THE NOTORY ART | Solomon's Manual of Divine Learning & Perfect Memory (Complete Audiobook)

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Listen to the mysterious "Notory Art of Solomon" - an ancient grimoire from the Lesser Key of Solomo...
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In the Name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, this most Holy Art of Knowledge begins, revealed to Solomon, which the Highest Creator by his Holy Angels ministered to Solomon upon the Altar of the Temple; that thereby in short time he knew all Arts and Sciences, both Liberal and Mechanick, with all the Faculties and Properties thereof: He has suddenly infused into him and also was filled with all wisdom, to utter the Sacred Mysteries of most Holy words. Alpha and Omega! Oh Almighty God, the Beginning of all things, without Beginning, and without End: Graciously this day hear
my Prayers; neither do you render unto me according to my sins, nor after mine iniquities, O Lord my God, but according to your mercy, which is greater than all things visible and invisible. Have mercy upon me, O Christ, the Wisdom of the Father, The Light of the Angels, The Glory of the Saints, The Hope, Refuge, and Support of Sinners, The Creator of all things, and Redeemer of all humane Frailties, who holds the Heaven, Earth, and Sea, and all the whole World, in the palm of your Hand: I humbly implore and beseech, that you will mercifully
with the Father, illustrate my mind with the beams of your holy Spirit, that I may be able to come and attain to the perfection of this most holy Art; and that I may be able to gain the knowledge of every Science, Art, and Wisdom; and of every Faculty of Memory, Intelligences, Understanding, and Intellect, by the Virtue and Power of your most holy Spirit, and in your Name. And you, O God my God, who in the Beginning have created the Heaven and the Earth, and all things out of nothing; who reforms, and makes all things by
your own Spirit; complete, fulfill, restore, and implant a sound understanding in me, that I may glorify you and all your Works, in all my Thoughts, Words, and Deeds. O God the Father, confirm and grant my Prayer, and increase my Understanding and Memory, and strengthen the same, to know and receive the Science, Memory, Eloquence, and Perseverance in all manner of Learning, who lives and reigns, World without end. Amen. Here begins the first Treatise of this Art, which Master Apollonius called The Golden Flowers, being the general Introduction to all the Natural Sciences; and this is Confirmed, Composed,
and Approved by the Authority of Solomon, Manichaeus, and Euduchaeus. I, Apollonius, Master of Arts, duly called, to whom the Nature of Liberal Arts has been granted, am intended to treat of the Knowledge of Liberal Arts, and of the Knowledge of Astronomy; and with what Experiments and Documents, a Compendious and Competent Knowledge of Arts may be attained unto; and how the highest and lowest Mysteries of Nature may be competently divided, and fitted and applied to the Natures of Times; and what proper days and hours are to be elected for the Deeds and Actions of men, to
be begun and ended; what Qualifications a man ought to have, to attain the Efficacy of this Art; and how he ought to dispose of the actions of his life, and to behold and study the Course of the Moon. In the first place, therefore, we shall declare certain Precepts of the Spiritual Sciences; that all things which we intend to speak of, may be attained to in order. Wonder not, therefore, at what you shall hear and see in this subsequent Treatise, and that you shall find an Example of such inestimable Learning. Some things which follow, which we
will deliver to you as Essays of wonderful Effects, and have extracted them out of the most Ancient Books of the Hebrews; which, where you see them, although they are forgotten, and worn out of any humane Language, nevertheless esteem them as Miracles: For I do truly admire the great Power and Efficacy of Words in the Works of Nature. Of what Efficacy Words are. There is so great Virtue, Power, and Efficacy in certain Names and Words of God, that when you read those very Words, it shall immediately increase and help your Eloquence, so that you shall be
made Eloquent of Speech by them, and at length attain to the Effects of the powerful Sacred Names of God; but from whence the power hereof does proceed, shall be fully demonstrated to you in the following Chapters of Prayers: And those which follow next to our hand, we shall lay it open. An Explanation of the Notory Art. This Art is divided into two parts: the first contains general Rules and the second special Rules. We come first to the special Rules, that is, First, to a threefold, and then to a fourfold Division: And in the third place
we come to speak of Theologie; which Sciences you shall attain to, by the Operations of these Orations, if you pronounce them as it is written: therefore there are certain Notes of the Notory Art, which are manifest to us; the Virtue whereof Humane Reason cannot apprehend. The first Note has his signification taken from the Hebrew; which though the expression thereof be comprehended in a very few words; nevertheless, in the expression of the Mystery, they do not lose their Virtue: That may be called their Virtue, which does happen and proceed from their pronunciation, which ought to be
greatly admired at. The first Precept. Hely. Scemath Amazaz. Hemel. Sathusteon. Hheli Tamazam. Etcetera. Which Solomon entitled, His First Revelation; and that to be without any Interpretation: It being a Science of so Transcendent a purity, that it has its Original out of the depth and profundity of the Chaldee, Hebrew, and Grecian Languages; and therefore cannot possible by any means be explicated fully in the poor Thread-bare Scheme of our Language. And of what nature the Efficacy of the aforesaid words are, Solomon himself does describe in his Eleventh Book, Helisoe, of the Mighty Glory of the Creator: But
the Friend and Successor of Solomon, that is, Apollonius, with some few others, to whom that Science has been manifested, have explained the same, and defined it to be most Holy, Divine, Deep, and Profound Mysteries; and not to be disclosed nor pronounced, without great Faith and reverence. A Spiritual Mandate of the Precedent Oration. Before anyone is to read or pronounce any Orations of this Art, to bring them to effect, let them always first reverently and devoutly rehearse the Prayer in the beginning. If anyone will search the Scriptures or would understand, or eloquently pronounce any part of
Scripture, let him pronounce the words of the following Figure, to wit, Hely Scemath, in the morning betimes of that day, wherein you will begin any work. And in the Name of the Lord our God, let him diligently pronounce the Scripture proposed, with this Prayer which follows, which is, Theos Megale; And is mystically distorted, and miraculously and properly framed out of the Hebrew, Greek, and Chaldee Tongues, and it extends itself briefly into every Language, in what beginning soever they are declared. The second part of the Oration of the second Chapter is taken out of the Hebrew,
Greek, and Chaldee; and the following Exposition thereof ought to be pronounced first, which is a Latin Oration: The third Oration of the three Chapters, always in the beginning of every faculty, is first to be rehearsed. The Oration is, Theos Megthe, in tu yma Eurel, etcetera... This shows how the foregoing Prayer is expounded: But although this is a particular and brief Exposition of this Oration; yet do not think, that all words are thus expounded. The Exposition of this Oration. Oh God, the Light of the World, Father of Immense Eternity, Giver of all Wisdom and Knowledge, and
of all Spiritual Grace: most Holy and Inestimable Dispenser, knowing all things before they are made; who makest Light and Darkness: Stretch forth your Hand, and touch my Mouth, and make my tongue as a sharp sword, to show forth these words with eloquence; Make my Tongue as an Arrow elected to declare your Wonders, and to pronounce them memorably: Send forth your holy Spirit, O Lord, into my Heart and Soul, to understand and retain them, and to meditate on them in my Conscience: By the Oath of your Heart, that is, By the Right-hand of your holy Knowledge,
and mercifully inspire your Grace into me; Teach and instruct me; Establish the coming in and going out of my Senses, and let your Precepts teach and correct me until the end; and let the Counsel of the highest assist me, through your infinite Wisdom and Mercy. Amen. The words of these Orations cannot wholly be Expounded. Neither think, that all words of the preceding Oration can be translated into the Latin Tongue: for some words of that Oration contain in themselves a greater Sense of Mystical Profundity, of the Authority of Solomon; and having reference to his Writings, we
acknowledge; That these Orations cannot be expounded nor understood, by humane sense: For it is necessary, That all Orations, and distinct particulars of Astronomy, Astrology, and the Notory Art, be spoken and pronounced in their due time and season; and the Operations of them to be made according to the disposition of the Times. Of the Triumphal Figures, how Sparingly they are to be pronounced, and honestly and devoutly Spoken. There are also certain Figures or Orations that Solomon in Chaldeack called, Hely; that is, Triumphal Orations of the Liberal Arts, and sudden excellent Efficacies of Virtues; and they are
the Introduction to the Notory Art. Wherefore Solomon made a special beginning of them, that they are to be pronounced at certain determinate times of the Moon; and not to be undertaken, without consideration of the end. Which also Magister Apollonius has fully and perfectly taught, saying, Whosoever will pronounce these words, let him do it in a determinate appointed time, and set aside all other occasions, and he shall profit in all Sciences in one Month, and attain to them in an extraordinary wonderful manner. These are the Expositions of the Lunation, and the Introduction of the Notory Art,
to wit, in the fourth and the eighth day of the Moon; and in the twelfth, sixteenth, four and twentieth, eight and twentieth, and thirteenth they ought to be put in operation. From whence Solomon said, That to those times, we give the expositive times of the Moon; of the fourth day of the Moon, which are written by the four Angels; and in the fourth day of the Moon is manifested to us; and are four times repeated and explained by the Angel, the Messenger of these Orations; and are also revealed and delivered to us that require them
from the Angel, four times of the year, to show the Eloquence and Fulness of the four Languages, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldee, and Latin; and God has determined the Power of the Faculties of Humane Understanding, to the four Parts of the Earth; and also the four Virtues of Humanities, Understanding, Memory, Eloquence, and the Faculty of Ruling those three. And these things are to be used as we have before spoken. He showed how the precedent Oration is the Beginning and Foundation of the whole Art. That is the first Figure of the Notory Art, which is manifestly sited upon
a Quadrangle Note: And this is Angelical Wisdom, understood of few in Astronomy; but in the Glass of Astrology, it is called, The Ring of Philosophy; and in the Notory Art it is written, To be the Foundation of the whole Science. But it is to be rehearsed four times a day, beginning in the morning once, about the third hour once, once in the ninth hour, and once in the evening. The precedent Oration ought to be spoken secretly; and let him that speaks it be alone, and pronounce it with a low voice, so that he scarcely hears
himself. And this is the condition hereof, that if necessity urges one to do any great works, he shall say it twice in the morning, and about the ninth hour twice; and let him fast the first day wherein he rehearsed it, and let him chastely and devoutly. And this is the Oration which he shall say: This is the Oration of the four Tongues, Chaldean, Greek, Hebrew, and Latin, evidently expounded, which is called, The Splendor or Speculum of Wisdom. In all holy Lunations, these Orations ought to be read, once in the morning, once about the third hour,
and once in the evening. The Oration. Assaylemath. Assay. Lemath. Azzabue. The second part of the precedent Orations, which is to be said only once. Azzaylemath. Lemath. Azacgessenio. The third part of the precedent Oration, which is to be spoken together with the other. Lemath. Sabanche. Ellithy. Aygezo. This Oration has no Exposition in Latin. This is a holy Prayer, without danger of any sin, which Solomon said, is inexplicable by human sense. And he added, and said, That the Explication thereof is more prolixious, than can be considered of or apprehended by Man; excepting also those secrets, which is
not lawful, neither is it given to Man to utter: Therefore he left this Oration without Exposition because no Man could attain to the perfection thereof: and it was left so spiritual, because the Angel that declared it to Solomon, laid an inexcusable prohibition upon it, saying, See that you do not presume to give to any other, not to expound anything out of this Oration, neither yourself, nor anyone by you, nor anyone after you: For it is a holy and Sacramental Mystery, that by expressing the words thereof, God hears your Prayer, and increases your Memory, Understanding, Eloquence,
and establishing them all in you. Let it be read in appointed times of the Lunation; as, in the fourth day of the Moon, the eighth and twelfth, as it is written and commanded: say that Oration very diligently four times in those days; verily believing, That thereby our study shall suddenly be increased, and made clear, without any ambiguity, beyond the apprehension of humane Reason. Of the Efficacy of that Oration which is inexplicable to human sense, this is that onely which Solomon calls The happiness of Wit: and M. Apollonius termed it, The Light of the Soul, and
the Speculum of Wisdom: And, I suppose, the said Oration may be called, The Image of Eternal Life; the Virtue and Efficacy whereof are so great, that is understood or apprehended of by very few or none. Therefore having essayed some Petitions, Signs, and Precepts, we give them as an entrance to those things thereof we intended to speak; of which they are part, that we have spoken of before. Nevertheless, before we come to speak of them, some things are necessary to be declared, whereby we may more clearly and plainly set forth our intended History: For, as we
have said before, there are certain Exceptions of the Notory Art; some whereof are dark and obscure, and others plain and manifest. For the Notory Art have a Book in Astronomy, whereof it is the Beginning and Mistress; and the Virtue thereof is such, that all Arts are taught and derived from her. And we are further to know, that the Notory Art does in a wonderful manner contain and comprehend within itself, all Arts, and the Knowledge of all Learning, as Solomon witnessed: Therefore it is called, The Notory Art, because, in certain brief Notes, it teaches and comprehends
the Knowledge of all Arts: for so Solomon also said in his Treatise Lemegeton, that is, in his Treatise of Spiritual and Secret Experiments. Here he showed, in what manner these Notes differ in Art, and the Reason thereof; for a Note is a certain knowledge, by the Oration and Figure before set down. But of the Orations and Figures, mention shall be made in their due place, and how the Notes are called in the Notory Art. Now he makes mention of that Oration, which is called The Queen of Tongues: for amongst these Orations, there is more excellent
than the rest, which King Solomon would therefore have been called, The Queen of Tongues because it takes away, as it were, with a certain Secret covering the Impediments of the Tongue, and gives it a marvelous Faculty of Eloquence. Wherefore before we proceed further, take a little Essay of that Oration: For this is an Oration which in the Scriptures we are taught to have always in our mouths; but it is taken out of the Chaldean Language: which, although it be short, is of a wonderful Virtue; that when you read that Scripture, with the Oration before-mentioned, you
cannot keep silent those things, which the Tongue and Understand suggest, and administer to thee. The Oration that follows is a certain Invocation of the Angels of God, and it provokes Eloquence, and ought to be said at the beginning of the Scripture, and the beginning of the Month. The Oration. Lameth. Leynach. Semach. Belmay. These Orations have not proper Lunations, as the Commentator said upon the Gloss. Azzailement. Gesegon. Lothamasim. Ozetogomaglial. Zeziphier. Josanum. Solatac. Bozefama. Defarciamar. Zemait. Lemaio. Pheralon. Anuc. Philosophy. Gregoon. Letos. Anum. Anum. Anum. How the Oration is to be said at the beginning of every Month,
chastely, and with a pure mind. In the beginning of the Scriptures, are to be taught, how the precedent Oration ought to be spoken most secretly, and nothing ought to be retained, which your mind and Understanding suggests and prompts to you in the reading thereof: Then also follow certain words, which are Precepts thereof, which ought always to be begun in the beginning of the Month, and also in the days. I would also note this, That it is to be pronounced wisely, and with the greatest reverence: and that fasting, before you have taken either Meat or Drink.
Here followed the Prayer we spoke of before, to obtain a good Memory. O Most Mighty God. Invisible God. Theos Patir Heminas. By your Archangels. Eliphamasay. Gelonucoa. Gebeche Banai. Gerabcai. Elomnit. And by your glorious Angels, whose names are so Consecrated, that they cannot be uttered by us; which are these, Do., Hel., X., P., A., Li., O., F., etcetera. Which cannot be comprehended by Human Sense. Here following is the Prologue of the precedent Oration, which provokes and procuresMemory, and is continued with the precedent Note. This Oration ought to be said next to the precedent Oration; to wit,
Lameth: and with this, I beseech you today, O Theos, to be said always as one continued Oration. If it be for the Memory, let it be said in the morning; if for any other effect, in the evening. And thus let it be said in the hour of the evening, and in the morning: And being thus pronounced, with the precedent Oration, it increases the Memory, and helps the Imperfections of the Tongue. Here begins the Prologue of this Oration. I Beseech you, O my Lord, to Illuminate the Light of my Conscience with the Splendor of your Light:
Illustrate and confirm my Understanding, with the sweet odour of your Spirit. Adorn my Soul, that hearing I may hear; and what I hear, I may retain in my Memory. O Lord, reform my heart, restore my senses, and strengthen them; qualify my Memory with your Gifts: Mercifully open the dullness of my Soul. O most merciful God, temper the frame of my Tongue, by your most glorious and unspeakable Name: you who is the Fountain of all Goodness; the Original and Spring of Piety, have patience with me, give a good Memory unto me, and bestow upon me what
I pray of you in this holy Oration. O you who do not forthwith Judge a sinner, but mercifully waits, expecting his Repentance; I, (though unworthy) beseech you to take away the guilt of my sins, and wash away my wickedness and offenses, and grant me these my Petitions, by the Virtue of your holy Angels, you who is one God in Trinity. Amen. Here he shows some other Virtue of the precedent Oration. If you doubt of any great Vision, what it may foreshow; or if you would see any great Vision, of any danger present or to come;
or if you would be certified of any absent one, say this Oration three times in the evening with great reverence and devotion, and you shall have and see that which you desire. Here follows an Oration of great Virtue, to attain the knowledge of the Physical Art, having also many other Virtues and Efficacy. If you would have the perfect knowledge of any Disease, whether the same tends to death or life: if the sick party lies languishing, stand before him and say this Oration three times with great reverence. The Oration of the Physical Art. Ihesus fili Dominus
Incompehensibilis. Ancor. Anacor. Anylos. Zohorna. Theodonos. Hely otes Phagor. Norizane. Corichito. Anosae. Helse Tonope. Phagora. Another Part of the Same Oration. Elleminator. Candones helosi. Tephagain. Tecendum. Thaones. Behelos. Belhoros. Hocho Phagan. Corphandonos. Humanaenatus & vos Eloytus Phugora. Be present you holy Angels, advertise and teach me, whether such a one shall recover, or die of this Infirmity. This being done, then ask the sick person, Friend, how do you feel yourself? And if he answers you, I feel myself at good ease, I begin to mend, or the like; then judge without doubt, the sick person shall recover: but if
he answers, I am grievously ill, or worse and worse; then doubtless conclude, He will die on the morrow: But if he answers, I know not how my Fate and condition is, whether better or worse; then you may know likewise, That he will either die, or his disease will change and alter for the worse. If it is a Child, that is not of years capable to make an answer; or that the sick languish so grievously, that he knows not how, or will not answer, say this Oration three times; and what you find first revealed in your
mind, that judge to come to pass of him. Furthermore, if anyone dissembles, and seeks to hide or cover his infirmity; say the same Oration, and the Angelical Virtue shall suggest the truth to thee. If the diseased person is far off; when you hear his Name, say likewise this Oration for him, and your mind shall reveal to you, whether he shall live or die. If you touch the Pulse of any Woman with Child, saying the same Oration it shall be revealed, whether she shall bring forth a Male or Female. But know, that this miracle proceeds not
from your own Nature, but from the Nature and Virtues of the holy Angels; it being a part of their Office, wonderfully to reveal these things to you. If you doubt the Virginity of anyone, say this Oration in your mind, and it shall be revealed to you whether she be a Virgin or Corrupt. Here follows an efficacious Preface of an Oration, showing what Virtue and Efficacy you may thereby prove every day. Of this Oration Solomon said, That by it a new knowledge of Physick is to be revealed from God: Upon which, he had laid this command,
and called it, The Miraculous and Efficacious Foundation of the Physical Science; and that it contained in it the quantity and quality of the whole Physical Art and Science: wherein there is contained, rather a miraculous and specious, then fearful or terrible Miracle, which as often soever as you read the same, regard not the paucity of words, but praise the Virtue of so great a Mystery: For, Solomon himself speaking of the subtlety of the Notory Art, wonderfully extolls the Divine Help; to wit. Because we have proposed a great thing, that is to say, so many and so
great Mysteries of Nature, contained under so specious brevity, that I suppose them to be as a general Problem to be proposed in the ordination of so subtle and excellent a work; that the mind of the Reader or Hearer may be the more confirmed and fixed here-upon. Here he showed how every Note of every Art ought to exercise his own office; and that the Notes of one Art profit not to the knowledge of another Art, and we are to know that all Figures have their proper Orations. We come now, according to our strength, to divide the
families of the Notory Art, and leaving that part which is natural, we come to the greater parts of the Art: for Solomon, a great composer, and the greatest Master of the Notory Art, comprehends divers Arts under the Notion thereof. Therefore he called this a Notory Art because it should be the Art of Arts and Science of Sciences; which comprehends in itself all Arts and Sciences, Liberal and Mechanick: And those things which in other Arts are full of long and tedious locutions, filling up great prolixious Volumes of Books, wearying out the Student, through the length of
time to attain them: In this Art are comprehended very briefly in a few words or writings, so that it discovered those things which are hard and difficult making the ingenious learned in a very short time, by the wonderful and unheard-of Virtue of the words. Therefore we, to whom such a faculty of the knowledge of the Scripture of Sciences is granted, have wholly received this great gift, and inestimable benefit, from the overflowing grace of the most high Creator. And whereas all Arts have their several Notes properly disposed to them, and signified by their Figures; and the
Note of every Art, have not any office of transcending to another Art; neither do the Notes of one Art profit or assist to the knowledge of another Art: Therefore this may seem a little difficult, as this small Treatise, which may be called a Preludium to the Body of the Art: we will explain the Notes severally; and that which is more necessary, we shall by Divine Providence diligently search out the several Sciences of the Scripture. A certain Special Precept. This is necessary for us, and necessarily we suppose will be profitable to posterity, that we know how
to comprehend the great prolixious Volumes of writings, in brief, and compendious Treatises; which, that it may easily be done, we are diligent to enquire out the way of attaining to it, out of the three most ancient Books which were composed by Solomon; the first and chiefest thing to be understood therein, is, That the Oration before the second Chapter, it to be used long before every speech, the beginning whereof is Assay: and the words of the Oration are to be said in a competent space of time; but the subsequent part of the Oration is then chiefly
to be said, when you desire the knowledge of the Volumes of writings, and looking into the Notes thereof. The same Oration is also to be said, when you would clearly and plainly understand and expound any Science or great Mystery, that is on a sudden proposed to you, which you never heard of before: say also the same Oration at such time, when anything of great consequence is importuned of you, which at present you have not the faculty of expounding. This is a wonderful Oration, whereof we have spoken; the first part whereof is expounded in the Volume
of the Magnitude of the quality of Art. The Oration. Lamed. Rogum. Ragia. Ragium. Ragiomal. Agaled. Eradioch. Anchovionos. Lochen. Saza. Ya. Manichel. Mamacuo. Lephoa. Bozaco. Cogemal. Saluyel. Tesunanu. Azaroch. Beyestar. Amak. To the operation of the Magnitude of Art; this Oration contains in the second place, a general Treatise of the first Note of all Scripture, part of the Exposition whereof, we have fully explained in the Magnitude of the quality of the same Art. But the Reader has hardly heard of the admirable Mystery of the Sacramental. Intellect of the same: Let him know this for a certain, and
doubt not of the Greek words of the Oration aforesaid, but that the beginning of them is expounded in Latin. The beginning of the Oration. Oh, Eternal and Unreprehensible Memory! Oh, Uncontradictable Wisdom! Oh, Unchangeable Power! Let your right-hand encompass my heart, and the holy Angels of your Eternal Counsel; complete and fill up my Conscience with your Memory, and the odor of your Ointments; and let the sweetness of your Grace strengthen and fortify my Understanding, through the pure splendor and brightness of your holy Spirit; by Virtue whereof, the holy Angels always behold and admire the brightness of
thy face, and all your holy and heavenly Virtues; Wisdom, wherewith you have made all things; Understanding, by which you have reformed all things; Perseverance unto blessedness, whereby you have restored and confirmed the Angels; Love, whereby you have restored lost Mankind, and raised him after his Fall to Heaven; Learning, whereby you were pleased to teach Adam the knowledge of every Science: Inform, replete, instruct, restore, correct, and refine me, that I may be made new in the understanding your Precepts, and in receiving the Sciences which are profitable for my Soul and Body, and for all faithful believers
in your Name which is blessed forever, world without end. Here is also a particular Exposition of the foregoing Oration, which he has left unexpounded to be read by everyone that is learned in this Art, and know, that no human power nor faculty in man is sufficient to find out the Exposition thereof. This Oration is also called by Solomon, The Gemme, and Crown of the Lord: for he said, It helps against the danger of Fire, or of wild Beasts of the Earth, being said with a believing faith: for it is affirmed to have been reported from
one of the four Angels, to whom was given power to hurt the Earth, the Sea, and the Trees. There is an example of this Oration in the Book called, The Flower of Heavenly Learning: for herein Solomon glorifies God, because by this he inspired into him the knowledge of Theologie, and dignified him with the Divine Mysteries of his Omnipotent Power and Greatness: which Solomon beholding in his night-sacrifice, bestowed upon him by the Lord his God, he conveniently gathered the greater Mysteries together in this Notory Art, which were holy, and worthy, and reverend Mysteries. These things and
Mysteries of Theologie the erring Gentiles have not all lost, which Solomon called, The Sign of the holy Mystery of God revealed by his Angel before; and that which is contained in them is the fullness of our dignity and humane Salvation. The first of these Orations which we call Spiritual, the virtue whereof taught Divinity and preserved the memory thereof. These are Orations also, which are of great Virtue and efficacy to our Salvation: The first whereof is Spiritual, and teaches Divinity; and also Perseverance in the Memory thereof: Therefore Solomon commanded it to be called, The Sign of
the Grace of God; for, as Ecclesiastes said, This is the Spiritual Grace of God, that have given me knowledge to treat of all Plants, from the Cedar of Lebanon to the Hyssop that grows on the wall. The first Oration ought to be said once in the first Lunation; in the third, three times; in the sixth, six times; in the ninth, nine times; in the twelfth, twelve times; in the seventeenth, seventeen times; and in the eighteenth, as many times; in the twenty sixth, as many; in the twenty ninth, as many; and so many in the thirty
ninth: for this Oration is of so great Virtue and efficacy, that in the very day, you shall say the same as if it were determined by the Father, it shall increase your knowledge in the Science of Divinity. But if otherwise that you art ignorant, and it has been seen by your Companions, your Superiors or Inferiors, though unto others you shall seem to know; enter into the study of Divinity, and hear the LeGures by the space of some months, casting off all doubt from you, of them who shall see you, to know such things: and in
that day wherein you would say it, live chastely, and say it in the morning. Solomon testified, That an Angel delivered the following Oration in Thunder, who stood always in the Presence of the Lord, to whom he is not dreadful. This Mystery is holy, and of great efficacy: neither ought this Oration to be said above once because it moves the heavenly Spirits to perform any great work. Of this Oration he said, That so great is this Mystery, that it moves the Celestial Spirits to perform any work which the Divine Power permits. It also gives the Virtue
of its Mystery, that it exalts the tongue and body of him that speaks it, with so great inspiration, as is some new and great Mystery were suddenly revealed to his understanding. Here follows the beginning of this Oration, wherein is so great Virtue and efficacy, as we have said, it is said with great devotion. Achacham. Yhel. Chelychem. Agzyraztor. Yegor. Etcetera. This is the beginning of the Oration, where the parts are four: But there is something to be said of the beginning by itself, and the four parts severally; and then between the beginning and these Orations, which
are four, we shall make this competent division. For this is that which is to be spoken of the beginning severally: And this Oration is to be divided into four parts; and the first part thereof is to be said, that is, the beginning before any other part of the Oration is to be completed. These Greek Names following are to be pronounced. This is the division of these Orations. Heilma. Helma. Hmena. Etcetera. Oh, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Confirm this Oration, and my Understanding and Memory, to receive, understand, and retain the knowledge
of all good Scriptures; and give me perseverance of mind therein. This is the beginning of that Oration, which, as we have said before, ought to be said according to the Prolations and Constitutions thereof; and ought to be repeated, because of the forgetfulness of our Memory, and according to the exercise of our wit, and according to the sanctity of our life; there being contained in it so great a Mystery, and such efficacious Virtue. There follows another subtle Oration, wherein is contained a Sacramental Mystery, and wherein every perfect Science is wonderfully completed: For hereby God would have
us to know, what things are Celestial, and what are Terrene; and what heavenly things the Celestial effected, and what earthly things the Terrene: because the Lord has said, My eyes have seen the imperfect, and in your book every day shall be formed and written, and no Man in them, etcetera. So it is in the Precepts of God: for we are not able to write all things, how the Sun has the same course as at first, that our order may be confirmed; for all writings whatsoever, which is not from God, is not to be read; for
God himself would have all things to be divided: and this is how these are to be used, before the second part, which contains so glorious and excellent Consecrations of Orations, and defines the Consecrated part to have no power in the Heavens, and in no wise can be defined by humane Tongues. This is the beginning of the second part of that Oration spoken of before, which is of great virtue. Aglaros. Theomiros. Thomitos. Etcetera. This is the second part of the precedent Oration, of which some singular thing is to be spoken. Whereof if you say this Oration,
commemorating the first part thereof, say the Oration following, and you shall perceive the precepts which are therein. Oh God of all things, who art my God, who in the beginning have created all things out of nothing, and have reformed all things by the Holy Spirit; complete and restore my conscience, and heal my understanding, that I may glorify you in all my works, thoughts and words. And after you have said this Oration, make a little respite the space of half an hour, and then say the third part of the Oration, which follows: Megal. Legal. Chariotos. Etcetera.
Having said this third part of the Oration, then meditate with yourself about the Scriptures you desire to know; and then say this Oration. Oh, you that are the Truth, Light, and Way, of all Creatures; Oh Just God, vivify me, and confirm my understanding, and restore my knowledge and conscience unto me, as you did unto King Solomon, Amen. Commemorating the parts according to that which is laid down, add the Oration following: the other Orations being said, say the fourth part of the Oration, which is this. Amasiel. Danyihayr. Etcetera. Then the parts being commemorated as is directed,
add also the following Oration. I speak these things in your presence, Oh Lord my God, before whose face all things are naked and open, that I, being washed from the error of infidelity, your all-quicking Spirit may assist me, and take away all incredulity from me. We are therefore to know, that the whole Oration remained unexpounded; because the words thereof are of so great subtlety, adorned with the Hebrew and Chaldee Tongue, with the subtle and wonderful Elocution of God: that the Office of the free Exposition thereof, cannot possibly be transferred upon me. The Latin words which
are subjoined to the parts of the Oration aforesaid are such words as have been translated out of the Chaldee Tongue: for they are not the whole Oration; but as certain Heads of every Oration pertaining thereunto. Here he speaks of the efficacy of all these. For this Oration is such a Mystery, as King Solomon himself witnessed, that a Servant of his house having found this book by chance, and being too much overcome with Wine in the company of a Woman, he presumptuously read it; but before he had finished a part thereof, he was struck dumb, blind
and lame, and his Memory taken from him; so he continued to the day of his death: and in the hour of his death, he spoke and said, that four Angels which he had offended in presumptuous reading so sacred a mystery, were the daily keepers and afflicters, one of his Memory, another of his speech, a third of his sight, and the fourth of his hearing. By which Testimony this Oration is so much commended by the same King Solomon, and great is the Mystery thereof: we do greatly require and charge everyone, that will say or read it,
that he does it not presumptuously; for in presumption is sin; Wherefore let this Oration be said, according as is directed. We therefore hold it convenient and necessary, to speak something of the general precepts of art, and of the knowledge of all arts; and of the several precepts of every singular art: but because we have touched something of the course of the Moon, it is necessary that we showed what her course signifies. The Moon passed through 12 Signs in one Month, and the Sun through 12 Signs in a year; and in the same term and time,
the Spirit inspired, fructified and illustrated them; whence it is said, that the Sun and the Moon run their course: it is understood the course which first they had. But because this is wanting in the Hebrew, we thought it good to omit it in the Latin, having spoken sufficiently of the preceding Oration, and the three parts thereof. In this Chapter he showed the efficacy of the subsequent Oration, it being special to obtain Eloquence. This Holy Oration which followed, is a certain special Oration, to obtain Eloquence; whereas all others have virtue and efficacy in other things, this
contains this certain special mystery in itself: and whereas one of the generals is showing in itself, certain general precepts, common to all arts; for so God instituted the Soul in the Body, saying; This I give to you, that ye may keep and observe the Law of the Lord; And these are they that stand in the presence of God always, and see their Savior face to face night and day: So of this Oration, I say, This is that most glorious, mystical and intelligible Oration, containing such mysteries in it, which the mind, conscience and tongue succeeds. This
is such a mystery, that a man shall keep it according to his will, who foresaw all things in his sight that is made; for the mystery of this Oration is glorious and Sacramental: let no man presume to say any of this Oration after too much drinking or Luxury; nor fasting, without great reverence and discretion. Whence Solomon said; Let no man presume to treat anything of this Oration, but in certain determination and appointed times, unless he makes mention of this Oration before some great President, for some weighty business; for which this Oration is of wonderful excellent
virtue. The goodness of this Oration, and the attaining to the effects thereof, it is read in that Psalm wherein it is said, Follow me, and I will make you Fishers of Men, as he said and did. We know that it is not of our power, that this Oration is of so great Virtue, and such a mystery as sometimes also the Lord said to his Disciples, This we are not able to know: for this Oration is such a mystery, that it contains in it the great Name of God; which many have lied in saying they knew
it; for Jesus, himself performed many Miracles in the Temple by it: But many have lied about what he did, and have hid and abandoned the truth thereof; so that none have declared the same before it came to passe: but we suppose have spoken something about or concerning it. In this Chapter, he set down the time and manner how this Oration is to be pronounced. For this Oration is one of the generals, and the first of particulars, containing both in itself; having a special virtue and faculty, to gain Eloquence in itself: therefore it is necessary to
be understood what time, ordination, and what days it is to be said and published. It may always be rehearsed in every 14 Lunary as above said; but the ordination of the time for every day, wherein it is to be said, is especially in the morning betimes, before a man is defiled; and then all Orations are chiefly to be said. And this Oration must be then pronounced totally together, without any division. And although there are divisions therein, the Oration is not divided in itself; but only the Divine and Glorious Names are written severally, and are divided
into parts, according to the terminations of every great and Glorious name; and it is to be said together as a most excellent name, but not as one Word, because of the fragility of our nature; Neither is it needful to know the Elements of syllables, posited in this Oration; they are not to be known; neither let anyone presumptuously speak them; neither let him do anything by way of temptation, concerning this Oration, which ought not to be done. Elmot. Sehel. Hemech. Zaba Etcetera. No Man that is impeded or corrupted with any crime ought to presume to say
this Oration. This is a thing agreed unto amongst the wise men of this World, that these things, as we have said before, be pronounced with great reverence and industry: it may be said every day, wherein you are not hindered by some criminal sin; and in that day wherein you are impeded by some criminal sin, you must remember it in your heart; and if you dost desire to be made Eloquent, repeat it three times. And if any evil thing trouble you, or your art emerged and involved into any great business, repeat this Oration once, and Eloquence
shall be added to you, as much as is needed; and if you repeat it over twice, great Eloquence shall be given to thee: so great a Sacrament is this Oration. The third thing to be considered in this Oration is; This Oration ought so to be pronounced, that confession of the Heart and Mouth ought to precede it: let it be pronounced in the morning early, and after that Oration say the Latin Oration following. This is a Prologue or Exposition of the precedent Oration, which ought to be said together. Oh omnipotent and eternal God, and merciful Father,
blessed before all Worlds; who art a God eternal, incomprehensible, and unchangeable, and have granted this blessed gift of Salvation unto us; according to the omni potency of your Majesty, have granted unto us; the faculty of speaking and learning, which you have denied to all other animals; and have disposed of all things by your infallible providence: you are God, whose Nature is eternal and consubstantial, exalted above the Heavens; in whom the whole Deity corporally dwells: I implore your Majesty, and Glorify your omnipotence, with an intentive imploration, adoring the mighty Virtue, Power, and Magnificence of your eternity.
I beseech you, Oh my God, to grant me the inestimable Wisdom of the Life of your holy Angels. Oh God the Holy Spirit, incomprehensible, in whose presence stand the Holy quires of Angels; I pray and beseech you, by your Holy and Glorious Name, and by the sight of your Angels, and the Heavenly Principalities, to give your grace unto me, to be present with me, and to give unto me power to persevere in the Memory of your Wisdom, who livest and reignest eternally one eternal God, through all worlds of worlds; in whose sight are all Celestial
Virtues, now and always, and everywhere, Amen. This Oration being thus finished, there must of necessity some Mystery be added; so that you are to be silent a while after the Latin Oration is ended: and after a little taciturnity, that is, a little space of silence, begin to say this Oration following seriously. Semet. Lamen. Etcetera. This (said Solomon) is the Oration of Orations, and a special experiment, whereby all things, whether generals or particulars, are known fully, efficaciously, and perfectly, and are kept in the Memory. But when you have by this Oration attained the Eloquence you desire,
be sparing thereof, and do not rashly declare those things which your Tongue suggests and administers to you; for this is the end of all general Precepts, which are given to obtain Memory, Eloquence, and understanding, All those things which are before delivered, of general precepts, are given as signs of how the faculty of attaining to the understanding of the general precepts may be had, which also Solomon called Spirituals; and those singular arts have singular virtues and powers. Having now given a sufficient definition of general precepts, and the Orations are laid down, and the Authority of the
Orations unto what they are designed; It is now necessary to set down what is to be done, concerning the singular Orations; because we are now to treat of the several and particular arts, that we may follow the example which our builder and Master have laid before us; for Solomon said, before we proceed to the singular Notes and Orations of Arts before noted, there ought to be said a Preludium, which is a beginning or Prologue. Before we proceed to the singular precepts of several Arts, it is necessary to discover how every several Art has a several
Note. The Liberal Arts are seven, and seven exceptions, and seven Mechanicks. The seven exceptions are comprehended under the seven liberal: It is manifest what the seven Liberal Arts are, of which we shall first treat. The Mechanicks are these, which are adulterately called Hydromancy, Pyromancy, Nigromancy, Chiromancy, Geomancy, Geonegia, which are comprehended under Astronomy and Neogia. Hydromancy is a science of divining by the Water; whereby the Masters thereof are judged by the standing or running of the Water. Pyromancy is an Experiment of divining by the flaming of the fire; which the ancient Philosophers esteemed of great efficacy.
Nigromancy is a Sacrifice of dead Animals, whereby the Ancients supposed to know many great Experiments without sin, and to attain to great knowledge: from whence Solomon commanded that they might read seven Books of that Art without sin; And that two he accounted Sacrilege, and that they could not read two Books of that Art without sin. But having spoken enough hereof, we proceed to the rest. There are seven Liberal Arts, which everyone may learn without sin. For Philosophy is great, containing profound Mysteries in itself: These Arts are wonderfully known. He declared what Notes the three first
Liberal Arts have. For Grammar has three Notes only, Dialects two, and Rhetorick four, and everyone with open and distinct Orations. But wherefore Grammar has three, Dialects two, and Rhetorick four; that we know King Solomon himself testified and affirmed; for he said, And as I was admiring and revolving in my heart and mind, which way, from whom and from whence was this Science, an Angel brought one Book, wherein was written the Figures and Orations, and delivered unto me the Notes and Orations of all Arts, plainly and openly, and told me of them all as much as
was necessary: And he explained unto me, as to a Child are taught by certain Elements; some tedious Arts in a great space of time, how that I should have these Arts in a short space of time: Saying unto me, So shall you be promoted to every science by the increase of these Virtues. And when I asked him, Lord, whence and how came this? The Angel answered, This is a great Sacrament of the Lord, and of his Will: this writing is by the power of the Holy Ghost, which inspired, fructified and increased all knowledge; And again
the Angel said, Look Upon these Notes and Orations, at the appointed and determinate times, and observe the times as appointed of God, and no otherwise. When he had thus said he showed to King Solomon a Book wherein was written, at what times all these always were to be pronounced and published, and plainly demonstrated it according to the Vision of God: Which things I have heard and seen, did operate in them all, according to the Word of the Lord by the Angel: And so Solomon declared it came to pass unto him: But we that come after
him, ought to imitate his Authority, as much as we are able to observe those things he have left unto us. Here Solomon showed how the Angel told him distinctly, wherefore the Grammar has three Figures. Behold wherefore the Grammatical Art have only three Notes in the Book of Solomon; Gemeliath, that is, in the Book of the Art of God, which we read is the Art of all other Sciences, and of all other Arts; For Solomon said, When did I inquire everything singularly of the Angel of God, with fear, saying, Lord, from whence shall this come to
passe to me, that I may fully and perfectly know this Art? Why do so many Notes appertain to such an Art, and so many to such an Art, and are ascribed to several determinate Orations, to have the efficacy thereof? The Angel is thus said to answer: The Grammatical Art is called a liberal Art, and have three things necessary thereunto; Ordination of words and times; and in them, of Adjuncts or Figures; Simple, compound and various; and a various declination of the parts to the parts, or a relation from the parts, and a Congruent and ordinate division.
This is the reason, why there are three Notes in the Art of Grammar: And so it pleased the Divine Wisdom, that as there should be a full knowledge of declining by one; by another, that there should be had a convenient Ordination of all the parts; by the third, there should be had a continual and convenient Division of all the parts, simple and compound. Dialect, which is called the form of Arts, and a Doctrinal speech, have two things necessary thereunto, to wit, Eloquence of Arguing, and Prudence to answer; Therefore the greatness of the Divine Providence and
Piety, have appointed two Notes to it; that by the first, we may have Eloquence to Argue and Dispute; and by the second, industry to answer without ambiguity: Wherefore there are ascribed to Grammar three Notes, and to Dialect two Notes. Let us see where Rhetorick has four Notes. For there are four things necessary therein; as the Angel of the Lord said unto Solomon; to wit, a continual and flourishing adornment of locution, An ordinate, competent and discreet judgment, a Testimony of Causes or Offices, of Chances & Losses, a composed disposition of buying and selling; An Eloquence of
the matters of that Art, with a demonstrative understanding. Therefore the greatness of God has appointed to the Art of Rhetorick four Notes, with their Holy and Glorious Orations; as they were reverently sent by the Hand of God; that every Note in that Art aforesaid might have a several faculty, That the first Note in that Art, might give a continual locution, a competent and flourishing adornment thereof: The second, to discern Judgements, just and unjust, ordinate and inordinate, true and false: The third, competently to discover offices and causes: and the fourth gives understanding and Eloquence in all
the operations in this Art, without prolixity. See therefore how in Grammar, Logick, and Rhetorick, the several Notes are disposed of in the several Arts. But of all the other Arts and their Notes, we shall speak in their due place and time, as we find them disposed of in the book of the same Solomon. Now we proceed to shew at what time, and how the Notes of these Arts are to be looked into, and the Orations to be said, to attain to these Arts. If you are altogether ignorant of the Grammatical Art and would have the
knowledge thereof: if it is appointed you of God to do this work of works, and have a firm understanding in this Art of Arts; then know that you mayest not presume to do otherwise than this book commanded you; for this book of his shall be your Master And this Art of his your Mistress. How the Grammatical Notes are to be looked into in the first Moon. For in this manner, the Grammatical Notes are to be looked into, and the Orations to be said. In the days when the Moon is in her prime, the first Note
is to be looked into 12 times, and the Oration thereof repeated 24 times with Holy reverence; making a little space between, let the Oration be twice repeated at the inspection of every Note, and chiefly abstain from sins: do this from the first day of the Moon to the 14, and from the 14 to the 17. The first and second Notes are to be looked into 20 times, and the Oration is to be repeated 30 times, on the 15 and 17 days, using some interval between them, All three Notes are then every day to be looked
into 12 times, and the Orations are to be repeated 20 times: and thus of the Notes of the Art of Grammar. But if you have read any books of this Art, and desirest perfection therein, do as is commanded; using the general Orations to Increase Memory, Eloquence, understanding, and perseverance therein, repeating these above in the due time and hours appointed; lest that going beyond your precept, you sin: but when you dost this, see that it be secret to yourself and that you have no looker-on but God. Now we come to the Notes. Here follows the knowledge
of the Notes. At the beginning of the inspection of all Notes, fast the first day till the evening, if you can; if you can't, then take another hour. This is the Grammatical precept. Of the Logical Notes. The Dialectical Notes may be used every day, except only in those days before told of: The Rhetorical every day, except only three days of the Month, to wit, Moon. 11. 17. and 19. And they are forbidden on these days, as Solomon testifies, the Notes of all Arts, except the Notes of this Art are offered. These precepts are generally to
be observed. Know, that the Dialectical Notes are four times to be looked into, and the Orations thereof in that day are 20 times to be repeated, making some respite, and having the books of that Art before your Eyes; and so likewise the books of Rhetorick, when the Notes thereof are inspected, as is appointed. This sufficed for the knowledge of the 3 Arts. How we must beware of offenses. Before we proceed to begin the first Note of the Art of Grammar, something is to be tried before, that we may know the 1, 2, and 3 Notes.
And you ought first to know, in what the Notes of the Grammatical, Logical, or Rhetorical Art are to be inspected, it is necessary that your greatest intentions be to keep from all offenses. How the Notes ought to be inspected, at certain elected times. This is a special and manifest knowledge, wherewith the Notes of the Grammatical Art are known: how they are to be published, at what times, and with what distinction, is duly and competently manifest; it is spoken already of the publishing and inspection of the Notes and Orations: now we shall digress a little to
speak something of the times, it being in part done already. How diverse Months are to be sought out in the inspection of the Notes. We have spoken already of the terms of this Art, wherein the Orations are to be read, and the Notes to be looked into: it remains to declare how the Lunations of these Orations are to be inspected and found out. But see that you mistake not: yet I have already noted the Lunations, wherein the Notes ought to be looked into, and the Orations rehearsed: But there are some Months, wherein the Lunation is
more profitable than others: if you would operate in Theology or Astronomy, do it in a fiery sign; if Grammar or Logick, in Gemini or Virgo; if Musick or Physick, in Taurus or Libra; if Rhetorick, Philosophy, Arithmetick or Geometry, in Gemini or Cancer; for Mathematicks, in Taurus or Gemini: so they are well placed, and free from evil; for all Heavenly Potestates and Chorus of Angels, do rejoyce in their Lunations, and determinate days. Here is a mention of the Notes of all Arts. I, Apollonius, following the power of Solomon, having disposed myself to keep his works and
observations, as it is spoken in the three Notes of Grammar, so will I observe the times as they are to be observed: But the Orations thereof are not written, but are more fully demonstrated in the following work; for what is written of those three Notes, are not Orations, but Definitions of those Notes, written by the Greek, Hebrew, and Chaldean, and other things which are apprehended by us: For those writings which are not understood in Latin ought not to be pronounced, but on those days which are appointed by King Solomon, and in those days wherein the
Notes are inspected, but on those days those Holy writings are always to be repeated: and the Latin, on those days wherein the Notes are not inspected. The Notes of the Logical Art are two: and at what times they are to be published is already shown in part: more shall hereafter be said of them: now we come first to the rest. The Latin writings may be published, according to the Antiquity of the Hebrews, except on those days we have spoken of: for Solomon said, See that you perform all those precepts as they are given: But of
the rest that follow, it is to be done otherwise: for when you see the first Note of Logick, repeat in your heart the sign in the first Note, and so in the Notes of all Arts, except those whereof a definition shall be given. We will give also Definitions of several Arts, as it is in the Book of Solomon; Geometry have one Note, Arithmetick a Note and a half; Philosophy, with the Arts and Sciences contained therein, have 7 Species; Theology and Astronomy, with the Sciences in them contained, have 7 Notes, but they are great and dangerous;
not great in the pronunciation, but have great efficacy: Musick have one Note, and Physick one Note; but they are all to be published and rehearsed in their appointed days: But know, that in every day wherein you behold the Notes of Theology, Philosophy, or of any Arts contained in them, that you neither laugh nor play, nor sport; because King Solomon, when he saw the forms of these Notes, having overdrunk himself, God was angry with him, and spoke unto him by his Angel, saying, Because you have despised my sacrament, and Polluted and derided my Holy things; I
will take away part of your Kingdom, and I will shorten the days of your Children. And the Angel added, The Lord has forbidden you to enter into the Temple for 80 days, that you must repent of your sin. And when Solomon wept and besought mercy of the Lord, the Angel answered, your days shall be prolonged; nevertheless many evils and iniquities shall come upon your Children, and they shall be destroyed of the iniquities that shall come upon them. At the beginning of a Note, having seen the generals; let the specials be looked into. The word of
Solomon is to seek unto God for his promises, before the Notes of the three Arts. The first Oration at the beginning of the Note. The Light, Truth, Life, Way, Judge, Mercy, Fortitude and Patience, preserve, help me, and have Mercy upon me, Amen. This Oration, with the preceding ought to be said in the beginning of the first Note of Grammar. Oh Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, eternal God, in whose sight are all the foundations of all creatures, and invisible beings whose Eyes behold my imperfections, of the sweetness of whose love the Earth and Heavens are filled; who
sawest all things before they were made, in whose book every day is formed, and all mankind are written therein: behold me, your Servant this day prostrate me before you, with your whole Heart and Soul: by your Holy Spirit confirm me, bless me, protect all my Actions in this inspection or repetition, and illuminate me of your visitation. The third Oration: This Oration ought to be said before the second Note of Grammar. Behold, O Lord, merciful Father all things, eternal dispensor of all virtues, and consider my operations this day; you are the Beholder and Discerner of all
the Actions of Men and Angels: Let the wonderful grace of your promises condescend to fulfill this sudden virtue in me, and infuse such efficacy into me, operating in thy Holy and great Name, you who infuses your praise into the mouths of them that love you, Amen. The fourth Oration; Let this Oration be rehearsed before the third Grammatical Note: O ADONAY, Creator of all visible Creatures! OH most Holy Father, who dwells encompassed about with eternal light, disposing and by your power governing all things before all beginnings; I most humbly beseech your eternity and your incomprehensible goodness
may come to perfection in me, by the operation of your most Holy Angels; and be confirmed in my Memory, and establish these, your Holy works in me, Amen. A little space after this Oration, say the following: the first Oration ought to be said before the first Note of Logick. O Holy God, great good and the eternal Maker of all things, your Attributes not to be expressed, who have Created the Heaven and the Earth, the Sea and all things in them, and the bottomless pit according to your pleasure; in whose sight are the Words and Actions
of all men: Grant unto me, by these Sacramental Mysteries of your Holy Angels, the precious knowledge of this art, which I desire by the Ministry of your Holy Angels, it being without any Malignant or Malicious intent, Amen. Pronounce this Oration in the beginning of the first Figure of the Logick Art; and after this Oration rehearse incontinently with some interval, the Orations written between the first Figure. The sixth Oration ought to be said before the first Note of the Dialect. Helay: Most Merciful Creator, Inspirer, Reformer, and Approver of all Divine Wills, Ordainer of all things, Mercifully
give ear to my Prayer, gloriously intend unto the desires of my heart, that what I humbly desire, according to your promises, you will Mercifully grant, Amen. This Oration following, ought to be pronounced before the first Note of the Rhetorical Art: Omnipotent and merciful Father, Ordainer and Creator of all Creatures: O most Holy Judge, eternal King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; who wonderfully condescends to give wisdom and understanding to the Saints, who judges and discernest all things: I beseech you to illuminate my heart this day with the Splendor of your Beauty, that I may understand
and know what I desire, and what things are considerable to be known in this Art, Amen. This Oration , with the following Hanazay, etcetera. ought to be pronounced before the first Figure of Rhetorick and although they are divided only this cause, that there might be some mean interval used in the pronouncing of them; and they ought to be pronounced before the other Orations written in the Figure. Hanazay. Sazhaon. Hubi. Sene. Hay. Ginbar. Ronail. Selmore. Hyramay. Lobal. Yzazamael. Amathomatois. Yaboageyors. Sozomcrat. Ampho. Delmedos. Geroch. Agalos. Meihatagiel. Secamai. Sabeleton. Mechogrisces. Lerirenorbon. The 8 Oration, let it be pronounced
before the second Note of the Rhetorical Art: Oh great eternal and wonderful Lord God, who of your eternal counsel have disposed of all virtues, and art Ordainer of all goodness; Adorn and beautify my understanding, and give unto me Reason to know and learn the Mysteries of your Holy Angels: And grant unto me all knowledge and learning you have promised to your Servants by the virtue of your Holy Angels, Amen. This Oration, with the other two following, ought to be pronounced (videre licet Vision, etcetera) Azelechias, etcetera, in the beginning of the second Figure of Rhetorick, and
before the other Orations; and there ought to be some interval between them. Let this Oration following be said, before the second Note of Rhetorick Vision; beholding with your eternal conspiration all Powers, Kingdoms and Judges, Administering all manner of Languages to all, and of whose power there is no end; restore I beseech you, and increase my Memory, my heart and understanding, to know, understand, and judge all things which your Divine Authority commanded necessary in this art, perfectly fulfill them in me, Amen. Let this Oration following, with the precedent, be rehearsed before the second Note of Rhetorick.
Azelechias. Velozeos. Inoanzama. Samelo. Hotens. Sagnath. Adonay. Soma. Jezoehos. Hicon. Jezomethon. Sadaot. And you Oh God propitiously confirm your promises in me, as you have confirmed them by the same words to King Solomon; send unto me, Oh Lord, your virtue from Heaven, that may illuminate my mind and understanding: strengthen, Oh God, my understanding, renew my Soul within me, and wash me with the Waters which are above the Heavens; pour out your Spirit upon my flesh, and fill my bowels with your Judgements, with humility and charity: you who have created Heaven and the Earth, and made Man
according to your own Image; pour out the light of your love into my understanding, that being radicated and established in your love and your mercy, I may love your Name, and know and worship you, and understand all your Scriptures, And all the Mysteries which you have declared by your Holy Angels, I may receive and understand in my Heart, and use this Art to your Honor and Glory, through your mighty Counsel, Amen. The 11 Oration ought to be said before the pronounciation of the third Note of Rhetorick. I know, that I love your Glory, and my
delight is in your wonderful works, and that you will give unto me wisdom, according to your goodness and your power, which is incomprehensible: Theon. Haltanagon. Haramalon. Zamoyma. Chamasal. Jeconamril. Harionatar. Jechomagol. Gela Magos. Kemolihot. Kamanatar. Hariomolatar. Hanaces. Velonionathar. Azoroy. Jezabali. By these most Holy and Glorious profound Mysteries, precious Offices, virtue and knowledge of God, complete and perfect my beginnings and reform my beginnings. Zembar. Henoranat. Grenatayl. Samzatam. Jecornazay. Oh you great Fountain of all goodness, knowledge and virtue, given unto your Servant power to eschew all evil, and cleave unto goodness and knowledge, and to follow the same
with an Holy intention, that with my whole heart I may understand & learn your Laws and Decrees; especially these Holy Mysteries; wherein that I may profit, I beseech you, Amen. This Oration ought to be said before the ninth Rhetorical Note: O most reverend Almighty Lord, ruling all Creatures both Angels and Archangels, and all Celestial, Terrestrial, and Infernal Creatures; of whose greatness comes all plenty, who have made man after your own Image; Grant unto me the knowledge of this Art, and strengthen all Sciences in me, Amen. Pronounce this before the first Figure of Arithmetick. Oh God
who numbrest, weighs, and measures all things, given the day his order, and called the Sun by his name; Grant the knowledge of this Art unto my understanding, that I may love you, and acknowledge the gift of your goodness, Amen. Say this before the semi-note of Arithmetick. Oh God, the Operator of all things, from whom proceeds every good and perfect gift; sow the Seeds of your Word in my Heart, that I may understand the excellent Mysteries of this Art, Amen. Say this before the second Figure of Arithmetick. Oh God the perfect Judge of all good works,
who made known their saving goodness among all Nations; open my Eyes and my heart, with the beams of your mercy, that I may understand and persevere, in these Your Heavenly Mysteries, Amen. This Oration before the second Note of Geometry. Oh God, the giver of all wisdom and knowledge to them that are without sin, Instructor and Master of all Spiritual learning, by your Angels and Archangels, by Thrones, Potestates, Principates and Powers, by Cherubim and Seraphim, and by the 24 Elders, by the 4 Animals, and all the host of Heaven, I adore, invocate, worship and glorify your
Name, and exalt thee: most terrible and most merciful, I do humbly beseech you this day to illuminate and fill my Heart with the grace of your Holy Spirit, you who are three in one, Amen. Say this Oration before the second Note on Theology. I adore you, O King of Kings, my light, my substance, my life, my King, and my God, my Memory, and my strength; who in a Moment gave sundry Tongues, and threw down a Mighty Tower, and gave by your Holy Spirit the knowledge of Tongues to your Apostles, infusing your knowledge into them in
a Moment, giving them the understanding of all Languages: inspire my Heart, and pour the dew of your grace and Holy Spirit into me, that I may understand the Exposition of Tongues and Languages, Amen. Three Chapters to be published, before any of the Notes. What we have spoken of the three first Chapters are generally and specially to be pronounced, so that you say them, and the Orations on the days appointed, and work by the Notes as it is demonstrated to you. These Orations ought to be said always before noon, every day of the Month; and before
the Notes say the proper Orations: and in all reading, observe the precepts commanded. How the Proper Notes are to be inspected. lf you would learn anything of one Art, look into the proper Notes thereof in their due time. Enough as said already of the three liberal Arts. What days are to be observed in the inspection of the Notes of the four Arts. In the four other Arts, only the first days are to be observed: The Philosophical Notes, with all Sciences contained therein, the 7 and 17 days of the Moon are to be inspected, 7 times
a day, with their several Orations. The Note is to be looked into, with fear, silence and trembling. Of the Notes of the liberal Arts, it is spoken already; but only know this, that when you would use them, live chaste and soberly; for the Note have in itself 24 Angels, is fully and perfectly to be pronounced, as you have heard: but when you look into them, repeat all the Theological Orations, and the rest in their due time. Of the inspection of general Notes. Say the general Notes 10 times a day, when you have occasion to use
any common Arts, having the books of those Arts before you, using some interval or space of time between them, as you have been taught already. How the three first Chapters are to be pronounced before Orations. To have perfection herein, know, that in the general pronounciation of Orations, the Notes of the three heads are to be rehearsed; whether the Orations be pronounced or not. How the fifth Oration of Theology ought to be rehearsed upon these Orations. There is also something else to be said of the four other liberal Arts; if you would have the perfect knowledge
of them, make the first Oration of Theology before you say the Orations of the other Notes. These are sufficiently declared, that you might understand and know them; And let the capitular Orations be pronounced before the several Notes of every Art, and kept as is determined, etcetera. These are the Augmentations of the Orations, which belong to all Arts, liberal and exceptive, except Mechanick, and are especially ascribed to the Notes of Theology. And they are thus to be pronounced, that whensoever you look into any one Note of any Art, and would profit therein, say these Orations following.
Ezamamos. Hazalat. Ezityne. Hezemechel. Czemomechel. Zamay. Zaton. Ziamy Nayzaton. Hyzemogoy. Jeccomantha. Jaraphy. Phalezeton. Sacramphal. Sagamazaim. Secranale. Sacramathan. Jezennalaton Hacheriatos. Jetelemathon. Zaymazay. Zamaihay Gigutheio Geurlagon. Garyos. Mega'on Hera Cruhic. Crarihuc. Amen. Let this Oration with the following be pronounced before the first Note of Philosophy: Oh Lord God, Holy Father, Almighty and incomprehensible; hear my Prayers, you that are invisible, immortal and intelligible, whose face the Angels and Archangels, and all the powers of Heaven, do so much desire to see; whose Majesty I desire eternally to adore, and honor the only one God for ever and ever. Amen. Say this
before the second Note of Philosophy: Oh Lord God, Holy and Almighty Father, hear my Prayers this day, and incline your ears to my Orations; Gezomelion. Samach. Semath. Cemon. Gezagam. Gezatrhin. Zheamoth. Zeze Hator Sezeator Samay Sannanda Gezyel. Iezel. Gaziety. Hel. Gazayethyhel. Amen. Say this following with the former: Oh God eternal, the way, the truth, and the life; give your light and the flower of your Holy Spirit into my mind and understanding, and grant that the gift of your grace may shine forth in my heart, and into my Soul, now and forever, Amen. Pronounce the Oration following
before the third Note of Philosophy. Lemogethom. Hegemochom. Hazachay Hazatha. Azamachar. Azacham. Cohathay. Geomothay Logomothay. Zathana. Lachanma. Legomezon. Legornozon. Lembdemachon. Zegomaday. Haihanayos. Hatamam. Helesymom. Vagedaren. Vadeyabar. Lamnanath. Lamadai. Gomongchor. Gemecher. Ellemay. Gecromal. Gecrohahi. Colomanos. Colomaythos. Amen. Say this Oration following with the precedent Oration: Oh God the life of all visible Creatures, eternal brightness, and virtue of all things; who art the original of all piety, who knows all thing before they were; who judges all things, and discerned all things by the unspeakable knowledge: glorify your Holy and unspeakable Name this day in my heart, and strengthen my intellectual
understanding; increase my Memory, and confirm my eloquence; make my tongue ready, quick, and perfect in your Sciences and Scriptures, that by your power given unto me, and your wisdom taught in my heart, I may praise you, and know and understandyourHoly Name for ever World without end, Amen. Say this Oration following before the fourth Note of Philosophy. Oh King of Kings, the Giver and Dispenser of infinite Majesty, and of infinite mercy, the founder of all foundations; lay the foundation of all your virtues in me, remove all foolishness from my heart, that my senses may be established
in the love of your charity, and my Spirit informed by you, according to the recreation and invocation of your will, who lives and reigns God throughout all Worlds of Worlds, Amen. How these Orations are to be said every day once before the general Note, and the Notes of the liberal Arts. These 4 Orations are necessary for liberal Arts, but chiefly do appertain to Theology, which are to be said every day before the general Notes, or the Notes of the liberal Arts; but to Theology say every one of these 7 times to every Note; but if
you would learn or teach anything of dictating, versifying, singing or Musick, or any of these Sciences, first teach him these Orations, that you would teach, how he should read them: but if he be a Child of mean understanding, read them before him, and let him say after you word for word; but if he be of a good understanding, let him read them 7 times a day for 7 days: or if it be a general Note, pronounce these Orations, and the Virtue thereof shall profit you much, and you shall therein find great virtue. Solomon said of
these Orations, Let no man presume to make use of them unless for the proper Office they are instituted for. Oh Father, incomprehensible, from whom proceeds everything that is good; whose greatness is incomprehensible: hear this day my Prayers, which I make in your sight, and grant to me the Joy of your saving health, that I may teach unto the wicked the ways and Paths of your Sciences, and convert the Rebellious & incredulous unto you, that whatsoever I commemorate and repeat in my heart and mouth, may take root and foundation in me; that I may be made
powerful and efficacious in your works, Amen. Say this Oration before the 6 Note of Philosophy. Gezemothon. Oronathian. Heyatha. Aygyay. Lethasihel. Iaechizliet. Gerohay. Gerhomay. Sanoaesorel. Sanasathel. Gissiomo. Hatel. Segomasay. Azomathon. Helomathon. Gerochor. Hojazay. Samin. Heliel. Sanihelyel. Siloth. Silerech. Garamathal. Gesemathal. Gecoromay. Gecorenay. Samyel. Samihahel. Hesemyhel. Sedolamax. Secothamay. Samya. Rabiathos. Avinosch. Annas. Amen. Then say the following: Oh eternal King! O God, the Judge and discerner of all things, knower of all good Sciences; instruct me this day for your Holy Name’s sake, and by these Holy Sacraments; and purify my understanding, that your knowledge may enter into my inward parts,
as water flowing from Heaven, and as Oil into my bones, by you, Oh God Saviour of all things, who art the fountain of goodness, and original of piety; instruct me this day in those Holy Sciences which I desire, you who art one God for ever, Amen. Oh God Father, incomprehensible, from whom precedes all good, the greatness of whose mercy is fathomless, hear my Prayers, which I make this day before you, and render unto me the joy of your Salvation, that I may teach the unjust the knowledge of your ways, and convert the unbelieving and Rebellious
unto you; and may have power to perform your works, Amen. The 7 Oration, which is the end of the Orations, belonging to the ineffable Note, the last of Theology, having 24 Angels. Oh God of all piety, Author and Foundation of all things, the eternal Health and Redemption ofyourPeople; Inspirer and great Giver of all graces, Sciences and Arts, from whose gift it comes: Inspire into me your servant, an increase of those Sciences: who have granted life to me miserable sinner, defend my Soul, and deliver my Heart from the wicked cogitations of this World; extinguish and quench
in me the flames of all lust and fornication, that I may the more attentively delight in your Sciences and Arts; and give unto me the desire of my Heart, that I being confirmed and exalted in your Glory, may love you: and increase in me the power of your Holy Spirit, by your Salvation and reward of the faithful, to the Salvation of my Soul and Body, Amen. Then say this following. Oh God, the most mighty Father, from whom proceeds all good, the greatness of whose mercy is incomprehensible; hear my Prayers, that I make in your sight.
Special precepts of the Notes of Theology, chiefly of the 1, 2, and 3. These 7 Orations are to be an augmentation of the rest, and ought to be said before all the Notes of Theology, but especially before the ineffable Note; these are the precepts to make you sufficient, which we command you to observe by the authority of Solomon: diligently inquire them out, and do as we have proposed, and perfectly pronounce the Orations, and look into the Notes of the other Arts. How Solomon received that ineffable Note from the Angel. Because you desirest the Mystery of
the Notes, take this of the ineffable Note, the expression whereof is given in the Angels by the Figures of Swords, birds, trees, Flowers, Candles and Serpents; for Solomon received this from the Lord in the night of Pacification, ingraven in a book of Gold; and heard this from the Lord: Doubt not, neither be afraid; for this Sacrament is greater than all the rest; And the Lord joined it unto him, When you look into this Note and read the Orations thereof, observe the precepts before, and diligently look into them; And beware that you prudently conceal and keep
whatsoever you read in this Note of God, and whatsoever shall be revealed to you in the vision. And when the Angel of the Lord appear to you, keep and conceal the words and writings he reveal to you; and observe them to practice and operate in them, observing all things with great reverence, and pronounce them at the appointed days and hours, as before is directed; and afterwards say; Sapienter die illo; Age, & caste vivas. But if you do anything uncertain, there is danger; as you will have experience from the other Notes and Orations of them, but
consider that which is most wonderful in those Orations; for these words are ineffable Names, and are spiritually to be pronounced before the ineffable Note. Hosel. Jesel. Anchiator. Aratol. Hasiatol. Gemor. Gesameor. Those are the Orations which ought to be pronounced after the inspection of all the Arts, and after the Note of Theology. This is the fulfilling of the whole work; but what is necessary for an experiment of the work, we will more plainly declare. In the beginning of the knowledge of all Arts there is given almost the perfect Doctrine of operating: I say almost, because some
flourishing institutions hereof remain, whereof this is the first beginning. How the Precepts are to be observed in the operation of all Arts. Observe the 4 Moons in every operation of Theology. Exhibit that operation with efficacy every 4 Moons quartram lunam; and diligently look into the books and writings of those Arts; if you doubt of any of the Chapters, they are to be pronounced, as is taught of the superior Chapters; but know this, that these Holy Words of Orations, we appoint to be said before the bed of the sick, for an experiment of life or death.
And this you must do often, if you will to operate nothing else in the whole body of Art: And know this; that if you have not the books in your hands, or the faculty of looking into them is not given to you; the effect of this work will not be the lesse therefore: but the Orations are twice then to be pronounced, where they were to be but once: And as to the knowledge of a vision, and the other virtues which these Holy Orations have; you must prove and try them, when and how you will. These
Precepts are specially to be observed. But when you would operate in Theology, observe only those days which are appointed; but all times are convenient for those Notes and Orations, for which there is a competent time given; but in the pronounciation of the three liberal Arts, or in the inspection of their Notes, perhaps you most pretermit some day appointed, if you observe the rest; or if you transgress two days, leave not off the work, for it losses not its effect for this, for the Moon is more to be observed in the greater numbers than the days
or hours. For Solomon said, If you miss a day or two, fear not, but operate on the general Chapters. This is enough to say of them: but by no means forget any of the words which are to be said in the beginning of the reading to attain to Arts; for there is great virtue in them. And you most frequently use the Holy Words of the visions: but if you would operate in the whole body of the Physical Art, the first Chapters are first to be repeated as before are defined. And in Theology, you must operate
only by yourself: Often repeat the Orations, and look into the Notes of Theology: this produces great effects. It is necessary that you have the Note of the 24 Angels always in Memory; and faithfully keep those things, which the Angel revealed to you in the vision. The Experiment of the precedent work is the beginning of the following Orations, which Solomon called Artem Novam. These Orations may be said before all Arts generally, and before Notes specially; and they may be pronounced without any other Chapters, if you wouldst operate in any of the aforesaid Arts, saying these Orations
in due time and order; you may have great efficacy in any Art. And in saying these Orations, neither the time, day, nor Moon, are to be observed: but take heed, that on these days you abstain from all sin, as drunkenness, gluttony, especially swearing, before you proceed thereunto, that your knowledge therein may be the more clear and perfect. Wherefore Solomon said, When I was to pronounce these Orations, I feared lest I should offend God; and I appointed unto myself a time wherein to begin them; that living chastely, I might appear the more innocent. These are the
Premiums of these Orations, that I might lay down in order everything whereof you may doubt, without any definition. And before you begin to try any of these subtle works, it is good to fast for two or three days; that is may be Divinely revealed, whether your desires be good or evil. These are the precepts appointed before every operation; but if you doubt of any beginning, either of the three first Chapters, or of the four subsequent Arts, that you may have the effect of perfect knowledge; if you consider and pronounce these Orations, as they are above
described, although you overpass something ignorantly; you must be reconciled by the spiritual virtue of the subsequent Orations. The Angel said of these Orations to Solomon: See the Holiness of these Orations; and if you have transgressed any therein presumptuously or ignorantly, say reverently and wisely these Orations, of which the Angel said: This is a great Sacrament of God, which the Lord sended to you by my hand; at the veneration of which Sacrament, when King Solomon offered with great patience before the Lord upon the Altar, he saw the book covered with fine linen, and in this book
were written 10 Orations, and upon every Oration the sign of a golden Seal: and he heard in his Spirit, These are they which the Lord have figured, and are far excluded from the hearts of the unfaithful. Therefore Solomon trembled, lest he should offend the Lord, and kept them, saying it was wickedness to reveal them to unbelievers: but he that would learn any greater spiritual thing in any Art or necessary Science, if he cannot have a higher work, he may say these Orations at what time soever he will; the three first, for the three first liberal
Arts; a several Oration for every several Art, or generally all of the three for the three Arts are to be said; and in like manner the four subsequent Orations, for four other liberal Arts. And if you would have the whole body of Art, without any definition of time, you may pronounce these Orations before the several Arts, and before the Orations and Notes of these Arts, as often as you will, manifestly and secretly; but beware that you live chastely and soberly in the pronunciation thereof. This is the first Oration of the 10, which may be pronounced
by itself, without any precedent work to acquire Memory, Eloquence and understanding, and stableness of these three, and singularly to be rehearsed before the first Figure of Theology: Omnipotent, Incomprehensible, invisible and indissolvable Lord God; I adore this day your Holy Name; I, an unworthy and miserable sinner, do lift up my Prayer, understanding and reason towards your Holy and Heavenly Temple, declaring you, O Lord God, to be my Creator and Savior: and I, a rational Creature do this day Invocate your most glorious clemency, that your Holy Spirit may vivify my infirmity: And you, Oh my God, who
did confer the Elements of letters, and efficacious Doctrine of your Tongue to your Servants Moses and Aaron, confer the same grace of your sweetness upon me, which you have investigated into your Servants and Prophets: as you have given them learning in a moment, confer the same learning upon me, and cleanse my Conscience from dead works; direct my Heart into the right way, and open the same to understand, and drop truth into my understanding, And you, Oh Lord God, who did condescend to create me in your own image, hear me in your Jus-tice, and teach me
in your truth, and fill up my Soul with your knowledge according to your great mercy, that in the multitude of your mercies, you may love me the more, and the greater in your works, and that I may delight in the administration of your Commandments; that I being helped and restored by the work of your grace, and purified in Heart and Conscience to trust in you, I may feast in your sight, and exalt your Name, for it is good, before your Saints: Sanctifie me this day, that I may live in faith, perfect in hope, and constant
in charity, and may learn and obtain the knowledge I desire; and being illuminated, strengthened and exalted by the Science obtained, I may know you, and love you, and love the knowledge and wisdom of the Scriptures; and that I may understand and firmly retain, that which you have permitted Man to know: Oh Lord Jesus Christ, eternal only begotten Son of God, into whose hands the Father gave all thing before all Worlds, give unto me this day, for your Holy and glorious Name, the unspeakable nutriment of Soul and Body, a fit, fluent, free and perfect Tongue; and
that whatsoever I shall ask in your mercy, will and truth, I may obtain; and confirm all my Prayers and actions, according to your good pleasure. Oh Lord my God, the Father of Life, open the Fountain of Sciences, which I desire; open to me, Oh Lord, the Fountain which you opened to Adam, and to your Servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to understand, learn and judge; receive Oh Lord my Prayers, through all your Heavenly virtues, Amen. The next Oration is the second of ten, and gives Eloquence, which ought to be said after the other; a little interval
in between, and before the first Figure of Theology. I Adore you, you King of Kings, and Lords, eternal and unchangeable King: Hearken this day to the cry and sighing of my Heart and Spirit, that you may change my understanding, and give to me a heart of flesh, for my heart of stone, that I may breathe before my Lord and Savior; and wash Oh Lord with your new Spirit the inward parts of my heart, and wash away the evil of my flesh: infuse into me a good understanding, that I may become a new man; reform me
in your love, and let your salvation give me increase of knowledge: hear my Prayers, O Lord, wherewith I cry unto you, and open the Eyes of my flesh, and understanding, to understand the wonderful things of your Law; that being vivified by your Justification, I may prevail against the Devil, the adversary of the faithful; hear me Oh Lord my God, and be merciful unto me, and shew me your mercy; and reach to me the vessel of Salvation, that I may drink and be satisfied of the Fountain of your grace, that I may obtain the knowledge and
understanding; and let the grace of your Holy Spirit come, and rest upon me, Amen. For Eloquence and stability of mind. This is the third Oration of the ten, and is to be said before the first Figure of Astronomy. I confess myself guilty this day before you Oh God, Father of Heaven and Earth, Maker of all things, visible and invisible, of all Creatures, Dispenser and giver of all grace and virtue; who hides wisdom and knowledge from the proud and wicked, and gives it to the faithful and humble; illuminate my Heart, and establish my Conscience and understanding:
set the light of your countenance upon me, that I may love you, and be established in the knowledge of my understanding, that I being cleansed from evil works, may attain to the knowledge of those Sciences, which you have reserved for believers. Oh merciful and Omnipotent God, cleanse my Heart and reins, strengthen my Soul and Senses with the grace ofyourHoly Spirit, and establish me with the fire of the same grace: illuminate me; gird up my loins, and give the staff of your Consolation into my right hand, direct me in your Doctrine; root out of me all
vices and sin, and comfort me in the love of your mercies: Breathe into me, Oh Lord, the breath of Life, and increase my reason and understanding; send your Holy Spirit into me, that I may be perfect in all knowledge: behold Oh Lord, and consider the color of my mind, that my wil may be comforted in thee; send into me from Heaven your Holy Spirit, that I may understand those things I desire. Give unto me invention, Oh Lord, you Fountain of perfect reason and riches of knowledge, that I may obtain wisdom by your Divine assistance, Amen.
To Comfort the Outward and Inward Senses. Oh Holy God, mercyful and omnipotent Father, Giver of all things; strengthen me by your power, and help me by your presence, as you wert mercyful to Adam, and suddenly gave him the knowledge of all Arts through your great mercy; grant unto me power to obtain the same knowledge by the same mercy: be present with me Oh Lord, and instruct me: Oh most merciful Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, breathe your Holy Spirit into me, proceeding from your and the Father; strengthen my work this day, and teach me, that
I may walk in your knowledge, and glorify the abundance of your grace: Let the flames of your Holy Spirit rejoyce the City of my Heart, by breathing into me your Divine Scriptures; replenish my Heart with all Eloquence, and vivify me with your Holy visitation; blot out of me the spots of all vices, I beseech you, Oh Lord God incomprehensible; let your grace always be rest upon me, and be increased in me; heal my Soul by your inestimable goodness, and comfort my heart all my life, that what I hear I may understand, and what I understand
I may keep, and retain in my Memory; give me a teachable Heart and Tongue; through your inexhaustible grace and goodness; and the grace of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Amen. This following is for the Memory. O Holy Father, merciful Son, and Holy Ghost, inestimable King; I adore, invocate, and beseech your Holy Name that of your overflowing goodness, you will forget all my sins: be merciful to me a sinner, presuming to go about this office of knowledge, and occult learning; and grant, Oh Lord, it may be efficacious in me; open Oh Lord, my ears, that
I may hear; and take away the scales from my Eyes, that I may see; strengthen my hands, that I may work; open my face, that I may understand your will; to the glory of your Name, which is blessed forever, Amen. This following strengtheneth the interior and exterior Senses. Lift up the senses of my Heart and Soul unto you, Oh Lord my God, and elevate my heart this day unto you; that my words and works may please you in the sight of all people; let your mercy and omnipotency shine in my bowels: let my understanding be
enlarged, and let your Holy Eloquence be sweet in my mouth, that what I read or hear I may understand and repeat: as Adam understood, and as Abraham kept, so let me keep understanding; and as Jacob was founded and rooted in your wisdom, so let me be: let the foundation of your mercy be confirmed in me, that I may delight in the works of your hands, and persevere in Justice, and peace of Soul and Body; the grace of your Holy Spirit working in me, that I may rejoice in the overthrow of all my adversaries, Amen. This
following gives Eloquence, Memory and Stability. Disposer of all Kingdoms, and of all visible and invisible gifts: Oh God, the Ordainer and Ruler of all wills, by the Counsel of your Holy Spirit dispose and vivify the weakness of my understanding, that I may burn in the access of your Holy will to good: do good to me in your good pleasure, not looking upon my sins; grant me my desire, though unworthy; confirm my Memory and reason to know, understand, and retain, and give good effect to my sense through your grace, and justify me with the justification of
your Holy Spirit, that what spots soever of sin are contracted in my flesh, your Divine power may blot out; you who have been pleased in the beginning, to create the Heaven and the Earth, of your mercy restore the same, who is pleased to restore lost man to your most Holy Kingdom; Oh Lord of wisdom, restore Eloquence into all my senses, that I, though an unworthy sinner, may be confirmed in your knowledge, and in all your works, by the grace of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, who lives and reigns three in one, Amen. An Oration
to recover lost wisdom. Oh God of the living, Lord of all Creatures visible and invisible, Administrator and Dispenser of all things, enlighten my Heart this day by the grace of your Holy Spirit, strengthen my inward man, and pour into me the dew of your grace, whereby you instructed the Angels; inform me with the plenty of your knowledge, wherewith from the beginning you have taught your faithful; let your grace work in me, and the floods of your grace and Spirit, cleanse and correct the filth of my Conscience. you who came from Heaven upon the Waters of
your Majesty, confirm this wonderful Sacrament in me. To obtain the grace of the Holy Spirit. Oh Lord my God, Father of all things, who reveals your celestial and terrestrial secrets to your Servants, I humbly beseech and implore your Majesty, as you are the King and Prince of all knowledge, hear my Prayers; and direct my works, and let my actions prevail in Heavenly virtues, by your Holy Spirit: I cry unto you, Oh God, hear my Clamor; I sigh to you, hear the sightings of my Heart, and always preserve my Spirit, Soul and Body, under the Safeguard
of your Holy Spirit; Oh God you Holy Spirit, perpetual and Heavenly charity, whereof the Heaven and Earth is full, breathe upon my operation; and what I require to your honor and praise, grant unto me; let your Holy Spirit come upon me, rule and reign in me, Amen. To recover intellectual wisdom. Oh Lord, I your Servant confesse myself unto you, before the Majesty of your glory, in whose Spirit is all Magnificence and Sanctimony: I beseech you according to your unspeakable Name, extend your merciful Ears and Eyes to the office of my operation; and opening your hand,
I may be filled with the grace I desire, and satiated with charity and goodness; whereby you have founded Heaven and Earth, who livest, etcetera. Say these Orations from the first day of the month, to the fourth day: in the fourth day Alpha and Omega, and that following it, videre licet Helischemat azatan; As it is in the beginning: afterwards say. Theos Megale patyr. Ymas. Heth. Heldya. Hebeath. Heleotezygel. Sabatyel. Salus. Telli. Samel. Zadaziel. Zadan. Sadiz Leogio. Yemegas. Mengas. Omchon Myenoym. Ezel. Ezely. Yegrogamal. Sameldach. Somelta. Sanay. Geltonama. Hanns. Simon Salte. Patyr. Osyon. Hate. Haylos. Amen. Oh Light of
the World, immense God, etcetera. Hereby is increased so much Eloquence that nothing is above it. Thezay lemach ossanlomach azabath azach azare gessemon relaame azathabelial biliarsonor tintingote amussiton sebamay halbuchyre gemaybe redayl hermayl textos sepha pamphilos Cytrogoomon bapada lampdayochim yochyle tahencior yastamor Sadomegol gyeleiton zomagon Somasgei baltea achetom gegerametos halyphala semean utangelsemon barya therica getraman sechalmaia balnat hariynos haylos halos genegat gemnegal saneyalaix samartaix camael satabmal simalena gaycyah salmancha sabanon solmasay silimacrotox zegas me bacherietas zemethim theameabal gezorabal craton henna glungh hariagil parimegos zamariel leozomach rex maleosia mission zebmay aliaox gemois sazayl neomagil Xe Xe Sepha caphamal azeton gezain holhanhihala
semeanay gehosynon caryacta gemyazan zeamphalachin zigelaman hathanatos, semach gerorabat syrnosyel, halaboem hebalor halebech ruos sabor ydelmasan salior sabor megiozgoz neyather pharamshe forantes sazamogh schampeton sadomthe nepotz minaba zanon suafnezenon inhancon maninas gereuran gethamayh passamoth theon beth sathamec hamolnera galsemariach nechomnan regnali phaga messyym demogempta teremegarz salmachaon alpibanon balon septzurz sapremo sapiazte baryon aria usyon sameszion sepha athmiti sobonan Armissiton tintingit telo ylon usyon, Amen. Azay lemach azae gessemon thelamech azabhaihal sezyon traheo emagal gyeotheon samegon pamphilos sitragramon limpda jachim alna hasios genonagai samalayp camiel secal hanagogan heselemach getal sam sademon sebmassan traphon oriaglpax thonagas tyngen amissus coysodaman assonnap senaly sodan
alup theonantriatos copha anaphial Azathon azaza hamel hyala saraman gelyor synon banadacha gennam sassetal maga halgozaman setraphangon zegelune Athanathay senach zere zabal somayel leosamach githacal halebriatos Jaboy del masan negbare phacarnech schon nebooz cherisemach gethazayhy amilya semem ames gemay passaynach tagaylagamal fragal mesi themegemach samalacha nabolem zopmon usyon felam semessi theon, Amen. The third part, the sign Lemach. Lemach sabrice elchyan gezagan tomaspin hegety gemial exyophyam soratum salathahom bezapha saphatez Calmiehan samolich lena zotha phete him hapnies sengengeon lethis, Amen. For the Memory. Oh great invisible God, Theos patyr behominas Cadagamias imas by your Holy Angels, who are Michael, the
Medicine of God; Raphael, the Fortitude of God, Gabriel ardens holy per Amassan, Cherubin, Gelommeios, Sezaphim gedabanan, tochrosi gade anathon, zatraman zamanary gebrienam: Oh fulness, Holy Cherubins, by all your Angels, and by all your glorious Archangels, whose Names are consecrated by God, which ought not to be spoken by us, which are these: dichal, dehel depymon exluse exmegon pharconai Nanagon hossyelozogon gathena raman garbona vramani Mogon hamas; Which humane Sense cannot apprehend: I beseech you, Oh Lord illuminate my Conscience with the splender of your Light, and illustrate and confirm my understanding with the sweet odor ofyourSpirit, adorne my
Soul, reform my heart, that hearing I may understand, and retain what I hear in my Memory. Oh merciful God, appease my bowels, strengthen my Memory, open my mouth mercifully; temperate my Tongue by your glorious and unspeakable Name: you who are the Fountain of all goodness, have patience with me, and give a good Memory unto me, etcetera. Say these Orations in the fourth Moon, videre licet Hely Schemath, Alpha and Omega, Theos megale. Oh Light of the world Azalemach, great God I beseech you: these ought to be said in the 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 28, 30,
and in all these Lunations rehearse them four times; in the morning once, the third hour once, the ninth once, and once in the evening; and in the other days rehearse none, but them of the first day, which are Alpha and Omega, Helyschemat, Almighty, incomprehensible, I adore thee; I confess myself guilty: O Theos hazamagiel: Oh merciful Lord God, raise up the senses of my flesh: Oh God of all being, and of all Kingdoms, I confess Oh Lord this day, that I amyourServant. Rehearse these Orations also in the other days four times, once in the morning, once
in the evening, once about the third hour, and once in the ninth; And you shall acquire Memory, Eloquence and stability fully, Amen. The Conclusion of the whole work, and of the Science obtained. Oh God, Maker of all things; who have created all things out of nothing; who have wonderfully created the Heaven and Earth, and all things by degrees in order, in the beginning, with your Son, by whom all things are made, and into whom all things shall at last return: Who art Alpha and Omega: I beseech you though a sinner & unworthy, that I may
attain to my desired end in this Holy Art, speedily, and not lose the same by my sins; but do good unto me, according to your unspeakable mercy: who does not to us after our sins, nor reward us after our iniquities, Amen. Say this in the end devoutly: Oh wisdom of God the Father incomprehensible, Oh most merciful Son, give unto me of your ineffable mercy, great knowledge and wisdom, as you did wonderfully bestow all Science to King Solomon, not looking upon his sins or wickedness, but your own mercies: wherefore I implore your mercy, although I am
a most vile and unworthy sinner, give such an end to my desires in this Art, whereby the hands of your bounty may be enlarged towards me, and that I may the more devoutly walk by your light in your ways, and be a good example to others; by which all that see me, and hear me, may restrain themselves from their vices, and praise your holiness through all Worlds, Amen. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, etcetera. rehearse these two Orations always in the end, to confirm your knowledge gained. The Benediction of the place. Bless Oh Lord
this place, that there may be in it Holy SanGity, chastity, meekness, viGory, holiness, humility, goodness, plenty, obedience of the Law, to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Hear Oh Lord, Holy Father, Almighty eternal God; And sendyourHoly Angel Michael, who may protect, keep, preserve and visit me, dwelling in this Tabernacle, by him who lives, etcetera. When you would operate, have respect to the Lunations: they are to be chosen in those months, when the Sun rules in Gemini and Scorpio, Aries, Leo, Libra, Taurus. In these moments you may begin. In the Name of the Lord begins this
most Holy Art, which the most high God Administered to Solomon by his Angel upon the Altar, that thereby suddenly in a short space of time, he was established in the knowledge of all Sciences; and know, that in these Orations are contained all Sciences, Lawful and unlawful: First, if you pronounce the Orations of Memory, Eloquence, and understanding, and the stability thereof; they will be mightily increased, insomuch that you will hardly keep silence; for by a word all things were Created, and the virtue of that word all created beings stand, and every Sacrament, and that Word is
God. Therefore let the Operator be constant in his faith, and confidently believe, that he shall obtain such knowledge and wisdom, in the pronouncing these Orations, for with God nothing is impossible: therefore let the Operator proceed in his work, with faith, hope, and a constant desire: firmly believing; because we can obtain nothing but by faith; Therefore have no doubt in this Operation, whereof there are three species, whereby the Art may be obtained. The first species is Oration and reason of a Godly mind, not by attempting a voice of deprecation, but by reading and repeating the same
in the inward parts. The second species is fasting and praying, for the praying man God hears. The third species is chastity; he that would Operate in this Art, let him be clean and chast by the space of nine days at least; And before you begin, it is necessary that you know the time of the Moon it is proper to Operate in this Art: and when you begin so sacred an Art, have a care to abstain from all mortal sins, at least while you are proceeding in this work until it be finished and completed: and when
you begin to operate, say this verse kneeling: Lift up the light of your Countenance upon me, Oh Lord my God, and forsake not me your Servant N. that trusts in thee: Then say three times Pater Noster, etcetera. And assert that you will never commit wilful perjury, but always persevere in faith and hope. This being done, with bended knees in the place wherein you will operate, say, Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who have made Heaven and Earth: and I will enter into the Invocation of the most high, unto him who enlightened and
purified my Soul and Conscience, which dwells under the help of the most high, and continued under the protection of the God of Heaven: O Lord open and unfold the doubts of my Heart, and change me into a new man by your love: be you Oh Lord unto me true faith, the hope of my life, and perfect charity, to declare your wonders. Let us pray: then say the Oration following: Oh God my God, who from the beginning have Created all things out of nothing, and reforms all things by your Spirit; restore my Conscience, and heal my
understanding, that I may glorify you in all my thoughts, words and deeds; through him who lives and reignes with you forever, Amen. Now in the Name of Christ, on the first day of the Month, in which you would acquire Memory, Eloquence and Understanding, and stability thereof, with a perfect, good and contrite Heart, and sorrow for your sins committed; you maist begin to pronounce these Orations following, which appertain to the obtaining of Memory and all Sciences, and which were composed and delivered by the Angel to Solomon, from the hand of God. The first and last Oration
of this Art is Alpha and Omega: Oh God omnipotent, etcetera. This following is an Oration of four Languages, which is this: Hely. Schemat. Azatan. Honiel. Sichut. Tam. Imel. Iatatandema. Jetromiam. Theos. Oh Holy and strong God. Hamacha. Mal. Gottneman. Alazaman. Zay. Zojeracim. Lam hay. Masaraman. Grensi zamach. Heliamat. Seman. Selmar. Yetrosaman muchaer. Vesar. Hasarian Azaniz. Azamet. Amathemach. Hersomini. And you most Holy and just God, incomprehensible in all your works, which are Holy just and good. Magol. Achelmetor. Samelsace. Yana. Eman. And cogige. Maimegas. Zemmael. Azanietan. Illebatha sacraman. Reonas. Grome. Zebaman. Zeyhoman. Zeonoma. Melas. Heman. Hathoterma. Yatarmam. Semen. Semetary.
Amen. This Oration ought to follow the first of the ten above written. To perform any work. This is to follow the third Oration above: I confess. O Theos hazamagielgezuzan. Sazaman. Sathaman. Getormantas. Salathiel. Nesomel. Megal. Vnieghama. Yazamir. Zeyhaman. Hamarnal amna. Nisza. Deleth. Hazamaloth. Moy pamazathoran. Hanasuelnea. Sacromomem. Gegonoman. Garamacham Cades bachet girtassoman. Gyseton palaphatos halathel Osachynan machay. Amen. This is a true and approved experiment, to understand all Arts and secrets of the World, to find out and dig up minerals and treasure; This was revealed by the Heavenly Angel in this Notory Art. For this Art does also
declare things to come, and rendered the sense capable of all Arts in a short time, by the Divine use thereof. We are to speak also of the time and place. First therefore, all these precepts are to be observed and kept; and the Operator ought to be clean, chaste, to repent of his sins, and earnestly desire to cease from sinning as much as may be; and so let him proceed, and every work shall be investigated into him, by the Divine Ministry. When you will operate in the new Moon, kneeling say this verse: Lift up the light
of your Countenance upon us, Oh God, and forsake us not, Oh Lord our God. Then say three times the Pater Noster: And afterwards let him vow unto God that he will never commit wilful perjury, but always persist in faith. This being done, at night say with bended knees before your bed; Our help is in the Name of the Lord, etcetera. and this Psalm; Whoso dwells under the shadow of the wings of the most high, to the end; and the Lord's Prayer, and the Prayer following. Theos Pater vehamans; God of Angels, I Pray and invocate you
by your most Holy Angels. Eliphamasay. Gelomiros. Gedo bonay. Saranana. Elomnia. And by all the Holy Names, by us not to be pronounced, which are these: do. el. x p n k h t li g y y. not to be spoken, or comprehended by humane sense; I beseech you, cleanse my Conscience with the Splendor of your Name; illustrate and confirm my understanding with the sweet savour of your Holy Spirit: Oh Lord Adorne my Soul, that I may understand and perfectly remember what I hear; reform my Heart, and restore my Heart, and restore my sense Oh Lord
God, and heal my bowels: open my mouth most merciful God, and frame and temper my Tongue to the praise and glory of your Name, by your glorious and unspeakable Name. O Lord, who is the Fountain of all goodness, and original of all piety, have patience with me, and give unto me a true understanding, to know whatsoever is fitting for me, and retain the same in Memory: you who do not presently Judge a sinner, but mercifully expect repentance; I beseech you, though unworthy, to wash away the filth of my sins and wickedness, and grant me my
petitions, to the praise and glory of your Holy Name; who lives and reigns one God in perfect Trinity, World without end, Amen. Some other precepts to be observed in this work. Fast the day following with bread and water, and give Almes; if it be the Lord's day, then give double Almes; be clean in body and mind; both yourself, and put on clean Clothes. The process follows. When you will Operate concerning any difficult Problem or Question, with bended knees, before your bed, make Confession unto God the Father; and having made the Confession, say this Oration. Send
Oh Lord your wisdom to assist me, that it may be with me, and labour with me, and that I may always know what is acceptable before you; And that unto me N. may be manifested the truth of this question or Art. This being done, Thrice in the day following, when you risest, give thanks to God Almighty, saying; Glory and honour, and benediction be unto him that seated on the Throne, and that lived for ever and ever, Amen. with bended knees and stretched out hands. But if you desire to understand any book, ask of some that
have knowledge therein, what that book treated of: This being done, open the book, and read in it, and operate as at first three times, and always when you go to sleep, write Alpha and Omega, and afterwards sleep on your right side, putting the palm of your hand under your Ear, and you shall see in a dream all things you desire; And you shall hear the voice of one informing and instructing you in that book, or in any other faculty wherein you will operate: And in the morning, open the book, and read therein; and you shall
presently understand the same, as if you had studied in it a long time: And always remember to give thanks to God, as aforesaid. Afterwards on the first day say this Oration: Oh Father, Maker of all Creatures; by the unspeakable power wherewith you have made all things, stir up the same power, and come and save me, and protect me from all adversity of Soul and Body, Amen. Of the Son, say, O Christ, Son of the living God, who art the Splendor and Figure of light, with whom there is no alteration nor shadow of change; you Word
of God most high, you wisdom of the Father; open unto me, your unworthy servant N., the veins of your saving Spirit, that I may wisely understand retain in Memory, and declare all your wonders: Oh wisdom, who proceeded out of the mouth of the most high, powerfully reaching from end to end, sweetly disposing of all things in the World, come and teach me the way of prudence and wisdom. Oh Lord which did give your Holy Spirit to your Disciples, to teach and illuminate their Hearts, grant unto me, your unworthy servant N. the same Spirit, and that
I may always rejoice in his consolation. Other precepts. Having finished these Orations, and given Almes, when you enter into your Chamber, devoutly kneel down before your bed, saying this Psalm: Have mercy upon me, O God, according to the multitude of your great mercies, etcetera. and, In you Oh Lord have I trusted, etcetera. Then rise up, and go to the wall, and stretch forth your hands, having two nayles fixed, upon which you must stay up your hands, and say this Prayer following with great devotion: O God, who for us miserable sinners did undergo the painful death
upon the Crosse; to whom also Abraham offered up his Son Isaac; I your unworthy servant, a sinner perplexed with many evils, do this day offer up and Sacrifice unto you my Soul and Body, that you may infuse into me your Divine wisdom, and inspire me with the Spirit of Prophecy, wherewith you did inspire the Holy Prophets. Afterwards say this Psalm; Oh Lord incline thine Ears unto my words, etcetera. and add, The Lord is my Shepherd, and nothing shall I want: he shall set me down in green pastures, his servant N., he shall lead me upon
the waters of refreshment, he converted my Soul, and leaded me N., upon the paths of his righteousness for his Holy Name: Let my evening Prayer ascend up into you Oh Lord, and let your mercy descend upon me, your unworthy servant N., protect, save, blesse, and sanctify me, that I may have a shield against all the wicked darts of my enemies: defend me Oh Lord by the price of the blood of the just One, wherewith you have redeemed me; who lives and reigns God, whose wisdom have laid the foundation of Heaven & formed the Earth, &
placed the Sea in her bounds: and by the going forth of your Word have made all Creatures, and have formed man out of the dust of the Earth, according to his own image and likeness; who gave to Solomon, the Son of King David inestimable wisdom; have given to the Prophets the Spirit of Prophecy, and infused into Philosophers wonderful Philosophical knowledge, confirmed the Apostles with fortitude, comforted and strengthened the Martyrs, who exalted his elect from eternity, and provided for them; Multiply Oh Lord God, your mercy upon me, your unworthy servant N., by giving me a teachable
wit, and an understanding adorned with virtue and knowledge, a firm and sound Memory, that I may accomplish and retain whatsoever I endeavor, through the greatness of your wonderful Name; lift up, Oh Lord my God, the light of your countenance upon me, that hope in thee: Come and teach me, Oh Lord God, of virtues, and shew me your face, and I shall be safe. Then add this Psalm: Unto you Oh Lord do I lift up my Soul: Oh my God in you do I trust; excepting that verse, Canfundantur, etcetera. Having fulfilled these things upon the wall,
descend unto your bed, writing in your right hand Alpha and Omega: then go to bed, and sleep on your right side, holding your hand under your right Ear, and you shall see the greatness of God as you have desired. And in the morning, on your knees, before your bed, give thanks unto God for those things he have revealed unto you, I give thanks unto you, Oh great and wonderful God, who have given Salvation and knowledge of Arts unto me, your unworthy servant N., and confirm this Oh God, which you have wrought in me, in preserving
me. I give thanks unto you, O powerful Lord God, who created me, miserable sinner out of nothing, when I was not, and when I was utterly lost; and not redeemed, but by the precious blood of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ; and when I was ignorant you have given unto me learning and knowledge: grant unto me your unworthy servant N., O Lord Jesus Christ, that through this knowledge, I may be always constant in your Holy service, Amen. These Operations being devoutly completed, give thanks daily with these last Orations. But when you would read, study, or
dispute, say, Remember your word unto your servant, O Lord, in which you have given me hope; this is my comforter in humility. Then add these Orations: Remember me O Lord of Lords, put good words and speech into my mouth, that I may be heard efficaciously and powerfully, to the praise, glory, and honor of your glorious Name, which is Alpha and Omega, blessed forever, World without end, Amen. Then silently say these Orations. O Lord God, that daily works new signs and unchangeable wonders, fill me with the Spirit of wisdom, understanding and Eloquence; Make my mouth as
a sharp Sword, and my Tongue as an arrow elected, & confirm the words of my mouth to all wisdom: mollify the Hearts of the hearers to understand what they desire. Elysenach. Tzacham. Etcetera. The manner of Consecrating the Figure of Memory. It ought to be consecrated with great faith, hope and charity; and being consecrated, to be kept and used in Operation as followed. On the first day of the new Moon, having beheld the new Moon, put the Figure under your right Ear, and so consequently every other night, and seven times a day; the first hour of
the morning say this Psalm, Qui habitat, etcetera. throughout; and the Lords Prayer once, and this Oration Theos Patyr once in the first hour of the day: then say this Psalm, Confitebor tibi Domine, etcetera. and the Lords Prayer twice, and the Oration Theos Patyr twice. In the third hour of the day say this Psalm Benedicicat anima mea Dominum, etcetera. the Lords Prayer thrice, and the Oration Theos Patyr. In the sixth hour say this Psalm. Appropinquet deprecato mea in conspectu tuo Domine, secundun eloquium tuum. Grant unto me Memory, and hear my voyce according to your great mercy,
and according unto your word grant Eloquence, and my lips shall shew forth your majesty, when you shall teach me your Glory: Gloria patria, etcetera. Say the Lords Prayer nine times, and Theos Patyr. In the ninth hour say the Psalm Beati immaculati in via; the Lords Prayer 12 times, and Theos Patyr. In the Evening say this Psalm, Deus misereatur nostri: the Lords Prayer 15 times, and Theos Patyr as often. The last hour say this Psalm, Deus Deus meus respice in me, etcetera., and Deus in adjutorium meum intende, and te Deum Lauadamus; the Lord's Prayer once, and
Theos Patyr: then say the Oration following twice. O God, who have divided all things in number, weight, and measure, in hours, nights and days; who counted the number of the Stars, give unto me constancy and virtue, that in the true knowledge of this Art N., I may love you, who knows the gifts of your goodness, who lives and reigns, etcetera. Four days the Figure of Memory ought to be consecrated with these Orations. O Father of all Creatures, of the Sun and the Moon. Then on the last day let him bath himself, and put on clean
garments, and clean Ornaments, and in a clean place, suffumigate himself with Frankincense, and come in a convenient hour in the night with a light kindled, but so that no man may see you; and before the bed upon your knees, say this Oration with great devotion. O most great and most Holy Father, seven or nine times: then put the Figure with great reverence about your Head; and sleep in the bed with clean linen vestments, and doubt not but you shall obtain whatsoever you desire: for this have been proved by many, to obtain such celestial secrets of
the Heavenly Kingdom are granted, Amen. The Oration following ought to be said as you stand up. O great God, Holy Father, most Holy Sanctifier of all Saints, three and one, most high King of Kings, most powerful God Almighty, most glorious and most wise Dispensor, Moderator, and Governour of all Creatures, visible and invisible: O mighty God, whose terrible and most mighty Majesty is to be feared, whose omnipotency the Heaven, the Earth, the Sea, Hell, and all things that are therein, do admire, reverence, tremble at, and obey. O most powerful, most mighty, and most invincible Lord God
of Sabaoth: O God incomprehensible; the wonderful Maker of all things, the Teacher of all learning, Arts and Sciences; who mercifully Instructest the humble and meek: O God of all wisdom and knowledge, in whom are all Treasures of wisdom, Arts and Sciences; who art able instantly to infuse wisdom, Knowledge and Learning into any Man; whose Eye beholds all things past, present, and to come; who is the daily Searcher of all hearts; through whom we are, we live and die; who sits upon the Cherubins; who alone sees and rules the bottomless pit: whose Word gives Law throughout
the universal World: I confess myself this day before Holy and glorious Majesty, and before the company of all Heavenly virtues and Potentates, praying our glorious Majesty, invocation your great Name, which is a Name wonderful, and above every Name, blessing you O Lord my God: I also beseech you, most high, most omnipotent Lord, who alone is to be adored; O you great and dreadful God Adonay, wonderful Dispensator of all beatitudes, of all Dignities, and goodness; Giver of all things, to whomsoever you will, mercifully, aboundantly and permanently: send down upon me this day the gift of the
grace of your Holy Spirit. And now O most merciful God, who have created Adam the first man, according to your image and likeness; fortify the Temple of my body, and let your Holy Spirit descend and dwell in my Heart, that I may shine forth the wonderful beams of your Glory: as you have been pleased wonderfully to operate in your faithful Saints; So O God, most wonderful King, and eternal glory, send forth from the seat of your glorious Majesty a seven-fold blessing of your grace, the Spirit of wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of fortitude and Counsel,
the Spirit of knowledge and Godliness, the Spirit of fear and love of you, to understand your wonderful Holy and occult mysteries, which you are pleased to reveal, and which are fitting for you to know, that I may comprehend the depth, goodness, and inestimable sweetness of your most immense Mercy, Piety and Divinity. And now O most merciful Lord, who did breathe into the first Man the breath of life, be pleased this day to infuse into my Heart a true perfect perceiving, powerful and right understanding in all things; a quick, lasting, and indeficient Memory, and efficacious Eloquence;
the sweet, quick and piercing grace ofyourHoly Spirit, and of the multitude of your blessings, which which you bountifully bestowest: grant that I may despise all other things, and glorify you alone, the God of all things, the only true and perfect good, that I may forever glorify, praise, adore, bless, and magnify you the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; and always set forth your praise, mercy and omnipotency: that your praise may always be in my mouth, and my Soul may be inflamed with your Glory for ever before you. O you, who is God omnipotents, King
of all things, the greatest peace and perfectest wisdom, ineffable and inestimable sweetness and delight, the unexpressable joy of all good, the desire of all the blessed, their life, comfort, and glorious end; who was from eternity, and is and ever shall be virtue invincible, without parts or passions; Splendor and glory unquenchable; benediction, honor, praise, and venerable glory before all Worlds, since and everlastingly time without end, Amen. The following Oration have power to expel all Lusts. O Lord, Holy Father, omnipotent eternal God, of inestimable mercy and immense goodness; O merciful Jesus Christ, repairer and restorer of mankind;
O Holy Ghost, comforter and love of the faithful: who holds all the Earth in your fingers, and weighest all the Mountains and Hills in the World; who dost wonders past searching out, whose power there is nothing can resist, whose ways are past finding out: defend my Soul, and deliver my Heart from the wicked cogitations of this World; extinguish and repress in me by your power all the sparks of lust and fornication, that I may more intentively love your works, and that the virtue of the Holy Spirit may be increased in me, among the saving gifts
of your faithful, to the comfort and salvation of my Heart, Soul, and Body. O most great and most Holy God, Maker, Redeemer, and Restorer of Mankind; I am your servant, the Son of your hand-maid, and the work of your hands: O most merciful God and Redeemer, I cry and sigh before the sight of your great Majesty, beseeching you, with my whole Heart, to restore me, a miserable sinner, and receive me to your great mercy; give me Eloquence, Learning, and Knowledge, that those that shall hear my words, they may be mellifluous in their Hearts; that seeing
and hearing your wisdom, the proud may be made humble, and hear and understand my words with great humility, and consider the greatness and goodness of your blessings, who livest and reignest now and forever, Amen. Note, that if you desire to know anything that you are ignorant of, especially of any Science, read this Oration: I confess myself to you this day, O God the Father of Heaven and Earth, three times; and in the end express for what you desire to be heard; afterwards, in the Evening when you go to bed, say the Oration Theos throughout, and
the Psalm Qui Habitat, with this versicle, Emitte Spiritum; and go to sleep, and take the Figure for this purpose, and put it under the right Ear: and about the second or third hour of the night, you shall see your desires, and know without doubt that which you desirest to find out: and write in your right hand Alpha and Omega, with the sign of the Cross, and put that hand under your right Ear, and fast the day before; only once eating such meat as is used on fasting days.
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Master Key Society
The Lesser Key of Solomon & Goetia - Documentary History of Solomonic Magic & Demonic Summoning
The Lesser Key of Solomon & Goetia - Docum...
ARBATEL of the Magic of the Ancients
ARBATEL of the Magic of the Ancients
The Modern Hermeticist
Emerald Tablets Of Thoth | Complete Audiobook With Subtitles | Astral Legends
Emerald Tablets Of Thoth | Complete Audiob...
Astral Legends TV
The Master Science of All Ages
The Master Science of All Ages
4+ hours of philosophy to fall asleep to (taoism, stoicism, existentialism and more)
4+ hours of philosophy to fall asleep to (...
The Life Power And How To Use It (1906) by Elizabeth Towne
The Life Power And How To Use It (1906) by...
Master Key Society
The Greatest Book on Magic, Witchcraft & the Occult - Martin Del Rio - Disquisitionum Magicarum
The Greatest Book on Magic, Witchcraft & t...
Secrets of the OCCULT Revealed! Truths You Never Knew
Secrets of the OCCULT Revealed! Truths You...
Mythology, Theology, History
The Game of Life and How to Play it (1925) by Florence Scovel Shinn
The Game of Life and How to Play it (1925)...
Master Key Society
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