What is Ethernet/IP?

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first let's separate the terms between Ethernet and IP when most people think of Ethernet we think in terms of a physical connection you may have an Ethernet port on your computer in which you plug in a cable that then connects to a router or switch this connection type is typically called a LAN connection however Ethernet is not a connection type but instead an I Triple E protocol in our everyday use of the internet we typically just say that we are connected via ethernet or wireless it's much easier to say Ethernet then get into the weeds
of the actual terms of connection protocols stacks layers and the like [Music] before we get started on today's video if you love our videos be sure to click the like button below then make sure to click Subscribe and the little bell to receive notifications of new real Parrs videos this way you never miss another one now that we have said that Ethernet is a protocol versus a physical connection let's get a little into the weeds of some of the terms most communications to our computers or devices travel over one or more networks via something called
a packet since there's a multitude of devices that may want to send and/or receive data there have to be some common rules for sending and receiving these packets this is where the protocol comes in one of the most commonly known protocols is the tcp/ip protocol this protocol is widely used in Internet connections the term tcp/ip relates to TCP or transmission control protocol where the IP is Internet Protocol there are other protocols such as open system interconnection or OSI but for simplicity sake let's stick with tcp/ip for now the tcp/ip is a layered protocol those layers
are applications tcp/ip and network basic functions are explained but there are many many details in each layer each layer has a function that it performs and when complete is then passed to the next layer in terms of the Internet the transmitting computer will pass its data to the applications layer this layer works with the application software to provide communications that may be required such as HTTP ftp pop DNS IMAP etc that layer will add some data that will identify and direct the data and then passes to the TCP layer the TCP layers job is to
pack and unpack data and do some error checking on to the IP or Internet Protocol layer where some more identifier czar added and then the data is transferred over the network layer who then packages the data into Ethernet packets or whatever other protocol is required prior to transmission over to Internet service provided device these data move up and down the stack or layer continuously getting packed unpacked headers and info added deleted etc so through this tcp/ip protocol explanation you learn that the transmission of the data results in an Ethernet packet the device applications layer which
can be Facebook Google a VFD or a flow transmitter will present its data and layer by layer the data is massaged and is then transmitted via an Ethernet packet to the network layer which in turn is connected to your computer or PLC now that we have explained the Ethernet packet we can get into the IP part of the Ethernet IP or a IP description IP in this case now correlates to industrial protocol versus the previous description of Internet Protocol confused yet the IP part of this protocol is simply the use of the ethernet infrastructure in
conjunction with the industrial protocol which used common industrial protocol or CIP layers they combined with tcp/ip or user Datagram protocol or UDP layers to create a protocol that can be used to support data exchange and control applications we need to break down the tcp/ip or UDP protocols slightly to give you an idea of which application may use which type in the tcp/ip protocol there's somewhat of a send/receive acknowledged relationship the packets go down the stack received it the device connected to your network a receipt confirmation goes back up the stack to the applications layer this
type of protocol may be used with a VFD where you command a speed and need to ensure that the VFD received the message conversely with the UDP protocol this is the continuous transmission not requiring a receipt acknowledgement this protocol would be used in something like Ethernet i/o on your PLC or a flow transmitter these devices will constantly send the state of their data if a packet wasn't received it's not a deal breaker as the next packet is right around the corner CIP uses object-oriented design to present things like a device profile for VFD if you've
ever used a CIP message instruction within your PLC device you know that you research the type of data you desire such as frequency speed or faults and you add that assembly number to your CIP instruction exchanged as a number of data registers that you in turn mapped to your tags for desired data this e is compatible with many standard Ethernet switches used within the industrial automation arena which makes it easy to implement combinations of data speeds of 10 or 100 megabits per second are easily handled with these off-the-shelf switches in the simplest terms Ethernet IP
is Ethernet packets used with the industrial protocol of CIP tcp/ip and UDP layers to provide the required data to your controller one two see programming in an easy-to-understand format and take your career to the next level head on over to real parse com [Music]
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