9 Things Highly Confident Femme Fatales NEVER DO !

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Lisa Glamour
Today we talk about 9 Things highly confident femme fatales never do ! The femme fatale is the ultim...
Video Transcript:
hello my beautiful Darlings welcome back to my channel I hope you're having an amazing day today and thank you so much for watching today we're going to talk about nine things that are highly confident fam for Town never do you know on this channel I love talking about all the Hollywood I love being extravagant and very glamorous in my style and very exaggerated and I love the fun fidels from the 40s I mean they're just so magnetic in some way and I know you love it too because you loved my videos when I talk about
them and of course they are highly confident so I think they are such a good example in terms of confidence in terms of how they hold themselves to a certain standards and there are some things that we can learn from them of course only the good things not the bad things the fanfata has a big amount of Charisma and a presence that would make anyone pale a woman that you see and that you never forget so if you want to know the nine things that I highly confident Fanfare I'll never do you keep on watching
but first just wanted to let you know that if you want to see more of my content I talk about fashion femininity old Hollywood glamor obviously to transform yourself into a very elegant and feminine and glamorous lady feel free to join the channel the link is down below and also follow me on my Instagram also ladies I'm organizing a fabulous trip in Italy in the Amalfi Coast next year in June if you want to join our fabulous trip with all feminine like-minded ladies the link is down below we're going to go to the amafikos we're
going to visit this incredible place I'm going to do a feminine workshop for you to increase your feminine Aura we're going to eat delicious food and have so much fun and party and visit incredible historical places so if you want to join this fabulous trip feel free to check the link down below so what is the fam feta what are her characteristic because the fan Fatale where the woman represented in 1940 is in the film Noir there were this type of woman with a high level of confidence in them and a high level of sensuality
and representing a lot of femininity and a lot of feminine power in a woman fan fatal is a combination of two Factor her physical attribute and her mental attributes so what are the nine things that are highly confident fam fertile never do number One never looking bad she's beautiful yes nice apartment the fun facts are always look glamorous in any situation she may be even overdressed in most situation but at least she's always fabulous no no no I love my husband you got me all wrong you don't know how hard it is being a woman
looking the way I do she always take care of herself and yes I love to be overdressed in my videos I love to be like a little bit too much it's maybe too glamorous but this is my style and I love it she always makes a sensational first impression when she arrives in a room and always possess the room foreign [Music] her outfit are always on point even just at home she's lounging at home in a beautiful glamorous nightgown like I have one like the pink one this is the classic typical nightgown of a fan
Fidel she's always overly dramatically glamorous so she never looked bad because she understand that her beauty and her looking good is a big Power and is a big asset in society she always have a nice smell she always smell fantastically good she always have this amazing perfume she has this classic and Timeless taste but always with a touch of sensuality Always With A Touch of Elegance glamores she loves typically dark colors and luxurious textures like Silk velvet fur obviously faux fur I would recommend but she has those kind of Timeless taste in her and that's
what make her so always looking good she's not chasing trench and before you ask I know you're going to ask my darling this dress is from Lipsy London it's this very glamorous fanfitter-esque dress very sensual but elegant at the same time felt like he needed some cover-up like a little cover up on top of it which I bought in Dubai which is a fantastically beautiful with some little detail here number two she never let people downgrade her she never forgets her boundaries her standards and her values sorry the Sheep's going to win continue funding Terror
and killing innocent people that kind of sorry you lost because of your ego and I'd say Migo can't take it that's what this is about all you're going to do now is lose more she never forgets and put aside her standards her morals her values for someone the fan fidels are definitely not people pleaser and this is like her mental characteristic in that way are really really strong they absolutely do not care if people don't like them if people like her then that's good if they don't that's too bad for them just go away you
know she would also never downgrade herself she's very confident in herself she understand her value and how amazing she is and what she brings and she's very confident in a feminine way in a very calm assuring way in a very unbothered way like she doesn't need to get angry to get very emotional she's just very calm and very emotionally intelligent in that way if people downgrade her she would eliminate those people from her life dismiss your vows your fainted tears you're flattering whoever heart is hard they make no battery and this is real confidence where
you're not there just to be liked by everybody you own who you are and that's it and if people don't like it it's too bad for them she understand how she's an amazing person and how what she bring and what how she is really loving and caring towards the people that she love and if people don't like her then that means that they don't really see her value and what she would bring to them and that's too bad for them you know like understand that in you also don't feel like you have to people please
and be liked by everybody because this is not the vibe that we want and of course being elegant being nice to people and considerate but at the same time you are not there begging for their attention next is the fanfita is never desperate being able to walk away at any moment she is able to have that kind of core evidence in her to being able to walk away from any situation that did not serve her I let myself fall in love with a man who won't trust me no matter what I might do no matter
what you Lorelei that's being unreasonable well goodbye then her confidence in herself is so strong and she knows that everything is going to come to her she have this kind of abundance mindset of I'm going to succeed in life I'm going to have everything I desire she has this kind of abundance mindset and this kind of positive mindset about herself in a way that she doesn't need to be desperate in any way with people with anything in her life she's never begging for anything foreign [Music] she would never be desperate with the men for example
like the men would pursue her and of course she would make a man feel loved and valued and everything don't torture yourself Gomez that's my job [Music] but she would not be in a desperate needy clingy way on on the contrary you imagine fanfestyle being more on the independent side of like you know I'm like I'm fine without you you know she lets everybody know that she is extremely desirable why would a fantastic beautiful goddess like her be desperate she is not easy to have that adds to her value in that way she is an
irresistible challenge that's against our Union rules I always observe the rules and regulations [Music] fascinate me she does not compete with other women never she's never jealous or compete with other women why would she be threatened by other women she's confident in herself she knows that another woman can be beautiful but she can be beautiful as well you know it's so much better I always tell you that to celebrate other women to celebrate how beautiful they are the success the style that they have what you like another woman and be inspired by them instead of
being jealous it would be men competing for her attention rather than her competing for the attention of a man and I think it's more natural in that way men are Hunters they love you know they love to have a beautiful lady that they value that they love that they care for it's more like this kind of Prince Charming really wanting the lady and really go for it you know I would like to ask permission to dance for your lady the answer is no the answer is yes I but he can't afford it the fanfitter is
never afraid to be herself she's not afraid to wear whatever she wants she's overly glamorous so like she has this kind of style I was in 1940s and of course you don't have to have this style to have the energy of the fanfita I'm just talking about generally when I imagine the fanfita she has this kind of style she will not do something just because everybody does she would not just copy everybody just because everybody dresses certain way or just because everybody does this or that that she would have to do it the same way
and I love this kind of mentality because it's totally me I love to be different I love to be like really in my own word in my head I love to dress differently I love to be different in my style in my way of being it's so interesting because this is a real power to be able to be fully yourself and when you're real and when you're completely really genuine people can feel it and they love it they love this kind of oh you're different this is really attractive you're different you're on your style you
own who you are you own your taste I'm gonna do it I've got some news for you Johnny I'm going to do exactly what I please when I please um you're not just like a copy of everybody else you're just you next she never reveals everything about her life rather that's saying everything to people or rather that's on social media she will not reveal every single detail about her life she's more private in a way and that makes her fascinating like a mythical character it's a way of protecting herself it's a way of protecting her
life and it's a way of being also very magnetic because people are attracted to secret people are attracted to mystery they wonder they want to know next she's never too emotional just like the fact that she's very private and she protects herself in that way she also protects herself without showing too much emotions and that's very interesting because we can take that as in our life when you see people on the internet being overly dramatic being overly critical being overly complaining about every single thing crying like really being overly like that I think it just
downgrades your image you want to have a certain calm certain ease about you not being overly sensitive about every single thing and thinking that everybody is there to criticize you being overly sensitive about what people say about you that's also real power to being more unbothered in that way and not feeling attacked every about everything she has a high level of emotional intelligence and also she is very smart and you can see that because she control her emotions a very elegant lady is in control of her emotions she was not lash out in front of
everybody when she's angry she will like control it and knows that it's not the right time it's not the right moment I'm not going to do that in front in public in front of people she knows how to control all of that and this is a trait that is very very important and very attractive because a lot of people like that type of maturity to be able to become and not completely lash out about everything last but not least the fanfita is never arrogant she is a sociable gifted for discussion and have a certain ease
never treating people like they are below her that would be again against all of her Charming Charisma because if I'm fatal is very charismatic very Charming of course you have examples on TV and everything where this is the case I'm thinking about Catherine Pierce in Vampire Diaries I mean she was really funny and tell me who I should kill him she looks delicious but she is not let's say the example that I would take I would take more of the examples of the 1940s where they really had this big amount of Charisma and this kind
of playfulness they're very playful sarcastic but never in a way that's kind of hurting people treating others poorly will make you look bad it is a big sign of insecurity when you have to put others down when you have to criticize others when you have to be this kind of person that's saying oh she looks bad oh she's this oh she's that then you are insecure yourself you are this person that has to be negative that have to find the wrong in the other people and the fact that is highly confident so she will not
be insecure like that and put herself on this low level of just criticizing other people and being mean and catty she's not on that low level she also does not think that she is below people either it's like she has this energy of just being the energy the feminine just being and valuing people and ignoring the one that don't deserve her time this is the power of her warmth charm and Charisma and she's not really showy about her lifestyle because mostly the fanfita she love the Finer Things in life but she's not that showy she's
quite discreet quite private about her possession about her money this Christian and elegance that's why she's not bragging she's not putting people down because arrogance is not Charming it's desperate and because she's never desperate she will not be in that kind of arrogance of just bragging about what she has when you are bragging you release that energy G of desperation you're like look at what I have love me love me like me please please like me and this is not her vibe the fanfita is an energy it's an Essence it's an aura it's really this
kind of vibe of I am highly confident in my own skin I'm unbothered I really love myself thank you so much for watching my beautiful angels beautiful Darlings I hope you liked it and I hope it was helpful for you let me know in the comments what you think about the fan fatales and what do you think are the next things that you think she would never do a fan for town would never do that a highly confident would never do this and this like let me know in the comments I really want to hear
what you have to say also feel free to like the video and subscribe down below also follow me on my Instagram take care of you my beautiful Darlings my beautiful seductive Fanfare that you you are and I love you all and I give you so much kisses I've Been Kissed before you can tell by my kiss you weren't the first and you won't be the last
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