How I Ranked On Google In Under 8 Hours Using AI SEO

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How I ranked on Google after just 8 hours using ChatGPT-4 Playground and my own blend of AI SEO Tech...
Video Transcript:
this video is time sensitive so although I have literally just uploaded a video please stick around for this entire video I'm going to show you my exact workflow to create articles that start ranking on Google in literally a few hours now a few hours you might say that's complete horse crap well watch this video and we shall see okay so first of all let me just show you the kind of proof yes I know I'm not using a VPN I am in Italy etc etc there are a million different reasons why you can leave a comment right now calling me a liar let's go on an incognito tab and we'll type smart casual dress code for men this keyword you may be surprised actually has a lot of searches per month it's an incredibly popular keyword and if we can rank for this keyword I'll be very very happy now look at this here mastering the smart casual dress code for men I suit as you may or may not know I am the SEO of isoot let's open this page up and let's have a look at this first of all this article took me less than a few minutes to write yes there is a big wall of text but what I like to do is basically this right here which is include the products as images and this seems to work very very well for getting indexed etc etc now this video is not strictly for e-commerce SEO but obviously this is an e-commerce website so a lot of people will say this won't work for anything except e-commerce however this is actually just an informative article so what does that mean exactly it basically means that it's an article that gives information which you can easily make a similar article for any topic okay don't just think because this is an e-commerce website you cannot apply what I'm going to teach you in this video to writing content for a niche affiliate website this was posted seven hours ago it's already on Google it's already ranking on Google for God's sake it's absolutely insane okay you would not expect this normally let's quickly go on ahrefs and let's see if this keyword does have as much searches as I seem to remember when I checked earlier which it was thousands so the traffic potential is 6. 3 000 which is very very high of course and if we do smart casual for men for example 5000 traffic potential smart casual dress dress could mean dress smart casual dress code there it is this is the big keyword with 38 000 searches per month which is completely crazy I highly doubt ice suits is going to be anywhere near the first or second page for this I would be very very surprised if it was already ranking for this I'll check the third page but I doubt it okay it's not but again this will come slowly slowly okay not everything can come at once you have to be patient but I really wanted to make this video because this is the fastest I have ever seen an article rank so we are going to be using the playground for this you can try to use chat gpt4 inside the UI like this you can try if you want but I I just find that the playground is significantly better and just basically has it's just the output is better I have more control over everything etc etc so I'm going to show you exactly how I wrote this article today and I think you guys are going to like this a lot so first of all there is the prompt which we put into the system prompt here the article topic is all I did to find the article topic this time was I just went to a competitor this turn this time it suits expert and I basically what I did was I got their website I put it on to ahrefs and I found their best keywords and I wrote the articles of their best keywords this is literally the oldest trick in the book when it comes to finding content ideas you can see smart casual attire right here this is literally how everybody finds keywords and anyone that tells you this this is copying just has no idea about SEO um so yeah I took that I took their article idea and I basically put it in here into the two little things all of this will be in the description the article topic is smart casual dress suit dress code is that the big keyword let's check just real quick just to be sure smart casual dress code okay 38 000 a month so if we can even get a slight uh cut of that pie obviously we will be really really happy so we'll go back over to my content machine and what we're going to do is we're going to copy this and these are all of the internal links however there are currently too many internal links so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to this version of chat GPT I'm going to paste all the links here and I'm going to say let's say pick out 30 internal links from this from this list that could be used for a an article about smart casual dress code this worked earlier but I guarantee it will not work now because I'm making a video and that's just you know the way it goes so again this is too long so I can't actually use it so I'm going to use the playground again I really don't I'm starting to not like chat GPT in the UI it just never works that's really really annoying actually so we'll just go back to the playground and we'll go to chat gbt4 and we'll say the same thing like this um let's learn 2000 and press submit it's too long so we'll put this down a little bit okay this should start to pick some out so you can see it's just going to pick out random ones okay another way you can do this is you can do it manually or you can use some type of code that picks out any keywords that have t-shirts in for example but I think using Church EPT is probably the best way to do this because it will pick things that are very very relevant okay so it's picked t-shirts polo shirts jeans I don't think we have any Bruno jeans jeans oh no we do have Ronaldo coaching any jeans so yeah this is definitely the best way to do this uh what you can also do is you could cut down like I don't know let's say let's say we just cut through a load of this because it's just there's just too many and we're obviously not gonna have that many internal links in the article and you can still use God that's so long you can still use the uh UI of charge EPT like this okay pick outside links to be used for an article about smart casual dress code for men let's see if this is too long okay perfect so this actually works a lot better it's a lot quicker so that's nice as well and I'm just going to use these as an example these 30 back internal links okay I would recommend taking a bit more time and making sure that the everything that you want to be included is included so one thing I would always include are all of my designers so it'd be like designers slash kit on and all of the other ones okay I do recommend as well having a big list of internal links so if I go on my Google Sheets like this I will show you that I have I suit internal links ready to go and yeah you can basically take them from here as well it really it depends on how you want to do this part you can also just use an automatic internal linking tool but you do want to make sure that any pages that are important to you you include them so I'm actually just going to very quickly put all of my internal links here and I'm also going to grab a few more blog posts just because I am trying to raise the overall authority of my of the blog okay I say my I use that term loosely it's not mine it's I work for a company but there you go okay so this is the system prompt and then what I like to do is I like to say write the first part of this article okay you don't really need to change anything here except you need to make sure that your business is here and your article topic is here okay everything else and also the internal links okay are your internal links everything else you can leave exactly as is okay we're going to press submit and this is going to create some of the best content that can rank incredibly quickly and Incredibly easy easily okay while this is loading I am going to very quickly check on my phone if there has been any hits on this article okay so unfortunately there have not been any hits on this article today it would be very strange to already have hits on an article after one day but what I wanted to talk about is why this works so damn well okay and the reason is we take the context from our internal links and we put them in to the article okay so the context is everything so Chachi PT understands that a polo shirt is smart casual okay we can all agree if you are told to wear something smart casual then you would consider a polo shirt to be acceptable you would also say that a t-shirt is acceptable okay but you wouldn't wear a suit you wouldn't want to wear a suit to a smart casual event you wouldn't want to wear a tuxedo to a smart casual event okay so by take by using chat GPT 3. 5 in the UI like this to take out the kind of internal links it adds the context already to the article okay so once this is finished what I like to do is I like to say now write the second part of this article and press submit again this normally works um this I used to have huge problems with this because I was using absolute links so with https slash slash isoots.
it however I managed to learn how to use relative links as you can see in the system prompt here which saves such a huge amount of tokens when prompting Chachi PT that it actually just fixes the whole situation and makes everything a lot better okay so a couple of things you can see that this content is much larger okay much longer there is more HTML there's more markdown there's more of everything which is the the really important thing behind this method okay generally speaking the more that you give Google's crawlers to read the better something will rank okay so you can see that it's got lists it's using an absolute metric ton of internal links which I personally like although maybe not for everyone okay it doesn't necessarily work for everyone but generally speaking this works incredibly well the final thing I like to do is I like to say using this format create an FAQ at the bottom of the article and then what I did was I took one piece of this so uh using uh what's it called I don't even know what that weird thing is called this like bracket I don't know the name of it at all so we'll just change that actually we'll just quickly put this instead and yeah you just copy and paste this in HTML HTML um I don't know if I need to close the HTML off it'll work it out itself it'll probably work it out itself so I'm just going to press submit here and it looks like it is correctly creating the yeah it is so what you can do is you can copy everything under the HTML into the article at the end and that is invisible content that makes your article more likely to rank and it also another thing that it does is it makes people more likely to click on your answers Okay the reason for that is because on Google you may see sometimes these little FAQ things that you can click people are more likely to click on your article if you have these because that's just how the human brain works the final thing I want to show you is Microsoft designer while this is writing what I normally do is I just go on designer. microsoft.
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