10 TRUE CREEPY CAMPING STORIES you haven't heard... #scarystories #campingstories

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J Nightmares
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[Music] thank you at the end of last summer two friends and I went camping by a local Lake we drove out to the campsite set up our tents and had dinner everything was going so well it was a fun night we lit a fire and sat around it talking for a while it would be a long while before we were ready to go to sleep we spoke about the lake and how it was responsible for claiming a fair few lives each year some say it's a place where people go to end things and others say
that the waters are deceptively deep and filled with tangled weeds tree limbs and the riverbed is lined with thick unescapable silt and mud as we three sat there in front of the fire talking we all noticed something out on the other side of the lake there were Bright Lights since there were other campsites dotted around the lake we passed this off as simply another group of people camping out for the night we didn't pay much attention after a while I noticed that the lights seemed to be getting bigger and brighter we continued chatting and then
the lights caught our attention again it looked as if it was moving moving closer to us again it seemed to grow bigger and bigger it was moving way too fast to be a rowing boat and motorboats were prohibited on the lake before we knew it the light had made its way to our side of the lake the light was right in front of us and then it was over us it was as if we were being slowly swallowed by this bright light in every direction I looked I could see nothing but light just as soon
as it came it was gone in total I would say that the light was over us and around us for no more than three seconds tops my friends and I were smoking around the campfire before the light approached and I remember this very clearly I watched my friend light up as the light was moving and by the time the light was gone my friend dropped the cigarette he had between his fingers as it had burned down to the filter and burned the insides of its index and middle fingers a fresh cigarette shouldn't burn down to
the filter in a matter of three seconds it seemed like we had some missing time we couldn't account for me and my friends didn't even have our smokes they were gone this wasn't even the strange part though no the smokes were weird but it gets weirder my friend who got burned started screaming as he didn't know what was going on and his screams were the first thing I could remember I heard after that light passed over us I think that I was in some kind of Trance until that moment I looked down and I was
knee-deep in the lake he was up to his waist in the lake and our other friend was silently wading further and further into the middle of the lake we both screamed out to him and yet he didn't respond we tried to get over to him as quickly as possible but you know what it's like running in water we were also sinking as we ran I gave up and swam for it the dirty Lake water went in my mouth I got to him first since I was further than my other friend in the lake and as
soon as I reached him I slapped his back and shook him until he regained Consciousness none of us knew what the hell we were doing in the lake but I can tell you this if my friend wasn't smoking then things would have ended differently the lake is incredibly deep in the middle and since my friend was up to his chest I dread to think what might have happened to him and us the chances of drowning seemed High I have nightmares about me walking deeper and deeper into dark murky water unable to stop myself watching The
Light Above Me Grow darker and darker as I sink to the bottom I know firsthand now how dangerous it is in that Lake I have no idea what that light was was it something paranormal or extraterrestrial I don't think I'll ever find out because I'm never going back to that Lake we got out of the lake dried off and packed everything back into our car as fast as we could leaving most of the things we brought behind we left and nothing further happened but that night is one I think about frequently [Music] last winter I
went on a camping trip with some of my work colleagues the location of the campsite was on some land owned by one of my colleagues family members it was his uncles his uncle passed away a while ago and the land went untouched and grew Wilder with each coming summer as soon as we got there he said that the terrain was rougher than he anticipated there was a river and a steep hill and surrounding the campsite from all angles was a thick dense forest it was the definition of secluded we pitched a tent by the riverbank
there was like gravel in some areas but we found a good spot we built a campfire and made dinner it was really relaxing we were chatting long into the night enjoying having the run of the land we didn't need to worry about making too much noise because it was my friend's late uncle's land as the hour grew later and the sky grew darker we found ourselves running out of steam and we began to wind down for the night I was halfway through a story when I noticed that my colleagues weren't listening to me they seemed
distracted by something they were looking Beyond me across the river behind me I turned to look and I saw a dark silhouette it was the shape of a human there was a person out there on the other side of the river it was a dark night we only had the campfire so we couldn't really see clearly the mood shifted once we saw that silhouette there was tension in the air my colleague started to get nervous it was his family's land and there appeared to be some kind of intruder or trespasser stood stock still monitoring us
that person across the lake had no business being there the shadowy figure seemed to hear our whispered conversation and retreated out of our sight into the darkness my colleague said I need to sort this out and with that he got up and crossed the small dilapidated Bridge to the other side of the river he went off into the darkness and told us to stay by the campfire I thought he was very brave to do that I mean if he had waited a couple of minutes I guess we could have all gone with him or at
least talked about it but it kind of was his land and I guess the beers that we had shared have made him confident so I thought more power to you we heard his footsteps Fade Out as he moved further away from the camp we were just out in the elements with the sounds of the forest all around us we couldn't get back the atmosphere we had before we saw the silhouette after a few minutes we heard footsteps coming closer and we assumed that it was coming back to camp but the footsteps ended up changing direction
and they retreated back towards the darkness one of my colleagues yelled out what the hell are you doing we're over here then the footsteps turned into the sound of running and they were heading towards the woods it was Eerie something was often we were all a little freaked out concerned for our missing camper began to settle in we heard footsteps approaching our campsite again I grabbed an empty beer bottle to use as a makeshift weapons if things got ugly but I was relieved to see the face of my colleague he sat back down next to
us and said there was no one there maybe it was just a trick of the light or something we told him about the footsteps we heard and he seemed a little worried things were getting weirder and weirder it was getting pretty sketchy I don't think any of us wanted to spend the night there anymore none of us wanted to be the first to say let's go home though then we heard noises from the woods more footsteps rocks were being thrown and other weird noises that was enough there were people out here and they were hostile
we packed up and got out we went home without seeing a single person whoever was out there messing with us knew the hills and the woods better than my colleague did I'm not sure what the hell that was but I'm glad we didn't stick around to find out what would come next [Music] I heard this one from my teacher when I was at University and I felt like sharing it so he and his friend went camping in a village in wakayama prefecture they set up their tents by a river just as the sun was going
down later they were both in the tent together chatting his friend turned to him and said hey can you hear something he could a kind of dragging sound coming from outside the tent the tent was unzipped so he looked out but he couldn't see anyone out there the noise didn't go away though it sounded like something was being dragged around the tent my teacher and his friend got out of the tent and had a look around but there was nothing out there which could be making that noise there was no one in sight when they
got out of the tent they couldn't hear the noise but the second they were back in they could hear it again it was the strangest thing it almost sounded like footsteps like someone was dragging their feet as they walked it made the pair of them feel uneasy so they lit their lanterns and campfire and went about making dinner while they ate they couldn't hear that weird noise outside so they felt a little more at ease later as the hour grew late they returned to their tent and got ready for bed as soon as they got
back into the tent they heard the dragging sound again they spoke about that noise and they agreed that it sounded like someone dragging something or their feet they were really freaked out at this point so they stayed in their sleeping bags and stayed awake the sound wouldn't go away the dragging sound just kept circling and circling the tent they both must have checked 10 times each but they never saw anything out there it was unexplainable and terrifying eventually they both managed to convince the other that it wasn't anything much to worry about and they were
able to get to sleep the next morning when they woke up they couldn't hear anything and because nothing happened during their Slumber they guessed that they got themselves worked up for nothing they went about packing their things away while getting everything sorted they noticed something beneath their tent they found a pair of old weather damaged sandals my teacher who is a local to the area said that a month before he went camping an elderly woman lost her life in the river my teacher believes that the circling sound was the spirit of that old woman searching
for her missing sandals [Music] this happened many years ago during Autumn my parents told me we were going camping and I was allowed to bring a friend I couldn't wait I knew it was going to be fun so when the weekend arrived my parents and my friend and I went off into the mountains for a camping trip it was only a one night trip but that was plenty for me this took place when outdoor camping didn't seem as popular as it is now when we arrived at the campsite we were surprised to see that there
were no other campers in sight to be honest it felt a little bit lonely I soon forgot about that feeling since I was a school boy I saw the campsite as our own private playground we played by a nearby River and in the woods and then later that night we had a campfire and a barbecue it was really great just before bedtime my friend's mood changed usually he was full of self-confidence but when the sun went down his Spirit stamped he started to get homesick and frightened eventually he told me through tear-filled eyes that he
wanted to go home by the time he asked it was far too late my parents had had a drink and we were getting ready for bed we turned in for the night the sounds of the forest all around us it was pretty spooky out there in our tent in the wild but we were able to get to sleep without any issues the next morning we left for home we planned on spending a little longer at the campsite but my friend was clearly in a bit of distress and we headed home early we left while it
was still dark out I can't remember what time it was in the morning but it felt like everyone wanted to get out of there as soon as possible so we returned home and since it was the weekend my parents went up to their bedroom to take a nap or something well they said they were going to take a nap but I heard a lot of banging around coming from up there anyway it was still early in the morning and I was pretty tired I nodded off while I was sitting on the sofa watching the morning
cartoons I woke up when the house phone rang back then we didn't have caller ID displays on our phones so I had no idea who was calling I was hoping it would be Grandpa my parents showed no sign of coming downstairs to answer the call it just kept ringing and ringing so I picked it up oh hey good morning The Voice belonged to some girl I didn't immediately recognize based on my recollection I would say that she sounded about my age or perhaps it was an older woman with a youngish sounding voice the more I
think about it the more I think it could be plausible because I didn't think I gave any of my classmates my home phone number I didn't say anything for a while I just listened anyway Camp was fun last night the barbecue was really great too the shrimp were delicious I had a good laugh when your friend who's usually so cheeky and confident started tearing up because he was homesick I still kept quiet I was still sleepy at the start of the call but now I was waking up something wasn't right I was starting to get
a little scared there were only four of us at that campsite how the hell did someone else know what we were doing out there I couldn't answer that question by myself so I asked the mysterious person on the end of the line after some silence some potentially shocked silence I got my answer not the answer I wanted or expected because we were together the entire time and with that I heard a click followed by the dial tone I was really freaked out but I instantly thought that I might have been pranked by my friend I
called him immediately but he said that he didn't tell anyone about what we did at the campsite except his parents he said he was so embarrassed by everything he didn't even tell them the part where he was feeling homesick when my parents came downstairs after their nap or whatever they were doing up there I asked them if they gave anyone our number or told anyone about the camping trip but they said they didn't tell anyone or give anyone a number the only person they gave our number to was the person who reserved them the camping
site in the end I guess or maybe hope is the abject word here that it was a prank and nothing more but I have a strange feeling that we were being watched by someone that night in the woods I cannot forget the last words I heard on the phone because we were together the entire time foreign [Music] when I was in elementary school I joined a camping trip for two nights hosted by the school during summer vacation the campsite was about two hours from the nearest town it was a proper camping trip even though it
was technically a campsite it wasn't very well maintained there was a kitchen and a bathroom and that was good because at least it wasn't just the tents you know but the place wasn't in great shape everything was dated and kind of shabby the toilet was more of an outhouse to be honest it was way out in a field the campsite was really close to some swampland and on the other side was a cliff even as a kid I remember thinking this is a really unsafe place to camp we had plenty of activities available such as
hiking and fishing in the day and campfire and doing dares at night on the first night I was there I took up one of these stairs I thought it would be a simple dare but it was different to the ones I did that age we call them tests of Courage and you know they're not usually this intense this was a dare that was created by the teachers by the way and it went like this go into the woods at night without a flashlight alone and stay there for a while there were Rules to This dare
too if you start running or you scream you'll alert the wild animals and become one of the kids who go missing around here this is what the teacher said I can understand that they were trying to make it fun for us and I'm pretty sure that we were perfectly safe but looking back on it I guess that was kind of strange we were told to stand there in the woods with no light in complete darkness and in complete silence until one of the teachers came back to get us even though I didn't really want to
do this I went along with him I was somewhere far from home and far from civilization in the mountains it was a pretty obedient kid so I walked with the teachers and their flashlights out into the middle of the Woods it was so dark and all I could hear was The Sound of Insects and the slow sigh of the trees we got to where I guess was the designated spot and the teacher's flashlights went off and I heard them trudge away over broken branches and through thickets of weeds and Bush when that flashlight went off
there was nothing but Darkness all around should have been other kids close by doing the Dare with me but I couldn't hear anyone else I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or if they were closed it was that dark the air was accurate and warm it seemed to cling to my skin I heard the occasional rustle of bushes and the coal of the wild some unknown animal was barking in the distance I hoped that it was the distance it was hard to say if it was near afar guess in reality it was only out
there for a few moments no longer than five minutes at tops I guess but those moments felt so long it was so isolating I felt completely alone in the world then the flashlights came out of nowhere and came straight towards me I was relieved that they were back and I wasn't alone anymore we all headed back to the campsite together our teachers were saying oh we're all Lucky that we didn't see anything creepy this year we were joking and I guess I felt kind of Brave and mature it was good the rest of the night
was pretty uneventful to be honest the next day I noticed that my friend who did the Dare around the same time as I did was looking awfully frightened she was looking towards the cliffs and when I asked what happened she just replied can't you see them I looked at her puzzled take a look she took me to the edge of the field towards the cliffs look down there I looked down there and I couldn't see what she was talking about there was nothing but a flowing stream down below but my friend looked like she was
on the verge of tears the kids with red faces down there can't you see them she said that she could see a girl and a boy that I couldn't she was shouting and crying it clearly had upset her soon after the teachers came over to see what all the fuss was about and to try and console her but just like me they couldn't see what she was talking about I was worried about my friend but life on the campsite carried on and as you know kids have short memories and attention spans I guess we all
got distracted and forgot about it later that night I was really tired but a lot of the other kids were still awake and still lively I was snug in my sleeping bag and on the verge of sleep I heard them Whispering excitedly and happily in the glow of the Lamplight and just as I was about to fall asleep I heard the tone of the kids around me shift excitement gave way for tension and I heard them whisper I popped my head out of the sleeping bag and I saw two girls leaning over another girl's sat
on the floor leaning forward the girl on the floor was complaining of pain it hurts she said she was complaining of feeling crushed and right before our eyes she folded her chin was nearly touching the floor it was as if something heavy was on her back she cried and she screamed and everyone in the tent was panicked it was one of those huge outdoor tents by the way everything was happening so fast it was so stressful everyone was so frightened I never heard screaming like that before the teachers came rushing in and one had a
bottle of salt in their hand he sprinkled it everywhere and started hitting the girl on the back with his palm and miraculously the girl stopped crying and screaming she was up on her feet like nothing had happened after that nothing else of note really happened we went home without issue on the bus home I spoke with some of my friends and other groups of kids I weren't friendly with about what happened some kids had different experiences one said that when they went to the Outhouse at night there was a kid they didn't know stood stock
still staring at them and other kids said that they saw Shadows everywhere they looked humanoid Shadows I was really surprised that there were more experiences the mountains are a truly unusual place my friend who saw those kids with the red faces has been kind of mountain phobic since that trip I can't even remember why I wanted to go on that trip feels like some vague half memory like it was some liminal space [Music] [Music] this happened when I was in high school my friends and I were all camping together deep in the forest we had
just finished dinner and we were clearing things up joking around and that's when I heard a huge thud by the expressions of my friends faces I was certain that they had heard it as well it sounded as if something had fallen by our tent it was dark we grabbed some flashlights and we went in search of the source of that thought there was something big and white laying on the ground it looked like an animal we were freaking out we shun our torches at it from a distance the more we looked at it the more
it looked like a body a human body he had fair or balding hair and we approached slowly something was wrong though his limbs were bent in impossible angles we rushed in realizing the gravity of the situation and we got close enough to have a good look we now knew and it wasn't a human but it was as big as a human it was a mannequin where the hell did that come from someone throw that at us we scanned the area with our torches and no one was around we didn't even hear footsteps or anything when
it happened we were camping deep in the woods and we didn't see anyone else the whole day one of our friends decided to be a Watchman while the rest of us packed up as fast as we could we got the hell out of there leaving that creepy mannequin lying face down in the dirt [Music] this happened when I was a child my parents and I went on a camping trip with some family friends there was a big lake by the campsite it was a really peaceful and secluded area we all put up our tents close
to the river and we were set to camp for two days when night came my friends were talking about doing some dares the adults overheard us and told us not to do any dares at night because it might be dangerous well of course we all ignored our parents advice the Dare was to walk around the lake by yourself with no flashlight when it was dark one of my friends offered to go first we all waited in silence as she walked off into the darkness she came back after a while she wasn't frightened in the slightest
next was my turn they urged me forward I was nervous I felt the pressure of my friends I had to do it it was so dark I was getting really worried I was walking around the lake only the sounds of nature could be heard until I heard footsteps approaching me I prepared myself as best I could for whoever or whatever was coming towards me it looked like one of my parents friends he was walking with a flashlight I knew him I was relieved I waved at him as he approached and he strolled towards me here
he handed me something it was a lemon candy and I thanked him he should he said in a hushed voice I told him I'd eat it later and I put the candy in my pocket he was shining his torch at me I couldn't see his face clearly he had his hood up come with me he said it didn't sound normal I said that I had to go back to my tent I thought it was really weird because he was such a nice guy and we were really enjoying the camping trip with his family and my
family when I got back to the tent we all decided we'd get some sleep I was lying in bed holding that candy thinking about how I should thank him tomorrow for him so in the morning I walked over to him while he was drinking coffee and I thanked him for the candy lemon candy what are you talking about I didn't give you any candy said I thought he was just teasing me trying to trick me or something after a while I could tell he wasn't joking said he wasn't at the lake that night my mum
came out of the tent she had heard our conversation it got weirder and weirder I went back to my tent and I got the lemon candy to show them all of the parents and my friends looked concerned and frightened who was that person I met at the lake I threw that piece of candy away as our families packed up our things we got out of there as soon as we could [Music] thank you foreign [Music] this happened in 2009 when I was fishing in the summer it was an area with steep hills and Cliff faces
it seemed like a place where locals wouldn't pass through as it was a bit of a trek to get there it is said that the river is home to big game fish it was really secluded it was the weekend and I imagined there to be a couple of people but I was delighted to find that I was the only person pitched up on the river after setting up my tent I cooked and relaxed a little then went off to sleep in my sleeping bag in the tent it was night time I planned on getting up
early to start fishing at Daybreak I was having a perfectly sound night of sleep until I heard this horrible loud sound it shocked me out of sleep I opened my eyes immediately I didn't know where I was for a second I hate that feeling I couldn't hear the sound anymore but my tent was shaking I looked at my watch it was 2 am I told myself in my half a sleep state to remain calm and composed I thought wow maybe this is that sleep paralysis I've heard about I considered that it might be happening or
I was suffering from some sort of auditory hallucination but this just seemed too real this was no sleep paralysis I realized with a shudder another possibility crossed my mind a rock for I remember checking the cliff before I pitched my tent it wasn't Rocky the soil was hard and dry since it was summer but this wasn't an impossibility I didn't think that it could be a human in the middle of the night outside my tent that thought was too terrifying to consider in the dark alone so I tried to think about the possibilities because I
was working myself up getting frightened I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep I turned on the light in my tent which put me at ease a little but I didn't feel like going outside to check I told myself not to worry as soon it would be bright outside and I would be fishing just as I was calming myself down I heard something outside it was quiet for a moment until I heard another sound Ed like someone wailing moaning and groaning whatever I felt as if I was going to pass out from
the fear on the other hand I was thinking it's a bit lighter now what if it is a person and they need help or something I was worried for whoever might be out there so I decided to leave my tent just as I reached for the tent zip the moaning got louder I paused for a moment cold sweat teamed from my brow I could see something outside the other side of the tent a dark shadow now I was certain that someone was out there I grabbed my torch and my frying pan as a weapon I
pulled the zipper down and decided to face whoever was out there messing with me I leaned out and looked around I scanned everywhere there was nobody around I could see a fishing boat in the distance but that was all I couldn't see the owner of that shadow that darkened my tent it was death least silent it was truly terrifying I withdrew back into the tent if you think about it the tent was illuminated by my torch from the inside so I shouldn't have been able to see a Shadow outside to the light it was absolutely
unexplainable I turned the radio on to calm myself I was shivering in my tent trying not to think about what had just happened after a while I was listening to the DJ chatting between the tracks I was slowly regaining some composure but then the roof of the tent collapsed inward it hit the ground accompanied with a horrendous sound I knew this time that it was no dream or hallucination the roof of the tent was utterly destroyed more over it hurt me badly as it crashed in I felt totally helpless and I'm not ashamed to say
this I broke down and I started crying I vowed to go home without doing any fishing as soon as the sun came up the moaning sound outside persisted there was a new sound now it sounded like something dragging across the ground or crawling perhaps I don't know why but I turned the radio up to its maximum volume kind of felt like the only defense I had left when Daybreak finally came it was like seeing God or something I was so relieved the sun was up now and I could finally see everything around me I went
out of the tent and looked around the area there were beer cans bottles and flowers scattered everywhere I hurriedly folded the remnants of my busted tent but I stopped in my tracks when I realized that there was blood on the outside of it as if someone had smeared it above on the cliffs there probably was a road at some point I wondered if there had been some kind of accident there maybe someone passed away in the area I set up camp and perhaps due to the nature of their death they became some kind of horrible
spirit that tormented me I didn't know what else to do but I offered my remaining juice to whatever Spirit might be around left as an offering to ease their passing and wish them happiness in their next life I chose to believe this because the reality of some people or a person out there messing with me and my tent in the middle of the night is Just too terrifying to consider [Music] I work for a wildlife magazine my job is to take photos of animals in their natural habitat a normal working day for me would be
setting up my tent on a mountain trail and waiting for animals to come along I also use an infrared sensor hooked up to an automatic shutter I never use popular Mountain Trails as animals would be too scared to come out if lots of people are around I have never been frightened on the job although I am always working alone in the dark I have never had any troubles until now I arrived at about one o'clock to the area I had previously researched online it was by the bank of a swamp the usual routine is I
set up my one-man tent and then take a nap till about 5 PM because I'm always camping deep in the mountains there's never anyone around it feels safer than the city in many ways actually that afternoon I hung my radio from a tree branch and got in my tent ready to go for a nap when I woke up later it was already dark I hung my lantern from the tree branch and started getting my camera equipment ready I put my headlamp on and prepared to shoot some photos I remembered being unusually tense and full of
anticipation I headed out of the tent and that's when I noticed something strange Upstream from the swamp about 10 meters away I noticed a tent it was a blue tent it was weird this wasn't a fishing area this was a totally uninhabited area I didn't think it was a mountain climber or a hiker I couldn't imagine anyone else being here but me I could see no lights coming from that tent maybe someone was asleep in there nevertheless that tent wasn't there when I was setting up mine did someone come along silently whilst I was sleeping
it's kind of weird that whatever noise they made didn't wake me up anyway I pushed on and started looking for a good place to take photos at that moment a light went on in the blue tent which made the tent color change it went a darker color maybe I should go say a courteous hello I thought but then I decided against that idea as the tent freaked me out a bit that's really an excuse though I didn't want to go anywhere near it I was scared of it whoever might be inside it I wanted to
move to another spot it would be a pain but I didn't think I would be able to concentrate with that tent on my mind I set about dismantling my tent as quietly as possible whilst trying to remain out of sight of that tent I gathered up my stuff and began trekking deeper into the mountainous Woods I must have walked over a kilometer alongside the river up the mountain I set up camp at the top of a steep hill by the time I put my tent up again it was unfortunately too late to do any photography
was past nine o'clock I decided to have some dinner after eating I thought I would just try to get some sleep there wasn't much else I could do it should have been chilly since it was the middle of May but I woke up in the middle of the night sweating in my sleeping bag a quick glance at my watch told me it was just after 2 am the air in the tent was warm and stale so I pulled the zipper down to let some fresh cool night air in I gasped the blue tent was right
in front of my tent the strange lights came on in the tent again two hands pressed against the dirty fabric of the blue tent the person in the tent was reaching towards me in the darkness for a moment I felt so distant so stunned but I quickly came to my senses and grabbed my torch and pointed it at the blue tent whatever was in that tent was groping around to grab the zip and get out it must have heard me saw my Torchlight I ran for him I didn't dare look back behind me I fell
in the swamp as I ran my lower body was soaking I didn't let that stop me though it was Pitch Black as I ran I tripped and stumbled countless times but I was determined to get away from that tent I somehow lost my torch along the way when I physically couldn't run anymore I crouched by a tree and shivered in fear and waited for the Morning Light when morning came I walked back to the place my tent was and that of a tent I called to let my presence be known I was done with being
scared I just spent a whole night out in the freezing cold I shouted out again but there was no response so I approached both tents were still there the blue tent looked a bit more worn and Haggard I looked inside my tent it seems as if the person or the people in the blue tent had left me a parting gift a pile of bones human bones animal bones I have no idea they were all mashed up I don't do solo trips that deep in the mountains or the woods anymore [Music] a few years back a
bunch of friends and I went camping in ibaraki during spring vacation it was May the weather was good I went with three friends so four men in total three of my friends go to this Camp basically every year but for me it was my first time I hadn't been camping with these guys before but I was excited to join them they sold it to me pretty well they said the beach was beautiful they said that there is usually not that many people around on the beach so we could do whatever we felt like without others
bothering us or annoying us after coming off National Highway 51 and going down a narrow road for a few hundred meters we arrived at the beach we saw a family camper van just by the entrance to the beach so we decided to pitch up away from them about 200 meters by lunch the beach was full of surface but by dinner time they had all cleared off the beach was empty for as far as the eye could see except for the family camper van just us and Them as there were no lights around and it was
so quiet I fell asleep way faster than usual we all slept in the same tent three of the guys slept side by side and I slept at the bottom by their feet near the zipper of the tent like a dog I woke up in the middle of the night with a desperate urge to piss I thought I was gonna piss my pants I checked the time on my phone and it was past 2 am I've never been one of those people who were too afraid of the dark or superstitious in any way so that night
I was listening to the waves as I was getting up it was really relaxing the only problem was I heard another sound it was clear and distinct and it made me freeze in my sleeping bag it was coming from no more than five meters away it was a strange sound it was coming closer to our tent from the weight and the interval of each sound I intuitively felt that it was footsteps I couldn't see any light outside walking along a secluded sandy beach with no flashlight that's pretty strange we were a good distance away from
the family camper van so they would have no reason to be walking so close to our tent plus I heard the footsteps coming from the opposite direction is this a person it sounds human with its slow deliberate steps my head was spinning I was sweating in the darkness of the tent and I didn't dare to move a muscle it was already too late I could hear those footsteps circling our tent they sounded like they were right outside no more than 10 centimeters away whatever it was started walking around our tent clockwise just circling it what
the [ __ ] are you doing I wondered what do I do I sort of trying to wake one of my friends but I didn't want to make a sound I was too afraid to leave my sleeping bag fought the urge to use the bathroom and I just tried to stay as still as possible I hoped and prayed that the footsteps would just go away but things got worse the footsteps continued circling clockwise going round and around then something occasionally prodded the thin layer of fabric on our tent like a hand testing for a weak
point of entry the metal poles supporting the tent began to Creak and bend it made a horrible sound I tried thinking of a song in my head and I kept repeating the lyrics and Melody over and over just ignore it it'll go away I told myself and I closed my eyes tightly and then it was bright outside of my tent I must have drifted off I was so relieved I ran out there quickly to pee idiotically forgetting about last night I looked back at the tent and I saw footprints I will never understand this but
the footprints came from the sea and led Back to the Sea I immediately woke my three friends up I told them what happened and we decided to get the hell off of that beach the next night we stayed in an area with lots of Camper vans and other tourists [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
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