Galactic Council Laughs as Human Inherits King's Unwanted Daughter! | HFY | HFY Reddit Stories

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Galactic Council Laughs as Human Inherits King's Unwanted Daughter! | HFY | HFY Reddit Stories ...
Video Transcript:
the grand hall of the galactic Council buzzed with Whispers and quiet laughter hundreds of alien Representatives sat in the curved rows that Rose like stairs toward the ceiling light from three Suns streamed through the crystal Dome above casting rainbow patterns across the polished floor in the middle row James Miller shifted uncomfortably in his seat as Earth's Ambassador he was used to being the odd one out the only human among the varied alien species today though something felt different too many eyes were turning his way too many hidden Smiles behind fancy hands and tentacles order order
in the council the head speaker's Voice moed through the chamber his tall blue skinned form towered over the central platform we are gathered here to address the final will and testament of King aldor late ruler of the Stellar Empire James sat up straighter the death of King Elder had been sudden shocking the Galaxy the king had ruled for over 200 years building the largest Empire in known space everyone expected prince Ray the king's eldest son to inherit everything as tradition demands the head speaker continued the Royal inheritance must be announced before the full Council he
lifted a glowing crystal tablet the crown and Empire shall pass to prince Ray as expected quiet nods filled the chamber James noticed several Aristocrats from the Stellar Empire looking pleased with themselves however the head speaker paused and James saw the alien's mouth twitch there is an unusual addition to the will The Whispers grew louder James caught fragments of conversations in different languages all of them sounding amused or shocked regarding the guardianship of Princess Rose the king's youngest child the head speaker cleared his throat C Alder has appointed Earth's Ambassador James Miller as her legal guardian
the chamber erupted in laughter James froze in his seat sure he had heard wrong but the head speaker held up a hand for silence and continued the human Ambassador shall take full responsibility for the princess's care education and well-being until she reaches the age of maturity in 50 standard years more laughter echoed through the chamber a tall Aristocrat from the Stellar Empire stood up his silver robes glittering surely this is a joke giving the defective princess to a human this must be a mistake the will is properly sealed and verified the head speaker replied it
is legally binding James finally found his voice I don't understand what do you mean by defective a female Aristocrat turned to him her expression a mix of pity and amusement oh you don't know princess Rose was born with a genetic flaw she's emotionally unstable feels things too deeply can't control herself properly completely unsuitable for Royal duties the king must have thought it fitting to give such a broken child to she waved her hand at James well to your kind James felt heat rise in his face but years of diplomatic training kept his expression neutral I
see and where is the princess now she will be delivered to Earth's diplomatic compound within three standard days the header answered do you accept this guardianship Ambassador Miller James looked around the chamber hundreds of faces stared back at him most of them expecting him to refuse he saw mockery in their eyes the same look he' seen so many times when humans first joined the galactic Council the look that said humans were Too Young Too emotional too primitive to understand Galactic politics he stood up straightening his simple black suit I accept the laughter started again but
James kept his head high I accept full Garian ship of Princess rose with all rights and responsibilities that come with it the human accepts someone called out how fitting The Unwanted taking in The Unwanted but James didn't sit down he looked directly at the head speaker I only have one question did anyone ask princess Rose what she wants the chamber fell silent for the first time since the announcement the head speaker blinked all four of his eyes the princess's wishes are irrelevant the kingk will is law James nodded slowly then I look forward to meeting
my ward he sat down ignoring the renewed Whispers And Chuckles around him let them laugh he thought they always laughed at humans but somehow he had a feeling they wouldn't be laughing for long 3 days after the council meeting James stood in Earth's diplomatic compound watching a royal shuttle descend from the morning Sky the Sleek silver ship landed Softly on the pad its engines humming quietly before shutting down he tugged at his collar wondering what to expect the compound staff stood behind him equally nervous about welcoming their unusual guest they had prepared the best guest
Suite though none of them knew exactly what a princess from the Stellar Empire would need the ship's door opened with a soft hiss two tall Royal Guards stepped out first their armor gleaming then a small figure appeared in the doorway princess Rose was nothing like James had imagined she was shorter than the average Imperial barely taller than a human Teenager her skin was pale blue like all Imperials but her eyes all four of them were a striking silver instead of the usual gold she wore a simple white dress carrying only a small bag Welcome To
Earth your highness James said bowing slightly I'm Ambassador James Miller Rose stepped down from the ship carefully when she looked up at him James felt something strange A Gentle Touch in his mind like a soft Breeze carrying feelings of uncertainty and hope thank you for accepting me Ambassador she said quietly her voice was musical with an odd Echo that seemed to carry her emotions I know you had no choice in the matter everyone has a choice your highness James replied I chose to accept and I'm glad I did one of the guards stepped forward holding
out a data Crystal the princess's medical records and care instructions he said stiffly she requires daily medication to suppress her condition James took the Crystal but noticed Rose Flinch at the word condition the guard continued she must not be allowed to thank you James cut him off firmly I can handle things from here the guards looked relieved to leave within minutes the shuttle took off leaving Rose standing alone with her small bag looking lost in the massive Landing Pad would you like to see your rooms James asked gently as they walked through the compound James
noticed how Rose's presence affected others the staff members they passed suddenly touched their heads looking confused some smiled without reason others looked sad in her Sweet Rose finally spoke again you feel it too don't you what I do to people James nodded you're empathic you can sense emotions and maybe share them it's more than that Rose said sitting down heavily on a couch I come to sense them I connect with them Father said it made me dangerous that a ruler must be cold and logical her Silver Eyes filled with tears the medication helps block it
but but it hurts you James finished understanding now it Blocks part of who you are rose looked up in surprise you you're not afraid everyone else is always afraid James sat down across from her on Earth we have a saying different isn't defective your ability isn't a flaw princess it's part of you just Rose please she said quickly I'm not really a princess anymore okay Rose James smiled and I'm just James would you like to try something she nodded cautiously don't take your medication today let's see what happens when you're just yourself Rose's eyes widened
but the guard said the guards aren't here James said gently this is your home now and you get to make choices about your own body for the first time Rose smiled the feeling that brushed James's mind was like sunshine breaking through clouds pure joy and relief touching everyone in the compound in the hallway he heard someone start laughing for no reason I've never Rose wiped her eyes no one has ever let me choose before James stood up well that's going to change are you hungry the staff made about five different breakfasts because we weren't sure
what you'd like rose stood too still smiling I'd like to try them all if that's okay of course it is James said after all this is your home now your choices your rules as they walked to the dining room James felt another brush of emotion gratitude mixed with something like hope maybe the council thought giving him Rose was a joke or a burden but watching the young princess walk with her head held high for the first time James knew they had given him something much more important a chance to show the Galaxy what Humanity did
best accepting people exactly as they were two weeks had passed since Rose's arrival and the Earth come compound had changed staff members smiled more often arguments resolved themselves before they could start even the usually grumpy security Chief was caught humming in the hallways James watched Rose grow stronger each day without her medication her Silver Eyes became brighter and she walked with more confidence but today would be her first real test a minor diplomatic meeting with three alien species arguing over trading rights are you sure about this Rose asked adjusting her Earth style suit she had
refused to wear her royal clothes preferring the simpler human fashion I trust you James replied just observe from the side room if it gets too overwhelming you can leave anytime the meeting started badly the treelike arbor representative's branches were shaking with anger while the crystal bodied luminant Diplomat glowed in Angry Red the slug-like MK ambassador had turned an unpleasant shade of green your ships damaged our sacred forests the arbor shouted your trees grew into our flight paths the luminan shot back both of you are blocking our trade routes the MC gurgled James noticed Rose watching
through the one-way window her eyes were closed but he could feel waves of something washing through the room understanding calm and Clarity suddenly the arbor representative paused mid shout oh I hadn't considered how your ship's light helps our seedlings grow the luminance glow soften to Pink and we never realized those branches make perfect natural docking stations the shade from both your species would protect our transports from solar radiation the MC added thoughtfully James hid his smile as the three Representatives began drawing up plans for a joint space station one that would benefit all their species
in 30 minutes they had solved a dispute that had lasted 3 years after they left Rose stumbled out of the side room looking tired but happy that was amazing Jane said how did you do it I just helped them feel what the others were feeling Rose explained sitting down when you understand someone's emotions it's harder to stay angry at them you know what this means right James grinned you're not defective you're probably the best Diplomat in the Galaxy Rose blushed her pale blue skin turning slightly purple the council would never accept that they think emotions
make you weak then they're missing out on something powerful James replied but before he could say more his computer chimed with an Urgent Message the screen showed a news report from the Stellar Empire prince Ray Rose's brother was making an announcement we are concerned about our Bel beloved sister the prince said smoothly we have reports she is not taking her prescribed medication for her own safety and the safety of others we insist she returned home immediately Rose's hands trembled they're afraid they can feel me getting stronger even from here James turned off the screen you
don't have to go back Earth has granted you diplomatic protection but why Rose's voice shook why did Father give me to you why did he wait until after his death James thought carefully maybe he knew something about your abilities that others didn't maybe he wanted you safe away from the Empire's politics a warning light flashed on James's desk someone was trying to scan their building from orbit Rose's eyes widened they're watching us let them watch James said firmly you've done nothing wrong in fact he SM smil as a new idea formed how would you like
to help with more diplomatic meetings but the council will have to accept results James finished if you can help solve problems that have stumped them for years they'll have to recognize your talent Rose stood straighter a determined look in her Silver Eyes they always said I was too emotional too connected to others but maybe that's exactly what the Galaxy needs James nodded proudly his Ward wasn't just surviving she was beginning to shine let the Empire watch let the council laugh soon they would all see what he already knew Rose wasn't broken she was extraordinary and
maybe just maybe she would change the Galaxy's view of both emotions and humans one diplomatic meeting at a time the attack came without warning Rose was walking in the compound's Garden when the security Al arms scream to life a shadow dropped from above an assassin in stealth armor weapon raised but Rose had felt the Killer's presence before they moved waves of cold hatred and determination had given them away she Dove aside as the weapon fired rolling behind a fountain Rose James's voice carried across the garden he was running toward her guards close behind him the
Assassin turned to fire again but stumbled clutching their head Rose was projecting every feeling of pain and fear she'd ever experienced directly into their mind the weapon clattered to the ground security surrounded the Fallen assassin who turned out to be from a professional guilt but what worried James most was the royal seal they found among the Assassin's belongings later that evening in James's secure office Rose paced while he examined documents recovered from the Assassin's equipment look at this James said pointing to his screen records of genetic engineering experiments going back three generations in your family
Rose leaned closer these are medical files about me not just you James scrolled through the data your father your grandmother all of them had their genes modified they were trying to create something a perfect ruler Rose whispered father used to talk about it someone who could understand and control control their subjects completely she hugged herself but I came out wrong no James said firmly you came out human a soft chime interrupted them priority message from the galactic Council the head speaker's blue face filled the screen Ambassador Miller he said Gravely we have received a formal
request from the Stellar Empire for princess Rose's immediate return they cite medical concerns you mean they worried I'm not being drugged anymore Rose interrupted stepping into view the head speaker blinked all four eyes your highness you look different I look alive Rose corrected for the first time in my life I can actually feel without shame and I can feel something else too her Silver Eyes narrowed fear from my brother from the council why are you all so afraid of someone who just wants to help the head head speaker shifted uncomfortably there are rumors diplomatic meetings
where impossible agreements were reached trade deals that shouldn't have worked some say you're manipulating people's minds I help them understand each other Rose said isn't that what diplomacy is supposed to do before the head speaker could respond another alarm blared James checked his security feed and saw a royal shuttle landing out stepped Lord gray Rose's for tutor he's here to rescue me Rose said feeling the familiar presence but he's worried scared there's something he doesn't want us to know James stood then let's find out what it is he turned to the header's image Council records
show Lord gray was in charge of the royal genetic program maybe you should send observers this could be educational the head speaker nodded slowly and ended the transmission in the meeting room Lord gray stood stiffly his gray robes perfect as always but when he saw Rose his composure cracked my dear princess he said smoothly we've been so worried your medication was designed to suppress her abilities James interrupted abilities your program created deliberately Lord Gray's face hardened you don't understand we needed a way to ensure loyalty to prevent Rebellion the perfect ruler would understand their subjects
so completely that they could prevent any conflict before it began by controlling them Rose asked quietly by guiding them Lord gray insisted but you your abilities were too strong too pure you couldn't be controlled because she has something you didn't plan for James said empathy without the desire to control understanding without manipulation Rose stepped forward and Lord gray stepped backou right to be afraid she said softly but not of what I can do to you you're afraid because I can show everyone what you did to me to my father to our whole family Through the
Windows more Council ships were Landing Lord gray saw them too and Rose felt his fear Spike the truth was coming out but Rose wasn't afraid anymore she had something the Empire had never given her a real family even if it was just one human who saw her true worth and together they were about to change everything the galactic Council chamber was packed not just with the usual delegates but with journalists and observers from a hundred worlds everyone wanted to see the confrontation between Lord gray and his former student Rose sat beside James wearing an earth
diplomatic uniform she had insisted on it saying if I'm going to defend myself I want to do it as who I am now not who I was Lord gray stood at the center platform finishing his speech and so you see the princess is a danger to Galactic stability her powers unchecked by proper medication could influence entire worlds the chamber buzzed with worried Whispers but James noticed something interesting the delegates closest to Rose weren't afraid they could feel what James had learned over the past months Rose's presence brought Clarity not control Ambassador Miller the head speaker
called you have been the princess's Guardian what do you say to these accusations James stood I say we've been looking at this all wrong Rose isn't a threat she's a gift and I can prove it he pressed a button and holographic screens appeared around the chamber these are records of every diplomatic meeting Rose has attended the screen showed meetings trade negotiations and peace talks in each one angry aliens became calm enemies found common ground and impossible problems found Solutions notice something James asked every agreement made under Rose's influence has lasted no one broke their word
no one claimed they were manipulated because they weren't Rose doesn't control mine she helps people understand each other that's even more dangerous Lord gray protested the Royal Family's power comes from managing conflicts from being needed to keep the peace if everyone suddenly starts understanding each other he stopped realizing what he'd admitted the chamber erupted in shocked conversations Rose stood when she spoke her voice carried to every corner of the chamber without a microphone my father knew that's why he sent me to Earth he knew humans would see my abilities as a gift not a weapon
she turned to face the council I've learned something from humans they feel everything so strongly love hate fear Joy but they don't run from their emotions they learn from them they grow through them James watched proudly as Rose walked to the center platform the delegate she passed straightened in their seats not from control but from the simple Clarity of her presence I propose something new rose continued not suppression not control but understanding let me help build Bridges between species let me teach others how to feel what their neighbors feel to truly understand different perspectives impossible
Lord gray shouted the Empire will never the Empire doesn't have a choice a new voice rang out prince Ray appeared on the main screen looking tired but determined Our Father left one more message if Rose proved herself capable of using her abilities for peace she is to be named Imperial ambassador to the galactic Council Lord Gray's face turned pale my prince the genetic program will be discontinued Ray finished we've lived in fear of emotions long enough perhaps it's time we learn from Earth's example the chamber was silent for a moment then one delegate started clapping
others joined in soon the entire Council was applauding James caught Rose's eye and smiled she sent him a feeling of pure joy and for the first time she didn't try to hold it back the entire chamber felt it a wave of happiness and hope that brought tears to many eyes the head speaker raised his hands for silence it seems we have much to learn from both the princess and from Earth Ambassador Miller your species has shown us once again that what we consider weakness can become the greatest strength as the council moved to formally recognize
Rose's new position James remembered the laughter when he first accepted guardianship of the defective princess now watching rose stand tall before the Galaxy's leaders he knew the last laugh had been worth waiting for sometimes he thought the best way to change the Galaxy was simply to show it a better way the human way of accepting people for who they truly were news of rose's appointment as Imperial Ambassador spread through the Galaxy like wildfire but not everyone was happy about the changes one morning alarms blared through Earth's diplomatic compound once again multiple ships dropping out of
hyperspace the security Chief reported Imperial signatures but not from Prince Ray's Fleet James rushed to the command center finding rose already there her Silver Eyes Were focused on the Tactical display it's Admiral Stone she said feeling the familiar presence father's old military commander and he's not alone the display showed 15 warships their weapons charged a transmission came through showing a stern-faced imperial officer this is Admiral Stone of the true Empire Fleet he announced the genetic program cannot be exposed our enemies would use this knowledge against us surrender the princess and all related documents or we
will take them by force James stepped forward Admiral you're threatening a protected Earth facility this is an act of War a small price to pay for Imperial Security Stone replied coldly you have 10 minutes to comply but Rose felt something the Admiral didn't expect fear from his own crws many of them had families who had gone through the genetic program they wanted the truth too let me talk to them Rose said to James not just the Admiral all of them James nodded do it Rose closed her eyes and reached out not with words but with
feelings she shared her own experiences the pain of suppression the joy of Freedom the Peace of acceptance she showed them memories of diplomatic meetings where understanding replaced hatred where cooperation Grew From compassion on the Tactical display something unexpected happened two ships powered down their weapons then three more crew members were refusing orders Admiral Stone's face turned purple with rage what are you doing to my people Nothing Rose replied calmly I'm just helping them feel the truth every family affected by the program every child given drugs to suppress their gifts every potential lost because the Empire
feared its own people's hearts this is why emotions must be controlled Stone shouted look at my fleet falling apart no James stepped in look at your people choosing a better way this is why Earth welcomed Rose we understand that feelings aren't weakness they're what make us strong more ships powered down Stone's Flagship stood nearly alone now suddenly new ships appeared Prince Ray's Fleet led by the Imperial Flagship Admiral Stone Ray's voice carried Authority you are relieved of command the age of suppression is over Stone reached for controls possibly to fire weapons but his own Bridge
crew stopped him they had felt what Rose shared the possibility of a better future as Imperial Security Forces boarded Stone ship Rose turned to James I felt something else from the crews many of their children they're like me different levels of empathic ability all suppressed James smiled then they'll need teachers who understand what they're going through the next day the galactic Council held an emergency session Rose stood before them not as a princess or even just an ambassador but as someone who had changed changed the Galaxy's understanding of emotional power the Empire hereby announces the
establishment of the empathic Academy prince Ray declared Under The Joint supervision of Earth and the Imperial Throne Ambassador Rose will oversee the training of all empathically gifted individuals and these trained empaths the head speaker asked what will be their role they will serve where they choose Rose answered as diplomats counselors teachers or simply as themselves no more suppression no more control we will show the Galaxy what emotions and understanding can truly achieve James watched from his seat feeling Pride washed through him the scared young princess he taken in was now Standing Tall ready to help
others like her even the council members who once laughed at humans emotional nature were nodding an approval Stone's failed attack had proved what Earth had always known true strength came not from controlling emotions but from understanding them and now thanks to one human's acceptance and one princess's Courage the entire galaxy was about to learn that lesson the storm had come but it hadn't brought destruction instead it had cleared the air for something new to grow 5 years had passed since the day Rose first arrived at Earth's diplomatic compound the galactic Council chamber looked very different
now where there had once been rigid separation between species delegates now sat mixed together talking freely James sat in Earth's section watching Rose conduct her final session as Ambassador before taking her new role she stood at the central platform her Silver Eyes bright no longer the scared princess who had arrived with just a small bag and hidden gifts the empathic Academy's first class graduates tomorrow Rose announced three 300 students from 42 species she paused letting the delegates feel her pride and yes some of them are human that caused to stir humans with empathic abilities but
Rose just smiled we discovered that many humans have natural empathic talents small gifts but real they simply needed training to understand them just like my own people needed to learn that feeling deeply isn't a weakness the head speaker now one of rose's strongest supporters stood the academy success is undeniable planetary conflicts have decreased by 60% trade disputes are resolved in days instead of years and the number of species requesting to join the council has doubled James remembered how they used to laugh at humans for being too emotional too quick to connect with others now those
same qualities were being studied and celebrated a young Imperial student stepped forward one of rose's first pupils she activated a Holo display showing the old recordings from the day Rose was given to James the chamber watched their past selves laughing at The Unwanted princess being handed to the Primitive humans but no one was laughing now Rose walked down from the platform to stand beside James 5 years ago I thought being given to Earth was a punishment I was wrong she turned to face the council it was the first time anyone saw my difference as a
gift not a flaw humans taught me something the Empire had forgotten that understanding others starts with accepting yourself the chamber erupted in Applause even species that had once opposed emotional diplomacy were now its strongest supporters Prince Ray's image appeared on the main screen sister the Empire formally requests that you return not as a ward but as the new head of the Imperial diplomatic cores and Chancellor of the academy Rose felt James's sudden sadness and turned to him with a smile only if my human father agrees to come with me as Chief advisor James blinked in
Surprise your father you've been my true father since the day you let me choose to be myself Rose said softly I feel it you feel it and now everyone can feel it too the head speaker laughed not mockingly but with genuine Joy a human advising the Imperial diplomatic course 5 years ago we would have called it a joke now we call it progress later in Rose's old Garden at the Earth compound she and James watched the sunset a group of Academy students practiced nearby learning to project and share positive emotions remember how they laughed Rose
asked watching the students when you accepted guardianship of the defective princess James nodded best decision I ever made no rose corrected him best decision we ever made I chose to trust you to remember they both turned as a student successfully projected a wave of pure happiness making flowers bloom early and bringing smiles to everyone's faces the Galaxy is changing James said because one princess learned to be herself and one species wasn't afraid to feel Rose took his hand they're not laughing anymore no James agreed they feeling instead and that's so much better as they walked
back inside past students of all species learning to understand each other in ways once thought impossible James thought about how far they come The Unwanted princess was now the most respected Diplomat in the Galaxy the mocked humans were now teachers of emotional wisdom and the last laugh it wasn't really a laugh at all it was something better the feeling of Joy shared between a human father and his alien daughter spreading out to touch the hearts of an entire galaxy sometimes James thought the best revenge against mockery wasn't proving others wrong it was showing them a
better way to be right
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