[Music] 90% of people fail this common-sense test it looks like common sense isn't so common because according to research 90% of adults get these questions wrong yet kids do just fine that's because grown-ups over complicate things while children use their common sense and don't overthink so follow their lead and let's start one which word would you use if you needed to describe a person who doesn't have all their fingers on one hand you have ten seconds to come up with the correct adjective you should just call this person normal I don't know about you but
I have all ten of my fingers divided onto two hands with five on each - all right we tested your anatomy now some geography if a plane crashes right on the border between Canada and the United States where should they bury the survivors whoa are you supposed to know international aviation laws or something well take ten seconds to figure it out [Music] have you made up your mind Canada USA hmm but are you 100% sure they bury the survivors three okay how about this one imagine that you just entered a pitch-black room there's an oil
lamp a newspaper and some kindling wood inside the room but you only have one match you have to make a tough choice what will you light first the oil lamp is definitely a good choice but still incorrect first of all you'll need to light the match for mrs. brownie despite her name loves the color pink her bungalow is decorated entirely in the bubblegum color pink carpet furniture curtains even the walls are pink so what color do you imagine the stairs are [Music] perhaps if there were stairs they would most likely be pink but bungalows just
have one floor no stairs needed five one day a man got caught in the pouring rain unfortunately he had no umbrella or hat or anything else he could use to stay dry yet not a single hair on his head got wet how so [Music] the answer is so simple you'll want to slap yourself for not thinking of it the man was bald six how can it be that every single person in a plane crash died but two people survived this is a straight-up paradox and you have only ten seconds to explain it [Music] the thing
is that those two survivors were married every single person ah I see what they did there seven time for tricky ones so be very attentive what do you sleep on sit on and brush your teeth with a bed a chair and a toothbrush common sense remember don't over complicate things [Music] eight in some months there are 31 days in others there are 30 but how many months have 28 days come on you know this one you've got 10 seconds to remember [Music] so is it just one February right nope the answer is actually 12 all
12 months have 28 days press the like button if you got that one 9 a man dressed in all black from head to toe was walking in the middle of the road all of a sudden a huge black car with its headlights off came around the corner and screeched to a halt not to hit him how on earth did the driver of the car see the man in black and 10 seconds on the clock if you need more time just pause the video well it's kind of hard not to notice a man dressed completely in
black during the daytime 10:00 there were three highly important rooms in the house of an extremely important man one room was filled with valuable secret documents the second one was full of money and in the third room the man kept expensive jewelry but one day an arsonist set the house on fire and all the highly important rooms burst into flames which of the rooms did the police start to extinguish the fire first and foremost [Music] you can debate the philosophical stuff later but let's get one thing straight the police don't put out fires that's what
firefighters do 11 what's the biggest problem with snow boots that's a pretty random question still take 10 seconds to think of your complaints about this winter weather must-have snow boots melt as soon as you take them home or spring comes oh because these ones are made of snow gotcha [Music] 12 how do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator so here's exactly how you do it you open the fridge and put the giraffe inside then it's better to close the door so you won't let the cold out this question in particular shows if you tend
to overcomplicate things 13 now how do you put an elephant in a fridge [Music] all right listen carefully open the fridge take the poor frozen giraffe out put the elephant in and close the door if you remember the giraffe you're good at thinking about repercussions of your actions 14 Noah builds one more Ark and invites all the world's animals to join him every single animal gets on board except for one what animal doesn't board the ark it's the elephant of course it's still in the fridge poor thing if you got this one right your memory
is razor sharp very nice 15 you're hiking in the wilderness when you come upon a river you have to cross it but you know that crocodiles dwell in rivers there how can you reach the opposite side without becoming a crocodiles dinner [Music] don't worry just swim across the river there's no danger all the crocodiles are on Noah's Ark did you figure this one out if so it shows you can quickly learn from your mistakes which question baffled you more than the others tell us in the comments below remember to like this video and click subscribe
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