Michael Singer - Releasing Our Made Up Problems

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Seats of Contemplation
We love Michael Singer’s work. As long as he and YouTube allow us to post these videos, we will. We...
Video Transcript:
J J Masters there's a line from Jabron the prophet that always struck me is so deep I wonder how many get it says The Thirst that exists when your well is full is The Thirst that's unquenchable that really says it all poets have an amazing way and such a short amount of words to capture so much let's talk about that and expand that first of all if your well is not full there's something you can do about it you can dig another well you can get water you can do all kinds of things to try
to fill the well so let's say You're really really worried that you're going to run out of water because the well has always been low and now something happens they redirect the aquifer whatever and your well is full but it used to not be full for a long time and therefore you kind of know that it might not be full again you have that in your mind you can't do anything about that you hear me once that W is full well is full if The Thirst exists when your well is full that thirst is unquenchable
there's no solving that so so what he has done in that teaching is showed you the difference which we're all going to talk about tonight between a problem and a mental problem if the well is empty you're thirsty you have a problem it's a real problem you have to do something about it if the well is full and you're afraid of being thirsty that's a mental problem that's not a real problem and there's nothing you can do about it nothing well I could dig dig another way what if it goes dry by the way if
you have five Wells and the aapor goes down do nothing for any of them okay your mind is welcome to think like that and it does doesn't it then you're in big trouble because there's nothing you can do to solve that problem why because there is no problem the well is full this is how deep that statement is The Thirst that exists when the well is full is The Thirst that is unquenchable do you see that now let's expand that there are two types of problems that you're going to have in your life one is
there is actually something happening now in front of you that you need to deal with a car has cut you off and you're about to smash into them you better do something about it okay you better do something your child is sick and is in pain and needs help you better better do something it's real there's a problem that needs you to deal with it that's one type of problem but there's another type of problem you listen carefully this is the essence of the quality of life in spirituality there is another type of problem which
is 100 to one the type of problem you have over the other right I bought the car but I'm not sure I like it is that a problem no there is no problem you're causing the problem what if you liked it then I wouldn't have a problem but if you don't like it then I have a problem well then there's not a problem there's just something you're doing inside your mind that is causing you to feel weird are you willing to honor that and respect that and see that if somebody is cutting you off and
it's you start that starts to skin in front of you right and you change your mind oh I don't think I'll go driving today it doesn't matter you're in big trouble if your kid is crying and it has some pain and your mind sits there and says oh I don't want to deal with this now this I I'm tired there's trouble because there's something real out there but if your mind says I don't like what she said to me I don't think that was nice I don't think anyways I'm not sure how she meant it
but depending on how she meant it I'm I'm going to get really upset about this you are causing that problem there is not a problem if the problem can go away because you changed your mind about it then there's not a problem there's just something you're doing with your mind do you understand that you created the problem you go in to have your hair done and you're silly enough to say to the hairdresser surprise me all right and you know it's like when that thing comes off and you look at that hair you have two
choices cuz the hair is the hair it is there that is what it is it is not a problem it is not a problem it just is the hair the lious test is this if you decide to like it is there a problem oh my God this is great this is beyond anything I thought oh my God now where's the problem it's not there but if inside your mind you say oh no oh no that's not what I was thinking of oh no then you have a problem that was the hair the problem or are
you the problem you have created that problem with your mind I don't call those problems those are not problems and those run everybody's life what you like and what you don't like and what makes you feel good what makes you not feel good and what you want and what you don't want those are not problems those are fictitious problems you are making them up in your mind if you can change your mind and the problem goes away then your mind was the problem not the situation you paint a room a certain way you build ever
build a house what do you see how many problems you have all right anyways I've built lots of them heed to be a builder so you you sit there and build a house right and somebody picks a color and then it's done and they come into the room oh my God I have a problem what I I I don't like this color what color the white well you said you wanted white yeah but not that white there were other shades of white said you way do you see how many shades there are of white right
when you go to paint a room or something or you go down to the painting store and they have what's called a fan of colors it opens up right do you know there's an entire fan for white a big thick entire fan called whites okay so you paint you paint the wall and you walk in and your mind does that just ruined your experience of your house you understand that you're single and you're kind of recording somebody and all of a sudden they walk in and they go did you pick this color this is gorgeous
oh my God just walking in the room changes my entire vibration were you thinking of me when you picked this how did you know I've always loved this color how you feeling about the color is there a problem anymore these are fictitious problems these are not real these are exactly the same as a thirst that exists when your well is full as a thirst is unquenchable so what is this this is a different kind of a problem it's not a real problem it's a psychological problem it's not a problem you have to deal with it's
a problem you created for yourself so you're not happy now if I said to you that at least a 100 to one those are your problems and I'm telling you maybe a thousand to one you have layered inside of you don't you thing after thing that has happened to you in the past that you didn't like still bothers you don't it not didn't just bother you when it happened it's bad enough that you didn't like the white you walked in I didn't like the white right you left the house you moved the house you sold
the house you moved somewhere else you know your husband or wife got a job somewhere else whatever you're not even in the house anymore it's still bothering you it's still bothering you oh my God that time I picked that white why couldn't it have been does the past ever bother you does the past ever bother you the thirst that exists when the well is full is a thirst and unquenchable what does that mean the thing that is bothering you that is not even there at least the well is there this thing's not even there it's
only in your mind isn't it and yet you're letting it bother you so this is why we don't have a nice life it is not because of what's going on outside it is true there are things that are going outside that we will need to deal with I will get to them at the end since they are like one 100th of what's bothering you we can leave it to last all right but you put first and foremost this mental problem that you are creating for yourself you're afraid to go to a party you're afraid to
go on a date you're afraid to go somewhere why somebody might be there that you don't like you might not be wearing the right clothes you are making yourself suffer for absolutely no reason what if you go to a party and they said it was a informal party and everybody's wearing Tu and fine dresses and you walk in in schlump okay is that neat you're oven guard you're different I like it or is it oh my God I'm so embarrassed I can't even which is it it's whatever you want it's whatever you do inside yourself
that's what your BR was talking about the problems you create within yourself by yourself for yourself are stupid okay you're free to create any problem you want I always kid everybody you know the Beatles they are pretty rich nice people I love them very much that's my generation right they sang a song remember it will you still need me will you still Feed Me When I'm 64 how old were they 18 20 right what in the world are you doing worrying about what's going to happen when you're 64 when you're 22 years old all right
you are making problems for yourself you you are holding on to everything in the past that ever bothered you even though 90% of it was just something you made up that you liked or didn't like and now you project onto the future I have a big one with that one too the future does not exist if the future is bothering you you are doing it is that not true does the future exist has it happened yet then how can it be bothering you how can something that doesn't exist bother you I guess you're making it
up bothering yourself with it I always take the following Point like this if you're going to make up a future and you do cuz one doesn't exist you're going to make it up make up a nice one why in the world if you're going to make one up would you make up one that bothers you it just doesn't make any sense will you please look at how many things we've talked about already just go slow and you're going to understand why there have so much trouble with your life everybody else one you hold on to
things in your mind from the past that you didn't like that bothered you you hold on of them don't you childhood mommy daddy first date it's that every single thing I'm telling you that may seem rational to you it is completely irrational if there is anything left inside of you about your past that is bothering you I want you to get rid of it because it is of no benefit who is it helping if you're going to do something you know I did business you know that right we have this thing in businesses where it's
called a cost benefit analysis what does that mean it means you look at what's going on and you say there's really it's yin and yang you always say there's some positive and some negative is going to come out of it well what if there's 7,000 negative and two positive do you do it oh you get an A I hope you said no what if there's 7 million positive and two negative do you do it there that's cost benefit analysis why don't you wake up and do that inside yourself your past is not happening anymore is
it if it's bothering you what is the benefit that one is100 million negative zero positive I want to spend one last moment and put the nail in the coffin about your past your past is over there's not a single atom not a person not a thought not an atom nothing about the past that still exists it all has morphed into the present every atom that was making up the past is now making up the present every Quark every lepton every Bon if you're done at a Quantum level they were making what was now they're making
what is the past does not exist how can some does not exist be bothering you you are doing it to yourself so the entire thing about the past if it is bothering you and you know it is is something that is self-generated it is something you are doing to yourself stop it there that's spiritual growth it's so easy I'm telling you if you would stop bothering yourself about the past your entire life would change your entire life do you know why you're afraid of the future because you're holding on to what happened to you in
the past that you didn't like you're afraid it might happen again no I don't want to go that date why his name is Ben I in 12th grade I went out with a Ben you're 42 years old and and come on man but you do that do you understand that the past is seared inside of you especially the negative aspects of it and you are holding on within yourself for no reason I mean no reason there's no benefit zero I've looked at it very carefully and when I've challenged anybody I've been doing this for 45
years no one has ever given me a benefit ever it is exactly like Jabron what is the purpose of worrying about your well going dry if your well is full but it might so what deal with it when it does it is not doing you any good to be afraid that your well is going to dry out when the well is full there's nothing you can do about that your past is finished of what good is it to be bothering well it might happen again I don't know what to tell you there's 800 billion things
that might happen the probability it be exactly what happened to you before that bothered you is very slight especially if what's bothering you is that your parents got divorced when you're were six it's not going to happen again why your parents are dead and you're 43 years old there is no benefit to letting your past bother you and I'm begging you I'm begging you you want to have a nice life it's not about buying a new car it's not about getting rich it's not about traveling to Paris it's not that does not make a nice
life why because you're taking you with you all your little past things will get stimulated in Parish just like they will here and every you're taking that me that you created inside with you it's not going to change anything what you need to do is wake up and realize I'm a rational human being I'm in here this is my house I have left a mess in my house everything that ever happened I left inside for no reason I mean none there's no benefit it's irrational behavior isn't it so you get straight and what does that
mean it means you stop doing it people look at me they say I don't know what you're talking about it's like when we talk about stopping smoking if people come to me and they say I'm having trouble stopping smoking it's like you want to stop smoking stop putting cig in your mouth I'm serious next time you feel an urge to put a cigarette in your mouth don't do it and amazingly you will stop smoking it's the most amazing thing in the world you want to stop be bothering by your past stop holding on to it
nothing stays in there except that you keep it in there there's no tar paper in there there's no super glue events come in and they go through white lines on the road go through don't they trees you drive by them all the time they go by cars on the road go right by they don't do anything they don't stay in there do they the only thing that stays in there is what you keep in there and it's the silliest thing in the world so something happens it causes some disturbance that's fine it's perfectly normal right
there things happen cause some disturbance but then they're over I'm not telling you to make it so nothing disturbs you things disturb you don't they things happen let them go go when they're over if somebody's yelling at you I know it's uncomfortable yelling you when they stop yelling at you you should stop being uncomfortable why they stopped yelling at you if you're driving your car and somebody cut you off it's scary it's scary to ram in your brakes and skit around when it is over do not be afraid to get in the car again do
not be afraid to drive on that street again nothing has changed you had an experience you drove down that street thousand times before your next time you drive has equal probability as ever before for any other Street for something to happen so why is it that somehow we think it's important that I keep this inside of me that's going to protect me it's not going to protect you it's going to make you neurotic it's going to make you scared it's going to make you worried it's going to make you incapable of experiencing your life if
you hear nothing else I ever talk about get your past out of there it does not belong in there it's over it's done it had its day in the sun now it doesn't exist anymore you say well don't I need to learn from it you have learned what you need to learn thinking about it and being afraid of it and holding on to it that's doesn't help you learn if you're riding a bike ever fall off the bike when you're first learning to ride a bike believe it or not that's how you learn that's how
you learn this thing called balance you can't teach it to now listen kid what's going to happen you talking doesn't do any good it's something you have to feel something you have to get used to so the act of falling off the bike the act of getting back up these are learning experiences If instead you hold inside of you that you're afraid of falling because you got embarrassed and it did this and it did that you never ride the bike again that's really dumb you hear me it was a learning experience and you go about
your business and now you can ride a bike but that's not what we do is it we hold on to the negative aspect of the experience and then it makes everything be negative there is never a benefit to doing that never never well let's say I was married and he was terrible or she was terrible and I had terrible experience and and then we got divorced and it was terrible don't I have to remember all that and hold on to that and make sure I never do that again ready no and if you remember it
and hold on to it and make sure you never do it again it will happen again you will start to see in the other you know what come out of your mouth he used to do that I didn't know you're going to be like he used to talk to me like that Holy who's he you know he this other guy don't know he never met him right you are bringing into the new situation your problem and you're going to create it in a new situation you learn from things because they happen to you learning is
a natural experience it's not a mental experience it comes in and and you learn all right now when the next situation unfolds the wisdom the knowledge of experience will all mesh together and help you interact with the current moment it's not a mental thing if you're learning to play tennis and you're not good with backhand and you're practicing every single time you hit that ball back even into the net it's a good thing you're learning you're building the power of your muscles you're building your reactive power if you sit there and be thinking what did
I do last time you're not going to be a very good player the mind is not fast enough the mind gets in the way the actual learning is something that becomes ingrained inside of you so I'm going to move move on your past is over and it does not belong inside of you any of it and if anything inside of you is saying no it's important that I remember how much it hurt me you're wrong what is the benefit it doesn't make it not happen again right it just makes it so it keeps hurting you
over and over again so people a lot of people when I talk to them this way they say I've never thought of it that way well then think of it that way because while you are carrying your past inside of you as a negative experience you have to look through that to see the world and it will color your world won't it you never heard of a rck test the ink block test do you know what it's doing trying to see what you have in there about your past it's an ink blot what does this
remind you of mommy and daddy fighting what does this remind you of daddy leaving what remind you of Mommy and Daddy get divorc there little these just little squiggly figures on a piece of paper what is that all about oh I guess I have a thing about that yes you do get rid of it how can we do that first of all is it possible to completely completely 100% clean out in there so you're not carrying your past with you so that you can interact with the current moment yes every single person is capable of
purification every single person is capable of releasing this garbage that they're carrying inside of themselves that is causing a problem when there isn't any if you're having a problem with your past you're wasting your problems because it's not happening anymore there's some real stuff going on out there you need to deal with in there there's real stuff we need to deal with you can't cuz you're too busy with the make believe stuff you built inside yourself how do you let it go you let it go it's like I told you was smoking something happens you
feel an urg to smoke don't and you'll stop smoking it's the same thing here your past is trying to release that's why it keeps coming back up comes up in your dreams things remind you of it it doesn't want to be in there it's not natural you are using your will to suppress and repress and hold these past experiences inside of you stop doing that what do you mean something is going to stimulate something you stored in there it's going to start to come up but it doesn't feel good well it doesn't feel good to
want to have a smoke when you de to stop or when to want to have a drink when you decided to stop does it get off heroin it's hard to go through withdrawal it's exactly the same you have to want to do it more than you want to avoid what it feels like to let it go that's the formula you have to want to stop drinking more than you want to have a drink otherwise you're not going to stop drinking you have to want to get your family back and get your life back together and
get off of cocaine or herrow whenever the heck you're hooked on and you have to want it pretty bad because I hear it's pretty tough to go through withdrawal but there is no getting off of it without withdrawal because that's what the process of purifying and getting all that out of your system so that you don't have the urges anymore but it is possible to do isn't it is exactly the same with your past I want you to look at your past exactly the same it is a drug that's bothering you it's something that doesn't
belong in there anything so what will happen is naturally very naturally something is going to happen in life that hits your stuff can I use that terminology you know about that hit stuff hit your stuff right and it starts to feel uncomfortable inside a yogi a yogan a person who's growing spiritually guess what they do about that good what do you mean good good if I want to play tennis and I got a tennis pro on the other side of the Court over there is teaching me and he or she happens to hit it at
an angle that I I suck at that angle it's terrible it just goes on the ground then he make it to the net guess what that is good good hit another one like that why I want to learn I want to be good I don't want you hit in every place I can slam it that's not what going to happen in real life so if something comes your way and it causes a weakness to be seen A wise person says good thank you this is wonderful so if something happens and hits your stuff and you
start to feel uncomfortable you know about that start to feel uncomfortable really cute what it feels like in there doesn't it when something hits your past it gets all weird all right the answer is good inside not outside good thank you you have to welcome its release just like the withdrawal just like letting the need to drink pass through you you don't need to stop the fact and you can't stop the fact that you're addicted you're to smoking to drinking to drug whatever it is you're addicted that means there's going to be this need there's
going to be this urge to do something that's not the problem the problem is that you're not willing to withstand the urge and let it pass it'll pass everything passes that's the nice thing about life every single thing passes nothing has ever in the history of the universe not passed how you like that every electron passes every atom passes nothing's ever the same from one second to the next everything will pass but you don't let it so it comes up and you push it back down or you blame somebody for saying what they say you
know I don't like when you talk like that it reminds me of my father that means you have a problem why don't you want to get rid of it why do you want to run around with your problems inside of you then you have to avoid everything so it doesn't hit it a wise person says that's what Liberation means Liberation means I don't have to run around avoiding myself anymore I don't have to run around avoiding myself anymore I'm real sensitive this person might say that and this person might or might see my ex right
I'm running around afraid of myself I don't have to do that anymore period I'm liberated I'm free from myself that's what Liberation means so you want to work for that so basically we're going to move on the world is going to unfold it is going to hit anything and everything so funny it is going to hit everything and anything you have stored inside of you about your past that you didn't like and that's what's inside of you the part you didn't like okay in general most of that and it's going to hit it good you
got to get to that point good good I cuz I want to get this over with I want to be free I want to at least live one day of my life where I wake up in the morning giggling because I'm not afraid of anything and I go through the entire day enthused and excited and like a kid right just this total inspiring passionate energy without any fears or any anxiety or anything how' you like to live like that for even a day this is how you do that you can't can't live like that if
you have this stuff stored inside of you and you're afraid that somebody's going to say something the world's going to hit it and you know you do all right so what'll happen is you change your attitude about it it's going to come up fine I'm not telling you to make it not come up believe me I'm saying when it comes up welcome it and let it pass just relax inside let it come up and pass but it hurts I know it was stored with pain it's going to come up with pain so what look how
much stuff you go through we go through all kinds of things don't we this one's really worth going through you really get something people put out a lot of energy and don't get squat I want to go to Hawaii I want to go to Hawaii right for two weeks or a week you kill yourself and work overtime and do every oh my God what you go through go to Hawaii big deal go to Hawaii come back in a week you same problems you have when you left it maybe it's worse because you don't like the
house anymore right what did you get for all that effort nothing this you get a new person you get a new you you get a new lease on life everything becomes more beautiful because you have to waste your energy worrying about yourself so this is how a wise person views the past you are welcome to come up anytime you want the worst the better the more it hurts it means the more trouble it was causing in there if hear you when you work out what do they say no pain no gain good I'm telling you
change your attitude why are you willing to say no pain no gain when you're working out out when you're running when you're trying to be in the Olympics when you're doing oh my God triath people I run 63 M 63 miles yeah I bicycl across the United States without stopping three times with no water like oh my God how do you do that why would you do that I wanted to prove to myself that I could this is so much bigger than that this is like man you totally get a whole new you a whole
new lease in life a whole new everything things better your relationships are better your food tastes better cuz you don't have to mess with this garbage you have inside yourself so no pain no gain you do it with all this stuff outside you do with Athletics oh my God what people do to win an athletic game but the net result is why won't you do that inside yourself why are you a baby about inside yourself you guys are pretty tough right we're not we're all different but you pretty tough if you're playing volleyball and you
get a little black and blue I'm going home no you don't do that you play through it why if something bothers you inside are you like the biggest baby that ever lived he hurt me he I didn't he didn't say hello to me he said hello to her I don't want to see him again I don't want to do anything I want to go home I don't feel good I want to go home imagine if you behave that way on the athletic field no she bumped into me that wasn't nice and I'm going home all
right so you wake up and you realize I can handle this it's just an energy pattern passing through it's not even real at least the black and blue Mark real this thing is Just Energy coming up inside of you why are you afraid of it stop being afraid of it and stop telling yourself you can't do this you tell yourself I can and I will it's that simple so the next you don't to worry about what's coming up you don't to say well how do I know what's down there you don't need to know what's
down there it is completely sufficient that you let go of what's actually coming up you don't have to worry about what's not coming up you don't have to worry when it's going to come up you don't have to worry anything you let go of what's coming up now you're out it's fine it's a Here and Now thing if you can let go of what's Happening Now inside right it will overtime you'll get stronger then the next thing will come up you'll get stronger and it does it in just the right order right it's because the
fact that you are stronger you're willing to let it come up before you would never touch that stuff you push it down but it's still in your subconscious so it's the same thing as you get better with the tennis ball how'd you get it where you could hit that you didn't hit it before I practiced as you practice you get better at this therefore the next one can come up and they will all look the same once you get ready to say I'm not afraid of the pain that I feel inside of purification I'm not
afraid I don't want to live in here afraid so I want to let it go I want to period remind yourself of that constantly and don't worry everybody will help you your friends your enemies your husband your children everybody will help you right everything hits your stuff doesn't it you will find out over time that the less stuff you have the better off you are it's a whole another life so this is what you do about your past you stop creating a melodrama inside yourself about things that aren't even happening they're over they're done and
you learn this process of Letting Go the next one we come to is the future all right we can do the present first right the present what happens the world is unfolding there it is if you you stop creating problems this one comes down to the Past like is dead that wasn't so easy this one comes down to like and dislike I know I've talked to you about that before just as getting rid of the past is essential to have a happy life you can't build all that junk up in there what did Christ say
you can't build your house on sand that's what you got in there is it you got all this junk in there that you stored and now you're building your house on top of it literally here literally everything is built on top of that no Let It Go Now the present is about like and dislike what do you mean like and dislike are things you make up inside your own mind there is no like or dislike do you like the fact that Saturn has rings I hope you just look at me like that's a weird question
yes it's a very weird question because it's none of your business it is none of your business whether Saturn has rings do you like the thing she has around her neck it is the same as whether Saturn has rings it is none of your business you're just seeing something that exists do you like the fact that there's a spider outside building a web no I don't like spiders well then you're not going to be a happy camper because there are spiders you're not going to be a happy camper because Saturn has rings you're not going
to be happy keer because she's got a thing around her neck like and dislike are things that have nothing to do with reality I mean nothing they're things you make up in your mind what you like he hates what you liked yesterday you can't stand today it makes you sick cuz you had one more experience what are your likes and dislikes you were not born with these things they are learned experiences your likes and dislikes when you were little when you went into fifth grade you're math teacher you had a little crush on him or
her you love math you're really good at math when you're fifth grade you failed a couple of math tests you got a little confused people laughed at you I'm not good at math I don't like math these are learned experiences right yes we all have different abilities that has nothing to do with like or dislike you're the one who puts the tag on it like and dislike so you get to the point where you understand like and dislike are not the solution to my life they are the destruction of my life they are making it
so that I can't experience the reality that is unfolding in front of me why because I'm judging it I'm just saying I like it I don't like it I color the wall I came into the color of the wall I can't like my house anymore I literally had somebody tell me once that I used to build with sit there and say you know it's it's not so much the color it's that I'm afraid that someday I'll walk into my house and be mad at myself for having picked that color and I'll have to live with
that forever The Thirst that exists when your well is full is The Thirst that is unquenchable when I was building we buil a house for this lady prob a cute little Cape Cod likee little house is still there and I'll never forget she said I'm so anxious I get out my God I'm building this I said hey I'm a good Builder you you saw all the stuff we built she I know it's not you it's me but I just can't sleep at night I said why we're doing great she said to me I'm just afraid
that someday I'm going to walk in that house and I go to plug in a lamp and there won't be an outlet right there I said that's what extension cords are for she said no it will mean I did something wrong it will mean I didn't design it properly if someday I go to plug in an island you know The Thirst that exists when your well is full is a thirst isn't question like I mean you're not going to have Outlets all over the stupid house you'll be fine but not if you tell yourself you
won't so this thing about like and dislike destroy your mind you have to sit there and say to yourself God I love building this house I can't wait to see if the outlets end up in the place where I expect them to be it's going to be so much fun if they're not I get to buy an extension corn I wonder what color I'll buy I can get one of the ones that is elastic thing oh boy this is great do whatever you want with your mind it's your mind there's nobody else in there why
would you choose to cause trouble for yourself when all you have to do is choose to not it's free of charge so if you want to buy into the like and dislike thing it's okay but I care about you here's what I want you to buy into this the like and dislike thing when you like things and they happen how do you feel good when you don't like things and they happen how do you feel bad all right so therefore not liking things how often does not not liking something bring you happiness or never how
often does liking things bring you happiness if you get them fine all right start liking more things just start liking more things let's say now you don't like the rain but you like the Sun but not too hot all right start liking the rain how how will I start liking the rain the same way that you work out the same way you let go your past just get in there and get your act together in there your mind you have let your mind formulate these opinions on their own something happened when rain you ended up
not liking rain something happened to you you met your lover when it was raining and you love the rain to remind you they're playing Our Song drip drip drip drip whatever you want it's any way you want in there it's any way you want you're the only are you the only one in there anybody else in there Mommy Daddy brother sister husband wife kids nobody else is in there so why are you doing this it doesn't make sense so instead you buy into these made up they're made up your likes and dislikes they can change
in a minute can't they ever change your mind it's so funny it's is fun to talk about this why you can change your whole life all by yourself you can you don't need somebody you don't have to get rich you can change your whole life all by yourself then you go Rich have fun whatever you want nobody's telling you not to have fun out there but you can't have fun out there if you're carrying the managerie of your past inside of you and you have this entire array of likes and dislikes and get upset when
they're not that way it's not fun is it it feels like you're struggling feels like you're suffering this is why it is not because of what is happening with the world is because you have a mess in there and you're not straightening it up so what do I do with my likes and dislikes you look at them and you stick your tongue out at them you like the fact that the person in front of you is driving the way you like to they're pulling over to the right so you can pass oh I like this
so you don't like the fact that some person's driving slow in front of and you can't pass they won't pull over to the right what are you doing why don't you just enjoy driving and there's all different kinds of people and you get to meet them here's the one I like the one who drives 30 m hour below the speed limit just have fun have fun why because you decided to it's called unconditional well-being you just decide I'm going to like the weather why because it's none of your business and you're not going to change
it anyways so you might as well like it do you like when to get really hot do you like when it gets really cold yes do you like if you sweat you go outside and you start perspiring oh yeah I love it it's like a waterfall all right do you like when it gets cold have to shiver and cuddle up you I love cuddling up it's fun right do you like when it rain Yes you like when it's windy oh yeah windy is so neat why just decide you like it and then work with yourself
until you do there's nothing wrong with that don't tell me but I really don't that's like telling me I'm not really good at tennis I'm not really good at working out you follow me you learn what's that word is that the word we use learn and if you learn anything why don't you learn this instead you say I'm just not that way well you didn't know calculus when you started calculus you didn't know tennis you start tenis you know piano you started a piano that's all kinds of stuff you learned didn't you if you learn
this it will change your life and so you be patient with yourself the past you let it go there's it has no benefit no more cost benefit that doesn't work you're present you start to be in awe of the unfolding of life that's in front of you look there's a person look it's talking look I understand what it's saying wow I don't understand what catap are saying or what dog barks mean but she's making a noise and I understand it that's very neat that's wonderful I told you if you're smart I'm going to move on
from the present we'll get into the future for a second but listen to me this is why our life is terrible every day you get into your car I've done this with you before I'm going to do it again every day you get into your car don't you numerous times a day and there's this key right and you get it into the hole don't you do you reward yourself you say oh you're so good I can't believe you get that I do I can't believe you because I just go son out play right and I
just go real fast boom and it goes right in the hole yours does two years not paying attention that's phenomenal that's really good hand eye coordination right and you just get in the hole and get excited what if one time you went to put it in a hole and you couldn't you'd get upset wouldn't you I'm trying to show you the tendency toward negativity is phenomenal let's say you go to start your car and it doesn't start how you doing how you doing having fun no it's a terrible experience you don't like it at all
how many times did you get in and it did start are you happy I it started wow so so I'm telling you I you think I'm being silly I'm telling you that's how big you are to the tendency of negativity and you wonder why your life has so much trouble so if it starts 7,000 times in a row you don't get good about it it's nothing but if it doesn't start it's a big drama terrible thing change how you interact with life change it change your attitude change your view you can make anything be okay
I told you there are things that happen outside that that are not okay that you need to deal with I haven't talked about those yet have I but yet I'm talking about your whole life all right the real ones that are really a problem are very very rare it's very rare that lions are out there jumping on you you don't know what to do it's really very rare even though we hear about it all the time I'll look at every one of you how many times do somebody actually walk up and stick a gun in
your face say give me your money what percentage of the times of all the moments you lived in your life what percent had the gun stuck in your face it's a very small percent and yet that runs your life you have the right to instead sit there and say I don't have real problems all the time I'll deal with them when they happen but I'm making up all these problems I'm making up the problems from my past not happening anymore I'm calling it a problem if something is not the way I like that's not a
problem I'm calling it a problem if something's happening to I don't want to happen not that it's a problem I just don't want it to happen I don't want him walking while I'm talking all right you do anything you want so since you can do is it not true you can do anything you want then since you can do anything you want why not do something that makes you feel good and something that makes you feel bad all right so the past is gone I'm taking you to Enlightenment this is what it is this is
the path to spiritual enlightenment when you're done with this path you're enlightened hey I forgot to tell you that it's not when you're done with this past you get to have a nicer life right this is very high stuff you know Buddhists talk about empty mind empty mind the empty belt that's what they're talking about they're saying you cleansed yourself of this garbage that you have built up inside yourself that's what empty mind is it's a very high State it's a very high spiritual State what we're talking about seems funny seems simple do it so
your past let it go I don't want it coming up in there your present stop judging Things based on what you like and don't like your likes and dislikes are the most irrelevant thing in the whole world his likes and dislikes don't bother me my likes and dislikes bother me a lot the likes and dislikes are a problem they're not a solution you've been sold a bill of goods it's crazy decide what you like and decide what you don't like then go make it happen and make it avoid it oh good have fun have fun
have fun only liking that which matches what you decided how often does that happen well no wonder you're not happy make sure that nothing is the way you don't want it to be and you got a lot of wants in there about what you don't want and that's why you're miserable that's why you have tension that's why you have anxiety that's why you're afraid to do things all of it is because of likes and dislikes a wise person doesn't do that or if you want it's one or two ways either get rid of likes and
dislikes or like everything either way it's all the same just like everything like the weather like the people like nice people like mean people oh you was so mean oh my God you see what he said to me he was like have fun have fun yeah my ex i' to be the worst ex that ever was every time I think of it makes me laugh laugh he's G bye-bye will you please have fun in there it's your house so there's your past here's your present and now there's this thing called the future I already did
that with you the future is so easy what are you doing it doesn't exist you're making it up but what if what if I can't get a job what if I get a job and I get fired what if I meet somebody and and the job that I have doesn't earn enough money to where they're happy with what I'm making so they don't marry me I don't like my job my God you're 12 that's they start younger than that all right and you got this michig us going on inside your head where you're causing yourself
problems about what might happen again two choices stop it all right or if you're going to bother to make up a future make up a nice one you're just making it up anyways if you sit there and say but what if the thing that I'm making one up and I'm not ready I'm not ready for the negative that could happen if you are clear centered and not bothered by yourself you're ready you are way more ready than if you're neurotic inside because you spent your last 10 years worrying about everything that could possibly happen and
then something happens you think you're ready you think you're ready if something happened you're going to freak oh I was afraid of it oh my God what are we doing no just be there just be present in the moment bring your Consciousness to Bear be open you understand that here I'm going to give you a job interview you're looking for a job all right you tell me who's more probable to get the job the person is scared to death and they might not get the job or they might not wear the right thing or they
might say the wrong thing and they're sitting in the interview nervous and worried and concerned right or the personal system says oh boy I get to go meet the boss oh I wonder what they going to ask me this is going to be fun right and has a totally positive attitude about the entire experience maybe even couldn't care less they get the job they just having fun having the interview that person's getting the job I've interviewed plenty of people right if somebody's got that positive bubbly open enthusiastic attitude you want them around don't you as
opposed to somebody who's scared and nervous and afraid of what they're going to say you are always better off getting rid of that stuff that you built up in there it's not not what you want to carry so your past let it go when it comes up relax it takes time I know I'm making some easy it's not that easy because you're just like it's not easy to go off of drugs it's exactly the same there's this habit you have of keeping the past the problems of the past inside of you don't do it it's
not a nice place to keep them let them go you're present I know this is hard for you because it's so anti what we're taught and what we what our culture is please notice how many likes and dislikes you have don't do anything about it just notice likes and dislikes ruin things they make you afraid if you have dislikes and they make you anxious and all kinds of stuff about if you want something you like something you cling to it and you're afraid of losing it right they are not healthy things healthy is I am
open and ready to seize the moment to in interact with the moment to let it touch me to learn to move on that is what a healthy person does and your capable of doing it how do I do that when the light comes up and you start getting weird because you like something right relax it's exactly the same as letting go your past just relax cool it just cool down boy down boy it's okay relax and you will see that it will come and it will go it's called transcending the personal self you just keep
don't suppress it don't get mad at it but whatever if I don't like something I don't want to go there there might be a snake but there's thousands of people there it's Disneyland no don't don't do that please all right or you will ruin your life so instead you sit there and say oh this is fun I wonder what's going to happen and you let go of the part of you that built up these strong likes and dislikes little by little and the future I already told you you have two choices either there isn't any
I can't wait to see what it's going to be and I'll interact when it comes or anytime I want to think about the future I'm making it nice you have the right to do that you're making it up anyways you don't know a thing about the future you just making it up so what this what you do about the future boy it's going to be fun how do you know I just know there that's a much healthier attitude then I'm scared I don't know what's oh my God it might up what are you doing so
this is the talk on would you like to have a nice life notice I didn't say one word yet and maybe I won't about the real problems outside because there're so infrequent they have nothing to do with your life right they're if you will do this and not bring into the the moment Neurosis you will know how to deal with the problems that come in front of you if somebody cut you off please don't start screaming I didn't deserve this I didn't do anything I don't want to do this I don't because you're going to
hit the guy just when the person cut you off be there be there pay attention try to see how to best deal with the car and the person such that you don't hit them you will do much better than the person who throws their hands up in the air and jumps in the back seat to protect themselves and that's true of all of life when I give you the example about driving that you're driving through life all the time aren't you right and there's obstacles pop up in front of you people say things do things
wake up this is your world in there and so if you will work with your past the way I said you will work with the present to where you just appreciate that it's unfolding in front of you it's a neat Planet why don't you come visit all right you're on the planet Earth this is what's going on here be here and let go of all these likes and dislikes and in the future either just you know you don't need to think about the future if it's your job to do appointment scheduling then that's now okay
you don't have to think about what if someday it's my job to do appointment schedu no that that's and I'm not good at it and so I get fired my God what are you doing you're just sitting there having it you're having a waking nightmare you're having a nightmare you're creating it yourself stop it here stop it so either let it go completely or work with yourself to where you think you're going to enjoy whatever is going on on and your whole life your whole life will change everybody around you will change your life your
interaction with everybody around you will change people you you better get a stick because you're going to have to fight people off because the energy coming off of you the enthusiasm that you have the bubbly excitement energy is just so attractive that people will not be able to deal with how beautiful you are no matter what you look like has nothing to do with what your body looks like what your face looks like it has to do with the energy that's coming off of you so this is what I call spiritual growth and I hadn't
said the word god once but if you do this you'll come talk to me about God why because at some point you're going to get so high in there that you can't hold yourself down literally energy all the energy you wasted fighting with yourself will start to rise up inside of you it will it literally will start going up you don't have to do yoga or anything you should but you don't have to it'll all that energy will go up you'll start feeling this ecstasy we call a Nanda suchand so the energy will start flowing
up inside of you and you will every second of your life feel what you feel when you're the intimate moment of intimacy or when you won the ball game or somebody's so proud of you understand that those Peak experiences that masel talks about every second of your life it will be going on inside and it doesn't get old Master called it ever New Joy it's this Rush of constantly new beautiful energy lifting your heart lifting you'll be enthused and passionate about every single thing you do if you do the same thing 15,000 times over you'll
be more passionate about than 15,000 And1 than you were the first time you did it do you know that exists inside of you that is your natural state to be that high and then you get really high you get past that and next thing you know the energy inside you starts merging with bigger energies and this is the whole spiritual path but you don't have to worry about that that'll happen by itself but you do have to worry about what I talked about because that's your job you have a job to do cleanse purify let
that junk go inside of you and things will become very beautiful jagra for
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