I GAINED 15K FOLLOWERS ON TIKTOK IN 30 DAYS | 30 day TikTok challenge in 2022 and this happened...

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Modern Millie
I did a 30 dayTikTok challenge where I posted to the platform for 30 days to see what would happen a...
Video Transcript:
you already know by the description what this video is about I for the past 30 days have been posting to Tik Tok to see what would happen actually this hasn't happened yet but by the time you're watching this video has happened so we're going to find out the results in this video I don't know the results but you're about to find out basically for me I feel like I have dominated Instagram dominated YouTube and Tik Tok is the place to be everybody says it we all know it and not all of us are there because
we're intimidated at least I am I feel like if I post a video to Tik Tok and it goes viral everybody's going to hate me the hate comments I am scared but I noed is so important to be on that platform and it's something that I want to be able to teach all of you and my students how to utilize because let's face it it works there's a reason everybody says to get on it so what I'm doing I'm doing a 30-day challenge where I'm posting to Tik Tok for 30 days straight what I can
do and we're just going to see what happens we're going to see what I learn if anything happens and I'll keep you posted along the way first things first let's set up the content calendar all righty I'm about to show you my entire setup that I have going to properly organize and plan out all of my Tik Tok videos but first I want to say a huge thank you to this video sponsor I literally wouldn't be able to make all of these videos without cap cut cap cut is a free video editing app available for
both iPhone and Android users it's what I use to edit my reals and Tik toks and the reason that I love this platform is because it's the only platform that I found or the only video editing app that I found where there's no water marks you don't have to pay to get access to the features and it's it's literally free it's free did you hear me is free f r e e free on top of that what's coming in really handy with this challenge is you can post your videos from cap cut directly to Tik
Tok so once I save a video in cap cut it's like upload to Tik Tok and then you upload it it integrates directly with Tik Tok and it just posts to my channel which is super easy makes the process seamless so if you've been looking for a video editing app then I will definitely leave cap Cuts link down in the description below let's get to planning oh my gosh that scared me oh I just opened my curtains and I forget we have a cactus outside and I thought somebody was standing there that was terrifying okay
so I am planning out all of my content using notion this is just the easiest for me right now for this 30-day challenge my goal is to post one Tik Tok video every single day and this is kind of how I have it set up right now top half this is the month that I will be posting starting to assign content ideas to specific days this is my general posting schedule and then down at the bottom these are content ideas or brain dumps if I run into an audio where I'm like oh my gosh I
need to record this video I'm brain dumping all the stuff here and then once I have it brain dumped I drag it to the top to assign it to a specific day as of the beginning of this challenge I have 1,100 something followers I screenshotted it here so you can know the the exact number I've been posting for about a week now and my growth is slow so we're about 1,290 is right now it's been a week and I'm thinking I'm going to have to step up how often I'm posting my strategy at the beginning
was to post once a day today is Valentine's Day Happy Valentine's Day you would think I would not be working but we're not celebrating Valentine's Day today we're celebrating it on the 18th because who celebrates on a Monday anyo so today I need a post I don't know I'm going to post yet but I'm going to have to drag and drop a few ideas and start maybe doubling what I'm doing twice a day my idea here is maybe posting cuz right here you can see the type of content that each idea is so this is
educational type of content I have four different value pillars that I rotate or try to rotate around talking about I kind of suck at it you have entertaining inspirational relatable and educational my business is very focused on educational but in order to appeal to other people's learning styles and different personality types you should kind of rotate talking about all of those things so maybe what I can start doing is doing one educational post a day because that's mostly my business and then doubling it with maybe a funny Trend that's relatable quick voice over a little
dance that's entertaining so doing one educational and one inspirational relatable entertaining one on top of that so we're going to have to double up how often we're posting starting with today let's get to planning okay you just saw a quick time lapse of me planning out my content for the next week you saw that I was kind of using my phone basically throughout last week anytime I was on Tik Tok and came across a sound multiple times or a sound made me laugh or I was able to think of like ooh that applies to my
nation this way I just save the sound or I save the video and that way when I plan this week it's a lot easier to get ideas I just went to my saved section pulled up a few sounds I was like okay I could I could record that this week now I have this week basically all planned out where I'm posting twice a day we will see you next week when we have some updates on this hello everybody we are at the halfway point of my Tik Tok Challenge and let's see halfway point we're at
about 2600 followers 20 almost 2,700 followers it's a Monday morning and I've learned a lot so far we're halfway through the Journey and I've had a few realizations first realization is last time you saw me I said that I wanted to try posting twice a day I think that's what I said to see if I could bump up how quickly we grow and last week I posted twice four out of three of the days of the week did that make sense four times last week I posted twice in the day the other days I only
posted once but this has been helpful because a few of the posts from last week have gotten some traction they've they started to go off not viral but way more than my typical view count I think my average views were between 600 plays and a few videos got over 10,000 or even 4,000 is a big deal for me so a few of them got a couple thousand plays which is huge so that is a strategy that I'm going to continue to do throughout the ne the rest of the challenge see if I could post two
times a day see if I could post three times a day that's what a lot of people say so I'm just going to try it and see what happens now I will say I have learned a lot from the past 14 15 days the first thing that I learned is that I probably shouldn't teach Instagram tips on Tik Tok I know that sounds silly but I'm realizing a lot of people are on Tik Tok because they've left Instagram and this is fine this is actually better I love this so much more because on YouTube I
feel like I've kind of put myself in a box where I can only talk talk about Instagram because that's the only content that will be successful on my YouTube channel but in reality like I don't want to be known for just Instagram I want to be known for other things as well like I want to teach influencers so much more than just how to grow on Instagram you know I want to teach them how to find their unique voice how to embrace their uniqueness be confident on camera grow on multiple social media platforms not just
Instagram how to manage and leverage brand collaborations how to make money how to organize your emails how to all the things all the things I want to teach so much more than just Instagram and I think Tik Tok is the perfect place for me to create a name for myself other than like the Instagram girl so I'm super excited to be starting from scratch on Tik Tok because I don't think I'll be talking about Instagram at all for the next few posts I was kind of recycling some Instagram content like here's some reals transitions but
what I'm realizing is moving forward I want to focus on like brand collaborations and influencer tips and the behind the scenes life of an influencer so I think I'm going to use that to my advantage or that unique positioning and Niche instead of the Instagram Niche and I'm really excited about it because it's just that's something I'm super passionate about and I don't have a platform where people come to me other than for Instagram tips so yes moving forward over the next 2 weeks I would like to post twice a day will I always do
it probably not because you know we're going to be realistic with ourselves if we can't do it twice a day that's fine no pressure but what I will challenge myself to do is I want to every single day reply to a comment from a previous video and I think this has been something that has helped nurture my community on Tik Tok and grow my platform is taking people's comments from like a previous video and replying to it as a video so I can elaborate more and explain more and show more behind the scenes and I
think this will show my audience that I'm engaged and that I'm taking the time to respond to them not just with a comment but with a video tutorial so that's something that I want to challenge myself to integrate over the next few days or at least the next CH the next part of the challenge I guess so every single day I'm going to reply to a comment with one video and then the other video will probably be like a trendy or a trend or a voice over you know something fun light-hearted that's what I'll be
doing so that's the strategy I hope that this is fun I know you're not seeing like me create the reals but I think it's cool to see the process of everything all right I'm going to try to plan out some of the next few posts over the next few days and batch a few Tik Tok get them in the drafts and probably see you next week with an update hello hello everyone here's an update today is Friday February 22nd if you see marks on my nose it's cuz I was wearing my glasses but I can't
wear them for the Vlog cuz the the reflection so I need to get the anti-reflection ones also I look like a marshmallow I posted a video this morning on Tik Tok and it was one of those where I just had a feeling had a feeling it was going to perform well so this video here where I'm talking about how much I charge per post as an influencer and I knew this was going to be a controversial topic because people don't like talking about money people don't like accepting that influencers get paid people just don't like
it people just don't like it influencers love it but non- influencers hate it so I knew it perform well and it's starting too I'm like shaking cuz I'm like nervous let's see I just posted it this morning it's still it's 11:00 a.m. right now and I posted it 2 hours ago it has 11,000 plays already I'm starting to get some comments some are like woo love this some are you're a liar you suck yeah right Brands would never pay that much and I'm like I have receipts literally like they pay me I have receipts so
I'm just documenting this cuz it's part of the Vlog but my strategy here which like I've heard about is if you notice a video starting to take off reply to the comments section of that video with other videos so people can like start binging your content so today wasn't going to be a Content day but it might be a Content day even though I haven't I need to do my makeup or I could just keep it raw organic like this so one comment that I definitely want to reply to is how do I start to
become an influencer in general that's a great one to reply to as a video another one that I'd love to reply to in video form is negotiation somebody said people post about how to reach out to Brands but not when it comes to the back and forth of negotiation and how to converse with a brand I'd love this vid so showing like a how to negotiate video would be cool how can I turn a gifted collab into a paid one great question that could be a video oh what does a Instagram story bundle consist of
and what is wh listing SL blacklisting also a lot of people are asking questions cuz in the comment section I said all prices can change depending on things like usage rights white listing blacklisting turnaround time exclusivity all the things so people are replying to that comment saying like what are these things educate me so there's a lot of video ideas here and so now I just have to conceptualize each video response and how to keep each one entertaining maybe like one I could be like doing my makeup while talking to the phone the other one
just like sit down casual don't know yet but yeah now I got to get to creating get to scripting I'm like I don't know why I'm shaking I'm nervous because I am getting hate like somebody just said no this is a lie and I kind of want to reply with like screenshots of my income showing like actually got paid this so yeah here we go hello you are getting a phone Vlog from me post shower me and all of my glory last time you saw me I was like so stoked my Tik Tok is blowing
up like ah let me make videos for it you know and it's been a few days it's actually been like 5 days and it's still blowing up it's over a million plays right now but there's like the this beauty of going viral that everybody strives for of like oh my gosh I got so many followers oh my gosh like literally I'm at 13,000 followers and that's what everybody thinks going viral is all about but the Tik Tok algorithm is so different from Instagram because Tik Tok really does push the for you page where they're like
hey let's push this who won't be interested in this content like they take a gamble whereas with Instagram like there's no gamble they're like very meticulous of like we want to make sure this person is seeing the exact but Tik Tok is like let's just see what happens push it to the for you page but because of that a lot of people come across videos that don't necessarily like the videos and I don't know I know that's the point of social media I get it I know like this is what I chose I love what
I do don't get me wrong that's not what I'm saying I'm not complaining this isn't complaining I'm just doing a reality check for anybody who is watching this and they have those expectations of going viral and all the fame and Glory that goes with it it's not all rainbows and sunshine because the past few days my real or my Tik tok's been blowing up and I just keep getting the same comments over and over of people who don't necessarily like my video or offends them for whatever reason and it is exhausting reading the same discouraging
comments over and over um I'm somebody usually negativity and haters don't get to me I'm like the more engagement the better bring it on you know like I've I've never had hate comments bother me like I typically can make a joke about it or reply to them with like a sassy remark but Tik Tok it's just on a whole other level where I just can't even keep up with it I can't keep up with all the hate comments like I can reply to all the nice ones but like all the hate comments is like it's
a lot and it's gotten to the point where like I check my notifications and now instead of like looking to see how many followers I got or looking to see who I can like for Content ideas did somebody comment a comment that's going to inspire content idea now I'm like looking for the hate comments like that's not how I want it to be that's not how it's supposed to be be um there's really no purpose of this video um I don't really know where I was going I just this has been on my mind the
past few days and I've never had a moment to pick up my camera because I was like oh I don't want to set up the microphone I don't want to set up the microphone but tonight I just like I needed to get it off my chest because it's been like on my mind before going to sleep and it's keeping me awake and I've just been taking everything on my shoulders lately and I just like need to get it off my chest so I'm doing a phone Vlog just an update with the Tik Tok challenge I
do I'm having fun I'm having so much fun making the videos um just is hard sometimes I understand why people are intimidated of Tik Tok I never posted to Tik Tok because this was my fear and I understand why people give up after a certain point I understand why people never make it super duper big because people can't handle these sorts of comments and I don't know how to handle them yet when I figure that out I'll let you know so I don't know if this was encouraging like hey make a Tik Tok or if
it was like don't ever do Tik Tok there's no purpose of this I just needed to get it off my chest and I'm going to go cry now just kidding we'll have an update for you soon and I'm sure I'll be happy go-lucky Millie and super stoked about everything because I really do love the content that I'm making over there it's really fun I posted a video today that was solely for me it wasn't valuable at all it was just fun making and I loved it I loved it so there's there's pros and cons to
everything anywh who I'm going to get for bed now now that this is off my chest talk to you later it is that time the end of the 30-day Tik Tok challenge last time you saw me I was in my room processing the new platform of Tik to let's talk about results shall we today is March 7th which means it's officially been 28 days since I started the Tik Tok Challenge on February 7th keeping in mind February has less days in the month so it it wasn't really a 30-day Tik Tok challenge it was 28
days because February doesn't have all the days in the the month so today marks 28 days but one full month February 7th through March 7th of the Tik Tok challenge when I started the challenge I had 1,190 followers I think this was what the screenshot said about 1,100 followers I wasn't posting consistently I wanted to post consistently I think since October of last year I had posted maybe 20 videos that's pushing it but I wasn't really posting consistently on the platform at all it was like once every week or so if anything so I was
like okay Tik Tok I'm going to go dive in post every day you saw week one I posted every day week two I was like let's try doing twice a day and then week two and three I was posting two to three times a day the fourth week I kind of took a back seat because that was me processing oh my video's blowing up and I don't know how to handle all this criticism so I started posting maybe once a day the final week of the challenge let me pull up my analytics Creator tools analytics
let's do the last 28 days okay my engagement has gone up 22,000 for video views yeah my engagement has gone up quite a bit when it comes to followers I've gained 16,000 followers in the past 28 days you can see in this graph right here I started posting on the 7th I got four new followers woohoo remember the 7th through the 14th I was only posting once a week week so this first line is really the once a week it wasn't until I started posting twice a week that the traction really started to build up
and then that video blew up around here bringing my followers up a ton let's see going to content my most trending videos here obviously the one that went viral it has almost 2 million plays as of right now and then I also have one called how to become an influencer that one seems to be doing really well and what I noticed is the videos where I was replying to comments with a video on the viral video did that make sense yeah I have the viral video people were commenting I would reply to comments with another
video so that in the comment section that video would appear those videos performed really well so that was kind of a strategy that I used towards the end of my challenge instead of creating the posts that I had planned to post I was like let me go with the go with the flow here let me reply to my audience and engage with my audience via their questions answer their immediate questions through creating kind of like a funnel on my Tik Tok where if they go to a Tik Tok video most videos will have another video
linking to it to kind of encourage that binge worthy content so you could say that this was a successful test final thoughts final final conclusion the conclusion of it I think Tik Tok is such a great platform to be on I'm very excited to be on Tik Tok because I think I was saying earlier in the Vlog I don't want to just be like an Instagram coach I want to teach more and I want to be known for other things and I think think that's where Tik Tok will come into my content strategy Instagram a
lot of people are there because they want to grow on Instagram Tik Tok I can teach so many other things that don't have to be so heavily focused on Instagram and I think that'll bring more of the right types of people to my profile to My Business website to my YouTube to all of the things so I think it's going to create my help my business become a lot more well-rounded so Tik Tok is great if you're posting Instagram reals just post them to Tik Tok too it's not that hard just recycle the content do
it 100% let me first talk about the differences between Instagram and Tik Tok and then a few things that I learned by posting to Tik Tok main difference is the algorithm this is kind of what I was telling my husband I feel like the Tik Tok algorithm is very much like yeah let me push your content to everyone it let's push your content to anyone and everyone as long as it's performing well so that brings a lot of people to my page that might not even be interested in my page attracting a ton more haters
like a ton more people who probably I wouldn't want them to see my videos so there's that pros and cons pros your videos can see more people cons your videos see the people that you wouldn't want it to see and then they're mean Instagram the algorithm is so specific where it can be harder to get that Viral sensation Instagram's like we want to show your video to the specific right types of people so we're going to make sure your content and their interests and the hashtags and your page and everything is in alignment before pushing
it out to the right types of people but when it does blow up it's the right people so there isn't as much hate on Instagram okay first of all I am going to make a completely separate video on how to grow on Tik Tok because the strategies are kind of different for reals and Tik Tok very much similar but there's just like some other things that I would switch around with Tik Tok to be more relevant to that platform so I will be having a completely separate video whenever that's up I'll link it here in
the card above for that video since it's not filmed yet let me know what kind of specific question questions you have for that in the comments below what questions do you have when it comes to growing on Tik Tok when I film that I'll be sure to answer some of your questions okay now what I learned I learned that Tik Tok is a great way to start from scratch like you could start from the zero and blow up like that it's a great way to start from scratch to reposition yourself to Rebrand and that's something
that's really exciting for me too because I get to be a whole of person I get to be a different part of Millie a different part of my business on Tik Tok which is really exciting I also learned that you don't have to batch content for Tik Tok you can batch content for Tik Tok and it helps for 30-day challenges like this but you don't have to because I feel like with Tik Tok I was more so making content on the go it wasn't okay I'm going to film 10 videos like the first 10 days
yeah I was like I batched these are pre-recorded ready to go or these are recycled from Instagram but the rest of the content was just like oh I found a trend while I'm making eggs literally one morning I was making eggs and I was like oh I have this audio that I want to record well while the eggs are cooking let me just like record like I did a voiceover lip syncing thing with an audio saved it in my drafts like it was very much oh this sound is trending let me just quickly record my
lip syncing I'll add text to it later I'll add an idea to it later so a lot of the videos that I was making were very much on the go more casual kind of like Instagram stories talking to your audience answering questions kind of that's the that's the best way to build your community on Tik Tok it's very much replying to comments ments via text and replying to comments via video to give more information and to give more insight because you're limited on those character accounts whereas in Instagram you can really build community Through Instagram
stories and DMs like that's the best way to talk to your people DMS Instagram stories comment section so much so many interactive features Tik Tok the only way is posting videos like that's how you engage with your community is through just posting and posting and posting final bonuses something that I'm really excited about about moving forward with Tik Tok is I started to change up my strategy a little bit where some of the videos are nurture content and then the other is selfish content so if you've never seen any of my videos or you're not
one of my students I talk about nurture content as like nurturing your community building relationships with Community you have nurture content you also have growth content which is like not so much community building but it's more of that clickbait this is how to da da da this is why you should da da da five reasons to Da so it's very much like you want to grow you have the nurture you have the growth and then I figured out a new category called Selfish content and it's just when you make Tik toks for you like I
made this Tik Tok here that was solely for me I just had so much fun making it and it did not perform well no but it made me enjoy the platform more because I was like this is the type of stuff that I was making originally before I was YouTuber Millie before I was Instagram coach Millie before I was influencer coach Millie like before she existed I was making stuff like that that was more fun and creative and Vlog style and just go to the very beginning of my YouTube channel that's what I was doing
and even my old YouTube channel not going to say what it was called cuz it's very embarrassing but my old YouTube video or YouTube channel it was very much just like whatever the heck I wanted to post not trying to grow and that's the type of stuff that I want to do a lot more of on Tik Tok is yeah there's going to be nurture content there's going to be growth content but there's going to be selfish content where I'm going to make this for me because it was fun it was a vlog it was
me documenting my day so I could look back and be like oh wow that was a really cool day that I had you know so I think Tik Tok is more accepting of that type of content and I'm excited to integrate that more into my strategy all right that is the end of my Tik Tok Vlog SL 30-day challenge I hope you all learned something from this I can't even piece together all of the Clips in my head to Envision this video making any sense but I hope it was cool to actually see the behind
the-scenes process of week by week where I was at with growth on my Tik Tok Channel Channel and hope you were encouraged or inspired or learned a little bit of something for your own Adventures on social media whether it be Tik talkk or Instagram reels that's what this page is all about to hopefully help you and encourage you to just step outside of your comfort zone a little bit and put yourself out there on social media if youve made it this far and you're not already subscribed hug that subscribe button and turn on the Bell
notification so you don't miss when I post my next videos and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching follow your joy bye [Music] oh
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