EP25: Digging Into The Money Mind Of Luke Belmar

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The Associates
Luke Belmar joins the associates. JOIN THE TELEGRAM: https://t.me/associatespod FOLLOW LUKE: Insta...
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and when you find that purpose and you start moving in that direction life becomes extremely fun it was a spiritual Freedom that we were almost after you know leaving College after two months gotta grab Life by the [ __ ] balls bro own that [ __ ] but what were you saying about Argentina it's a great place yeah I love it yeah why'd you leave uh socialism brother inflation Fair that's a fair point you want to go really bad though yeah I want to live there but I can totally you want to live there with
your dollar exactly like I can totally understand being from there you like there's just not the same opportunity it's very bureaucratic I'm making a move out to Bali okay I'm Gonna Do What I Call staycations so what I go is I find a country every single year and I'll just spend like two to three months there as a to go to place last year I did uh Croatia I spent three months in Croatia just like living in a house meeting the locals like being part of the culture is pretty fire nice uh and this year
I'm gonna do Bali just kind of messed up seeing what it's like yeah I'm not really sure um but the issue is if you're an American taxes follow you anywhere you go like people say Bali and all this stuff but brother Uncle Sam will get his coin whether you like it or not sure he is one way or another so the best alternative is Puerto Rico but then off obviously what I said about opportunity cost so I was talking to a buddy of mine uh who was also moved to Puerto Puerto Rico he was one
of the first guys that ever moved there I was talking to him the other day I was like yo was it worth it was the move worth it because of taxes whatever he's like well let me tell you something at the same time that I did the move to Puerto Rico for my zero percent tax out my one of my co-founders or a guy that I was doing business with uh decided to stay in Texas right and he built a company because he had access to more people more connections more information and yeah he ended
up paying more in taxes but he had made more than my buddy because of the positioning that he had that he had uh kind of taken advantage of whereby yeah you save money on taxes but what's the opportunity cost what are you leaving on the table as opposed to the taxes and that's why taxes isn't shouldn't always be the metric as to why you do something yeah that's the whole that's the whole purpose of it you should be Beyond I've seen a lot of people talk tax bill yeah like harmozey was talking about that think
cardones talked about it it's all about strategy you know it's all about strategy how you place yourself how you how you move and it's always kind of knowing where you want to go people kind of just bounce back off of the opinions of other people like oh you should go here because of this and people make these crazy decisions whereby they don't have a final goal or outcome yeah and if you reverse engineer your entire goal you already haven't ahead of time what you want to do in life and you operate based off of that
so Puerto Rico for me is a strategic move based off of what I did in my career right like at zero percent capital gains tax sure I'll spend four years in Puerto Rico because it makes sense for me crypto correct but another person it may not make sense to pay uh less than 16 20 less tax because they could lose massive opportunity here yeah so that makes sense usually the guys that are out there are the guys are going for like huge exits or already have like a big operating system yeah going for like a
million bucks two million bucks I wouldn't say it's worth it like it's Paradise but it's also an island so you have the limitations of what it means to live on an island fact it's pretty sick before we keep going I kind of want to intro how this pod started guesses today yeah we have Mr Luke Belmar with us um and this just kind of happened it's funny because you this morning yeah so did some someone like tagged us and was like you guys got to get Luke Belmar on okay I follow him that's cool and
then you tweeted it maybe a couple hours later and I was like oh [ __ ] he's in Miami whatever let's let's set it up and you're like dude I got today this is it yeah I'm I'm literally I literally have today I'm I'm just in Miami because it's the only place where you can actually pit stop to go back to Puerto Rico or to leave Puerto Rico so this is kind of the the pit stop every couple days I love it yeah it's uh it was super funny because I I was on a boat
yesterday and drinking a little bit I'm a little bit hungover today just for you look good bro no worries transparency um but I had a I gotta I woke up this morning up a little bit later whatever and woke up still pretty early like 7 45 and I wake up and do my thing and then I when I check my phone I have a DM and it's like a long time follower he'd like he'd been in my DMs for a while and he he DM me is like dude Luke Belmar is in Miami you should
get him on the Pod like your guys's content and his contents like changed my life it would be such a cool pot I would love to see it and then I reposted it and tagged you I was like yo you down like I feel like it's really useful when it's very organic like like that and people are like almost making the connection for us the communities understand what where the Synergy lies which is good 100 and so it's just yeah then then you posted the tweet and here we are you know hours later I'm super
curious how this internet Persona of yours kind of developed because it's almost like you came out of came out of nowhere a little bit in the past like maybe six months your first YouTube video was about four or five months ago or something I was checking it out and you're kind of a newer name to the space a lot of these guys you know that post this stuff have been out there but you're decently big right like you know a couple hundred thousand followers every platform and you just kind of popped up almost out of
nowhere so like what's that story like what's behind that so have you heard the story of the bamboo no so the bamboo spends its first years its first five years growing under the Earth uh-huh but it's still growing and then within five weeks it shoots up yards and yards up in the sky nobody saw it coming but the bamboo knew that in due time things would occur so I've been around of course I've just uh been underground it's kind of like us so we haven't been posting like that until now it's Seasons you know it's
it's understanding that there's a time and place for everything and there's a time and place for to open up your mouth and speak and there's a time to work and I wanted to be in a situation where I didn't have what is commonly known as imposter syndrome yeah which is this this lack of belief in oneself so what I needed to do was go on my quest and earn that self-respect that allowed me to open up my mouth and not based off of what other people say or what other people think I am but who
I believe that I am who I believe that I become because of my career so I spent the first couple years uh under the ground like the bamboo and now we're just enjoying the ride I love it we'll see where we go I love it and how old are you if you don't mind me asking 27 27 okay and because I was what I was watching some of your stuff like he called me he's like hey we're gonna do this pod it was cool so I'm watching some of your stuff just I always like to
get some background info and like there was a podcast clip on Tick Tock where you kind of went through your whole story of you know 16 leaving Argentina and we were talking about Argentina because it's amazing if you're if you have dollars um and you left at 16 like when did things really pop off for you with all the trading stuff or Ecom like when what year how old were you yeah so I was I was telling one of my buddies you know we were sitting down and talking and and utilizing this this concept of
what time is and this idea that that like I made it on a specific time frame or on a specific date there's no such thing as as making it it's more so like there wasn't this initial success it was I'm in this journey that I started the moment I was born right so that's the moment the quest started I know it sounds crazy but that's when you need to reverse engineer what your entire life has been and how everything is lined up to be who you are today because everything where you are today is where
you chose to be yeah right and it was your choice whether it was your subconscious mind or your conscious mind doing it so to answer your question the Journey's been ever since I felt like an anomaly right you look at the school system you see how people operate and you realize that something something isn't clicking and from there you just forge your own path 100 uh so yeah I came to America at the age of 16 uh started pressure washing basketball course cleaning toilets and working in kitchens yeah I was alone I was alone had
200 but you know it was worth it and at the end of the day like would you what do you have to lose you know what's the worst that's going to happen you're going to die like you're gonna die anyway like the outcome is the same for everybody so why not just go for it and I went for it and it worked and for a lot of people it doesn't work I think the big differentiator is the self-education process of not only introducing new information that the school system doesn't give you or that your parents
don't give you or that the system doesn't give you but also that the the detox process of all the stuff that you've been taught that is wrong yeah right because you look at people's day-to-day behaviors and you start realizing that a lot of why people are where they are today is because of their subconscious Behavior you look at all the the programming like people think that laziness or not doing your task or not picking up a book or not exercising is 100 their fault no there's something called conditioning yes right there's something called conditioning and
people have been conditioned to lose and it's from that conditioning that you must kind of unlock yourself to then recondition your mind because if you don't program yourself somebody will program you so I'm curious who you think is conditioning people is it is it an agenda is it is there is there a purpose behind it is it just happening right is it lack of awareness or is there like some intention there there's this law of the universe known as the law of Correspondence that talks about As Above So Below it's this idea that as things
appear in the spiritual realm they manifest themselves in the Physical Realm so what we see in the world today is merely a represent a physical manifestation of the spiritual condition of the world so it's not a money problem it's not a person problem it's a fundamental problem in the spiritual condition of the world and it manifests itself through the insanity that takes place in the world so through this concept we understand that it's not a physical problem money isn't it isn't the the root of all evil it's not the problem the root of all evil
is your inability to wield that thing and allowing that thing to control you and run your life and that's why you have everything in the world being run by money conditioned by money uh greed and yeah my opinion is is more like a spiritual problem I wouldn't pinpoint it to a specific individual I would say it is that we are just as guilty as everybody else and when you assume that responsibility then you realize that you also have the responsibility that to change that you could you are that change around you and it's all based
off of this understanding of of energy and vibrational frequencies that you have to be at a higher vibration therefore controlling the the tempo of the environment therefore changing what's happening around to me it almost sounds like the reason you're jumping on you know our podcast or trying to grow on social media and doing it successfully right is because you want to be that change and you want to put that vibration out is that is that correct yeah it's this understanding that you don't know what you don't know and to and to disdain people and to
shun people based off of their life choices whether they're good or bad you know we see a lot of people bashing other people online dude a lot of these [ __ ] don't know any better they don't know any better they need help they they need guidance they need direction and if you can not tell them something not tell them what to do but guide them through a process of what of logic of self-exploration of questioning of finding truth then that person now has what hope and hope is what a person needs to move forward
in life and what a lot of people don't have is hope so if you can instill a little bit of Hope and that sometimes means you have to shock people into into reality uh then I think it's a worthy ideal 100 I think a lot of people um tend to you know especially when you try to break out of these things especially like the money conditioning and have some some self-agency some sovereignty and you have your own stuff I feel like it puts a lot of people on a path where they they kind of lose
the empathy required to do that and it becomes a very egoic thing you know it's like they're to break your beliefs that you can be better like there is some aspect of you know thinking you are better than something or having a standard but I think a lot of people do lose the empathy required to really like hold that principle true you know what I mean I agree I agree I think it's important to know why you do what you do you know why why like okay you're gonna make money why why are you making
money like why are you here are you just a drone everybody's out here calling everybody else a bot but they don't look at themselves in the mirror that's so true like it's so easy to call somebody else a bot and not look at yourself in the mirror and be like yo that that was pretty body dude Nobody Does that nobody holds themselves to the same standard that they want to hold other people to so that's kind of how I've been operating is I work I treat myself with a lot of respect and Grace and I
speak a lot to myself and you know in these questions that you ask me I try to understand at a deeper level what does it mean what do these questions mean not this first initial superficial like response that people have it's really meditating on what's the purpose of your life like why why are you doing what you're doing today because after everything's said and done the opinions of other people the opinions of the people on the internet the opinions of your parents the opinions of anybody around you your accolades your success the medals that you've
earned the the plaques none of it matters none of it matters what matters is when you look at yourself in the mirror right what do you see yeah when you're lying in on your deathbed and you're literally by yourself you and you what's the conversation that you're having about the life that you lived like was it was it dope was it properly well done or no you [ __ ] up man I don't want to live that life I want to end and I don't know what that looks like I don't does that mean I'm
a billionaire no that doesn't mean I'm a billionaire that means I'm a man that loose with purpose and the problem isn't that people are rich or not rich is that people don't know why they're awake they don't know why they're alive and when you find that purpose and you start moving in that direction life becomes extremely fun 100 it's super interesting that every kind of every episode we have is someone that's maybe ascended a little bit the the echelons of maybe social media you know Iman and sneak on yourself and we had Jared gets on
recently who he used to work for I don't know if you know that name Ecom Drop Shipping um but they all all of you guys and us as well it's kind of like refreshing because all of you guys talk about the spiritual elements of this whole thing the spiritual Elements of Life making money whatever and the spiritual aspects of it and why like that's really what this game is it's like it's an energy game a frequency game a spiritual game I agree I agree I mean the world is not a physical place the world is
is a is a is a spiritual Place how you are interacting right now with realities based off of how your brain is processing reality but that doesn't mean that that's what reality is maybe you're limited by your senses right so you need to be able to see things with spiritual eyes to be able to understand how the world really works and that's the journey that a lot of people may not understand so when they then when they when they hear me say certain things they may feel like it's a whole bunch of nothing it's a
whole bunch of nothing to a person that cannot see uh and and that's kind of the journey if you don't understand something don't be like well this is nothing ask yourself what does this mean what is this why is this dude spending time trying to convey do you think I'm here wasting my time no I'm trying to convey something so stop listen don't scroll to the next thing like meditate what does it mean to meditate to dwell upon what are you dwelling upon people are out here with the phones the music the bullsh you're living
in so much static that you don't allow your brain to process any information it's just like dopamine it's 24 [ __ ] seven so people are fried in the head and the ones that understand how to manage their ability to receive information or the ones that move up in life because only the educated are free not the hard-working so something that I'm curious about is obviously you've learned a lot of lessons and you hear sharing them Etc but where do these lessons come from obviously it's the building the businesses it's coming here at 16 it's
it's things like that I'm curious when it started to like obviously you had a goal when you came here just probably Freedom right from socialism and whatnot but when did that kind of start to develop into I can do way more I can do the crypto stuff I can I can make millions and millions of dollars and what was that like spiritual awareness when like when does it start to like click um you have to be able to be perspicacious which is the ability to perceive that which cannot be seen with the common eye when
you when you look at some when you look at the penthouse if somebody lives there right somebody paid for that what did they know that I don't know that allowed them to be there and not me that is the question it's not oh I need to work hard no it's maybe I knock on that guy's door has that ever occurred to you to literally go into a Coffee Shop full of millionaires and start making friends how many millionaires are in your circle if you're poor and you're hanging out with poor people what like what do
you expect is going to take place so I think the first thing that I went through was the Journey of processing the information that we're getting from the world around us people don't stop and look people don't stop and pay attention dude people like and it's every hold up what is going on what is happening around me what is happening in front of me and based off of that and being able to see it from multiple perspectives multiple opinions you form a world view as to how things are working and the problem is most people
have pessimistic World Views because they have narrow perspectives so they can only see the world through a vacuum their small town their friends lack of information yes only the educators are free so what what is my journey my journey is the Journey of self-education so why because the more that I know the more that I can see the more that I can see the better perspective I can have the better perspective I can have the better outcome in decision making I can have in positioning for my life so if I understand that I can obtain
freedom and that I can obtain wealth and I contain success it's not merely an illusion it is an understanding based off of what the world around me has shown me that it is possible right so it's merely a game of probabilities so what do I need to do is increase my probabilities by knowing how the game is played you play Monopoly I win every time I play Monopoly why because I went on YouTube and I watched the videos what are the lands that I should buy with highest possible return to win the game which land
should I stay away from which like literally you can build a strategy in the same way there's formulas and success to building a strategy in life and if you don't think so it's not that they're not there is that you do not have the wherewithal or the mental capacity or the right information to see it but it doesn't mean that it's not real and once you have the humility to perceive that and have a student's mind you'll be able to see the way in all things I love it you're spinning right now already this is
starting amazing yeah I mean I think a lot of people we we were on a Twitter space last week and talking about this with without their friends like most people live their lives for an outcome they have the intention of an outcome versus the intention of a process and and really lose a lot there because there's so much to be gained just by the process and when you play for the outcome you never really get the full process and that that understanding so I guess like to kind of follow up on Nick's Nick's question there
because it's a great answer was there like when you were 16 and you're flying to America did you move to Miami then I would imagine no I traveled around so I was literally just hopping around there was no one location I'm all over the world all over the country bro lovely other country love it but did you have did you have that same you know process intention or or just the the yearning to understand at that point so or was it it was more so the process of survival right so if you go from like
surviving to living to thriving yep so most people what they don't do is they don't turn off their survival mentality once they go to being well and once they go from being well they become comfortable but they still have the habits of a person that is like in dire situation why what do I mean by that they're always looking at the fast money they're always looking at the quick money they're always looking at the quick bag right because they're still thinking in scarcity mindset in the same mindset that they needed to get out of in
order to get to the next level it was an essential one right in order to survive but it's not the necessary one in order to thrive so I was in survival mind at that point at that point in my journey I was like I just need to make money I got to pay for rent like I got to figure out how to live then I started buying a couple books here and there one of my buddies introduced me to stock trading somebody else introduced me to crypto a lot of things that one could call luck
but I call positioning right because I position myself in the best restaurants for example like why would I go work at the shitty restaurant where I could work at the best restaurant I think it was just made sense all right why would I work if I'm gonna work might as well work to get paid for what I produce so I'm going to take a job in sales instead of working a nine to five where it doesn't matter how much I produce I'm capped by my hourly wage right so those logical steps of actually taking pride
and respecting my time knowing what my time is worth is what led me to in my survival kind of hustles be able to be paid based off of what I produced and not my time which I think gave me the ability to speak at speed out of the [ __ ] a lot faster than most people I love it and is there is there a moment where you feel like retrospectively looking back at everything you've done where you kind of like where it clicked and you really moved into that thriving or abundant what I would
say business yeah what I would say was my first uh digital marketing gig so I was introduced to Facebook ads in 2015. so it's like super long ago golden age and that was when you would run like a picture ad and it would generate sales and it would make you money but at that point it was it was a lot more complicated to have suppliers and things of this nature and we were Drop Shipping I was Drop Shipping and we found out about Drop Shipping through we we would watch Robert Kiyosaki and a lot of
like the OG guys and at this time you're going I'm more again this time I'm working in restaurants I'm like hustling I'm like working I'm working odd jobs I'm like figuring out how to make money so that was literally like the end the last year of the of the grind and the [ __ ] so you see this and you're like this I see this I see this and I'm like I just need to I just need to make a couple hundred more bucks a day it wasn't exactly how I it wasn't that it wasn't
that I'm going to be a multi-multi-millionaire I was just like I just I can make a couple sales and I can sell this thing and it and it works and dude I need to make money and it feels and it feels good right like yeah I was making four or five thousand dollars I was paying 200 to sleep on the couch and everything else that I would make I would reinvest into the business right and what is reinvest in the business 200 that I would get in tips that would be my advertising budget for the
next day but so [ __ ] be it right like it was it was the name of the game what am I good not gonna be able to find another job I'm never going to be able to make money I never had that negative talk in that perspective because I just understood that it was part of the process that I that it was the grind and the process but then the next step of self-actualization or self-realization was understanding the value of information and understanding that if you can position yourself ahead of time as to where
the money is going to go you're going to be able to capitalize on it what do I mean by that is that people that have a job or are employees most of their days focus on what taking care of somebody else's business running somebody else's business you're getting paid for that so the amount of time that you have allocated towards self-exploration self-development all this stuff is capped because you add commuting you add being tired you had eating a lot of people don't have time left they do if they wanted to make it but we're talking
about the average person they don't have massive amounts of time left to make something meaningful so what I would do is I would set time aside every single day in order to get educated so what do I mean I would pick up stock books I would and I wouldn't read them all the way through but I would skim over them I would buy them I would look at a chart I would research what does pattern mean and then what I would do is spend every single day looking at the Bitcoin chart everything I've looked at
the Bitcoin chart every single day for five years so when I look at something oh it makes me remind it reminds me of an event that took place back in 2018 and this was the price movement this was what was taking place and you start becoming natural and recognition pattern recognition and starts becoming natural someone starts becoming a a habitual kind of uh intuitive aspect of your life so what I started realizing was I need to figure out what are the skill sets that I need to learn that are going to allow me to be
intuitive and become rich so how do you become intuitive and Rich investing patterns like understanding how to invest it's a skill that you can learn in a skill that you can develop it's not luck like there's dudes out there that understand how to make [ __ ] money the banks they're literally just investment firms they take your [ __ ] money and they invest it on your behalf and you dumb [ __ ] you put your money in there thinking that your money's sitting in there all it is is the number on the screen your
money's out there being being used to talk a lot about BlackRock yeah BlackRock it's crazy it's BlackRock Vanguard all the all the big organizations all of those are dudes that use their head people that think yeah Finance is the language of the elite okay Finance is the language of the elite back in the day the church would block people's access from God why they wouldn't let people speak in Latin so therefore they couldn't read the Bible so what would happen they would have to go through the middleman today you want a middleman perfect here's your
Banker because you don't know Finance you don't know law perfect here's your middle man here's your lawyer the [ __ ] is that and another person representing you because you can't hold because you do not understand how the world works so I realized that if I wanted to get to the next level I need to get educated so on my spare time after the hustle back commuting podcast reading I was addicted to getting [ __ ] mentally strong and not just physically strong not just hustling but mentally strong because the Bible says it as a
man thinketh so is he so what you think about yourself becomes the reality of who you are so what you put in here is going to manifest itself through your life so I've realized I just need to insert so much good stuff here that it will naturally be a byproduct of what I spit out and it worked so people just don't want to do the day-to-day they don't want to do the the right things today you make a million dollars guys by doing the right thing every [ __ ] day you do the right thing
go sit down with a millionaire every single week you can't you can't figure out how you can provide a little bit of value how you can be of service open up your eyes like the opportunities out there for everybody but only the few people that understand that they need to use this are going to be the ones that make it there's the working class it's the people that work and there's the ruling class the people that rule do you think the ruling class works come on brother get woke I love it it's super true I
remember like you know back before I really had anything because I we I had a similar story like I know you don't have that much exposure to our stuff or us or whatever but um like just kind of realize that in college playing ball and like just hated the class I didn't support where you're playing football amazing and um and I would go to class and I like got great grades all that kind of stuff but I just like man like this this can't be the thing that's gonna get me there because it's just it's
felt like so much time and so I realized that and just laughed on a whim and I look at that first year and nothing maybe tangible happened but I learned so much stuff I'm going down all these rabbits but what is tangible that's a great question that's I guess you know it's it's almost like nothing is tangible because I felt the same way it was almost it was always a there was a number attached to it but it was a it was a spiritual Freedom that we were almost after you know leaving College after two
months it's like I just knew I was boxed in spiritually yeah it was boxed in mentally like there's no there's no opportunity for me there actually in in at the time like tangibly maybe it's a dollar sign but intangibly it's a mindset expansion it's a correct it's a spiritual expansion it's a it's just growth in general as a person and that's where it needs to start before it becomes real yeah and the thing is people don't want to be patient people want microwave results and that's the type of food you're gonna get nobody wants to
wait for the Michelin star yeah nobody wants to sit down and let the chef cook the chef is life you were talking about you made a point you said everybody's focused on the results the result is also known as the output in in Computing you cannot control in every sort of facet you can understand it you there's a high likelihood of probability you cannot control the output what can you control the input right so if you can control the input the principle of sewing and reaping right you just plant the seeds you just plant the
seeds you understand that by natural law the outcome will yield itself right so if you go to the gym and you exercise every single day and you eat extremely healthy and clean you understand that you will develop a certain physique you're not saying oh I hope I'm gonna get this physique you know that if you do this this result is guaranteed what it looks like what your physique looks like how many abs actually show all that is the output you can't control it but you can get healthy right so people instead of focusing on the
input which is what they control they focus on the output how can I make a million dollars no [ __ ] how can you today pick up a damn book that teaches you what the history of money is this thing that you're pursuing you don't even know what it is you're just chasing it like every other [ __ ] chases it people chase [ __ ] that doesn't attract to them people chase stuff that runs I don't chase I attract I'm literally just sitting here money comes to me how you don't think it's real don't
worry don't think it's real more money for me it's okay keep doing your things keep doing your thing the ones that get it get it bro so position yourself stop being a hustler start being a boss starts right here I've talked to too many people in Miami that are Hustlers I'm gonna make it they work for me bro I'm gonna make another Buck I'm gonna do this other than that let's do the math brother let's do the math okay people out here flexing that they make 10K a day okay that's and I understand I understand
to the 99.9 that's a [ __ ] ton I get it and so be it guys it's a lot of money you can live off of that now now that we have that out of the way let's talk to the point zero zero one percent that understand what 10K actually is still hustling money let me explain I understand I understand it's a lot of money perspective perspective perspective but I'm gonna talk to the guys that have big Ambitions and Big Dreams and the girls 10K 10K a day what is that 300K a month what is
that 3 million a year 10 years that's 30 million 40 taxes what are you left with not enough what are you left with okay let's say you're left with 20. living expenses you're left with 15. you just worked 10 years and you have 15 million in the bank I know that sounds like a lot of money but it ain't a lot of money because you can spend it really fast or I could just work for 10 years and go for 100 million but I'm gonna cash out at the end of 10. instead of cashing in
ever at the end of every single day I'ma work my long period of time and I'm gonna cash out the big bag so what I'm in the process of now is doing that right sure you can scale 10 20 30k days but if you want to get the big numbers dude you need to be playing a completely different game and once you look at it like that you're like oh [ __ ] 10 years of my life for 15 million like do you know what I mean like it's not no it's it's and I know
it's a lot of money you have to own the process you have to own the process and how do you transition in that process is to make enough money to be able to carry you through that season of potential drought which is the season of growth right where you're actually buckled down dude Elon did it this is like I'm not talking out of my ass there's proven testimonials of dudes that did this the guy sells out of PayPal takes all of his [ __ ] money from PayPal reinvests it goes risky almost loses it all
and builds three multi-billion dollar companies he could have cashed out at 150 it sat back called it a day but he said I understand the process I understand how I can multiply my money understand how it can get to the next level and that guy for all the other guys that lost that guy I was able actually to succeed and pull through and dude I can relate to us so like obviously not Elon level right sure I can relate to that so much because we just we just hired a ton of people yeah we just
hired like five or six people for for our business and it feels great right because because yeah I shut down my agency and we restarted this this coaching Consulting business and it feels great because you get pulled out of the work right you're not on the calls anymore you're not in the process you're not writing the things you're making your vision Vision visualizing it and then putting it into the process and the team does it right whether you're creating it yes you're creating it what you're doing is you're you're taking the idea and through your
brain which is the receiver of information right between the spiritual world and the physical worlds you're downloading it and manifesting it into reality manifesting it into reality at scale requires the ability to understand how to deploy and manage people and cast that Vision upon those individuals so you're in that Journey right now it's that process but you're not just delegating what you're doing is you're creating through these people correct it's [ __ ] crazy dude it's spiritual like you said at the beginning now what does that look like for you what's the big project for
you self-development I'm the big I'm the big project bro okay myself the ultimate project itself there's nothing else I've made enough money bro like I understand and I'm just getting started like the money is just a metric of the value that you provide right and I'm not talking about scamming money I'm talking about real money so it's it's a proportion and a measurement of the value that you provide so but the money will come I'm not worried about the money I'm just focused on becoming the best version of myself like what's next for me how
do I wake up and make sure I'm more flexible in the morning like that's what I'm thinking about dude the kind thinking about [ __ ] all the problem I'm thinking okay how can I stretch and make sure that I can touch my toes a little bit better okay how can I do more push-ups like bro that's the thing that's the stuff that I'm worried about worried about so you're because it's the day-to-day it's the small stuff that's the stuff that matters right now because I understand that it's going to compound how okay what what
does it what what does this definition mean I literally spend time looking at definitions of understanding what the [ __ ] do I say what what I'm saying what does it mean when I use the word understand what does the word understand mean like truly where does it come from and you start looking back at the history of the word understand for example and it comes from uh when they used to have boats in uh shipyards right and they would set them up in order to inspect the belly of the boat and they would put
the boat on a stand and it would go under the stand to inspect the bottom of the situation right so understand is it also but you can begin to piece that all into how the world works for the situation correct and you begin to understand the things that you say the power of the words that you hold how people use words to manipulate you and trick you right so when they tell you that this is the land of the free and Home of the Brave what does that even mean what does it mean what does
it mean to pledge allegiance to a flag hmm it's a good question I pledge allegiance to God you see so these are the things that people begin to say and they and they don't question why they say what they say or they don't even understand what they're saying so another one that's funny if I may is uh people talk about Jack of all trades master of none who told you that it's a it's a common phrase yeah but who came up with that what's the origin of that how do you know it's good I believe
it's like carpentry origin or something like that but who knows who knows I don't even know the whole point is people believe [ __ ] people believe it yeah people say Jack of all trades master of none isn't there isn't there a longer phrase to that jack of all trades master of Life the more that you know the more that you know jack of all trades master of master of none master of one is how it finishes it's like master of none being good in one vertical alone isn't going to take you to your fullest
potential you need to be well-rounded jack of all trades is the master of life master everything and once you break that down I was like oh damn that's true what else is a lie everything that was the question for you you recently went to Ohio yeah the whole train thing whatever I'm from I'm from like in 130 miles from there obviously a clear lie cover-up things going on cover up for sure I have a vlog coming out it should be published by the time it should be out in the next couple days so by the
time people see it they'll see this just Luke Belmar East palestino literally show up and hella cover-ups 100 people are absolutely what was your motivation for going there nobody else did fair enough like brother I'm on I'm side questing here in in real time I don't need Lamborghinis and Yachts every day like that gets old I can go out and hang out with people that need help why not this is why I'm here I'm side questing it's true it's amazing you're you're talking on so many different things and I want to go into all of
them I mean number one like etymology in the the meaning behind words is a seriously insane subject to really dive into and just there's so much to be gained from doing that and you learn a lot about some of the lies that you've been told via that etymology all the all the really like spiritually inclined people that I know two are very very articulate yeah they're well they're very conscious of that as well like if you ask anybody who really feels like or they can they can alter their reality with with their brains or they
really have some sort of command over that they're very very particular about the etymology and the because words have power because words are a physical manifestation through sound of the spiritual and that's why it's extremely important to be careful with what you say and how you say it because you are materializing uh that thought and even and what you can do is even if it the thought is negative you can materialize it in a positive way and that's your ability to become an Alchemy an alchemist of reality an alchemist is somebody that basically has the
ability to morph elements so you become an alchemist of Reality by taking a negative thought in manifesting it in a positive way like you look at yourself and you're like damn I look fat and you're like I look good today but I'm I could look better so I'm going to go exercise and what you've done is you've manifested in a positive way a negative thought therefore becoming a master of your mind casting spells yeah it's crazy dude it's amazing there's there's that example where it's like taking taking certain things and not twisting them right but
like just understanding them in a different fashion twisting them for sure brother twisting them bending morphing them that's what reality is reality bends to your will if you choose it to bend to your will and then and then there's the the example of we have a friend that we've had on the podcast before but instead of saying that's sick that's great that's amazing right instead of instead of manifesting that sick another one that I started doing was people like oh damn what is what does it mean to damn something it means to curse no ah
blessing I do that oh that sounds crazy no but it's what you're saying you're literally cursing stuff so people hear a good concept that I that I say or I hear a good concept oh damn that's crazy no I'm not damn nothing bro no no bless bless that statement you know what I mean because it is what your word actually conveys whether you feel whether you believe it or not and all in the road we hear as well you know the road to hell is paved with good intentions so it doesn't matter how you feel
or how you perceive what you're saying you know it's what it actually does what's the what's the outcome of it and a lot of kids have their their parents they're like oh but my parents love me what my parents are telling me uh doesn't mean they know what's best it doesn't even mean that they know the power of the words and the words that they hold so I think people need to start studying words and I think it's going to be extremely important I mean even just looking at money right you look at money you
look at a bank right what is a bank what is also a bank a river river bank right and what does the River Bank do it controls the flow the flow of what flow of the current the currency right so if it's controlling the currency it's also controlling the what the flow the flow of what the cash flow so what money moves like water so if I understand where the water is going to go I just have to position myself where the cash flow is going to be next and I will get wet welcome to
the big leagues [ __ ] I love this right now it's uh you know there's so many areas to dig into I think like you you mentioned you know the master of Jack of all trades and I think like so many people it does get tied into into money and and the way things are now that's the but it's really interesting because you're talking about education as the gateway to money and really like what does the education do it allows you to see this and see and find this really specific knowledge and you mentioned you
know like giving that away to a lawyer or a banker who has more knowledge than you on a specific subject but I think control of you take control and that's your situation yeah and I think like this idea of and rebound to the the what they tell you they know you don't even know if they know what they know yeah yeah you have no way to you have no way to regulate it or fact check it or whatever but I think it's really interesting because to me the way the the world is changing and the
economy is changing like human specialization there was a quote that one of our friends posted is especially specialization is for insects right not for humans and I think that as the world continues changing and the economy continues changing like I think that having these parallels and and all these different Arenas or verticals of life is really going to be the only way that you can you know have create enough value in a world of AI to be of service to other people is to be able to like recognize the the different parallels between different things
whether that's health or money or or spelling and so I guess my question for you is is how how and when did you start I mean you always had like a penchant for for Education it sounds like and just seeing the world a little bit differently but how did you start really internalizing that that mindset of I'm gonna find I'm gonna know everything and I'm gonna be good at everything and and how do you think people can curate that a little bit more for themselves it's by realizing that the problems in your life were caused
by the information that you have and that you cannot solve the problems in your life with the information that gave you those problems in the first place you need new information yeah so if you have problems in your life you could you have to stop like the the problems are there because of the way that you think of the info that you have so stop so I'll evaluate it look at my bank account I'm broke I'm sleeping on a [ __ ] couch like I should I I'm not as healthy as I should be what
the [ __ ] is wrong and it all all roads LED back to here something's wrong here something's wrong here so this is what I need to change pick up a damn book bro go for a walk ask yourself if you have a job if you're working in nine to five is this the best job that I currently could have based off of my potential yes or no no can I get another job yes can I get a job that pays me 20 more yes then that's where you start you don't have to go make
a [ __ ] five million dollars this year you can start today with something actionable but you need to be able to utilize your head and the problem is most people disdain and they hate education because they compare it to the indoctrination that they received when they were in school thinking that they were being educated the system told them that they were being educated where in fact they were being indoctrinated that's why they hate it you know when you usually get sick from like food poisoning whatever it is that you ate right before that food
poisoning you usually hate that food it's like icky yeah it's the same thing with education the reason education is gross to a lot of people and why it's so distasteful is because of what they've been told education why us but the science of self-learning is the first step to Freedom there's a conversation Association 100 but it's not real it's not higher education how do you know how do you know that the history books are real bro their book right there is the the falsification of history there you go because it's a it's all [ __
] it's all a perspective of one dude or a couple dudes that most likely won whatever took place covered up a ton of [ __ ] and made themselves look good it's wouldn't you do the same like how are they gonna paint 2016 2020 all this stuff it's gonna be completely different it's already covered up yeah there you go past news very very one Hatchet bring another one and backstab them again like until people learn it's gonna keep happening but when you understand the rules of the game and how history works in the loops and
cycles and the Ebbs and flows of life you can position yourself and be like okay I win you know the people that hate the system are the ones that aren't making money and aren't winning from the system you know the guys that love the system the ones that understand it run it and are benefiting from it so instead of complaining understand that the game is going to be played whether you like it or not and you better get your bag secured by understanding how the rules of the game works and how the game is played
and by that point you're not going to be complaining and wasting your energy going on Twitter you think your [ __ ] tweet does anything it's gonna change anything you think you're cut no it's just gonna get your ass banned you dumb [ __ ] is that is that is that the objective no the no The Game beat you you were you didn't have self-control you didn't understand how you pull your cards right right so instead of blaming the system the exterior everything is self-responsibility everything happens because of me and once you start living that
way you start playing your cards a little bit differently you start playing more intelligently and ultimately you understand that the outcome of your life is because you chose it to be that way whether conscious or unconscious think it was Terence McKenna it's a guy that does a guy that talks a lot about psychedelics and mushrooms back in the day I mean don't quote me on him but I think I heard it from him in one of his speeches he says men will be guided by their subconscious mind their whole life and call it God so
what does that mean that most people are Guided by their subconscious mind and the programming that is taking place they're just fed [ __ ] fed [ __ ] and they will assume because it's in the back of their head that it's God talking to them and leading them it's like if this was God leading me and guiding me why is my life so [ __ ] I don't know what type of God you have but if God is a God that of order and not a god of confusion then why are other people that
say that they understand and know who God is I believe such a shitty effect I think a lot of it's not sense God is now this God is the phone God is the social what does the doctor say brother and God We Trust people's trust isn't on the [ __ ] paper it's right in front of you it's it's like it's literally right in front of you the mockery is right in front of your face it's hilarious trust your God right here there you go trust me the banks they own every [ __ ] corner
here look at it you walk around Brickell they own every corner every corner do you think that's by chance that's by Design that's by Design what and you can't cut yourself a little sliver come on it's not that hard guys just put in some put in some hours most of you guys ain't even trying I love this right now and so if you know you mentioned like playing within the confines of the game playing within the confines of the system right now I think the the message that you know to me to me there's like
uh you know there's two ways you could go as somebody who's made millions of dollars right you can you know keep that money you can continue milking the system you can make the right connections you get access to these you know pre-ipo offerings or the best real estate deals or you know the Roll-Ups that are getting ready to happen before they happen those Tech startups all this kind of stuff right in for you to me what what you're doing is not necessarily playing within the I mean you're definitely playing smart right but not necessarily within
the confines of the system because I don't think the you know you have a large influence I don't think the the banks like you know you educating younger the younger generation on Tick Tock so I would love to hear what your intention is with that do you like is that playing within the system because I don't think the system necessarily likes that and to me like a guy like you with a lot of money you made a lot of money in crypto and Ecom and all this different stuff like you could just kind of have
it good and have The Insider play and really understand so what's the intention of really educating people in this way and what does that look like for you because the current system that we live in is not a sustainable system right so if you look at the the the New York Stock Exchange all the public listed companies what what did they work for they work to make sure shareholder value is upheld and to make sure that shareholder returns are good that's it that is the purpose of a publicly listed organization so when you have millions
and millions of people around the world working to make sure the next quarter hits then everything is microwave everything is bandaged bandage bandage so you need to condition people and retrain people that there's a better way to operate within the confines of the system right so I'm not here whether the system works or not it's yo if you're going to make money at least know what the [ __ ] it is right like I'm not there's do you think I'm gonna go out here be the Rebellion against trillions and trillions of dollars bro I know
better yeah I'm not an I'm not an idiot but that doesn't mean that you can't have plants in your house to oxygenate your house and drink spring water instead of drinking tap water you can still have a good life no you you can still avoid seed oils right you can still understand how what your laws are and what the Bill of Rights is yeah do you think the banks care they don't give a [ __ ] they just know most people are not going to do it regardless of whether I say it anyway so I'm
not here to fight anybody I'm just here to to talk to the people that are ready to get to the next level and I'm there at the top of the mountain waiting I like that a lot um I'm curious I want to hear more stories about you like getting started it's almost like Epiphany stages like Drop Shipping you mentioned Facebook ads 2015 I had a similar moment in 2018 right when I when I first started I was in a sales job I found the Internet space yeah started Drop Shipping Etc and for me it was
like I'm at the job 34 this pops up first sale ever like wow so what were those moments for you like when did you discover Facebook ads how did it happen how did the shop first shop yeah so I'll go back to it yeah so the first time we figured out about Facebook ads was I started clicking on all the ads that were on the right column back in the day before like Facebook even came out on their phones and it was the right column ads those were the super OG ads and I didn't realize
that I was being advertised to right back in the day was really really difficult to really spot when an advertisement or a YouTube ad was or what was like it was just not normal so my first Epiphany was watching a Robert Kiyosaki um interview where they were talking about Facebook ads and Drop Shipping and then I just started trying it like it was very simple my big Epiphany with crypto was in the crash of 2017. when everybody around me made fun of me and I looked at everybody that made fun of me and I looked
at their life and they were a bunch of losers every person that made fun of me was a loser and every person that was like no no this is going to come back out come back up we're all successful people so I'm like bro all these people are wrong all these people are wrong so what I spent 2017 2018 2019 doing was making a [ __ ] ton of money and then 2020 I dumped it all in crypto like 10. what do you think I'm gonna be an idiot and work for 40 years lol brother
get me out of the game fast like I'm not here to work I'm here to have fun and I'm here to live my life I'm here to explore the game oh you got lucky and you didn't sue me bro I got lucky and I'll be lucky every day give me more luck oh look I need all the luck so when people say you got lucky so be it whether I got lucky or not doesn't matter the point is the faster you can get out of the Rat Race and start focusing on your self-development is where
you win so these epiphanies are happening all the time yeah but those are two where I was like nah bro I can't be following what the dweebs are doing when did it click though with the like the store like you're running ads and things are going but like when did it so when it clicked for me it was when I started hitting products that had scale so it's what I call the Evergreen niches the Evergreen niches are the niches where the the audience size is so big that you can actually scale and the issue that
I had with the products that I had beginning uh in the beginning of Drop Shipping was they were super Niche because that's how I was taught you were taught oh solid dog product and sell a cat product so it was extremely Niche to that but then I was like let me sell like QVC so I started selling like QVC so I would take kind of QVC type type ads and the samples and the offers clone the offers clone basically the video format run it and it would work so what I started doing was selling household
products so things that people would buy on a regular basis that they would just buy out of convenience and they would buy it from me so just started running ads with that did Super well 2019 made a quite a bit big bag 2020 was our best year in e-commerce because everybody was getting banned for selling household products we were already established selling household products cleaning products all this stuff and then everybody started getting banned because they wanted to circumvent the policy of hand sanitizers and masks that Facebook had banned so what we were we did
we're like okay everybody's trying to circumvent the policy and we're like well let's just follow the policy let's just find a creative way to get our way and we just reformatted our products and reform reformatted our our structure to appeal to people's pets why because the mentality was still there of I need everybody in my family to be healthy your pet is part of your family to a lot of people they are so now we started reformatting sanitation and cleaning products to animals and it went [ __ ] ballistic and it worked super super well
and then I started experimenting with this was kind of like our big this was like my big like Savage uh run so I like to share it and uh the big ish the big the big kind of like Epiphany that we had in Drop Shipping was that people utilized ads as a conversion metric I used add ads as a awareness metric so what I would do is I would create a good enough ad a good enough uh have a good knife product that I could Trend and hit virality in an organic way so people started
treating Facebook as kind of uh like a billboard and I treated it more like a Reddit Forum yeah so what I would do is I would have it created to Farm Natural engagement therefore reducing the cpms so for example I would have let's say a dog product and in the comment section A lady would be like this would be really nice for my dog the average drop should be a person that doesn't use their head would respond oh really here's 50 off coupon assuming that they're gonna shop you know what we would do go in
there oh that's great can you upload a photo of your dog we would love to see it boom she replies now we get a third account to be like that dog's ugly now the lady responds and she gets livid and she goes crazy and then you start introducing politics and then you start introducing all these other things and as soon as you know it you have forums going on organically in your ad therefore tricking Facebook into believing that this ad is going to be really good for like the native experience boosting you up reducing your
cpms and giving you [ __ ] hella conversions so in 2020 at that point I think we had the 10th biggest ad of all time it had a had like a quarter billion views like 200 000 likes on the ad it was like crazy like a hundred thousand comments it's really really insane so we run we ran that pretty well for for a bit yeah it worked it was fun I love stories like that like the just like how things started like the realizations of oh this this ad and like the Angles and stuff because
I feel like you have a lot more knowledge What I Like About Drop Shipping though bro is the fact that a lot of the skills translate to they do 100 other business I was doing the Drop Shipping I'm in my sales job I'm getting I'm Shopify knowing the liquid code knowing these things like that knowing how to run ads on Facebook knowing all this stuff contacting theme Pages [ __ ] like that and then I transitioned into just growing theme Pages yeah like this this is easy for me this is and just it clicked right
but those skills transferred yeah I still know how to grow or you know build Shopify sites today I still know how to do you know Facebook ads and it just compounds over and over and over I agree um but I feel like you have more knowledge to share because I we're talking about the spiritual stuff we're talking about this perspective I feel like some of it's aimed towards maybe like The Tick Tock kids right I feel like you have this core knowledge behind like the tactics right inside the stores and you know with Bitcoin and
reading charts and stuff like that and you mentioned 2017 and 2017 was you know I had just dropped out of college and I'm seeing Bitcoin go stupid and I'm like what is it like I I first exposure to it right and I'm looking at ethereum I'm looking at these other ones I'm like oh if I just bought one of these it might go up a little bit you know I'm an 18 year old kid and what's going on what was your you said people laughed at you yeah what were they laughing about the the it
was Thanksgiving and uh people were going around saying what they were thankful for Luke Belmar what do you think before Bitcoin everybody laughed okay so be it I'm very thankful for it and this is seven did it 2007. it was it was it was right before the crash it was like the super hype right before the crash but everybody was laughing at me like oh whatever whatever like superficial superficial at that time I was in it and heavy bro I started buying Bitcoin at like 600 500 600 bucks okay way back yeah and uh biggest
plays were cardano Ada bought that [ __ ] at half a penny my biggest biggest bag was pancake swap I didn't buy that but pancake swap I owned one percent of the circulating Supply I got into it at a at 25 million dollars valuation and wrote it to 2.6 billion it was [ __ ] really crazy I I slowly cashed out on my way up so it wasn't like a full-blown like crazy exit but pretty much a unicorn type what was your analysis for identifying that do you do you know people that you know yeah
tell you things so so it was kind of I was betting I was betting on CZ so remember with the app Clubhouse yeah back in the day when that used to be a thing I got banned twice on that [ __ ] I was like this app won't last uh censorship resisted resistance apps 10 are going to be the future so anything that censors people's ability to speak the truth eventually kind of crumbles um hmm it's a good question I don't know I don't know how to answer it it's interesting to me hearing like I'm
gonna leave for that hearing your you know marketing background and what you're doing with your Ecom stores and then hearing you know all your like self-development stuff and then even you know crypto like it really comes back to people at the end of the day like all the things you're saying you're like you're understanding how the end user experience watching your ads is is in taking that information being presented to them you're betting on certain tokens because they're better people and it's gonna everything is people at the end of the day that's why I was
careful with the point because because it's like sure you can't always just bet on people that's why I was being a little bit careful on it but for example if you look at Elon the dude's going to make Twitter successful are you gonna bet on them or not like dude like the dude's a [ __ ] genius so when I looked at CZ he owns the biggest exchange I started buying binance in 2017 at two dollars like a Savage BNB yeah and it was crazy and I was like this guy's talking on clubhouse about banking
swap there's a high likelihood he's going to make this thing [ __ ] run so I put my chips there and it worked and it could have easily not worked but it worked and that's what life is life is literally calculated decisions business your job that's all calculated decisions day by day it's a calculated decision the problem is most people Outsource their decision making to a boss because they don't want to assume responsibility for their life so the decision that I made was instead of making [ __ ] 90 trades and buying all these [
__ ] coins and all this stuff let me find something that is quite stable and bet on winning people I was a little bit careful about answering like the vetting people point because you don't always want to be looking at other people as your vehicle for for running a bag no but it is also the case that it is possible I mean look at the other side on SPF SPF if you look at SPF right he was yeah that's why I was okay easily backfire what made you aware of it it's kind of and that
seems to be answered by like Yeah The Clubhouse and and literally just going in there and asking yeah and you hear the guy and he's like oh well I don't know who the team is but we're in contact with them the Bull Run is starting this shit's worth 25 million I understand how tokens run because I saw 2017 those shits ran up to billions of dollars so you just have to be able to get in and I cashed out most of my pancake swap between 26 and 36 dollars most of it when one of the
owners of FaZe Clan hit me up and was like what a safe Moon and I was like nah bro [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm out because it was taking place as it thrived on the binance smart chain which told me it was the like it was hitting climax Point uh when a dude that games and has nothing to do with crypto starts asking me about it that's a big cue for everybody on the next Bull Run the moment people start mentioning it get out or start taking positions out why because the bankers
the elite the financiers The Venture Capital they are already in at the bottom when they Start Spreading the News is for them to create what they're trying to create liquidity and market demand to offload their bags how they offload their bags how much they can hype it and run it up is really dependent on the cycle and on the system and the money that's being printed again another one if the United States gets more money circulating the markets are going to pump they make their way into the market like there's very various cycles that you
can start paying attention to on the macro so uh and they tend to repeat themselves if you're if you're someone that wants to run up a bag in crypto on the next run what are you doing right what I'm doing right now is starting if I'm if I'm a newbie I there's people couldn't just look up an article that I wrote the 11 books that made me Rich and just Luke Belmar 11 books that made me Rich on Google just type it and I just very simple list the 11 books that I attribute a very
big portion of skill set or money making mindset uh that everybody should read so those are like the 11 foundational books and people can look at the list there that's where I would start number two is figure out what type of Lane in business I want to take so you can take one of three lanes digital product physical product or service service a lot of time involved in Sweat Equity right but the startup cost is low product you're gonna have inventory supply chain a lot more Logistics but has a decent ability of scalability and you
also have the ability to use tick tock organic as a means of traffic for a physical product and then you have your digital product which is similar to the physical but with no inventory everything's happening online I would recommend people find a product that they can provide value in or sell in the marketplace in one of those three areas Services physical products or digital products figure out how to make money in one of those Lanes do not spend that money right because that money is income earned right and income earned is money that gets invested
it's a tool the money that you make from your work is not money that gets spent that's why when I go with other people let's say can't afford a twenty thousand dollar watch to buy a twenty thousand dollar watch to them it feels like a lot why because they earned it with their time hours because they calculate it not on the dollar amount but on the amount of time that it would take them to earn that so they're calculating based off of time but so am I so if it took me one hour or two
hours or a day to make that twenty thousand I'm like oh it sounds good one day worth of work I got the Rolex whereas another person's like 60 years worth of work to get the Rolex they're going to perceive it as intrinsically more valuable yeah a bigger deal so what I need to do is how can I maximize my output by reducing the amount of input and the way I'm going to do that is by hustling in a vacuum of time right working really hard deploying that money so that money multiplies cashing out in a
generous way in a way that you're not greedy generous what do I mean by generous generous with yourself you cash out and you put money in the bank you don't you don't leave it in the house plan that's what generous means put it in the bank take profit you get out and then you start the cycle again like it's very simple it's called the cycle of creating multiplying and preserving more I'm writing a book about it and I teach people these cycles that happen at a micro level and at a macro level and I've been
able to identify a couple of these cycles and so other successful people and if you can find these Cycles then you can make money so this is this is kind of a personal question right because I'm curious let's say because I do I already have a bunch of money stacked up missed missed the Run of crypto a little bit last time right had some cardano whatever stuff like that made some money but I want to cash out this time uh what and what should I do right what what should I be looking for who should
I for you personally should I be studying okay for you personally yeah or do you want me to make it for the audience whatever you want I'll make it for you personally so for you personally you you should develop your social presence and your social awareness uh in a way whereby people respect you in such a way where the deal flow comes into uh into your awareness or into your vicinity so build your personal brand build your network so that you're not out here buying projects on exchanges and tokens on exchanges but you're in those
deals ahead of time so this is where you go from Hustler to boss like that's this that's the transition where it's now I'm gonna build my personal brand not just to make the money that is going to get me the penthouse but because it's going to position me to get into the room that is going to give me the 100 extra when I put in 50 Grand that's the play and that's the mindset I would I would say for for you based off of missing the next cycle but wanting to capitalize on the next one
you got to be able to get into the projects and getting into the rooms and getting into the deals before they hit exchanges before they hit mainstream super interesting I one of my this this whole thing one of my friends that I met actually I was living in Brazil at the time and he's from Switzerland and he's like a he's been in crypto for a long time like 2015 or relative long time for a young guy 2015 and I my personal brand that I had built helped me meet him through a guy that he knew
and the guy messaged me followed me on Twitter whatever meet these guys and then he he's all day just looking at the charts all day long every day 4chan whatever wherever you can get information and ended up giving us a signal for for anti-federal Reserve coin here sdl I didn't it pumps super hard made a bunch of money I mean it didn't take profit because I'm an idiot but everyone was I was not making the best decisions for me they're being conscious of my verbiage um but it's just funny how that works and really like
to me the everything that you're saying and you're talking about everything starts up here in self-education like at the end of the day all life is is just information Arbitrage and and it's really funny too you see in the Internet space where people think that you know like for example they'll look at somebody who is selling an info product right and they're like oh that's a scam why would he be teaching me this well that's a scam well it's just funny because they view it the complete opposite way I mean there's probably some bad ones
out there definitely are but like they're not viewing these things from a lens of how can I Arbitrage the best information because if you had that you're like for example who you know whoever found that seed oils were bad first have a they have a massive information Arbitrage and all these different verticals whether it's crypto or whether it's you know Facebook ads in 2015 it's be who can find the best ideas fastest and that creates all of the value and it's just a really interesting hearing you talk is like really cementing that idea in my
head that every single everything in this world is just who can find the most scarce information with demand our businesses because my agency grew personal brands on Instagram and monetize them with info products right and we've been able to Arbitrage that information because we were in the game Gathering the information ourselves building the theme page doing all that into this product now which is our Consulting product that nobody else has and we have a process that nobody else has because the people that are even trying to compete with us are a year behind because we've
put that distance between ourselves so it's that's a perfect example of it it's just a really I don't know the way you're describing all of these things just like really resonating with me it's all information Arbitrage same thing with me with like I I have a fitness company and that's really how I got started before I was building brands on the internet and got really good at marketing and content all these different things that's why I was successful like I had information Arbitrage I knew things uh like Goda or like some of this esoteric Health
stuff you know eating raw food or carnivorous sort of animal-based sort of stuff like I had access to that Niche information before everyone else did which therefore made that information valuable getting hit way harder yeah it hits way harder it's really interesting how do you think so you you mentioned positioning your personal brand to be able to let that deal flow come to you and and to me information networks being really the only thing who can find the best information how do you I want to hear the intention behind how you position yourself so that
these things happen and how do you you know go and find that that scarce information or where do you look to be able to have that Arbitrage for yourself I pay the smartest people that's it money talks like I know it sounds insane but I pay informants for information people that work at companies I pay them for information like it's not illegal it's not hey what's it what's happening and I'm not talking about just investing I'm talking about just in general Money Talks so you go to a restaurant you pay the pay the security guy
you pay the host and you pay the server 100 bucks each now and every time I go to that restaurant I don't have to wait now for you guys because why is that guy gonna give 300 bucks for me it's like well I give 300 bucks now I now I save 20 minutes every time I go there and everybody knows me so it's not just information Arbitrage but it's also positioning Arbitrage understanding that the information is important but you must act on the information you need to position yourself you need to utilize it there's a
lot of information out there as to how to succeed or how to do well or how to get to the next level but it's extremely important to not only understand the information but understand how to position yourself because both people may know that at the final destination of the race right there's the medal or the prize two people may have the information but one starts 50 yards ahead the position is is at an advantage no so it's not just information Arbitrage but it's also positioning Arbitrage and if you can combine both for example what is
a positioning Arbitrage let's say you're Chinese right positioning Arbitrage you get a better communication uh relationship with the supply chain with the suppliers right so you have a positioning Arbitrage not just an information Arbitrage because of language but also a geographic Arbitrage so what do I do instead of going out and figuring out how I can get a third-party Logistics uh company to work with me through AliExpress I literally just go find and pay somebody who's already positioned and has the information in China to be my personal Middleman so now I have a right hand
woman literally going to Shanghai ports and telling me what are the hottest products that are being shipped in and out of the country the [ __ ] am I gonna do product research my product research is on a different level brother I'm product researching the inventory the count of the boxes that are going out and figuring out what is viral what is working what is not working ahead of time what are the factories producing I know it sounds insane but it's not insane because people are doing this at the next level let me give you
the example there's a billionaire known as Ray dalio and what this billionaire did was he was going to make an investment into uh an oil company he was trying to make investments in in the oil space I don't know if it was directly buying oil or selling oil but it was a big trade that involved oil so what do you think this guy hops on trading View and looks at the oil charts to make a decision no what he does is he shoots satellites into space and he calculates the oil containers based off of the
lids that move up and down because they move based off of the levels of the oil what the oil supply is in the oil containers based off of the imagery of the satellites and he makes his investment decisions based off of that like a [ __ ] G what am I not going to try and emulate that you think I'm going to be small-minded like you peasants not you guys but you know what I mean and be in that situation where like I'm not going to eliminate myself brother like I'm gonna get creative I'm gonna
create them I'm gonna figure out ways to do this and there's always a way they're always always and there's many ways to the top of the mountain there's not just one way if this way doesn't work there must be another there has to be another where there's infinite possibilities in the infinite possibilities so it's your inability to think outside of the box that we talked about in the beginning that keeps you kind of limited which is why you said like I gotta get out of the box when we started you're like oh the apartment the
pet like the nice house just like a shoe box right like it's good but it's it's a box yeah you got to get out of the box bro I agree the Menthol box the mental box the limiting box so that's my thought bro that's uh I think that's pretty good I think people are people like this one yeah I think so too I want to know now you know you mentioned you're at the top of the mountain because you've agreed at the top of the mountain brother well you I think you objectively did I just
started did say that but you did say you were at the top of the mountain which is why I said that oh yeah that was an analogy yeah for sure for sure for the students of the dojo no so I wanted to hear but this leads into my question perfect I want to hear what your your current Mountain is you mentioned self-development like what is what does it look like from here where do you take are you still running a lot of like the drop ships I'm out of e-commerce I I have a few little
projects in the e-commerce that are Brands but I don't spend my time on physical products right now after after supply chain with covid was kind of like [ __ ] I was I'm looking for bigger moves remember I'm not doing the 10K 20K 30k days anymore like I'm ready for the big the big deals if it's not 10 million dollars plus don't talk to me I don't care I don't want to see it I don't want to hear it I don't wanted in my vicinity it's Haram it's less than 10 don't bring it to me
why because I don't need it like I don't need to go get a million dollar deal yeah and I know a lot of people go get that million dollar deal go get that hundred thousand dollar deal but for you maybe going and getting that 500 deal is not worth your time don't go do it right so somebody hit me up today like oh I'm gonna give you 10 I want you I want to give you 10 grand to be on my podcast I'm like I don't you can't buy my time [ __ ] you mean
like take me no no bro no my time's worth more so it's kind of having that limitation that perspective that people evaluate their hour and they don't consider what it's worth you see all these guys and they're like oh yeah I made a million dollars this year yeah but you were in your office 24 7 grinding your face off deteriorating your health during your mental game no relationships no balance I'll make 700 000 and be out in the sun Jack having a good time shredded feeling good eating healthy it's what you want in life and
it's kind of finding that balance and I'm not saying that you can't do it with a lot of money or not what I'm conveying is the more responsibilities that you take on the harder it becomes for you to develop the balanced lifestyle and if you don't do it at the basic level what makes you think that you're going to do it later like if you can't control your eating habits now how are you going to control your eating habits when you're worth millions and millions of dollars and you can get whatever the [ __ ]
you want whenever the [ __ ] you want you're gonna end up looking like the guy from the bank of international settlements that's trying to push that cbdc that looks like it's fat [ __ ] yeah right so no offense but that's that's the truth so in my opinion people just gotta wake the [ __ ] up brother it's a new season I'd love to hear more because you mentioned the bank International settlements something that I know about not a lot of people talk about that and a lot of people mention stuff like that the
bank that owns all the banks right what what's what was your obviously probably crypto right kind of that got you into that space a little bit more but what do you look at where cbdc's are going where digital currencies going and and what they're doing and and things like that like what do you think is going to happen whoever provides value in the marketplace does not need to worry about what currency is in circulation they will continue to make money dude I don't care if it's a cbdc if it's a QVC if it's a QR
code I don't care I will adapt to the times and you can't fight it dude it's a machine it's like it's like trying to go against the Matrix and you're just you an individual with no superpowers and nothing you're not going to be able to do it but you can be allocated in different places around the world you can be Diversified you can be intelligent you can I know it sounds insane but you can have multiple houses and multiple passports and multiple Geographic locations where you move be nomadic become like a pirate under no one
jurisdiction right and I think that's a life where you kind of have a little bit more freedom but at the same time if you don't do anything crazy or illegal you shouldn't honestly be worrying about it a lot of people's lives aren't going to really change it's more so for the the individuals that actually have a lot of money where this is actually going to make a significant difference but I think businesses are still going to operate as normal this idea of having AI kind of take over the world I don't see it in the
foreseeable future in our lives in our lifetime I don't see it in our lifetime there's a lot of technological advancements and we're not calculating that a lot of these things are run by people and that people make flaws and there's mistakes and there's delays and look at what they were saying a hundred years ago of where we were going to be in the future like flying in rocket ships and stuff like that around here and it hasn't happened like like [ __ ] are on Tick Tock and on only fans like that's where we are
in society right now all right so like it is what it is so where are we going to be in 100 years I don't know but I'm not worried about 100 years I'm just doing what I got to do now and making sure that the skills that I develop I love that are not replaceable by AI figure out what can AI not replace there's things that a I cannot replace what are they but they're going to replace the guy that's out here inputting numbers on the express Excel spreadsheet to check the chick that's checking your
bagging at the at the at the airport she's going to be replaced by AI so that's the that's the danger for those people what's going to happen with those people well they're already going to want to put them on universal income because they can't sustain themselves so they have to create a fake currency that kind of sustains the ecosystem these guys are kind of winging it as thick as it goes it's the truth so these guys are winging it but they are a lot more powerful they're a lot more calculated and they are a lot
more resourceful than we think and if one person thinks that they can go up against the system they don't really understand the system that they're up against so just focus on leveling up G it's the name of the game put your head down and get to work I love it yeah we talk we've we've it's I like just hearing their perspectives we've talked about that on the Pod a few different times where it's like it's good to have a peripheral awareness of these things but it's not really good it's not really good to deploy yeah
because because your attention we're attention where energy flows attention goes and where attention goes energy flows right so where is your attention that attention will willingly or unwillingly deploy energy life force so are you going to be expending your life force focusing on somebody else's life dreams Ambitions problems I don't give a [ __ ] about what anybody else is doing how hard is it to understand I don't watch people's stories on Instagram I don't give a damn like I don't care about anybody's [ __ ] pancake at the souffle shop and whatever dude I
don't give a damn I'm living my own reality and that and people are out here worrying about what I do don't worry about what I do watch the podcast and go [ __ ] level up go go touch some grass go do a handstand go eat some organic oranges go drink some chlorophyll and some sparkling water or some spring water and go read a book stop being a depressed piece of [ __ ] it's a choice and if you don't think it's a choice so be it it's not a choice and that's how you'll live
your life like an accident but the people that want to make it out and they want to win it life gotta grab Life by the [ __ ] balls bro own that [ __ ] my voice spitting right now for real this whole pot of just spitting straight bars the I want to hear more about like like because it's you have a really really unique perspective I want to know like what you are you know you what's the I know you mentioned it's if it's not a 10 million dollar play you don't want to touch
it like can you talk more about maybe what your what things you're considering for that big play or even what venture capital okay so just deploying my money into into good vehicles of multiplication so betting on winners at smaller plays but it's just family office you know I'm I'm I don't like taking other people's money I don't like having gold handcuffs saying I Venture for people I run a fund now I run my own [ __ ] I do my own thing I'm not accountable to anybody I don't touch anybody's money I run my own
family office I have a team member team members in my family office and those that are run my my Venture so that's pretty much how I operate multiplication at this point like I said in the beginning working is for the working class and ruling is for the ruling class I'm not saying I'm ruling class I'm not saying I'm working class but they but both people are conditioned to do one thing right so if I'm conditioned to be a worker and it's not [ __ ] working and I can't seem to live a full life and
stuff and I'm always trying to scrape by then something about this thinking model is wrong maybe I should learn a thing or two of these guys that run everything yeah maybe a couple things maybe a couple things what about more personally like you know Jack of Jack of all trades you want to learn everything like what are you working on personally jack of all trades is is this idea of I'm not focused on one vertical so yeah that's why I divide I divide life into four categories okay the they're quite well known but it's it's
broken down in a good format health wealth love and happy those days so you have well it transcends Thai I know it's just funny from the ads and stuff um so so when you break down Health you have to break it down into physical mental spiritual right so you have those Health those three Health facets within that you also have um uh wealth right so what is wealth by definition people think that wealth is money but what money is not wealth wealth is abundance so what does it mean to live an abundant lifestyle right so
I have my health in check as a foundational plate for all of which what I'm going to build on my life so unless I have health I don't have anything else you can have a loving girl or a great relationship a ton of money but if you don't have healthy you have nothing right look at Steve Jobs dead in his 50s right he built the trillion dollar company but didn't have his health okay and so health wealth love which is relational personal and mental how you talk to yourself how you talk to others and then
relationships that you hold and then happiness and I think happiness isn't this idea of being happy all the time but it could be translated to purposeful living and that's a living where you wake up in the morning and you're glad to be alive and I usually often say the wealthiest man is the one that wakes up with the least pressure on his chest the one that wakes up in the morning is like it's a good day what else do you want doesn't matter where that is if if you can actually say that with true genuine
like honesty with all the areas of your life checked not being unhealthy in your bed sick and be like it's a good day no no it ain't a good day right it ain't a good day pragmatically speaking and I think that that is a great definition for what it means to live successful living has a jack of all trades what that looks like is different for every person for one person it may be CrossFit for another person it may be uh calisthenics for another person it may be the carnivore diet for this person maybe vegan
that's the beauty of the world is that like I said before there's many ways to the top of the mountain and once you arrive to that mountain you realize that there's other mountains to climb all right and you're like oh [ __ ] I'm I'm still at the base is is there any like in any of those different verticals or facets of life what are you do you have one that you're more intentionally working on right now or I would love to hear like you're giving I love that you're breaking it down in such a
modular way and like breaking down your perspective on creating it but like what what is the the specific Focus for you right now in this season of life as you're so dominating side quests the big one the big one for health is understanding that movement is freedom so I we turned turned over the cameras and I asked you guys to do certain stretches how to move and stuff like that it would give me an understanding as to how much time you actually take care of your body right because pumping iron and doing like flat movements
and and movements that are rigid doesn't mean you're healthy having big big arms doesn't mean you're healthy right what is your gut health tell you what is your blood work tell you what is your oxygenation level what are the things that you're contamining in your body what's your diet what are you listening to what water do you drink these are all factors of health and these so right now I'm focused on health what do I I mean by Health getting to a place where I'm at balance so what I mean by balance making sure that
when I wake up inside my daily lifestyle not as a forceful thing like oh I gotta go to the gym that I stretch that I that I sunbathe that I organic clean Whole Foods no processed garbage as as little as possible spring water and then spending a lot of time in oxygenated open areas that is Health like very simple so I don't want to be checking my phone at 11 30 at night looking at what what's happening in in Yemen in the kids that are getting bombed there as unfortunate as it is me going to
bed with that information as negative energy translates to how I'm going to sleep how I sleep then translates into my REM cycles and translates as to how I'm going to wake up help physically the next morning so it's all compounding so now after 10 I don't touch my phone whether it's positive negative because I can control what the algorithm is going to feed me right so what do I need to do I need to be the one that controls what I feed my physical health right before I go to sleep so it's it's it's everything
bro it's intuitive of every [ __ ] thing that you do because when you see the way broadly you will see it in all things it translates to everything that you do the reason you tan isn't to just be tan you tan because it makes you more [ __ ] money let me explain it to you you don't have to tell me brother you get tan you get vitamin you get vitamin D you become healthy your sleep cycles are in check which therefore you sleep better you're going to look healthier you're going to look better
you're going to look more plump you don't think all those things are going to lead you to make more money you tanning for 15 minutes is a business play it's a money play but you do not perceive it with those eyes therefore you see it as a chore and that's where you lose that's where I win that's why I do it with passion because I understand that everything that I do is a culmination of the outcome of my life everything that I eat every push-up that I do equals outcomes in life all of it so
it's it's it goes beyond like the things it's just a lot it's just a way of being dude I don't know I love it it's a I I was like kind of I guess maybe fishing for some of those specific things and it's really it's morphs every day that's the thing okay cool yeah no it's really interesting too hearing um these specific health things because that's like before I ever had any money at all that's that's what I was really doing that's what I built the majority of my brand off of yeah so it's a
lot of like movement stuff injury prevention like joint health which is so important so important because people neglect that [ __ ] 100 and I think that you know now as I've transitioned and learned and become better in figuring out like the money game and being an entrepreneur like those things give you so much of an edge because now you're operating with so much more like to person a and person B person a could even have more entrepreneurial Spirit or even like me right like it's funny to look at myself when you know two years
ago when I was doing all of that stuff constantly because I didn't really have that much going on I was just training I was just Sun Tanning I was really working on how my joints feel and what things I'm doing in the gym that create a holistic functioning body then you take that into you take that energy and that Spirit into anything you're going to do from a business lens and it's like automatically 10 times more effective because there's just there's Swagger there's force behind it you always if you ever see anyone like with money
that's like out of shape pasty not tanned you know they're maybe fat they you know they just don't eat healthy there's something there's something not in line there well they're not in line you know this idea that being extremely overweight is a natural state it is not a natural state it's is that is a new man phenomenon and you subconsciously know it people people that weighed 250 300 pounds 150 200 years ago were part of circus shows I'm not making this up they were circus freaks I'm not saying you're a circus freak we live in
a different world but we live in this [ __ ] circus so there's circus freaks everywhere and I'm not saying that there aren't people that have genetic predispositions and that that doesn't exist but what I'm saying is if you're out here eating [ __ ] McDonald's every single day and you feel like [ __ ] it's because you're eating [ __ ] so you you are what you eat so if you're out here eating [ __ ] what are you fill in the blank [ __ ] yeah I love it I'm gonna send you a
bunch of like esoteric health and fitness stop bro I'm down yeah I got a bunch of stuff for you um yeah I mean this has been great I feel like we go way deeper on a lot of things yeah for a couple hours but it's getting a good one it's been a good season one season one yeah I mean as we're wrapping up want to be cognizant of your time and stuff like that like is there any last message that that you would want to share with the associates of the associates don't [ __ ]
up your life don't [ __ ] it up that's it like don't [ __ ] up your life I love unless you want me to tell you it's your choice perfect um that camera went out okay um guys that was episode 25 25 episode 25 of the associates podcast loose links in the description uh you guys already know who he is all our links are in the description go check them out join the join the telegram thanks for coming on bro yeah absolutely right now there's fire yeah we'll see you guys later
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