What If You Spent 5 Seconds on Mars?

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What If
Spending 5 seconds on Mars without a helmet is NOT a good idea. But let me tell you how we got there...
Video Transcript:
ah Mars the red planet and our potential new home well Mars isn't as hospitable as it sounds it's really inhospitable it might be a balmy 20° C during the day but at night the temperatures can drop to -13° C okay if you don't know what- 1553 cus is it's intensely cold it's like- 243° F it's the type of temperature that will give you frostbite in seconds in minutes you'll die from hypothermia seriously guys learn the metric system also we do the conversion for you in the closed captions and if you think Uranus smells bad well
that's because you haven't been to Mars yet yeah the red planet smells like rust and gunpowder but when wear my helmet all I smell is me and I smell pretty good most of the time well you wouldn't be able to breathe on Mars anyway the planet barely has any atmosphere most of it is carbon dioxide with only Trace Amounts of oxygen luckily this time we aren't sending you to Mars we've decided to sacrifice Chase for this Mission what did you mean by sacrifice I mean send we've sent Chase up to set up a base on
s and report [Music] back hey he made it welcome to the red [Music] planet kind of nothing here huh I thought there'd be more stuff you know Rico any ideas I detect no breathable air high levels of radiation exposure low pressure and frequent dust storms if you want to survive on Mars you must build a habitat great idea how long will that take with the materials you transported aboard the Starship I calculate it will take about 3 months to assemble a simple base that's not so bad I better get moving now building a habitat on
Mars wouldn't be so simple it's got to be air tight and insulated to protect Chase from radiation and Martian dust storms it also needs to have a sustainable life support system to manage air water and waste and of course Chase will need to get power from solar panels you don't want to know where I get my drinkable water from but I'll tell you anyways I could extract water from the Martian soil or atmosphere but it's so much work instead I recycle water from things like sweat and pee I just try not to think about it
the sensors are picking up a micro meteorite headed straight for the base potential Hazard detected don't sweat it Rico we got enough water base is fine I've built it myself here let me give you a tour of my crib Welcome to the the fanciest pad on the planet over here is where I sleep and over here is where I eat and over there is a window and this is my luxury first a corner in case I get hit by like a dust storm those babies travel at like 100 kmh they could easily slice through my
space suit oh you got to see my Michelin star Greenhouse it's five stars because it's rated out of this world it's my favorite place in the base only thing is I had to build it unattached to my main living quarters because Rico forgot to include a tunnel in the first base plan so now every time I got to go check on my plants I have to go outside it's exhausting that's why I don't bother to take off my helmet when I pop into my habitat I'm all about efficiency plus it's a lot to animate actually
check out these potatoes they look pretty good take that Matt Damon micro meteorite is approaching the base I calculate the chance of it striking the habitat as 8742 Rico silencio por I'm recording a YouTube video my friend come on and what I tell you round the numbers okay where was I oh yeah potatoes it takes a lot of work to grow anything on Mars taters aren't my first choice I'd grow Burgers if I could but we work with what we got I keep my Greenhouse nice and pressurized and at a comfy temperature of 16° C
and for those of you who hated the Recycled pea stuff you're going to love this next part because as a fertilizer for the Martian soil I use a super special ingredient my poo not cuz I'm a sicko but because Martian soil is literally garbage figuratively speaking it smells pretty bad in here but at least it doesn't smell as bad as [Music] Uranus danger micrometeoroid has breached the habitat you must go there and what ah damnn meteoroid sorry guys I I got to go check this [Music] [Music] out your helmet has sustained minor damage this is
my favorite helmet Rico do I have a spare somewhere you have an extra helmet but I have bad news uhhuh what what now the extra helmet is back at the habitat of course of course it is are you kidding me 3 months on Mars and I just finally start getting this thing working and Mars has to ruin everything well at least I have tape around here somewhere be back in a minute here this should work Rico how's that storm looking not good a dust storm of this type it can last for days oh great that
leaves me no choice if I don't make it back in time I'll lose everything and die and I can't die now I just finished building this sweet sweet bachelor pad it's only a 5-second walk for you to reach your living quarters okay come on it's only 5 Seconds you can do this chase you can do this get your head in the game boy oh helmet is useless I'll go without it 5 Seconds to get back home I can handle a little bit of frostbite I highly advise you don't do this okay well if I don't
make it I'll see you guys on my next adventure chase out looks like the atmospheric pressure killed him before the frostbite could didn't I say going out there without a helmet was a bad idea yeah don't try this on your own and don't worry Chase will be fine it's kind of a thing he dies a lot but he always returns for another adventure where should he go next how about the stinkiest planet in the solar system well that's a story for enough what [Music] if
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