Most Christians Don’t Know THIS About the Tower of Babel

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Answers in Genesis
Most Christians don’t know THIS about the tower of Babel. In this presentation, Bodie Hodge shares h...
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we're in a culture where people have ignored the Bible they've ignored most historical accounts why because they have a Rewritten mythological history that they believe and when you actually look at real history all around the world cultures kept track of their history and you know what when you actually look at it it goes back and matches what we read in the scriptures and you know what else is true if the history in the Bible is true well that means the gospel which is found in that same history is also true I've studied the subject of
the tower Babel oh my goodness probably 10 15 years now you know we're in a culture that's heavily influenced by a secular worldview and that actually affects the way people look at the Tower of Babel for example the secular timeline here they have essentially there was nothing no time or space something pops into existence from nothing rapidly explodes or expands that's called The Big Bang they claimed this happened about 13 to 15 billion years ago as The Story Goes you get the sun and the Stars forming the Earth and the moon finally forming you get
the first oceans then through random processes chemicals come together and form the first life and it evolves further and further further to where you get some sort of monkey like creature then you get some sort of aplike creature and then you get humans and modern Apes one of the things that Charles Darwin himself taught was that people evolved Out of Africa and the reason he people he taught people evolved Out of Africa was because that's where we find the Apes the great apes are there that view has really started to popularize in our culture saying
that people evolved Out of Africa and then had to go to different parts of the world all of a sudden the tower Babel came under attack the account in scripture where everybody was originally at this one General place right there at Babel and they were scattered by God now all of a sudden that was called into question because of Darwin's view here but of course an evolutionary worldview is errant Big Bang is arant I do not believe those things I believe scripture God created all things in six days which is not a problem for an
all powerful God and uh there was a worldwide flood which accounts for most of the rock layers that contain fossils those are not evidence of millions and billions of years as people came off of the Ark the Lord told them to be fruitful multiply and fill the Earth instead the descendants of Noah came together and built a city and Tower and said let's not be scattered they tried to defy God God came down confused their language and Scattered them abroad to the face all over the Earth you see there's no greater Authority than God in
his word Hebrews 6:13 says when God made a promise to Abraham because he could swear by no one greater he swore by himself so when it comes down to did people evolve Out of Africa and come from there or did they come from Noah and at the region there at bab and go to different parts of the world there's no question the word of God is a higher authority you know God was there God I witnessed these things Charles Darwin did not now what's interesting if we actually think about this in our culture too there's
another uh sideline debate to this in an evolutionary worldview you're evolving from some lower creature into Mankind and in that particular view you have higher and lower races and Darwin's view was that there was about 4 to five races and he would talk about some of those races he actually went so far as to say the Caucasians should exterminate the other races in his book The Descent of Man that doesn't mean that evolution is a cause of racism racism was around before that but fuel was added to the fire as a result of an evolutionary
worldview but see when we start with scripture no no no we're we're all One race it's called the human race we all go back to Adam and Eve we all go back actually to Noah as well you know at the tower of ababel the Bible gives us a lot more information than you might think in Genesis chap 10 it gives you a breakdown you know those genealogies that is a a set of these different genealogies the three sons of Noah shim ham and japheth and then we see their descendants and their descendants and and how
it was split apart as a result of what happened in Genesis 11 1-9 now I like to look at it graphically and that's what I've got shown up here at the very top in red if you can see as long as you're not color blind you can see that Noah is in red there at the top then the next line you have japa shim and ham and then you can see further breakdowns now sometimes we look at those names we just skip right over those names you know years of studying the tower Babel I look
at these names and I I get excited about it because I look at them and I'm like okay certain people groups came out of these different people or that one right there is my ancestor and so forth it really is exciting and you might think really you know what your ancestor actually a lot of people can figure it out generically you know jath has seen as the father of most of the European nations some of the north Asian Nations a little bit of the Middle Eastern Nations shim is a lot of the Middle Eastern and
the Far Eastern Nations like India for example is also descendants of shim ham has a lot of people as far as China as well as Africa some down the melee Peninsula uh extending down into uh melanesia some of those kinds of places but I actually wrote an article on our website called how many human Generations are there from Adam until today and what I'm doing I'm specific specifically looking at my own lineage one of my lineages on my mother's side actually goes all the way back and ties in to the same lineage as the Queen
of England what's interesting about the Queen of England is she has a lineage that goes all the way back to Noah and all the way back to Adam so as soon as I got tied into that I could actually count it up and uh in that particular lineage Adam would be my 84th great-grandfather Noah would be my 74th great-grandfather that actually puts me in the 87th generation you know to get to great-grandfather level there I actually tallied this up I'm using the common usage method the consanguinity method which is actually a lot lot easier when
you're looking at stuff really Broad and long long range but Queen Elizabeth would be my 42 cousin uh by this lineage look at this Jesus would be my 139th cousin what a way to witness to people right let me tell you about my cousin so it really is neat you know Christ stepped into history to become our relative we need to remember that but let's jump back to scripture here Genesis 11:4 and they said come let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens let us make a name for
ourselves L we be scattered over the face of the whole earth so this was the people trying to defy God and of course the God God wasn't God wasn't going to let him get away with this so he came down he confuse their language I've had people say well where is this you know where where is Babel where where did all this take place it would be in modern day Iraq is where this occurred uh in the Bible it's Eric Eric is one of the names listed there in Genesis chapter 10 one of the early
cities that's where the name Iraq actually comes from it would have been right in this area and that's where people were then scattered to go around to different parts of the world now I want you to notice this Arrow from Babel going down to Africa see in the secular worldview what they do they have that Arrow actually going from Africa right up to about where where everything splits apart up there if you just reverse their Arrow they'd have it about right but I've had people say Well when did all this occur well big picture it's
obviously After the flood because it's Noah's descendants but it was before the call of Abraham okay so Abraham was not at the tower Bible you know his people actually came well after the tower Bible now Abraham is a descendant of the caldes the caldan were a Hebrew group the E Group the EO group that's where that comes from Hebrew comes from ever Archbishop James Usher put the timeline at 2242 BC he haded about 106 years after the flood uh which would have been 2348 BC uh just to give you an idea in his particular lineage
I've seen a number of chronologists put it as early as when payle was born 101 as high as 130 years uh renowned archaeologist Dr Clifford Wilson died just a few years ago but uh he believed that this particular area there in the ancient ruins of Babylon might have actually been the original tower Babel Foundation this large pool he says at modern Babylon is over the ruins of an early structure that was possibly the original Tower of Babel here's a reconstruction of this etminan Tower uh you can see how you can go up the stairs and
you can kind of go around and as it goes up you've got the stairs as you go on around it soort of looked something like this and if you use Google Earth you can actually look down on it it and here is that site in the archaeological remains of ancient Babylon and you can see how it was definitely a square and you can see where that initial stepway uh was here let me back up so you can kind of see that you know we're looking straight onto that stepway as you go up initially you can
kind of see that down here on the lower side of it what's interesting too is the Tower of Babel itself that Hebrew word for Tower is the Hebrew word migdal which means Tower of course but it also means figuratively a pyramidal bed of flowers so it has a a connotation uh of of being pyramidal in its shape which is interesting a lot of people as they left the Tower of bab went to different parts of the world you know particularly they they'd settle closer and then they'd move out farther and move out farther a lot
of these cultures initially started to build some of these towers very similar to what we find at the Tower of Babel just in Mesopotamia alone there's over 30 different ziggurats and some of them have some interesting names the tower to Heaven and Earth and that sort of thing which gives you an idea they were trying to build it up high definitely much higher than everything else in the area but not up into the that's a misconception they're trying to build something up into the stratosphere here I'm going to look at some of the people groups
so I'm going to jump into some of these where did the Irish and the Scots come from now I put them together for a reason because some of these guys actually interchanged some of their positions and intermixed and so forth Magog it is his descendants that actually went into Ireland in fact we have three ancient lineages of the Irish going back to Magog just to give you an idea here's one of them uh that's uh found in James Anderson's Royal genealogies book from the early 1730s you go Noah japheth Magog baath fenua farsa new and
then that's when you go down to the line to Milo who goes right in there if you look at the Scots uh the Scots have one here that go down through uh Magog as well down to Bath farsy Phineas and then refia and he was known as the Scott and that might well be where one of the names actually came from the Scots in that particular instance so we do see some of these connections there's quite a bit of history on this if you want to look more of it up well let's look at the
Germans the English and the Scandinavians I mean what are the odds they would all come together because they all have the same basic descendants if you actually look at it specifically the the English come out of the angle tribes and the Saxon tribes and some of the J tribes which were some of the Germanic tribes a lot of the Scandinavians actually came out of the Germans as well just to give you a taste now the old name for Germany and the old founder of the German people was ashz Noah jath Gomer and then ashz we
actually have uh ancient lineage that goes through ashz down through Manis all the way down to wolfheim uh sck sticker of a United Germany uh ashz actually originally settled there just south of the Black Sea and then he went to the northern part of the Black Sea the old black Sea's name used to be the ashkan sea named for ashz from there he moved up to Central Europe with 20 of his sons one of them was danus which is where the Danes came from one of his sons was Sarma which is where the sarmatians came
from and so forth and so a lot of the people in Central and Northern Europe actually were descendants of ashz if you actually look at the age decline of people from the time of Noah moving forward the ages really start to decline for example Noah lived 350 Years After the flood and all total lived about 950 years his son shim lived about 600 years about 500 of those years were After the flood and then you see about three generations in there in shim's line where they were living uh over 400 years then after the events
at the tower Babel they were living about 230 years or so and then they really start to decline and uh you know if you look Abraham lived 175 years you go down Moses lived 120 years but we see that decline as it starts to go down uh I've had people say well you know it was after the flood maybe it was because of meting as soon as people started to eat meat maybe that triggered it because it wasn't until after the flood people were first allowed to eat meat but you know what there's been people
who' have been vegetarians their whole lives they don't live 900 years old uh some people thought uh maybe it was increased oxygen or environmental changes things like that you know people studied that for quite some time there's a little bit of benefit but overall it's actually more detrimental when you start to add increased oxygen you add free radicals that causes bigger problems too that's why we take antioxidants for example some people think maybe there were some anatomical issues some mutations things like that the biggest thing is probably genetic bottlenecks at the flood and at the
tower of ble so that's when we start to see the big shifts of the decrease in age there may be other factors involved if if you just look after shim there was three generations uh that on average lived about 445 years after Babel specifically you have three generations where people living on average about 236 years and then boom it really starts to drop off significantly after that hey where did the French Portuguese and Kelts come from huh it's convenient that those are all put together too you know it's almost like I knew the answer to
this question well let's look at this uh the French the old name for the French were the GS or the GS the Kelts so the Kelts actually dominated certain parts of Europe Portugal Port of Gaul you can see the connection in there they're Gish people uh even the Welsh were Gish people a lot of the Kelts that were in Britany and you know the British Isles and some of those areas they intermixed with some of the Irish and the Scots up in those areas some of them actually uh went down and ended up in galatia
they're more kind of in Eastern Europe and then as far down as down in Turkey there was an area known as galatia as well where did the Canaanites and the Chinese come from so you have the Israelites were given the land of Canaan because of their sin and that included the the hivites and the uh girgashites the amorites Hittites jebusites jebusites is where Jerusalem is but the sinites think of the Sinai Peninsula Wilderness of sin Mount Si uh that that particular area there a lot of those sinites actually moved out and moved away and where
did they go to they actually went to what we call the land of Cam that's what it's mentioned as in the Bible where is the land of Cam it's actually the land of the sinites the land of what we call China today manasse and Israel will have it that the Chinese are intended China is indeed called by T the country of the sinites where did the Greeks and the Japanese come from boy I threw the Japanese in there almost like like it was an afterthought here the Greeks are pretty well known we know where the
Greeks came from they came from Javin whenever you see Greeks in the Old Testament the Hebrew behind that is Javin want to know his grandsons here Javin so Javin and his descendants you know we we see reflection of them all over throughout uh areas around the Mediterranean Sea of course Greece Macedonia uh certain places of asiia minor a lot of those were descendants of Javin I mentioned tarish earlier in Spain that was a descendants of Javin that went out there some of them went all over the place some of them went as far as Japan
that was a Trading Outlet for them and people had recognized that of course the sinites came in and dominated much of these areas as well so you got to think there's a lot of other people groups in there but we at least have that particular lineage traced uh in there as well where did the Egyptians come from this is also a very well-known one the Egyptians are mentioned quite a bit in scripture Genesis 1210 for example now there was a famine in the land so Abram went down to Egypt the Hebrew behind that is mitz
that's how that's pronounced even though it looks like mream it's mitam and mitam uh is one of Noah's grandsons and so that's actually where the name minis comes from uh some of the early Emperors of Egypt for example but mitam came down here and settled in what we call Egypt today uh even the Philistines are descendants of mitam as well uh so are the luum lios some of the people in Libya uh ended up being descendants of mitam as well what about the Africans so a lot of times people just want to lump all the
Africans together but they're really not I mean if we just look at Egypt for example they are a distinct people group if you look at uh the Moors for example and other parts of North Africa northwest Africa specifically uh the Moors are descendants of put put originally settled in Libya and then moved farther west a lot of places in West Africa our descendants of put uh Kush uh is that that's actually the the the name for e ethopia a lot of Ethiopians will still call themselves kushites today so they came down here and settled just
below where mium was at they actually wared with mium that is the Egyptians for a while but a lot of the lower part of Africa was actually uh uh settled by Kush as well right of the Russians come from a lot of the Russian groups came out of two primary groups you have Magog and mesek Magog moves up here between the black and Caspian Sea a lot of the cian groups came out of them and of course that's where the Irish and the Scots came from they came out of Magog as well some of them
migrating over to where Spain was and then moving on up so if you move over to mesek mesek goes up they were the north Russians up farther uh their language family would include a lot of the The Finnish groups the Baltic states Estonia laia Lithuania some of those areas uh even uh some people in Hungary share that similar language family which is quite a unique language family but let's just step back now and look at a big picture at Asia Africa and then Australia as people start to migrate down there so you can see in
Africa you got put you got lower Kush you've got jock and all across India there uh the mes and the Persians came out of media and some of those areas going all the way down into uh India as well tarma Magog tubal and mesek along the top continue to migrate out in those areas you see the Sinai dominate much of East Asia certain people came out of Gomer and Javin there in Japan now if you look though I want you to follow this line you see Kush right in the the the very middle of some
of this Kush of siba kush of siba goes right down the melee Peninsula Kush is uh where the Ethiopians came from in Africa but that's also where the Hindu Kush came from that's actually where the tribe of CA uh siba in uh the melee Peninsula that area came from as well now notice they continued on down and there's actually genetic ties with the Australian Aborigines to the descendants of siba there in the melee Peninsula and they're also connected genetically to some of the people in Kush in Africa and that kind of surprised people people but
it actually makes sense from a historical perspective what's the point ancient history and geography actually confirm Biblical history over and over and over again I was just giving you a taste of what we found out there and and and here's why this is important we're in a culture where people have ignored the Bible they've ignored the history in the Bible they've now I'm I'm going to this is very bold they've ignored most historical accounts historical accounts from all over the world they've ignored most of them why because they have a Rewritten mythological history that they
believe that brand new history Rewritten by people like Charles Darwin that we evolved Out of Africa has been taken over and has been treated as though it's real history but it's nothing but a myth and when you actually look at real history all around the world cultures kept track of their history and you know what when you actually look at it it goes back and matches what we read in the scriptures and you know what's else is true if the history in the Bible's true well that means the gospel which is found in that same
history is also true you see I don't want us to miss Christ in all this yeah I can talk about the Tower of Babel I can talk about people groups I can talk about the history I can talk about age declines I can talk about those things for hours and hours and hours but let's not miss Christ in this when you look at the account Genesis 11:7 let us go down and confuse their language that's a reflection of the language we see in Genesis 1 126 let us make man in our own image you see
the plurality of God and what I mean by the plurality of God it's singular and yet plural I mean there's something fascinating about that that's a reflection of the Triune God that's seeing Christ right there intimately evolved we see it in Isaiah as well even that word for Lord I am A variation the name Jehovah that's where this actually comes from I am who I am it's a variation of it in Exodus uh 3:14 this was a name revealed to Moses in John 8:58 Jesus uses that before Abraham was I am he said you see
a reflection of Christ right there that word Lord is Jehovah A variation of I am notice the mild judgment here which shows the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ not too long before the events at the tower Bible there was a very violent flood to judge a very violent group of people and here we have people already starting to defy God disobey him and the Lord confused their language but what's fascinating is even though we saw those languages confused as a result of Jesus Christ his death burial and Resurrection he gave the gift
of the Holy Spirit where at Pentecost we saw the languages come back together it gave us a taste of what heaven's going to be like
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