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moving from the heart over to the pancreas now hippocrates the father of medicine 400 years bc no mention of diabetes in his writings so diabetes is a fairly modern disease diabetes is a lifestyle disease newton's third law of motion states that to every action there's an equal and an opposite reaction why isn't the pancreas working that's what we should be asking as proverbs 26 verse 2 states the curse causeless shall not come there is a reason there is a reason why pancreases are not working now the pancreases one of its main roles is to release two hormones one is insulin that gets the blood sugar down the other hormone is glucagon and that gets the blood sugar level up now the meal that you had tonight because it's high in fiber i think everything had fiber generous proteins there's your legumes and some great fats it gives a slow shore steady release of glucose of nutrients and that allows the pancreas to just release the insulin as it's needed that's what every cell in the body wants and that's what our pancreas wants but what's happening today is people predominantly are eating a high carbohydrate diet and this high carbohydrate diet releases a lot of glucose and that glucose when it gets into the blood especially the refined sugar and by the way the refined grains it's almost as high as sugar but there was one grain that gets the blood sugar levels higher than refined sugar is that a surprise and the grain that does that is what bread and cereal and pasta and cakes etc and pizza are all made out of predominantly one grain what's that one grain it's wheat now in the 1950s wheat went through intensive cross-breeding and the reason they put it through intensive cross breeding is they wanted to create a plant with a high yield of grain so that that would help with the starvation crisis in africa in mexico in india and eventually dr norman bulag got a nobel prize for his hybridized wheat at first the stalk broke before the grain was fully ripe because wheat used to grow that high do you remember that we had a 25 year old wheat farmer come to our retreat he'd never heard of such a thing he didn't know that wheat used to grow that high and so they went back to the drawing board and they came up with a wheat that only grows this high i was in holland well probably a month ago now and we're driving along you know it's very very flat and i saw big feels of sandy colored grass i said what is it it's everywhere they said it's wheat was only that high so it had only to be that high with a thick stem because some wheats are producing eight to ten times the grain that they originally that they originally produced so in the 1970s the wheat started to go worldwide so by the 1990s every bread cereal pasta cake etc pizza all made out of this hybridized wheat it was rushed through with no safety studies they didn't think they had to do safety studies on wheat it was rushed through with no safety studies it sounds like the covert vaccine doesn't it rushed through with no safety studies and who's it's experimented on i'm not interested in being experimented on i'm interested in experimenting whether exercise works i'm interested in experimenting whether drinking more water works or going to bed earlier works because if it doesn't work i've lost nothing they're the only things i'm interested in experimenting on but i've found that they work but what what it produced and they're starting to realize this only now what it produced was a type of such starch structure that gets the blood sugar level up higher than even sugar so the starch structure that was created is called amylopectin a an amylopectin a is the name of the starch that was produced so let's look at what it does we'll do it up here it gets the blood sugar level up very high very fast so then you get a corresponding dump so that's the a so let me give you something to compare it to aminopectin b amylopectin b is found in bananas and potatoes and if you're familiar with the glycemic index of food bananas and potatoes they're high on the glycemic index so they get the blood sugar level up relatively high relatively fast not as high and not as fast so it's more like that so that's your b amylopectin c is found in all your beans there's your lentils chickpeas lima beans cannelloni beans kidney beans so what does the seed do the seed gives a lovely steady rise maintenance lovely steady drop that's what every cell in the body wants so let's have a look at it on the glycemic index now the glycemic index is a very important index for diabetics because the glycemic index is an index or a reading on how quickly the glucose in that food is released into the blood so your baseline is 55. so ch on your berries all new berries sit at about 26 grapefruit it sits at uh 25 so for the diabetic these these are good fruits because they're low gi they're a lovely slower delivery of fuel whereas bananas they sit up here somewhere so where does sugar sit sugar sits at 59. where does um white white bread white pasta white cereal it sits at 69 because of the amylopectin starch in it what about whole wheat whole wheat whole wheat bread whole wheat cereal it sits at 72.
how could that be well because the whole wheat isn't refined it's got more amylopectin a in it and it's the amylopectin a that gets the blood sugar level up now absolutely whole wheat bread is superior to white because it's got fiber it's got your b vitamins but in regard to the diabetic who's watching their blood glucose levels they need to eliminate wheat totally i had one lady start to cry when she saw this i said why are you crying she said i'm a diabetic i'm type 2 diabetic she said i was diagnosed two years ago i do everything they tell me i eat wholemeal bread wholemeal pasta wholemeal cereal and she said in every six months i go to the doctor and he puts me on more insulin she said i'm not like the lady down the road she just eats cakes and candies and but i don't do that she said i'm crying because i've been so frustrated but i have not known what to do so why aren't the nutritionists told this how much wheat does america grow acres of it how much week does australia grow a lot so it's big industry so it's not an easy thing to change and the farmers love the hybridized wheat they've got to pay their bills 10 times more grain per acre that's 10 times more dollars per acre so you see the problem so no wonder diabetes has skyrocketed it's not just the sugar it's also the wheat so to conquer diabetes what do we do to conquer diabetes go for the low glycemic index foods it's not easy i mean it's not it's easy i meant to say it's not hard to get a glycemic index you can you can google that it's a matter of having uh berries for breakfast instead of banana it's a it's as simple as having a sweet potato instead of potato having your whole grains eliminating the wheat low gi foods number two daily legumes i met a man he was a scientist he was 69. he came to our retreat he said when i was 42 i was told i had pre-diabetes and to eat legumes every day you said i eat legumes every day and i never got diabetes because the beans give that lovely sure steady delivery of fuel but how do we stop them causing bloating or wind you soak them overnight and then you rinse them very well and then you bring them to the boil have you seen all the froth that comes on you know what that is wind you got to rinse it away what i do is when my beans are three quarters cooked i rinse them again and then i put my beans into a delicious sauce and then you will not have that problem they'll be a lot easier to digest when i first married my husband 24 years ago he could handle lima beans he could handle red lentils he could not handle brown lentils and he could not handle uh kidney beans so what i did is at the meal i'd give him a teaspoon that didn't cause a problem a few days later two teaspoons within a couple of weeks three teaspoons he can now handle them all so sometimes if there are some you can't handle and they're even well soaked and rinsed just start slowly and introduce yourself to them as we looked at when we looked at the liver the legumes are only a third the carbohydrate that you will find in your grains number three there are some things that must stop what must stop is wheat what must stop is refined sugar now if someone's if someone's looking at conquering diabetes initially they also need to eliminate all your healthy sugars like your your palm sugar your uh maple syrup and honey so they need to be stopped until the blood until the pancreas is starting to to recover and it can recover one young man named dan did our program he was type 1 diabetes he got diabetes after a strong course of antibiotics at the age of 15. he's now 19.
he said my my specialist said my pancreas is dead i said is it gangrene what's dead i said if there is blood going through your pancreas it's not dead the life of the flesh is in the blood so he began to do this another thing is no no wheat no caffeine and no no refined sugar and no caffeine caffeine can actually get an insulin response so that has to be stopped when he came to our retreat he ate only low glycemic foods he had legumes every meal he started to drink more water hydration and what he found was if he felt that he was getting a blood sugar levolo between meals he'd have a little bit of the salt and a glass of water and it would maintain him i do not advise diabetics eat every two hours because that really disrupts digestion when we looked at the journey through the gut did you notice that digestion averages three and a half to four hours so you've got to leave that break between meals if you eat food and this is what dan did and we just looked at this high fiber remember what fiber does it slowly releases the glucose generous proteins there's your legumes nuts and seeds they're all low carbohydrates so you're not overworking the pancreas and also the healthy fats we also looked earlier in the week at fats that heal the fats that kill and the killer fats are your altered fats there's your deep fried foods there's your margarines those fats that have been changed or altered or your polyunsaturated fats that have been extracted using high heat they're the dangerous fats these are the three foods that keep the food in the stomach longer these are the ones that give that steady consistent delivery of fuel also what dan did is he began to exercise and the exercise he implemented was the high intensity interval training so he'd put his joggers on every morning and he would run up and down the hills now after he was with us for four weeks he did two weeks program and two weeks in the garden and he came to me at the end of the third week and he said i want to tell you something he said the first week if i got a blood sugar level low in the middle of the night i had some candies in my bag i'd just take a candy he said to get the blood sugar level up but he said i'll get a terrible headache but it got my blood sugar level up he said the second week i was feeling a bit guilty that i shouldn't be doing that so he said if i've got a blood sugar level low in the middle of the night i'd eat an apple it takes a long time to eat an apple in the middle of the night doesn't it the third week he did something else he said the third week if he got a blood sugar level low he'd jump on the floor and do 30 push-ups so what's he doing there do you remember in our last presentation looking at the heart about the stores that we have in the cell remember the 20-step pathway that gives us two units of energy there's the eight-step pathway that gives us 36 and of course that's the oxygen pathway but remember the little bunch of grapes the little glycogen stores already in your muscle cell so when dan did 30 push-ups it caused a release of these glycogen stores that gave him him energy got the blood sugar level up he said to me why didn't anyone tell me about glycogen i believe glycogen is the diabetic's best kept secret it's already in there and if you run out of that what else have you got you're fat that's right he told me that one morning it got up i have to give you australian levels i don't know if yours are similar i don't think they are so the blood sugar level should sit at about anywhere between five and six so he got up one morning and his blood glucose levels were free so what he did was he had the salt water got dressed had another salt more water went for a run came back tested his blood glucose levels they were nine and he'd had nothing to eat where did that come from came from the stores the glycogen stores and the fat stores if you're running out of glycogen it's an amazing process that's why exercise is vital not only that what happens when you exercise and you're doing the high intensity yourself screaming out for fuel so what happens is extra insulin receptor sites develop on the membrane around the cell so that it can take more glucose that's quite incredible isn't it now before someone develops diabetes they usually start with insulin resistance you've heard of insulin resistance what happens with insulin resistance the person say on a high carbohydrate diet a lot of wheat blood glucose levels are going high pancreas gets screamed at you see high glucose demands high insulin so when blood glucose levels are high the pancreas is getting screamed out quick insulin more insulin so it releases a lot of insulin too much insulin actually so what happens now goes too low so down there the brain says to the pancreas stop the insulin release the glucagon but what does the person actually also do down there has a candy has a coke has a coffee with three tops cups of teaspoons of sugar what does that do whoa up it goes again now too high stop the glucagon release the insulin oh no stop the can you see what's happening the pancreas is just wearing out i'm against child abuse i'm against animal abuse now i'm against pancreatic abuse but many that'd be like someone kicking and kicking their dog not realizing it's hurting the dog but it's actually not that clear because we can't even see the pancreas we don't know what's going on in there and so many people don't realize like this lady that started crying she didn't know that they'd change the wheat she didn't know that it created that that starch structure that gets it up even higher one lady said but we were always told whole wheeled breads really good bread can you get bread that or can you eat bread you can you can from the ancient grains i'm going to give you a website and this young man it's his own business www. simpleness and he uses the ancient grains he's in north carolina and he will shop or ship anywhere and that is excellent bread it's probably more expensive than other bread you've brought but one slice of that bread is usually equal in nutritive value to a whole life of other breads you can get wheat that has not been hybridized there's your spelt and your kamut and your incan horns there are grains they're called ancient grains when my son was i think he was 14 he got a job he had to cycle five ma five kilometers to a little italian fruit and vegetable shop in australia we have little fruit and vegetable shops that's all they sell so in all the little towns you'll have a butcher shop you'll have a baker shop you have a fruit and veggie shop and it was run by italian italian family there was mama mama was about late sixties there was daughter daughter was uh early forties and mama would say to peter peter get that broccoli put it out the front so peter had carried out the front and he'd meet daughter and the dog said peter what are you doing with that broccoli now get it back there and if peter tried to speak he'd got into trouble because he's back answering so he turned around and then he'd meet mama peter what are you doing that broccoli i told you again better turn around and hopefully eventually they'd meet peter had come home every day and he'd have a backpack full of rock melons or things that they were going to thrown out he'd come he'd say mum i've got some good fruit today after about two weeks he said mum can i get another job it wasn't the five kilometres cycling it wasn't the backpack full of goodies and it was these women and isn't that what what people are doing to their pancreas get it up no get it down no get it up no get it just wears them out and that's when insulin resistance happens insulin resistance is when so much glucose is coming in that these insulin receptor sites basically say i'm sick of the side of you i don't want to even see you anymore so what happens is the blood the blood glucose levels remain high because it can't get into the cell because of insulin resistance and the brain sees all the glucose in the blood and start screaming at the pancreas more insulin more can you see what's happening and the insulin just can't can't do it anymore so it stops sometimes something can damage the beta cells in the pancreas like dan when he had had the the the strong course of antibiotics it had damaged the the pancreatic cells so let me finish the story of dan so by the end of the third week dan's insulin has gone from 90 units a day down to 10 units a day type one diabetic three weeks why was he getting blood sugar level lows in the middle of the night he was on too much insulin i always leave it with the person because they take their blood sugar and adjust it accordingly what had his specialist told him his pancreas was dead well the fact that he kept getting blood sugar level lows meant that his pancreas was starting to work and now he's on too much insulin so he backed off he backed off until after three weeks he was only taking 10 units a day that's quite incredible he was diligent he didn't want to even eat fruit he said i want to conquer this thing he's only 19. he went home a very happy young man but i want to tell you about bobby bobby's story is remarkable he's also a type 1 diabetic and he came to the retreat when we're in alabama and he came was probably five years ago now and he ke 62 they wheeled him in in a wheelchair they'd recently taken the lymph nodes out of his groin to try and determine why he had diabetes i don't quite understand that but when he flew to us from florida being up in the plane his legs had swollen because his lymph nodes were gone that's why he was in a wheelchair he's not usually in a wheelchair he said i've just he said the doctors have told me last month they can do no more for me he was on medication he was on 90 units of insulin a day that's short and long acting he was on blood pressure blood cholesterol blood thinning he said i will not be able to exercise with the other guests look at my legs i said that's right but i said i what i want you to do is every hour i want you to get on the trampoline or the little mini rebounder and just go like this because that fluid is lymphatic fluid and when you are on the rebound it directly stimulates your lymphatic system i said every hour just one one minute like that that's that's all you need to do and i want you to walk barefoot on the grass to massage those feet i said i don't want you to go on the walks with the other guests that you know the legs within 24 hours the legs had come down by half he did the two days on juicing blood glucose levels were starting to come down at the end of two weeks now he was diligent in this to the point where he'd sit next to me and say am i right have i got the right amount of fruit on this plate he said to me anything you told me to do i will do so at the end of two weeks he was down to 10 units of insulin a day that's from 90 units of insulin type 1 diabetic implementing this he emailed me three months later off all medication everything and he said and i've i've lost a lot of weight i'm trying to think of it i think it was about 40 pound that he'd lost in those three months when he got home his 42 year old wife said this is your baby i'm not interested i like my champagne croissants and coffee he said okay now after three months she's looking at her husband he's lost all his weight he's looking good he's feeling fantastic he's not the grumpy husband he used to be see when blood sugar levels drop down that's when diabetics feel bad feel impatient his blood glucose levels were steady i said tell me what you're doing told me your exercise he said i i cycle six miles a day i swim 30 laps a day and i rebound three times a day what are you prepared to put into this this man was prepared to put this into it and the results were incredible remember what his doctors had just told him they basically sent him home to die saying we can do no ma no more for you he was a wealthy man and he had the best specialist he told me that he'd spent a million dollars on his health in the last 10 years and he met a little lady at the swoon pill one day and they got talking and she said i think i know someone that can help you and he came to our retreat anyway the next email i got he said my wife's interested she stopped her coffee she stopped her croissants and she's so happy because she has lost 15 pound and she's been wanting to lose weight why was she interested her husband didn't beat her over the head with everything she just watched she just watched in fact you know what they did after six months they were remarried he said i just feel like my wife's got a new man and she said i have and so they re dedicated their life to each other just an incredible story every single case is different because there can be different factors that come together in every case and i think bobby's case is very interesting because his case would be considered quite extreme type 2 diabetic is a lot easier to conquer because the beta cells aren't as damaged as usually in type 1 diabetic so we have many type 2 diabetic stories who who have totally conquered it but i like dan's story and bobby's story because they were type 1 and they were told that they would never conquer their diabetes but they certainly did so as you can see we're actually getting close to those eight laws again aren't we and i believe that it's very important every day to thank god for your pancreas to thank god that he's given us a body that has the ability to heal itself and if you don't heal in three months thank god and if you don't heal in eight months thank god because you're getting there the bible says in first thessalonians 5 18 in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you and then further down in that same chapter and this is verse 21 it says prove all things and hold fast to that which is good prove it try it for yourself that's why i believe everybody should they should be their own doctor because only you know how you feel only you know what you've been through and only you know how your body responds and reacts to to what's happening and that's why the best doctor will do this to you is that right so don't be the doctor that won't listen when your body speaks listen so our guests that have remarkable responses regarding diabetes we feed them two meals a day and what are most diabetics told to eat every two hours well often the body doesn't know the difference between thirst and hunger it's often first and also when you have that little bit of salt and that glass of water and remember at least eight glasses a day it's a lot harder to drink it in cold weather so just sip it i always have my bottle by me i just sip sip sip and it's amazing how much you can drink when you're sipping away are there any questions before we close yes stevia is probably the one sweetener that doesn't get an insulin response some people say i don't like stevia and i say well you've used too much because if you overdo stevia it gets a bitter aftertaste so go a little less it's hard to believe that such a small amount can sweeten so start very very slow so that is one sweetener that that can be used but what you're better to do is veer away from the sweets at all i find that when people stop this high carbohydrate diet they say to me i don't crave sweets anymore the more you sweet and the more weight and the more sugar you eat the more you will crave so in place of the um wheat what about sprouted barley breads um yeah you could do this i find the sprouted breads very heavy myself and i like bread to be light and sweet but i do know that some people love it and they cut it very thin and it's can be eaten that way some people go to more crackers you know rye crackers things like that we've answered every question that's great here's one yeah oh we might take one up there yeah is there a good uh alternative i don't use homeopath homeopathy but the uh hawthorne berry we've seen many people get off their blood pressure medication by taking the hawthorne berry and you can take four to five thousand milligrams a day and you can use the hawthorne berry even when a person's still on blood pressure meds but as the blood pressure comes down then you because you've implemented all the lifestyle changes then you can start reducing the blood pressure medication yes can you explain the salt water thing again somehow i didn't catch that okay ah there we lose a lot of salt every day and we need to take salt and sea water is 92 minerals but the salt you buy in the supermarket shelf is only two minerals so it causes an imbalance in and out of the cell which gets the pressure up so we need to take mineral salt which is your celtic salt or the the himalayan salt he actually didn't drink salt water he took a little bit of the salt and then he drank he drank the water that's how you do it so i was i read a book and it said to do a half a teaspoon of the celtic salt in 10 cups of water half a teaspoon of celtic salt sounds a bit extreme i think it was the water cure okay the water cure and i've been doing that for a long time you've been doing it have you okay how often a day do you do that twice all right that sounds like a lot oh i guess you watch what your body does with it yes well the wheat's the only grain that has been genetically modified uh some rices have that's why it's important to to buy organic grains unfortunately if you buy organic wheat it is it it has been grown organically but it still uh has been through the hybridization process so great alternatives is your ancient grains but also your buckwheat your millets your rice they're good grains um i've heard garlic can regulate blood pressure is that true uh yes it can it can be a contributing factor especially if you're doing everything else right but there's a lot of research been done on garlic that is true okay thanks what about corn can you talk about corn corn unfortunately in the u.
s most corn has been genetically modified so if you can get organic non-gmo corn uh corn is great um have you noticed in a lot of supermarkets they chop the top off the corn the very the very tip of it it's usually because it's gone moldy that's the problem and if you ever bought corn and you see some of the little kernels at the top of pink that's mold so one of the problems with corn and especially the dried corn that as it dries all the silk goes black well that's mold and every silk is connected to every kernel of corn and dr robert young in his book thick and tide he's got a page and this all the moles that they found in corn so you know i i do love corn but please buy it fresh buy it non-gmo and and then it's safe barbara could the use of jerusalem artichokes be used to help in a pinch to help control people with insulin issues uh they can but they would have to have everything else implemented so we have seen incredible results just by the lifestyle changes so jerusalem artichokes could play a role that's true so when you say hybridized wheat is that gmo or is that something totally different it is different because they put the wheat through intensive cross breeding and this was in the 1950s so this was a little bit before the genetically modified foods took off so you can't really find wheat now that's not um hybridized yes you can it's called enkenholm or spelt or kamut okay all the ancients the ancient grains okay all right what about rice or quinoa quinoa is very good uh rice rice's rice is an excellent grain but it must be cooked fresh every day in 1921 japan passed the rice act putting stringent rules on the storage of cooked rice because all through asia there was an epidemic of cardiac beriberi which was a heart disease and they traced it to the mold on cooked rice so rice molds very easily and when you see the mold the mold has already been there it's just to its reproductive stage so rice should be brown rice it should be very well cooked and it should be cooked fresh every day so once they implemented the rice act that put stringent rules you could not keep rice more than 24 hours had to be refrigerated cardiac berry berry stopped yes i was wondering about with commute or spelt can we make bread out of it with yeast and it does as well as regular whole wheat or yeah absolutely because it's the original wheat anchon horn is the wheat that god made which was incan horn what is that it's the original wheat you can i think it's either incan horn yes i've also seen it written i corn and onion corn so there's a few do we need to supplement vitamin d in the winter vitamin d stores very well in the body and [Music] compared to a hundred years ago people spend a lot more time indoors so originally people didn't have to supplement because they spent so much time out of doors so if you get adequate sun you don't need to supplement i've never taken vitamin d supplements but i'm a gardener so i'm outside a lot i do recognize that some people may need vitamin d supplements and there was a doctor who gave a presentation on covert that said that he found that all his people that got covered or these patients with covert had vitamin d deficiency so that makes it very attractive to have the vitamin d supplements so i do acknowledge in it may be necessary in some cases i was wondering if uh cooked grains are better for you than the raw cereals even if you're getting the kamut and those type of grains in your cereal is it better to eat the cooked grains like the oats and the things like that yeah that's a very good question i was talking to agatha thrash many years ago when she was still alive and she had read a statement by the the health author ellen white who stressed long slow cooking with grain so she did some experiments she would cook grain for so long and she'd put it under the microscope and if there were still starch granules they lit up like almost little lights and so she cooked many grains and she found that it was only the long slow cooking that broke down the starch granules so raw oats are totally indigestible so you are right grain should have long slow cooking that's where your slow cookers are good to put them in slow cookers overnight wake up in the morning it's cooked and ready ready to eat so grains definitely need long slow cooking to break down the starch granules she said that those starch granules are about six times the size of a red blood cell and a lot of postmortems that she did she found little blockages and scars in many of the fine capillaries and she believes it's because people don't cook their grains enough but when you have she tried popcorn all the starch granules were broken down waffles all the starch granules are broken down so in the browning process like of the waffle that that speeds up the breakdown of the starch granules i had a question about the diabetes i've heard of type 2 being reversed that's not new to me but type one completely new this tonight so my brother got it when he was 21 so he's had it 15 years is that to say that if he went on this program he would have a high chance of reversing it sorry i didn't get all that um i think it's your accent i'm used to ozzy okay my brother has had type 1 diabetes for about 15 years he is 36. so my question was is this program would this work for him even though it's been that long of a time since he's had it i don't see why not and it's worth a try you've got nothing to lose yeah okay we might make this the last question back to the grains again and breaking down the starches would dexterizing the grease dextronising helps and that's why the browning process speeds it up so what i sometimes do is i dextronize rice in a dry pan lightly toasted and that that that certainly can cut down the reduce the cooking time so when you cook rice in a rice cooker what you should do so i think it cooks in about 20 minutes or half an hour she found that the starch granules weren't fully broken down so what you do you cook your rice but just to leave the lid on for another hour because if you boil rice for an out it's not very nice so you boil it until all the water's gone and then you just leave it there and that'll be like a little oven and it will continue to cook for about another hour and she found that that broke the starch granules down okay we'll pass over to our introducer and she'll tell you all about you tomorrow okay did you enjoy that very good maybe you have seen the holiday and the cooking with judy cooking classes the flyers for those are out there and also they were in the lunchroom so i hope that you've picked them up there's also another seminar that has started online and there's a flyer outside panorama of prophecy if you're interested in that you can catch it online at amazingfacts. org and today as we entered into the sabbath we're reminded that although throughout the week we've talked about physical health i think that every time in each presentation she has brought up that is god that does the healing right and so we reminded that we are made up of both physical as well as spiritual and it is our connection to god that really brings the healing and the health so as we are reminded of that today may we also remember to rest rest in him and rest physically and shall we bow our heads for a word of prayer as we think of that father in heaven we thank you so much for this sabbath that we have entered into where you remem remind us lord that you are our source of strength of health and of healing and i pray that you would help us during these sabbath hours to be healed of the sin that so easily besets us and that we may remember that jesus is our savior we thank you for these meetings and we ask that you help us to go with your blessing and to come back tomorrow morning at 9 30 to be able to uh learn more and also to draw closer to you for as i pray in jesus name amen so tomorrow morning first presentation is at 9 30.
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