How To Get Clients On LinkedIn (Full Lead Generation Masterclass)

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Patrick Dang
Connect with me to learn how to grow your personal brand & generate leads on LinkedIn: https://www.l...
Video Transcript:
I'm going to show you how I'm booking five meetings per day using a secret LinkedIn strategy that nobody is talking about you see we are in the Golden Age of LinkedIn where literally anybody can become a somebody overnight now you definitely don't want to miss this opportunity while the window is still here so I going to show you how I am building my following on LinkedIn and turning my followers into clients so that you can steal my strategies and use it for yourself now I like to keep things simple so to use the strategies there
is really only three steps you need to understand that's going to be number one understanding your offer number two content that you're going to be creating and number three some kind of sales mechanism in order to turn that follower into a client now I want to start with the first one which is going to be the offer right now this is where most people get confused especially if you are starting out an offer is essentially just understanding who it is that you want to work with right and what are you selling to them that's pretty
much all it is where people get it wrong is that they don't have a clear idea on who they're targeting so they're targeting everybody but if you're targeting everybody you're not really targeting anybody right and so that's the big mistake that everybody makes so even if you make content content content content and you try to reach out to people and DM them and out you know whatever it is right it's not going to work unless you have a clear crystal clear idea in your head who exactly you want to go after and number two what
you are selling is pretty vital actually because if you're selling something that nobody wants nobody cares about and just not something people will pay money for it doesn't matter how good your content is nobody will buy and so it's combining these two things of who are you selling to what are you selling does what you're selling actually have a demand for your Target demographic and if it does great you're off to the next step and to validate whether or not your offer Works number one you can talk to customers yourself and get feedback and if
you haven't really got any meetings quite yet number two is you just look online to see what other people are offering and basically see who they're targeting see what they're selling and kind of take inspiration from that and create something for yourself when you're starting out there's no original offer right everyone's doing a lead genen agency SEO right it's pretty much the same thing so you know don't think because another people or other people are doing it you can't do it too um it's all fair game because you know nothing is original in this world
so like I promised at the beginning of the video I want to share how I am personally generating these meetings and how I am building my brand so you can basically you know directly copy from it and I know it works because I'm actively doing it every day right so the offer that I am offering is going to be called founder X and essentially what it is it's a program that entially helps people go from taking their skills that they have maybe from their 9 to5 and turning it into a business and it's also for
people who already have some kind of business and they're already selling a skill or maybe they're a coach or consultant and they just want to figure out how to build a brand a personal brand and get more clients right these two type of demographics typically have the same problem right they need to build a personal brand generate leads and you know close more deals right let's follow the two instructions I talked about do we know who I'm targeting yes there's two type of Ideal avatars that have the same problem how am I solving this problem
it's going to be the founder X coaching program right so these two things already work I already have clients that have got results so I've already proven this offer already works and if you want to check it out you know just go and founder to see more so how does this relate into LinkedIn right now for me personally I have a unique advantage in that I have a big YouTube Following over 250,000 subscribers uh at the time of this recording right and so what I personally do is this I create content on YouTube and
then what I do is I'm going to link my LinkedIn profile in the description and from there people are they're going to type my name on LinkedIn or they're going to click the link and then they are going to go to my LinkedIn profile right and from there what ends up happening is that they're going to connect with me they're going to follow me they're going to check out my content and maybe visit my website but the most important thing is to get that eyeball onto my profile and I'll explain why it's so important in
a second now to optimize that process a little further maybe instead of putting the link itself here I should probably just say hey guys find me on LinkedIn and they have to type it in manually the problem on YouTube is that if you put the link here then it's going to break their session duration meaning the algorithm on YouTube's going to say like oh maybe this video is not as good because they're clicking off right those are some optimizations I definitely you know I'm going to consider over the next few weeks but it doesn't matter
for now you have to understand that people are going to my profile now once somebody is on my profile they follow me what ends up happening is that they're going to scroll down and they're going to see all the content I post right now the key to making all this work on LinkedIn is really just posting once per day that's all it really takes right so it doesn't matter if you're a busy founder you have a 9o5 job job what I don't care just post one post per day it's not that hard right A lot
of times it can just be text in the picture it can just be text itself you know it could be a video as well there's many different formats that you can use but at the end of the day post one per day for many months and you definitely find some kind of results so what are the strategies that I personally use so you can copy it right well for me what I do is I like to take the my most popular content on YouTube and I really just repost it on LinkedIn and I write a
new summary of it right so you can see the last post I put out 17 hours ago essentially I took one of the best posts I had on YouTube when it comes to a YouTube short and then we basically written a summary of you know the main point of this post and it seems to do pretty good I'll also just do you know long posts of just things I'm thinking about and posting a picture there and you know the tip I've learned is that sometimes you use a picture that is related to your post like
let's say if you're talking about how to generate leads you're can to have like infographics and stuff right now I've personally found that when I'm just taking pictures of me at a cafe or me on vacation or me doing something that it's kind of interesting it's kind of like a pattern interrupt so this is literally me at a cafe and my girlfriend took this picture and it's just like you know this a little part of the cafe and we just we were just like oh that looks pretty nice snap a pck nothing more to it
right and um I just post these kind of pictures and it does really well on LinkedIn so again like this other post here where I'm talking about like it's more of an inspirational post right because I'm trying to motivate people to be more entrepreneur and be their own boss right so it's literally me at a cafe with a cappuccino and you can see like literally people on the back you know sitting there as a cafe right and so why does it work for me well it's because when I am you know selling the idea of
like working for yourself working from anywhere in the world a lot of times when you actually pull this off and for me I'm living in Vietnam right so I'm actually living that life you're kind of working at different cafes and stuff during the day so by me taking a picture of my actual everyday life it kind of tells that story and it all ties in together now for you it may be a little different depends on what you're selling right and so for me this works because you know I help people build a business online
sell skill online work from anywhere in the world you basically make internet money and so it ties everything together right so you got to find like what works for you and I'll give you a tip when it comes to content and it's just the easiest way to format your content right all you really need to do is understand your prospects enough to know what their pains are and then in your post whether it's a video or long form post or even a short one all you're doing is solving that pain pain solution why it's important
so almost every single one of my posts you'll see me follow this format now I I'll use different templates and structures but the main structure of pain solution why it's pretty much always there and I'll give you another you know inside secret my YouTube videos the one you're watching right now it's the same exact format when I go into you know a point in my video or when I talk about the video I usually start with a problem solution and why right it might be like oh most people try to generate leads on LinkedIn but
they fail here's why problem solution why so so you can kind of see in this post I posted here I said I mean six figures in Tech sales uh after graduating but I wasn't happy so it's like the hook right it's like how can you not be happy when making six figures in Tech sales so I go into the whole problem then I go into the solution of how I was able to build a business online and live the life of my dreams paying solution why right why is it important for the audience to understand
this message because they want to do the same thing chances are you know you might have a job maybe you're getting paid well but you're trying to figure out how to do something on your own so if I've done it and I've shown you know with proof that I did it myself then chances are you're going to like that content because it resonates with you right or even if you're an individual like coach or consultant or service provider maybe you're on your path maybe you have a couple clients but you're just stuck at that sales
part where you can't generate leads and you can't build your personal brand and I know a lot of people are stuck at that and so when they see what I'm doing and they see that you know my content is resonating with them they want to do something similar as well right so at the end of the day you're kind of just creating content for your younger self right what is something that you wish you knew when you were starting out write it in a way that takes out all the jargon make it extremely simple that
you're just talking to another human being and chances are someone is going to connect with it and they're going to want to work with you and that's really the secret it's not much of a secret to it right but now I'm going to give you the hack of like okay you're getting content but how do you actually turn this into dollars right so this is the key sales LinkedIn selling system that I've been developing uh over quite some time and I'm going to share with you all on this video for free when it comes to
selling to people on LinkedIn specifically there's three types of triggers that a prospect will you know activate that will essentially have them raise their hand so that you can reach out to them right so the three are going to be this people that connect with you people who engage with your content which is liking and commenting and also people who have viewed your profile which is why I said in the beginning this is going to be so important so going in my specific profile and this is the process that me and my team do every
single day first we go to my network and what we look for is all the people that have connected with us right and you see every day because I'm channeling people from my YouTube to my LinkedIn and I'm also creating LinkedIn content to build a following on LinkedIn as well people are viewing my profile every day and every day people are wanting to connect with me right so this guy over here um he connected with me and uh I can accept right this guy over here also today you connected with me so you can see
all these people connected with me so what we essentially do is we look at okay you know with our ideal customer in mind this is why the offer Port of the video is so important you know who are we looking to talk to we're looking for entrepreneurs coaches Consultants Freelancers contractors you know selling their skills online trying to build a personal brand and we're also looking for people who have a high income you know role at a company who want to transition into becoming their own boss right so these type of people already have money
to afford the program that we have so if they can't afford it then it doesn't make sense for us to continue the conversation but if it is a good fit I'll be like okay cool let's say you know Business Development consultant okay might be interesting so I might accept this person and just have a conversation with them to see and understand why they connected with me right so these are going to be the lowest hanging fruit because when somebody you know sends a connection request to you you can accept like you know 50 to 100
of these a day but when you're reaching out to someone who's not connected with you you can only do around 40 a day right and so let's go into the next type of person that is people that have engaged with me so when I go to my you know let's say my latest post right and I'm looking here and I'm seeing you know all these people commenting and I'm also seeing all these people that liked my post so I'm going to go through this list to see again who is going to be a good ideal
fit for my basic products right and if they're interesting what I'll do is I'll go on their profile and if I'm not already connected with them I'll send them a connection request and again you can only do 40 of these a day so you want to just go through your last post and just look at who is engaging with you and a lot of times you'll find new people engaging every single day assuming your audience is growing from there the last is people that viewed your profile right and so this is why it's so important
when I said okay I'm getting my YouTube viewers to go on my LinkedIn because on LinkedIn when somebody watches or likes I don't really know who they are and even if they comment there's no way for me to have a conversation with them so I get them on LinkedIn and what ends up happening is I can see every single person that has viewed my profile by the minute right and so anybody who looks interesting to me someone that I want to talk to I'm going to click on their profile I'm going to connect with them
and I'm going to send send them a message okay and in the message it's really on the DMS right so the flow of how this works is they engage with my content they view my profile you know whatever what I just said before I message them on the DMS and the next step is from talking with them I'm going to see if it's good fit on both sides and then from there I'll book a call with them to talk more about how I can help them so it's really a three-step process so every day you
know we have people and myself as well doing this right redeeming people so every day you know we're trying to reach out to you know 40 people going out and then 52 100 people coming in if we can get enough right and so if you kind of do the math and every day it's not going to be maxed out just FYI okay um but even if you're only connecting with 40 people a day 40 time 30 is still 1,200 people that have already engage with your content so the key differentiator with this strategy versus other
lead generation strats is that it's not cold you're only going after people that already know who you are so the chances of them accepting your connection request the chances of them responding responding to your DMs and the chances of them booking a call significantly higher compared to if you just sent a cold email to somebody right so it's this is what you know people in the industry call inbound L outbound where you're creating content attracting people to come to you and then you're going out to reach out to them right and so the structure of
how we approach the conversations once you know somebody messages us it's really three steps I really like these three-step simple formula so if you really like this style let me know in the comments we start off a basic intro then we talk about some kind of data or observation that we make based on their profile again because we're on LinkedIn we can see all this stuff and number three we have some kind of insight or question that will spark the conversation and and continue it right so for the first line we usually like to do
hey John really great connecting with you here man and that's that's pretty much it right or if they connected with us it'll be like hey Sally really good connecting with you and that's it very basic conversational and then the next sentence we would make a data point or observation and I would say something like hey you know I saw that you helped you know people with their YouTube channels like grow on YouTube or whatever the case is right so it's very contextual to that person's specific job or their specific company and then I would say
like hey you know just curious I saw that you were posting some content at LinkedIn and and I wanted to know if you were interested in looking to grow your personal brand and so it's a question but it's a very contextual question because I'm not just saying do you want to grow your personal brand because that feels very salesy instead I'm saying hey you know I saw that you help these kind of people and I saw that you also posted on LinkedIn curious to know if you're looking to continue to grow your personal brand to
get more clients and they're going to be like oh yeah you know that's exactly what I'm looking to do and then we would have a conversation to see if I should book a call with them right it's that simple to get responses and these are things that we're actually doing every day because I know 100% it works so I could be like hey John great connecting with you here I saw that you were a sales director over at ABC marketing pretty cool man just curious you know are you here for the good sales content or
were you looking to potentially start your own business down the line and and typically people either say oh no I'm just here for the sales content and um you know like I'm just a sales rep and I like your content and that's it right and then I can counter and say oh okay cool and just curious like you know down the line do you think you'll continue down the sales path or do you think that you'll eventually start your own thing because I'm trying to get you know the P right are they going to start
their own business or not right if they are I can help them so if they say like oh yeah yeah you know one day I'm looking to do that but I'm just not really sure how to go about it then I would continue the conversation and be like hey man well you know if you're open to it I actually help people you know go from their 9 to5 into their own job or you know their own company if you're curious to know more how about booking a Time on my calendar and I'll send them a
link and that's how I book the calls now alternatively if somebody said oh you know like I'm actually looking to start my own business and get more leads but I'm just not sure what to do but I love your content and that's really easy to spark a conversation right because they already have a problem they're looking for more leads I happen to help people create content and build their personal Brands and convert those viewers into the dollars right so it's a perfect fit and I would just continue the conversation back and forth maybe about you
know I usually send around three to five messages they're all really short maybe like you know three sentences Max usually one to two sentences and then from there I send my calendar link and then boom the Call's booked you know and that's as simple as it that's really all it is right and so for this like LinkedIn selling methodology there's really no need for automations and I've also tried automations doing this the problem with automations is that you can't actually go that fast because it limits you but it'll be like oh you can only connect
with one person every 20 minutes or something like that and I'm like I'm trying to connect with 40 within one hour right because I don't want to spend all day doing it so we just find that doing it manually works better for us manually connecting manually writing each message not using a sales script or you know any script really whether it's DMS it's really just a framework of how we approach it and once you get used to it you can do it really fast so every day if you spend an hour on this yeah you
can definitely make it work right and also the content side as well so the key you know for this new way of selling is basically you consistently make content every day you build somewhat of a niche following and become an authority in your field and then over time after months people will see you as an authority you just become an author by talking about the thing you enjoy and then from there they will come to you and you have to you know take that extra step in order to reach out to them but that's essentially
the key it's that simple no need for automations you can do the whole thing I mean right now to be honest we're tracking everything on a Google sheet and it's working really well you know um because there's really no need for for this to make it complex and a lot of people they can do you know six figures in you know Revenue per year literally on Excel sheet without any automations it's really not that necessary and especially for most people you're probably not selling something that complex anyway so um just don't get lost in the
sauce I know like a lot of people will teach like you got to have like 10 different tools and Ai and all this stuff but do you really you know like you actually don't and um I it would be a shame for people to get lost in the sauce and like get caught in all these automations but they forget the main important thing which is just sell to people so I definitely have done multiple six figures and Consulting just like doing it this way and it works absolutely fine so I'm pretty sure it'll work for
you now I want to talk about some common pitfalls uh when using this strategy and it's pretty much where most people get it wrong because the strategy does work I use it every day the problem is you have to make it work for yourself so the first mistake people make is that they don't post content every day they'll do it for you know a week or two and then they'll just stop because they're not getting traction and then they'll never make it so everybody starts from zero it is what it is right I started my
YouTube channel from zero as well I started at LinkedIn from zero as well so you know we all start from the same place so post every day that's the first thing the second thing is you got to DM people every day too so you want to at least DM 40 people every single day so those numbers stack up right 40 time 30 is a 1,200 so if you're reaching out to a thousand people a month I'm pretty sure one person's going to buy something to make it worthwhile okay so you know if you're not doing
the numbers there's really not much to say even if you are dming people the third mistake people make is not following up because not everyone's going to respond on the first go and yeah it's a little bit of a pain to you know go back and reach out to all the people that didn't respond you know it is what it is but um yeah you definitely need to respond because like you will find that your response rates overall will significantly increase when you just go after people that you reached out to before it's just like
people are busy you know so don't expect them to always have the right timing to you know respond to your message right so definitely follow up and last piece of advice is you know people make the mistake of not improving their content with every post every post you make you got to try something new something different try to increase the quality just anything to improve your content because incrementally if you get better you know every day every week your content is going to significantly get better where you will make the mistake is if you keep
posting content and you you know make 30 and you just schedule them all out in 30 days without getting better that's the worst mistake so in the beginning I wouldn't even recommend batching because you need to improved with every single post so just do it every day so if you spent one hour a day prospecting and one hour a day making one piece of content okay one piece of content then you will get somewhere of course like people can fail but it's like very unlikely you will fail if you try to get better at these
two things and you continuously improve um I've done it myself I've helped other people do it so it's I don't see why you can either now if you do want to uh you know learn how to do all these things you definitely want to make sure to check out founder X which is our program where we help people basically take their personal Brands to the next level and monetize their personal brands in their Niche following right so link is in the description if you want to learn more if you want to follow me on LinkedIn
I'll probably DM you if you're a good fit as well we can talk in the DMS you know send me a connection request and we'll talk then that's it for this video I'll see you in the next one
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