oh well hello fancy seeing you here i don't know how to film i forgot how to do it so i'm back where did i go you might ask literally nowhere it's just all of the last like three four videos i filmed months ago so i've really forgotten how to just sit and like talk to a camera so i'd be weird notice anything that's right in the new year i've become the new version of myself where i'm super productive super mature and i'm finally living my adult life sure jan only kidding i'm still a complete mess
i still love sleeping in until one o'clock in the afternoon i still love eating loads of snacks and just pigging out and letting the crumbs just roll down myself but something you may notice is the quite frankly pristine quality of this video hello i can get this close and you can see my terrible makeup skills now in hd aren't you so lucky thanks so much mom and dad i got i can for christmas i can live my vlogger dreams and just continue to make videos in better quality and that's just so cool to me so
by the time this video comes out i'm sure it's probably like halfway through january or something ridiculous but anyway regardless happy new year just a few little updates regarding my channel updates i mean it's really not very exciting but i'll just tell you anyway i changed my banner recently and i've also decided to not have an intro anymore because my old banner was my intro and every time i fancy changing my banner i don't want to have to change my intro so we're just going to say bye to that also if you followed my instagram
if you don't please follow me on instagram cheekyplug i did talk over there about the idea of having an upload schedule and that i would be posting every friday i think at six o'clock that really didn't upkeep at all so the plan as it stands now is to just upload whenever i feel like it whenever i feel like i produce something good so that i'm not rushing thinking that i have to upload it which brings me on to if you're not already subscribed please do consider liking subscribing commenting all of that good stuff i did
say in a couple of videos before christmas like help me hit 300 subs before craziness but i left it really really late so my new kind of idea would be that it'd be really cool if i hit 300 subs by may this year because that's when i first started my channel again which was may last year now so i think it'd be really cool if i hit 300 by then i think that's a pretty like achievable goal so yeah please do like and subscribe to help me achieve that goal anyway i will get straight on
into it i just wanted to make a video talking about my goals for 2021. i really really don't like making new year's resolutions and if you're anything like me as soon as i make said resolution it's like asking to just be completely ignored and be broken so in my head i've been thinking like i'd rather not make resolutions so that i don't ruin them and break them what i'd rather do is make goals which is essentially the same thing it's just i suppose less specific and i have all year to work on them instead of
just think about them in the month of january and then pretend i never did them for the rest of the year oh my god i didn't even introduce myself if you're new hello i'm elena i make videos about cystic fibrosis also i'm going to try it now like lifestyle rambly don't even know i don't know i don't know what my intro should be anymore hello but before i get on to talking about my personal goals i think it's first really important to think and reflect on things that i was grateful for in 2020 as cringe
as that sounds i really don't like this whole attitude of like right of the year it was rubbish we need to forget about it it didn't exist because as cringe as it is as cliche as things like this are if it wasn't for 2020 you wouldn't be the person you have become now but it is true it is true even though 2020 was messy and i think if anyone has ever asked what was your favorite year and someone goes you know what like 20 20 i i loved that year you possibly you need some help
uh quite frankly but even i i can't believe i'm gonna say this in enjoyed enjoyed oh parts of johnny tony but i did [Music] on that note the first thing i was very grateful for in 2020 was self reflection i had a lot of time as did we all just to think about myself my life what i wanted to do and come to the conclusion that in a lot of ways i'm not very mature in a lot of ways i really need to work on just motivation self-discipline just acting like a 20 year old woman
not a two-year-old child i don't know just thinking of ways that i can improve myself because if you ever reach a point where you think you're perfect and that you have nothing left to work on there's an issue because i'm sure that there's always something you could try to do better in in regards to working on yourself second is being single becoming single that sounds pretty savage and like a dig at the other person it's not but for me i am so so grateful for becoming single and just realizing that i'm very much capable on
my own and i think i'd forgotten that so being single like i'm so so much happier for it and just so content being on my own and it's so liberating because i haven't felt like that in a while the third is being even more grateful than i usually am just my family my friends my dogs what a pair of absolute loonies and i'm so grateful for them the fourth is just time that i wouldn't have otherwise had we've all had so much time in 2020 but i'm grateful for it nonetheless because it's given me time
to start a youtube channel finally like start talking about cf it's given me time to catch up with friends from college and uni who i haven't spoken to properly in years which has been so so nice one of the best things to come out of 2020 to be honest and five i guess just appreciation in general for my health that my family's healthy that i have a nice house a roof over my head all the basic things which are so important and so many people don't have and haven't had [Music] now we're going to move
on to and i'm going to try to speed through these so i don't waffle forever is my 2021 goals and the first one is to get up earlier this may sound very simple but if you know me elena does not do well in the mornings this this face is not a morning face this is a let's stay up all night and sleep all day face and it's so bad on christmas day i woke up at like half seven and that does not sound particularly early but it was for me but i actually enjoyed it and
i know that i'm more productive the earlier i get up i feel better i have more energy because your metabolism is just ticking over and doing what it's supposed to so i'm not even going to set like a particular time i want to get up every day or anything like that i just know that this year in general i really want to try and get up earlier because i know i'll be happier for it the second was to learn to drive don't know how likely that is now this year so at the least it'd be
nice to try and pass my theory test because it's just something that i've been putting off for so long and i just need to get it done so this video is basically just me holding myself accountable for all the things that i want to get done in 2021 now the third is to lose the way i want to again i'm not going to set a specific goal like i want to lose x amount of kilograms i just want to be in a place next year where i think yeah i lost the weight that i wanted
to and now i feel comfortable and more confident in my body i'm slowly but surely getting there and if you didn't watch my most recent video on body image please go do that because i think it's really important to talk more about how body image insecurities affect us all but i basically talked about mentality surrounding way and how i want to be kinder to myself and love myself for who i am now and that will enable me to actually lose the weight and feel confident enough to do that every week i have been filming little
clips of like how i'm doing in terms of progress and like how i feel about my weight and stuff so eventually once i have lost some more weight i will do a video all about that but that'll be months months ahead in the future i think the fourth is to read five books now i know i kept saying i'm not going to do specific goals but this feels pretty achievable i over the last few years have not read very much i probably read about two to three books a year at a push which is fine
and i know no it's not fine i spend a lot of time just scrolling on my phone like my screen time some days it's just like we're not even gonna go there and i don't want to like not to get deep but when i think about it it's like i'm wasting my life staring at a piece of plastic like i don't want to constantly be just staring at the screen i'd quite like to be learning some things or just you know reading a book and getting lost in it i miss that feeling like that nostalgic
childlike feeling of just getting lost in what you're reading and i used to love reading as a kid and i haven't done it consistently in years so that's my goal these are the current books i have on the go but this book is called sex at dawn it's amazing i have not got very far through it at all but it's so interesting i'm also reading graphic novel women world which is just really funny very smart but yeah i really want to fall back in love with fiction books because most the time i do read nonfiction
like this which is good but it's quite heavy and like i don't want to read facts and knowledge all the time so very tempted just to buy myself a lot of jaclyn wilson books to be honest [Music] that brings me on to the final 2021 goal and it is doing more things that i love cringe but i do mean it whether that mean reading exercising painting oh i really want to paint and collage and make music all these things which i just sort of haven't done as much as i've wanted to the past year and
i really want to look back on 2021 and be like yeah even if we were in a pandemic the whole time like we were 2020 just be like yeah i know that i did lots of things i enjoyed and i made the most of it so yeah i hope you enjoyed all of that i hope those gave you some ideas of what you could do i would definitely recommend writing down a list of at least five things you were grateful for in 2020 and then five things either maybe that you're looking forward to or goals
that you have for 2021 but yeah i hope you enjoyed today's video it was a bit different i'm probably going to be trying to do more chatty lifestyle videos because i enjoy it i really like talking about cf and chronic illness in general but i feel like quite overwhelming sometimes because i have put a lot of pressure on myself to get it right and sometimes the editing just takes too long but yeah if you are watching this just thank you because even though i am a very itty bitty channel it's just really fun creating videos
and that has been something that i have really enjoyed the past year i hope everyone's doing well and i will see you all in the next one bye guys