would you believe me if I told you that you had to sacrifice someone to manifest throughout all civilizations from the beginning of time they all knew one thing God wanted sacrifice it has been understood for centuries that in order to receive something from God or the universe a sacrifice must be made you have been misled to believe that sacrifice is negative but the truth is sacrifice is the only way you will ever manifest what you want sacrifice is a basis of Exchange for you to manifest those things that you want you must also sacrifice and
until you're willing to sacrifice you will never materialize your dreams and your desires for the reality that you want something specific has to be given up and by the end of this video you'll know exactly what it is that must be sacrificed more importantly who must be sacrificed you will never manifest without sacrifice it is critical that you understand the mechanics of how the universe operates without understanding you'll just be wasting your time and efforts like you already have been the foundation of this entire video is that the Universe does not operate by something from
nothing you will never gain something from nothing it just doesn't work like that nothing cannot produce something to simplify the point that I'm trying to convey to you in a way that you might understand it easier the universe don't give out no free lunches this is why 98% of those interested in manifestation fail to actually manifest they sit around and expect the free lunch and un fortunately the universe doesn't do that but something to be gained something must be exchanged this is fractal throughout the entirety of the universe the plant exchanges its nutrients and proteins
with the bee to receive pollen the nitrogen in the atmosphere exchanges its own form to complement the environment the plant exchanges the light received from the Sun and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen crazy fun fact scientists say that if bees were to go extinct the entire ecosystem of nature collapse would be so severe that we would eventually follow their Extinction anyways here's the thing this Universal constant of exchange isn't just fractal in nature but also within Humanity you exchange money for goods and services before we had money we would exchange services through bartering before you
can take a breath you must give a breath the cells in your body sacrifice themselves to be reformed and replenished you're forever exchanging your attention since you pay with it hopefully by now you get the point that I'm trying to make and looking at this from a metap physical point of view think about it like every day you walk up to reality's counter and say I'll give you this if you give me that now this poses an extremely important question what does reality deal in the universe has hidden The Secret of how exchange takes place
right within you think about this you can't take a breath without giving one first it's actually crazy and you're forever exchanging with the universe now the unfortunate part is that mostly it's conscious this means You' be making deals with the universe without actually knowing what it is you're asking for and the universe demands exchange sacrifice is an inescapable necessity and the universe only deals in three currencies and unfortunately it's not cash crypto credit it's attention emotion and emotionally charged thought on a simplistic view of what your frequency is comprised out of it is all of
these three factors these are the currencies that you're forever exchanging with the universe and they always I repeat always bring a return they make up your identity which then emits a frequency aligning you to a particular reality however you have desires that you want to manifest and so to manifest them you have to change what you are giving if you want reality to give you a new order then you must change what your demand is and a sacrifice must be made now who are we killing I meant what I said somebody you love has to
die in order for you to manifest and sacrificing this person won't be easy you've known them your whole life they've been by your side through your ups and your downs but I don't make the rules you just have to do it and the person that must be sacrificed is drum roll please you in order for you to go somewhere you've never been you must become someone you've never been you can't expect reality to change and you stay the same it just it doesn't work like that there can be no outer change until there's first inner
change the reality that you want to manifest which which is your next level requires you to completely transform yourself by sacrificing who you are right now with great sacrifice comes great reward now when I say great sacrifice it probably hit your ear a bit negative for some reason because we've been programmed to view sacrifice as something that is negative so we run away from it meanwhile it's the only gateway to you materializing the reality that you've been wanting for so long you must alter your perception of sacrifice as your perception feeds into your projection and
if you you sacrifices something being negative then the whole process of you transforming into who you need to be for reality to then shift is going to be difficult because you view as negative real sacrifice is giving something up of a lower nature for a higher nature the caterpillar that thinks it can fly in its present state is a fool it must transform into a butterfly before it can fly sacrifice is the overlooked secret power of the great it is an indication of your faith by giving something up you're showing that you know you shall
be reimbursed and this is an exercise of the true esoteric meaning of faith faith in its Latin eological Origins comes from the word fedas this was a reference to confidence but more so a level of conviction and sacrifice is the truest demonstration of it think about it if you're giving something up you're saying to the universe I know you're going to give it to me when you step into knowing there's a certain level of power that comes in the frequency of conviction which allows for things to materialize the way that you want don't fall for
the illusion that reality presents which is that things just happen nothing just happens all changes in reality all Great accomplishments and all great triumphs are the result of some sort of sacrifice to make room for the greatness that is inevitable for you you must sacrifice who you currently are so there's space for what is to come like I said you can't stay the same and expect reality to be different this is what they speak about in the htic tradition when we're looking at the Hermetic law of Correspondence which is as within as without the world
is a mere Shadow a clear reflection you must sacrifice your animalistic indulgences to make room for the godself because once that God self comes in like it says in Matthew I believe 1926 with men this is impossible but with God Consciousness the god self all things are possible you must sacrifice where you're placing your attention and begin to place it where you want a return on your investment like I said you've been doing this unconsciously your whole life and that's the thing when you don't know what you're asking for then you don't know what you're
going to receive and then when it's here you complain you must replace them with the attitude that you have what it is that you want because the only way to become is to First be now that you know exactly what I'm trying to say there's only one thing left and that is how do I sacrifice if you don't sacrifice yourself then the truth is nothing will change sacrifice is the narrow path that many will stray away from but it is the most clearest most simplest path to the materialization of everything that it is that you
want as I stated earlier for you to exchange your present reality with the one that you want you have to sacrifice who you are now and if you want to do that in less than 4 minutes per week then make sure you sign up for the hacking reality newsletter that will come out every Sunday to help you control reality in easier ways anyways like I said the process is simple but don't confuse simple with easy easy so step number one identify the reality you truly want with Crystal Clear Clarity whenever I work with my clients
especially the number one thing that I get everybody to do is to get Crystal Clear Clarity because without it your subconscious mind will project an image onto the universal Storehouse let's say that is slightly blurred so it actually doesn't know what to extract from it but once you have that high level of crystal clear Clarity your subconscious mind knows the exact frequency to send out into the UN unversal Storehouse Quantum field fourth dimension akashic records whatever you want to call it to extract back down onto the physical plane where you are at step number two
Gain a vague idea of what the version of you that you wish to become would think like what would their day-to-day moods be like where would they Place their attention what would they allow to get their attention and attention is your alignment you know whatever you allow to get your attention exists if something can't get your attention it doesn't exist step number three once once an idea has been drawn up then you need to begin to reject the way that you've become accustomed to your current identity and what I mean by that is every single
time now that you begin to think something feel something gives your attention to something that doesn't align with the new version of your reality you need to reject it this is the sacrifice this is where the true sacrifice happens you need to sacrifice who you truly are at this moment in time so you can move into the next phase of your life step number four operate from the new paradigm of who you wish to be while denying meing yourself any attention and here's the thing the moment you begin to sacrifice who you are now to
transform into the butterfly let's say the old version of you won't like that at all in fact it will come after you to try get your attention back or an emotional reaction Out of You by provoking you so it can get your energy so it can continue to stay because energy is a currency that sustains the entire fabric of reality we literally live in a sea of energy so be prepared for the tests and here's the thing there's a couple Universal tests that if you don't pass they will destroy you I highly suggest you watch
my video on how to pass the tests of the Universe I don't know what it's called at this moment in time but anyways I'll put it up on the screen and I'll put in the description or it'll be somewhere for you guys to click with that being said get to sacrificing