today I'm going to tell you why you're not getting any clients with AI automation so logically you clicked on this video that means you either run an AI automation business or you're planning on starting one and that's great this is one of The Highest Potential growth industries I'm currently available but right now there's this big elephant in the room and that's where new entrance into the market are investing time and capital into starting a business and then they start banging their heads on the wall because they're not seeing any clients not getting any results I
scaled my own AI automation business to $72,000 per month and I now consult with over 1,400 other AI automation businesses and Freelancers so I've seen a lot of what works and what doesn't today I'm going to tell you exactly how to avoid that and then start swimming in clients and swimming in leads so there are three big problems okay and these are the three big problems why you're not getting any clients with AI automation the first is that you have what's called pipeline famine if I could spell pipeline right which I think I can then
voila the second major issue is that you have a shiny object syndrome and I you know hopefully I'm not hurting anybody's feelings when I point it out like that but a lot of you guys have shiny object syndrome it's unfortunate but it's the truth and then the third reason is you guys are prioritizing learning over doing and I'm going to cover each of these in depth over the course of the next few minutes um just so we're all on the same page here but if you solve the three big problems that I'm talking about here
today um you are going to be able to scale a business substantially easier substantially faster than basically anybody else that's starting uh you know getting into this industry and not only that you're going to be able to do so predictably as opposed to it being sort of like a game of chance where maybe you're fighting with referrals or something like that um you're you're going to be able to frontload you know your lead gen and start talking to to real customers and and getting clients um much faster than most other people my Approach works you
know it's been used by over a thousand people to date um this is probably the the straightest line path to succeeding in this industry so not to toot my own horn here let me actually just get into the the information and you know if you guys find it valuable you guys can implement it and employ it for yourselves so the first reason is called pipeline famine basically to be clear if you are not currently getting clients with AI automation the only reason at the end of the day that you are not getting these clients is
because you are not talking to enough potential customers basically you're in a state of what I like to call pipeline famine okay now for people that don't know and for the People For Whom the term pipeline is sort of new news um a pipeline essentially just refers to all of the marketing and sales activities of your business and in AI automation because it's so technical we tend to forget a lot about this pipeline because we spend our focus more on like the technical shiny objects around us like the systems that we build the no code
tools that we're we're using and learning and so on and so forth but let me be clear in that you know whether it's an AI automation agency or like a local Services Agency or an HVAC company or a plumbing company or the next Uber whatever the only thing that you need in order to have a business is not like the product itself because a product actually doesn't matter what matters is the people that were going to consume whatever product you provide them and so that's what I like to call the pipeline so your pipeline's a
foundation of your business if you don't have that Foundation Nothing Else Matters okay we could not we we could have the most amazing product in the world you could make the gpt7 which you know artificial general intelligence take over the world whatever I don't know you're trying to sell some amazing product here but if you don't have a single buyer what you have is not is not a business you are barely operating a hobby and I don't say this to be super harsh um I just say this to be realistic this is the the number
one bottleneck and the major issue that most people that I consult with on a daily bases have they just don't have any opportunities because they don't have any opportunities they don't really have a business doesn't matter if you have the most amazing product you can't sell to anybody it doesn't matter so uh yeah you could have nothing else in the world and I think there are a lot of people that have started a automation business that don't have any skills in this industry okay no skills no website no case studies no experience no no actual
systems knowledge at all but they just talk to enough customers long enough and then they eventually win and they beat out people that that focus on um these instead okay uh extremely talented people often never go anywhere and it's simply because they don't have the opportunities to do so you could be the most you know talented Smart Genius technically competent person on planet Earth but if you just don't have a way to convert that knowledge into some sort of dollar value at the end of the day uh it doesn't matter and and you're not really
going to be able to start any sort of business so I was going to draw this and I'm sort of like trying to figure out exactly the best content delivery mechanism for this between drawing and then slideshowing right now so bear with me but essentially the way that I see it is pipelines marketing oper generating opportunities these are the the base of your pyramid okay so you know if you think about our pyramid we we have kind of three parts here one 2 three the first is marketing this gets people in through the door and
what you'll see is this is actually sort of um opposed to how most people pitch this most people kind of pitch this as a funnel okay which is like an inverse thing with marketing at the top kind of sales in the middle and then you know the business to the end but I like to think of it as the foundation okay so this is all of like your Leen it's all of uh I don't know like maybe your your outbound so outbound just refers to calls um text messages DMS um you know video sends that
sort of stuff um over here is is your sales so sales might be like the actual I don't know the the the closing calls that you jump on um you know what are called discos or Discovery calls might be the setting of the appointments and so on and so forth then up here you have your fulfillment fulfillment is where you actually deliver the thing um that you know you promise the customer you would so in the AI automation space usually this is like the system right this is some sort of uh no code Builder usually
naden zappy or that sort of stuff you put together a beautiful system that delivers something to them maybe it's like I don't know uh outbound lead generation system maybe it's some sort of proposal generator system maybe it's some sort of CRM right that's the F foma but I just want you guys to look at the building okay if I if if we just break this building down and if I use a different color cuz I want to make this a little bit sexy how much of this is actually related to like like like how
much of this is after you get a client realistically um only the very top of this pyramid is actually like you getting the client uh you know the client having have sorry a prospect having transformed into a client like you know the the person is only a client here when you're selling them they're not a client when you're marketing they're not a client I just want you to look at like the total volume of this triangle okay or um what should I say surface area of this of this big triangle the surface area of this
section right here like logically is like one nth of this whole thing okay it's it's it's like one nth I mean I I could run the math on this I'm sure but I mean like if you just count up all of the you know centimeters or square inches or whatever the hell you want to use as a unit of measurement here this pyramid uh you know 8 nths of it is the sales and marketing and what what people tend to do is they do the opposite they make they they spend eight nths of their time
on the Fulfillment and then they only spend one nth of their time on the sales and the marketing and then they wonder why the hell they aren't getting any clients they aren't really getting any customers so this is how you're going to want to concept ize your business you're going to spend the vast overwhelming majority of your time on sales and marketing opportunities and you know because the widest Foundation of this whole thing is marketing you're going to want to spend like a proportional amount of time on the marketing especially when you get started so
this is fantastic and it's amazing um I'm going to show you guys how to actually do this step by step in a second but um you know essentially this is marketing it's leaden it's cold calling it's cold dming um if you just started a business N Out of the 10 hours you spent on it should be generating opportunities that's 90% as opposed to spending 5 to 10% you're going to want to literally multiply the amount of time you are currently dedicating to this and most likely you know for everybody that's watching this is not have
not yet have a customer that's planning on doing so you're going to want to spend at least 10 to 20 times the amount of time that you are currently spending on sales and marketing if you really want to succeed in and grow so uh what actually matters for us here is you know not just a bunch of theory because at the end of the day uh we could spend all day learning we could spend no time doing and we'd be no better off um and that's one of the things I'm going to cover in a
minute let me actually show you guys how to generate more opportunities step by step this is like step byep exactly what I and many other AI automation companies in the space are doing right now so here are the steps that I would take if I was currently at the start line of an AI automation business and I wanted to get more customers and more clients I wanted to solve this big problem the first thing that I would do is that I would focus on outbound activities outbound activities are just things that you are sending out
to other people and you usually don't have any pre-existing connection to them this is the simplest most scalable way to acquire customers with usually as minimal a cost as humanly possible aside from your time that is available when you are beginning a business so um you are reaching out to people to sell a service the only need most of the time is time or you know time with a little bit of money sprinkled in think about it like I don't know you could spend two hours per day three hours per day sending cold emails or
something like that um you know in terms of the total amount of money that you spend that day doing it it might be $2 or $3 right uh most of these cold email platforms are like you know between $50 to $100 or so so so uh you know $50 to $1100 divided by 30 days a month it's like you know $1.5 to $3 plus the cost of leads you spend $3 a day but then maybe two or three hours of your time doing this um and you know for a lot of businesses at the start
line that's a worthwhile trade-off to make because they have more time than they have money so here's here's you know a way a very simple way to shift 90% of your time to outbound activities first thing you want to do is you want to send 10 customized DMS per day across LinkedIn Twitter and x and Instagram my recommendation and what I just talked about in my last video so feel free to check that out if you'd like is to record high quality sales videos where you actually solve a problem for the customer before they've asked
you then what you do is you take that video you customize the first line of your email or something like that and then you send it out to them and say hey I just solve this problem for you in the video what you do is you basically go through their website you go through a system that they have some funnel let's say if they're maybe like a coach or consultant on YouTube whatever the hell and you give them some value before you make any sort of ask another thing you can do right now in order
to shift that outbound um activity ratio to you know an 80 90% is you could set up cold email infrastructure using platforms like instantly and Apollo you could send hundreds of cold emails per day and then just spend an hour every morning going through replies split testing campaigns Etc everybody that's winning in my community not everybody but the vast majority of people that are are winning in my communities they're doing this right now um it's over 1400 uh you know AI automation businesses the vast majority of ones that are winning are frontloading cold email and
they're talking to a thousand plus people a day and they spend most of their time iterating campaigns rewriting copy and and that sort of stuff you can also this is my big recommendation if you're a total newbie to this you create a profile on a freelancing website like upwork and you can just send 10 proposals per day okay same sort of idea here you record highquality sales videos where you solve a problem for the customer before they've asked you anything so this um this you know these are very similar skills if you get good at
one of these you can very easily transfer it over to another this right over here 10 per day might realistically take you between 30 minutes to an hour if every video is you know 2 to 3 minutes and you spend an additional minute like looking up the the customer or something like that um this over here could send 2 to 3 minutes uh same same deal 30 minutes to an hour this is 2 hours and 2 hours that's 4 hours this might be another hour realistically you spend 5 hours of your 6-h hour workday or
something like that on uh outbound and then you reserve the other hour for following up with clients fulfilling client requests that sort of stuff you are very well positioned to get your first few customers and get the ball rolling and once the ball is rolling then you can start Shifting the amount of time you're spending on Outreach so that maybe more of it is accommodating to to client fulfillment but but don't do that before cuz right now your skills with the tools don't matter um you know which tool you're using don't matter you don't need
to up skill you don't need to up level the vast majority what you really should be doing is you should just be doing Outreach okay we're not trying to make a billion dollar business here we're just trying to help you get to you know two three four 5K a month another thing that you can do is you can do what's called Network reactivation you guys aren't familiar with network reactivation it's the concept where we actually have a lot of value buried in our contact Network our Rolo deck so to speak and that value rarely gets
used or exercised so if you've ever had any sort of job in you know a technical industry or if you've done any sort of freelancing or if you've operated a previous business or if you've done anything like that you will likely have contacts my recommendation is to use the hormos method and reach out to them hormos uh being Alex hormos he had a I don't know I don't know if this is on a podcast or something but it was sort of a brief throwaway line or maybe a short reel where he basically said here's what
you do you go through your current Network right now you identify contacts that own businesses freelance or have worked with you before then you just reach out to them and you check in you say hey how's it going I know we haven't talked in a while like what's going on how are you doing what are you up to these days I'd love to check in you know I think we could offer some mutual value to each other whatever you customize the hell out of your communicate you know if you can jump on a call and
do that if you have old clients this is the best because old clients have already spent money with you okay then all you do is when they ask you what you're doing tell them and then ask hey do you know anyone that could benefit from what I am building right now now this is a soft pitch what I mean by this is you're not actually pitching them directly what you're doing is you're asking them if they know anybody they might be interested in what you are selling and as a result uh if they are interested
in what you are selling they will say oh well I'm interested in what you're selling or H you know maybe that would be interesting for me and then if they're not then they can scour the network and then if they're still super not and they don't have anybody in their Network then they can just tell you no you preserve the relationship while still allowing you uh you know an opportunity to to reactivate your your network this is a very simple example you can obviously structure this however much you want um but I found a lot
of the time this is you need to do when I was running my uh content writing company one second copy and we skill to 92k a month a big chunk of that every month 20 30k a month of our Revenue was this we simply reached out to old clients we did this every month we built some sort of warm connection and we said hey you know is there anybody that you might know that might need content writing services um and you know lo and behold at the time you know this is uh mid 2020 early
2021 a lot of people needed content writing services and so we sold like uh like crazy the last thing to do is to create content kind of like what I'm doing right now think about it from my perspective I'm not doing outbound what I'm doing is inbound and I spend the vast majority of my day now producing content for inbound marketing purposes so I'm doing the exact same thing that I'm recommending you guys I'm just doing in a slightly different format but you can also do the same thing I'm doing content is a fantastic way
to generate inbound leads it's one of Nal Robie con's three ways of Leverage um which I believe is like labor media and code I should note that this is only going to work if you have some reason for people to listen to you if you don't you know have anything noteworthy no accomplishment like one of the reasons I was able to grow on YouTube so quickly is because i' actually made money in the spaces that I was talking about and so I had inherent interest and inherent credibility in who I was and what i' done
if you don't actually have this then you know don't don't do content to start but if you do have some sort of credibility if um I don't know you started something in a business in a vertical and you managed to scale it to something impressive maybe something that's like in the top 1% of your field um then my recommendation for you is just create one piece of content per day and in that content just give everybody the sauce okay just tell them everything that you did in order to get to where you are right now
and what you're planning on doing as well in the future the value that you will get out of your sharing your secrets openly tends to vastly outshort of Strategic Benefit that you would have by keeping them to yourself unless we're talking like a quadrillion dollar industry here which doesn't exist um the vast majority of the value that you're going to get or sorry the vast majority of the time the value that you're going to get out of sharing is going to be substantially higher than the value you're going to get out of safeguarding or keeping
gatekeeping they tend to say so my recommendation is in terms of the ratio of what you give versus what you ask for in your content try to do it at least 99 at least 95% to one so um I guess 95 to 5 is what I meant to say um ideally it' be 99 to1 so like 99% of the time in your content like the content that I'm making just just give people the Sask tell people exactly what you did in order to get to where you're going if you see problems in your industry identify
them um build content around them build Solutions on them try them yourself once youve figured it out then just share it with people uh and then if you're going to make an Ask make like the tiniest smallest ask at the end of the video or at the end of the content and make it like 2 seconds and make it abundantly clear that like you don't you know you're not forcing or holding anybody a gunpoint to do this and if they don't you're going to continue producing content okay so that's problem number one massive problem this
is the main problem that I would recommend that you solve if you guys are currently you know in the start line of any sort of a automation business and this is uh the client acquisition part has been a struggle for you if you just solve that one problem okay everything else here is gravy you're probably going to start at least building some sort of client acquisition strategy or funnel or repeatable system um and then if you can solve the subsequent two problems I'm going to show you here the shiny object syndrome sorry I think my
Escala draw which is the tool I'm using to draw just closed if you can solve the shiny object syndrome which we're going to talk about next and then the learning overdoing um it's it's going to be just you're just going to be printing money so the biggest problem the biggest contributor to the former problem which is not talking to enough potential customers that pipeline famine is something called shiny object syndrome we've all heard of shiny object syndrome okay we're not new to shiny object syndrome I'm going to try and draw a diamond here really quickly
girlfriend would probably love this okay that's not how you draw a diamond okay so I clearly need to buy more people diamonds um you know the reality is in your your average industry you have one shiny object okay in our industry we have like five million shiny objects our industry is just Rife with shiny objects there are more shiny objects in AI on automation than any other industry hands down like like it's not even close it's like a million to one okay and the reason why is because our industry just inherently works with uh technology
I don't really know why I'm drawing diamonds here I was told to try and make my content more engaging so there you go uh but you know we have we have new technologies that are coming out on daily basis a big chunk of our value is through artificial intelligence which is inherently interesting um there's just so many shiny objects and every new development in our industry seems like it's the final development you know oh uh GPT search GPT just came out that's going to invalidate bunch of search stuff Operator just came out that's going to
invalidate a bunch of other stuff like everything is marketed to make it seem as if this is the end game for business in general in reality this is not uh and and 99.9% of these make no appreciable difference to the industry uh the industries that they are serving because our space just moves so quickly that they tend to be replaced uh you know within a I don't know a week a month a year whatever so don't focus on the tools don't focus on the objects okay focus on the skills underneath it I'm going to run
you guys through how to fix shiny object syndrome and um there there are a couple of main ways the first is you can't bounce around and expect to win so what are some shiny objects in our in our uh Niche well industry is a shiny object people to Target okay tools the specific offers to try the reality is if you want to succeed in this vertical or any other you need a certain amount of investment in the thing in order to provide it an opportunity to win your ability to make something win in many cases
is a self-fulfilling prophecy so if you try a thing and if you invest a lot of time and energy and and skill in a thing you are increasing the probability of that thing working out but if you start something okay every time you do you're you require some sort of reinvestment or re-learning period or or Readjustment period then every time you do that you're basically starting back from scratch you you pulled all that investment back it's absolutely nothing you've invested nothing at this point into this new thing you got you got to redo it all
again and then what usually happens is humans get bored of something after a few weeks and then a few weeks go by and when you're finally just to the point where that thing's about to work you start something else okay so we have some built-in biases that I'm going to briefly cover just to give you guys some context and then I'm going to tell you guys exactly how to solve this the first is we have um a novelty bias so humans and I'm imagining you are a human not a crazy lizard person from space that's
watching this video We crave novelty in reality okay winning the process of winning is very boring I know because I'm winning a lot right now you just do the same thing over and over and over and over again it's nothing special you just you wake up you have some set process that earns you more money uh than you put in okay it puts out more money than you put in there's a return on investment return on ad spend return on marketing spend whatever you want to call it and you just do it over and over
and over 24/7 until you you know achieve whatever goal it is the reality is that humans require a level stimulation that focused winning in one industry just does not provide additionally our built in bias to find the next thing tends to occur right around the time we'd actually start seeing results in the thing that we want to do so you starting a new a service line for automation you're trying out you know recruitment agencies and you're trying to pitch them a specific product and you try for two or three weeks and nothing works okay and
then you're like ah man two or three weeks have gone by uh this isn't working I should probably switch to something else okay this doesn't make any sense because you haven't invested sufficiently in the offer or the service line you haven't iterated you haven't improved it enough you haven't you know added on to it enough and really explored the market to be confident that what you're doing is the right decision another bias is that The Grass Is Always Greener now this is part of how we evolved since groups of people tend to exhaust local resources
you kind of think of us as like hter gathers uh I don't know like you know 50,000 100,000 million years ago humans have this built-in predisposition to want to move around okay we want to change we want to see the grass on the other side of the Hill the reason why is because historically when we would move to that side we'd be more likely to survive so this is like the core architecture operating system of our minds it's not surprising That We crave shiny objects um We crave shiny objects you know 10 20 30,000 years
ago We crave shiny objects way more now and then on top of that the objects that we are craving are way shinier to begin with so there sort of like a recipe for disaster and it's not surprising at all that most people feel this way the third major bias is um we have a comparison bias so we compare ourselves to others because you know it's how we used to survive the unfortunate issue is in the modern world we have so many more opportunities to compare ourselves to others than nature ever intended and what we see
a lot of is people winning faster than you are currently winning except they're doing in another niche it is natural to wonder why and then consider switching for yourself here is the truth behind it all the market and whether it's the AI automation agency market or the AI automation coaching Market or you know the HVAC Market or the plumbing Market or the large language Model Market whatever the hell it is the market has built-in lag when you try something you have to give it enough time to succeed you have to give it enough time in
action I should say before it succeeds in order to really be able to definitively make uh a claim as to whether or not not what you're doing is right or not so as long as your fundamental assumptions are correct and you are consistently showing up and practicing you not seeing the results you expected is not a problem of what you are doing it is usually a problem of expectations so take however long you think it's going to uh need in order for you to do something or accomplish something and then my recommendation is to multiply
by two or by three and then if you don't hit the thing you wanted to do by that time then you can consider switching because you know I mean I'm talking about you B not bouncing around and expecting to win but in reality um you moving is also um you know it's a form of learning and it's a form of growth the issue is not that people are moving they're just moving a little too soon so here's how to fix this step by step because it's one thing for me to you know wax poetic all
about what the hell this this is theoretically it's another thing for you to actually take this information and employ it to your business so here are the exact steps I take if I were your choose the first is I would pick three niches for my business and I'd commit to them so choose the three niches that resonate most with your expertise with your social proof or your current opportunities now your going to commit to a set number of market segments that might be recruitment agencies B2B SAS um I don't know like coaching and Consultants or
something from one of my most recent videos you're just going to commit to these three ahead of time and then by doing this you're going to cut off all distractions and then give yourself the runway to gain actual Traction in all three of these okay now the benefit to picking three niches as opposed to just one is you're also insulating against putting all your eggs in one basket there's still a level of novelty and greener pastures that you crave you're just not allowing for you know new greener pastures to grab you at every turn my
recommendation is once you've run three niches for between 30 to 60 days you can then determine the highest performing Niche and then you can drop the other two and the benefit from this is you'll still have the sensation of change you're just going to have it without the drawbacks of you actually you know completely picking up shop and then and moving instead of you building you know experience fast in one thing and then switching over and then experience fast another thing and switching over you'll build your experience slowly in three things and then you'll drop
two of them you'll shoot up the one that's a winner and then you can double down and invest in that after that I'd recommend setting a no change rule for 90 days so when I say 90 days of no changes I don't mean that you can't like make any adjustments or iterations to your product okay what I mean is you know don't don't pivot so don't start a new business don't go into any new vertical and don't choose any random side projects for at least three months at least three months just give yourself the chance
to succeed what you're going to find is in life there's almost always a dip in results before success if I were to model OKAY the way that success looks like it's usually you know you start up pretty hopeful everything's great and then you have some Valley of disappointment before finally you start to grow exponentially this was me okay I started off and I thought everything was amazing um back when I I ran my door to-door marketing agency um I I found some you know measured success with it you know I made you know five 10
15 $20,000 and then I had this huge Valley I think it's uh term the valley of Despair I think a lot of other people talk about including hormos um but then I had massive Valley of Despair where I de had to do the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again and it took me many many more years to get to the same point that I had at the beginning that than I thought before I started finally to exceed it and now you know if I look at my graph
I'm probably like way that way the hell up here and I'm looking at everything from a bird side view it's obviously pretty sweet so um yeah that's that's kind of like the valley of uh despair idea that's sort of the no change Rule and the dip and results um what you what you do with this no change rule is it forces you to push through the dip which helps you avoid the false promise of greener pastures the next thing is to create a structured routine where you do uh your Revenue Genera activities first every morning
okay and then focus on just the things that actually make you money and what are the things that actually make you money if you guys remember from the last problem it's usually Outreach it's usually sales it's usually marketing so what I mean by this is my recommendation just take a take your calendar right now and block out a 2 to three hour period every morning exclusively to some sort of outbound or exclusively some sort of marketing the reason why is because it's going to leave you little mental band with for chasing new ideas the second
that you double down on all this Outreach there's a feedback loop you're going to start seeing responses from that Outreach you're going to start getting woven into sales calls and stuff like that the second that you do this you are basically pre-commit to spending future time in an industry and by you doing so you'll be thinking more about an industry ultimately succeeding more in that industry um my recommendation here is by doing your Revenue generating activities first that also means that even though it's really boring you're already ahead of pretty much everybody else by the
time that you're done so I mean in my case you know I usually make my videos in the morning not today but um suffice to say by by the time I'm done my video which might take me a few hours I have produced produced more value in a day than the vast majority of people will do in a week or more and that's just because that's the very first thing that I do and once it's done hell I could uh I don't know watch SpongeBob or something all day uh and I'd probably still be better
off than most of my competitors so the last thing I'm going to mention is um maintain a future ideas list so just you know if you're using Apple notes or if you have some notepad Evernote on your computer or I don't know you have some other app that you use or maybe like a physical a physical book anytime you get a tempting thought just write it down and just get out get it out of your head as quickly as possible then go right back to your current plan at least now you have it written somewhere
at least now you've satisfied your brain's urge to like get some idea out right it's no longer bouncing around or rattling around in your skull it's actually somewhere out on a piece of paper and then at least then you can convince yourself hey I'm going to cover this you know the grass is greener on the other side I'm going to cover this when I'm done with my current thing so in this way you're sort of satisfying some of those built-in Cravings that I talked about of novelty you're also satisfying The Grass Is Always Greener um
and then you're still allowing yourself to like have strategic value of the ideas that you are creating because there are tons of strategic there is tons of strategic value in a lot of the um sort of shiny objects that you're pursuing it's just a matter of how you execute on them right so that's my recommendation that's personally what I do um I have tons of fantastic ideas and they involve switching Industries and jumping on new projects and jumping on new products um but historically just given the return on investment I've had from doing the same
thing over and over and over and over again um you know I just I add those to a list and I worry about them later and later can come when I've um satisfied or fulfilled my pre-commit to succeed in the thing that I'm currently doing so that's problem number two problem number three is that most of you are unfortunately learning overdoing what do I mean by this I mean and this is unfortunate because you're watching a YouTube video which by nature is learning it's a slideshow and then I'm like drawing on a page like you
know school style Professor stuff um but the reality is more knowledge will not help you I've consulted with over 1,400 AI automation businesses now these are businesses these are companies agencies Freelancers coaches Consultants whatever the vast majority of these businesses the vast majority of them already knew enough to succeed when I you know jumped on a call with them or when I answered their question or did some Q&A or whatever it wasn't the the the information that they needed to succeed okay it was applying that information to their daily life so there's a difference between
knowing something and then applying that thing for instance right now you know all of that stuff that I told you about Outreach you know 10 cold DMS a day with a with a customized video 10 upwork apps a day an hour every day uh I don't know looking over your cold emails and crafting new new campaigns but that is very different from actually doing it right to know something involves you scrolling through a YouTube feed with thousands of people constantly begging for your attention myself included to try and you know give you some value to
have you hopefully exchange that into some some monetary thing on on our end that is a very different set of skills than actually going and doing the thing right the set of skills required to know is basically a passive consumption set of skills where you just need to be able to lay lay back and then kind of like I don't know identify the right material and then click a button and then like you know focus on something for half an hour and while that's still like a pretty good set of skills it's very different from
the ability to apply stuff it's the very different from the ability to to write applications or to be uh I don't know somewhat Charming or well put together or presentable on some sort of video that you're sending out to people or to know the right copy to to write or to to build the skills needed to to be able to do some really cool automations applying is ultimately the name of the game the vast majority of us know everything we need to know it's just a matter of converting that into some sort of Action Now
how do you convert stuff into action well that is a very very different set of skills which I'm going to cover in a second so you know I'm just going to sort of talk about the elephant in the room which is YouTube um this is a YouTube video the reality is you don't actually need to watch more YouTube videos about this and while um I think my channel has great information it's certainly a lot higher quality and higher prow than most other people's you don't actually need to watch this um everybody loves to learn okay
learning is safe because there's no risk of failure no chance of rejection you could watch a million of my videos Until you realize that you're now 90 days in you've made $ Z so you know the danger is that you are tricking yourself into believing you're preparing but you can't really just prepare for life you have to go go and live life like at some point you have to jump out of the plane and then build your parachute in the way down and I know that's a really kind of crappy expression and it's like well
I would never actually do that in real life but that's sort of how business Works to be honest at least in my experience you could spend all day building out these big projections or being skeptical about something before you actually try it for yourself there's no there's no there's no objective way for you to know whether or not you would have succeeded and then consider this the time is going to pass anyway like you know in the next 30 days or something by the end of the month 30 days is going to well I guess
it's February so 28 days 28 days are going to pass whether or not you do the thing okay wouldn't it be better for you to have spent 28 days applying the knowledge that you are currently learning as opposed to just letting INF fester in your head so you know if you learn something new my recommendations applied the same day you know if you're watching my videos and um you know I want you to just do the thing that I'm doing alongside me like you know how I was just telling you a moment ago about setting
aside the two hours of your calendar well don't just listen to that passively like actually go into your calendar block it out so that tomorrow when you wake up when you have that period you can actually start getting getting to work same thing if I do a live build or something anyway just don't let knowledge Fest in your head the real learning is always going to happen with some sort of doing so here's a step-by-step um program essentially that I have used on myself and I I give to a bunch of people U you know
over a thousand people in my communities um and I find that this works extraordinarily well in practice so if you just follow this you know you should you should be able to make some meaningful Headway against the learning versus doing problem but in order for you to do this you're actually going to have to like take the steps that I'm applying right now you can even pause the video right um after I mention a thing that resonates with you go and do the thing and then just come back and you know watch the next bit
so the very first thing is block consumption in media so my recommendation to you is yes block YouTube block Instagram block uh Facebook block Tik Tok if you have a problem and most people know that they have a problem right most people were not unaware of the fact that we have a problem with some sort of content consumption or whatever uh if you know that you have a problem with one of these platforms just block them now if you do this doesn't mean that you're a Content addict it's just a tool at the end of
the day and it's a tool that adds a bit of friction the next time you're going to try and mindlessly access a resource that's all we're doing we're just adding a little bit of friction 5% here 10% there it's a blocker for your phone where in order for you to like you know uh I don't know you type in Instagram and then you try and click the thing it'll just say hey this is blocked for now do you want to unblock you click a button you usually have to do some friction thing you have to
send yourself an email or you have to undo some little cool pattern code or you have to like solve a quick little equation this tiny bit of friction helps you jump out of the passive habit of consumption sorry about that the passive habit of consumption rather than active intent because typically the way that things work is you know you will sign on to and and watch an Instagram reel simply because um I don't know maybe like you get a notification on your phone you click the notification you you look at your friends text and then
when you go back you just see Instagram and all of a sudden the first reel grabs you and then you scroll down the next one and the next one and the next one and the next one before you know youve wasted 45 minutes of your time you know same thing with a lot of platforms that we're we're watching today like YouTube and and other stuff the algorithms will suck you into an additional hour video the reality is algorithms like this are now getting better than our abilities to stop them so um you know a light
bit of friction like that screen that says hey you shouldn't be doing this right now do you want to like do a friction code or something this will sufficiently eliminate 90% of those passive habits are you still going to do it yeah probably like I still do social media from time to time that's fine but I do it because I'm intentional about it like if I have a creator that I really like I will intentionally sign on and I will say you know I'm I'm curious do they have a new video If so I watch
said video and then when I'm done I shut it off that little bit of intentionality um basically turns you into an active producer of your life not necessarily just a passive consumer of it okay the next thing is for just just to be clear for us to distinguish between real progress real progress is sending outbound messages fulfilling client work versus fake progress which is usually watching videos or reading books so my recommendation for you and what I've implemented and employed my own life is I only give myself permission to learn something after I've already done
something for the day so uh a good example of this is I will only read tutorials and watch YouTube videos about automation if I've completed my Revenue generating activities for the day AK if you know I've already done my 2 hours from 6:00 to 8: a.m. I want you to think about this right now and consider what your Revenue generating activities are going to look like are you going to be producing some sort of content are you going to be doing outbound right do you have the credentials to produce content make that interesting or worthwhile
or or do you have the credentials or the skills to sell stuff over video or sell stuff over cold emo once you've sorted that out schedule it and then build that self-imposed rule where you're only going to be reading and watching you know videos or or tutorials on a guide or a new piece of technology if you've already done the thing that makes you the money and then my goal is to um Inspire everybody here to adopt a learn and Implement immediately mindset so don't just watch three hours of training okay watch five minutes learn
a thing pause then do the thing and then come back and proceed this changes things from this sort of passive edutainment Style uh media where you watch stuff and you think you get the positive dopamine of being oh I've actually done that thing right oh yeah you know Nick made a lot of sense when he talked about the system we like wow the way he built that was really really cool this changes your content consumption habits from this passive one into an active One You're Now actively engaging you're not just uh passively consuming edutainment you're
actually immediately applying it so my rule is if you don't see a way to immediately apply what it is that you're consuming it's probably not a good piece of content to be watching in the first place okay uh whether you're you know that applies to my content or other people's that you're watching or something like that I'm going to leave that determination up to you but that is my recommendation to solve learning overdoing okay great so we've now covered all three of the big problems with um you know you not getting any clients with a
automation just to recap because I'm starting to do these Recaps here I find people get value to them the first was pipeline famine which is where you need to spend realistically between 10 to 20 times statistically as much time as you are spending on client acquisition right now on client acquisition so you need to reshift your entire thought pattern towards what this is is this isn't an AI automation business if you're at the start line right now this is a lead generation business and your only business is to generate leads once you've solved this you
will go the vast majority of the way to success but from there um tackle shiny object syndrome which is you know us looking at the the greener pastures across the hill us having that built-in bias to always be looking for novelty or some some sort of stimulation when we see that what we're doing is not immediately providing results understand that the market has that built-in leg and no amount of time or energy sorry no amount of energy that you put in right now is going to see you um getting results before that lag period finishes
so as long as you're just consistent and you provide some sort of daily drip feed of action you know that action will eventually accumulate into success it's a self-fulfilling prophecy give yourself enough time to actually see that succeed rather than jump around every few weeks and the third thing was learning overdoing um as I've just talked about I think that you know my content is fantastic there are a couple other channels of content that are a couple other channels on YouTube out there that are fantastic there's definitely some value and some uh followed sorry some
um channels that you can follow on like Instagram or Tik Tok or Twitter or whatever but my cardinal rule is just make sure that this is content that you can actually go out and apply to your own life to make your life better as opposed to just something you are passively consuming all day um because if you are doing the louder you're just tricking yourself into thinking you're moving prioritize taking information pausing whatever thing you are doing to learn and then doing something with it right prioritize actually taking actions in the real world because time
is going to pass anyway and you might as well have some cool result to show for it awesome so that's where we're at um I hope you guys appreciated this video If you guys like the content that I produced check out maker school it's a day byday accountability program that actually gets you your first automation customer shows you how to build it from scratch I mean otherwise if you already have a business and you're interested in scaling it I'm join makemoney withm my next Community which helps you get to 25k and Beyond by implementing
good scalability practices uh that's a good example of like a 99% value to 1% value pitch so if you guys are looking to create your own inbound content then I personally uh would recommend deploying a structure like this hope you guys found value of the video if you have any questions or anything like that feel free to drop them down below as you guys know I Source most of my ideas for my audience at this point so if there's something you want me to do let me know otherwise do that cool YouTube stuff like subscribe
get me to the top of the algo and I'll catch you on the next video thanks so much