It took me 30 years to realize what I'll tell you in 20 minutes

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I wish I knew these earlier. Find Your Purpose
Video Transcript:
Kings I don't know a lot but at the age of 35 these harsh truths I know for sure they are cheat codes that will give you an unfair advantage in every area of your life so listen close and don't learn this too late harsh truth number one you have 3 seconds before people decide whether they like you or not you see there has never been a person gifted enough to have a second chance to make a first impression you know it's cute when we tell kids don't judge a book bods cover but when you grow
up you realize that book publishers actually spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on focus groups and designers to create the best looking cover so always put your best foot forward harsh truth number two school will make you a living but self-education will make you a fortune you see the system is now broken it's meant to be like that they never wanted you to be successful so you have to go after it harsh truth number three clothes don't make the man but they give them a good start you see as much as I'd love to wear
sweatpant in business meetings I understand one thing that life is a stage and the best actors get paid so you better make sure your costume fits the role you want to play in other words dress like you want to be addressed period you don't have anys okay we'll sort that out harsh truth number four but the best fashioned statement is a nice body it's rare today yet it will never go out of style see most people claim they work out for health yeah right the truth is most people just want to look good make it
but see most people don't have the knowledge to achieve this most people run on a treadmill day after day year after year never achieving any Real Results they want to get in shape but haven't determined what shape men lift weights 3 to five times a week hit each body part twice a week eat food that rots get 7 to 8 hours of sleep and you will achieve your dream body you don't need oing you need commitment harsh truth number five we are judged in three ways how we look how we sound and what we say
I want you to take a good look at the person next you go on how we look is 55% how we sound is 7% and what we say is 38 % now we talked about how we look now let's talk about how we sound you see nothing will improve your confidence and self-esteem than learning how to speak learn how to get your point across tell stories and connect and you will move up in your industry faster than any other activity you can do harsh truth number six now here's a crazy study for you they ask
1,000 parents and 1,000 teachers who is responsible for developing the self-esteem in children 72% of parents said the teachers were 78% of the teachers said the parents were see this is just like life everybody is is blaming somebody else nobody is taking responsibility see real men take responsibility for everything that happens in their life the way they look the money in their bank account the position at their job the way that other people treat them you see blaming is draining it's basically giving away your power when you take ownership you keep your power and you
dictate your fith harsh truth number seven if you don't find and live your purpose you will regret it for the rest of your life see you are not here to just work pay rent and then die that is not your purpose here but if you don't find your purpose that is exactly what's going to happen see you can make money you can make all the money but you can't make time you can't get that time back that's why they say never become too good that's something you hate cuz the world will make you do it
for the rest of your life this is why I created the purpose formula see if you're struggling to find your purpose or maybe don't even think you have a purpose or maybe you're starting a new chapter in your life I will tell you that finding your purpose is a simple matter of putting the right pieces into an equation check out the description box below har truth number eight go where you're celebrated not tolerated one of the largest and longest studies in US history is the Harvard Grant study they did this study over 75 years spent
$20 million and track the lives of over 268 men and they found one thing you ready for it Happiness Is Love full stop they found that people with deep connections are more successful at work live longer and are happier so remember this you can't change the people around you but you can change the people around you never hang on to bad friends just because you've known them for a long time harsh truth number nine your mours are sacred there for affirmations not information meditation not social media agitation see when you wake up and you're start
responding to messages you're playing defense when you start your day in alignment you're playing offense think about this scientists have concluded that the first seven years of a child's life will dictate how he or she will turn out if a day is like a mini life then the first two hours of your day will dictate how your day turns out so inject positive energy into your morning and you will feel the effects throughout your entire day harsh truth number 10 your morning routine is meaningless if you don't have a good night routine so many people
obsess over the morning routine and they sleep on the night routine pun intended but it's stupid right it's like if you don't have a good night's sleep then you you won't have a good day so get you a good night routine set an alarm not for when you want to wake up but for when you want to go to bed this is a game changer lay your clothes out the night before and write your to-do list the night before finish your day before it starts and you will set yourself up for Success oh and here's
a bonus here are my eight cave rules take a photo of it and I guarantee you will have the best sleep you ever had in your life which brings me to number 11 if you're not being great ful you're wasting your life gratitude is a superpower scientists are all in agreement people who are grateful are more intelligent they are perceived as more attractive they live longer and they make more money this is why I created the three times happier Journal I spent years working on it and I think it's the best journal on the market
but honestly I don't care what Journal you use even if you just use a piece of paper a blank sheet of paper write down three things that you're grateful for every morning and it'll change your life one sad Harvard study showed that 83% of people in the US do not set goals for their life 14% only think about them and just 3% write them down if you're in the 3% Club there's a 300% greater chance that you actually meet your goals you see in life you need goals if you shoot for nothing you will hit
it every single time if you kind of want something you will get kind of results and put your goals down on paper if it's not on paper it's vapor harsh truth number 13 you should either have a supportive partner or no partner at all there is no third option you see the best relationships are not 50/50 no that's a big lie the best relationships are 100 100 each person giving their all giving their heart to support the other to become the best version of themselves you see there's three types of love love if love because
of and love period you find somebody that's a love period hang on to them harsh truth number 14 this brings me to the best relationship advice I ever got see so many people say I take care of you and baby you take care of me no no no no no no that's stupid see the best relationship advice is I take care of me for you and you take care of you for me relationships today a lot of them are codependent right two toxic people ho reasoning each other heal yourself and you will attract more healing
into your life harsh truth number 15 fall in love with Solitude you came into this world alone and you will have to leave this world alone yet so many people are afraid to sit by themselves to sit alone and find out who they really are and yet the greatest people in history went in the Solitude and became great that's because the most beautiful pictures are always developed in the dark room harsh truth number 16 you are who you are today where you are today and how you are today because of the conversations you've had the
movies You' watched the books you've read and the music you've listened to see this is all information and see if you don't like who you are today or where you are today then you must change the information that you allow to enter your mind protect what you let into your mind like your life depends on it because it does harsh truth number 17 just like a tiny Rudder controls the direction of a ship so does your tongue control the direction of your life are your words pointed in the right direction never use words to describe
a situation use your words to change a situation feel the fear but speak faith when people ask me how I'm doing I never say oh I'm okay or not bad because your subconscious only hears bad I say I'm terrific I'm getting better and better I say you know if it was any better I'd feel like the I had the deck stacked in my favor see the more you speak about negativity the more of a vibrational match to negativity you become so eliminate all negative words and phrases see you have Six Trillion cells in your body
that are waiting listening to you ready to March out your orders you can't control what you think but what you say will become your reality as my guy Hayward John says Speak Life not death harsh truth number 18 willpower doesn't work environment will beat willower every single time and twice on Sundays see you could be the laziest least disciplined person on the face of the Earth and still be successful if you shape your environment in an intelligent way you see because every action is born from a thought right and every thought is born from a
stimulus in your environment so if we want to change our thoughts thoughts in a positive way we have to change our environment in a positive way when a flower doesn't Bloom we don't blame the flower we blame the soil so many people go around blaming themselves when they're not blooming but maybe you should stop blaming yourself maybe it's your environment maybe it's not you maybe it's your soil harsh truth number 19 don't trust people now now don't distrust people right give them the benefit of the doubt but put your trust in God Trust that the
Universe always has a plan and if you have full trust that all is well and unfolding as it should I promise you will never be disappointed again harsh truth number 20 99% of your suffering is self-inflicted see there's a difference between pain and suffering pain is a mandatory class that everybody has to take on Earth suffering is optional it's an elective suffering is is reliving that situation over and over again and saying it shouldn't have happened and that poison will get you every time you see nobody ever died from a snake bite it's the Venom
that kills you harsh truth number 21 if you have more than three priorities sorry you don't have any you see most people are scattered dispersing their time in so many different areas that they never get anything meaningful done they major in minors successful people see they know they have only a limited amount of energy so they delegate they automate or they eliminate tasks so that they could stay in their genius Zone Bruce Lee said I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once but the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times harsh
truth number 22 discipline is freedom so many people in this world go around saying oh I'm free I want to be wild and free and they go around doing anything they want when they want they're not free in fact most of them are prisoners to their impulse discipline is freedom you see if you take a train off the tracks it's free but it can't move you take a steering wheel off a car it's free but where you going to go see true Freedom requires habits routine and structure the Sailor only has Freedom of the Seas
when he disciplines himself enough to look at the compass harsh truth number 23 too much humility will kill you you know the story of Icarus all of us have heard the story of Icarus where he was told not to fly too high or the the heat from the sun will melt his the wax from his wings and he would fall to the Earth dead not many people know he was also told not to fly too low don't cover your light be proud of who you are and what you do if you're too passive you will
get passed by if you're too casual you will end up a casualty harsh truth number 24 nothing survives without food this is the law of the universe your passion will will die if you don't feed it your relationship will die if you don't feed it they need constant injections and the same is true for negative things in your life right your your bad habits will die if you stop feeding it your hatred will die if you stop feeding it everything dies without food so starve the weeds in your life and feed the flowers heart's truth
number 25 stop living by the rules of other people write your own see that means your your family your parents your your friends that means an idea that you have about yourself that isn't in harmony with your heart you see now is the time to abandon all expectations now is the time to develop your own passions your interests dive into your obsessions don't fall into the cultural trap of you need to be at this stage at this age don't live your life based on the timeline of somebody else's watch harsh truth number 26 be careful
who you are of realiz see the man in front of the camera is often not the same man behind the scenes are they happy are they fulfilled are they loving are they truly healthy ask yourself these questions and make sure you're not blinded by somebody's Charisma that you see on Instagram see I have personally met a lot of people a lot of celebrities a lot of podcast successful people with millions of followers and let me tell you this the ones you think have their together are usually the ones standing in it ARS truth number 27
positive thinking doesn't always work negative thinking always does looking back at past mistakes is what I call failure reinforcement do not live your life looking through the rearview mirror forgive yourself forgive the person that you were you didn't know any better now move forward harsh truth number 28 you can read the books you can watch the videos you can get you could have the blueprint but if you don't change the way you see yourself nothing else will change this is called the Snapback effect and it's the reason why people who lose weight always find it
it's the reason why 97% of people who win the lottery go broke within 3 years you see because if your achievements exceed your self-image you will unconsciously engage in self-destructive Behavior because remember one very important principle the miia C is the miow be the strongest part of the human mind is the need to maintain consistency with your identity if you don't change your self image your life won't change harsh truth number 29 I've never seen a truly successful person doing drugs and I know what you're thinking oh I've I've seen so many millionaires on IG
getting lit getting drunk getting wasted and I ask you this are they truly successful are they truly happy and fulfilled because nine times out of 10 they are drinking because they are trying to drown something inside of them and that is not success truly successful people don't party they celebrate harsh truth number 30 nothing in this material world is going to make you happy I know it may seem like once you get the car once you get the house the clothes that you're going to be happy but I promise you it's not the case Jim
Carrey even said I hope that everybody can one day get rich and famous so that they can see that that won't make them happy see when you focus on standard of living instead of quality of life you fall into what Joseph Campbell calls the Wasteland the Wasteland plan is for those people who became a banker but God wanted them to be a baker it's for those people who chose a traditional measure of success instead of finding their own see when you mature you realize that the currency of Life the true wealth of life is not
dollars it's not euros and it's not pounds it's love and only eternal love can make us happy harsh truth number 31 get comfortable saying no no no no if you want want to be the person that you came here to be then you have to get over your people pleasing you have to say no to things that are not aligned with your highest and best use you see when you say no it's not really a no because when you say no to someone else you say yes to you you say yes to your truth yet
you may lose friends but you will gain purpose become clear on your top five priorities in life and say no to everything else harsh truth number 32 the little things are worth a lot more than the big things there's a man named John Wooden John Wooden was one of the most winningest coaches in college basketball history he's one of my heroes he had 11 titles under his belt he had a 80% win record when College freshman came in to try to play for John Wooden you know what he made him do for the entire first
week of practice maybe it was practicing their layups maybe it was the free throws maybe conditioning no for the entire first week the most winningest coach in college basketball history taught them how to tie their shoes because he said if you can tie your shoes correctly you can run up and down the court for longer periods of time without risking injury and blisters he knew that it was the small actions that created success James Clear talks about this in atomic habits right that 1% incremental Improvement just a little bit every day you focus on that
and you will get a lot further and have much greater success than a big gesture remember what Tom Cruz's friend in vanilla Sky said the little things there's nothing bigger the little things there's nothing bigger harsh truth number 33 some people are going to hate you they might hate you because of your color because of your gender or because your spirit irritates their demons and the worst of all are the people who hate you but smile in your face like they love you as soon as you can get rid of your people pleasing trauma and
remember what Lau said you care about people's approval and you will forever be their prisoner harsh truth number 34 it's easier to break things than it is to fix them that goes for your mother's vase relationships and friendships tread carefully with your actions and words in a fit of anger you just may give the greatest speech of your life that you live to regret harsh truth number 35 when it's all said and done a lot more is said than done see few will actually take action see even if you're on the right track you'll get
run over if you stay there long enough so get moving and I'll see you next year
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