of people do will do is they'll try to create an ads platform sell a load of ads buy a load of ads they'll spend tens of thousands of dollars and they will land maybe one sale we're not doing that because it's a giant waste of money we can do ads when we have a proven offer instead I take the list of my clients I put it into an email list so this is their clients right this is people who have bought from them before this is their sales list which is the
most valuable list a business can talk about and I will write a really simple email along the lines of hey Adam I know you bought from my client Ben a little while back we're currently running a new promotion where we're going to help you land a better job within the next 3 months can I get you on a call and without fail it is a 50 to 70% return rate that we have people going oh yeah great good to hear from Ben uh yeah that sounds fantastic actually I've been meaning to get on board with
that now let's say they've got 100 previous clients do you think you could find three to five clients within that list of 100 almost certainly just by asking them do you want to buy again and imagine if you rais their prices slightly let's say they were charging 10K and you convinced them to charge 12K for their next client you've then added another 20% worth of Revenue so all of this process is now then just going through we go through their leads we go through their audience we go through their email list but we start with
the lowest hanging fruit and the lowest hanging fruit is not ads it's not content creation it's not anything long form it's going after their previous clients another one is uh failed proposals I was working for a like a a localization and translation company and they had a bunch of fail proposals from some big clients and I was like hey there uh my name is Mike I'm calling on behalf of Peter from you know ABC languages we noticed that you didn't go with us a few months ago and I just wanted to see how that's going
I said yeah thanks very much we did we end up going with another company and I go how was it every single time they would go not great to be honest with you they weren't fantastic they kind of have dropped the ball a few times and I go well we happen to be running that Although our prices have increased I would be willing to honor the old price if you wanted to to send over the deposit to date and we can actually get started within that with the next 24 hours it's crazy the conversion rate
on fail proposals it's basically like saying hey have you fixed that problem yet and so many people won't have fixed that problem and so I go great let me deliver this to you and we're going to honor that old price so the way that we start to delivering this is we say to each client the first sort of 7 to 14 days let's target and go after their lowest hanging fruit sometimes I go into their office sometimes I do it on a zoom call with them and then once a week I have a call with
them I identify what is their biggest problem and then I use this time here to actually fix it they only want clients remember they don't want anything else they just want want clients because we've specified this is what we're doing and so their problem is going to be where do I get my next client from where do I get my next client from where do I get my next C from and it might be like the actual problem might be well I don't know what my email list is like I don't know what our open
rates are like fine we'll take a week figuring that out and what you do is on these calls you get a list of all these problems and you end up doing the work on a Thursday here's what's fascinating about this because you are helping one type of person solve one type of problem to get one type of result with one type of outcome all of this aligns and this is what we call process right this is what we call what do they call that efficiency this is what we call efficiency right and this is also
where your profit margins are because I'll guarantee every single customer will have the same problems in the same order what we tend to find is let's say month 1 2 3 4 four five six each client when you sign them will have a series of problems and over the months you're going to fix those problems not a problem super super easy have a conversation with them do it on the Thursday and then by the time client number two signs they also have those same problems so what you end up doing is you just move the
work across and you say well I did this one campaign with this one client that worked really really well maybe I can just just implement it straight away with my second client and then the third client comes along and they end up having the exact same problems because we are all very very similar in how we approach these things now I want to share with you a couple of Advanced Techniques so what we've got here we've now done how to sell how to deliver kind of 4/5 we've built in our profit with our efficiencies we've
figured out where we're going to find them we're just saying to them hey I want to help you get this one thing and I'm are qualify to make sure they're capable of getting it people who are not capable of buying what we're going to do with them is we're going to say to them why don't you buy my $2,000 course that's going to show you how to get your first few sales if one of your qualification criteria is have you sold this previously or have you sold something for $10,000 before and they go no okay
well that's a really important kind of metric for us so instead I don't think this program is right for you but I do have a $2,000 course that will help you land a $10,000 client would that be valuable to you they go oh my God yeah that' be super valueable great so that's Advanced play one when you start getting that advanced play two is grouping your calls when you get to the point where you understand that you know you can probably get six clients within about four weeks which will happen sooner rather than later what
I would suggest is a group 1 hour call and then doing the work on the Wednesday and when you have six people all working on the same problem and then is you doing the work it's way more efficient and so now you're not even having to do those individual Consulting calls but if you wanted you could sell one-on-one individual set coaching calls for 40 or Consulting calls for 45 minutes but when everyone here starts in the same place everyone's like I'd really like my first client great let's all get our email list out let's all
write this email up now what you need to figure out is the campaign to send to those clients which is why I've got this video here talking about the exact campaign I send to get those initial sales in the first place from your clients from your leads from your fail proposals and it just writes up that entire process so why don't you go ahead and watch that video to understand what types of clients you can send to your clients's list to help them get more customers
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