Food - How it affects you - Barbara O'Neill

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Living Springs Retreat
Food - How it affects you - Barbara O'Neill What is the best food to eat? The acid/alkaline balance...
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good morning everyone everyone's happy with their fruit breakfast this morning we had a vegetable breakfast this morning which we explained was the best when you're breaking a fast but this morning we introduce you to some of the fruits the millet the lentils and i'm going to explaining this morning why some of the things that we're giving you is so good to give you because it's important to know why isn't that true it should be on the tip of our lips newton's third law of motion to every action there's an equal and an opposite reaction we all always should know so we're going to spend our whole day today our whole morning on food and aren't there a lot of different messages on food carbs are good ah no actually they're bad ah fat is bad ah actually it's good to do you ever think when are they gonna make up their minds how long have we been on the planet well let's take the lowest common denominator as a bible christian i believe we're about was about 10 000 years i think haven't they worked it out yet what would be the signs that someone had worked it out a group of people had worked it out healthy long life quality of life and there are people on the planet that do experience that i don't know if you've heard of the book blue zone you have our time magazine oh i think it was 15 years ago i didn't also an article on blue zone they looked at we're going to particularly look at three groups of people that live long lives commonly into their hundreds quality of life and the journalists actually interviewed and followed a lot of them and one was the okinawans which are just japanese i think it's a japanese island very hard for mcdonald's to get to islands and there's a there's a picture of a a um okinawan woman 85 collecting seaweed in the in the shallow part around the island also the sardinians which is an italian group of people and he was climbing hills almost mountains for this 90 year old man to check his goats and he could hardly keep up with him now the third group of people were the seventh-day adventists and they are a group of people that commonly have much better health so the three common denominators with these three groups of people were they're always active and tomorrow we're going to be looking at exercise number two they eat food in its natural state a lot of them are vegetarians the ones that eat meat it's not a large part of their diet and the third common denominator was they're very social you know we're social people aren't we and when we're social people our mind is not so much concentrated on us but on other people interesting that they were the three common denominators so we're going to look at the social aspect the emotional aspect on saturday morning to which is two more days tomorrow morning we're going to be looking at the activity part but today we're going to look at the food part i'm going to come at what is the best food to eat from the ph balance ph is means potential hydrogen and when you dissolve acid in a solution it gives off hydrogen ions when you dissolve alkaline in solution it gives off hydroxy ion so the ph scale is potential hydrogen potential hydroxide so i'll do it in everyday language now it's the acid alkaline balance so at one end we have acid and up the other end of the acid alkaline scale we have alkaline and in the middle we've got neutral neutral is neither acid nor alkaline so the acids scale its naught alkaline is 14 and in the middle seven is neutral blood has a reading on the ph scale and blood's reading on the ph scale is between 7. 35 and 7. 4 it will always be within that range if blood ph does go up to eight that person will go into a coma and die of alkalosis if blood ph drops down to 7.
22 that person will go into a coma and die of acidosis so there cannot be much variation there and we don't need to worry about the ph of our blood because there are two organs that are constantly keeping it within that range one is your lungs and this explains why you start breathing very deeply when you exercise we don't choose to breathe deeply do we but when we're getting to the top of that hill you're starting to breathe very deeply especially if you run up the hill why does that happen well the cells need more oxygen remember more oxygen gives you a better delivery of fuel plus as the oxygen and the glucose are being burnt they're giving off carbon dioxide excuse me they're giving off carbon dioxide and that has to be got rid of because if it doesn't the carbon dioxide builds up in the blood and that creates more acid environment so that is why we start breathing deeply so deep breathing helps to keep the balance of the ph in the blood as it should be the other organ is your kidneys your kidneys do this in a fascinating way proverbs 14 verse 6 states knowledge is easy to him that understands let's go to the smallest unit in the kidney which is a little nephron it's a little filtering unit it's called the bowman's capsule and out of the bowman's capsule the filtrate comes out and then the filtrate weaves around these tubules and is eliminated via the bladder so what happens with these little filtering units is the blood comes in blood comes in weaves around the filtering units and then the blood weaves around the tubules so let me show you where in the kidneys are these little filtering units so the medulla is the middle part the cortex is the outside and all the little filtering units basically sit on the outside and then the tubules weave down like this then into the into the ureta into the bladder and out via the urethra comes the urine so why am i talking about the kidneys with ph let's say the ph of the blood is getting too acid well it's in this area of the blood going through the tubules that the ph is is tested you see we we filter out we only filter out 1. 5 liters of urine a day but out of these filtering units 1800 liters is filtered out so where does that go there's a reabsorption here and it's in the reabsorption area that ph is being monitored so let's say the ph of the blood is getting too acid and we'll look at why that is in the moment then extra acid is dropped into the tubules to be urinated out but let's say the ph of the blood is going to alkaline well it is here that extra acid is pulled back out of the tubules and into the blood so that is how the kidneys are constantly monitoring and balancing if necessary the ph of the blood let me give you a story to illustrate we had a lady she was coming to do our programs a few years ago now she rang up saturday night and she said i'm very worried about coming to your retreat i said why is that she said well i'm about to go on dialysis i'm 57 my legs are swollen and i'm worried if when i come to your retreat and go through the detox i'll get worse do you have a doctor there i said we don't but we will keep a close eye on you we can adjust as we go and there is a hospital an hour away if you need that and if someone would say to my husband do you have a doctor there at your retreat you know what his answer is no and we don't want one you see we're not doctors we're just lifestyle coaches teaching people how to be their own doctors yes go to your doctor yes go to your specialist and see what he says and what can you do with his advice you can take it or leave it that's why god's given us this sound mind to consider these things i said we'll closely monitor you the lady who raped me saturday night she said oh all right never had anyone come reluctantly to our health retreat before i found out why later her mother and her sister had paid for her and were pushing her to go so she came early that morning i was praying i said father in heaven what do i do with this lady she's about to go on dialysis and then god put into my mind a few things remember that early morning my celery was going to see did you know that celery is an excellent kidney herb my parsley was going to see did you know that parsley is an excellent kidney herb kutch grass is all through my yard and trying to get into my garden i'm always pulling it out another kidney herb so i gathered all of this and what i did was i made her up a liter or a quart of tea every day with the celery seed the i just put the tops in and i'll put some ginger in there to make it taste a little bit better so it didn't taste like grass as i'm consulting with this lady i discovered that she only drinks two maybe three glasses of water a day she would say look at my legs there's too much water in my body now can you see that reasoning it's because she's dehydrated that the body is actually unable to handle that water so what happens in this reabsorption here is not only ph is balanced but so is sodium and water levels in the body so when that goes down can you see why the legs well her blood pressure was high blood pressure is also monitored here she was having three cups of coffee a day she's a nurse and nurses drink a lot of coffee as a rule coffee dehydrates you even more i discovered she had a gluten intolerance and because she was a nurse eating a lot of fast food with lot lots of cookies and sandwiches on the run she also had a hormonal imbalance she said to me i will not be able to walk with the guests in the morning i said that's right not with those legs but what i'd like you to do is i'd like to get on the little rebounder for one minute every hour just doing this just this that's called the health bounce anyone can do that and that will stimulate the lymphatic system to start dispersing the fluid in the legs i said i want you to drink a liter of water a day and a liter of this tea and that was far more than she was usually drinking but i said you are never to drink a whole glass at once you have to drink it little by little by little by little and the kidneys can cope a lot better with that so monday morning she did not walk with the guests tuesday morning she walked with a guest her legs had gone down by half she was so excited she hadn't seen them like that for weeks she was a very happy lady when she went home we wrote a program for her to continue she emailed me three months later she said i don't have to go on dialysis isn't that incredible i was talking to a nurse she said i've never heard such a thing who held her the body nature alone is the effective healer and how much better can it perform its task when given the right conditions she said i've had a liver function test and my liver function the test is the best it's been for years she said my inflammatory markers have come back to normal she said i feel better than i have felt for 10 years i'm going back to full-time work i've lost 10 kilos that would be 20 pound in weight this is in three months she was an excited lady in fact her mother and her sister say that they she thanks them every day but when she was coming in the first day she was not thanking them she was saying why have i done this so simple and yet often bypassed so you can see that the kidneys not only filter the blood they play an important role in what's called homeostasis imbalancing the body in balancing the ph in balancing the sodium and water balance in the body in balancing blood pressure i don't think you'll ever look at your kidneys the same again will so you can see why the kidneys are the other organ that help to balance the ph even though the blood cannot change the ph of the cell can the ph of the cell should be approximately 6. 5 that's very slightly acid and there is a reason for that the most acidic substance is sulfuric acid and sulfuric acid travels at the speed of light the most alkaline mineral is calcium and on the scale of speed calcium doesn't even move the hydroponic gardener he's always testing the ph of the water that his plants grow in because if the water goes to acid the roots burn if the water goes to alkaline he doesn't get the speed of uptake of minerals out of the water and into the plant so you can see that very slightly acid is important for the speed of all those little chemical reactions that are millions of them are happening right now have you ever had a swimming pool you have to test the ph every morning because if the water goes to acid the pipes corrode if the water goes to alkaline algae grows on the pipes so just as for the hydroponic gardener and just as for the swimming pool the ph of the human body is important because at different phs diseases grow and at different phs it's very hard for disease to grow so let's let's have a look at that 2.
6 this is where coca-cola sits it's a killer it's toxic i was in the fiji islands and i was lecturing to some school children there's about 10 years ago and the principal of the school said i know the coca-cola factory and he said and i know they clean their machinery with the coca-cola bit scary isn't it the gardener he aims for a soil ph of 6. 5 the bible says we come from dust we go back to dust where dust the dust of the ground or the soil and the cell ph very similar but in a cellular ph of 5. 5 this is where disease thrives especially yeast funguses and cancer i have a lot of books in my library at home from doctors professors scientists naturopaths naturopathic doctors who are having success helping their patients to conquer cancer and so i read them all and i i want to find the three common denominators cancer loves acid cancer also loves no oxygen so knowing those things it makes a lot of sense to alkalize the tissues and even though there's the drop of only one point the drop of one point means sixty percent less oxygen available at the cellular level the other thing cancer loves is sugar so these are the three common denominators i find and so when people come to us wanting help to conquer cancer you see what we do we suggest a diet that's highly alkalizing we suggest ways to oxygenate the body in fact some health retreats have hyperbaric chambers have you heard of those we have one and it puts oxygen in under pressure and we also greatly eliminate the glucose the sugars going into the body now we have had a few people come to our retreat that have had bone spurs do you ever wonder where the bone spur comes from so there's a bone spur on the wrist you go to the doctor he'll say and you say what is that he'll say it's a bone spur and then you'll say but why is it on my bone and not in my bone because it's a calcium deposit and he'll acknowledge that and often the answer is we don't know but i'm about to show you why that calcium deposit goes on the bone and not in the bone let's say we meet someone who's breaking every law they're breathing in bad air they never go in the sunshine they're living on the stimulants which are all acid they go to bed too late they never exercise don't have time they they're on the high carb diet remember that diet we had there the other day all acid forming foods they they don't drink water because they don't like the taste i've never had a cow not like the taste never had a horse not like the taste why would humans not like the taste because they've tasted sweet other things isn't that true in fact joshua was saying i think introduce your children to vegetables and they'll eat vegetables but if you introduce them to cakes and pastries and cookies they're not going to eat their vegetables it's exactly the same with water stress worry anxiety now this creates a very acid environment in the body and the body's quickly trying to deal with that and the blood ph is getting a little acid it's going up to what's going down sorry seven point three five three four three three we're dropping and remember down to seven point two two is death so very quickly the last resort buffer system is called on calcium the most alkaline minerals pulled out of the bones in a form of calcium phosphate comes into the blood immediately helps to bring the balance back 7.
3435 we're safe but now at a cost we now have free calcium excess floating through the the bloodstream what's the body going to do with that it'll dump it on the bones there's a spur it'll dump it in the kidneys kidney stones gallbladder gallstones even maybe a little bit of a build up on the eyes what's that called your cataracts they're all illustrations of newton's third law of motion to every action there's an equal and an opposite reaction i read this statement in an old book that i'm about to quote to you and i've put it in my book this law never ceases to act as nature's equalizer setting in motion compensatory forces to remedy every imbalance isn't that the true cause of disease you now know though how to get rid of a bone spurs all right castor oil the good news is castor oil will never break down your bone because remember psalm 104 verse 14 that god gave herbs for the service of man the castor oil comes in and says where would you like me what would you like me to do oh the unnatural formations that's what it'll break up the bone spurs so i say well fibroids and cysts and tumors they're easy compared to the bone spur and yet the castor oil can break up a bone spur but what i'd like to look at now is what foods have an acid effect on what foods have an alkaline effect and this will enable you to ensure that you're having a more alkaline diet so we're going to have a look at alkaline foods and we're going to look at acid foods and you might be surprised to see that the first alkaline food i'm putting up here is the humble lemon and you might say no the lemons acid it is and it's acid where it should be there's only one part in the body that should be acid you know where that is stomach it must be acid if someone says i've got a very acid stomach i say praise god because if you don't have an acid stomach you can't break your proteins down how do you know it's acid well it's sore it's well you shouldn't feel it i can't feel it means you haven't got a thick mucosa lining on the stomach we're going to look at water tomorrow and that's made up of water maybe it's because you're dehydrated remember you've got to investigate i gave a presentation last night to a to a group and we had questions at the end and one question was what can i do for high blood pressure and i said well i can't answer that in 30 seconds but you can go to my youtube lecture what can we do for this i said well all depends on whites what can i do for myselfing all depends on why the fingers saw so you've got to investigate so i actually referred them to lectures i have online where you they can investigate everyone wants the a quick fix sorry there aren't any the quickest fix i know would have to be your hot and cold your hot and cold treatments you can get relief very quickly with your hot and cold water treatments now the lemon is acid where it should be that's why you'll find that most of our salad dressings have lemon in them but when it is broken down in the gut and the minerals are dispersed and absorbed into the blood and thus to the tissues it has an alkaline effect because the lemon is high in the alkaline minerals which is sodium and potassium calcium magnesium and iron these are the alkaline minerals and the lemon is high in the alkaline minerals don't you love the lemon every home should have a lemon tree and if you're in a unit you can have a lemon tree in a pot on your veranda dark green leafy vegetables are also alkaline forming dark green leafy vegetables we should be eating every day that's your kale that's your parsley that's your what you call them collard greens do you know i've never seen collard greens in australia you can tell i'm in alabama they're a popular food here but we do have spinach and silver beet kale we should be eating something of from the dark green family of vegetables every single day and if you don't you really should have a dose of green barley or super greens also vegetables vegetables have an alkaline effect but there is a question mark with vegetables i'm putting a question mark here because for some people these have an alkaline effect and sometimes an acid effect is the tomato and bell pepper or in australia we call that capsicum also eggplant and some countries call this aubergine and last is the potato now this is not the sweet potato the sweet potato is actually not a potato the sweet potato is a yam i'm referring to the english potato or the irish potato this is the nightshade group of vegetables and for some people they have an acid effect and for some people they have an alkaline effect let you let me tell you what i have found with me my mother died at 51 a in a wheelchair with rheumatoid arthritis i have strong inherited genes to that way and my body says to me a little tomato now and then my body says to me don't even touch the bell pepper what happens if i touch it oh it repeats on me all afternoon and my energy just goes so i say i'm hearing your body and i don't eat it the eggplant i have a little eggplant now and then maybe twice a month potato my husband's an irishman potatoes must be in every main meal so i have it probably most days that's what my body tells me i don't know what your body will tell you now i could have 10 professors in front of me saying this is ridiculous barbara the bell pepper is a very good vegetable it is high in antioxidants and vitamin c's you should be eating it who am i going to listen to i've got to live in this body that's why the fine-tuning is yours no man on the planet can tell you the fine tuning only your body can we had one lady who conquered her arthritis isn't that good news she can't get her arthritis by stopping the nightshades it appears if you have an inflammatory condition in the body the nightshades will feed that inflammation she conquered her arthritis she was in her 70s even her swollen joints came down isn't that good news she said to me do you think i could start eating that now i said you could try your body will quickly tell you she told me lady that her body lets her have half a tomato every second day her body does not let her have the bell pepper her body lets her have a little eggplant now and then and she has potato a couple of times a week she said my body's happy with that one lady said to me i can have the green bell pepper but not the red another lady said well i can have the red and not the green another lady said i can have the raw and not the cooked and another lady said well i can have the cooked and not the raw i find that my body is very happy with cayenne pepper and yet that's from the the capsicum of the bell pepper family i think perhaps the medicinal properties of the of the cane pepper may be far outweigh for me the reaction so the choice is yours the question marks there if you love this food if you have no reaction and no arthritis enjoy when you cook the tomato with an oil and i think you'll agree with me olive oil and tomatoes go very nice they almost hand in hand together when you look at lebanese food italian food there's a lot of tomato and olive oil cooking when it's cooked with an oil it releases a plant chemical called lycopene lycopene is from the fat soluble family and that's another reason why we should be eating a little oil with our meals because it helps release the fat soluble vitamins lycopene is a potent antioxidant and it has the ability to reduce the inflammation of the prostate gland so that's good news isn't it so every man over the age of 40 should be having a cooked tomato and olive oil dish maybe three or four times a week that's not hard lovely base for your for your chickpeas your tomatoes your sorry it is tomatoes for your in fact that's isn't that mexican your your kidney beans to have with your tacos or your tacos i think you call them lima beans and lentils and soy are the three alkaline forming legumes for your grains the millet is alkaline we had millet this morning it's a delicious grain isn't it i'm sure you can understand when i said it needs to be dressed it's it's uh it's basically a bland grain but it's very nice with um with the stewed apple and the pear cream and the sprinkles on top oh it's also very nice if you have it with savory your your lentils quinoa i think we'll be having quinoa at another breakfast time these are alkaline grains but they also gluten-free grains so that's made them very popular amaranth amaranth is a grain that's not very well known i think the aztecs traditionally they've eaten the quinoa and the amarath it's a very tiny grain and when you cook it it goes like a lump of glue but if but what i often do when my grandsons are with us because they like a porridge i'll put a little amaranth with the millet or i'll put a little amaranth with the quinoa or if they have oats i'll put a little amaranth with the oats so that that's quite nice spelt spelt and kamut are wild hybrids of the original wheat so let me give you the wheat story the original wheat that god made is called enkenhorn or some call it just encorn and that original wheat had a very fragile protein or gluten structure it is not saw when but they estimate couple of thousand years ago enkenhorn did a wild hybrid with a field grass and came up with the emma strain of wheat it's its structure its protein or gluten structure is not as fragile but it's still fairly fragile and in the 1950s it was the emma strain of wheat that was put through intensive cross-breeding and it came up with a hybridized wheat that we know today that hybridization of the wheat created an incredibly complex starch sorry not starch gluten or protein structure yesterday we looked at the starch that was changed but today we're looking at how the hybridization process changed the gluten or the protein structure and it's almost only a cast iron gut that can break down that very complex protein or gluten structure that explains why so many people are gluten intolerant today you look at the timeline so it was the 1950s that the wheat was hybridized it was the 1970s that it went worldwide so by the 1990s every pasta every pizza every biscuit cake cookie doughnut cereal bread it's all made out of the hybridized wheat you see the farmers love it and i don't blame them for loving it because they get six times more grain per acre who wouldn't like that they've got to pay their bills but as i mentioned yesterday it was zoomed through to help with the starvation crisis in the world and safety studies were never done this explains the gluten intolerance that we see today the two most common symptoms of a gluten intolerance is brain fog and bloating i mean so many people that have brain fog and bloating and they almost think it's normal or it can be blamed on age poor old age gets blamed for so many things isn't that true now this emma wheat it also did a wild hybrid to come up with a field grass and came up with the spelt so the spelt it it has retained the fairly fragile structure and if that spelt meal is made into a sourdough bread the culturing process in the sourdough bread breaks down that protein or gluten structure even more so that it now has the original structure of the incan horn if someone is celiac they cannot have even the spelt but if someone's gluten intolerant or gluten sensitive they can usually handle the spelt especially if it's made into a sourdough bread one lady said i don't like sourdough spelt bread i said well you haven't tasted a good one please taste a few some are really good so you have to investigate i'm going to give you a website and this is a young man named tristan it's his family business and he sells the most beautiful sourdough spell sourdough kamut bread it's www dot simple needs and he ships all over that's not right that's needs sorry and that's not right it's a d simpleness. com it is the most beautiful sourdough spelt and kamut bread i have tasted i think he has a rye have a few different varieties some people order it on friday so when they get home on monday it's coming to their doorstep it's already sliced so it's very easy to put in the freezer and take a slice out now and then so this explains what happened to the wheat and if you'd like to pursue that a little bit more you can get the book wheat belly there's another book called life without bread dr natasha campbell mcbride she also talks about the effect of the wheat on the gut and thus the brain so there are a few books that talk about it so coming back to our alkaline forming foods the two nuts are your almond and brazil and all your seeds have an alkaline effect so what has an acid effect before we go there there's one other is fruit now i've got a question mark with fruit too why have i got a question mark if someone has a yeast presence in their body and they're eating a lot of fruit the sugar in the fruit will feed the yeast and as the yeast feeds on the sugars in the fruit it gives off acetic acid it gives off lactic acid it gives off uric acid so it basically is feathering its nest so when a person has a yeast presence and they're eating a lot of fruit can you see that they are feeding the problem and they're creating the environment of 5. 5 where yeast loves to live and alcohol is also given off alcohol breaks down in the body to acetyldehyde and acetyldehyde is a neurotoxin we don't want a neurotoxin the neurotoxin is a brain killer there are five places you can be exposed to acetyl dehyde yes if someone consumes alcohol yes if someone has a yeast problem and they're having a lot of fruit it will break down to this cigarette smoke car fumes give off acetyl dehyde and the last one is vinegar we don't use vinegar here we use lemon lemon is far superior let's have a look at acid forming foods now these acid forming foods are high in the acid-forming minerals which is phosphorus sulfur and chlorine so what foods are high in phosphorus sulfur and chlorine meat this explains why dr colin campbell found he could turn cancer cells on and off like a switch by the amount of meat and dairy products he was giving the rats refined sugar it's very acid forming the hybridized wheat the hybridization of the wheat created a lot more of the acid forming minerals aged cheese what's the blue in the blue vein cheese the blue in the blue vein cheese is mulled so the only cheeses that don't sit under that category the cheeses that have probably a ph of seven would be afresh so that's your cottage your ricotta i'm not saying that they are okay because usually they come from cows who have not been fed right or have chemicals in them but on the ph scale they're not as as acid caffeine all your caffeine foods and drinks have an acid effect and of course caffeine usually comes hand in hand with the sugar which certainly ups it and remember our 2.
6 coca-cola that's a combination of the caffeine and the sugar did you know that coca-cola is called coca-cola because i think it was in the early part of the 20th century they put they put cocaine in it and then they went over to caffeine which is just as dangerous alcohol is not a food but it creates an acid environment in the body tobacco is not a food but it also creates an acid environment in the body all your other grains other than the grains that sit on the alkaline side all your other legumes other than the limer lentil and soy and all your other nuts other than the almond and brazil have an acid effect to maintain the 6.
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