Act As If It's Already Yours - Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Motivation Mastery™
Unlock Your Full Potential with Dr. Joe Dispenza's Transformative Advice: "Act As If It's Already Yo...
Video Transcript:
right now in this very moment you have the power to change your life you are the creator of your reality and today we're going to talk about how to tap into that incredible power within you it all starts with two simple words relax and Trust think about it how often do we spend our days rushing around stressed out worried about what might happen we're constantly on edge trying to control everything around us but what if I told you that the key to getting everything you want is actually to let go that's right the secret to
manifesting your desires to creating the life of your dreams is to relax and trust it sounds so simple doesn't it but it's a profound truth that can transform your entire existence when you relax you open yourself up to the infinite possibilities of the universe your mind becomes clear your body becomes calm and you create space for miracles to happen and when you trust you align yourself with a natural flow of life you stop fighting against the current and start moving with it when you the really exciting part when you combine relaxation and trust with expectation
that's when the magic happens that's when you start to see results not in some distant future but right here right now today so many of us have been conditioned to believe that change takes time that we need to work hard struggle and suffer before we can achieve our goals but what if I told you that's not true what if I told you that you can expect miracles to happen the same day you set your intention it might sound too good to be true but I've seen it happen time and time again I've witnessed people heal
from chronic illnesses manifest their dream jobs find their soulmates all in a matter of days or even hours and it all started with them deciding to relax trust and expect great things to happen now I know what you might be thinking but Joe I've tried positive thinking before I've tried visualizing it didn't work for me and I hear you I really do but here's the thing it's not just about thinking positive thoughts or visual realizing what it's about feeling it it's about embodying the reality you desire right now in this very moment when you truly
relax and trust you enter a state of being where anything is possible your body releases tension your mind becomes clear and you tap into a field of infinite potential in this state you're no longer separate from your desires you become one with them and here's where expectation comes in when you expect something to happen you're not hoping for it or wishing for it you're knowing it you're living as if it's already happened and that's when the universe starts to respond you see the universe doesn't understand the difference between what's happening in your outer world and
what's happening in your inner world when you can create the feeling of having what you want before it actually manifests in your physical reality that's when you become a true creator so how do we do this how do we relax trust and expect miracles to happen today it all starts with your thoughts and your energy every thought you think sends out a signal to the universe it's like dropping a pebble in a pond ripples spread out affecting everything around you when you think thoughts of lack of fear of worry you're sending out a signal that
creates more of those experiences in your life but when you choose to think thoughts of abundance of Love of possibility you're creating a whole different reality you're tuning into a different frequency one where Miracles are not only possible but expected and it's not just about your thoughts it's about your energy your vibration every emotion you feel is sending out a signal to the universe when you feel stressed anxious or frustrated you're vibrating at a low frequency but when you can relax when you can trust when you can feel Joy and gratitude even before your desires
manifest that's when you're vibrating at a frequency that attracts Miracles so how do we shift our thoughts and our energy it starts with awareness pay attention to what you're thinking and feeling throughout the day notice when you're caught up in stress or worry and then make a conscious choice to shift take a deep breath feel your body relax and then ask yourself what would I be thinking right now if I truly believe that everything was working out perfectly for me how would I feel if I knew that my desires were already on their way to
me this is where meditation comes in when you meditate you create space between your thoughts you step out of the constant chatter of your mind and into a place of peace and possibility in this space you can start to reprogram your subconscious mind you see most of our thoughts thoughts and behaviors are controlled by our subconscious mind it's like an autopilot that's been programmed by our past experiences our beliefs our environment but when we meditate we can access this subconscious mind and start to change the program in meditation you can visualize your desired reality but
remember it's not just about seeing it in your mind's eye it's about feeling it with every cell of your body what would it feel like to have perfect health what would it feel like to be financially abundant what would it feel like like to be in a loving supportive relationship as you sit in meditation allow yourself to fully embody these feelings let them wash over you let them fill you up and as you do this you're literally changing your brain chemistry you're creating new neural Pathways that support your new reality but here's the can't just
do this once and expect miracles to happen this needs to become a daily practice every day take time to relax to trust to expect great things make it as much a part of your routine as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast and as you do this pay attention to the signs around you the universe is always communicating with us always guiding us towards our highest good but so often we're too busy too stressed too caught up in our own thoughts to notice when you relax and trust you become more attuned to these signs you start
to notice synchronicities those little coincidences that seem too perfect to be random maybe you think of someone and they call you moments later or you keep seeing the same number everywhere you look or you overhear a conversation that gives you exactly the information you need these are all signs that you're on the right track they're confirmations from the universe that it's heard your desires and is working to bring them to you but you have to be open to receiving them you have to trust that they're there brings us to another important Point gratitude when you're
grateful for what you already have you open yourself up to receiving more it's like telling the universe hey I really appreciate everything you've given me I'm ready for more so make gratitude a part of your daily practice every morning when you wake up before you even get out of bed think of three things you're grateful for feel the Gratitude in your body let it fill you up and then carry that feeling with you throughout your day now I know what some of you might be thinking but Joe what about action don't we need to do
something to make our dreams come true and you're absolutely right action is important but it's not about forcing things to happen or struggling against the current when you're relaxed when you're trusting When You're Expecting great things to happen the right actions will become clear to you you'll feel inspired to take certain steps you'll be in the right place at the right time to meet the right people opportunities will present themselves to you this is what I call inspired action it's not about pushing and striving it's about flowing with the natural current of life it's about
following your intuition trusting your gut and taking steps that feel right to you and you're taking inspired action it doesn't feel like work it feels like play it feels like you're doing exactly what you're meant to be doing and that's when Miracles start to happen now let's talk about expectation this is where so many people trip up they say they want something but deep down they don't really believe it's possible for them they have doubts fears limiting beliefs that hold them back but when you truly expect something to happen when you know it in your
bones that's when the universe moves mountains to make it happen and the key to expectation is to detach from the outcome what do I mean by that well when we're attached to a specific outcome we're often coming from a place of lack we're saying I need this to happen or else I won't be happy and that energy of need of desperation actually pushes our desires away from us but when we can detach from the outcome when we can say I'd love for this to happen but I know that whatever happens is for my highest good
that's when we open ourselves up to receive even more than we could would have imagined so expect great things to happen but hold that expectation lightly trust that the Universe has a plan for you that's even better than what you can conceive with your limited human mind and remember expectation isn't about waiting for something to happen in the future it's about living as if it's already happened it's about bringing the future into the present moment so often we put our happiness on hold we say I'll be happy when I get that job or I'll feel
successful when make a certain certain amount of money or I'll feel loved when I find the right partner but the truth is you can feel all of those things right now you can feel successful before you make your first million you can feel love before you meet your soulmate you can feel healthy before the physical symptoms disappear and when you can create those feelings within yourself that's when you become a magnet for the experiences that match those feelings this is what it means to live in the end result it's about embodying the version of yourself
that already has everything you desire how would that version of you think how would they feel how would they carry themselves how would they speak start living as that version of yourself today don't wait for external circumstances to change be the change you want to see in your life now I know this might sound challenging I know it might feel like a big leap from where you are now to where you want to be but remember you don't have to make this leap all at once you can start small start with just 5 minutes a
day sit quiet close your eyes and imagine yourself living your ideal life feel the feelings associated with that life let them fill your body and then when you open your eyes carry those feelings with you into your day as you do this consistently you'll start to notice changes maybe at first it's just small things you feel a little more peaceful you handle stress a little better you notice more moments of joy throughout your day but as you continue this practice as you make it a regular part of your life you'll start to see bigger changes
opportunities will start to present themselves people will be drawn to your energy things that used to bother you won't affect you as much and before you know it you'll look around and realize that your life has transformed not because you struggled and pushed and forced things to happen but because you relaxed trusted and expected great things to come to you now I want to address something that often comes up when we talk about manifesting our desires some people worry that it's selfish to focus on what we want they think that wanting more for ourselves somehow
takes away from others but here's the truth when you raise your vibration when you create a better life for yourself you raise the vibration of everyone around you your joy your success your abundance doesn't take away from anyone else in fact it inspires others to reach for more in their own lives think about it when you're around someone who's happy confident and successful how does it make you feel doesn't it make you believe that more is possible for you too that's the ripple effect of raising your own vibration so don't hold back don't dim your
light the world needs you to be your best most abundant most joyful self because when you're living at your Highest Potential you inspire others to do the same now let's talk about something that often gets in the way of us relaxing trusting and expecting great things fear of failure fear of success fear of the unknown these fears can keep us stuck can keep us playing small it's just a thought it's not real it's a projection of the Mind based on past experiences or imagine future scenarios and just as you can choose to think thoughts of
lack or abundance you can choose whether or not to believe your fears when fear comes up and it will don't try to fight it or push it away instead acknowledge it thank it for trying to protect you and then choose to focus on trust instead choose to believe it no matter what happens you have the strength and resilience to handle it remember every time you choose trust over fear you're rewiring your brain you're creating new neural Pathways that support your new empowered reality and speaking of the brain let's talk about neuroplasticity for a moment this
is the brain's ability to reorganize Itself by forming new neural connections throughout life what this means is that your brain is constantly changing based on your thoughts experiences and behaviors when you consistently practice relaxation trust and positive of expectation you're literally changing the structure of your brain you're creating new neural Pathways that support these states of being and the more you practice the stronger these Pathways become this is why consistency is so important it's not about having one great meditation session or one day where you feel really positive it's about making these practices a regular
part of your life it's about choosing again and again to focus on what you want rather than what you don't want now I want to address something that often comes up when people start this work they'll say but Joe I've tried to think positively before and nothing changed and I hear you I really do but here's what I want you to understand this work isn't just about thinking positive thoughts it's about aligning your thoughts your feelings and your actions you see your thoughts create your feelings your feelings drive your actions and your actions create your
results so if you're thinking positive thoughts but still feeling fearful or doubtful your actions will reflect that fear and doubt and your results will match that's why it's so important to not just think about what you want but to feel it to embody it to live as if it's already your reality because when your thoughts feelings and actions are all aligned that's when you become Unstoppable this work isn't about forcing yourself to feel happy all the time it's not about denying your negative emotions or pretending everything is perfect when it's not it's about ackn in
where you are accepting it and then consciously choosing where you want to go from there if you're feeling sad or angry or frustrated allow yourself to feel those emotions don't try to push them away but also don't get stuck in them feel them acknowledge them and ask yourself what would I rather feel instead and how can I move towards that feeling this is where the Power of Choice comes in in every moment you have the power to choose your thoughts your feelings and your actions you have the power to choose what you focus on and
what you focus on expand so focus on what you want not on what you don't want focus on where you're going not on where you've been focus on what's possible not on what's limiting you and remember this isn't about ignoring reality or living in denial it's about understanding that your perception creates your reality two people can look at the exact same situation and see completely different things based on their mindset and beliefs so choose to see the good choose to see the opportunities choose to see the lessons in every experience because when you do that
you open yourself up to a whole new world of possibilities now let's talk about energy for a moment everything in the universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies and like attracts like this means that the energy you put out into the world is what you'll attract back to you if you're vibrating at a frequency of stress worry and lack you'll attract more EXP experiences that match that frequency but if you're vibrating at a frequency of Peace joy and abundance you'll attract experiences that match that instead so how do you raise your vibration it starts with
your thoughts and feelings as we've discussed but it also involves taking care of your physical body eating nourishing foods getting enough sleep exercising regularly all of these things affect your energy and your ability to maintain a high vibration meditation is another powerful tool for raising your vibration when you meditate you quiet the chatter of your mind and tap into a field of pure potential you align yourself with the energy of the universe and in doing so you raise your own vibration when you raise your vibration you don't just affect yourself you affect everyone and everything
around you you become like a lighthouse radiating positive energy and inspiring others to raise their vibration too now I want to talk about something that often trips people up on this journey the need for certain we humans love certainty we want to know exactly how things are going to turn out we want guarantees but here's the truth life is inherently uncertain and that uncertainty but here's the truth life is inherently uncertain and that uncertainty is actually a gift it's what makes life exciting full of possibilities when you can Embrace uncertainty when you can see it
as an adventure rather than a threat that's when you open yourself up to True miracles think about it if you knew exactly how everything was going to turn out where would be the excitement where would be the growth where would be the opportunity for the universe to surprise you with something even better than what you could have imagined so instead of seeking certainty seek trust trust in yourself trust in the universe trust that everything is always working out for your highest good even if you can't see how in the moment the concept of surrender now
surrender doesn't mean giving up or being passive it means means letting go of the need to control everything it means trusting in a higher power whether you call that God the universe Source energy or something else when you surrender you release the tension of trying to make things happen you allow yourself to be guided you open yourself up to receive and often what comes to you when you surrender is far greater than what you could have achieved through force or control now I know some of you might be thinking but Joe I have goals I
have things I want achieve how can I Surrender and still work towards my goals and that's a great question the key is to set your intentions to be clear about what you want and then to release attachment to how it comes about do your part take inspired action but then let go and trust that the universe will take care of the rest it's like planting seed you prepare the soil you plant the seed you water it you make sure it gets sunlight but you don't dig up the seed every day to see if it's growing
you trust in the natural process you know that in time if you've done your part the plant will grow your dreams and goals are like that seed plant them with clear intention nourish them with your thoughts and actions but then trust in the process trust that they're growing even if you can't see the results yet and this brings us to another crucial aspect of manifesting your Desir patience in our fast-paced world we often want everything to happen instantly we set an intention and then we want to see results right right but remember just because you
can't see something happening doesn't mean nothing is happening often the biggest changes are happening beneath the surface like that sea germinating underground before it breaks through the soil so be patient with yourself and with the process trust that everything is unfolding in perfect timing and in the meantime enjoy the journey find joy in the present moment rather than always looking to the Future for your happiness now let's talk about something that can really accelerate your manifestations gratitude gratitude is like a magnet for miracles when you're grateful for what you have you open yourself up to
receive even more start and end each day with gratitude before you get out of bed in the morning think of three things you're grateful for as you're falling asleep at night review your day and find things to appreciate and throughout your day look for things to be grateful for at first you might have to really search for things to appreciate espe especially if you're going through a challenging time but the more you practice gratitude the more automatic it becomes you'll start to notice Beauty and blessings everywhere you look that's thing true start being grateful for
things before they happen be grateful for the job you want as if you already have it be grateful for the perfect health you desire as if it's already your reality be grateful for the loving relationship you're calling in as if your partner is already by your side this is what it means to live in the end result it's about feeling the feelings of having what you want before it manifests in your physical reality and when you can do this you become an Unstoppable force of creation Now I want to address something that often comes up
when people start seeing results with this work they'll manifest something they've been wanting and then they'll start to doubt they'll think was that just a coincidence did I really create that there are no coincidences everything that happens in your life is a result of your thoughts feelings and beliefs everything is a reflection of your inner world so when you start to see positive changes in your life celebrate them acknowledge your role in creating them because when you do this you reinforce your belief in your own power you strengthen your faith in the process and you
open yourself up to create even more amazing things remember what you appreciate appreciates so the more you acknowledge and appreciate the good things in your life the more good things you'll attract now let's talk about something that can really supercharge your manifestations the power of your words the words you speak are like spells that you cast on your life they have the power to create or destroy to heal or harm pay attention to the words you use both when you're talking to others and when you're talking to yourself are you constantly complaining are you speaking
about lack and limitation or are you using words of abundance possibility and gratitude make a conscious effort to speak in a way that aligns with what you want to create instead of saying I can't afford that try that's not a priority for me right now instead of I'm so stressed try I'm learning to handle challenges with Grace and most importantly be mindful of how you talk to yourself your selft talk shapes your reality more than anything else speak to yourself with kindness encouragement and love be your own biggest cheerleader now I want to address something
that often comes up when people start this work they'll say but Joe what about my past I've made mistakes I've had setbacks how can I move past that and here's what I want you to understand your past does not define your future your past experiences have shaped who you are yes but they don't determine who you can become every moment is a new beginning every breath is an opportunity to start fresh you are not your past mistakes or failures you are not your limiting beliefs or old patterns you are a powerful Creator capable of Reinventing
yourself at any moment so instead of dwelling on the past use it as a springboard for growth what lessons have you learned how have your challenges made you stronger how can you use your experiences to fuel your growth and help others when you can reframe your past in this way it no longer holds you back instead it becomes a powerful tool for transformation now let's talk about something that's crucial for maintaining this practice over the long term self-care taking care of yourself is isn't selfish it's necessary you can't pour from an empty cup you can't
radiate positive energy if you're depleted so make self-care a priority this means different things for different people it might mean taking time for meditation or exercise it might mean saying no to commitments that drain you it might mean spending time in nature or pursuing a hobby you love whatever self-care looks like for you make it non-negotiable schedule it into your day just like you would any other important appointment because when you take care of yourself you have so much more to give to others into your dreams and remember self-care isn't just about your physical health
it's about your mental and emotional health too pay attention to the thoughts you're feeding your mind are you constantly consuming negative news or engaging in Gossip or are you feeding your mind with inspiring books uplifting conversations and positive affirmations your mind is like a garden what you plant and nourish is what will grow so be intentional about what you're planting in your mental garden now as we start to wrap up I want to remind you of something important this work is a journey not a destination there will be ups and downs there will be days
when you feel on top of the world and days when you struggle to stay positive and that's okay that's part of The Human Experience the key is not to judge yourself for having these fluctuations but to observe them with compassion and Curiosity on the days when you're feeling great really lean into that feeling amplify it let it fill every cell of your body and on the days when you're struggling be gentle with yourself remember that this too shall pass and use the tools we've discussed meditation gratitude positive selft talk to help shift your energy remember
you're not trying to be perfect you're not trying to feel amazing 100 time you're simply committing to a practice of Conscious Creation you're choosing again and again to focus on what you want rather than what you don't want and as you do this consistently you'll start to notice changes maybe at first it's just small things you feel a little more peaceful you handle stress a little better you notice more moments of joy throughout your day but as you continue this practice as you make it a regular part of your life you'll start to see bigger
changes opportunities will start to present themselves people will be drawn to your your energy things that used to bother you won't affect you as much and before you know it you'll look around and realize that your life has transformed not because you struggled and pushed and forced things to happen but because you relaxed trusted and expected great things to come to you so I invite you starting today to make this your practice relax into the flow of Life trust that everything is always working out for your highest good and expect miracles to happen not someday
in the future but right here right now remember you are the creator of your reality you have the power to shape your life in any way you choose so Choose Wisely choose thoughts that Empower you choose feelings that uplift you choose actions that align with your highest vision for yourself most importantly choose to believe in yourself because when you believe in yourself when you truly know your own power there's nothing you can't achieve so go forth and create relax and Trust Expect Miracles and watch as your life transforms in ways you never thought possible the
universe is waiting to support you all you have to do is open yourself up to receive thank you for being here today thank you for committing to this journey of transformation and remember every moment is a new opportunity to choose again to align with your highest self and to create the life of your dreams you've got this now go out there and Shine Your Light the world is waiting for your unique gifts embrace your power and let the magic unfold
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