These 5 Bible Verses Made Me A Millionaire

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Danielle - Money Making Homemaker
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how is it possible that a girl who grew up with parents that never made over $40,000 a year now makes more than double that every single month and if you clicked on this video I'm sure it's because you already know the answer that anything is possible with God and so my rags to Rich's story is not one that can't be replicated in fact God is still performing Miracles and finances and every other area of life every single day and the five Bible verses that I'm going to share with you are ones you probably maybe have
never even heard before and certainly not in the context of finances that I'm going to share with you but I'm going to reveal these things to you because they have dramatically shifted my life and I believe that if you watch this video Until the End that you will find that the things that you gain from it will have the potential to change your financial future forever the first scripture is Proverbs 1312 and it says this hope deferred makes the heart sick but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life I was so sick and I
don't know if you can relate to this but I was sick of getting up every day gosh I didn't expect to get emotional like we're five minutes 5 seconds in I was so sick of getting up every day to build someone else's dream a feeling like I was bringing the leftovers of myself home to my family not being able to be the mom or wife that God had called me to be not being able to be the home maker that God had called me to be not being able to give listening to the needs of
the church in the body and not being able to do it and I'm here watering someone else's Garden day in and day out while mine is drying up and bearing no fruit and I said this cannot be what God has for me I knew that it wasn't and so what was happening just like the scripture said hope deferred makes the heart sick and I knew that what the scripture said had to happen was what needed to happen for me that a longing fulfilled is the tree of life so when I looked at and examined the
longings and I looked at okay what's from the world and what's from God right so that's the first thing you got to clear out is what are the worldly longings that your heart is having and what is truly you're trying to build wealth for the kingdom of God and for some of the other things that I'm going to talk about on this list and when you have aligned that with God and aligned your will with his then you know that once that longing is fulfilled it is a tree of life and I can tell you
sitting here on the other side of it that it is so refreshing but that wealth will only multiply where you're currently at so if you're currently discontented unhappy and anxious and sad you're just going to be more unhappy and discontent and anxious and sad and so I need you to really dig down deep and evaluate that in your own life and if this is a hope deferred and you truly feel sick about where you are right now what you're doing you know that there is potential there is more left inside of you there are talents
that are going unused there are books that are going Unwritten there are songs that are going unsung businesses that are going unbuilt then I'm going to challenge you right now to not let yourself go to the Grave with any of that in you okay and that was the first scripture that really woke me up to know that like the sickness that I am feeling is a sign from God that I am not where I am supposed to be and that was one of the scriptures that was a catapult for me to becoming a millionaire the
next scripture it appears in two different places and this is so important for you to understand the way that it breaks down the first place is Proverbs 6 10- 11 in the second place is Proverbs 24 33-34 and the scripture is actually saying the same thing in both passages um but the context is different and this is going to blow your mind cuz it blew mine so as hard as it may be to believe right now I used to be lazy I used to sleep in all day I used to go to work and I
used to go to school and I felt like because I was doing that that that entitled me to be able to do nothing with the rest of my time until I read a book that was talking about Godly Womanhood and it got this scripture which I could not get out of my skin and it still gets me out of bed to this day it says Proverbs 61-11 a little sleep a little Slumber a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come upon you like a robber and want like an armed Warrior chills
listen to that you guys folding of the hands to rest just a little sleep a little Slumber and poverty will come upon you like a robber and want like an armed Warrior how many of you are in want right now and that has come upon you like an armed Warrior and you want to be able to give you want to be able to help out in your family you want to be able to go on vacation or be able to enjoy the benefits of wealth giving to others and being able to enjoy things like the
Bible says but it is now upon you like an armed Warrior and let me ask you what have you done with your time and this is so powerful when look at the two different texts that it comes from because in the passage of Proverbs uh 6 this passage is a warning against laziness and irresponsible Behavior and the surrounding text is talking about the ant and it's saying consider the ant he works hard all summer so that you can have food stored up for the winter and it is talking about how winter is going to come
and this is what I need you to understand is that winter no matter when no matter what you do will come that winter is a season and this is what in Proverbs 31 talks about the Proverbs 31 Woman that she laughs at a time to come because she is prepared that her household is prepared for winter they have clothing and let me ask you are you prepared for winter are you prepared for the day in the time when the tree is going to stop bearing fruit like Joseph when the famine is going to come and
so that was so impactful to me to see that this anunt when he is in a time of Plenty he's not just blowing it and Throwing It All Away he is preparing for his time of need because the job loss and the sickness is going to come and when I had family members who were sick and I was the only one able because we had the business that we had to be able to sit by their bedside and to be able to be with them in their last moments to be able to give to pay
for a funeral in $10,000 cash because the insurance money hadn't come in when it was supposed to and so when winter comes in whatever way that's going to look like for you in your life you have to ask yourself are you going to be ready to do that do you have a storehouse prepared from times of Summer and then the next context that this exact same passage comes up in is Proverbs 24 and this is 33 through 34 and in this this is talking about the negative so we get the positive picture of the ant
and how he is prepared but what happens when you're not prepared and this scared me because Solomon talks about an overgrown field with thorns and weeds and a broken down wall this neglected field is a metaphor for a person's life when it is left untended and un maintained and if God was observing your garden right now is that what it would look like untended and unmaintained and this leads to ruin and after this observation is when Solomon goes back and says a little sleep a little Slumber a little folding of the hands to rest and
this is what happens this is the warning of the neglect of one's responsibilities and what is the inevitable result of this is poverty and so just as surely as not maintaining your garden will lead to it being overgrown and having broken Gates and the dilapidation of the vineyard it is 100% chance that you leaving your life unmaintained will continue to get you more of the results that you don't want and so seeing that passage used in both ways I was shocked because if God said something once we know he meant it but he put it
twice literally in the exact same phrasing just to show me and to show you how powerful it is and how much of our life laziness and sleep that Idle Hands can take away from us if we are not careful and that really pushed me to get up and start doing something with my hands to start making some sort of work or making something happen so that when winter came that my family would be prepared the next is two scriptures I'm kind of going to put into one because they are under the same category and that
is Proverbs 13:22 which says a good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the right and the next being 1 Timothy 58 anyone who does not provide for their relatives and especially for their own household has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever oh my goodness if that doesn't put a weight on your shoulders and of course we can give that weight right back to God and we work through it with him but you should feel the urgency of those verses the same way they
hit me the urgency of Hope defered making you grow sick the urgency of winter coming and not wanting to waste time and not be prepared in the urgency of not providing for your family being making you in a position where you're worse than an unbeliever or being in a place where you don't have an inheritance to leave for your children and scripture tells us because a lot of people like to say oh no no this verse isn't talking about material things it's talking about being like a good spiritual leader no no no it's both you
know you are meant to raise train up your child in the way that they should go and you're also meant to leave your children's children and inheritance cuz in the next part of this verse it says but a sinner's wealth so we understand the context right there is talking contextually about wealth and that you should have something to leave not just for your children but for your children's children and nowadays you have people who literally ride around in cars with bumper stickers saying that they're spending their children's inheritance money and it's this funny thing that
most people do not have something to leave to their children's and aren't even thinking about their grandchildren but can I challenge and encourage you to plant a tree that you will never eat fruit from you know we as Christians if you know church history we used to be a patient people we used to be a a people with a long-term and a long game view that we have lost and this has been to the detriment of our society as we have seen it be degenerated by this worldly culture and why because we are Christians who
will not plant trees because we don't see the immediate benefit that we can get from them and so when I saw this and it's like the God is challenging us to and and calling us better yet to have a long game point of view that goes far beyond are we going to get to go on the trips that we want to go on are we going to get to have the lifestyle that we want to have and saying what are you leaving for your grandkids and when that was the question that I was asking it
completely reordered my thoughts into thinking about a game plan for wealth that could exist far beyond where I was at and what I could do and even though you want that long-term view of course you still want to be thinking in terms of what you can do now to build that up and that's when I started thinking well what has God given me what are the skills that I have right now and how can I monetize them and that's when I learned about course creation and how to really monetize my skills and so if you're
interested in learning that you can always check the description I have a free training that goes through it step by step if that's something that you're interested in learning how to make passive income but whatever way you choose to do it you need to make sure that you are in a place where you have an inheritance to leave for your children's children now the next verse I'm going to try that to take too long on but there it's the whole thing I could break down and do one video about how it literally changed my life
when I understood this text and this is a popular one that I think we say so often that it really doesn't click to us how much this should impact our lives and it's Romans 122 I'm going to read the whole thing and then we're going to break it down do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect all right right so let's break it down and I'm going to specifically talk
about it in the context of what it meant for me in my journey to becoming a millionaire so do not be conformed to this world what does this mean well I have a different video the three biblical business principles that help me to make over $3,000 a day and I always open it up with saying this you cannot build a god-honoring business using the means and the methods of this world and so I already knew going into this journey I was going to have limitations and convictions that other people wouldn't have because there were business
models simply would not touch there are things that I simply wouldn't do because I knew where my flag stood and so I had to stand on that when it came to my business Endeavors and not conforming to the world the second part of be transformed by the renewal of your mind H if you're watching this you're already doing this right now you are renewing your mind with scriptural truth and I had to literally plug myself in and brainwash myself to remove all of the scarcity thoughts all the poverty thoughts all of these thoughts that did
not come from God and open up the word for myself and see what God had to say about wealth and finances and things like that and once I started changing my mind we we have to understand that's how God works he works from the inside out right he regenerates our heart first he gives us a heart of Flesh in trade for a Heart of Stone and then we start seeing the external fruit as a result of the internal change and if you look at my other video the identity shift that I had to make to
go from making 100K a year to 100K a month I talk in a lot of depth about this and how you can renew your mind and do the transformation in the way that God does transformation which is starting from our mind and starting from our inside our thoughts our beliefs and then we see the change on the outside so if you find that you've been on this journey for a long time you haven't seen any traction how much time have you actually spent recalibrating your mind instead of just trying to do habit trackers and goal
setting things and end up not actually achieving anything year after year it's because you're playing the game wrong okay you're doing it in reverse and you're making it a lot harder on yourself it's a lot easier to grow orange fruit if you start with an orange seed right the next part that by testing you may discern so more than any of those the renewal of their mind was big up there for me but the one of the first things that God showed to me about this verse I remember um right before I dropped out of
college right before I started entrepreneurship how this understanding literally changed everything for me and it was that by testing you may discern right the word testing here means a process of proving examining and Discerning it suggests that as Believers undergo trials and challenges or even everyday life decisions that they must test or examine things in light of God's word and guidance and even testing by taking action and I tell you this all the time there are answers in your action and this was the thing that shifted everything for me is to understand that God was
not challenging me to figure out his will that he was not not telling me to sit in his seat on the throne as the almighty all- knowing god and to look into the future and to pick the right option God is not a magician sitting before you with three cups and asking you to pick the one that has the ball okay God is saying I want you to trust me I want you to step out not in ignorance we still want to do that in wisdom but still in faith and being able to take the
first step even if you do not see the entire staircase and being able to understand that this is literally the way God is has it designed that literally he says that he will direct our path right that as we step he that the heart of the man plans his ways but the Lord directs his steps how can he direct your steps if you're not moving you're sitting down asking God to be the GPS on your phone and show you the entire route but what happens is just like the GPS it calibrates once you're in route
once you're going that direction and then it tells you where to go once you're getting on the road it's not going to tell you everything in advance because that's not the way that God works and so once I understood that testing was a natural part of the process that I didn't have to be scared of failure that I didn't have to feel Paralyzed by fear I could really take a step and trust that no matter what happened that God was in control it freed me to be able to take the risks and chances that ultimately
led to me being a millionaire and if you struggle with this it's the quickest read that will absolutely change everything this was one of my first reads that shifted the way that I understood God the way that I understood risk and it's called just do something by Kevin D young I'll have it linked in the description as well along with the free training but this book just talks to you about how like you don't need liver Shivers or to make circles or to pray to God for a cosmic sign to come down or for him
to give you handwriting on the wall that in fact it is by his design that we read his word we get wisdom from wise counsel and then we just make a choice you just get to choose and you don't have to choose the hardest one just because you think that's somehow more honoring to God and you don't have to be in fear and that is because of the fifth Bible verse that um shifted and helped me to become a millionaire and that verse is Romans 8:28 and we know that in all things God works for
the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose and that is the Bedrock that I lay my head on that God is Sovereign simply meaning he is totally in control and that there's nothing that can happen that is outside of his will that is an accident that's a misstep that's something gone wrong and he's up there surprised that it happened like oh my gosh I don't know what to do Delle messed up and now she's messed up my whole plan thankfully God is so much bigger so much better
so much wiser than that and because of that I know that even if it doesn't seem like it's working for me that it's working on me and I know that nothing is ever happening to me but everything is always happening for me because I love God and I'm called according to his purpose and having that confidence not in myself or my own ability not confidence and that everything's going to go right or that I'm going to get it all the first time but I know that every single step of my journey God has already gone
before me and prepared the way and it's not my job to figure it out it's just my job to trust him as we are on the journey so if this was helpful to you please give it a thumbs up subscribe if you want more Christian content about faith and business and finances and I look forward to seeing you in the next video
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