there are 262 names for sugar 262 and the reason is because the food industry likes it that way because they can use a different name for sugar on the side of the package and a different sugar can be number five number six number seven number eight number nine and when you add it up it's number one they hide it in plain site but virtually every one of those 262 it's because of the fructose that's the problem so what is glucose and what is fructose and while we're at it what is sucrose and high fructose corn
syrup too glucose is what plants make in starch fructose is what plants make in Sugar starch not sweet sugar sweet glucose not very sweet fructose very sweet fructose is addictive because fructose stimulates the reward center of the brain and tells you this feels good I want more in the same way cocaine heroin nicotine and alcohol do and it makes sense because fructose and alcohol are metabolized the same way do the same things metabol ically in the body and also centrally in the brain fructose and alcohol both lead to Alzheimer's disease fructose is half of sucrose
half of dietary sugar half of high fructose corn syrup half of maple syrup honey Agave if it's sweet and it's quote natural it's fructose that's the way it works fructose has metabolic detriments that glucose does not glucose stimulates mitochondria to work better fructose inhibits mitochondria from working better fructose inhibits three enzymes involved in mitochondrial function I'll name them real quick amp kinas aadl and cpt1 bottom line fructose inhibits mitoch andrial function fructose inhibits ATP generation fructose inhibits energy metabolism fructose makes you sick the goal is keep the fructose down how do you do that well
get rid of the dietary sugar the problem is there are 262 names for them and the food industry uses the all so until we have po policies that address this issue in Washington and London and throughout the world you have to be on your guard another problem with fructose is it's not measured by the CGM so glucose is monitored by the CGM fructose is not so when you consume something with a lot of sugar your CGM will rise because of the glucose but you won't even see the contribution of the fructose because it's not being
picked up by the CGM but because fructose does all of these things that glucose doesn't it's seven times worse and you don't even measure it on the CGM so absolutely essential to try to keep your dietary sugar consumption low how low well how about zero no one needs it there is no biochemical reaction in any vertebrate organism that requires dietary fructose how's that now we can tolerate a certain amount up to about 25 grams of sugar therefore 12 grams of fructose per day that would be six teaspoons of added sugar per day an orange juice
is 11 teaspoons a Milky Way bar is 7 teaspoons a bowl of Froot Loops is four teaspoons so you can see it adds up pretty fast bottom line is if you want dessert have dessert just don't eat dessert for breakfast lunch dinner and snacks