COMMITTED - The Most Powerful Motivational Speech Compilation for Success, Students & Working Out

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COMMITTED! Desire is a key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to the pursuit of yo...
Video Transcript:
you can't push yourself forward if all you thinking about is the doubts and the negative things that people are saying because you're relying more on their ideas and their dreams of you instead of you relying on your own dreams and ideas of yourself why would you want to surround yourself with people that don't have ideas that are great why would you want to surround yourself because of a number you know a lot of people tend to wonder oh how many friends they have and how many people in their Corner oh I have a million followers
I have tens and thousands and thousands and thousands of people that support me how many of those people do you actually know do you realize the power that you have right now even the people that don't like you they are drawn to you they see you but they don't see your greatness they don't see what you truly have inside they are afraid of it they don't lift it up they don't encourage it because they're not happy so they want you to come on their side they want you to believe in their ideas of what you
think of yourself they doubt you and you believe what they doubt instead of you waking up from your Slumber instead of you waking up from this nightmare of Despair and letting your opportunities come to life it's going to be a tough time ladies and gentlemen it's going to be rough it's going to be some tough times and tough days ahead for you but that doesn't mean your ideas are going to die that doesn't mean that you stop that doesn't mean you stop believing in yourself you just got to keep on working when you got people
looking at you from the left side and the right side from the front to the back and you in the middle just remember everybody's watching just give them something to see let them see it or you watching me watch this or you want to stop me you can't stop this that's the mentality that you must have in [Music] yourself don't you dare give up now I know what that pain feels like I know how to absorb that pain and I know how to keep marching and I know how to keep moving and I know how
to get productive in in my life can't stop what you didn't create you can hate it but you can't dominate it cuz it belongs to me your ideas belongs to you so many people dream big dreams but they never take any action so listen to me carefully if you don't believe in yourself you've already lost the battle not believing in yourself is a losing battle because either you won't try at all or you will convince yourself that you can't do it and when you convince yourself that you can't do it your results are going to
confirm what you believe you fall short of your goals when you predict that you're not going to hit them and sometimes you're too focused on probability you're asking yourself well what's the likelihood of this happening versus focusing on the possibility asking yourself how would my life change if I accomplished this ask yourself that question and don't wait on approval for anyone outside of you and don't feel bad because you feel like no one is cheering for you no you've got to decide that you are your biggest fan you've got to decide that you're going to
finish what you started if you don't have one person supporting you if nobody acknowledges you acknowledge yourself if nobody supports you support yourself this is the thing if you keep showing up if you keep going hard if you stay consistent through your Valley moments your results will turn those who ignored you into f it's not that you don't want everything that comes with the path that leads to your true potential but you were too hung up on blaming the past and the present you were too hung up on blaming your mom for how she treated
you when you were younger you were too hung up on blaming your teachers for how they spoke to you you're too hung up on the shy thing that happened to you years ago I'm not trying to discredit your pain but you got to let that go and because of that you aren't able to appreciate the strength and power you have today you aren't able to step into that power because you are choosing to justify excuses every single time you open youring eyes it's time to take responsibility understand that you are in control of how you
feel every day what you do every day how you act every day so don't get it twisted the excuse that these outside sources control how you feel what you do and how you act is just a justification that has been drilled into your head since you were younger break out of it understand that we have the power to change our lives stop putting the power in other people's hands by blaming them for your current situation take that back take that back choose to the trajectory of your life so you can live up to your true
potential and don't for one second think it's going to be easy if it's important to you you're going to find a way you won't have to look for a resource you will become resourceful it's not always about the accomplishment it's about the effort if we can just keep the effort going the excuses irrelevant got to be stronger under your excuses excuses don't get results we get one opportunity to come this way we get one shot we got one life to [Music] live life is too short to make excuses we get this strange feeling that we
have never had mercy in our lives that we are no longer this poor little stranger and Afraid in a world it never made [Music] momentum is a big thing with human beings it's a big thing for me at least if I'm on a good momentum of healthy eating and exercise I love it I like waking up sore pushing further I like writing down my workouts what I've done and I like hitting that gym hard on a daily basis and I I build momentum and I find that when I do that with writing whether I do
that with performing whether I do that with anything it just it just gets everything going it just creates energy being lazy robs you of energy like being sedentary being uninspired being bored it robs you of one of the most precious things you can have in this life enthusiasm one of the things that I tell people all the time because a lot of people have a hard time defining themselves they Define themselves by failure because they failed but I'm like you're not your failures you're you okay your life is a series of lessons you've learned now
if you just dwell on the failures like that's not that's not healthy it's not smart and it's not empowering what you got to do is look at those failures you go well now you know what not to do but you're not that you're you it was hard because so happy to be and have the job I have at the same time I was like I'm not don't feel like I'm growing in my work and my life had at that time had become extremely vitle meaning I just had a newborn son with Camila wow the only
thing I ever knew I wanted to be and now I was and here's this job that I had held most reverence for in my life fatherhood now I was uh I was the my emotions the ceiling and the basement of my emotions the range was so wide I was laughing louder crying harder getting angrier showing more joy having more sadness having all all across the board all emotions were much more extreme than they were or could be in the work I said your life's more vital than your work but can my work challenge the Vitality
I'm feeling in my life so the work I wanted to do I heard certain scripts I wanted to wanted to do Dallas spers Club at that time other scripts nobody's going to touch me with a 10-ft pole in those movies all the dramatic roles I wanted they're like no no no not P we won't Finance it okay so I can't do what I want to do so I'm going to stop doing what I've been doing so I stopped doing romcoms I said no I stopped well for the first 6 months of not doing romcoms I
wasn't doing anything finally nothing came in and for 14 more months nothing came in I considered other careers didn't know if it ever work again but after 20 months of being gone unbranding as I now call it being out of sight not being in your theater or your living room in a romcom not seeing me shirtless on the beach I became a new good idea I don't know I haven't seen him where has he been I was kind of refound so I I I had to do that for myself I L doing the romcoms but
I was getting the scripts and I felt like I could do the same script tomorrow morning morning and I was like that's fine but I want something that's going to make me sweat in my boots I want some work that's going to challenge me and make me go I'm scared of this role for all the right reasons and I can't wait to go attack it and see what I come see how I come up the other side why seek the role that's hard because it cost me something cuz it cost it's not really a risk
unless you lose the fight I feel more alive in them I have an experience in the making of them I'm nervous every day come to work I feel like when I nail a day and I knock it and I know I did I feel like yes I get I I have a measure at the end of the day like you set out to do something you prepared for it you had intention and you did [Applause] it know there's lots of different ways to interpret the world and you can maybe even make a case that there's
an endless number of ways to interpret the world and the problem with that is that kind of disorients you in terms of what you should be doing just because there's a very large number of ways to interpret the world doesn't mean there's a very large number of productive meaningful and sustainable ways to interpret the world the thing that's so interesting about the day the day is like a page in a book had one client who was spending about 45 minutes a night fighting with his young son about when to go to bed and so you
know they weren't having a pleasant time of it cuz it was just a constant battle and that's common like it's very common for parents of young children to be locked in a battle that occurs day after day sometimes it's around eating sometimes it's toilet training sometimes it's General behavioral issues sometimes it's bedtime it's like okay 40 minutes a day so that's 280 minutes a week so that's let's say 5 hours it's 20 hours a month it's 240 hours in a year that's six work weeks that's a month and a half you're spending a month and
a half of work weeks doing nothing but fighting with your son don't fool yourself that's every day is a significant percentage of your life you're awake let's say 16 hours five of those hours are basically maintenance so you got about 11 and then seven of those are work so now you're down to 4 so if you're spending 15 minutes a day doing something painful and stupid and you do it every day it's like 10% of your productive life cuz people think backwards they think well I have a vacation coming up and that's really important it's
like no it's not you're only going to do it once it's not that important yeah um how you treat each other at lunch if you eat together every day that's your life fix that get it get it so that the food's good get it so that you're happy with the people that are sitting there fix that it's like poof 10% of your life is fixed the purpose is to align ourselves to really make a change so you can either be the conversation about making change or you can be actual a part of the action to
do it I want to be a part of the action I don't want to be you or beat you I want to take this energy and apply it to myself that's the purpose of scene so I come here and I look at how you maneuver I look at your setup I not only bow down and congratulate you I leave and I say yo man I'm inspired dude Jo I can't wait in 2 years you going to come you going to see my you remember I said I was inspired but you're going to see what I
let it grow into that's the proper way to get encourage enaged and motivated look at your circle right when you can merge yourself with good people and follow the paths that you see that these good successful people have taken you then become a part of a world and group that nobody expected you to be in so everything else from the outside that comes in you're you're you're throwing at a at a at a bubble that can't be popped it's a force field around me there's a force field around me because what matters what really matters
loves me wholeheartedly and when you have that and you understand that you're unbreakable so if you don't add to that force field if you don't make my force field stronger you don't you don't you don't get time from me my true understanding is all right you got one life and that one life the goal for us is to live it to the best of our ability from the beginning to what said the end people don't understand is you against you the only person that gets in your way is you nobody else it's you what I've
understood is that what people are doing has nothing to do with me I should always be a step ahead because I'm thinking differently because I'm thinking about myself making myself better puts me in a position to make others better hard work brings great rewards I wish that I could tell you that the load you carry will get lighter it won't as time passes you'll find it will get heavier the mountain that you need to climb will get higher the ocean that you need to cross will get wider trust me when I tell you that you
don't want to wait indecision is a decision a decision to fail a decision to waste your potential Time Won't Wait For You time doesn't wait for anyone the clock keeps ticking in life there are no timeouts no breaks and no rest stops remember something else that if plan a doesn't work there are 25 other letters in the alphabet this isn't three strikes and you're out this isn't baseball it's the real world and that means there's no limit on how many times you're allowed to try the only time your dream dies is when you decide to
quit you need to be ready for what's to come when the darkness sets in when you feel like you can't take another step forward believe in yourself you will keep going you will persevere you will WEA the store trust in yourself the kind of trust a bird has you see the bird doesn't put its trust in the branch it puts its trust in its own wings so when the branch breaks it can still fly again you can weather any storm you can withstand anything the world throws at you remember that the safest path brings the
least reward stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start believing in what could go right there may be a million reasons you're afraid to follow your dreams but that doesn't mean you shouldn't go after what your heart desires dare to face your fears dare to take risks dare to be better the real question is how bad do you want it and what are you willing to do to get it within you is a power far greater than you can imagine harness that power an un believe in yourself way before anyone else believe that
your dreams can come true believe in your capacity for [Music] greatness success isn't about greatness it's about consistency no one's born great you don't get to choose how you start in this life but you do get to choose what you do we all have a choice when it comes to building our future if you show up day after day and work hard if you give your full effort if you leave nothing on the table then greatness and success will come you'll be faced with difficult situations there'll be times that you don't believe in your ability
to persevere there'll be times you feel incapable of rising to meet the challenges that face you you'll be tempted to turn your back and run but running is is never the best option when you're in the middle of a struggle the only way out is through rather than running away from obstacles or trying to figure out some kind of way around them go right through them brace yourself steady your nerves put your head down and Tackle whatever you face head on the storm may jar you a bit but I promise that you won't buckle and
you won't break [Music] believe in your ability to weather the storm when you come out on the other side you'll be better for showing your strength the fears you face along the way they'll make you better our biggest fears always carry with them the greatest opportunity for personal growth our fears and how we Face them brings out the best in us if something doesn't scare us if something doesn't challenge us it doesn't change [Music] Us in life we have two choices we either step forward expose ourselves to risk and evolve or we play it safe
and we step backwards into the [Music] Shadows your dreams aren't going to come true on their own so it's time to get to work it's not going to be easy great things never get dropped in your lap and they never start from Comfort zones if you want to be something you've never been you need to do something you've never done scary right wrong you know what's really scary being trapped in a Perpetual cycle of unhappiness looking at yourself in the mirror each day and not liking the reflection you see staring back at you don't live
your life like that at any time you can change your circumstances and you can change your life you have the power to do anything you want to do you just need to be willing to do things differently than you've done before you need to be willing to take risks you need to be daring if you're willing to step out of your safe Zone if you're willing to stand at the edge of the cliff and jump if you're willing to do what you've never done you'll give yourself the power to become what you've never been will
it be easy probably not but if you want to change your life you'll need to do what's right not what's easy too many people choose the easy Road even when they know it's not the right Road take the path less TR traveled real greatness isn't determined by some Birthright or fate real greatness is determined by what you do with the hand that you're [Music] dealt the true secret of success is to accept the truth that the only path is the path of hard work and productivity you'll get where you want to go and achieve your
goals if you follow four Simple Rules show up work hard don't quit and ask some questions along the way do you want to Coast through life without fulfilling the potential that lives within you do you really want to wake up one day and realize that all of the dreams you have had have passed you by each one of us has dreams and we have passions we have things that we want to accomplish you're the only person who needs to be okay with how you live your life you could be hated by everyone and if you're
okay with your actions and behavior you'll be content at the same time you can be loved and adored by every damn person on the planet but if you're not okay with how you've lived your life you'll go to bed with emptiness at the end of the day if you and you alone can look yourself in the mirror and be content with the choices you've made then that's all that matters believe in everything that you are and understand that within you there's something greater than any obstacle you'll ever face have faith in your abilities work hard
never give up and there's nothing you can't [Music] accomplish so the key is to just do you with the right amount of confidence anything is possible no matter what you set out to do your first word should always be I believe in me the most important person to believe in is always yourself see you know one of your biggest problems is that you keep thinking that there is another you and for me I started to accomplish more than I ever have in my life when I realize that there's nobody like me that there's nobody that
can do what I can do you have to come to the resolve today now that you don't need anyone's permission to make your dream a reality and it may not always go the way you want but at the end of the day you have to understand that there's a reason for you and there's a reason why things happen once those things have been figured out now you're going to move on to purpose purpose has already been written it has a bottom line to it there is no wasn't supposed to happen there was no coincidence attached
to it it was meant to be it is going to happen no matter what you think no what I think no matter how any of us feel in this world purpose has already see we're not supposed to tuck our dreams in on the pillow when we get up in the morning we're not supposed to leave them at home and go and fulfill somebody else's dream we're not supposed to do that that's not what we're wired to do that's not who we are your human Spirit doesn't care about the economy the human Spirit doesn't care that
my son's father went to prison my the human Spirit doesn't care what's happened to your family the human Spirit doesn't care about the past you may have been m blessed or your family may have been broke or or you may have been betrayed or you may have a divorce your human Spirit doesn't care about any of that your human Spirit simply says what's our Command for tomorrow every room you walk into you show up and you show out and you leave it all on the table remember your passions when you don't see a light at
the end of your tunnel you got to remember the life that is bounding inside of you that nobody is able to put out there is not a person on this planet that can stop [Music] you I know there are a lot of people out there that always saying that they want to go back or saying that they had to get back to something the goal is is to move forward don't ever get yourself in a position where you feel you have to always go back or saying it you have to get back to doing what
you used to do or getting back to what you had before or whatever the goal is to move forward the best thing you can do is try your very best not to fall off track there three types of people in this world there are people who watch things happen there are people who wonder what happened and there are people who make things happen you got to determine which person you are you can make a wish or you can make it happen you must first believe that you can that you will that you must when you
are no longer willing to tolerate being in the room of failure didn't that's when you're going to break free see either you don't want to be as great as you really are and you're trying to dim your light so that others won't feel insecure about themselves in your [Music] presence and so you keep playing at 79 Watts when you know you're supposed to shine at 159 watts and you keep checking the temperature of the room to see what the room can handle versus just giving the room you and letting them if the if your lights
too bright and let them put on some shades can you give yourself permission to live in The Duality of your imperfections and your smallness and what you're learning and what you still have to learn and your greatness and your Brilliance and your light can you allow them to coexist and then serve them up to the world to love you to see you to inhale you to judge you to leave you to love you some of us are just as afraid of being loved as we are to be left [Music] get up work hard put some
effort into what you want out of life because all you have is you all you have is what you have inside don't wait for somebody to tell you what to do you know what you need to do get out there and get it done because that's ultimately what it's going to take you have to have the courage the will and everything you have inside to get to the level and Beyond the level you want to be there was enough fire inside of of you after everything you have been through you've got to be able to
see your value others have failed others have gone others have missed their moment you must accept this truth that you were born for such a time as this and that at this very moment all you have is all you need between reason and purpose there is you you have to be willing to understand that you have to work day in and day out and be the best human being the best person you can be and through it all the good and the bad you have to stand strong you have to understand that there is a
significant balance to all of us as long as we are in this world but you got to do the very best you can to get through it and be strong and be productive and be as success uccessful as you can possibly be your greatest fear is not that you will fall your greatest fear is that you will live a full life and never fly that you never leaped you're not afraid of dying you're afraid of dying before the world sees who you really are before they really get your fingerprint before they really feel your breath
before they really feel you that's what you don't want to happen you don't want to leave this place without us knowing you were here how did you dream before you got hurt I want you to start thinking about all the memories that you wanted to build the stories that you wanted to tell but for many of you defeat has traumatized you and it is left an image in your head and this is why you won't go after it I want you to erase the face of defeat and embrace the process none of us are going
to be here for long sooner or later you got to leave this planet but make the best of the life that you have on this day and the day after so if tomorrow comes for you tomorrow comes for me let's get out there and make the best of it because tomorrow is another day and if you a part of that day that means you got work to do there is no one like you in all of the earth there is no one that can do what you can do you are the only option you are
the only play nobody else is going to be able to do this and so we're all waiting for perfect it's an illusion that will never come to you it's an excuse to never show up and play your story is not meant to be your Fortress your story is meant to be your fuel get out there work no matter where you are no matter what you do no matter what's going on in your life you still have a chance make it count for something get it done and conduct your business I hate Plan B everything I
ever did the thing that they heard out of people's mouth was that's impossible that can't be done or no we have so many doubters the no Sayers we have so many of those people that say no and you can't do it it's impossible but when you start doubting yourself that's very dangerous because now what you're basically saying is is that if my plan doesn't work I have a fall back plan I have a plan B you're taking away now that thought and that energy from plan a so whenever someone said to me it can't be
done I heard it can be done when they said no I heard yes and when they said it's impossible I heard it is possible because I am a strong believer I'm tell telling you I've never ever had a plan B I made a full commitment that I'm going to go and be a bodybuilding Champion I made a full commitment that I'm going to be in America I made a full commitment that I'm going to get in the show business and I'm going to be a leading man no matter what it takes I will do the
work and it's very important to understand that we function better if there is no safety net because Plan B becomes a safety net it says that if I fail then I fall and I get picked up and I have something else there that was that will protect me what is if I fail then I don't have anything else well let me tell you something don't be afraid of failing because there's nothing wrong with failing so people always ask me when they so me in the gym in the Pumping Iron days they say why is it
that you're working out so hard 5 hours a day 6 hours a day and you have always a smile on your face why is that and I told people all the time I said because to me I'm shooting for a goal so every rep that I do gets me closer to accomplishing that goal to make this call this Vision turn into reality Michael Jordan said in one of his interviews when they said you're unbelievable you're the greatest basketball player of all times and he says well you're just mentioned the successes but it says for me
to become the greatest basketball player I missed 9,000 shots when I was playing basketball at the NBA games does it make him a failure no he's one of the greatest basketball players of all times but he failed 9,000 times do you get it we all fail it's okay what is not the case that when you fail you stay down it's all about the hard work that you put in when you leave this place I need you to get in beast mode and stay in beast mode on three beast mode 1 2 3 Beast Mode no
come on 1 2 3 come on one 2 3 if you wake up at 3:30 some other kid is getting up at 3: and he's got 30 30 minutes on you today I need you to do me a huge favor I need you not only to walk to be a beast I need you to live in beast mode because if you live in beast mode you'll have what other people don't have listen to me very closely not only will you have what other people don't have you'll do what other people can't do so what is
it what is that one thing that you're saying that I am going to get this thing done and I'm going to make my dreams become a reality everyone wants to be a beast until it's time to do a real Beast do everybody wants to be a beast everybody wants to make their dreams become a reality there's no one sitting in this room who say I want to procrastinate I don't want to get it done I don't want to get to the next level no every person in this room not only do you want your dreams
to become a reality you deserve for your dreams to become a reality this is important seasons are always temporary say it seasons are always temporary crisis is not a permanent Condition it's just a season and the key to life is what you have to do is organize yourself to Outlast the season that's all as long as you're average you're going to get what average people get you get to that point where you do exactly what you say you're going to do you're going to get to the next level that no one can do it for
you but you it's not over until I win life has taught me that you will grow through what you go through through life has taught me that you will grow through what you go through life has taught me for every level there's another devil life has taught me the depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success everybody's got a dream everybody's got a goal everybody wants something in life but many of you in this room right now your beast mode is Idle your beast mode is not turned on and when you leave
this place I'm telling you your life is going to go to a whole of level if you can learn to turn that switch on and keep that switch on I out blasted the pain you're saying I've got dreams I have goals there are things that I want to accomplish I'm not satisfied like I don't sleep well at night like like ET I I dream it ET I want it ET let me tell you something if you get to that point if you get to that point where you do exactly what you said you're going to
do you're going to get to the next level as an individual I need you to get your schedule up I need you to get your life up I need you to get your words up I need you to to get your heart up I need you to get your action up I need you to get to a place that every single thing that you do is phenomenal so that the life you want to live you can actually live that life everybody wants to be number one everybody wants to be the best everybody wants to succeed
everybody wants to have to be and do what they feel they've been called to [Music] do the challenge becomes most of us when it's time to do what beasts do we don't do it I need you to put this down put this down put this down because what you're going to discover as you're going toward your dream as you're going towards your goal they're going to be they're man so many distractions there going to be so many people that haters so many people that come up against you so many obstacles so many trials so many
tribulations when people ask me eat e like for real for real eat I know you can give me 20 things that you've done to help yourself to become successful but ET I just need like one or two can you give me one or two and one of the things I tell people is I outlasted the pain I outlasted the pain I need you to recycle your pain when I was sleeping in those abandoned buildings I kept telling myself one day you'll be a homeowner every time I walked into that abandoned building I told myself that
this might be your current circum ances but this will not be how the story ends all you have to do ET is to survive today when they kicked me out of school I knew that I would not be a high school dropout for the rest of my life I knew I got to get through this one day me and my mom been through a lot my mom and I have gone months and almost years of not talking to each other but every single day I kept telling myself one day I'll have a a great relationship
with my mom again one day when I didn't grow up with my biological father he wasn't into my in my life until I was 30 years old but I told myself today your father is not in your life but one day and so every single day when I wake up homeless one day every single day when I woke up in that abandoned building one day one day is going to be et's day but that day can't come if I give up today so every single day when I woke up I kept telling myself today might
not be the day but soon it will be my day and I will recycle my pain say what do you mean ET you recycled your pain I turn homelessness into a book I turned my father not being in my life to a book I turn an a strin relationship with my mom into a book I turn being homeless into a book I turn being a high school dropout into a b best seller and not only do they sell it in America they sell it across the world what will you do with your pain will you
let it break you or will you let it redefine you I outlasted the pain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
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ERIC THOMAS: Unlock Blessings and Success ...
Motivational Speech
IT'S TIME TO GET AFTER IT! - Powerful Motivational Speech for Success - Eric Thomas Motivation
IT'S TIME TO GET AFTER IT! - Powerful Moti...
NO EXCUSES, GET IT DONE | Powerful Motivational Speech | Jocko Willink
NO EXCUSES, GET IT DONE | Powerful Motivat...
SELF LOVE | Positive Morning Motivation | LISTEN EVERY DAY!
SELF LOVE | Positive Morning Motivation | ...
Mind Motivation Coaching
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