The Parable of the Sower Explained

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Bible Animations
Discover the lessons within the Parable of the Sower, where Jesus illustrates the different ways peo...
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the parable of the SE is one of the most iconic Parables of Jesus but it may not actually be called the parable of the SE some have suggested that the title should be the parable of the seeds or the parable of the soils most of us probably just say so because the title uses that word but I think the parable of the soils is a more accurate name why well because Jesus doesn't use any adjectives before the word s or seeds what the NIV says a farmer went out to sew his seeds pretty simple and
easy to understand statement there's no hidden detail about the technique of the farmer or the variety of the seed the SE is Jesus later to be us and the seed is the good news of the Gospel that's it the rest of the parable talks about different types of soil and that's what we're going to be diving into today soil you just learned three of the 27 things I learned about this Parable by the end of this video you'll be a farming expert or more like a parable expert on this particular Parable we're taking a trip
to ancient Israel to become farmers and if you want the farmers here to like you I suggest you join the almost 50,000 Jesus people and subscribe also if you want to support the ministry I am currently studying full-time and don't have a job I have set up a patreon where behind the scenes content will be available for those willing to support even a few dollars a month would be such a blessing in supporting this Mission the first thing we need to know is that without Jesus explanation this story was no different to what every farmer
would have experienced countless times we all know that seeds don't grow on the path weeds grow in the garden and Stones clog up the field so what it's a very ordinary story except for the second last line producing a crop of 30 60 or 100 times what was swn the success of this yield was unheard of never before were these returns even thought of more on that when we discussed the good soil this claim would have undoubtedly hooked a portion of his agricultural heers but the timing and design of this par was a stroke of
Genius from Jesus as I mentioned in the intro video Jesus randomly started speaking in Parables starting with this very one Jesus spoke this Parable to reveal the word to those who had ears to hear and at the very same time conceal the word from those whose Hearts were hardened this very Parable would illustrate whose ears could hear and whose couldn't in other words if you can understand this Parable you'll understand all of the following parables in this story Jesus is the original s however after the Great Commission we've taken over his role here on Earth
we are all now responsible for sewing the seeds of the Gospel into the soils of men I mean hearts in fact that's a good point Jesus says the seed was swn into the heart of man this is important because as sers we ought not to sow to the emotions of people or even to the logic of people putting on a rousing performance to stir up an emotional response is only going to last as long as those emotions do once newer stronger desires arrive those fleeting feelings will be pushed aside we should also avoid self to
the logic of a person an intellectual approach to sharing the gospel can lead to spiritual growth but runs the risk of getting stuck in the head and never actually reaching the heart the result is so-called Christians who are convinced of the truth but are yet to be transformed by it we must Endeavor to sew to the heart the place where true transformation and growth is possible okay enough rambling now that we're here in ancient Israel let's take a look at this Parable from a farmer's perspective actually one thing you might not have known is that
the soils go from least effective to most effective let me show you as he was scattering the seed some fell along the path and the birds came and ate it up this is certainly the least effective soil well I hear you squawking why would any farmer try and grow crops on the path this is unrealistic and stupid well there's actually a pretty reasonable answer here we are in ancient Israel and you'll notice there's no fences anywhere that's because Farmers would be given their land by a land owner and the territory marked out by landmarks such
as large trees or piles of rocks this meant that Travelers or even the farmers themselves would Traverse the fields leaving a well trodden path throughout this path would become hard cracked soil offering the same fertile chances of sewing into concrete does that answer your question the birds were no doubt a familiar problem to Israeli Farmers shadowing the sewer awaiting their chance to pluck whatever seeds didn't land in the soil and the seeds that survived the aerial attack were trampled underfoot by Travelers I'm not quite sure I know what's a worst Fate The Path un fortunately
represents those with a stone cold heart to the gospel those who come to church prepared to reject it those who avoid spiritual conversations for fear of realizing the truth and as We Know The Enemy would not Overlook a weak and easy target Jesus only mentions the devil in this soil he appears as a bird I always knew birds are lazy so they take the seeds that are most obvious and easiest to snatch it's as if the unbeliever is handing his seeds to the enemy we can only pray that none of these people disguise themselves among
the Believers of the church but quite frankly I don't think they'd want to that danger is far more likely to happen with the next two soils some fell on Rocky places where it did not have much soil it sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow but when the sun came up the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root now this image may not exactly be accurate this passage could be referring to actual stones but considering we're in ancient Israel it seems more likely that Jesus is referring to a Bedrock of
limestone that sat a few feet beneath the surface and stretched across most of the country making farming especially difficult this is the first soil that receives the seed but as its roots sink deeper in search for water they're blocked by the Bedrock layer because the seeds couldn't go down it would grow up resulting in Rapid growth in a very short period of time but any experienced farmer wouldn't celebrated this site for they knew that in a few short days those Sprouts would be scorched by the Sun and wither many of us have tragically Taken part
in the lives of such people they receive the word with joy but it only lasts as long as their roots are deep notice with this soil the cause of the destruction is not the birds or The Travelers but the Sun the very same thing responsible for nourishing all the other seeds the sun hero is representative of Trials and it seems trials like the sun are the test of true soil trials are the make or break for Christian flourishing as Matthew Henry put it trials which shake some confirm others I suggest we as Believers prepare for
the sunrise so that we can grow instead of Wither there is unfortunately the reality of some seeds digging their Roots into the wrong places I've experienced this personally a friend of mine was on fire for Christ when he was part of our Bible study group but when that group split apart his faith followed suit and sadly his trust was not in Christ but in his Fallen friends who could never offer the same Promises of scripture in other cases one's Roots might be connected to the church and After experiencing some church hurt they flee from Christ
entirely these are tragic stories of misplaced faith and are often some of the hardest people to reach because of their burn wounds but even still may be less harmful than the next type of soil other seeds fell among Thorns which grew up and choked the plants now this is deceptive there's no birds no Travelers no rocks it's good soil perfect for weeds RC Sproul comedically said in a fallen World weeds grow better than anything in contrast to the Stony soil the stones spoil the root the Thorns spoil the fruit the seeds start strong their Roots
borrowed deep and growth is steady but successful however at a slightly faster rate the weeds and thistles around them start to compete they restrict its growth steal its water Veil its sunlight and ultimately suffocate the seed I find this image quite profound the Thorns represent the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth the distractions of the world or as John puts it the lust of the flesh lust of the eyes and pride of life in his explanation Jesus implies that there is an unfruitful growth the plant has grown but isn't bearing fruit because
of a thorn in its flesh so to speak Jesus said you can't serve both God and money and he illustrates why money and worldly concerns like weeds steal our attention away from Christ and Veil us from the trials essential in sharpening our faith I mean think about it when you've got all the money in the world you're not going to be on your hands and knees crying out for God's help in tough times you can simply deal with difficulty by throwing cash at it but also like weeds money and this world are temporary and will
be burned at the Harvest a glimpse into our next Parable let me clarify the enemy is not wealth in general so to speak but as Jesus says the deceitfulness of wealth the deception that wealth can provide what we need that it will resolve all of our problems and make us truly content a mighty de ception the scariest part about this type of soil is often times the weeds hide themselves among the poage I hate to say it but I think a large portion of our churches are made up of these kind of plants plants the
same size as the rest that look feel and respond the same way the only difference is their lack of fruit and in the words of Jesus you shall know them by their fruits this of course doesn't give us license to go around calling people fake Believers it's always best to air on the side of caution and if they claim to be in Christ well treat them as that still other seed fell on good soil Where It produced a crop 30 60 or 100 times what was sewn the soil is deep soft rich and clean if
I'm being honest this is often the part of the parable I skip over yeah we get it the good soil produces good crops blah blah blah but after studying I found this part the most unbelievable you remember I said at the start of the video that the success of this yield was unheard of never before were these returns even thought of this is the most shocking part of the story and here's why farmers would typically expect a 7.5 to 10% return in fact a 10% return was undoubtedly a plentiful Harvest worthy of Applause so when
Jesus announces a 3,000 6,000 and 10,000% return you can imagine the farmer's brains falling out at the seams but these returns aren't without struggle notice the passage doesn't mention the exclusion of weeds or stones in the in this soil just that those obstacles weren't enough to stifle the crop certainly the sun wasn't a hindrance because without it the crop wouldn't have flourished in his explanation Jesus gives three ingredients to make a successful harvest the person must first hear the word then understand it and then persevere crops take time to grow as we know so patience
is essential in producing Godly fruit it's also interesting to note that Christians produce different percentages of returns this is a great mystery and certainly hard to qualify whose return is greater but I don't think it's something we should really dwell on considering even the least of the returns at 3,000% is beyond any Farmer's Wildest Dreams Jesus said after this Parable the famous lion he who has ears let him hear I've got two things for you to consider today the first is about your own soil before complaining that this person isn't bearing fruit and therefore is
destined for destruction examine your own soil are you being withered by the sun because of the overwhelming trials in your life then maybe you need to dig your roots beyond the stone and truly connect with God in his word and prayer are you being choked by the desires of the world whether it be Fame wealth or relationships maybe you ought to restore God as your number one focus and take back your stolen water and sunlight from those Idols once you've cleansed your own soil and are joyfully producing Godly fruit the second thing to consider is
your new employment that's right you thought I was joking when I said we were going to become Farmers Jesus has commissioned us to sew seeds all over this soily world he has passed the torch to us us to continue to spread the gospel message throughout the world and do not be discouraged when you scatter the seed and come back to see the birds having a banquet because even if one person truly repents and trusts in Christ even if a Single Seed reaches the good soil the return is worth infinitely more than the entire field of
an ordinary Harvest even if one person comes to Christ in your ministry at your church or in your family whether old or young always remember that the return in God's eyes is beyond compare but how can they call on the one they've not believed in and how can they believe in the one whom they've not heard and how can they hear without someone preaching to them you have been sent to preach to them trust that God's spirit will transform their hearts and Minds in Christ Jesus for the glory of God our Father don't forget to
check out the patreon and the Discord there's going to be full behind the scenes of everything that I do editing video production drawing the whole lot that's going to be on the patreon the link will be in the description and in my Channel Bio thanks guys really appreciate the support
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