I Redesigned Old Minecraft Traps to Prank My Friends!

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I upgraded old Minecraft traps to prank friends. Watch as I redesign classic traps for more fun and ...
Video Transcript:
these are the 10 most iconic traps in all of Minecraft but my goal is to make them even better and prank my friends with them this is the chest trap from 2013 where players would open it and fall into lava but this right here is our new and improved chest trap oh frick Bri I need you to get some Sponge uhoh sorry my bad was that a puffer fish Preston what this is the oldest and most frustrating trap in Minecraft but this is our new one and it's so much more frustrating yo this is just
like Roblox wao wait what why did I wait why am I falling uh Preston no dor I'll take good care of your pig Preston why are you doing this I'm getting comments like these on my videos saying I suck at Minecraft apparently and that's just not true hey hey hey hey hey they're completely right you suck at Minecraft and literally everyone on the server think so too well by the end of this video I'm going to get you all to admit that I do not suck at Minecraft and prove everybody wrong there is only one
trap that's old enough to be made by moang themselves the tree trap in 2013 the Minecraft handbook taught players how to make this devious invention it's so simple you literally just find a tree and create a reverse Redstone signal beneath it oh and of course add lots of TNT when players come to mind the bottom stump the signals cut and Kaboom this WAP is already amazing but I'm going to make it even deadlier unfortunately there is a problem with this trap because it only activates if the player chops the bottom block of the tree in
order for it to explode but what if we can make it so that they didn't have to break any block at all that's right we're going to use skull sensors with this idea I had to start upgrading I placed the sensor beneath the tree attaching a dispenser to it and if all goes according to plan my friends will come to gather some wood trigger the skull sensor causing an arrow to fire down into an in Crystal setting up all of the TNT around it but first I have to make sure they head this way okay
Step One is destroying the entire Forest except for the tree that has the Trap step two is to steal all of my friends wood phrasing all of the chest must be rans sacked yes that's everything now he has no other choice but to M the the only tree nearby which of course is there is literally no tree next to his house except for this one which is the Trap tree I'm going to go uh chop some wood yes dude yes oh okay I found a tree come on come on come on come on yes yes
the camo skin prank the most basic trap to pull in all of your friends it's incredibly satisfying to sneak past your enemies and take all of their stuff but these days this trap leaves a lot to be desired I mean for example if you choose the wrong skin and blend into the wrong block you can kiss that chance of stealing your friend's diamonds goodbye so when it comes to upgrading this trap I have to do something a bit unusual first we have to log off Minecraft and then I messaged a friend of mine on Discord
with a very special set of skills because this friend is a plug-in developer for Minecraft and can help me upgrade this trap the biggest problem with the camo skin is it's not very versatile you know to change your skin you got to log off Minecraft change the skin and log back in so I took inspiration from the real life chameleons and asked him to make my skin automatically change based on my location this is me standing in front of stone blocks and this is me standing in front of a tree and as a final measure
I added the ability to change into other player skins it's literally perfect yo this is sick I'm waiting for one of my brothers to leave the house so I can steal a skin all right bro I'll be right back I have to go get some stuff from other oh my God yo yo I'm a s for my wife what's up dude wait you're back already yeah man I uh armor at what do you mean I didn't have any armor on did I we got some pork chops in here this is pretty nice D why you
going in my chest yeah yeah so where's where's my chest again I totally forgot that's just go go find it yourself you act like you you have you don't live here go find it jeez fine that's okay okay I found nothing but diamond tools okay I'm I'm going to steal this it's a little bit of an upgrade oh wait maybe it's in here wait this has got to be a dude yes okay 11 diamonds dude's kind of poor it's fine okay I'm blent in his wood now oh shoot he's coming back he's coming back oh
my God it's so freaking good where's the diamonds get him get him get him go go go okay I'm going to take I'm taking the nether too I think someone's in the house bro I think someone tricked us oh shoot okay I'm going to be bookshelf bookshelf bro I blended in so good wait Caleb where's your room with all your your valuables my diamonds they're gone we Josh you were pranking me right now you stole my diamonds so now Caleb is blaming Joshua for his missing diamonds how do you not have a lock on these
doors oh my gosh Caleb Caleb help help help wait wa oh oh wait Josh wait Josh why are you killing me this is possibly my favorite trap the TNT cannon if you love TNT cannons as much as I do like this video they're so good you can use them on a house a village anything at a distance it's perfect right wrong TNT cannons still have a major issue but we can fix this by giving it the upgrade the first issue is that TNT cannons typically only aim at one spot so we need to make this
one have a massive spread that can cover multiple targets at once sure it can destroy a house but what about a pill Tower or even an entire Woodland Mansion see now that's what I'm talking about so now that we know exactly what we want it's time to start building I researched the most destructive ways to design a TNT cannon and started to work on my masterpiece and as I was getting to the end I thought it needed a little something more so I decided to build an awesome dragon head to make it stand out I'm
sure you're all flaming me in the comments thinking why did you build this hidden TNT trap as a massive floating dragon head isn't that going to give things away but that is precisely what I want you to think in fact I intentionally built the dragon head to be facing this way towards my house and that's because the barrel of the TNT cannon isn't in the dragon's mouth but actually in the back of its head check it out Chase wait guys it looks like a big ender dragon head who built this all right this is pretty
good he's taking the bait okay I'm going to check it out yeah that's right buddy keep going consult us before you do that I only push Preston's buttons no one else that's true what if they are Preston's buttons that's a good point and I didn't think about it he's at the top okay I'm up here guys don't worry everything looks all right what Chase is seeing right now is the fake sign that I left for him hoping he would press the button do not press not yet finished will explode what he thinks it's the self-destruct
button but it's actually the ignite TNT button guys just trust me on this just trust me all right I don't think it's working and there you have it wait what's Happ oh my gosh no chase turn it off jeez no I died wait guys what the heck take cover okay I'm not going to go and say anything but there's this giant sign that says do not press and Chase definitely pressed it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa guys come on I don't know chase you don't walk up to a TNT cannon and just flick a lever
that says do not flick guys I know this doesn't look good on my end but I I promise yeah it really does not look good Chase huh Preston's been pranking us this whole time but he didn't destroy our entire base Chase get out of here this was perfect I was trying to build their trust by Framing Chase and now I don't get to build just one trap in their Village but two starting with the classic the bed trap and if you haven't heard of this trap I don't blame you this trap is as ancient as
debris itself but it's very effective naturally when your friends get tired of your traps and they go to sleep you are waiting with a lever that Springs out below the bed and blows them up but this is a little boring so to upgrade this trap I started by adding a complex Contraption to automatically blow up a small piece of TNT below the player but this is just a mere distraction and is only fulfilled by my next trap the lava trap players are going to be rattled by the explosion from the bed trap so naturally they're
going to go outside to make sure everything's okay and when that happens they will step on the pressure plate I am laying down here and activate the lava trap however this is still yet just another distraction in my grand plan because when they make it through the lava outside the house it'll be too late oh what the heck Josh did you hear that phase one they heard the bed explode guys there was literally an explosion in my house like what the heck happened why is there lava phase two the lava spawns Caleb what's happening guys
it's pouring all over the house you can just end all of this right now and just tell me I don't suck at Minecraft anymore we can make all this go away press it we'll never admit that you don't suck cuz it's just not true I think it's time for phase three oh no I didn't even want to do this you know they say Pride goes before The Fall Guys it works for lava too the sand trap it's one of the most common traps in Minecraft and for an amazing reason you literally Place one block and
there she blows every single block Falls it's so good and when I was thinking about how to upgrade this one I think it's quantity over quality all day so in that case I ran to the desert and started to work I dug and I dug so much I broke multiple shovels I placed about a th signs and sand directly on top of them and just in case this doesn't kill all of them I placed a second layer of danger below to truly make this worthy of being called an upgraded trap look at me you idiots
wa yeah that's right you know what I called you tell me I'm good at the game and I don't suck no we're not saying that oh really really it's come to this huh Preston I am speechless oh nice PE Chase maybe you should get hit by this come back here Preston oh wa wait guys it's falling no if I were you I would have saved that come I'm tired of you picking on us wait what's that button oh my God that was so satisfying the way the sand fell wait did none of you survive no
I survived what are you guys talking about oh yeah Caleb so do I still suck at Minecraft Yes actually wait no no I changed my mind Preston you don't suck wait wait what did you say wait what did you say no I said you suck at Minecraft oh okay well perfect that creeper just kind of showed you what's beneath you don't suck wait sure sure I've heard it once before buddy no I'm serious dude don't oh my gosh this TNT is going so high oh man it's finally Raining Men hallelujah our next trap has literally
a history with good and evil see back in the day players figured out that if you place a painting on a wall and remove the blocks behind you can pass through it secretly but there was one important question yet to be asked what was waiting on the other side a room full of treasure and free diamonds or a oneway ticket to the nether to really upgrade this trap we need to think about location I can't just place a bunch of paintings out in the open and expect somebody to come by so I decided to make
this trap play out a little longer I started by making an entire challenge course first is an easy parkour followed by a find the button and lastly a secret painting room as we mentioned earlier it starts out like a blessing you walk through and find diamonds but unfortunately for them the doors will lock behind you and let's just say the players who enter this room will uh not be leaving it alive I just want to see if you guys can survive this Challenge and if you do I'm going to stop with the traps but if
you don't you have to admit that I'm good at Minecraft and I don't suck can we all agree on this so this challenge is a trap essentially uh maybe I just wanted to say good luck have fun Okay I accept wait oh parkour no Preston look at me all Chase I'm proud of you come on come on first challenge was parkour the Second Challenge is a find the button this one's a classic there's a billion buttons in here just go chase oh no come on press them all guys what if it's a big explosion I
found it now you have to find the room behind the secret painting without breaking them by the way these are vintage artists Preston you're lying there's nothing to go through here I've looked every I looked at every painting all right how about this I'm going to eliminate one of the walls it's not this one of course it's not the one I was just at okay another hint it's not this left wall either that's it I'm going to just force it where the heck is this thing how about this it's not this left half it's on
the right half I've literally eliminated 78 of this room oh guys I found it oh Caleb nice let's go I found it I found it wait it's Unlimited diamonds I'm dead wait where did Preston go why did you scream like that oh my gosh just do it tell it tell it to my sweet sweet ears baby fine Preston you don't suck you've clearly proven it you you you've pranked us again and again and again and even this time when we didn't think you would man it's like you just poured honey in my ear listen up
Preston Caleb thinks you don't suck but we still do yeah okay you and what army me Josh and Bri Frick naturally this is my least favorite trap because I'm of lava and this is the water trap doesn't matter if a player's wearing diamond or netherite Suffocation deals the same damage and I mean come on it's so annoying being stuck where you can't break blocks quickly but what if I told you that my idea to make this trap better is to make it worse you probably think I'm sounded crazy right now but just hang on with
me for a moment trapping a player in water and suffocate them is already deadly so how do you upgrade it it's obviously not fun to die because you lose all of your items but you can just respawn and go collect them again so my plan is to trap somebody in a water prison that will make them go insane so first I made a water elevator entrance and then I made the main prison above out of obsidian did you know that obsidian takes four entire minutes to break with just a normal Fist and while floating in
water it takes even longer than that do you see what I'm doing yet and if you add an Elder Guardian into the mix giving the player mining fatigue you're done and to make it so they can't drown from Suffocation I'm going to give them a beacon that gives them water breathing after adding this all together guess in the comments how long it would take to break one obsidian block oh wait it would take almost an entire month to break this block 22 days it's just so beautiful wait I see his name I see his name
tag no you don't I see him he went in there he went in there wait he's inside guys I don't know if we should go in there ooh it's an elevator wow you going down whoa whoa whoa what is this what we're not fish it's so pretty wait no bre we can't breathe oh wait a second wait break the glass break the glass I listen I'm happy to break the glass if you tell me I don't suck anymore but logistically it would take about 22 days for you guys to break one of these obsidian blocks
that's a long time look you guys can either rot inside of this for all eternity or just tell me I don't suck wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys guys I think there's a third option no there's no third option let's make our own server oh yeah we can just leave the game all this progress you made to just leave h
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