Os Atributos de Deus e o Evangelho - Paul Washer

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] our Obamas are Romano's trace gravis vamos a empezar estudiar 11 Helio inverter vamos a homeowner strays from semester eyes to their helm introversion vamos a empezar vesicular DAC no ma vamos anniversary foods on all of you Yaiba masala are asked bent Asiatic if I mostly rat of inches search vesicular design or human ostrich is a scene order sabemos Scootaloo colleges our sky villain alleges proxy Carlito de boca y todo mundo Sasha Cooper vapor introduced via zucchini in Sarah Josepha cottage enter daily progress delay he has owned a cappella lay venue conocimiento Picard
más agua de Singley see manifesto to seduce testimony and appeal la los profetas Lucia's ejidos Meijin Xie Feng Jesus Cristo para todos es sobre todos OS key crane por que no ha dicho por todos Picard caressing da glória jadeos Vinci quattro Saluja fiqar dos grotto at immense pursue a grass median jihad and sank and Cristo Josue's a king dos proposed new cell sangee como props eosin medians affair para manifest are a sewage ISA por todos NOS wattle herencia de shod in Puna Zoe's picados interior mange Commission's tending Vista a manifest asunder switches not mo present
para ella misma used to a huge difficulty phasers on Joyce is logic attention for G todo is Florida percolate the Zobrist's known yellow contrary Bilal a defame the raziel of this Inouye vesicles an orgy now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law no sabemos que - technically Jesus Jesus carries christanja bodily para entender already AMA English in order to understand the gospel giman era ain't in the river surely we must first understand who is God mostly remain cheek and their king and those that is one of
the greatest problems in the world is the eldest grants program was the mundo who is God king deuce let me give you an example dish without resume I know that many of you truly love the Lord the second moon Toshiba says he'll meet you Oh Musa work and many of you at least in this church have been taught well yo creo que muchos de vocês for loose analysis so members desecration won't obey me but if I were to hand out a piece of paper to each one of you my sedessa card only was super -
Papa and say I want you to write out the most important attributes of God IBG supportive was a screw here whose my's importance is a tribute to seduce and then I want you to define them biblically yo Gustavo says who the finishing biblical inch would you be able to do it Soraka versus a studier up to a fazil use now won't you think about this a girl character subpoena series what is the most important thing a person can know Kohaku's demise important schmoopy support Sabir who God is king those there who is he King age
what is he like who killed ghost hold your place in Romans Camellia see Gordon poking hormones let's go to Jeremiah chapter 9 vamos a theorem is capital noggin look at verse 23 for Missoula over sequel Vinci 318 years more it says thus says the Lord a sing Jesus singer so now everything in the Bible is inspired Nabila in spirit but when you hear thus says the Lord my spoon CC scooter I seen Jesus singer it doesn't mean this is more inspired you significant meise spirit but it means it's important my significa oiling yes like when
Jesus would say truly truly this autumn in chicken do Eze automation como Canisius Lucifer lava in virology verdad means pay attention significa but as I can so this is really really important you say moon to moon important he says let not a wise man boast of his wisdom keep me warm inside Lord eNOS was able idiom there are a lot of very clever men a moon - so me Smoot intelligence and they're really proud of how clever and smart they are get someone to sober booze equal intelligence is a Capas so maybe they're clever to
make money the visit is so intelligent the physician they're clever to lead ohto face abuse but a leader or they're clever in some sport out of a solution we sport they have great wisdom in the things of the world it is think green Sabbath Orion of squares of the moon do God says don't boast about that there was just no sig law reduced because that really doesn't mean a whole lot broke a new volume with turquoise it's not really that important used to know here in Perth wrench and then he says let not a mighty
man boast of his might infinite thumb Benji's kiwami fortune on see glory the software is all throughout history men have boasted of power how long would you thought they store their losses Oh Mesa Gloria oh no oh dear whether its individual power I'm the key leadership for their individual for example a man goes into a gym and can benchpress 250 kilos for example warming Kiva academia you conseguí levantar cross spareness those ends the three tequilas look at me when I mean look what I can do why the soccer post was there our military power oh
poor dear militant Rome boasted about its military power glory to support their military Israel many times trusted in its own power is hyoe moon tzatziki Tony so Prabhupada to you God said don't boast in that there was just no chlorine you soon it means nothing it's no significant and with all your wisdom come to the saucer below to you you cannot save your soul with some known ports over us Lama with all your strength come to the sorcerer you can't fight against a little virus vasila modulator quantum viewdoze but if it enters into your body
tonight for Castilian 3o silk or organ which you'll be dead tomorrow was just said I'm worth among you and then he goes on in Kilifi jundj let not a rich man boast of his riches you can war me no sir glory this was he kills us yes this is the Trinity of boasting a string dodgy do see Gloria cleverness Savio DiLeo or intelligence or Intelligencia power put their money Junior in order to get a girl he was sick one Sigma Chi rota a guy doesn't have to have muscles Oh jogging police is that there moose
clues just needs a lot of money Auto V's Mooji arrow all these that you say what we're doing here the sleeper cell Houston's for all the things that are so important to men what does exquisite surmise importance bra mean you see that was the purser be God says don't boast in it there's fella no se preocupe Quiznos Gloria used it's worthless use no fighting that day it's not gonna help you you should know final showdown what should we boast there no kid knows the famous loose Claudia look at verse 24 very versatile each quarter let
him who boasts boast of this Chiaki Lexie glorious glory news that he understands and knows me in clearly mekinese is cyber King yo soul that he knows me dearly Mako Gnaeus understands me maintain de let's look at those two words what was our oppressors do a spell on us understand him Kunis Cyrodiil thinkin deal that's know who he is Sabir chameleon know what it means when he says he's holy submittal significantly just kiss soon to know what it means when he says he's just Sabir okey Jesus wonder if all occurs juice to know what it
means when he commands a certain thing about how to live Saburo significa or killing whose command of a vehicle understand correct facts about God intend ear fattest Priscilla so Bruce do you was thing as is endangerment do you understand correct facts about God was saying things you Cohutta mean too far to say history to deduce can you tell me who he is what suppose me desert King Elia can you explain what it means for him to be holy for support miss political significance or soon or for him to be righteous okay significant Oh sir juice
are for him to be sovereign okay significant is here so better known and then there's not only understand but know him you don't know happiness Incan dear my system Bane Sabir chameleon do you have a personal intimate relationship with him force a force we only listen I'm into peace while each Macomb Willie so those both things and that's us do a squeezes now let me share with you something I wrote a meat dish compromise McCoy services on Sundays all over the world news domingos georgia todo mundo sunday is the greatest day of idolatry Oh Domingo
my origin idolatry Oh more idolatry is committed on Sunday than every other day of the week my Zadora 3ik amici Donna Domingo Duchaine kokoro - je de semana y porky because people are worshipping a god that they do not know because the source is the world own doom Dale scale has known come yes they don't have any biblical facts about him it is known thing photos biblical sub reality and in the absence of biblical truth it knows they said the very dodgy Biblica they make their own God it is fuzzy so produce they make a
God in their own image it is fuzzy there was a chopper optimizing and then they worship the God they've made it is a daughter their skill is rosetta that's what happens in these prosperity churches a user contest non-cigarette is the Prospero dodgy what is God like Kobo deals there well God's like a vending machine Oh instead Aki there was a parasitical my manager coca-cola cooler come whether you put in the prayer vesicular kelabra get out the the blessing was it was the cold lockout us no it was the hit cheetah bills you hardly ever hear
about God's holiness you fishermen she was safari kudos assumed or in sovereignty oh so you're so stupid or is justice okay sorcerers twosome or his wrath or SWA era or his hatred of sin oh so audio picado they're worshipping a god it is a still a little loose that looks like Santa Claus he bought a sec cool popping oil not the god of Scripture no wood this this is gratuitous sometimes pastors will ask me to come teach on the attributes of God oh you suppose foot is assist me showing up regards to preside reboot to
seduce and I'll always play a little game with them yo silly fossils your team wins I'll say are you sure your father set this earth Ilsa are you sure you want me to come to your church and teach on God what's the thing cert there's like your dev real Swedish you seen our King those that and they say yes it is father see I say that's a little radical don't you think whoa vocal hajikko said I can unknown you sure you want to do that what's the things seared is like a caracal fossil yes and
they go into Church it is fell on bait and wait good answer churches are about God I think it is just social so buddy bills so what's so radical about teaching about God in church why don't get the logic always see the spear who told the keys smudge it there was an aggression I look at them and say this they want to play it easy for the scene when was the last time you did that call for a rescue for sick phases when was the last time you heard anybody do that call for visible Cisco
to all gain for serious sometimes you know there'll be a young man he has his ph.d us today see algumas raises our booze this is for stories thing we so daughter odd and I'll ask him this question the au pair punta priorities before he went to Bible College and she was say you know for college biblical how many years did you study the attributes of God cuantos anos versus to those that rebooted reduce say well I did it is a manifest by bulimia be blur well when you were in Bible College bomb control system is
full of how many of those years were dedicated to studying who God is who knows the key lessons from the Chicago such that King there was there I said well you know I took one semester of systematic theology they follow Bolton Hill to me you said master taotie system and in that class we studied God for about three weeks in a killer nicholalala Moses to those three tres hermanos okay when when you got your your your master's degree you know from over in some bookie but what's the Google Search Appliance three of those three years
how many years were dedicated to studying who God is decade astrays de los de Mestral the point is come to Temple for gas to Sedona came there was that I said well again I had two semesters in systematic theology boom Jenova Chiba mines dicey master's in theology system and I think we studied that tribute to God about a month Yosh Kaka based on the survey zoom a super some people to seduce okay when you got your doctorate okay wonderful Seguros so don't go out how many years did you study the attributes of God going to
Zulus versus to those attributed illness well my doctorate was in something else they will do table for super-slow you see the point I'm making versa vehicle to follow not even the preachers study who God is mainly loose period or is a student King deals there and so the people do not hear sermons about who God is in those piece was no war V ceremonies G King bills there and so they don't know God he feel there's no clear symbols and in the absence of the knowledge of God he knows these little clingy Samir 2g deals
we were place it was something else no school comes L we know lugar our own ideas gnosis prophecy days if I go into a normal Church Co Volpert oh my goodness or normal and I teach on the sovereignty of God yo but ergo sobre su Vernonia dos not some extravagant idea of my own no my day stead of a good Kiyomi is even things but just the historical biblical view of God's sovereignty my subpoenas a day a biblical historical the stupid initiatives or I teach on God's justice oath of a super Jewish misogyny oz or
his wrath or sweater you know what will happen Sasaki are quickest in the church will be in an uproar ah yuria takada you both were awesome and some of the people who are most dedicated to worship and praise yes bestow physics on Wednesday jacquard espera adora yellow fire they will become furious Ellis will miss Africa food yours and you know what they'll say you versus some comes from Z that's not my god it's amel well mildews I could never love a god like that oh sure my sir my own bill squeeze my God's a God
of love mil deals on there was Jim Moore that person is worshipping a god they made in their own mind akela piss su estado around and they were scale a miasma cleona swimming they don't love this God that is holy yellow no one Mikayla desk assume that is just casual suit that is sovereign kiss of eternal that saves the brokenhearted DiSalvo Skyrim toddler Scott assumed and destroys the wicked he destroy you spear versus that swallows up nations keep just soldiers my swings they don't love him and there's nowhere Melissa deuce the God that tells them
what to do who do sketches ellos who Quiles Debbie fuzzier they don't love him and let's know we used to do they love the God that blesses it is Gosling to do scab in sewer not the one who makes demands no one kill it you Pfizer Susman Dementors that's what happens when there's no knowledge of God and you scre contains equal to no one when you see me you see you can't understand the gospel you Joseph was pretty beautiful sitting on Washington the bar for understanding who God is aubergine can be R King Dilsey when
I preach the gospel good new Peugeot every chef when I witness the people who notice the Muisca see know where I began was this up comical come s not with you are a sinner vosam Picador I began with who is God if commencer khon kaen yet dose and we're gonna see later why that's important he doesn't miss Virgie boys were casing for things here in verse 19 Akina verses in all of you Paul is talking about is God's law all this stuff a lunisolar lady there was Volta pure homonymous God's law is an expression or
revelation of God's righteousness alleged Leo's expert is so there's Russia so Judas God is righteous bills that Shuster he's holy it is sin to he hates sin Elio tayyiba Cod hates it Oh daya Picard Adam and Eve don't you ever how many times did they send Quinta's visitors picado once movies and the entire world was cast into chaos and judgment it todo mundo feelin southern causa Sugar Mountain think about that basis Subarus one sin obey God God hates sin this would be a picket now he has revealed his righteousness through his law he have your
Lois waters chiusa a traverse delay the Ten Commandments was Desmond a mantis but the the law can refer to the entire Old Testament mice a leaf I see fairies yeah Otto doing cutest amount that Old Testament is sometimes divided up in the law the wisdom and prophets professional men to enjoy the cement achieve eternal a loosely versus epidural in his prophetess sometimes it's called the law in the Prophet as is a commodity lay use prophetic and sometimes just a law the apenas algumas raises up in a Salah God has revealed who he is still have
hello King Ilya through the law he is given us I profess the Lady Eleanor's there is also revealed who he is through the events of history it them being evil Oh King Elia activist wafu so they start in just think of the flood bassist saw muj aloof you think about that being sister one time a preacher was preaching uma face a particular sign regarding my meat meal and he mentioned that in some ways aids is the judgment of God religious eiki-sama forma uh I just um who is reduce it is a form of judgment and
were for monogamy it is a result of sin mezu a little bit more than just a natural result Mazda has rooted natural but a judgment my zuga some woman became furious Oh Musa Belarus got of food Yas and she said this he fell ROC it can't be the judgment of God is no budget surgery's Julio's just look at how many children died of AIDS look at all the circle dis clearances Morgan judges and you know what the preacher said to some cooperate other juice ma'am let me ask you a question sing order me disappear until
McCoy's I was sick how many children died in the flood of Noah Qantas Cruises mojito luge Aluva Genoa millions millions how many died when Sodom and Gomorrah was buried under fire Quintus mojito kwon do SoDo my Gomorrah freaky mother fool the point is just to share with you this booth where a penis compression air God really hates in key bills or do you become and sin brings terrible consequences upon the entire world you picado tries the heaviest consequences of a todo mundo and if you think that your sin is just your business this was a
pain secure seal picado as shock wears a suit it's not knowing because your sin perky force it back affects everyone else on the planet if you will fade to vice tolerate sin there is no talero picado individually in two dimension or nationally o national reach I am praying that there is a revival in my country your thing without the Pacquiao my view from you but even if there is a revival my Smith looking awash don't worry for me uncle it will only delay the destruction of the United States of America casually them in to survive
in bed you don't fall I just threesomes estas news the man sooner or later the United States must be destroyed until Jeff Boise was the studs when you displace Caesar search 3 because of its sin because of supercar has if it's murder because de souza sassanids since 1962 Benjamin officers levity toys we've aborted more than 60 million babies not sure Burton was my she says synth Amelia ship abyss those babies their blood cries out from the ground Oh singular so skinny is a kilometer Sepultura do you see what I'm saying same things you can touch
as Hollywood has polluted the world Hollywood for Lou mundo there is judgment this is a visual can be delay Ellie Porter and polka but it cannot be stopped a reporter in polkadot Mozilla known port surfer odd every year you have carnival todos Susan's was this icky numerous you think carnival you're just keeping more judgment on the country of Brazil was this don't resume demise you got me into Supra you're a mice very aiding God versus Estonia who do seafood assuming it will be one of the reasons for the destruction of Brazil yes if I said
what does house but at this twister you would launch your beauty forces Gaston stabilize your body versus costume so scorp you take pride in your immorality for say some girl zhu zi more during the destruction of this country police for sister I don't just three so place if I use just like my claim is that the Mitch Kovac with the servos disturbs the news you see that what Susan finding is not a game you should a little gerbil and yet most of the people who commit these sins you oh miss would give kiss become a
thesis because they say they believe in God it is Jesus a in the cat could have G them bills and they do yeah this I could achieve don't bother sky could is Uther but it's a god they made with their own mind my Sony Bilski and she said I'm gonna prop your mangy because they don't know the true God of the Bible forget his Nolan su bills very that little dove Biblia and they don't know the true God of the Bible because he's not being preached yet is no one else who does really later the
be deprecated no estas indo para God do and he's not being preached because most of the preachers don't even care to know God yes know ilie Nastase dobrica Mary Sprague odorous no está preocupado in CONUS salut you see that verse a various my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge milp over just through the perkily photo contest around the scripture stage and use case concealer if I were to give a huge conference in Brazil for healing and prosperity CEO cases for migrants conference in Brazil but a coup de propiedad what would happen who keep
on the Cydia fill up the biggest auditorium in this country knows in Syria most of my origin is pious but if I mind a conference for fizzer McCool fearing only attributes of God so there's a bhootish videos or the cross of Christ Oh a cruisee Cristo how many would come cuantos video do you say possible self you see the problem what's the vo problema that's why in order to understand the gospel the police he knows the famous Indian officials and the law Epirus keep a link and a relay we must know who God is nos
precisamos and Spencer kingdoms and now says in in in verse 19 or you solve a circle of zymography now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law Edoardo no sabemos cthulhu colleges just like a discus don't they bash the link what is the purpose of the law Paul L propose to the league was it to save people tzedakah Lepidus so far disperse or no known God did not give the law in order to save people bills no do a leap at a so far as the source because
no one can be saved through the law beginning game ports yourself otra vez de Leeuw the law is very strict lay a Mundi straight very strict mu industry there is no mercy in the law no one is very fortunately there is no grace in the law no what personally the person who seeks to save himself through the law abyss or Quinta so far assume user Travis Lulay he must keep every point of the law alidev human peer todos who sponsors the lead look in the book of Galatians so is all leverage Gallagher's look at chapter
3 vocab it'll trace look at verse 10 or you saw God with us three days for as many as are of the works of the law are under occurs bush looks like a discus don't you boys should absorb it as the lace don't you bashed emotes own every person on this planet todos especially supply meter is to some degree under the law is still in your goomah form Dubai shoddily and everyone under the law utilises bestows do bodily is under a curse is don't you buy some emoji soon why porky for it is written bouquet
sty screw to curse it is everyone who does not abide by all the things written in the book of the law to perform them no jutsu to the killakee number money is sitting todas as quizzes the Scriptures deliver the late but approach a callous what do you have to be in order to be saved through the law okie possibly surfers ear para ser salvo die eternally what do you have to be in order to be saved by your works houki for super this is a seer but as yourself below sorbus absolutely perfect absolutely means you
perf a - absolutely absolute I mean from the moment of your birth the momento to Silla Simeon - to the moment of your death at the moment the Sun worship not one sinful thought may open cement the Caminos not one simple word main una palabra de camino z not one sinful day may occupy Caminos so who's going to be saved through the law we don't case that I solve it as the league no one minggaang and the law gives no mercy yeah lay no dummies it acquired you now why did God give us the law
I got to forget those moves dililili verse 19 well versed occludes an awful that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God but a Couture the book is - Alcala de todo mundo Caesar who by virtue introduced he gave us the law used only in order to shut our mouths but a coladas losses borkus why do our mouths need to be shut who cares no such book as business of sir coladas because they're constantly boasting about how good we are bucola system Constantia means to glory on did you Cobos
no storms especially in this age of humanism the special mention s air Juma newsmen I mean modern man is literally an idiot ooh only more Darrin elite elementary jata he lives in a drain and if you didn't saw him I'm okay it's Toby you're okay well sister Bay we're all okay don't snow systems bang man is basically good ooh Oh me at buzz it kimete you bone really if you're that said have you read the newspaper lately facili oh oh sure now one thing have you studied history at all versus yesterday's Sparta remember the 20th
century what's this together Lucic love each and those world wars that we fought the slowest currents gas nozzle toes the war to end all wars yah gadget or doses guess it didn't end the wars you know Kevyn Orr's gas and all the freedom we have today totally Barry dodge anastomosis the materialism we have material is mocha nós temos oh gee did it bring peace Sara cue so trespass did it bring love select sutras are more unity or you dodge no no do you see that mrs. Pierce Abby God gave us the law bills was there
early so we would realize one thing but Aquino sponsors boo desmos Cupra dear McCoys we are wrong nor system Z hurts we cannot save ourselves north no podemos so far los mismos we must stop looking in the mirror most Badar Jalali spell you looking for solutions look udonta solo songs we must stop looking at our own heart most of em spot our letters gnosis proper score the soil let's stop looking at other men for solution victims potential after all true so mr. solo song name me one politician that ever kept all the promises he made
to get elected me jig up in a zoo police cookie Brill taught us as promised a scaly face then she's just settle eight even if he was a good man Mesmer city phone belong we couldn't do it they didn't know barge for Zyliss where must we la hoja nos debemos hola don't to God but a deuce to God but reduce that we might look to his grace but I cannot support best booze earlier I look to his mercy for this was a leper swim is the requirement we might turn back to him but he knows
Podesta's loose Volterra le we all walk down the same road starting off no simply that was propel Amir Estrada you can tell that just go out in the street but suppose you persevere you saw a penance in favor who'll ask a person what's gonna happen to them when they die big which won't be so dark what they serve in the limo here what will most people tell you will come here to disassociate geez I I think I'm gonna go to heaven Oh yo wash Koval Persil why Brooke here well I'm good oh they're so bold
what does that mean okay significa well I had never killed anybody Bowen come on thinking you got a low definition of good Vova sit they won't buy shut if missile kept on everybody thinks they're good though the moon to be a soccer ball and walks independently of God the independent studio boasting in their self-righteousness your glory owned on the small - just usin God gives the law bills was darling - stop that nonsense sauropod I decide your cheese said here's the problem bridges here aqui esta el problema that's what the law does a you scaly
face the problem is you will probably for see the problem is your sin who problem of silica and the only one who has the solution yeah when you come when the ritual shonali is God at deuce the purpose of the law who proposed the league to point us to the gospel news Lovato a foreshadow to point us to God's mercy revealed in Christ no sliver a tear across ejidos heavy-laden krishna he goes on and what he says if I most villages nice acquainted every mouth may be closed but if you throw the book at saccade
and all the world may become accountable to God it though do mundo such a cool bother better introduce accountable to God who bothered you in jeju-do what does that mean okay significant one day and you you are gonna stand before God for say start a journey there you are outside of Christ suppose say stuff for that you could use if you are trusting in your own self righteous see what states that confirmo so proper also just to see if you're just a church member but you're not converted see what's up in those who member jagadish
you might know a covert you do you are gonna stand naked before God versus that up New Jersey to Deus every thought you've ever had don't depend sieminski for such a thing every word you've ever spoken though the palovak was a shuffling every deed you've ever done god that ought to give us is your face even in the dark mizzle new school everything your eyes never looked at God the Kois upon a square so soldiers you're gonna be exposed before the throne of God said i sposta cheering should've thrown at you then you're going to
have to give an account before city rocky priests are Cantus defend yourself see the fielder and you know what what's the subacute there will be no defense no evade other fears nothing NAB dad a young guy one time told a friend of mine who Jovi movies follow premiere I look forward to the opportunity to stand before God I was so shocked I said you just had a few things to tell him because there was squeezing his poor fellow priority I'm not afraid there were no stole Camila my friend looked at him know imma go to
pray early and he said son it if Jesse feel you you are going to melt before God will serve I said they hit their judge deduce like a tiny wax figurine before a blast furnace como la pagina novella judge duma for Analia isaiah asked this question is i yes face as a peer mentor who can bear his continual burnings king fogicon' fear a suicune chin-hua eater you will give an account will survive that hold us do you not understand what's the 19 doing there even the most clean of you mismos my food was even the
most high cultured of you mismos mice shaved your most moral miss was my small eyes you ought to be trembling right now for says the video is to remember water if you know anything about yourself see what's this asabi helm inch camus air verse 20 verse suit Lavigne she's gonna really repeat his argument then if i I've got a hippie children mesmero milk because by the works of the law no flesh will be justified in his sight bouquet pillars orbit as the landing gates that I first if ecology and she barely what does it mean
to be justified Oh kiss even if you guys there's Russia Africa to be declared rights sir the clarity Houston God will not declare anyone right before him through the law there's no positive light I mean game Jews to change their apparently another meaning could be vindicate Omalu significant a podracer VIN Jakarta you make all these boasts verse if I stood as SS is your guru see glorious I'm a good person I assume above is so I'm a good man it's from Boehm I do a lot of good thing they were smooth disperses bull on the
day of judgment New Jerusalem to God will not vindicate you and there's no chief in Jakarta fish juice he will prove you wrong L if I'm on strike force a stuffy ha do it as a matter of fact he will prove you so wrong yet if I preferred you money to do forceful sister be hard that you will bow your name he was sick surgery I judge you then you will call him Lord you were sick yamaraja singer and you will say he is right evil surges G oculus sir when you walk off into hell
he put a force in fennel you will have to acknowledge he is right in sending you there for said helping a Sarah Kelly Houston commander Allah that's what it means and you significant toast that's why Christ is the only safe haven political showmanship Christo una kuzava do the work of Christ the only salvation ultra biological is to a son Elias of us America so the law can't save us internally no Borisov but now let's look at verse 21 my second home is over a secret vtune before we go to 21 own to shoot over to
20 multiple Veatch it says no flesh will be justified in his sight it is just you my kisarazu chief you've got no sales orders then it says something very important until you follow my question with birth Lynch that I don't want to miss children care appeared there for through the law comes the knowledge of sin porky otra vez de leeuw very policeman to pick out what is the purpose of the law Paul will propose dolly so that you will know your sin but a TiVo sis cybo who still Picard now why is that important okay
super thirty years ago my mother died of cancer Oh booze that was authorizing me on when watch cursor the doctor knew my mother who don't work when you see Myung Moon he knew she was a very strong-willed woman yellow Subbiah Kelly I don't when were there mood to forage Fiske amici and he knew that when he told her to get a surgery she would say no yo sabe a kissy elegy says Professor Thomas Russia Ella Jillian no he knew she disagree Ellis it's a vehicle no idea come querida and refused treatment ethelia haku's ro tratamiento
so what did he do he told you magic face he brought evidence it it throws evidences x-ray after x-ray how she suppose I refuse chemical analysis after chemical analysis chemical suppose analysis chemicals and when he said miss washer you need treatment he couldn t Jesus nor washer or shut up research through tomato she said no I don't L follow no you're no Prince OU's he goes evidence number one they follow if they said little evidence number two a few days in the middle voice evidence number three if they said move today's by the time he
got the evidence five everything seemed cool she wasn't so sure anymore Allen Lucien with the sir theism ice the time he got to the last part of his evidence fluently sure going on which whopper to the sweet danger she put her head down and local circa bisi bele bhath she said I need treatment Ella follow you please tell me do you realize that that doctor ruined my Mother's Day mrs. Sabich a kid adult or a Hui no Jia the memory he made her sad le fais week of class III stroke my mother's heart it he
kept broken a son of your mine should I have punched him silico the video theory go P odd really no no I respected him you're his PT why poor kid he cared enough about my mother to tell her the truth perky liquid avec une bande Amir moines killakee she's a revered agile and he was willing to suffer her anger y estaba disease you're just so free i Arabella I wish more preachers who are like her doctor yoga sorry achieve as my spirit God or disco mismatch they don't tell people the truth it is no GZ
Nozomi Sato their ears it is a more passive source of limbless the last time you heard one of these prosperity preachers preach about sin profile Chavez was a business progressive prosper dodge but again story picado about repentance o subra happens you mean about a more a little Sabri morally dodge no they're not gonna pray no it is novo big adios why poor kid because they love you book it is them overseer no no they love themselves it is the more Samir's and they want you to like them really careful sick they go still did they
want you to love them as much as they love themselves it is getting for semitone 2.08 is there more simeon and they want you to donate to their ministry yeah the scariest all choice person is that when i teach on the discipline of children cuando le Cygne sobre discipline experiences some others will say this our boys GCSE or let's let's put this on a different level open a phone call a common level even my work when my wife teaches called ominous posing scenarios women on disciplining children malaria sobre como discipline there as clearances sometimes a
woman I'll say this Oh Moses women whatever existing I can't discipline my child you don't possibly not yawns I just love my child too much oh you're one with doomed well don't ever say that to my wife Luca jjigae you spray me Amulya cuz she will look at you for killifer lover will soon and she will say yoga philosophy you are deceived voci airwing gonna do you do not discipline your child for suppose I don't superiority not because you love your child no poor kid will say o my Allah but because you love yourself my
speaker for semaphore sim use me and you want your child to like you Eve was sick care cat's whiskers Gosling you will see a true preacher una verdadera Brigadoon will not love himself no amar else amusement he will love you enough to tell you the truth Olivia my dutiful sipper the teachers that of here died so he will talk about sin in 34 I'll also become he'll talk about yourself and if Allah knows so who's Shilpa I'll keep talking about it until you're convinced yet if I quote Renoir for them to do so effective or
sisters your kuving's see until he ruins your day I take it out who we knew so gia why poor kid because he hates you poor kid Oh Davis it no he loves you no a German you must acknowledge your sin before you can ever be saved if I said the vehicle yes sir so picado don't you just sear solve you'll never seek a physician until you know you're sick but see new caboose come see Russia oh I think it was a cyber key I picked was a cyber costarred winch and so God gives us the
law until they lose that alais so that we see our condition but I cannot suppose suppose villain austere conscience oh you know what the problems that we have versus abuse problems chaos films we compare ourselves to the others around us no Santino's compadre Amazon AWS mesma scores ultras or heterogeneous so compared to Hitler I'm a good guy bang compadre Hitler you're so mean boom yeah but Hitler had in the standard seemed I see you clear know imparted only Christ is good East Wing it's just like this a Muslim is a seen a guy works out
in a gym ooh Oh me Mallya Nakada Mia he's a power lifter daily only fat adagios and in the gym he's been shin 150 kilos yuck the miracle circular front us in secret Achilles in his gym he's the strongest guy in the circuit Emilio Karim ice forth she's like walking around the gym all acting bad a leave Ireland our third Academy a small strand my name is Benson 150 kilos oh you're so cocky liver de sensee ridiculous he's the man oh it was so Okada he's good it was so bone and then somebody from another
gym comes in in Como gain more academia into the cadonia daily who's popping up about 250 kilos Kiko secular from Tardos NC frantic heels and what happens you can contest the other guy wrote ricotta in light of another standard or Linda water personal pod room he realizes he's not that strong Jerry fallacy a looser don't Forge you see when we compare ourselves to ourselves viciousness compromise on los mismos c'mon smears we can look pretty good no spoiler must put a sermon to base but when Christ walks into the room ice cuando could use to enter
masala when God shows us even is law you going to business monster slowly we say hold it oh no she seems better you I'm in trouble oh we're spoon problema I'm in a lot of trouble oh my god oh no problemo that's why God gave the law SC poor kid those was double now we're gonna try to make our way through 21 and 22 I gotta phone we can tell Chicago V TV choice now here's the good news I go to someone's balls Lachesis it says now apart from the law the righteousness of God has
been manifested mine witnessed by the law and the prophets muster gotta sing a lace even if your stories videos testimony on the pillar Lake APA los profetas now this righteousness of God I gotta juice usage of the oaths what in there the word salvation collocation lugar de cheese Sava so this is a I don't want to get into a lot of in-depth study don't throw food okey so I just want you to put in the word salvation it's Prosecco lockup I love the sofa so Luger just the basic idea we can say they are bicycle
appeals to saying the law could not save you a Lane own purchase over vs. you cannot be declared righteous through the law verse in important declared issue so Traverse delay but now my Zagora apart from the law G bonito prefer totally having nothing to do with the law who kill another vehicle Lee the salvation of God has been made manifest I serve assumed you do sweet fate the money for started for me I'll stop all the Old Testament Paul is saying I wrote a policies in cryptography testament to the law and the prophets our lives
prefer to testify to this salvation a chief eco dance the silver soon in that salvation the SS also is in the gospel it's not know if I said you see the Old Testament is completely unified worshippers reciprocate odo going to the semester una faqad through the law a traversal a through the examples that men at the residences emphasis or means what do we say Oh King knows films man cannot say themselves whose Omi's nobody so far so what else do we see in the law my spoke it - no supposedly these promises as promises promises
of what promises do care a coming Savior in Tsavo turkey video a coming say from servo turkey vidya the losses don't look at me i'll a felon wanna play me no you can't be saved through me for system bodies yourselves atrophy as you look to the one we're pointing to oliver akira pero cuando systems upon to the one who is to come Akira Qaddafi fear and the prophets say this use prophetic Jesus you can't save yourself through mighty change was there's no bodies the sofa loves the one that we're pointing to all in butter Katie
skin no systems up until look to Jesus only pleasure to look to him I'll play it look to the gospel you play if I tell you that's what the whole Bibles about a you shook it oughta be the father the Old Testament Saints look toward him uh UN tribute instrumental fella all apparently they look forward to Christ it is the level of entrepreneurship song sour to the gosh it is enough for Vinci spear and overshadow and wait today in Oz OSHA we look back no sir there was a price everything stands in the shadow of
the cross of Jesus Christ though there's a squeeze as for them somebody a dispel accrues Eucharist everything points to that one thing fathers are squeezed as a photon Paloma una caja Jesus Christ died for sinners Jesus Christ more helpers picadors verse 22 verse of introduced even the right business of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe for there is no distinction xuxa Sajid those majors aphasias Cristo but I thought s sobre todo su ski crimper can no I just assume the Jews listening to this who should there was all very used to
they would have said this it is Judy I see yeah but we're not like those Gentiles I see my snows Knossos consult wishing you're not like those sinful Gentile knows no so smokers pick up door teaching totally ignorant it is some compared to meet you know it's they don't have the law it is nothing Ali and Paul says this later on Ebola fillet boys yeah you have the law if you're Dutch was sitting early but none of you obeyed it must manage was this over this so the whole world's guilty in toto do you mean
the coop out as a matter of fact you're more guilty than the Gentile Navidad for seshu those so my school policy coaching to use because the who much is given much is required porque la comunidad moon será cobrado so what is Paul doing here you don't get Bautista facility condemning the whole world here is the DML new moon de todo Y porky in order to leave the world condemned but it is sharp Coronado no no so that the world will look for a savior but at you multiple destroy your personal Savior is Jesus Christ kid
is so Fedora is Chris and that's why to the biblical Christian yep ah daisuki Peru crystal beeping in the biblical church human greasier biblical Jesus is everything she Sue's that to do is everything it had to do is everything in the truth knowing Jesus Queen Sara Jesus believing Jesus career ishizu's loving Jesus Amara Jesus being conformed to the image of Jesus circle for mild imagine Jesus that's what a biblical Christian is looking at a priori sukoon Cristo biblical stop recording do and then some silly preacher comes along integral of a brigade or so zine and
he says God wants you to be healthy yes pray God or faith alone to guilt them scared forces seizure prospero Christmas leave me alone okay the stove here that it'll follow me there's no there you don't care oh no and then the preacher goes look over here my super girl if I see your the so lucky God wants you wealthy they'll scare for say here cool the biblical Christian okay don't be bleep get away from me sigh for did you mean we're talking all this nonsense look acceptor fall into the suppose theater I'm looking at
Jesus restored on the pressure soothes I don't want your garbage you know cancer leash I don't want the world algo que tu mundo let me say this this region see me queasy a Christian uncle stone would rather be in hell with Jesus but if very sternly fair no kosher Zeus then in heaven without him do killer cell singers that's a Christian is wrong Cristo a Christian or is he willing to lose everything in this world there's a shot up here there's 2d messy mundo for fellowship with Jesus bill a camión increased they just don't care
about this other stuff it isn't Gary nice abuses other squeezes you know what the Puritans used to say Sicily couch potatoes pasta Marvin Jazeera if you're a Christian civil simcha stone your character has been changed in such a way who still character free transform a digital form that your desires have been elevated cures diseases for elevado's so that nothing can please you Jim American add the porches such as for zero nothing can satisfy no the poster preserve except God is set boosts if you lose the whole world see for superior do mundo told it won't
make you sad invite for service attrition and if you gain the whole world is for según el mundo it won't make you happy no breakfast it was the Phillies because Christ is infinitely beyond all of them ok Christa if Anita min challenges to do for some of you who are married I which was usual system Kazan whole thing on marriage about this point you'll follow mood the scripture because I'm into story of your dodj have you ever heard the statement that your wife completes you force a show of your caliph Raza famosa a su esposa
completa your wife fills you a sewer disposer brain schwoz lawyer your husband completes you o who still muddy which completa he fills you a Libra Vasya if your husband or wife can complete you su su marido Moliere poder kampala tell you if they can fill you silly consider to pressure then you're not a Christian it over Sanaa my own crystal if you're a Christian civil single stone the only one who can fill you you bought your precious ashes ooze and so many men are disappointed in their wives if them to Zoey systems upon tono supposes
and so many wives are disappointed in their husband don't does expose the stones a boomtown Russo's Mario juice because they believe that lie book it is I could age it'll mess Amin cheetah men are demanding something from their wife that only God can do all missus vases the Mundell poisonous malaria so they'll spot fuzzier and wives are demanding from their husbands only something that God can do Emily Aris the monogamous roses Versailles Mari disgust I mentioned ale spot fussing I love my wife it won't me suppose she cannot complete me and I don't watch me
complete there she cannot fill me I don't punch me pretty sure I wouldn't want to live without her you don't care of your sing Ella but she can't do all that my solemn butch was a toothless and I'm not gonna put that burden on her young somewhere poder de lo que decir sobre la que él no podía rock again only Jesus can fill me Zeus Podrick oh Jesus can satisfy soldiers who spoke me successfully Jesus can satisfy my wife Easter Shizu sports such as enemies poison she knows I can el estaba kill nobody and I
know she can yo SE que él no podía I have a dear and growing friendship with these two men LLL stop and oh oh my grungy I miss - Chris's boys Army's very dear to my heart it is some weak area - no Corazon but they can't fill me was there's no board anybody shared and I'm not gonna put that burden on them you're no boss Carlo classified so Brielle is only Christ so Chris so if you're in a prosperity church you don't suppose they stand allegro spyridon prosperity fills you yo spirit a cheap ring
she completes you you come plentiful satisfy you satisfies will still and you always want more of it he was this simply care mais de leur welcome to hell baby no fair no welcome to hell baby no fair what do you want people sick care more of Jesus my Jesus or do you just want to use Jesus over say Cara penis whose urges to get the things you really want but a Conca status quizzes give us a hill mean she can't remember that old hymn ladies the killing I would rather have Jesus than silver gold you
prefer idiot ishizuka prata you do I'd rather have Jesus than fortunes untold a brief idiot clear minds are used to keep for Tunis no cantatas I'd rather have Jesus than worldwide bang a brief idiot ishizu's to get toward the firmament y'all you see that it's a via Dodge that's right loser father thank you for your word there's no sugar in the same hospital Appa laughter dear God please use it in the life of your people carrados proof-of-work you seein a video disapprove and Lord if there's someone here that doesn't know you yo see alguien que
que no es that they would turn to Christ Keira Satori pre-creased in Jesus name Norma to Sue's amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
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