Seven Strangest Deaths in the Bible - THIS WILL SHOCK YOU

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do you really know God have you ever wondered what the boundary is between Divine love and Justice how would you explain the fact that a god of love and kindness takes the lives and severely judges his own prophets and servants in the Bible we find many strange stories passages that are definitely hard to understand stories that challenge all our knowledge about the Divine personality and character passages that if not correctly interpreted can lead us to conclude incorrect things about God's love and Justice today we will explore five very difficult to understand stories in the bible
stories of men and women of God whom God himself took the life of although they may initially seem a bit unsettling throughout this video we will reveal an absolutely important and transcendental aspect of God's personality it is likely that with these stories your knowledge about God will be challenged to an unexpected level but we assure you that the stories you are about to learn will take you to a new and more excellent level in your Christian Journey today we present seven people who fell into the hands of God himself first Onan the man who ejaculated
on the ground the brief and strange story of Onan son of Judah is recorded in the Book of Genesis 38 from verse 1 to 10 this story unfolds amid very strange circumstances es Onan had a brother named ER who was married to a woman named Tamar the Bible clearly states that his brother ER was wicked in the eyes of God and God himself took his life this first fact although somewhat eye-catching is not difficult for us to understand we know that God is just and sooner or later will act against the wicked judging their evil
actions however the strangest part develops next since due to 's death his wife Tamar was left childless and Judah asked his son Onan to take his sister-in-law Tamar as a wife so that his brother er's name would not be forgotten over time and his wife would not be condemned to die childless unable to marry another man according to the laws of the time but Onan knowing what this implied and knowing that the children who would be born from his Union with the Widow Tamar would not legally be his but his brothers decided to do something
unusual have sexual relations with the woman who was probably very beautiful but not leave her pregnant spilling his seen on the ground the Bible notes that this fact greatly displeased God and he decided to take onan's life just as he had done with his brother as you may have noticed this strange story is full of mysteries and enigmas that to this day remain unanswered for most people what was the sin that God considered so serious in this man many consider that it was simply the fact that he ejaculated on the ground but this story contains
many more moral and spiritual elements that awaken great enigmas was it perhaps the refusal to have compassion for his dead brother so that his name would not be forgotten that provoked God's Wrath or maybe the refusal to have mercy on the woman condemning her or using the woman as a mere object of pleasure without considering what she might be feeling or perhaps the fact of disobeying his father hypocritically lying about his true intimate acts with Tamar showing clear disloyalty to his brother his father and his unfortunate wife as you can see there are at least
five or six sins that this man committed in this single act of spilling his semen on the ground which inevitably makes us question how does God value our sexual familial and personal relationship is it possible that disloyalty and hypocrisy really provoke Divine wrath even against his own servants let's move on to our Second Story Lot's wife pillar of salt when it comes to strange deaths in the Bible the case of Lot's wife is one of the most difficult to understand the story of lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in the Book
of Genesis chapter 19 according to the same testimony of the Bible lot was a righteous man and although he lived in a city deeply sinful against God he prayed every day and Afflicted his soul that God would bring Justice amidst this situation strangely when God brought Justice to this situation by destroying these sinful cities with fire something absolutely unexpected happened his own wife died in this tragedy leaving lot alone with his daughters who ended up lying with their father and generating the well known nations of Moab and Ammon the startling death of this woman turned
into a pillar of salt raises the inevitable question why was God so severe with this woman many Bible critics and Scholars argue that it was simply a case of Disobedience to a Divine command indeed God through two angels had given a very clear instruction to lot and his family they must flee the city of Sodom without even looking back or they would die as recorded in Genesis 19:17 a clear warning of death was at stake however Beyond this fact an exact reading of the original Hebrew text reveals an incredible detail about This Woman's death the
Hebrew expression used to indicate that Lot's wife looked back is not exactly the word look but rather the word consider or observe something attentively which reveals the real problem with this woman she not not only disobeyed God but in her heart she really turned back to that City although her body had left her mind and heart remained in Sodom this hidden truth is so evident that Jesus himself made a warning about those who turned back in the gospel of St Luke 17: 31 and 32 citing the case of Lot's wife as an example now beyond
the tragic nature of this situation and the terrible consequences This Woman's obedience brought there is a common factor with the story of Onan did you notice it is hypocrisy and partial obedience this woman although she had left the city was acting hypocritically she desired to return to the city she had left and this was the true reason for her Misfortune and incidentally that of her daughters and her husband with this video we do not intend to awaken fear or dread regarding the person of God far from us to do so God God is absolutely loving
and his Mercy is boundless but these stories are not in the Bible just to fill Pages there is a real and true message that God wants to convey to us and that is exactly what we are trying to discover God wants us to know what truly pleases him but also what he truly detests and religious hypocrisy and disloyalty seem to be one of those things let's continue our journey through the Bible third and fourth nadab and abiu the worldly Saints the strange and shocking death of the two priests sons of Aaron who died incinerated by
fire that came from the very presence of God is recorded in Leviticus 10 these two men were holy and chosen by God to minister to the people of Israel if we had lived at that time we would truly understand the religious importance of these two men at that time the office of Aaron their father was equivalent to that of the current pope and his two sons held the next positions in importance one day they serenely presented themselves with incense and Strange Fire before the presence of God and a fire came out from the presence of
God and killed them instantly but how did these significant men die this way again many scholars and critics maintain that the cause was Disobedience God had given a formula for lighting the incense that burned in the well-known holy place of the Tabernacle but they simply decided to invent their own type of incense directly disobeying what God had ordered but what led these men to invent a formula different from what God had dictated when examining the passage from Leviticus chap 10 closely it's impossible not to notice an inevitable relationship between the deaths of these two men
recorded in verse two and the prohibition against priests drinking wine immediately stated in verse 9 many leading Scholars have given serious ious and conclusive reasons to deduce that the sin of these two men was in reality drunkenness which led them to The Madness of inventing something that God had not ordained these two men although outwardly priests had not abandoned their internal and worldly desires to live a life of pleasure and vanity and this led to their own deaths now we are not questioning or attacking those who drink wine we might address this subject in another
video what is really at stake here again is the sincerity and loyalty that God demands of his servants against the blatant hypocrisy of some of them the things of God are not a game there are certain things like falsehood and betrayal within Christian and religious communities that become intolerable for reasons we will explain later fifth aan the greedy Canaanite the most naive warrior in the Bible the baffling story of the death of Aken and his entire family is recounted in the Book of Joshua 7 from verse 1 to 26 the Israelites were about to enter
the promised land and God had given an explicit and clear order they should not take anything that belonged to the Canaanites the inhabitants of that land for these objects had been destined by God to be destroyed things started off very well and the Israelites won several battles against the Canaanites however achan a man from the tribe of Judah had a brilliant idea to take some silver along with some gold ingots and a beautiful Babylonian cloak and hide them under his tent according to Akon's poor spiritual vision God was so busy with the war that he
would not have time to notice something so small and insignificant as taking a few simple objects and hiding them under his tent after an unexpected defeat against the small people of I God revealed ain's sin and sadly he and his entire family died Stoned by Divine instruction again the vast majority think that the terrible consequences were due only to his Disobedience but once again the passage reveals a dark aspect of aan that can only be discovered with the help of the Holy Spirit and a careful reading of the text verse 21 reveals the true sin
of this man the passage describes achan's confession truly I have sinned against the Lord the god of Israel and this is what I did I saw among the spoils a very good Babylonian cloak and 200 shekels of silver and a gold bar weighing 50 shekels I coveted them and took them and behold they are hidden in the earth in the midst of my tent and the silver under it his true sin was greed this man was an Israelite only by birth and name inside he was nothing but a Canaanite Who Loved material things loved money
and loved loved possessions he cared little about what might happen to his people and how many men might have died because of him because of this man 36 soldiers died in battle 36 wives became widows and 36 families were left fatherless and his entire family suffered the same fate this begins to clarify a bit the Panorama of all the stories we studied today disloyalty and religious hypocrisy are things that God really condemns in those who say they are his servants their effects are simply devastating just Ponder this situation for a few moments no one would
trust an enemy nor let them into their home much less tell them their secrets or weaknesses but if a disloyal and hypocritical person knocks on the door of your home assuring that they are a servant of God and we believing them trust them with some things of our personal life and even open the doors of our home how much damage do you think such a person could cause how do you think God should treat this kind of person if they are capable of causing more damage than the church's own enemies let us consider the final
and most difficult case to understand in the entire Bible the sixth and seventh ananas and safira the most cunning Believers in history their story is recounted in Acts 5 from verse 1 to 16 the case of the strange and Unexpected death of the Christian couple ananas and safira is definitely the most difficult to understand in the entire Bible however we already have some key elements to understand this story many people believe that cases of God's severity towards his servants are just an exaggerated and temporary matter recorded exclusively in the bloody pages of the Old Testament
many even dare to claim that the god of the Old Testament is bloodthirsty and Relentless but Jesus is very different from the god of the Old Testament this is really a halft truth that can cause quite a bit of confusion if not properly explained let's learn about the story of ananas and safira to fully understand this issue after the painful crucifixion resurrection and Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ a very clear Legacy was left to the apostles go into all the world and preach the gospel teaching them to keep the love truth and fidelity that
he himself had shown to his church the history of the Christian church was just beginning and many of the sincere Believers driven by the love of Christ seeing that their Brethren were in need decided to sell their properties and distribute the proceeds among all this sincere Act of renunciation and dedication is one of the greatest evidences in the Bible of the love of Christ operating in the hearts of Believers it is simply something worthy of admiration and and emulation just imagine if today the Church of Christ United and everyone decided to sell their properties to
share with all those who lack necessary sustenance probably the world would fall at the feet of Christ recognizing that he is the true Messiah of History who came to bring love and peace but Satan is very cunning and capable of damaging and perverting even the most beautiful and perfect things within the church itself a couple of new converts noticing this situation decided deceived by Satan himself that it was an excellent opportunity to receive shelter money and sustenance from the church while also keeping their own money the plan was devilishly clever it involved selling their properties
like everyone else but lying about the price of the property keeping half the value in their hands and giving the other half to the church the cunning plan was discovered by the Holy Spirit to the Apostle Peter who understanding the gravity of the matter decided to pronounce sentence on the cunning couple both would die that day not without first giving safira an opportunity who insisted that the value of the property was what ananas her husband had said do you understand the gravity of the matter once God allowed the church to be filled with this type
of person it was only a matter of time before the precious Church which Jesus had bought with his own blood became nothing but a nest of Hypocrites and thieves a situation that indeed today is not strange the precedent had to be set and the warning about this type of sin had to be known by all those who were probably thinking of doing the same as ananas and safira now having heard these five stories full of intrigue and drama we must seriously think about this theme God truly abhor religious hypocrisy how do you think God should
act with the person who only appears to be a Christian on the outside but inside continues loving sin and wickedness betraying the trust of all those who open the doors of their homes to them thinking they are truly Servants of God this type of person day after day destroys churches and the trust of Believers tarnishing the pure image of the church just think about it for a moment do you know how many people nowadays hate the precious and Powerful gospel of Christ just because of these false Believers Romans 2:4 thousands of headlines flood the Press
day after day fake pastors and swindlers leaders involved in sexual scandals with married women disloyalty and rapacity increased day by day do you think God should simply remain silent and admit these situations as if the death and blood of Christ shed for his church were not worth a penny Hebrews 10: 29 Points out the Terrible punishment that will befall all those who trample and discredit the precious blood of Christ perhaps you agree that God cannot allow this in any way thus although the love of God is an unquestionable fact throughout the Bible as it is
written in the first letter of John 48 God is love it is no less true that he must also be just and Punisher of such sins as disloyalty and religious hypocrisy if you have started to follow Christ always remember this never faint nor return to your old life there is great reward the issue of divine Justice in relation to the love of God is often a complex and challenging topic for many Christians the biblical stories mentioned reveal an aspect of God's nature that is often difficult to reconcile with our modern understanding of love and mercy
these narratives not only witness to God's sovereignty and his absolute authority over life and death but also highlight the moral and spiritual principles he values such as loyalty obedience and purity of heart god in his Justice not only punishes evil but also teaches and corrects the severity found in these stories serves as a Stern reminder against hypocrisy and disloyalty especially within the faith community in considering these accounts we are invited to examine our own hearts and actions in order to to align Our Lives more closely with God's precepts in essence these biblical stories function as
mirrors reflecting not only the nature of God but also revealing the truth about ourselves they challenge us to live authentically and sincerely maintaining Fidelity to God above all else prayer Almighty Lord we recognize your sovereignty and Justice which are often difficult to understand in light of our Limited human understanding we ask you to help us accept your truths even when they are difficult to comprehend or accept give us wisdom to discern your will and courage to follow your ways even when the world around us chooses another path help us to avoid hypocrisy and disloyalty in
our lives may we be sincere in our love for you and for our Brethren living in a way that truly reflects your love and your Holiness May our faith be genuine and our commitment to the truth be unwavering Lord let us not be mere listeners of your word but faithful actors of your will in all aspects of Our Lives protect us from the temptation to act dishonestly or disloyally and guide us on the path that leads to eternal life in the name of Jesus Amen I hope you enjoyed the video If this content was valuable
to you I ask that you support me with your subscription so that you don't miss any of our upcoming videos share this video with family and friends give give a like and leave your opinion in the comments this makes the video reach more people together we can Enlighten more minds and expand our understanding thank you for being here and may God bless you
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