oh boy Kingdom Come Oh hey how's it going ladies and gentlemen me mudahar I'm just on Steam looking for some games one of those was Kingdom Come Deliverance too I got sent a review code for this but to be honest I'm not messing around with that I just want to see what the real gamer experiences maybe this port's going to be awesome maybe the spit that just flew out of my mouth is gonna it's gonna it's going to start a new micro culture that will take over Society I don't know but ladies and gentlemen what
I do know is Ubisoft is currently in a serious bad situation now for the Last 5 Years they've been dropping year to dat 14.5% loss all right just on their stock trading market now the thing is stocks aren't everything obviously you got to realize maybe the company's succeeding in other ways not really in fact a couple days ago Ubisoft announced a studio closure where they laid off 185 jobs across the market now video gaming is an expensive hobby to get into okay not just for the consumer but for the producer as well okay let's be
honest anytime a studio comes out with a bad game it almost spells Doom and Gloom not too long ago electronic Arch said a game known as Dragon Age mailguard an EA football club 2025 ended up having an underperformance yeah who was surprised that the new Dragon Age game underperformed now of course if you play the new Dragon Age game I'll be the first one to just say it nothing in that game screamed PlayStation 5 to me now I play the older Dragon Age games back on the PlayStation 3 days the 360 days and while they
were decent games the new Veil guard really felt like some life service game that was kind of like repurposed into like a three uh person squad-based instance like game that was it I don't really didn't feel much of an RPG out of it and I really couldn't move past about halfway through the game it really felt like I was kind of trudging water now obviously if anybody doesn't remember Dragon Age Veil guard was the target of a pretty massive culture War as well and in fact I'll be the first one to say to somebody that
doesn't get into the woke anti-woke debate this one cut scene absolutely made me just Giggle and face palm like crazy like listen to this pounding that snake's nose she's still holding the ruby in her other hand makers panties I was so proud oh um ah they they're still holding it sorry what are you doing pulling a oh okay a barve tradition in the Lords of Fortune from one of our old members barve good guy but like most of us his plans went sideways a lot Bad Blood among your crew is not good for morale you
see she's doing what we call physical Penance for again misgendering one of the characters and even the actual character in the game that was actually like you know offended was like what are you doing pal what's going on like she was face paling alongside me now again this is just one cut scene there's also a lot of other stuff that came out of this game where even if you're not in the culture war debate stuff like this is just intrinsically face palm worthy it's like yes there's a big difference between the game like constantly shoving
things into people's faces and there's a big difference to also like you know treat the audience like actual children you don't need to be telling this to anybody you don't need to be doing this it's just cringey for everyone involved and I think most people can agree on that well it seems like because of this the company behind this bu iare is actually not in a good situation I don't know if it was necessarily this game but apparently BioWare has lost actually has fewer than 100 people left and according to people at the studio it
is in fact a ghost of its former shelf and it's kind of a shame too CU BioWare if I'm not mistaken is a pretty awesome Canadian company that actually produced really awesome games one of my favorite series Mass Effect came out of BioWare and to be fair if this is the state of BioWare at the moment after what happened with Dragon Age Veil guard I don't think Mass Effect 5 is going to be that great of a title to be honest with you I'm a little worried now the thing is it shows that when it
comes to video game companies really just having one bad game all right or maybe even two if you're lucky will often spell Doom and Gloom for your company you'll have people who come into your company produce a video game and sometimes they will not hit the mark and those games because they cost so much to make will end up giving a bad situation for you know the actual company involved it may cause electronic ARS to say BioWare we might as well just start up another Studio that focuses on live service games maybe put more money
into our sports stuff and just go down that road okay now gaming is in fact an art form and I totally believe in that which is why I don't really get into the culture War debates I think a lot of the issues with modern-day gaming come from the fact that big business people jump into this entire industry and go hyperfocused on the monetization aspect of it now I started this video talking about Ubisoft but to to be fair Ubisoft is a company that I think really led the way of again making really good quality video
games for a long time this is footage of Splinter Cell chaos theory that you're seeing on the screen right here and Splinter Cell chaos theory is probably one of the best looking if not one of the best stealth games in general I'm not just talking about a game that looks good to this day because the team that worked on it lightingwise absolutely hit it out of the park I'm talking about a game that has some of the best stealth elements where at a time you had two options to buy at the store Metal Gear or
splinter cell and you really couldn't go wrong with both of them I mean to be fair Ubisoft Montreal was going up against Konami and it was a pretty Fierce competition between the two and while both these franchises are effectively completely dormant now with again the only things getting out of them are probably remakes or remasters nothing necessarily new in terms of in-game content or pushing this franchise beyond what it's already done and of course it wasn't just Splinter Cell obviously L Ubisoft was also producing games like Prince of Persia and even during the early Heyday
of Assassin's Creed I would say Ubisoft was a game company that probably focused on creating interesting experiences first and then wondering about Dem monetization later is that necessarily a good business strategy probably not but honestly it made it so that Ubisoft has a history of games that even if their company goes under I think everyone watching will have one game from this organization that they remember being very very important in their childhood or even teenage years depending on how old you are so Assassin's Creed Shadows was originally supposed to drop last year November 2024 is
when we were supposed to be jumping around Japan with two assassins Yos the black samurai that's been the focus of attention then you got nawe which is like the Japanese like female Shinobi assassin or I don't even know if that's the right term I think Shinobi is more for like guys I think women have a different like term anyway it's not the focal point the game gets delayed because honestly it gets pretty pandered it gets pretty like panned by the actual Gaming Community and they delay it to February 14 2025 well February's coming next month
but not Assassin's Creed because they also decided to delay the game again to yes ladies and gentlemen March 2024 so yeah all of a sudden uh not 24 2025 where we're in the current year of course so obviously the game has been delayed a second time and apparently it's because Ubisoft wants to basically make sure the game's gameplay is up there because even they agree that the stuff they've been producing isn't actually all the way there and look you know I don't want to play the whole mamoto quote or something where it's like a a
rushed game is bad a delayed game you know is better or whatever the it is because at the end of the day uh I don't really think a game delay is always correlating with a good game all right it really just seems like Ubisoft detected that their game needed like some time in the oven but is it really going to actually come out cooked or fully baked I have no idea entirely but there is a lot of new gameplay that ended up being showed from Assassin's Creed Shadows now before we go into it obviously we
kind of have to recap some of the actual you know controversy around it Assassin's Creed Shadows dropped with again yasuke being like the main character which for the first time in this franchise for some reason Ubisoft decided instead of having like a completely optional and fictional character in the lore we're going to have somebody who is apparently new and of course this started a whole debate between people asking is yasuke really a samurai is he not a samurai Wikipedia turf wars were being held and people were questioning sources for historical accuracy okay and mind you
this is a game where you can beat the out of the Pope in the Vatican and discover an a almost like you know precursor race living within but that's not even the point of the entire thing people were arguing about the actual historical accuracy of the Assassin's Creed franchise why they decide to go down this road and of course Ubisoft being Ubisoft seems like they've kind of called this character back a little bit so all the recent like actual leaks and all the actual like Showcases of the game have been focusing more on Nai because
obviously she might be the least problematic of all the assassins to be showing maybe instead of the black guy it might be easier to show the Japanese woman to the actual audience so a couple days ago there was a hentai website God damn do I love talking about this sometimes because it's so goofy there was a hentai website that had a massive leak of like an art book where they went even in depth into showing like other characters in this game now obviously the art book and the leaks are not something that I can show
you not because it's on a hentai website or anything it's literally just because I I think Ubisoft would put a bullet into my head if I decided to Showcase anything that is way before the avilable release date but what's funny too is like I've started to see like people Gass this game up for really no reason like Apparently one of the things that I saw floating around was apparently you can go prone and like sneak around and that was adding to the game's actual like stealth mechanic which is like it's cool that the game is
doing that but let's not forget okay ladies and gentlemen Beyond just having like simple you know goofy stealth they're not really doing anything in Assassin's Creed Shadows to like reflect what their older games or really you know being an assassin represents right like one of the things that really was super duper awesome for games like like Assassin's Creed Unity which again is a game that is almost 10 years old at this point was a game that introduced things like blackbox missions actually they brought that back for Assassin's Creed Mirage as well too albeit I don't
think it was as impressive as whatever we saw in unity but uh yeah the ability for again Ubisoft to take a game to a Next Generation or I guess the current generation with the PS5 they're not really doing anything in the game to actually warrant this level of like you know excitement right like the stealth or any of the gameplay that I've seen is just effectively the same steal that I've seen in all the other like previous big RPG focused Assassin's Creed stuff this one that I saw being gassed up was apparently Next Level water
and boating mechanics okay are we ready for this one ladies and Gentlemen let's laugh at this so right over here you can see that our character is running around and just hijacking the boat which is something you could do in like you know the other uh recent Assassin's Creed stuff but of course even things like basic water physics and like cosics again it's it's like everything that I'm seeing in this is not even anything different from like Assassin's Creed Origins Assassin's Creed like Valhalla I mean to be honest with you if this wasn't Japan you
could easily confuse this with any of the other Assassin's Creed stuff that has effectively come out in the time that they've taken off theyve showed some of the new like Combat gameplay so this is Yas with like the katana and everything and like to be completely honest with you guys ladies and gentlemen I don't know if it's like other games that have come out like rise of the Ronin or more specifically ghost of sushi but this whole like excitement for a video game set in Japan in Assassin's Creed title has effectively been taken away like
ever since I played ghost of sushima it's like why am I even waiting for a game that doesn't look as good as that game and also doesn't have the same interesting fun Combat gameplay everything that we've seen over here is quite literally just Assassin's Creed that we've seen for the last few Generations like nothing here even seems like it's really using the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox series X to any real capacity and look like I said you know there's been reviewers that have played this game for like five six hours apparently and some of
them have said it's good some of them also say it doesn't match even like Splinter cell's level of stealth which even for an Assassin's Creed game I wasn't expecting but like again for ubisoft's last Hail Mary seeing the gameplay that's being hyped up for this right now just doesn't have me that Blown Away now the reason I'm talking about the game play so heavily here is that again this game is a huge huge Target for current culture War stuff right there's a lot of people that are bringing up the fact that this game basically treats
Japanese history like a mad libs or like Choose Your Own Adventure novel which to an extent you can kind of agree with especially with a lot of their public relations stuff where like they've held events where they were just literally placing like props that were from like I believe anime is like one piece it's actually insane how people dug that out so yeah there's genuinely a bit of like distrust and even if you're like a Japanese person and these guys are making a game set in your country and they're getting basic stuff wrong or they're
not treating it as seriously yeah I could imagine being a little bit pissed about it too but there's also a level of culture War where I feel like we've reached Jack Thompson levels of asking for like censorship or outrage for instance one of the wildest Things I saw over here was it's revealed that Ubisoft delayed the release of AC Shadows to March 28th 1995 I don't know about you dog but 1995 was a long time ago I don't know if we discovered time travel have you seen Ubisoft stock price they can't afford no flux capacitor
the same day when the 30th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in postwar Japanese history I can't even begin to describe how disrespectful this is so you're looking at like AC Shadows it's released on March 20th 2025 right and then you go a little bit further into it it's like oh no the Tokyo subway sarin attacks which obviously are really bad like I would say it's probably like Tokyo's version of like 9/11 it's like a pretty serious attack and then like again if you weren't like an outrage Merchant you could like go and look up
what Xenoblade Chronicles like X release date is which is like the new like the switch upres Port oh what's that when when is Nintendo releasing this game on oh March 20th 2025 like dog it's just a date bro I doubt it's that serious and again this is like the level of like discussion we're having you know trying to talk about this game and look I don't think AC shadows will be a massive success it's kind of weird like you can go to like Amazon and you can start to see like yes 2,000 of these games
have been like pre-ordered in like the last month which is stupid by the way because ladies and gentlemen why are you pre-ordering a game that is again even the physical copy requires the internet to install just buy it digitally at that point okay why are you buying e-w okay it's like even if it's a digital copy what do you think they're going to run out of like files for you to download stop pre-ordering games you get nothing out of them anymore okay even the 40-minute Quest they give you is a waste of your time and
intelligence stop pre-ordering video games okay let them come out wait for a review and then make your decision all right because what if the game drops like cyberpunk 2077 and it runs like then you have a pile of on a Blu-ray disc waiting to be in anyways I'm I'm I'm I'm going to have like a BP attack right now if I keep going down this road but the other big thing that I saw about this too was apparently how Yas is a disrespectful person to Japanese culture because apparently you can go into shrines and just
things up wake up Ubisoft Defender and hear our voice what kind of Assassin's Creed game destroys an actual religious site have you played Assassin's Creed 2o I made a video on it not too long ago yeah you actually go go to the Vatican and basically disrespect I would say Catholic religion right there I would say most Assassin's Creed games basically like say every single world religion is full of whether you're a follower of Christianity or Islam or anything remember an Assassin's Creed lore you're just basically some slave race from a precursor highly technologically advanced group
called the ones that come before okay all right those who come before seriously play the entire Assassin's Creed franchise and just realize how batshit insane the story gets to but yeah what happened over here was this 12 122 clip released where yasuke was at one of the shrines in the game causing what appears to be disrespect watch this so immediately starts off Squad wipes a man right in the back uh basically freaks him out he runs away that's a by the way strong strong back by the way to be able to take a full arrow
and then still run away then he runs into the shrine and causes disrespect he runs around breaks items and yes would be considered seriously I guess disrespectful I look at this and see just some destruction physics in the game the other thing about it is is there is a term people call it's called you control the buttons you press remember that one clip floating around not too long ago of like people running into like Grand Theft Auto Forest Hospital and just laying waste to everyone and there was people like I can't believe people would do
that bro it's Grand Theft Auto it's a it's an open world game you decide what you get to do bro if this is offensive for you or if you're you know somebody like Ian miles Chong where it's like I don't know if I could shoot cops in Grand Theft Auto if you're if you're a baby you know you can choose not to do that in the game you play you can choose not to play that game entirely but this is like a weird case of like people getting up in arms about the situation weirdly Jack
Thompson in a way too where it's like something that could easily be considered slightly offensive or offensive let's just get rid of that in the game let's have some serious respect tossed in at what point are we just deciding to draw the line between what is and what isn't okay in this entire franchise now of course people brought up the fact that the game doesn't punish you because you stuck an arrow into somebody's back remember the arrow did not kill the Japanese man with the steel back he did run away the game does in fact
punish you like all Assassin's Creed games if you do in fact kill civilians again this just takes a basic level of research to find uh than anything else and I want you to remind you this is a game where if you believe the shrine is offensive you actually fist fight the Catholic Pope in let alone the second game so if that didn't draw the outrage Merchants already I don't think a shrine should draw any form of outrage either right I'm just saying like equality is equality sake over here now if it sounds like I'm overly
protecting this game right now I'm not I just found that level of hypocrisy to be a little bit stupid on the internet but again going back to this game and like the weird excitement for it like obviously I started to see other post like look at these hair physics in the game oo is this going to be one of the dog again I think game play is more important than just basic hair physics or not basic these are kind of impressive hair physics but if you're getting excited about the hair physics in a video game
let's focus on the actual gameplay and nothing of the gameplay in this game has actually shown any benefit to me now I personally don't think this game is going to perform that well uh just because I really do feel like it's going to be a box standard Ubisoft game uh and it's not going to be something that has like a level of passion put into it like ghost of sushima or even rise of the Ronin really any other game that's already basically taken the wins out of the sale had those games not existed it would
have been exciting to play a game set in feudal Japan with a stealth Action twit like twist to it but this game feels like what a tenu game might even try to be what those games might try to be this is honestly like not really the most impressive effort put by Ubisoft and look maybe I could be wrong and honestly I really do hope that I'm wrong I don't wish for bad games I really don't but I do wish for games that actually have a lot more you know passion put into them versus games that
are most likely designed to be monetization vectors now if you played the last Assassin's Creed game Valhalla which again going back to the respect and the and the point for that it's also a game that allowed you to like raid entire monasteries with churches inside them by the way too so if you're not offended by that I don't think the shrine should really be offending you okay but that was a game where I would say if the game had 200 hours worth of content in it 15 of those hours 20 of those hours if I'm
being like very very very liberal about it were actually maybe meaningful okay you're talking about a game franchise that is designed to basically consume the most life out of you to give you a ton of content without actually giving you that meaningful content and it's again a discussion that I had about Ubisoft if you want to be able to make good games and you want to be able to sell good games then you need to make sure those games are not necessarily the longest games but games that actually are capable of winning Awards and basically
setting yourself apart from the actual industry there was a time where Ubisoft was a serious contender in the gaming space where the kind of content that they produced the video games that they produced set actual standards instead of basically following the pack and basically being like open sandboxes that could just easily have interchangeable worlds uh and that would be it and this is like the actual standard that I think Ubisoft should probably start to take look at the end of all this ladies and gentlemen video games are a tough Market to BAS basically being okay
and there is not it's not just a Ubisoft thing it's everyone you know even a company like EA which has tons of Studios if you make one bad game in a studio one underperforming game it doesn't have to be a flop one underperforming game your entire Studio branch and hundreds of your employees can absolutely be shuttered and sent out into the cold hard World hell even if you produce a game of the year you could absolutely see yourself being laid off it's like weirdly one of the tough markets to be in and I can kind
of understand it right video games like Assassin's Creed Shadows take years to develop and you know instead of allowing the creatives in this industry to actually produce a game that stands on its own merits and stands without being like you know even at its worst a breeding ground for ideologies to be weirdly pushed through if that is happening like I showed with that very first Dragon Age clip but if it's a game that doesn't really have that heart and soul put into it in providing a good actual game it becomes a your target for a
culture war and it becomes a game that will underperform or fail not I would say because of the culture War aspects of it but because the game itself just isn't that great I think a lot of people most level-headed individuals most of the gamers that don't go onto the internet just like to play good engaging games and for them Assassin's Creed Shadows is not failing or it's not going to be a underperforming game if that because of the fact of its like you know choices and what its protagonist is going to be or you know
weirdly if it's respectful or not respectful to historical sites it's going to be an underperforming game because they're going to follow the same tropes and same that they've had to deal with in the last several games which if you ask any normal gamer it's just not fun it's maybe fun for like 10 15 hours but when you got to be doing this for 50 60 hours just to Pat out game length that's when people drop off and not even get to the credit screen and that might probably be the biggest shame in any kind of
game out there I only ever managed to finish Valhalla because I'm a longtime fan of this franchise and even I'm questioning if I'm going to go out and buy AC Shadows but yeah Ubisoft is not doing too well and not only is this studio kind of shutting down a lot of Studios they have are kind of facing the inevitable pink slip and unfortunately you know they really put their eggs into this one specific basket you know there's very few successful games that I see at a company like Ubisoft maybe some like Rainbow Six siege for
now but given the fact with recent changes to that I don't know how long that success is even going to go but for a game company like Ubisoft again you know having something like Assassin's Creed Shadows being delayed for the second time and finally coming out in a couple months this game better slap and I think even if it does slap even if it's like a 10 out of 10 and it sells like millions of copies I don't think it's going to save the over bloated monstrosity that is Ubisoft as a company and honestly it
is a shame because I've grown up with with Ubisoft games like I've grown up playing some of and some of their games have actually been genuinely industry pushing standards you know games like chaos theory you know games like Prince of Persia there's tons of good stuff that Ubisoft has made even rainbow sixs if you were my age and you were younger during the 360 era you played games like Rainbow 6 Vegas Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 you've played tons of their stuff and it's genuinely enjoyable stuff that they've produced but honestly I think it's kind of
of the end of an era and if this game slaps even if it does the best of the best even if it's like the most industry smashing you've ever seen I don't know if it's enough to save it but that's kind of the Target that they've put themselves into if this game is underperforming or if it fails I don't really see how this company ends up going forward because there's nothing else that they're making that is absolutely going to grab eyeballs or anything of that nature but if you like what you saw please like comment
and subscribe dislike if you dislike it I wanted to talk about it because I've just been seeing AC Shadows every where and I wanted to get my word out if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike or dislike it I am out