Beloved, a new era is already dawning on the horizon of this planet , the dawn of the long-awaited Age of Light. The moment is unique, as it will promote the awakening of humanity. The long night, finally, comes to an end, just as it was announced to all of you, even before accepting the route of this earthly journey.
You forgot everything you knew before coming here. This process of understanding amnesia was necessary, because without it you would not be able to experience what life is like at the furthest point from the source, without even knowing who you are. The duality between light and shadow has always been the rule in this school of souls.
You came from the light and plunged into the shadows. From the third dimension. In addition to individual learning, you also brought knowledge to those who were already here experiencing their primary phase in terms of growth and ascension.
You brought a little light to this world of shadows, like the lighthouse on the edge of the sea, you guided in a way other souls that were still beating in the dark. You have forgotten that before you began this journey into the density of the third dimension, you were one with God, for your consciousness is part of the source that everything is. You have forgotten that you are part of the Creator's own consciousness, of everything that is in the infinite universes.
You have forgotten that you are the part that is in the whole and that the whole is in you. It is a divine seed atom. And as such, an atomic energy co-creates just like its father, Creator of the universes.
You forgot that before your consciousness was one with him. The heat of his infinite love was one heart, one source, one energy, one frequency. A seed that can reproduce other and more trees.
equal to the one that originated it. Your origin is pure light, and it is this light that you will become again now. Don't sleep now.
The trumpets of angels have already sounded. Chord. Wake up.
A new, stronger and more radiant sun is already shining outside. Even if its light dazzles your eyes, at first, be aware of the new arrival. Light is information.
It tears the veils of oblivion and frees you from the illusion of the third dimension. Chord. Don't sleep now.
Look at the signs. Look to the heavens. You were told that the signs would come from above.
Look up and see the sky descending and the Earth rising. This is the long-awaited moment. The meeting of the Earth and the sky.
Those below raise their consciousness to join those above. There will be many reunions now. Your entire monad awaits you radiant with joy and jubilation, because you succeeded.
Everyone knew you could do it. You knew it too and that's why you volunteered for this difficult but rewarding experience. You will now be an ascended master.
Yes, you will be. because he is making his ascension. He will take all the knowledge gained in duality into his own versions of higher consciousness.
You will take this knowledge to your higher self, to the source, to the Creator, to other worlds and other universes. Like a seed, it will spread other versions of yourself. And so creation never stops.
Don't sleep now. Hear the fireworks go off, announcing the victory of those who reach the final line. You are a winner.
He overcame darkness even though he didn't know it was pure light. You have created so much in duality that you have become a master, a master of yourself. This mastery will be useful later on, when opportunities arise to help the worlds, still with duality.
where other brothers also decide to experience the tests and expiations at a point quite far from the source. Don't sleep now! Get into the flow of mass awakening as the final hour approaches.
The lights on the horizon are already brighter. Have eyes to see and ears to hear, as your name is already being written on the list of those approved. Your name is already being announced over the microphones at the top of the podium.
See, listen, don't sleep now. Whoever chooses to sleep a little longer will not be forgotten, because a father. .
. Never forgets his child. You will be supported, welcomed and consoled afterwards.
All assistance will be provided before starting a new journey in another planetary house, one of many that will be available to those who do not choose to wake up now. There they will continue their learning until they feel ready for their ascension. No one is helpless.
But you who are waking up, keep your eyes open. Even if it takes more effort, don't sleep now. Don't miss the show that starts soon.
You helped set the stage and played an important role within this scenario. You were a perfect actor. He learned to co-create within polarities, between light and shadow.
From the light you came and to the light. . .
You will return now. You are the living experience and you will show how it is done. Many are eager for your reports.
Now you will be the master. Don't sleep now. Find a place in the stands of life and watch its long story now.
Watch your extraordinary journey within the density of the third dimension. Unite with your greater self, that is, your highest versions of consciousness and feel at home. You're coming home now.
Savor the taste of victory. Celebrate. Don't sleep now.
I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment. Namaste.