What Is Spiritual Intelligence? | The 6 Levels of SQ Explained

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Aaron Abke
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the actual map of spiritual intelligence it exists within you you are the map each one of the first six chakras kind of serves as a processing center for Consciousness and energy root sacral solar plexus heart throat third eye these are the six levels of spiritual intelligence that our energy moves through as it ascends up the spinal Highway of the chakra Network the crown is the gateway to intelligent and Infinity the intelligence of God is available within you right now you have access to it but you have to unlock [Music] it let's talk about spiritual intelligence
itself and how spiritual intelligence relates to Catalyst integration as I was going through my own Spiritual Awakening and especially reading the law of one and understanding the seven densities and the progression of consciousness's evolution it became very clear to me that spiritual intelligence is a very real thing and we usually you know at least from what I the people I've read and the teachers I've studied will use terms like awareness or Consciousness as a kind of overarching term for it but but I really like quantifying it as spiritual intelligence because again there's people that are
extremely brilliant in terms of IQ and they can solve complex problems and all these things but they have almost no awareness of the metaphysics of the universe understanding the nature of their own mind their ego being aware of their thoughts embodying spiritual virtues these things don't even exist in some of their worlds right and yet it's an entire domain of intelligence that's untapped and so when you ask how we quantify something from a scientific perspective you're really looking at needing something that's measurable like it can be measured somehow and it's observable right it's a phenomenon
that can be observed in real time studied and measured in some way and so how do we measure the expansion of consciousness right kind of a difficult task to undertake but if we if we call the expansion of consciousness spiritual intelligence and we say okay what is that let's define what that is and there's many ways I like to Define it the the classic way you've all heard is me saying that it's essentially the combination of your masculine and feminine qualities put together meaning your awareness self-awareness that's the masculine and your embodiment of your awareness
that's the feminine and it's the the addition of both of those the sum total of both some people have a lot of awareness of their blind spots they're pretty pretty self-aware person and yet their addictions persist their bad habits persist they make the same mistakes it's taken them a while to in integrate the awareness that they have so you need both you can't just have one without the other another way of looking at spiritual intelligence as you could just say as a kind of open-ended definition that spiritual intelligence is your comprehension of reality how aware
are you of reality how much do you comprehend the true nature of reality because we all live in these sort of vacuum sealed bubbles of our own ego prism right where our perception is being filtered through our own biases our traumas our judgments our subjectivity the way we've been conditioned and socialized and raised our culture all of our identities everything about what makes up our ego is like a huge filter we're wearing over our perception and so we don't see reality as it actually is in its nakedness and its organic form and so spiritual intelligence
is the ability to be aware of the filtering of the Mind the mind's perception of reality versus what we know reality actually is so like Concepts and ideas for example only exist in the mind there are no Concepts in reality itself reality itself never presents itself to you and says I'm a cloud I'm a bird you know things just are there's just the isness of reality it doesn't name itself and so there's huge implications to that right are you aware of that do you integrate that understanding into your the way you interact with reality these
are different ways we can sort of identify what spiritual intelligence really is but to me it's not until we really bring in the understanding that raw teaches in the law of one about Catalyst integration that we get the best kind of living picture of what spiritual intelligence really is and what's so cool about this is that although spiritual intelligence may be difficult to really Define and quantify and measure it is nonetheless within you right now undeniably so what I mean is the actual map of spiritual intelligence the SQ chart we look at on these slides
it exists within you you are the map of spiritual intelligence your first six energy centers right from the root to the third eye these six energy centers are the map of spiritual intelligence each one of the first six chakras kind of serves as a processing center for Consciousness and energy we know the seventh Energy Center the crown chakra is really just kind of a barometer or a readout of your overall level of polarization so it is also a map of SQ in a different way in that it shows the total vibratory level of your lower
six shras but the crown isn't a processing center like the other six are the crown is the gateway to intelligent Infinity so isn't it interesting that ra uses the term intelligent Infinity to describe God raw describes the Creator as intelligent Infinity on a lot of podcasts I go on the podcast host will ask me what is God in your definition and uh there's lots of good answers to that question but but one really good answer is the creator is intelligent infinity and so if God is infinite intelligence and God dwells in all living beings then
the intelligence of God is available within you right now you have access to it but you have to unlock it right it's not that you have to go out into the universe and find where God's intelligence is how do I find intelligence outside of me someone out there make me more intelligent help I'm I'm struggling no you look within yourself right you look to know thyself and as you as you strive to know thyself spiritual intelligence just naturally flowers within you because it's already your nature you're already the infinite intelligence of God but again it
has to be unlocked or as raw might put it unblocked right so these six processing centers root sacral solar plexus heart throat third eye these are the six levels of spiritual intelligence that our energy moves through as it ascends up the spinal Highway up the chakra Network and based on how open or blocked each processing center is the energy some of the energy at least or sometimes all of it gets blocked stuck trapped in that energy center so spiritual intelligence according to the law of 1es teachings could also be defined as the ability to process
life experiences through all six energy centers to have all six processing centers equally active and involved in the catalytic process this is probably the closest measurement device we have for quantifying our level of q and so you can objectively look at your current life challenges and you can compare them to the SQ chart and sort of roughly determine how high the catalytic energy of that particular experience is making its way up the chakras and I'm going to take you through the SQ chart and show you chakra by chakra which what each level represents and how
the energy is processed at that Center so you can get more of an idea and a feel for okay I understand this is how I know when energy is making its way up into the heart because the SQ chart consists of 30 total qualities so I've tried to boil spiritual intelligence down essentially to these 30 qualities six chakras five main qualities per chakra so 30 total qualities we're going to look at them here in a minute and you get to gauge yourself on each SQ area of How High that energy is moving cuz it's different
for every quality right you may be very embodied in one area and really need some integration in another area so it's not just unilateral right we're we're working on many different levels of our beingness we're very complex multi-dimensional beings so each of these six levels you see here really you know there's seven levels here but the first six are what we're concerned with because these are the actual processing centers right they're all named something as you can see that helps you to grasp the basic what that level of spiritual intelligence looks like in its basic
Essence so somebody who has a score of 50 or below means that their the energy of all their life experiences is getting stuck in that root chakra and so that's called the level of insanity because that is the level of SQ where all human insanities take place all of the most egregious acts and evils of the world take place below at 50 or below points on the SQ chart as the SQ Rises to the sacral we can call that the level of ignorance because you're still strongly identified as an ego you still do not perceive
your Oneness with everything but you're becoming less insane and more sane you're still ignorant to the way reality works but maybe you're not in fully insane anymore like fully wrapped up in the illusion of separateness deeply entrenched inv victim Consciousness that's the root chakra at the sacral chakra you're beginning to find some personal empowerment you're beginning to develop some awareness of your emotional world and the importance of regulating emotions kind of these basic components of spirituality that's what becomes available at the level of ignorance level of empowerment is one level higher now where we start
to become empowered with this knowledge of hey you know I'm not a victim of reality hey I can create my reality I can create with reality the laws of the universe are not my enemy but they actually work on my behalf and I can work with them that's good news and that's kind of what the empowerment level is so it's the beginning of a spiritual awakening But A fullblown Spiritual Awakening does not begin until we are in until we cross over for that 101 to 125 SQ range and that's the level of the heart which
as we know here is fourth density Consciousness when you can fully live from the heart and technically speaking you're not living fully from fourth density Consciousness until 125 SQ points or above but you're in the fourth density range once you pass over that 100 point mark you're starting to really make your home in the heart and this is called The Awakening level because you're now actually Awakening to the reality of Oneness at the level of empowerment Oneness is just a concept maybe you have some fleeting experiences of it sure maybe you have mystical moments where
you realize oh my gosh all is one and you feel the love of the creator for everything but very quickly The Experience comes to its end and you're back in ego Consciousness so at the empowerment level of SQ we're not living from the heart we May kind of jump up into the heart for quick moments so at the Awakening level we're establishing ourselves in the heart meaning every experience we have like if you take the SQ test and it says you have a 105 SQ score that means you're in the Awakening level this means you've
done some serious work on yourself you're becoming a very spiritually embodied person and you are really beginning to integrate the qualities of the Heart Like humility and comp passion and gratitude and joy and service to others those are the five qualities of the heart chakra on the SQ chart and then from there we rise higher eventually to the level of Illumination and this is what I like to call Early Enlightenment illumination the the throat chakra represents the density of light as RW says the wisdom density where now your love is becoming embodied with deep spiritual
wisdom this is where you become an extremely authentic person these are the qualities of a very open active throat chakra somebody who can communicate spiritual wisdom very well very naturally and easily and more importantly somebody who embodies and demonstrates spiritual wisdom and then above that is the final level of SQ the third eye level of Mastery and this is total Enlightenment right this is the level of the sage this is the level of the guru Guru and above that I've put on the chart The Singularity level which would be like the very few rare beings
who've graced our planet the avatars we call them Christ Buddha Krishna those Divine beings that even sages and gurus bow before their feet and call them Master how do we even quantify that level of SQ I don't know but what we can say is it definitely exists and so it's given a place on the SQ chart so let's go through these first six levels really quick I want to show you how the point sort of briefly how the point scale works on the SQ test which is this so a zero point score in any quality
on the SQ test represents that you're still living from Deep victimhood a self-righteous attitude strong projections and no real awareness of what the problem is so as zero point score represents that you are essentially totally blocked in this area and you need some help to begin becoming aware of what this blockage is and how to begin healing it so at the level of insanity at a zero point score this is you know people that live from the victim ideology of It's Always everyone else's fault everything is so unfair life has been so unfair to me
if only people would be more fair if only people could recognize how important I am then I could be happy then I could find fulfillment in life but the whole world is so screwed up and evil how am I ever going to find happiness it's all cruel and unfair that is the basic mentality of probably more than 50% of humans on Earth according to my own subjective experience of the world most people still believe that victim Consciousness is a virtue of some sort that it's actually good or helpful in any way and of course we
know it's a massive blockage of your root chakra so if you score a one in any SQ category that represents that you're still living from that victimhood although it's improved a bit there is some awareness forming now about where you're blocked and there's a desire to change this is the classic onepoint quality is that when you score one it means there's a big blockage here but you've got some awareness of it and you have a desire to change it or to heal it right the desire to change is the pivotal uh factor that determines between
scoring a zero or a one if you're still blaming others you're you don't have a desire to change yet you know self responsibility begins with saying all right I got to change me if I want to change this problem so when when that quality picks up even further you are at the two-point level of SQ in that area which means you're developing some real self self honesty some real self- responsibility you're willing to actually own up to where you're blocked and what needs to be worked on so this is again kind of the early Spiritual
Awakening level three-point score represents that the energy is making it up now to the heart chakra which means you are officially spiritually awakened to the reality of love and this is the way I would put this because it's a hard thing to quantify verbally but to to say that somebody is spiritually awakened is this there is an inner impulse within you an inner sensitivity to the law of one to the nature of Oneness meaning now when you say or do something that maybe is out of alignment with the law of one a bit of selfishness
maybe a bit of a a slight attack towards somebody a judgment whatever as soon as you start deviating you don't just have to think about it and say oh wait a minute I remember in the law of one that this is a blockage so maybe I shouldn't do this it's not mental anymore you feel the deviation right the heart is the sensitivity to spiritual reality so you don't have to be told that it's a blockage or you don't have to remember what you learned in XYZ video or book it's a living truth to you you're
like oo I feel off inside I think I must have strayed somewhere and you go right into getting back into alignment again the Gospel of Jesus repentance I'm sorry God I didn't realize that that was unloving thank you for your forgiveness I'm determined to make this right and you know you actually like Jesus said you actually go to your brother or your sister and you make amends you apologize how can I make this right that is the fruit of somebody who's actually living in the heart so to be spiritually awakened is to be sensitive to
the law of one such that you feel your deviations you don't just conceptually think about them right so at at The Awakening level of three when you score a three on any equality in the SQ test that means you have had a strong spiritual practice in this area for quite some time to get to this level nobody just accidentally arrives in the heart chakra it doesn't work like that it is a road not traveled by anyone without intention we can say it that way you only make it into the heart with sincere determination this is
the way God has designed the game of the universe you want to progress up to the higher levels you want to stop playing at the amateur levels you want to go to the higher Pro levels you got to practice just like every sport just like every competitive Endeavor in humanity nobody winds up at the Olympics just cuz they're naturally talented yes some people are more naturally talented talented no doubt and if they practice they'll probably be better than most people that's true for SQ as well some Souls come here with a much higher frequency level
than other Souls do you're coming from a higher density you're not maybe a native third density Soul so you're bringing more SQ with you which means yeah you'll probably awaken faster than most people on the planet yes you're probably quicker to embody spiritual truth in all of that but nonetheless you still got to do the work right nobody escapes doing the work that's why we come here we come here for the Catalyst integration so you're only in you only score a three because you've been doing the work baby you have had a strong spiritual practice
in that specific area and that's what that represents illumination is a four-point score this is early stage Enlightenment so scoring a four on any category is an extremely high score a Bravo you are incredibly embodied in this area you've done a whole lot of work on yourself in this area and now you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor you get to enjoy the natural easy effortless Enlightenment of the throat chakra which just understands naturally and easily comprehends spiritual truth this is the illumination level is the level of light where the light of Consciousness
is Dawning in a powerful way in your mind and then we have that final frontier that few beings ever cross over which is the level the five SQ points the level of perfect Enlightenment or total crystallization Mastery represents you have mastered that SQ quality you have no more work to be done here at least in the human in a human lifetime at higher densities it keeps going for sure but you need to be in a fourth density body or A fifth or sixth density body to actually work on those densities right in a third density
body you're working on third density catalysts so Mastery on the SQ chart represents Mastery of the third density level of SQ so this is what the root chakra level kind of looks like and then these are the five blockages and on the right side in blue you see the five qualities of a very balanced and active root chakra so when the red ray Energy Center is firing on all cylinders and is not blocked by these things on the left it gives you a feeling of prosperity it gives you a feeling of trust you know you
trust life you trust the universe you have a great sense of purpose you want to be alive you want to be a human being you want to be in your body you're excited to be alive and then of course you're balanced you're not extremely reactive towards everything extr extrem reactivity is one of the biggest Hallmarks of a blocked root chakra why because again the root chakra represents our Primal survival and safety our personal needs our animal nature right when you're blocked in that area then everything to you feels like a survival test you know everything
provokes you to fear and anxiety and stress and you go into that fight or flight mode very easily so being balanced is one of the qual of the root chakra the root chakra is the foundation right when you have a balanced root chakra you can be balanced in the way you respond to life experiences a challenging or even threatening experience can happen to you and it doesn't throw you off your Center so this is an example of the five qualities of the root the next one is ignorance SQ range 51 to 75 these are the
qualities of this level of SQ all these different qual qualities right is what this specific processing center this chakra represents these are the five blockages and the five qualities the solar plexus represents your personal Identity or individuality your social self your per social personality how you show up in the world how you relate to other people the solar plexus represents your intellect these are the five blockages and the five qualities control obviously the third belief you'll see the beliefs in these qu in these energy centers very clearly control victimhood jealousy projection and pride these are
the main blockages to the solar plexus and of course sort of like the shadow in the light side right when victimhood is healed it becomes empowerment which is a classic quality of a balanced solar plexus heart chakra we went through this compassion Joy service gratitude humility now when we get to the upper three energy centers you see it's reversed now because as we as we teach here in 40u we are truly only blocked in the lower three energy centers and this is why raw stresses the importance of hey the whole purpose of you being here
as a human is to balance the lower three energy centers because they are the foundations of what make up your spiritual self and so if those lower three are blocked the energies can't make it up into the higher centers where they can be processed for greater spiritual qualities so now in the heart chakra we are going to look at well the heart the throat and the third eye we're going to look at what are the five main qualities in those centers and how do we activate them more and on the right you see what blocks
those qualities and you'll see a lot of the same repeat PS that you saw in the lower three chakras as well illumination level inner wisdom communication authenticity Integrity honesty truthfulness transparency uh creativity and being divinely guided that's kind of the essence of the throat five qualities are wisdom communication authenticity presence and integrity to me these are the five most most essential qualities of a balanced throat chakra and of course their blockages finally we have the third eye level sort of the qualities spiritual balance intuition psychic awareness the ability to focus or concentrate the ability to
visualize imagine um your level of inner Stillness again self-awareness spiritual empowerment so the five qualities I've boiled down the third eye to are spiritual balance we're talking about the balance between masculine feminine Natures the the Dual nature of reality uh positive negative polarities right in the third eye positive and negative polarities become one become balanced in your awareness so that's what that balance represents intuition empowerment again this is spiritual empowerment now not personal empowerment uh self-awareness and concentration so that's a sneak peek and we'll get into our Catalyst integration now if you have a catalyst
you want to talk about today feel free to put up your virtual hand and we'll bring you on and let's see how well you can gauge yourself today on where you might be at in that particular catalyst
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