Luke here at the arur boys YouTube channel two years ago I bought an abandoned off-grid Homestead here in the heart of Alaska we've repaired equipment built roads and one of the cabins caught fire and for the next few months I'm going to be putting the finishing touches on repairing that burned out cabin and I'm going to be digging a well so we don't have to haul jugs of water anymore it's taking a lot of work to get to this point and I'm really excited to show you [Music] it's 0 deg Let's see if the K
truck starts woo let that run hey K how you can you look at the tracks those are uh fox tracks it keeps going just like oh boy I made a mistake oh left my keys in the back all right I'll be back in just a few minutes I'm going to go get Mom and Jacob okay herey Jake come and hop on Mama's lap there you go it's worth the wait to be in the heated cab huh it's it's warming up slowly slowly they're really cool when I got can't feel my PES totally crashed is here
no we should get close you like it in here yeah you did a nice job it smells good too it smells like Pine first we should put the carpet down upstairs almost 20° yeah I knew it was getting warming up in here this is really nice it's taking [Music] [Music] far good all right got three twin mattresses up here perfect for three little boys oh that fits really well it's pretty warm opening that trap door and my body heat seems to be just about perfect oh I'm coming down okay oh maal you like this yeah
can I climb up it yeah go for it oh sick I'm going sideways SPID I think they like it I like it too it looks really nice now we got a little bit more room and a little bit more privacy and it just feels like the cozy cabin I wanted yeah it is it is a cozy cabin it's been fun but I think it's time to get going oh jeez man this isn't turning over at all volmeter says I got 12 1/2 volts that should be plenty I think I might have gotten some ice on
my starter and it's all Frozen up I was worried about this happening so I brought a weed burner there we go [Applause] [Applause] a lot warmer [Music] today we had a crazy warm spell it's melted a lot of snow and made everything icy and slushy I've wanted to get the sighing up on this cabin ever since I bought it I finally found a local guy that could help me out and do it guy texted me and said they should be finished by tomorrow him and his son have been working up here for the last three
days knocking this out for me I tell you what the insulation on this place is pretty good just my body heat being in here has raised it up to 40° well now that we got that bunk house done I got plenty of places to put people to sleep but I don't have enough places for people to eat I mean our little table can only fit two people at a time and this big fridge is right in the way so I think I'm going to move the fridge and get it away from the hot stove and
put it in here but I got to get rid of all of this stuff the previous owners had started to put a shower in here and I got to tear this stuff all out yeah oh this is it oh hey there's a brick the space feels bigger already I like this oh wow look at how much room that freed up it feels so much better in here look at that we now got four chairs around the table well there we go we've got a dinner table and we can actually eat at the table now got
a lot more stuff to do with in the morning so I'll see you then well it's 10:00 in the morning and it's time to get to work got a lot to do before I head home today first thing I want to do is fix this ladder oh sounds like the contractor's here hey good [Applause] [Music] morning let's see if I did my measurements right there you go this is much better [Music] before the snow gets too deep I want to rearrange the snow machines and four-wheelers so we can have easy access to the snow machines
[Music] got the garage all cleaned up so I can pull the snow machine straight through and don't have to back it up I think I am going to go ahead and get some lunch going some chicken noodle soup warm that [Music] up yeah that's a v he got into the sink and couldn't get out I'll tell you this sink has been the best Vol trap money can buy every time they get in here they end up killing themselves in the sink [Music] and I will see you guys later well I got a lot done and
the contractor should be finishing up today and it is just looking so much better but uh that's all we got for this trip S I tell you what it just looks so much nicer having the sighting on look at this this looks like a proper little cabin now yeah no more tiic flapping in the breeze I love it get some light on the [Applause] well while I work at the cabin Tommy's going to be doing his first solo camping trip and he's going to be posting a video about it on his own channel outdoor Tom
so this is kind of a big moment for my little guy on top of the tent well that snow dog broke down on Tom it keeps throwing the chain we don't have a lot of daylight left so we're not going to mess around with it we're going to give him the snow machine okay [Music] thanks for the ride Dad no problem love you buddy come here all right if you have any trouble give me a call by okay all right Tommy good luck buddy bye love you I'm really proud of Tommy he came up with
this idea and it's a little outside his comfort zone he's never done this all by himself before and I think this will be a big deal for him all righty okay this thing is messed up but I am not going to deal with it quite yet walk back to the cabin I got lots of stuff to do you know it's not uncommon to get down to negative 40° out here and uh these blankets aren't as warm as I thought they were so I went and ordered some extras I got this blanket made from Icelandic sheep
skin has to keep you warm even if the heater isn't working well it's time to get rid of this bunk bed it wasn't designed for my fat butt and I might have broke it a little bit all right Thanksgiving dinner in a bag it's the best thing ever oh my goodness I've often said that Thanksgiving dinner is one of my favorite meals and thanks to vacuum sealing technology I can now eat it all the time I really do like this hey Dad I just finished setting up my switching bag and congratulations Tommy that boy did
it he got his fire started oh I'm so proud of him I just got back from a trip to Taiwan and bought this while I was over there not only is it cute and fashionable but it also helps keep cold breezes out when somebody opens the front door this says seven lucky cats shii fuku Neco think I'm going to put up the camera and see you guys in the morning I'll tell you what the new blankets really helped the fire went out and I just cuddled up under like three blankets and I was toasty warm
even forgot I'd cracked the window a little bit but it's really cold in here now and so I got to get the fire [Music] going well Tommy checked in and uh he survived the night just fine we'll see if he's able to get his fire started though I think he burned up a lot of his fire starter yesterday but I'm pretty proud of what he's done so far all right I think it's time to go get that snow dog and see if we can't fix it all righty there yeah I'm here bud I've been trying
to help me that sure no problem I'll be out there in 2 seconds Tom's having some trouble getting the fire started and he's asked me for some help so I'm going to come out there and give him the hand I'm really proud of him it's a big deal he's gotten this far using flint and steel on a wet rainy day hey bud Hey Dad I knew I'd have troubles with the fire at some point see small stuff first okay like that see now it's really starting to go that no problem just let me know if
you have any more problems okay we're doing great all right thanks Dad oh that boy is doing so well I'm proud of him detention the chain on a snow dog you have to loosen six bolts that mount the entire engine to the frame and Scoot the engine back a little bit kind of a funky system but pretty straightforward so right now we have like 2 in of play in the chain you got to get that down to like 3 qu of an inch all right we got the chain tension there you go that's much [Applause]
better all right I'm go take it for a little test run hey Dad got the snow dog fixed how you doing well Tommy's doing awesome and he cooked himself some lovely French toast uh but uh he's packing up I'm going to get the K truck so we can uh help him pack up a little bit [Music] better all right all my equipment right yeah yeah knock all the logs so they're not together all right head back to the cabin I'll follow you well Tom you did it I'm not scared being alone in the woods anymore
put it like that proud of you for pushing through something that was a little tough well it's been a long time coming but I'm finally getting a well dug on my property that's the drilling rig right there Seth hi Seth Luke Luke nice to meet you that's slick look at that got a little skis right there for the trailer you ready for me to leave the way yes sir all right it's been so wet that there's a lot of water in the lock and it's frozen and now the Tey doesn't want to turn aha [Music]
we've had so much freezing rain everything is sticking all the locks and doors are all frozen shut luckily it's not super cold so the ice is soft they're going to go grab a couple loads and guide the driller back in here all right I want to get things set up [Music] I was just trying to turn the K truck around and it's stuck because the car is leaning this way the most pressure is on this tire and this tire is on a pool of ice so my friend Ivan kilter showed me a little trick throw
some ash on that ice give it some trash action this is way too much work for turning around in my driveway not there guys are Towing an air compressor and got a all stuck on the hill I'm going to go take it [Music] out machine was overheating and now it seems like the battery is a little bit smoked we'll see winches take up a lot of juice especially when they're being stressed like this and sometimes if you just give them a second they rebound [Music] [Music] well we got up that hill I'm excited to see
what happens when they go down this next one a not too bad at all so they've got a drill rod and a middle casing around the drill rod and they drill down and an air compressor blows the loose dirt out the top top and they shove that drill and the casing down anywhere between 80 to 200 ft until they hit water once they've taken that section of drill rod down as far as they can they screw on a new section and wed on another section of casing over to top of that see how the way
see how that can just gum up yeah and that [Music] well these guys are going to be drilling for the next couple days so I'm going to leave them to it and uh come back and check in on them hey how's it going well it's been about 2 days and I got the word that they hit water at 93 ft down I was worried it was going to be closer to 200 a little bit of water on persuasion all right they're turn on the air compressor they're going to blow some air down in the bottom
of the pipe that's how you clean it out right well it's probably good that it's above freezing oh yeah makes this a lot easier it does it does blowing the air down the pipe and forcing the water out helps clear out all the sediment makes the well flow better [Music] that's the pump right there it's going down the well is do you have it on the Eco thing gu [Music] not take a look [Music] that's all already looking pretty clean doesn't taste bad not not too [Music] irony then you unplug it and the water just
goes back down the hole about 10 ft or so so uh it's already winter ice all right you guys take care oh there we go I'll tell you what I am really happy with where the property's at right now the bunk house is done the sidings on the cabins we got a well now there's a lot of really big Milestones I'm really proud of this all right well I think it's time to put everything up and get going home we finally got some proper snow here at the cabin so I got two uh snow machines
going to put here in the garage and me and the family go snow machine this weekend we had some crazy weather since I was here last it was 50° and raining and then wind storms came in you can see look at all the down trees yeah there's another tree down there tree there but all I got time to do today is drop off the snow machines all right it's about -6° out should I get the car warmed up yes please let's see if it starts door is frozen shut there we [Music] go I'll be so
shocked if this starts I cannot believe that started this snow is so hard all right the tires are pretty Frozen to the ground we'll see if we can get it [Music] unstuck that took some real juice I'm lucky I didn't break anything all right let's get the Krick loaded up [Applause] all right hop in the back oh you're getting so tall you don't even need to step anymore hop on in there there was like 600 lb of ice and snow on top of the K truck I had to stop and knock it all off K
truck was so topheavy it kept feeling like it wanted to roll I broke the windshield wiper off when a big chunk fell off but it'll drive a lot better wow this is driving so much better that was a lot of weight hi got the fire going it's starting to warm up okay you feel the do is a little sticky the building's shifted a little bit in the snow here come on in come on I don't think I've seen what do you guys think of the changes yeah it's nice oh seems much roomier it's nice and
you guys like the curtains do actually it works really well for helping warm the place up faster oh that's nice cuz it kind of just makes a little bit of a [Music] divide okay we'll let that warm up the TVs freeze you guys try to turn the TV on MM LCD screens are liquid crystal display screens don't work well when you get around zero they freeze solid let it thaw out and it'll be okay all right [Music] [Music] you look at look at all the frost and all the cany Goods they're cold but the air
is warm and so it's making it frost you guys doing okay yeah they're hot upstairs yeah you got to get that fan pumping that hot air down nice can't see my breath anymore no it's nice in here oh it's not it's like 80 the soap is frozen ready to go to the bunk house let's give it a shot like new here it's gotten up to 25 it's a little cold up here in the Attic but the boys are all snuggled up how you doing I I think it's going to warm up guys it's just just
taking a little time that's all actually you know what guys I got an idea I bought something I forgot about it I'm going to hold on I'll be right [Applause] back oh here we go pulled out the extension cord and it's so cold the sheathing cracked there you can see right thereo that's getting it done real quick getting a lot more it's really toasty in here oh the little buddy heater was running for about an hour and it brought the temperature up about 30° I turned this bad boy on for 5 minutes and we're at
80 guys doing good all right I'm going to turn it [Music] off well I bought that thing to be able to heat up the garage if I needed to warm up some ATVs so took care of this little cabin really easy now we can just leave this sucker on and it'll just kind of help maintain that temperature well guys it's late I think it's time to get everyone to bed we're going to see you guys in the morning well good morning morning oh you are so cold he's so cold got to get him we have
a brave little boy that went to the ouse this morning yay like a little Shackleton he survived the cold even though the air was warm it was pretty chilly when we went to bed cuz all the mattresses and sheets were cold but sometime in the middle of the night everything just got warm I just woke up dying me too thermometer says it's 78 well seems like everything's nice and toasty and it's maintaining really well on the low setting here on the heater I think when we just first get here and it's bone cold I need
to bust out that forced air heater warm it up first you know when you're warming up one of these cabins it takes forever to get everything warm and get all the cold driven out what we got um well there could be three wait you can oh this one's good no you got sorry in this house got some sausage and french toast I didn't see I saw on Gravity Falls G yes oh do you guys like the French toast mhm it's really good what do you think Tom you want to do some snow Machin sounds great
to me the the door behind you [Music] what do you think Tommy do you like the snow machines I do you know we get some more powder on top of this it'll be great snow Machining this is this is pretty bumpy what do you think do was that fun that was really fun oh oh you are Frosty you want to do some snow Machining I do [Music] [Applause] so pretty and that was McKinley right yeah that was McKinley well here let me go get let's go inside let me guys make you some lunch who's hungry
who's hungry you guys want mofu yeah I always how did I get rock and then hit you take this go set up some plates okay here's the forks I just I just become nice and Hearty when it's cold outside was nice well we've been hanging out and having a good time but we want to do a bonfire and shoot off some fireworks tonight so I'm going to go uh pick a spot and get some wood together [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that'll make a nice old campfire I think we need to load up
on some fireworks okay you can put them in the back of the K truck all right let's see if the K truck will start [Music] ah [Applause] uh-oh oh where that oh that's oil oh boy hey babe yeah the truck's bleeding oil we got to get out of here before it's stuck and seized up oh I'm sorry I must have melted a hose or a seal or something cuz it's spraying oil everywhere underneath the truck breaking so fast as I can fix it look at it's like a blood trail at all this oil all right
guys slight change of plans I guess we'll take the snow machines is that okay [Music] not a bad bonfire he you guys want to shoot off some Roman candles first here you yeah I'm definitely not going to shoot anybody Jacob you guys you guys warmer Nathan's pet stick bug sticky passed away and uh we made him a coffin yeah he's going to get a Jedi funeral you all right there he go yeah well it's better than going down the toilet like a goldfish yeah take TI to put the fire out it's late I'll tell you
what I'm really happy with where the cabin is right now but there's still a lot of things I still want to do all right guys we'll see you later if you like that video make sure to check out the outdoor Boys YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and if you want to see our newest Adventures make sure to click subscribe so you'll get notifications