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good morning my folks on youtube good morning good morning good morning uh good morning to nicole and belinda and alicia and jay morrissey and alec and carissa clarissa and anyway frank good morning to all of you good morning to some folks i got with me here on zoom as well man i'm going to share with y'all one of my favorite bible stories but it's so interesting to me that a lot of people don't understand when they're reading the bible the bible's not kind of teaching them how to be religious is teaching them how to live
their lives right it's like the bible contains religion but it's not a religious book it contains math but it's not a math book it contains science but it's not a science book what kind of book is it it's a guidebook it's a guidebook to guide us through this life and and and one of the things that says in the new testament says the things that were written before time talking about the torah talking about the old testament the things that were written before time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of
the scriptures might find hope so so we get hope from reading the stories that happened in the past because we can see principles in the lives of people who lived a long time ago that still apply to us today in 2022. this is mind-blowing so this is one of my favorite stories and it's one of my favorite stories because i think all of us can relate to this guy this is a guy who had who had a lot of potential but it was unfulfilled potential and i don't know if you've ever felt like you've got
some unfulfilled potential but i know for a very very long time in my life i felt like i had meant so much unfulfilled untapped potential and i was working on stuff and the stuff i was working on wasn't working for me i'm glad i didn't make the mistake of thinking that because it wasn't working for me that it wasn't working uh because over in proverbs it tells us that all work works right what does that mean all work works it says in all labor there is profit right but the talk of the lip line is
only only dependary so when i say all work works if you're working on something and it's not working for you you can rest assured that it's working on you and if you will allow it to continue to work on you until the work is done it will turn you into the kind of person for whom it can work just don't give up and sometimes that takes longer than we think it's going to take sometimes we get to stuff two days after tomorrow that we thought we were going to be at yesterday how many all know
what i'm talking about and so we got to do is we got to understand that we all have this this unrealized unfulfilled potential but we can't give up on it and the way we're going to realize that potential is going to be we're going to find it in the story that i'm about to read to you so it's in it's in genesis chapter 12 and it's talking about my my man abram before his name got changed to abraham or as we the actual pronunciation abram before his name got changed to abraham right but we say
abraham because we're americans we're americans okay so it says in genesis chapter 12 verse number 1 now the lord had said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee and i will make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and i will bless him bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee and in thee shall all the families of the earth
be blessed so abram departed as the lord had spoken unto him and lot went with him abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of haram wait what just happened god said here's what did y'all see what he said he said look here's here's what i'm going to do for you he said he said um he said i will make you a great nation i will bless you i'll make your name great you'll be a blessing i'll bless them that bless you i'll curse him that curses you and in you all the
families of earth will be blessed that sounds like a pretty good way to live life to me like i'm like i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna bless you i'm gonna i'm gonna make you a great nation why was that promised to make you a great nation so important because abram's name or i'll just say abram abram because that way you all know what i'm talking about but abram's name means it means hi father or exalted father so abram's name means exalted father but do you remember how old he was in this story he was 75
he was 75 years old and the high father guess what he didn't have he didn't he had exactly zero children now the reason this is that's not significant to us in our western way of thinking but in the eastern way of thinking it's extremely significant here's why because names were not just what we called people in the old testament the name somebody had was not just well this is what we call them so we know we're talking to them no a name was a description it was like in fact names in the old testament were
like nicknames are to us i've got six brothers and um we all had nicknames so uh my brother jeff my brother jeff he won't mind me telling you this because he thinks it's funny too so my brother jeff his nickname was egghead right so we called him egghead right why because his head is shaped like an egg now my nickname was big head right why because this ginormous noggin was this size when i was five right i i used to fall down all the time and i always hit my head that was a little a
little on the top heavy side right i don't know if y'all remember i don't know if you are some of you are old enough to remember the cartoon sherman and peabody i was sherman right okay big old hand love anybody okay anyway so so names were more like nicknames right and and it's so funny that sometimes even today um when jeff and i are talking to each other he'll call me big head and i'll call him egghead right it's so funny um just because it reminds us of our youth i guess so anyway so so
his name is abram but he doesn't have any children and so i want you wrap your mind around this this is his nickname every time somebody called his name it reminded him of his inability to be who people thought he was everybody time somebody said abra there goes there goes abram the high father with no children wait what can you imagine the angry and by the way they didn't think that children were a burden like people think today they thought children were a blessing and like from from god god blessed me to give me this
extension of my life to carry on after i'm gone like this child is something amazing right not like oh they're just kind of in the way that's not how it was then and so every time somebody said his name every time he thought his name like his name became the source of his pain his name became the source of shame and i don't know if you can relate to that i know you you got one of those really cool names and you probably loved your name your whole life not this brother oh no oh no
see i told you i have six brothers right so there's seven of us i'm number two jeff's the oldest like my brother jeff's first name is theron right because that was my dad's name james theron golden right so my jeff's first name is theron his middle name is jeffrey so we just called him jeff at least he had a go-to name like his his first name not the coolest but at least he had a go-to name jeff like my name is myron and my brother under me his name's mike and then we got rob and
then we got duane then we got derek then we got mark okay so i i i literally used to say this to my mom all the time like literally the only thing you could think of when it came time to name me was myron really like i i didn't understand it i used to tell my mom when i was growing up as soon as i turned 18 i'm changing my name like i hated my name like it wasn't that i didn't like it it was just that i hated it in fact and i was an
introvert i know that's hard for you all to believe uh but i was an introvert and i can remember when i was in the sixth grade not fifth grade not fourth grade sixth grade you're like 11 or 12 years old right i'm walking down the streets in tampa with my dad and we come up on one of his friends that he grew up with and he said son this is my friend mary and they looked at me and said son tell mary your name is only a proud son tell mary your name and i i
thought why is he punishing me why is he torturing me like i didn't like talking to strangers because i was an introvert and last thing i wanted to talk to antibody about was my name right and so i looked at my dad and i thought you told me her name why couldn't you just tell her my name now look at this lady i thought i don't know her i don't want to talk to her about my name because i wasn't really sure how to pronounce it anyway and so i did what any um traumatized 11
or 12 year old would do i just broke down and started crying my dad what's the matter with you right i mean i just cried like a baby why because i hated my name and one of the reasons i hated my name not that you care about this but one of the reasons one of the reasons i i'm telling this part of the story so y'all can all know like we all got stuff in our past we we all got a little bit of junk in the trunk right we we ain't nobody i don't care
how much somebody might seem like they got it all going on right now they haven't always had it all going on right and so so so um so one of the reasons i didn't like my name is because we moved around a lot when i was a kid and you if you've never moved around you've not had the privilege of experiencing this but people in different parts of america different parts of america talk different right they have different accents right and so we lived in pennsylvania in lewistown close to like coal miner country and so
my cousins in pennsylvania called me marn marne like m-a-r-n i was like okay marne my brothers and my parents called me marin like m-a-r-i-n marin my parents were from the south they call me iron okay my my teachers called me myron and my cousins in florida called me marin i literally what is this crazy name that y'all named me that nobody else in the world has this name and i'm stuck with it and now i don't even know how to say it and then you want me to talk to some stranger about it like i
was over it right anyway so i so and oh oh and to make it worse like you know how little kids come up with crazy stuff right i had this crazy i had i had so much weird stuff going on in my head when i was a kid i i know some of y'all are thinking it hasn't changed well that's more on that later right okay so but when i was a kid i hated names that came in my mind that came to a sudden stop now isn't that the craziest thing you ever heard in
your life i i just hated it like even though my name was myron i was glad i didn't have a name that came to us sudden stop like ed or ted or ned or scott right i just thought those names were just horrible they just ended before you even got them started right i know that's weird but that was what was going on my child brain right well guess what my middle name is freddy after my dad's favorite brother so i hated my first name i hated my middle name more than i hated my first
name and i am not even exaggerating my children were teenagers before they knew i had a middle name like i i'm telling you guys like i was so crazy like i didn't i love my first name and my middle name now i just i'm just telling you the story so you could relate like abram's name was way like he hated i would imagine he hated his name more than i hated my name why his name is high father he's 75 years old and he can't have any kids so in the land where he lived in
the land of the familiar he was trapped in an identity that he could not do anything about and that he knew he couldn't fulfill and so every time somebody saw him he thought they thought of him as the high father with no children how many y'all tracking and you know some of y'all know in the town you came from and the town you grew up in folk ain't going to let you get over your past can i get a witness right maybe that's why jesus said a prophet is not without honor except in his own
country and among his own kin so here's what god said god said get out i'm going to do something for you i'm going to do something in you i'm going to do something by you but before i can do any of that you got to get out get out of where he said leave your country leave my country i'll tell you what now i love america but there have been some times that i've been thinking about you know what it might be time for me to get up out of here can i witness right um
and so god said get out of your country he said that's not enough though i don't want you just leave your country i want you to leave your kinfolk leave my country and my kenpo out and then he said leave your father's house he said i want to make it plain everybody knew who knew you as the high father with no children i'm gonna get you away from them so you can step into this new identity that i have for you and see you don't get to step into the new identity until you leave the
old identity you don't get to go to the new level until you break out of the old level you don't get to enter into the new land until you get out of the old land you don't get to enter into the promised land until you get out of the past land and so many people are busy living in the past holding on to what's been holding them down and they won't get out so they can go to a new level how many y'all track and wave at me my peeps okay so so what we got
to do is we got to let go of the past and here's what god said he said if you will get out it's amazing to me how many times before god tells us what to do he tells us what to stop doing i'm going to tell you something there are some things in business if you're going to be successful in business you got to stop doing before you start doing the start dues you got to stop dude you got to like stop the stop dudes before you start doing the start dues right because because some
you you don't even understand some of you the reason you're struggling in your business right now is because you got holes in your business bucket that if you grow it bigger it's going to destroy you oh yeah oh yeah that's what i said and so he said to abram he said he said abraham abram abram get out get out of your country i want you get your passport up to date get out leave your family they gonna just remind you of who you are not see most people most people who knew who you were want
you to hold on to who you were so they can hold on to who they were because when you were who you were they were above you but in that new person you're going to become you're going to be above them and they're trying to hold you down so you don't elevate can i uh i'm talking to somebody right and so what we got to do is we got to be willing to get out of the place out of the space where people who knew what we couldn't do and knew who we weren't and knew
what we weren't going to be and the we need to get away from the guidance counselors that told us you're going to end up in jail and the teachers told us we're going to be flipping burgers we need to get out of the land of the familiar where people are trying to trap us in the prison of their paradigm i'm getting a little worked up this morning i don't know if y'all can tell but but but i'm telling you this now so you got to let you got to get out of your old way of
thinking that it wasn't working einstein said you cannot solve a problem at the same level of thinking that created it you got to get out of your old way of thinking that was created by the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism you got to pick up some books you got to attend some courses you need to attend some seminars you need to read some books you need to get some coaching to help you get to that next level but before you can even do that get out oh yeah i think somebody's hearing me now i think somebody's
hearing me he said look he said this is the first verse get me out of that country and from your kindred and from your father's house unto a land that i will show you why why does god telling him to get out he's telling him to get out because of how people were familiar with him but he's also telling him to get out because of how familiar he was with that environment that was not serving him and was not giving him the ability to serve so here's what we got to do we got to get
out and see here's what happens when we get ready to leave oh man i can't believe you fell for that what you think you're going to do better somewhere else oh now you're a business person because you got your little business and you got your little you got your little briefcase your business card and now you think you some and they're what they're doing is they're trying to keep us imprisoned in our past so he said get out he said now i want you to wrap your mind around this god said if you will do
your part get out i'm going to do my part what's god's part he said i'm going to make you a great nation you'll make me a great nation god i'm 75. i don't have no children god knew how old abram was when he called him yeah he did like and here's what we want to do we want to defend our limitations as soon as we get a call to a new level but you don't know how hard i've been trying and i can't i can't do that because i'm just me nobody in my family's ever
done that before i don't have a degree and you want to conjure up all the reasons why you can't get out but abram didn't do that god told abram to leave because we did he said baby we're moving can you imagine saying this to your wife baby we're moving where we going i don't know god told me he's going to show me when we get there can you imagine how well she's what you mean we moving you might be moving right ain't that how someone like i'm telling you abram packed up and went and guess
what his wife trusted him enough to go with him he said we outta here let's go we ain't gonna stay here we're around all the people who think we aren't around all the people who know why we can't who around all the people who want us to stay stuck like chuck in a pickup truck and all the pains of the past we up out of here and here's what god said he said i'm going to make you a great nation what is he saying he said if you will get out i will make you something
you can't make yourself what abram tried he's 75 years old he already wanted to be a dad his name means high father but he couldn't have any children until he got out and by the way he didn't have children as soon as he got out right see because after you get out do you realize when abram left haran it was 25 more years before he had a child what before he and sarah had a child what 25 years you mean he was 100 he was 100. you know why what did he say but marin i
don't understand i don't understand i don't understand why when i get out i can't just go straight into the promised land i can't go straight into uh becoming the great name like can god just immediately make me into something i couldn't make myself he can but he ain't going to you know why because that 25 years was necessary that was abram's preparation time that's where god got abram ready for what god already had ready for him that's where god prepared him for what he already had prepared for him see a lot of people like there's
an anointing on your life people love saying that there's an anointing on your life yeah but you know what any time there was an anointing anointing on somebody's life the anointing was always for an appointing and if there is no appointee there's no need for an anointing but if there is an anointing that means it's an appointing and and what happened when when samuel went and anointed saul and when he went and anointed david to be the king they would bring a horn of oil and they would anoint them in the presence of their brothers
and that was when god was revealing to you and the people around you the purpose for your life so an anointing is for an appointing the anointing was by samuel for david to eventually ascend to the throne god is anointing abram in this story and telling him this is what i'm going to do for you i've got an appointment for you over yonder now the appointment's not going to be fulfilled for another 25 years abram didn't know that he just knew if i get out i'm going to enter into a space into a place i
couldn't have entered into unless i got out it's so interesting when i coach people they're like they want all the details before they start moving no you don't get the details while you're still in the lands of the familiar meyer and i'm going to do something as soon as i learn i i ain't going to do anything to i learn everything well guess what you ain't never going to do anything then because you don't get to learn anything until you do something something like what get out like you got to get out of the land
of the familiar you can't keep traipsing around doing all the stuff you always did that used to work or kind of worked and sort of worked and you kind of made you kind of made ends meet and we're robbing peter to pay paul you got to get out you got to step up to a new level and if you're going to do that what has to happen is you got to leave the land of the familiar that's god getting you out of the land of the familiar but guess what now you've got 25 years and
it might not be 25 years only might be 2.5 years it might be 52 years it might be 16 years who cares the time is going to go by whether you come out or not whether you enter in or not so you might as well get on the journey because the time is going past antiway and so he said hey get out of the land of the familiar he got out 25 years went by before he was able to go in what was that 25 years for the 25 years was forgetting the familiar out of
the man who got out of the land of the familiar he had to let it took him 25 years to let go of his old way of conniving and scheming and planning and trying and remembering and reminiscing and the good old days took him 25 years before god said okay now you're ready he said i'm gonna make you something you can't make yourself like i'm talking about something that is impossible for you in the land of the familiar i'm gonna do it for you when you leave but not only that second thing he said i'm
going to he said i'm going to make of you a great nation what else do you say he said uh i'll make of you a great nation and i will bless you he said i'm going to make you something you can't make yourself he said i'm going to bless you in ways you can't bless yourself hey if you can figure out all of the answers then you don't need god some stuff he some stuff i can't do i'm not hey i i am not confused there's some stuff i can do but there's some stuff that
just is not within the realm of my capability so i got to trust that god will do his part in fact it's already done but that's a different conversation for a different day and then i got to do my part god said if you will leave and get out i'll make you something you can't make yourself i'll bless you in ways you can't bless yourself watch what else it says now he said uh i'll make your name great i love that part that's probably my favorite part i'll make your name great yes abram i'm going
to take the source of your shame and the source of your pain and i'm going to make it the source of your fame and the source of your power i'm going to change the name i'm gonna i'm gonna take marn marn myron myron marin i'm gonna take all that and i'm gonna wrap it up and you ain't always gonna be mine you ain't always gonna be myrin and you ain't always gonna be my run you ain't always gonna be that one of these days i'm gonna make you the myron golden but you gotta get out
you gotta leave the comfort land you gotta leave the comfort zone you gotta leave the land of the familiar because if you don't leave you can't get in i hope you're all tracking he said i'm going to take the source of your shame and make it the source of your fame some of y'all heard me tell the story when i got started business i was terrible i was terrible at selling but it took me being terrible at selling when i first got started as an entrepreneur doing presentation presentation presentation after presentation for 18 months before
i made my first sale and my first commission was 125 and 66 cents it took me all of that to get to the point where i became competent i had to learn all of the ways that wouldn't work before i finally stumbled upon a way that would and when i did i didn't get bored with it i got paid with it and i am telling you i am telling you when you step into that new identity god said i'm going to make your name great i'm going to take myron freddie golden and i'm going to
make that name an icon or whatever your name is he said i can make i can take the source of your shame i i know you didn't graduate from high school i know you got pregnant when you were a teenager i know i know you've been to prison i get it i get it you got all these reasons why that you holding on to the shame of your past but i am telling you if you will get out of the land of the familiar and step into a new zone and trust that what god has
said is truth he'll make you something you can't make yourself he'll bless you in ways you he'll bless you in ways you can't bless yourself he said and i'll bless you i'll make your name great and you will be a blessing he said i'm gonna give you something you can't get yourself you're gonna be a blessing like i didn't know i didn't know that this little big head boy little big head boy who got c's and d's after the third grade and some f's okay keeping it real i didn't know this little big head boy
flunked to 10th grade and got got financially withdrawn from college every semester i didn't know this little big boy who had a brace on his leg and walk with a limp i didn't know this little big head boy was eventually one day gonna be a blessing to so many people i had no idea but you know what i did i got out i hope you're all tracking with me this morning you'll be a blessing he said out and he said not only am i gonna make you a blessing he said i'ma bless those that bless
you god said like you don't even understand the hookup i'm about to give you the people who are a blessing to you i'm gonna be a blessing to them why i'm gonna make it so people are vying to be your friend i'm gonna make it so people are fighting over the opportunity to bless you because they know in blessing you they're gonna be blessed he said oh don't get it twisted though i'm gonna curse those that curse you in other words you don't have to worry about protecting yourself i got that part that's my part
he said you don't have to worry about knocking folks off the high horse when they come when they're charging at you that's my part he said i'm gonna curse those that curse you you know what i think about every time i think of that i think about david i think about david and goliath and goliath was 10 feet tall had he was so big he needed six toes on each foot just to keep maintain balance what that's a big old joker he had six fingers on each hand he was so big that his spear head
weighed 16 pounds the head of his spear was heavier than a bowling ball but it had a point on it can you imagine getting hit in the chest with a spear with a 16 pound spearhead your whole body would explode arms would go one way legs would go a different way you'd be flying all over the place no wonder when saul and all his army saw goliath they were like oh my goodness what's happening but you know what david did before david heard him before david saw him he heard him and don't you ever forget
this now doubt's created in the eyes but faith is created in the ears and here's what he heard he heard goliath cursing the armies of god and i believe his little hard drive started going wait a minute my great great great great granddaddy said god told him that i'll bless those that bless you curse those that curse you and you all the families of earth will be blessed wait a minute he's cursing me oh he can't win you don't have to worry about your enemies god's got them covered he said i'm gonna bless those that
bless you i'm gonna curse those that curse you he says i'm gonna fight your battles so well that no weapon formed against you will prosper do you know what happened in chapter 14 two chapters later lot was down in sodom and gomorrah and five nations five kings came against sodom and gomorrah like took over sodom and gomorrah took captives of all the people and the kings assad the king of sodom and king and gamora and lot and all his house abraham said no no you didn't he said it says he armed the servants that were
born in his house he said okay you get your sword you get your knife you get your sword you get your sunshine you get your sword you get your slingshot we now we gonna go get my nephew and abram as an entrepreneur as a businessman went out and did battle with five nations and one and one can you imagine can you imagine having a relative right now in the ukraine right and then so and you're no i ain't doing that to my brother i mean hey you yep let me go we going where are we
going we're going over to ukraine we're going to stop this putin mess can you imagine that somebody a business person doing that that's how powerful abraham was he said we're gonna go and we are going to get my nephew back and it says that abram and the servants that were born in this house went and fought against five nations and one that's what i mean that's what i call blessing those that bless you and curse those who curse you in fact when abram brought everybody back he didn't just get he didn't just give his nephew
he conquered those kings brought everybody back and the king of sodom and king and mark tried to give abraham some riches abraham said i ain't taking nothing from you i didn't do you thought i did this for money oh you had me confused with the other abram that ain't me he said i did this for my family and he said besides i don't want you to be able to say watch this now i don't want you to be able to say you made abram rich what see there are a whole lot of people out there
who want to take credit for your success right they want to blame you for your failure when you're struggling but then they want to take credit for your success when you're winning hmm i wish i had some help in here huh and so he said and you will be a blessing a blessing that blesses you cursing that curses you and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed and abram departed as the lord had spoken unto him and lot went with him and abram and seven abram was 70 and five years old
when he departed hey can i can i tell you something it's never too early to launch to a new level and it's never too late so don't wait for circumstances to be perfect don't wait for all the ducks to get in a row don't wait for all the stars to align the best time for you to for you to get out of the land of the familiar was 10 years ago the second best time is right now it's time for you to get out of excuse land and step into execution land it's time for you
to get out of out of familiar land and go to fortune land it's time for you to get out of burden land and go into blessing land it's time for you to do that i'm talking to you on youtube right now it's time for you to stop making excuses i'm gonna end on this i love the fact that jesus taught us this lesson if we don't make excuses we don't have to take him he went to a man who was lame for 38 years he was laying by the pool of bethesda and every at a
certain season i don't know if it was at once a month once a week once a year but a certain season an angel would come down trouble to water whoever got in the water first would be healed of whatsoever disease he had jesus comes this man who is lame for 38 years waiting for the troubling of the water 38 years that's a long time y'all and he didn't ask the man hey man how's it going he said would you like to be healed i read that i thought what kind what kind of question is that
would you like to be healed what is that you know what it is it's a question that is asked by someone who can empower you and not somebody who's buying into your limitations with you so you can feel comforted the man didn't even answer the question he began to make excuses he said well i'm doing he said um he said it's everybody else's fault i'm doing the best i can and other people are better than me what'd the man say he said i have no man when the water is troubled to put me into the
pool it's somebody else's fault mommy ain't here daddy ain't here brothers ain't here friends in here he said while i'm coming i'm doing the best i can another step within before me other people are better than i am you know what jesus did when he heard that excuse he said rise take up your bed and walk what is he saying get out get out of that bed that's been carrying you and start carrying it get out of this place where you're getting this place of sympathy and go to the place of success get out of
this place of of empathy and get into the place of energy it is your time to go get up rise take up your bed and walk and that day that man started carrying what has been carrying him and i promise you if you'll get out of the land of the familiar one of these days people going to see you walking down the road carrying what used to carry you nearly i wonder what happened there but you'll know god made you something you can't make yourself gave you something you can't get yourself blessed you in ways
you can't bless yourself bless yourself took the source of your shame and made it the source of your fame to the source of your pain and made it the source of your power blessed you and blessed other people through you bless those that bless you curse those that curse you say man what what what what is this about this morning this is about you getting out of your comfort zone being comfortably miserable it's time for you to get out because when you get out then and only then can you go up i hope this message
blessed you today share it with somebody like the channel subscribe to the channel and take your life to the next level because it's time to get out alright see you next time bye for now
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