hey everyone I'm Brian and I'm super excited to welcome you to this video where I'm going to take you through an entire process of building a successful affiliate marketing website from scratch now we've been in the affiliate marketing game for about 7 years with our website website learners. comom and let me tell you it's been an incredible journey we've managed to build a profitable website that consistently generates passive income month after month by promoting other products and services in this video we'll cover everything that you need to know about creating an affiliate marketing website we'll start with the absolute Basics like choosing your Niche and setting up your domain and then move on to the more advanced strategies that can help you maximize your earnings and build a sustainable online business while it's true that affiliate marketing has become more competitive there's still plenty of room for newcomers to succeed we'll be using userfriendly tools that can make the process much easier than you might think whether you're a college student a stay-at-home parent or someone who's looking to escape the 9 to5 grind this video will give you the knowledge and the tools that you need to get started so this is what we'll be covering in this video choosing your Niche and affiliate products setting up your own website creating compelling content and finally implementing SEO strategies to get visitors to your website so there's going to be a lot of valuable information in this video but before we dive in I want to emphasize on something very important success in affiliate marketing requires dedication lots of learning and a lot of hard work but it doesn't require a huge initial investment or any special technical skills with the right approach and persistence you can build a profitable affiliate marketing website by the end of this video you'll have all the knowledge you need to start your own successful affl marketing Journey so if you're ready let's get started now before we start building aate website first let's understand what is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is a process where you promote products which are sold by a company and if someone buys the products based on your recommendation then this company pays you a commission for the sale but how do you actually promote these products let's say you found a product that you want to promote the first step is to sign up as an affiliate with the company that sells it this is a simple process like creating a social media account once you sign up you'll receive a unique link called the affiliate link which you can use to promote the product and when someone purchases the product through this link you will earn a commission for that save so this is how affiliate marketing works and now let's get into how you can build an affiliate marketing website we're going to create an affiliate marketing website in just six parts the first part is to pick a topic for your website choosing a topic is very important in affiliate marketing because if you want people to follow your recommendations and buy the product that you recommend you need to talk about one particular topic on your website it can be anything like baby products skincare products and so on but make sure it is about one specific topic all all right now how do you choose the best topic for your site well there's a simple ha first you need to find out which products are the best selling products on the internet and then choose the topic that you want to focus on so to find the bestselling products we're going to use Amazon so let's go to amazon. com click here and select best sellers here you'll find a list of bestselling products in different categories you can select any category you like I'm going to select this and choose a subcategory as you can see these are the bestselling products under this category so now you can choose any product type that you want to talk about on your website I'm going to choose we protein so in this way you can choose any topic for your site now if you want an easier way to do this there's an AI tool that can help you find a good topic just click the link in the description and it'll take you to this tool called Amazon Niche Finder this tool helps you find the perfect Niche for your affiliate website just by answering two simple questions just enter what your main interests or hobbies are and in which topic do you have the most knowledge on then click create content and this tool will generate a list of bestselling Amazon categories for you to explore just open any category and choose the product you want to focus on in this video we've chosen W protein as our topic okay once you selected your topic we can now go to to part two of this video which is to launch your affiliate website this is the website where we add all our content and include the affiliate links to promote the products that we want once your website is launched it'll be live on the internet and everyone can access it so to launch your website we are going to do two steps the first step is to get your hosting hosting is the place where you store all your websites files like product images and the content so to get the hosting just click the link in the description and it'll take you to hostinger.
com now this is the place where we are going to get our hosting as you can see hosting has different plans to choose from the Premium plan supports up to 25,000 visits per month provides 100 GB storage meanwhile the business plan handles up to 100,000 visits and offers 200 GB of storage also both plans come with a free domain now you can choose the plan based on your requirements so I'm going to go with the business plan since it provides an Amazon affiliate plug-in that'll be helpful for our AFF website remember this is not compulsory but it's an added benefit here you need to choose how long you want the hosting for you can see that we're getting a free domain for the first year with these three options so I'm going to select 48 months since it offers an extra 3 months for free and the renewal cost is lower compared to the other options then scroll down and create your account using these options I'm going to use my Google account and finally select the payment method you want now fill in these details now at website Learners we have partnered with with hostinger to give you an exclusive 10% discount on your purchase so to get the discount just click here and enter the code wl10 now if you click apply you can see that we've got a 10% discount then enter your payment details click submit to complete the payment and we've successfully got our hosting once you've got the hosting let's go to the second step of launching your website which is to set up your website so to do that that you need to answer a set of questions first choose create a website and click next then choose how you want to build your website we're going to use WordPress to build our website since it's the most popular and userfriendly platform so let's select WordPress and click next It'll ask you to create a website login details which you can use to log on your WordPress website just fill in these details once once you're done click next and here you can select the type of website you want to build since we are creating an affiliate marketing website let's select this click next and here you'll be able to see a preview of how your website will look take a look and then click next here you'll see a list of recommended plugins for your affiliate site these will be automatically installed when your website launches you can keep the ones you want and remove all the unnecessary plugins I'm going to remove these and add the wp forms plugin as it will be useful for creating the contact form on our website once you're done click next and skip the next step here you need to enter the domain name of your website a domain name is the name of your website which people use to visit your website for example youtube. com or facebook. com I'm going to enter neutri fit blog and here you will see different domain extensions like and in just select the one you want I'm going to choose nutrifit blog.