hey everyone welcome to another and already familiar to many of you speak English with me video and to our new filming spot well anyways in this video you will practice your speaking with me as usual we will have a dialogue where one line will be mine and the next one will be yours I'm going to save my line and then you will read your line from the screen out loud as if you were answering me and then vice versa this is going to be a casual conversation between friends that are making plans apart from working
on your speaking skills you might also pick up a phrase or two and improve your vocabulary first you will listen to and watch the full dialogue and then we'll proceed to the practicing part okay let's go hey Jenna do you have any plans for this weekend I don't think so why my friend Angela is coming to town and I'd like to introduce you guys to each other remember I told you about her yes I remember you talking about her she sounds like a really nice person I'd love to finally meet her in person she and
you have a lot in common I'm sure you'll love her awesome so what did you have in mind did you want to go somewhere there's going to be a fair on the Kings Hill Farm I was thinking we could go there on Saturday and then on Sunday to this new place on 45th lazy bird yes that one I've been meaning to go check it out for a while yeah me too perfect sounds like a plan looking forward to this weekend and meeting your friend hey Jenna do you have any plans for this weekend my friend
Angela is coming to town and I'd like to introduce you guys to each other remember I told you about her she and you have a lot in common I'm sure you'll love her there's going to be affair on the Kings Hill Farm I was thinking we could go there on Saturday and then on Sunday to this new place on 45th yes that one I've been meaning to go check it out for a while perfect okay great job everyone now we switch you go first I don't think so why yes I remember you talking about her
she sounds like a really nice person I'd love to finally meet her in person awesome so what did you have in mind did you want to go somewhere lazy bird yeah me too sounds like a plan looking forward to this weekend and meeting your friend okay I hope you enjoyed practicing your speaking with me if you like this format please give this video a like subscribe if you haven't yet and I'll see you in the next one bye [Music]