The NEW Way to Win On Social Media in 2024

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social media is entering a brand new era beginning of a new era it's a new era with regards to social media and it's just something that we have to adapt to and accept but the good news is there are a bunch of new ways to win that weren't possible before I know this because I spend all day on The Cutting Edge of content marketing and distribution and I practiced what I preach in the last 28 days I generated 88 million views and I'm starting to see things that are not obvious to the average person that
are massive massive opportunities so in this video I'm going to walk through the six biggest social media trends for the coming years that I see as massive gold mines and trust me when to say this is where all the money is going to be made you're going to want to pay attention all right so the first one is the biggest the biggest shift that I see in social media is the change from variety shows to TV networks and this impacts every channel every platform everybody on social media let me explain what I mean from 2008
to 2021 social platforms worked on a follower graph and that means you mostly saw content from people you followed because of this creators could make content about really any topic they wanted and know that the majority of people were there because of them it was personality driven and this is akin to something like an old school variety show where they do a lot of different skits about a lot of different things but you're there because the characters but in 2021 everything changed with the Ascension of Tik Tok and the invention of foru algorithms very quickly
all social platforms adopted a completely different engagement model for you means that you're not necessarily shown stuff from people you follow it's mostly based on topics that you like now this has many many Downstream ramifications this is the biggest change to happen to social media in the last two decades but the biggest one is that variety shows no longer work and the reason they no longer work the reason creators cannot just make any topic willy-nilly and still grow is because the algorithms are now optimized for audience matching here's a tactical example if you make a
video about science one day and then shopping the next day that science loving audience is not going to love the shopping topic and vice versa and what happens is the algorithm is designed to try to match audiences from one day to the next so if you do that it will throttle both videos and the reason the algorithm rewards consistency of topic is because its only job is to drisk finding content that people want now the reason this is such a big opportunity the reason this is number one on my list is because if you recognize
this shift you recognize the change in algorithms you can adjust your content strategy and grow so much faster and tactically this means if your creator making content for a single topic for a single audience across maybe one to two different formats is the best way to grow and this sounds obvious but this cont contradicts what people have spent the last two decades doing the last two decades was about creativity and inspiration and Innovation and coming up with all these different content ideas to keep your followers entertained that's not what works anymore what works is that
you pick one topic and Hammer it over and over and over and over and I understand if you're listening to this this might not sound as fun as social media used to be this might feel like it's sucking the creativity out of it look I'm not here or there meant to promote the creativity or not what I'm telling you is this is how it works now so you either adapt and take advantage of of the opportunity or keep doing what you're doing but that explains why you're not growing so that's for creators now for Brands
I think what you're going to see happen and this is a massive opportunity is creating networks of pages across social platforms and this is why I said variety show to TV network a TV network is basically just an umbrella of shows you don't actually have any affiliation to CBS or ABC or NBC or TNT you don't really care what the network is those networks own certain shows and it's the shows that you care about when you go to watch the office you watch one episode when you click on the second episode you are looking forward
to the same characters in more or less the same scene doing something slightly different that is a TV show the same type of episode over and over and over what I think brands are going to start doing is creating separate social channels that are more like TV shows and the collective as a brand will be a TV network and the reason this works is because people will follow a specific Channel because they like the format if you do interviews on the street only do interviews on the street about that topic in that format on that
channel if you want to do another Channel that's a vlog about the behind the scenes of your company do it on a separate Channel you can connect those with collab posting and Link connection and that will create this web this network effect that's where social media is going the single hero Channel with multiple different content types does not work anymore in general the line between social media YouTube TV it's all beginning to blur and so taking Concepts from the way people approach traditional TV viewing and streaming and now infusing that into social media it makes
sense why the shift is happening and so the most critical takeaway from this idea is you must understand what I call audience content fit for the one profile one archetype audience I'm looking for what is the content that best suits them once I find that outlier hammer it over and over and over now before I go to number two I just want to mention if you make content but you're struggling to get the reach you want I've been there I've gone through this whole process of trying to crack how do I drive virality how do
I drive growth if you need more views you need more leads you want more engagement more followers you want to grow up I've spent 2 years cracking this viral formula so I actually put together together a free 5day series that walks through the full formula all the variables that matter and exactly for each one how you should approach it to go viral more often if you want that it's completely free it's in the description virality it's like a little 5-day ebook you can check that out all right idea number two and this is really
the future of business the future of internet business if you don't want to be a Creator that's completely fine but this what I'm about to say is a massive massive opportunity the future of business and Company building is actually really really simple it's just three components it's traffic funnel product that's all that matters so where's the opportunity every business whether it's started or going to start is going to need a traffic person that's somebody that can bring eyeballs from the outside onto that business the trend is that brands are going to start being founded with
a Creator in the center from the beginning and this is because when it comes to marketing winning with Organic content the content that you make that you don't have to pay for when you win with that you grow the company fast that is the most important thing in marketing right now is winning with Organic content because the best paid ads come from organic content that's already been validated if you have a video that went viral and you put paid spend behind it the chances are that paid spin is going to have a pretty good return
on investment on the other hand if you make a random piece of creative and you don't know if it's going to do well you're kind of gambling with that paid money because you're not sure if the creative is validated now this is the opportunity the best creators that will have these opportunities are both good at content they bring their own audience they've proven they can make content and they're good at strategy in understanding how distribution works so that they can activate other creators or other sources as well well they will own both that is the
massive opportunity you will be able to get paid $500,000 a year or more at a company if you can straddle both things and that skill set is going to be rewarded more and more and more over time because the truth is the way I see it most other corporate roles legal sales HR accounting those roles will be needed less and less and less over time they will be aied away and I don't say that to hate I have a bunch of friends in those roles I'm just commenting on the truth we are entering an era
where distribution becomes the most important thing AI will be able to do all of the workflow tasks print products for anyone at any time and distribution and Clarity of communication to get eyes onto the product will become a premium so if you can serve as that role the Creator in-house that can both make content on your own channels but more importantly advise the brand strategically on where to go to get more distribution outside of your own you will be super valued you want to skate where the puck is going and where the puck is going
is hiring creators in-house that's opportunity number two all right opportunity number three is that big influence ERS are in trouble and if you're just starting out making content you're going to love this one of course if you're a big influencer you have a huge audience I'm sorry now the reason big influencers are ruined and I'm not saying they're all ruined but the majority of big influencers that had this moat around their following that are kind of approaching it lazily or they bought their followers they bought their followers they don't want to say that but they
did you look at their engagement it's low and you can tell they bought their followers those influencers are in trouble their years of getting $50,000 brand deals are running low and that's because of the shift to for you content because in the for you content era followers don't really matter followers are really just a proxy to show have you made content and how bio optimized are you but followers don't matter Brands will stop rewarding based on followers and start paying based on views and engagement because what really matters in the for you Era is depth
of audience and reach per unit effort that's if I spend 1 hour making content or I spend four hours making a video how much reach am I getting in that 4 hours content efficiency that's what really matters in this era existing following as a moat does not matter so the big opportunity for Brands is that the best Roi is in micro and Nano influencers these are people between two and 25,000 followers that have posted over a 100 times and you're probably saying wait I thought you said followers don't matter followers are a great proxy metric
to reference how big or small someone is and how optimized they have been but that's not why Brands will pay but the good news is if you're just starting out I mean this is music to your years because there's never been a better time to start in the previous era you were up against people with existing followings where the follower mode mattered so much more now the follower remote matters less and less you can go viral on your first video you can grow on your first video so it's a golden opportunity to start making content
today and the truth is the field has been completely equalized completely neutralized it's actually surprising how easy it is to get paid from Brands if you know what you're doing it doesn't really matter how big you are if you just know how to make content and the strategy behind how content works it's surprisingly easy to get paid I know this because two years ago I was working a corporate job that I did not like and I wanted to get out so bad just two years later I'm making tens of thousands a month and I've had
a billion views on my videos that's how quickly you can learn if you know what you're doing and honestly the biggest question I get from my friends who are entrepreneurial but don't know how to get started with content they're begging me to put together something that I can show them I've made these YouTube videos but I don't really have one cohesive thing that can take you from start to finish so I'm actually putting it together now and it's only going to be for entrepreneurial-minded people who want to make money with content that's kind of how
I approached it and I've cracked this formula so I'm going to compress all that wandering all that work that I had to go through for those 2 years I'm going to shortcut all of that if you're interested in that it's not launched yet I'm kind of putting it together I want to make sure it's really good so the link will be in the description if you want to check that out all right opportunity number four Trend number four is the rise of private communities and I just alluded to what I'm doing before this proves that
this is a trend worth paying attention to we are shifting from a world of fully public content to a bunch of little private islands and this is really happening for three reasons for one there is just way too much noise in the public facing content there's way too too much noise people can't discern what's actually valuable and what's nonsense what's been ripped from someone else remixed by some media publication with zero informational value on top of it people can't tell there's so much noise and so what's happening is people are creating these little gated private
communities where they're only signal and the truth is the rise of AI generated content makes this a 100 times worse because as you're scrolling you're starting to see AI videos you don't even know our AI videos it's just noise they're a remix on a remix on a remix on a remix of one original idea the more you see this noise the less fun it will be to consume on public feeds and so the prediction is I think a lot of people are going to go gated there's going to be a lot more social networks that
get built for specific groups a lot are payto playay a lot of information behind pay walls or behind some activity wall so that they can screen out all of that noise and you're already seeing this with all these faceless Pages all these faceless communities that people are pushing to try to churn all this Revenue you're seeing how bad the AI content will be when it mixes in with all the original stuff it's so noisy and so you're going to see people Retreat back to these personalities they love in gated communities the truth is social media
stop being social in 2021 now it's just media it's the new TV but people are craving community and that's why these private I call it a member Club but these private communities are going to pop up because in addition to having a signal heavy stream of information you're going to get a community of like-minded people around a specific topic and I feel like that's super missing right now platforms like patreon School Circle WAP they're really well positioned to take advantage of this trend and so the big opportunity is if you have expert knowledge in a
thing and you're getting drowned out by all the public AI nonsense go private take your information and put it in a group that's organized and let people that really want it join the group that builds Community it helps facilitate kind of clear path to transformation this is where I think things are headed all right number five big opportunity the age of AI you hear AI everywhere and I already talked about it before I think a lot more content is going to be made with AI without a human in the loop and it's going to create
a lot of noise online but here's where it gets kind of crazy it's possible that in 5 to 10 years everything you see is personalized for you driven by AI meaning you will watch a video that somebody else if they had the same kind of video it'll be different different characters different plot different story customized for them for what they like there's a world potentially where AI creates oneof one social experience oneof One content experience I should say now I don't love this future for one specific reason actually many reasons but the biggest one I
think humans love shared experience when I watch a movie and you watch the same movie we can talk about that movie we can relate to the characters we can talk about scenes afterwards there's like a whole subculture on top of content when you watch shared when you all watch the same thing if AI creates these hyper personalized things like it prints a movie for me and it prints a different movie for you that's such a lonely world so that's not something I'm looking forward to but it's a prediction for where the future might head and
how is that going to impact social media that's where the opportunity is and the opportunity is I think we're going to see an anti- aai shift we're going to see a shift to human-made it's like the Etsy version of content you're going to have handcrafted human only I bet users are going to protest against Instagram Tik Tok Twitter they're going to make them create feeds or tabs in the feed that are human only with extremely restrictive bot guidelines or you could see the emergence of new social platforms that are human only this is probably the
only time in The Last 5 Years where there was an open window for a new social platform to be created and it's human only so there's a huge opportunity to pay attention to this if you're an engineer that's interested in Social you could build this but if you're a Creator and you're trying to lean into this Human Side look out for this because as soon as that platform gets created you can jump on it and as we know wherever there are arbitrages in new platforms like I talked about with LinkedIn and the last video you
should check that out wherever there are arbitrages you want to be there early if you're going to make content because that's where all the return is now here's the interesting thing the common critique of AI content is like oh it's pretty General it's not really great AI will never have taste and I don't know about that I hope not but I think if people with taste feed enough to AI the AI will learn how to have taste like those people and if AI has taste like those people it has taste but what it will never
have is those weird wacky things on the edge that arguably are so far ahead of their time that they aren't in Vogue that's where culture really comes from people do something crazy everyone thinks they're a weirdo 5 years later that person is cool that person is ahead of the curve AI will never be able to predict those things and so I always think there will be this really interesting ahead of the curve group the ear early pioneers of culture .1% that are coming up with such wacky crazy individualistic stuff that AI could never replicate now
that is where the opportunity is in the future for culture because if AI develops taste because it's trained on so many people that have taste in the kind of the middle of the bell curve the only salvation is going to be that early early early early wacky stuff and so again that's an opportunity if you're an artist if you're a content creator and you make stuff that's really on the edge like you're pushing the boundary keep doing that because that's where the alpha will be a couple other quick things about AI I think we're going
to move from the phone to AR glasses it's an obvious transition I've used The Meta Ray bands I'm Blown Away by them when that happens there will be an entirely new paradigm how will you consume content or Media or entertainment on the glasses via the phone completely new thing three-dimensional space instead of two-dimensional more real estate horizontal instead of vertical there's so many different things that will change if you're a Creator and you're looking for opportunities if you're a business and you're looking for opportunities you want to be on the edge and where the edge
is going is a completely new hardware experience so look out for that the other thing is voice Act activated voice controlled you're starting to see chat gbt Advance mode these things with voice prompting the smart glasses with the voice prompting is going to be completely new paradigm that people are going to have to adapt to but voice what could you make with voice instead of keys what type of content experiences could you create with voice first user experience there's a lot of opportunity there so I think AI yes it's scary yes it may develop taste
but there are things that are huge opportunities that it enables and the biggest thing is that it disrupts the Legacy process if there's one thing you take from this video it's that anytime there is a disrupt option to the way things are all of the money that was built into the way things are it's like coins in Mario flying in the air it becomes available to grab again we are going through the biggest restructuring the biggest reshift in all of the way the Legacy Media stack was built phones are becoming TV glasses are becoming phones
content is becoming AI generated weird wacky stuff on the edge will become normal like there are so many Tailwinds right now for just get in the game and that's what I'm saying if you follow my stuff there's so many I have so many links below for free just get in the game with content because there's this has never been a better time to start creating you've never had a more fair opportunity to break out all right the last thing and this has kind of been all over the place but hopefully this is helpful to kind
of hear my six Trends or six buckets of things the last thing I'm going to go really tactical it's what I call embedded affiliate programs Tik Tok shop was the first embedded affiliate program where it removed the need for a landing page it removed the need for linkoln Bio you see a piece of content you see the buy button from Tik Tok shop you buy you purchase the user never left the social experience I think that's going to come to Instagram it's already starting to come to YouTube with YouTube shopping affiliate program all of the
Shopify brands are integrated into YouTube you don't really see it that much now but it's coming with Instagram they're going to crack it as well you are going to start to see these embedded affiliate programs become the main way we shop what does that mean that means link and bios don't matter landing pages don't matter all of the funneling outside doesn't matter all that matters is your top of funnel traffic and your product that's all that matters and so again my point earlier if you are the traffic person if you're responsible for the traffic if
you understand the strategy of how to get the traffic going it's a huge opportunity and the biggest reason I brought this up is because you should be paying attention and growing on these short form video platforms I make a lot of short form video I'm making this video on YouTube I'm doing long form I'm doing both because being a full stack Creator is important most people discount short form video they say it's crack attention that doesn't convert they say it's all junk food views etc etc etc people discount short form video what happens when all
of the Commerce shifts away from landing pages and into embedded affiliate programs via short form video you're going to want to be there now following might not matter so you can go from zero whenever you want but having the skill of how I make short form video and can generate attention at will and be able to craft the messaging skillfully for that format and as soon as these embedded affiliate programs turn on and I'm telling you they will turn on Instagram is going to figure out shopping as soon as they turn on the people that
have built these huge short form audiences they're going to win short form is the biggest opportunity I think everybody's overlooking it I think short form is the gas that makes the engine go I'm trying to build as much as I can to help people with short form because I think there's something massive coming and short form is in the best position to take advantage of it all right this is a bit of a different video from me this is more me giving you my raw thoughts and raw opinions about ideas and Trends and themes if
you like this video Drop in the comments and let me know if you didn't and you just want me to go back to Frameworks and showing you tutorials I'll do that as well hope you guys enjoyed it remember there's so much free stuff that I give in the description I've got a free school Community where you can learn how to make short form video I've got a free newsletter where I'm literally telling people what's coming on The Cutting Edge of content that's content. game I have a 5-day series which literally breaks through my viral formula
I go viral 50% of the videos I make it breaks down everything and I'm going to have this member community so if you're interested in this stuff check out the description we'll see you guys on the next one peace
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