10 Things Iman Gadzhi Can’t Live Without 2024

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Iman Gadzhi
GADZHI Blue Light Blockers Restock: https://www.gadzhi.com/ BIG DAY Restock: https://big-day.com/
Video Transcript:
my name is Iman gaji and these are 10 Things I can't live without now I've done a similar video like this in the past but I thought you know what it's a new year there's new Essentials obviously every year growing morphing as a person and there's probably a few things on the table that will actually shock you so with all that being said let's get into the First Essential all right so my first essential first thing I do like literally the first thing I do every single morning is I wake up I have a liter
of water and I have my electrolytes now my electrolyte of choice is obviously my own company big day we got watermelon we got raspberry as I said I open up one of these bad boys and I drink this first thing in the morning we got six electrolytes in here 1,000 mg of sodium and quite frankly they taste amazing not super salty which is some of the issue with a lot of the other electrolyte Brands and once I'm done with starting off my day with electrolytes that is when I get into having one of these which
is a big day can we have 80 mg of caffeine in here so nothing too crazy I don't want to be having crazy amounts of caffeine first thing in the morning but we still also have electrolytes in here so this is what I do first thing in the morning have my electrolytes get ready for training and then on my way to boxing on my way to tennis I'll be drinking one of these now the only issue with these is I can't stop drinking them which is also why we're coming out with some non-caffeinated versions in
the future but my main goal with a first big day product we also don't have lime here today but create something that was refreshing you can drink it all day isn't sugary doesn't have that like weird weird Red Bull taste doesn't have that really disgusting like sickly taste in your mouth and also have something that's a respectable amount of caffeine you can have easily two three of these in the day without having crazy crashes and most exciting is within hours of launching these sold out we literally just restock them so I'll go ahead and leave
a link in the [Music] description too good so my next essential is PT noodle got a few flavors here today and I probably been having these for the last 15 years I still eat these to this day cuz it just reminds me of my childhood I grew up with single mom very typical story very common story but a lot of times obviously my mom would be out the house working and when I was younger especially a teenager and you're hungry at home you want something to eat these things slap so we got a few flavors
here today we got original Curry Chinese chne Bombay bad boy and beef and tomato and yeah I mean really there's not much else to say obviously not the most nutritious meal but at the end of the day eating these just kind of remind me of my childhood remind me of when things I guess weren't as good as they are now and that's pretty much why I still like to have at least one of these a week all right so next up are my car keys now these are just the cars that I have at the
house right now I have some in storage I have some at my other properties and I even have two right now that I'm sending to Europe for the summer but long story short I started buying cars around a year ago and like most things I do I uh yeah I got into it quite quickly so first off we got range now Range Rovers if you had to give me one car I would take a Range Rover this this is a SV which means special vehicle this is a Top ofth Line Range Rover Vogue that they
make whatever special interior trim blah blah all this stuff the point is Range Rovers are super versatile whether you're driving or you're being driven sometimes occasionally I'll drive the Range Rover if I just want to comfy drive but most of the time I'm in the back coming from boxing tennis just being driven all right so next up we got Rolls-Royce Phantom this is the Big Daddy this is the best chauffeur car that's ever been made in history ever nothing comes close in fact a Rolls-Royce Phantom is a car that you will never ever drive yourself
it's not the fanciest looking in the inside I mean like the most flashy looking or the greatest Tech or this or that but when you sit inside a Rolls-Royce and particularly a phantom because I'll be honest for me personally the other rolls-royces they just don't do it for me even cullins if you're going to get a Rolls-Royce especially one to be driven in get the Big Daddy get the Phantom it's it is just nothing comes close if I'm honest next up we have one of my favorite ziparound cars this is a GT3 honestly if you
had a Range Rover and a GT3 you're pretty much set for life you could have a Turbo S they're more comfortable they're even faster but at the end of the day the responsiveness of the GT3 I would just take it any day over a Turbo S so yeah GT3 just one of the best cars I ever made now next up we got a mayback this is a kn series one of five in the UAE and I have a one of one with that specific trim and I know that people absolutely love the mayback I mean
yes my car is beautiful topof the line every single option blah blah all this stuff I said this when I bought my Range Rover and I still stand by my opinion obviously I never drive the mayback it's just a chauffeur car once again I would genuinely rather be driven in a Range Rover SV either the regular SV with the center console or the signature Suite I would take being driven in a Range Rover compared to a mayback any day very popular opinion but coming from someone who literally owns all of the nicest chauffeur cars by
the way maybacks are still incredible just for me it's too much going on sometimes so the next one is probably my favorite car out of my entire car collection all over the world and that is my Mini Cooper now this car has done 700,000 km all original parts I get nervous whenever I drive it because it stalls all the time but this car I swear out of every single car that I have it gets the most attention it gets the most respect and maybe it's just you know living in Dubai people see nice cars all
the time but when you see a Mini Cooper like this tiny little thing and as I said it's all original I don't know people just love it puts a smile on their face now I have a heart attack because it's really difficult to drive the car without stalling good luck going up any Hill or any sort of ramp anything like that but yeah if I ever just want to leave the house and just go on a quick 20 30 minute drive just to clear my mind this is the best car for it so next up
we have a G63 what do I say about this car it's just a great car it's all around car you can still always hear the sound and the power under the Bonnet I know this sounds ridiculous but to me it's a beater car it's a good utility car it's a hey I know that I'm going to go to boxing and be sweaty for me it's just one of the most iconic cars that's ever been made and if you have the chance to I just think it should fit into anyone's car collection because it's it just
does the job you want to get somewhere relatively comfortably but still have a little bit of power under the Bonnet and still have a little bit of fun you know primarily in a straight line and this car just it always just does the trick next up we have a Ferrari what do I say about I've tried my best to like Ferraris I've honestly driven so many of them and all modern Ferraris they just don't do it for me whether that be an sf90 whether that be the new 296 for me the only Ferrari that kind
of excites me is 812 of course V12 naturally aspirated sounds insane but I don't know just every time I'm in a Ferrari they just like they do so many things wrong I hate the interface the touch buttons for so many things there's all this error failures I don't know good to have one in a collection but yeah and then my latest car that I picked up a few days ago Lamborghini I am not a Lamborghini guy at all I absolutely despise you know I've always kind of not been a fan of Lamborghini and sort of
the idea around them I guess primarily sort of the the people that drive it especially living here in Dubai you kind of see a specific kind of person that drives a Lamborghini but this car is just incredible I got a Lamborghini stado there's only 1,500 in the world it is a V10 super car for off-roading I got it a couple days ago and tomorrow I'm going to take it to the desert but even this day today it's just such a comfortable super car now if I had to pick three out of these 100% Rolls-Royce Phantom
best chauffeur car ever Porsche GT3 just enough fun and just enough like flare with the wing but not too in your face like a GT3 RS even though I have one of those coming next month what I didn't tell you I oh yeah and then the last car if I had to pick three is range once again range is amazing if you want to be driven if you want a comfortable ride or if you want to drive yourself you got options so those are my three top picks now my next essential are ear pods I
was an airpod guy for a long time and quite recently I've been getting back into ear pods I don't know what it is but when I see someone walking and they're using ear paaws I just instantly like them more like I just I'm like I like you you're you're a cool person I don't know these are just so iconic I've started taking calls on them again the mic on these are insane if any of you guys ever been on calls and using airpods it sounds like you're drowning the audio quality on these are just amazing
you know what maybe it's even just moving to Dubai maybe it's moving to Dubai like pretty much just all local people I see they always use the wired ear pods so I just had this sudden urge a few months ago to just start using ear pods again they're cheap you can keep them in multiple places in the house in your cars and it's just you always got an audio Source on hand you know you want to take calls there you go you got your good mic you got some in it here and there we go
ear pods over airpods any day uh what's the last St like play it on your phone on Spotify let's check yeah I've been listening house actually uh Martin Lou my love for you yeah his [Music] heartbreak ready huh already no I was in the GT3 going for a coffee run yeah yeah Sunset Vibes all right next up we go another one of my companies another one of my companies where the product is always sold out and these are the gadgy g1s we've got blue light blockers here and then we've got sunglasses these come in three
colors each and while I was on my coffee run earlier I was wearing these so these are the matte black sunglasses we call these the Black Velvet Edition so I'm always wearing these especially I wear these a lot in meetings in the day because I made the lens specifically so you could still see my eyes sometimes I feel a little uncomfortable being in meetings still wearing sunglasses unless they can see my eyes so that's why I made these so when I leave the house these pretty much stay on my face all throughout the day and
then when I come back and I'm working on my computer for multiple hours I wear these the blue light blockers or I wear these at night before going to bed just block out as much blue light as I can help with eye strain help with headaches when you're working on your computer too long and very exciting news these are both restock the sunglasses and the blue light blockers I'll leave a link in the description now I do warn you by the time you see it they'll probably be sold out these always sell out in like
an hour or 2 hours when we restock we just did our biggest restock ever and I mean ever so hopefully fingers crossed they last more than a few hours this time so my next essential is cigars and also with my cigars are my tools and my accessories so we got a lighter we got a cutter and a stand this a full set my friends always say oh it's so difficult to buy you gifts and I always say no it's not just literally buy me something cigar related and I will be happy either some fresh cigars
I like pretty much everything Cuban except for paragas for my palette usually that's a little too heavy so we got four cigar holder here we got a lighter here you got soft flame you push up you got blue flame added benefit of these is I play around with this a lot I just fidget and it just keeps me entertained and then finally we have a cutter but this is cool cuz this does a straight cut as you can see but it also doubles up as a stand so once you've cut your cigar once you've lit
your cigar you can have it held right there for me that's useful sometimes cuz you go to places and they don't have Cigar specific ashtrays they just have like the normal cigarette ones so this way I can rest my cigar there perfectly continue on with my nice conversation with friends or a meeting or whatever it is and yeah so I started smoking cigars back in 2018 growing up in London once I started to have some wealthier older friends some business mentors of mine at the time I don't know maybe it's less common in the US
cuz it's harder for you guys to get Cuban cigars but like London is one of the big cigar smoking capitals in the world so yeah I got introduced to Cigars pretty young and then especially for the last 4 years I've been very into my cigars for me it's that one moment of relaxation in the day it's a chance for me to commit to a conversation with someone you know have a beautiful conversation over a cigar enjoy someone else's company enjoy a meeting or some sometimes if I ever feel like I need some sort of me
time I just have a cigar on my own I live on the beach so I hear the fish in the water at night I sit there I reflect I think I plan I strategize and I do that all with a beautiful cigar in my hand all right so next up I have my film camera I've been using these for once again been shooting with film since 2019 was when I bought my first film camera this was actually my first film camera this a contax T3 this is by far the best film camera out there you
just open up it's a point and shoot so you go like that flash goes off F needed in this situation but it's all automatic and then obviously you go get your film developed this is a little bit more advanced version of it it has the flash on top you can you have the interchangeable lenses and this can either be fully automatic or you can use manual but focusing on this is fully automatic so you can still give this to a friend easily and they'll know how to use it this you need to be a little
bit more advanced with so so this I actually shoot with myself so this is a Leica M6 I love the sound of that when you reload amazing is there any film in here other I would have just wasted like $10 I just love this sound so satisfying sounds like a gun going off you know what this sounds like actually to me I don't know why this reminds me of a G wagon when you close the doors something about it maybe it's cuz they're both German Brands but yeah this is an amazing camera but you kind
of need to know what you're doing here you know I've had so many people over the years try to emulate sort of my look and my style and the Aesthetics and people always ask oh you know what filter do you use and this and that and most of the time I would say 70% of the content that you see is shot with film the other 30% if it's a video or photo just iPhone and that's it there's really no magic behind it but I just love shooting with these because it's just so like everything just
looks like an amazing 80s party and the funny thing with film you could be at the worst venue having the worst time but something about film just makes every moment seem like special and magical so yeah these are definitely my essentials they come with me everywhere especially this guy right here now next up I got my watches everyone knows that I'm quite an avid watch collector I think at this point I still have over a 100 pieces in my collection so we got some of my watches here this is a Pech Philip Celestial this watch
is incredible if we're talking in terms of complications I mean yes sure maybe it's not super necessary to know what the constellation is and understand the alignment of the stars that day but I just think it's such a special watch and funny enough I put sort of some more well-known watches here but these days most of the time I'm wearing leather piece watches so whether it be this whether it be my enamel World Time whether it be something like a 5205 yeah I just kind of like dress watches these days but as I said next
it here we've got a new Platinum Daytona the anniversary edition you can see here this has the open case back as far as I know I was one of the first three people in the UK to get this watch next it we have Vashon overseas this is in my opinion the most beautiful blue dial out there right now one thing that I love about this watch and love about watches like that in general is when you can remove the links and then you can put on a rubber strap as well so I have a rubber
strap to match the color of the dial it's just nice because it's almost like two watches in one next there we have a 6702 this is definitely my favorite RM I have I just like how thin profile it is I usually like my watches sort of more sleek and discreet I say discreet this is on a big red strap but the whole point of RM is having fun not taking yourself too seriously and yeah that definitely fits the purpose on my wrist I got a 5712 if I had to have one watch for the rest
of my life it would probably be this one sometimes I actually feel a little uncomfortable at this point wearing rose gold with different brins I feel like in certain situations it's not appropriate I don't know what it is about PCH Philip I don't know when I wear rose gold PCH Philip it just I just feel like it's not too in your face unlike maybe a rose gold Rolex or a rose gold AP now I started watch collecting at the age of eight my first ever watch was a timx Expedition I still have it to this
day and I very much look forward to passing that on to my son in the future if uh you know that's God's plan all right so next up we have this which is a remarkable and this is what I use for note taking and I still write with a pen in paper and I'm also very into pens I actually have a bit of a pen collection but this right here is what I take all of my notes on and I've actually gifted this to so many of my team it feels like you're actually writing and
in here I have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages of notes and it goes with me everywhere in the world I can access it from anywhere in the world and yeah all in all this is one of the few sort of tech gadgets that I just use all the time I just love feeling of writing notes on here and excuse my writing I write like a 4-year-old but to me it's just yeah it's a gratifying feeling writing on this and the other thing is there's no distractions you know sometimes with an iPad
you get notifications and this and that all you can do on here is write and that's it so for me and for that purpose it's perfect now the last thing I can't live without is a bit of fun and downtime with the boys and what that means is this FIFA now I know some of you guys will be shocked because I have very publicly and very openly been against gaming and I will say that I still am very against someone sitting in a room on their own playing video games or even playing video games with
their friends on the other side of the world but if you're in the same room with your friends you can banter you can joke with them now I live in a house with some of the people that I work with that are also some of my friends so you know living in a house with the boys we ended up deciding to get a PlayStation 6 months ago and yeah a couple times a week we'll play a game of FIFA it gets competitive it gets heated but the most important thing for me is that it's a
chance to kind of just take my mind off work laugh you know we laugh our asses off when we play this especially 2v2 and yeah I'm not opposed to video games at all just make sure that it's at appropriate time and place and it's for a good reason so these days with so much going on in my life and work this is a much needed rest so ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed those 10 Things I can't live without probably some surprise you some shocked you but yeah check back in next year because let's
see what's on the list then and apart from that as always I'm Wasing from afar and I'm rooting for you
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