Genius Doctor Reborn As Fragile And Sickly Prince And Started To Increase His Vitality! Manhwa Recap

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AniRay Manhwa Recap
💎Manhwa name - The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine 💎Chapters - 58 💎Watch my longer videos at th...
Video Transcript:
somewhere in the middle of the night city lehan was standing on a bridge and reading the comments one of the users wrote that he was afraid for his life after visiting a traditional Korean medicine clinic it seems that many infected people go there he thinks it is because of the current Corona virus situation the Comets sympathized with him and began to wonder why they did not resolve the Corona virus situation MC sighed heavily and his face darkened and he wondered is this why he became a traditional Korean medicine doctor he still can't get his head
around the fact that his business fell apart 3 years after opening why did the Corona virus start when he just opened the clinic and why do people continue to get infected with this disease after visiting this place why do they leave comments as if his Clinic is to blame for the disease he started screaming out of anger and began to Rush from side to side saying that he did not want this to happen but suddenly he took a step back and his feet touched the railing and then the whole world turned upside down he fell
head over heels from the bridge and looked down wondering if the sky was beneath his feet after that he felt cold the water covered him with his head and he stretching out his hand to the surface tried to float up but he couldn't this time he couldn't even imagine that after an ordinary doctor of traditional Korean medicine he would become a Divine doctor in the world of the novel a glowing screen appeared in front of his eyes which informed him that a health point system had been created he can receive Health points from his internal
organs through treatment by spending the received points he can un un lock various abilities or summon creatures at the moment he has zero Health points when he opened his eyes the only thought in his head was where he was and who this person was in front of him probably he pulled him out of the Han River after coming to his senses he stood up abruptly thinking that since he was still alive he could start all over again that living with Debs was better than death clutching the blanket in his hand he said that he would
be more careful next time and then he suddenly realized that he was not in a hospital looking around he noticed some strange furniture around him as if he had ended up on a medieval style film set his gaze darted to the chest of drawers on which there were golden things but he was suddenly interrupted from his thoughts by the excited voice of a man who called him his highness and cried out with tears in his eyes can he see him lehon was frightened by his unexpected cry and thought who is this eccentric Foreigner why is
he crying he awkwardly greeted him and asked who is he the man's sadness turned into shock he asked him just not to say that he did not recognize him after which he slapped his chest and confidently said that even so he would continue to serve him he was Harden his personal physician Garden Pio is the personal physician of the Crown Prince MC not understanding what he was talking about was completely confused and asked if he could get him some water garden immediately handed him a Beed goblet and he took it thinking that he was so
fast looking closely at it he wondered if these were real diamonds it didn't look like gold plating it smelled like 24 karat gold he took a sip of water and his gaze fell on the mirror that stood by the bed in the reflection he saw something he didn't expect at all a handsome young man was sitting in his place right now in surprise he splashed water from his mouth and his personal physician was scared while he was wiping his face with a handkerchief he thought what the hell is going on is this him but this
face is not his trying to comprehend everything he froze in place and suddenly remembered who this face belonged to it was raiko Audria Magano emperor of the Demonic sword he read this novel the day before he got drunk the character he sees is from there he looked at the doctor and called out to him and he asked what was wrong lehon asked him to hit him in the face causing him to be very surprised with a nervous smile lehan swung and said that he could handle it himself then hit himself in the cheek with all
his might a red mark was left on his face and the room fell silent as as soon as he felt the pain he grabbed his face and sighed deeply and garden asked if he was okay lehon did not answer and thought that this was definitely not a dream could he really be the Crown Prince named Rael from the novel this news made him very happy and he thought that it turned out that the mountain of debts and interests that had accumulated after the failure of his business was now a thing of the past realizing this
he closed his eyes and then spread his arms out to the sides and with a wide smile on his face he exclaimed in his mind that he was was finally living without the debts that were ruining him but it wasn't that simple due to the sudden activity his body couldn't cope and he staggered falling onto the bed the doctor called out to him worriedly and he asked what was wrong with him he looked down at his trembling hands and thought that his whole body felt weak it was basically much weaker than the body of a
40-year-old man he became worried and remembered the events from the novel in the first half of demon sword Emperor Crown Prince Rael a minor character appeared briefly he was bettered than since his Youth and died at the age of 22 he called out to garden and asked how old he was this year when the doctor replied that he was now 21 he was shocked after which he bit his lower lip and cursed in his mind he lowered his head and thought that he had one year left when did he take a wrong turn at what
point did he suddenly become a minor character in the novel he expected to finally forget about his debts and live a comfortable life enjoying every moment since he was lucky enough to become a prince but he only had a year left for everything the Crown Prince must be receiving the best medical treatment in this world since it didn't work he was blessed by the priest countless times and yet he died in the first half of the story unable to overcome the disease this means that there is only one way out for him he looked in
the mirror imagining himself at 40 and turned to Garden saying that he had something to do so let him bring him some needles the size didn't matter as long as there were as many as possible BAS based on his experience lehan who is now Rael decided to protect his body from the new life evening came he also continued to sit in the room yawning widely and taking his pulse he wondered what is the problem with this body arhythmia extcy the pulse of the meeting of fish the pulse of a seething cauldron the pulse of a
snapping Stone the unraveling of a rope a leaking roof a floating shrimp a pecking Sparrow all of these are known as the nine strange pulses if the symptoms of one of them had man man ested themselves he would already be full of internal injuries what a complicated life he has at that moment Garden out of breath from running entered the room and showing him the bag said that as he had asked he had brought all the needles he could find Rael smiling asked him to put it on the bed after which he examined the set
he thought about it and taking one of the needles thought that they were rather thick he went to the chest of drawers and brought the tip of the needle to the candle flame and garden called out to him and decided to ask what he intended to do with it he answered with a smile that he would pierce his body little by little with the needles upon hearing this his personal physician almost went crazy with worry and immediately fell to his knees before him he hugged his leg and with tears in his eyes asked him to
calm down and not to harm himself after all he was the one who would inherit the Imperial Throne he understood that he had to cope with great pain but he did not need to mutilate himself Rael sternly told him to stop this was not what he thought he was doing this with the best of intentions he returned to his work and said that if nothing happened to his body after the first time then he wanted him to trust him in the future Garden looked at him in Surprise and not daring to contradict nodded his head
to the side after which he bowed slightly to him and said that since he insisted he would believe him after this His Highness took off his shirt and with a smile told him not to worry too much he would not regret it he laid down on the bed and thought that this first needle would be on the most important restur respiratory organ before moving on it was important to normalize his breathing to do this he would start with the first point of the 12 meridians which was connected to the lungs through the tyin arm lung
Meridian after sticking the needle into his body he let out a small Cry of pain and wondered if it was hurting because he was fat the first acupuncture point of the lungs the cloud gate was located on the lateral branch of the brachel plexus he felt that he had positioned the needle correctly and slightly wrinkled his face in discomfort after which the notification sound suddenly appeared he opened his eyes and saw that the system window was reporting that his body had responded positively to his existing acupuncture healing abilities his internal organs were functioning a little
better his body was illuminated from the inside with a glow and the system was reporting that his lungs had started functioning again after hearing this news his lungs began to dance inside with joy supporting his treatment methods the system reported that his lungs were giving a thumbs up and approval now his lungs have 100 Health points seeing such an unusual picture in front of his eyes he was confused and thought were they mascots he waved his hand to the left removing the system window and garden nervously called out to him His Highness continued to wave
his hand and ask with a smile what is this some kind of status window hearing such strange words from his mouth he burst into tears again and covered his mouth holding back sobs and said that their crazy Crown Prince is very pathetic how can he help him MC took the second needle and smiled and told his servant not to exaggerate he is not crazy seeing what he took his doctor exclaimed in Surprise is he going to stick more needles into himself he replied that it was nothing to worry about then he stuck the second needle
next to the first one and the system reported that he had hit the cloud gate Point without a hitch the squeezing feeling in his chest eased a little after that he moved to his hands and stuck three needles at once feeling the pain he slightly wrinkled his face and said said that it was more painful than he expected his servant meanwhile began to pray he knelt down and turned to God asking him to look after the Crown Prince of the Imperial family of Magento and cure his Madness as soon as possible their Crown Prince cannot
remain sick any longer because of this his mental state suffers he is harming himself his per nerves are about to give out raiko looked at him with a strange expression on his face then with a slight smile he turned away from him and thought that he should finish what he started the first point is the white ostrich then the Heavenly storage after the smallest hole in the meeting of the fish as soon as he stuck the needles into the right points the system reported that due to his skillful acupuncture treatment the various points involved in
the massage were stimulated his lungs felt as if they were being massaged in a massage chair this message angered him and he thought what massage chair why didn't he get health points deciding not to dwell on it he continued and finally moved on to the nail bed quag point he stuffed the needle into the base of the nail after which the acupuncture treatment of the left lung Meridian was successfully completed as a sign of victory over the disease his lungs decided to please him with their dance the twins made a few movements on the stage
and smiled happily and the system reported that his lungs were tapped dancing seeing the message he was a little confused and the twins continued to dance rhythmically tapping their feet on the floor meanwhile their neighbor woke up from his sleep due to loud noises and said irit that they were having so much fun the system reported that the organ responsible for emptying the intestine synchronized with the tap dancing lungs and woke up after that he went up to his neighbors causing them to be surprised because he was in a Shaman's robe having hit the drum
he sighed heavily and exclaimed what are they doing here why did they start without him after that he joined in the fun and they all started beating the Rhythm on the drums the system reported that his large intestine got into the Rhythm and demonstrated an impressive wave of movements Rael did not understand what was happening at all and the system reported that the large intestine gave him 100 Health points and the lungs 200 at the moment he has 600 Health points he thought that now even the large intestine works as it should and also his
health points have reached the level at which abilities are unlocked the abilities available for unlocking depend on his current Knowledge and Skills he can look at the list after reading this system message he thought are these abilities like in games where swinging a sword releases his aura or a staff shoots fire after casting a spell in the fantasy genre there are classic abilities of course he agreed to look at the list and the system window in front of him updated showing the abilities available for unlocking measuring pulse acupuncture blood letting cauterization preparing herbal tinctures recognizing
herbs finding herbs Brewing medicinal tinctures requesting payment for medical treatment the basic technique of Azran he laughed nervously and said that these are all the techniques that he used in his work any treatment begins with a diagnosis a clear diagnosis will allow him to prescribe the correct treatment and medication his first ability was to measure the first level pulse which cost 500 health points now his knowledge and experience have unlocked the ability the system showed a description of this ability by learning to sense the targets pulse he can roughly estimate their health condition and get
the results by reviewing the full medical examination report he became interested in this and decided to test this ability on himself after which the system reported that it was starting to measure the pulse when the scanning was complete he was provided with a full medical examination report he is 21 years old 176 cm tall 53 kg in weight and has an O positive blood type the overall assessment of his five storage organs and six chamber organs is f overall conclusion he is an SS Rank scum his life expectancy is 91 days when he saw this
he became very indignant after which he tiredly covered his face with his hand and thought that he had assumed something like this but not for 3 months even a mobile contract lasts longer could he really die that easily he decided to try inserting the needles clockwise rotating them using the increase decrease method and removing them at the exit using the breathing addition and desiccation method he again stuck the needle into his body with the thought that this was the last thing he needed to do after which he heard the sound of notifications and a glow
appeared in front of him the system reported that his life expectancy had been increased by one day he sat up in Surprise on the bed from this news and happily thought that it had worked he would try to repeat the same thing but from the other side when he had pierced his entire body with needles he joyfully exclaimed with blood at his mouth that he had succeeded suddenly the system warned that his body was under stress due to frequent acupuncture based on his current condition the system recommended acupuncture once every 3 days he agreed with
the system that acupuncture alone would not cure everything and his doctor meanwhile almost gave up the ghost when he saw the blood coming from his mouth his highness's internal organs were in serious condition at the time the patient must be strong enough to withstand the stimulation of the nerves and meridians during acupuncture his body currently has very low Health points the message he saw confirmed that acupuncture was effective but a weak body was a problem it would take 3 Days To recover from one acupun puncture session if he were to have sessions regularly then given
his life expectancy he would be able to extend his a lotted Time by a month however this was not so good since death would still come early he needed a more effective method and in order for this method to work faster and more reliably he would need consumables more specifically tonics Garden had no idea what he was talking about and asked if he was sure he was okay MC looked at him and waved his hand saying that he had a favor to ask his doctor became nervous and said that he was at his service and
he asked with a smile if they had any potent ingredients in their Storage Garden asked what he meant and he explained that he meant poisonous ingredients he hesitantly confirmed his words and he happily approached him asked if there was aconite root there he confirmed his words and said that even though this was not the main Palace they still brought it here since this was his residence His Highness clapped his hands happily and asked him to bring it here and he asked why he needed did it Rael who seemed to have been waiting for this question
licked his lips with a wide smile on his face and said that he would eat it these words plunged his personal physician into great shock and he grabbed his head and His Highness as if trying to finish him off opened his mouth wide and pointed his finger there after that a loud scream was heard in the palace Garden Fell to his knees in front of him and with tears in his eyes began to beg him not to do this how could he ask him to help him poison himself he replied that he had no such
goal it was part of the treatment Garden wanted to object but the prince did not let him finish and asked him to stop wailing let him bring it to him in 5 minutes but Garden was not going to move from the spot and then Rael said that if he was late he would definitely kill himself the Man's eyes sparkled with tears and he objected to him and MC sighed heavily with the thought that it looked like he would not achieve anything this way he asked he knows that the root of aconite is very toxic right
he confirmed his words and said that it is used in poisons the Crown Prince decided to explain that there are two types of aconite root the one he wants to eat is the smaller root known as the daughter Root Garden continued for him saying that the aconitine in aconite can stop the heart Rael confirmed his words and said that he however knows how to neutralize and control the poison in other words he can turn a poisonous plant into a medicinal herb garden did not understand how this was possible and he explained that in another country
this process is called detoxification after it is carried out the toxic properties of the daughter root will become medicinal had he convinced him Garden honestly answered that he was not and the prince was slightly surprised and he said that he had never heard of such a thing before he did not know who told him this and whether he could be trusted however if the named remedy helps him improve his health He will carry out the order and bring the aconite putting his hand on his heart he went to carry out the order and raiko remained
silent in Surprise walking through the dark corridors Garden thought that his highness's body was getting weaker every day they were desperate since no medicine helped he thinks they can try this detoxification entering the storage room he began to rummage through the shelves and when he found the right ingredient he thought that in return When the preparation was finished he would be the first to try the result to make sure it was safe when he brought the root to the prince he began to cook it with a joyful expression on his face while the water in
the pan was boiling Garden felt a strange smell and reported it to the prince and he looking into the pan and covering it with a cloth thoughtfully asked does he still not believe that it is safe he replied that he prepared it from poisonous ingredients at the thought of drinking poison his face darkened and he folded his hands in prayer asking him to think it over again the prince was frightened by his sudden plea and decided to scare him in Revenge smilingly telling him that if he doubted he could try first but contrary to his
expectations Harden only rejoiced in replied that he would do so with great pleasure hearing these words Rael was very surprised and then suddenly remembered his actions in the novel in the novel Harden was loyal and devoted at first he was not appointed as the family doctor Frankly Speaking he started out as an assistant to the family doctor but the doctor who was initially full of confidence eventually left in the end only Harden remained with Rael that's how loyal a person he is in the end he was convicted of of the death of the Crown Prince
and hanged looking at his back he thought that he was a sincere person and deserved a good life for his loyalty he looked at the pot and licked his lips thinking that he couldn't even share such a valuable thing with him soon the cooking process was finished and he squeezed the sediment from the cloth into another container finally the decoction of edra aconite and hoofed grass was ready he looked at the bowl in his hands with a wide smile on his face and garden asked is this ready to drink MC waved his index's finger and
replied that he understood his haste but he needed to wait this medicine should cool down before using Garden wondered how he even found out about this recipe and he smiled nervously thinking that he was loyal to Rael there would be problems if he realized that he was a different person in that case he decided to spin him some nonsense about a magician coming to him in a dream and telling him one of his strictest Secrets after listening to him Garden suspiciously said that he believed him and he thought that it didn't look like like it
the man covered his face with his hand and shared his thoughts that the medicine was quite suspicious and Rael quickly turned around and thought that this was his chance he reached for the bowl of the decoction and then drank it all in one go when the last drop fell into his mouth Garden was horrified and then the prince wiped his mouth with a smile and turned to him saying that he drank it all a system window appeared in front of him accompanied by a sound notification he felt a change in his heart and thought that
something was coming coming the system reported that he consumed a perfectly prepared decoction of ephedra aconite and hoof the daughter root removed the cold and ulcers from him improved metabolism the main energy of Azran awakened he was slightly surprised by the message and thought that this was a technique created by the legendary Grandmaster Knight known as Javier Azran and the noble he served under Lloyd frer this technique is only passed down to the direct descendants of the Magano Imperial family and is its symbol since the owner of the body is the Crown Prince he must
have learned this technique when he was young the system reported that the core energy of the first Circle azaran has been unlocked it processes and increases the absorbed Mana circulating it around the heart Mana has been increased by 120% the required HP to level up is 1,000 and he currently has 100 points streams of Mana began to fly around his heart and he felt like his heart was surrounded by a slippery donut he felt like his body was overflowing with Life Energy with with every breath he spread his arms to the sides to feel the
Mana better and smiled and clenched one of them into a fist thinking that he felt terribly good suddenly his heart skipped a beat he dropped the bowl from his hands and grabbed his chest feeling a sharp pain the circle squeezed his heart and he began to breathe heavily feeling like it was about to burst from the pain he fell to his knees and bent in half and his servant called out to him in alarm after which he began to say something but the prince no longer heard him his face was in cold sweat and a
system warning appeared before his eyes that the Mana Circle was putting too much pressure on his heart he was in danger the balance of the development of the circle and his heart was broken his heart could stop he sighed heavily and thought does this mean that the size of the heart does not fit the size of the circle Rael had been sick since childhood and had never trained the Mana Circle it was like a two small ring squeezing his heart if so then there was only one way out after overcoming the pain he stood up
and took a deep breath concentrating he closed his eyes and thought that since the heart could not be reduced he would increase the circle itself he looked into the depths of his body and saw that ill- fated Circle that had caused him pain he jumped up and grabbed the circle thinking that he needed to speed up its rotation so that it would run wild to its fullest after that he pulled the flow of Mana towards himself but it did not give in and he cursed in his mind he really felt like he could die but
this pain was comparable to his fail failures in Korea because of the rumor that his Clinic was teeming with coronavirus patients he lost all his patience and even began to go bald in addition rent debts and interests continued to accumulate he worsened his living conditions to try to pay it all off he became furious at the thought of losing his beautiful home and turned around walking away from the heart and pulling the Mana circle behind him telling them not to underestimate him he squeezed the Mana flow even tighter then took another step and using all
his strength spun it releasing the heart and shouted that you can't underestimate a self-employed business owner in Korea the Mana Circle returned to normal and continued to spin around the heart without squeezing it the prince meanwhile came back to reality he staggered and fell to the floor and garden not knowing what to do circled around him excitedly having calmed down a little raiko caught his breath and the system reported that due to the successful stimulation the king of the internal organs the heart was fully awakened meanwhile inside his body the arrival of the King was
announced the servants brought the palen to the stage barely holding it and then the doors opened and the king of all organs came out the emaciated heart was instantly transformed under the spotlight it became thicker more muscular and even more beautiful the large intestine exclaimed that he was glad that he was healthy and the lungs mockingly laughed at him and said that a wretched creature had come to a wretched place the heart called them shabby children and greeted them Rael meanwhile clenched his hand into a fist and apologized to his organs for having such a
weak body the system window updated and he looked up at it it reported that the growth balance between the Mana Circle and his heart was equalized for the first time in his life he gained a Mana Circle slot at the moment his first slot had zero out of 10 lers he thought is this a slot like in the game for items Garden's call distracted him from his thoughts and he abruptly Rose to his feet smiling and asking is something wrong his servant got nervous and thought that he suddenly looked like he was losing his life
energy he said that he was in a lot of pain was that a side effect of that potion he scratched his head with an unperturbed smile and replied that he had simply choked on Flem and then grabbed his throat and added that it had blocked his breathing Garden was very scared for him and asked him not to do it again he had suffered enough he should have drunk at first the prince asked if he wanted to try the poison next time he would give him that chance he exclaimed in response that he was not talking
about that after that Rael decided to go back to his room and waved his hand telling him to clean up here and he needed to rest then suddenly remembered something and turned around thanking him with a smile hearing this the man was very surprised and exclaimed the poison had entered him now he was even more seriously ill MC smiled Riley not wanting to repeat those words again and then headed to his Chambers and clutched his chest saying that if he understood correctly then he got something incredible Mana slot plac that collects ingredients mixed with Mana
each slot holds 10 L he can collect what he consumes during meals he got out of bed in search of something edible and noticing a caraffe of water on the nightstand thoughtfully said that it would be perfect for such an experiment there should be about 2 lit here he examined it carefully and thought that the average lethal dose is an indicator of the toxicity of a substance and its dose that causes the death of half of the members of the test group to put it simply the chance of dying from it is 50% otherwise a
person will either suffer from pain or become a vegetable with an average weight of 60 kg the average lethal dose of water is 5.4 L for his weight this value is 3.9 L he picked up the caraffe of water and feeling the heaviness in his hands began to curse his body and then began to drink the water the Mana circle inside him activated and he thought that he wanted to save the water he was drinking now suddenly he noticed some changes and the system reported that there was now one leader in his slot he was
glad that it worked and then he looked at the drain decanter and said that he didn't feel like he was drunk at all he needed to try again soon for more empty decanters appeared on the floor next to the nightstand and he thought that he had drunk 10 liters but he didn't feel anything he decided to allocate 100 ml from the filled slot and immediately felt his body being filled with liquid he thought that he was like a human version of a camel he could allocate as much water as he wanted he figured out how
to use it now he wanted to try the tonic soup but where would he put the water then he would die instantly if he drank the remaining 9.9 L of water he leaned over to the decanters and thought is there no way out an idea suddenly came to his mind and he looked up then he reached out to the decanter and thought that azan's core energy technique specializes in absorbing amplifying and removing Mana he will use absorption and excretion and in this way get rid of the water in the body first he absorbed the Mana
then he quickly excreted it and a ball of water formed in front of his hand he was glad that it worked and decided to slowly Place everything in the decanter but slowly did not work a stream of water flew at great speed into the decanter and broke it into pieces and then swirled the fragments in a Whirlpool raising a wind in the room as soon as everything calmed down raiko laughed nervously and looking at the puddle asked what happened it should not have been like this he thought the water would flow like from a tap
but in fact it turned out to be a water cannon suddenly footsteps were heard in the corridor one of the guards exclaimed that a loud noise came from the crown Prince's Chambers they burst into his room and garden squeezing through them called out to His Highness and asked is he okay the guard asked who attacked him who dared to do this he replied that nothing of the sort happened then smiled nervously and wondered what story he should tell them he scratched the back of his head awkwardly and showing how it all happened said that he
got a a little angry and smashed the decanter on the table that was the noise they heard the guard and the doctor exchanged glances and the prince noticing this thought it didn't work it really sounded stupid but the guards didn't have any questions and the man bowed to him saying that everything was fine was he not hurt I'm surprised that he believed it he replied that he only slightly scratched his leg while the other guards were cleaning the room the man turned to garden and asked him to escort His Highness to the second Chambers here
agreed and said that he would first treat the wound and Rael thought that they fell for his suspicious excuse because he was the Crown Prince once the wounds were treated Garden carried him on his back to the second chamber and laid him on the bed then wished him a pleasant rest MC nervously told him to rest to and thought is this one of the advantages of being a member of the Imperial family as soon as he was alone he remembered what had just happened from the circle along the Meridian from his heart a flow of
Mana went through his shoulder and arm bringing out what had been absorbed the result was a surge full of energy thinking about this he threw his hands behind his head and decided that he needed to sleep before he did something wrong again he should be more careful with such experiments no one can even imagine what he is planning meanwhile in the main Palace they learned of his deeds Emperor aelion Testo's Magento received news that his son was acting strangely and his servant added that he was pricking himself with needles and drinking poison aelion gritted his
teeth and anger at this news and wondered what Rael was doing a new day had come Rael was in charge of the kitchen again and was brewing the decoction again he looked at the hot liquid with a smile and said that it was excellent he had prepared 10 lers of the decoction from aedra aconite and hoof he turned to garden and asked him to step outside for a minute and he asked why the prince answered in his mind that he would pass out if he saw him drink it all in one gulp he said that
he had to step outside for just a moment he needed to do something alone the doctor narrowed his eyes and asked suspiciously was he going to drink it again didn't it hurt after the last time he replied that he had said then that he had simply choked Garden said that he was uneasy because he had made a lot of the decoction he replied that it was necessary for an experiment he would drink a little he doesn't want to refuse since he tried so hard to find the ingredients the man scratched his head with a smile
and asked is it true he confirmed his words and said that he won't be able to drink at all Garden agreed and twirled his index finger at his Temple saying that only a psycho would dare to do such a thing they both laughed loudly but suddenly Rael went quiet and looked at him with displeasure after which he kicked him out of the kitchen the man turned around and looked at the closed door in bewilderment and the prince puffing with anger headed for the broth he took a heavy sauce pan and began to drink straight from
there gradually filling the slot when he drank all 10 liters he put the empty saucepan on the table and sighed loudly thinking that it was excellent Now All That Remains is for him to gradually remove it into his body while he was walking down the hallway he excreted 100 mlit even when he was sitting on the toilet he combined the excretion of the decoction with another task upon Awakening he also excreted the decoction into the body and soon the system reported that his heart liked it he received 100 Health points his lungs were dancing he
received 200 Health points his large intestine was jumping with the sphincter for which he was was given 100 Health points as a result he had 500 health points on his account but this was still not enough he needed to increase his life expectancy so he continued to excrete the decoction into the body the heart which was lying on the bed in the dorm and watching TV asked the large intestine what was on the menu today he answered with a smile that a decoction of edra aconite and Asam he asked and tomorrow morning he answered him
the same thing which made the orgon king's face dark and His companion added that it seemed that the same decoction would be for dinner tomorrow his heart ordered him to lie down on the ground immediately and when Rael woke up the system informed him that his internal organs were hurting from the decoction he frowned and in his thoughts discontentedly told them to just drink what they were given after which he again brought the decoction into the body soon it was time for a meal while he was eating soup the maid was pouring tea and at
that moment he received a notification that his life expectancy had been increased by by 50 days his life expectancy was 133 days he jumped up from his chair in joy and exclaimed loudly that it worked and the maid shuddered in Surprise and the cup fell out of her hands and broke the prince apologized to her for scaring her but she immediately bowed to him and in horror asked for his forgiveness she trembled with fear and started crying and he thought why is she apologizing for the broken cup he waved his hand and replied that everything
is fine she is not hurt from his movement she shuttered again and said that she is sorry she will not do it again just let him not hit her like last time he was surprised and asked has he hit her before he mentally asked her to say that it is not so and she did exactly that he sighed in relief and then she said that he personally did not do it this news made him nervous and asked worriedly did he order someone else to do this but for what she answered that drops of water got
on his sleeve when she poured it hearing such a trivial reason for punishment he wondered was the Crown Prince a monster he sat on the bed with an empty feeling and told her to just clean up here and leave which made her Beam with joy and thank him then ran out of the room he looked after her and thought that she looked like she managed to escape from prison he called guarden and she immediately appeared in front of him out of nowhere and asked what was wrong he said that lately his memories were like in
a fog will he tell me how he used to treat him and the other servants Garden smiled and was about to tell him how kind he was but the prince did not let him finish and sternly said that if he flattered he would drink all the poison that was in front of him the doctor became very worried and said that then there was no choice and told him everything he had done he beat the servants with a whip sometimes he himself slapped them and made them kneel when he heard about this he began to tear
his hair out and mentally exclaimed what the hell was he doing now it was clear why they believed his stupid excuse he was just a mad man who was not worth messing with he wondered why why his personal physician was not afraid of him and asked him about it adding that he as the closest person to him must have suffered more than the others he replied that it was because he trusted him Rael did not understand what he meant and he replied that he knew what he really was like he remembered how one rainy night
he ran through the palace Garden looking for the Young Prince when he stopped he noticed a boy sitting near a tree covering a duckling from the rain with his hands seeing such a picture he smiled and now remembering this he put his hand to his chest and said that he believed that after the treatment he would become himself he remembered how he thanked him and said that recently his faith was justified MC got up from the bed and asked if he liked how he had changed he happily confirmed his words and he said that as
a reward he could eat his sweets the man wanted to object but Rael was persistent after which he thought that he lehan that is Rael Adria magent Tano swears on his name that he will not have to pay with his life for his death he will definitely survive from this thought he was filled with confidence and clenched his hand into a fist and in the meantime a worried servant appeared outside his Chambers he ran into the room and excitedly called out to His Highness then he caught his breath and said that his majesty was calling
him to him this news slightly surprised Rael and the next day he went to his father when he found himself in the throne room he stopped and knelt before his father and greeted him with respect aelion looked at him thoughtfully and then suddenly lean Lean Forward seeing something interesting he saw an aura around his son and thought is this the Azran energy technique does this weakling know this he noticed how his leg was shaking and thought that he was nervous in his presence perhaps he was wrong about him Rael meanwhile frowned slightly and thought that
his leg was numb let him quickly say something so that he could get up his father asked if he was satisfied with life in his own Palace he confirmed his words and thought will he continue to talk to him while he is on his knee aelion said that he was informed that he had been stabbing himself with needles and drinking poison is that so the prince looked up at him and said excitedly that it was not so and his father called him a fool and asked if he had forgotten that he was the heir to
the Imperial family he was an honorary member of their bloodline so he should not lose his dignity raiko bowed his head and remained silent and his father asked if he did not have the strength to Bear the entire Crown due to his health then would it not be better to make a wise decision MC looked up at him in Surprise and immediately understood what he was talking about he thought that he was a cunning snake he had an ulterior motive for this meeting aelion said that he would not beat around the bush he wanted him
to give up the title of Crown Prince in favor of his brother the second Prince hearing this Rael was even more surprised and thought that he thought he meant something completely different he apologized to his majesty and refused it with a confident smile hearing this his father was slightly taken aback and then stood up from the throne in anger and exclaimed he refuses how dare he contradict him MC confirmed his refusal and thought that his pressure was great but he should not be afraid it is obvious why he says this he does not need his
consent to strip him of the title the point of asking for this is for his eldest son to give in out of kindness morality and in recognition of his brother who is worthy of the title of Crown Prince this is quite a cunning political move he is weak and unreliable now but he will not give in without a fight he looked up at his father's face and realized that he must be very angry now his father came down to him and asked does he not respect his decision does the title of Crown Prince mean that
much to him does he want to disgrace him and the whole family Rael looked down and thought that he didn't care at all he would gladly pass the title to the second Prince or anyone else and enjoy his life but if he accepts his offer this country will fall into the abyss because of the second Prince if in the novel The Second Prince was considered conscientious and talented but an era of chaos had arrived the second Prince turned out to be a disappointment and was ill equipped to handle such a mess under his rule both
the Empire and the family will fall he must do everything in his power to prevent this from happening he rose from his knees and said that he was sick and weak he noticed correctly but he has Intelligence and wisdom the title of Crown Prince is not important to him but the well-being and peace of the family are his father complained that it was well said and he replied that these were not just beautiful words he wanted to ask him for a favor his father asked him what he wanted and he asked him to give him
a chance to prove that he was the best candidate for the crown after the conversation he returned to the palace and garden asked why his majesty had called him he waved his hand and said that it was nothing he wanted him to pass the title of Crown Prince to his brother hearing this the doctor was very surprised and mcy waved his hand and told him not to worry he refused him he turned around and with a wide smile on his face added that he also offered to have a duel with the second Prince but when
he saw Garden his face darkened and he asked what he was doing he replied that he was packing his things he would soon have to leave this place Rael exclaimed indignantly what does this mean meanwhile aelan stood by the window and thought about something he stroked his beard with a smile and said that he wanted a chance to prove that he deserved his place more than his brother is there such a side to his personality he will do him a favor and look forward to the duel with impatience meanwhile MC began to snatch the bag
from his doctor's hands and say that victory was his and he responded with tears in his eyes exclaiming how can he win time passed a crowd of people gathered on the bridge to watch The Duel and the emperor and other Nobles sat on a large structure aelion looked expectantly at the place where the fight was taking place and Rael was warming up the girls who came to watch the fight were Enchanted by the beauty of Prince Theodore poo Magento and were sure that his victory would be brilliant the second Prince meanwhile went to his older
brother who was warming up his back and he looked up at him Theodore worriedly said that he did not need to do this he did not like to say this but he knew how it would all end after these words he looked away in disappointment and MC stood up asking is he so confident in his victory his brother said that his majesty said that he proposed a duel to give him more rights to the throne and thought that this was so stupid and his brother grabbed his head and worriedly said that he knew what the
result would be he didn't want to jeopardize his health for this he was against it he didn't need to sacrifice himself for him Rael smirked and thought that it seemed like they were both wrong Garden walked up to him and handed him the shield after which he slammed It On The Ground causing everyone present to freeze in anticipation and surprise his younger brother also looked at him with wide eyes and he slamming the shield on the ground again said with a wide smile on his face that he did not intend to lose he turned his
confident gaze to his brother and then a voice came from the crowd that the Crown Prince was very strange someone asked a man to shut up and said that he could be heard he asked doesn't he think so the second Prince has an aeran core with one Circle and also learns fencing from a famous knight Garden stepped aside and looked at Rael and someone behind him said that the Crown Prince didn't have a chance he was only good at making fun of himself the doctor remembered how His Highness squatted in his Chambers and said that
he was completely serious and intended to win Garden became worried and wanted to object but the prince interrupted him saying that no one expected anything from him so the pressure was minimal his doctor exclaimed that of course he believed in his victory he asked is he lying and not blushing Garden immediately fell silent and MC finished his training and said that if he could deflect three of his blows then Victory would be his remembering this he prayed that he would not be hurt after that the emperor's Voice Was Heard saying that today's fight would determine
who was worthy of ascending the throne the rules are simple if the Crown Prince lasts 5 minutes in combat or defense then Victory is his otherwise the second Prince wins his sons took their swords out of their sheaths and looked at each other with confidence and Theodore thought that since it had come to this he would try to end everything as soon as possible after that the emperor announced the start of the fight and MC immediately threw his sword to the ground seeing this aelion slightly winced in anger and the crowd began to whisper asking
is it really over already it was a terrible sight Theodore was about to go on the attack but seeing his brother's actions he stopped and lowered his sword asking in Surprise is he surrendering he felt relieved and thought that it would be difficult for him to raise a sword against his sick brother but he can't even believe that he surrendered in front of everyone it's a shame for their family should he talk to him and Inspire him to the fight but he doesn't need to do that he's sick but their father is watching them while
he was lost in his thoughts about what to do his brother took a stronger shield and slammed It On The Ground he was surprised and thought did he choose to defend against a half-hearted attack his goal was to last 5 minutes not to defeat him this was a bold Choice then he would quickly deal with him smiling slightly he closed his eyes and concentrated activating his Aura after which he opened his eyes and ran in an approaching his brother aelion thought that weight strength and even Mana were put into this attack this Shield would not
withstand this Theodore struck rael's shield and it staggered after which D Rose and his brother mentally asked him not to fall otherwise he would make a fool of himself even if he lost then let him do it with dignity bending his knee and not falling he deliberately started with a strike from above as soon as the dust settled he saw his brother standing up and thought in Surprise did he just dodge meanwhile the others were also shocked no one expected this from the sick Crown Prince someone among them exclaimed in Surprise what's the matter he
defended himself from the second Prince's blow aelion was also surprised and leaned forward to take a closer look in someone from the crowd exclaimed that she was sure the second Prince spared him because of his kindness Rael meanwhile used ezran's core and crouched down then looked at his younger brother with confidence Theodore thought that from his look it was clear that what happened was not luck but that didn't change anything he gritted his teeth and gripped his sword tighter then attacked from above again hitting the shield causing MC to involuntarily sigh loudly his brother continued
to press on the shield trying to break through his defense while Rael used more strength to stay in place Theodore frowned then threw a punch that sent the Crown Prince flying back causing Garden to become very worried Landing successfully on his feet MC cursed in his mind and thought that his head was spinning and his wrist was numb however during his work as a police officer he had to defend himself from everything and this was nothing putting his shield in front of him he ran at his brother who immediately struck him with his sword but
this time Rael stood firm on his feet during their fight he felt the Mana flowing around them and he thought that Theodore was absorbing more Mana than he thought if so then his plan would work even better Theodore said that he didn't know what he was planning but now was the best time to attack they shouted it at the same time after which Theodore jumped high and appeared above his brother and as soon as he came down he hit the shield with all his might with his sword but even after such a strong blow MC
remained on his feet because he trained his lower body for this moment his heart thought that he would die and his lungs cried with joy but they still managed to raise the overall rating to De his colon was unhappy because they were forced to work hard day and night so that his sphincter almost lost everything rael's Shield was custom made by the blacksmith of his Palace and an explosive mixture of alcohol was also made for his sweet brother just thinking about it made him smile widely and then the system reported that the withdrawal function of
slot number one was activated let him choose how much he needed to withdraw to begin with he decided to withdraw 200 mL of alcohol from his body and while Theodore was pressing on the shield his brother's Mana began to penetrate his Mana feeling this he staggered and everyone else was surprised by this suddenly his face turned red and his cups began which surprised him greatly seeing this MC smiled and thought that it was said correctly in the demon sword Emperor Theodore gets drunk even from a glass of wine last night he filled the slop with
an explosive cocktail consisting of 20 types of strong alcohol just for this moment meanwhile his brother looked around in confusion and said that he was sure that he hit the shield but along with the Mana something else entered his body his head suddenly spun and he began to speak incoherently and then he pulled himself together and thought that he needed to calm down the outcome was already a foregone conclusion he just needed to defeat his brother in 5 minutes then he would receive his father's recognition and be applauded by 1,000 residents of the capital and
the place of The Proud Crown Prince would be his this would be better for their family for the Empire and for his brother whose Health was getting worse noticing that he froze in place Rael looked out from behind the shield and thought did it work despite being drunk Theodore took a stable stance and pointed his sword at his brother saying that he would win after that he rushed forward starting to swing his sword in all directions which surprised the Crown Prince and defending himself from the blows thought did he resist the explosive cocktail Theodore raised
the sword above his head then gritted his teeth and hit the shield with all his strength holding back his blow raiko gritted his teeth and decided to do it again then removed 100 milliliters of the explosive cocktail from his body and mentally told his brother to drink it to the bottom Theodore again felt something penetrate his body and suddenly the picture before his eyes changed he found himself in a bar and looked around wondering where he was after all he had just fought the bartender in front of him mixed a cocktail then poured it into
a glass and pushed it towards him then pointed to the side and said that the gentleman was treating him Theodore looked to the side and saw Rael sitting next to him drinking wine he turned to him abruptly and handed him a glass wishing to drink to his health after that the prince returned to reality and exclaimed in surprise was he hallucinating his face was already completely red and he did not understand what was happening his brother threw the shield aside and collected more air into his lungs with the thought that now it would help him
sober up a little after that he headed towards Theodore and the system reported that the circle of liquid stored in the slot was erupting he stretched one hand forward which already had accumulated energy and thought that it would hurt a little after that he approached Theodore and pushed him in the chest which made him feel pain and cough and then he was thrown back and dropped the sword from his hands after this blow dust rose on the bridge and the second Prince was already lying on the ground the residents of the capital the aristocrats and
even the emperor were very surprised by what happened and the Crown Prince looked very confident when the dust settled silence rained on the bridge and aelion thought is this really the Azran core technique he thought he was mistaken but despite the abundance of human energy in the air and the fact that they are far from each other he clearly feels the response of his Circle meanwhile Theodore finally woke up he opened his eyes and was very surprised when he saw that his brother was kneading his leg he called out to him in confusion and he
asked him to be quieter and said that he was purifying contaminated Mana feeling the streams of energy Theodore asked is this the Azran core technique how did he Master it he asked in response what's wrong with that he just matured late the second Prince saw his sword lying nearby and said that he lost his brother asked he can't believe it he himself was surprised by it suddenly blood started flowing from the wound on his head and Theodore leaned forward worriedly exclaiming that blood was dripping from his forehead the Crown Prince wiped it with his hand
and said that it seemed like he hit the shield when he blocked his blows his brother was upset and thought that he had given it his all during the fight used his body's potential to the maximum and fought with all his might but how did he feel about the fight he felt like victory was already decided he was too overconfident after finishing refining his Mana MC stood up and asked how he felt he clenched his hand into a fist and replied that he was ashamed the Crown Prince raised one eyebrow in confusion and said that
about his physical condition he replied that he was feeling much better and Rael hearing this smiled proudly and asked if that was true he thought that of course he was feeling better after all he had removed all the alcohol from his body suddenly his brother knelt before him and said that he the second Prince Theodor poo magent Tano officially admitted his defeat in the fight with Crown Prince Rael in front of his father and their subjects upon hearing this the people of the capital were very surprised and then raised their clenched hands into fists and
shouted joyfully from their screams mcy himself threw up his hands and joyfully shouted that he had done it and his personal doctor shed a tear and said that he was so happy who would have thought that he would do this the prince was glad that the system window finally appeared in front of him and quickly read what was written there it reported that he had cured another person for the first time in this world as a reward for this great achievement a new ability was unlocked a request for the provision of payment for the first
level of medical treatment his lifespan increases when he prolongs the lives of his patients with treatment the current recalculation rate is 2,000 to1 MC was very happy with this news and victoriously clenched his hand into a fist and then the system reported that the estimated increase in lifespan is too small the minimum size is one day Rael was immediately disappointed and said that he had only hoped in vain and thought that however the most important thing was that now when he would treat patients he would be able to increase both their lifespan and his own
by a certain amount of time it was such a relief no matter how much of the decoction he drank no matter how many times he performed acupuncture he could not shake the feeling that he was pouring water into a leaky vessel he grinned and thought that from now on everything would change suddenly his father pulled him out of his thoughts asking why he was silent he asked if he had used the Azran core in this battle MC confirmed his words and he asked how he had mastered it he replied that he himself had not yet
fully understood the emperor frowned and asked again did he not understand he confirmed his words and thought how could he tell him that he had acquired this ability by pricking himself with needles aelion said that during his birth he had inserted the core into his heart with his own hands his son replied that it was a great honor for him and he continued by saying that however due to his weak body he was unable to use it Rael replied that he was sorry and he said that at the most important moment he managed to overcome
his illness MC thanked him for his words and his father already starting to get angry said that because of this all his plans and work went arai MC bowed and apologized to him and then thought was he praising him or reproaching him after that his father decided to leave and said that A promise is a promise the fight is over and he has won as he promised he will keep his title of Crown Prince he turned around abruptly and said that however he will continue to watch him and check if he can handle the burden
that he will acquire along with the throne did he understand him the Crown Prince clenched his hand into a fist and remained silent and his father asked with displeasure why is he not answering Rael said that he had heard that he had not drawn his sword lately because he had been busy with state affairs he should not do that he needed to move to lose stamina and strengthen his muscles he should also eat more vegetables and give up smoking aelan was slightly surprised and asked who he was to give him advice he replied with a
serious expression that he was saying this out of sincere considerations time passed and the emperor was already riding in a carriage through the forest and lamenting to think that he had rejected his advice with hypocritical requests and had not yet answered the question about the Azran technique he began to shake his leg nervously and said that he could not even believe that he had used it so thoughtlessly what if something happened to his sick body he looked down and thought that he believed that he was in despair this boy had lost his mother at Birth
and was constantly ill he had been hoping for something from him time after time but he was always disappointed however the glimmer of hope that appeared today made his heart flutter again meanwhile MC was also riding in a carriage and heading home he thought that his father had a stroke too that night he didn't study and went out to have fun when he received a call and ran it was already too late the emperor will also die from a stroke after Rael who will die in the first half of the novel he won't let that
happen he needs to stay strong to protect the throne then he can increase his lifespan with the amazing ability to request payment for treatment and he also doesn't want to relive that situation again suddenly Garden who was sitting opposite him called out to him with tears in his eyes and he flinched saying that he was scared his personal doctor asked him to ask why he was crying now and the prince smiled Riley asking him about it he put his hands together and came closer to him abruptly saying that it was all because he was touched
how difficult and tiring it was for him Rael pushed him away from himself and thanked him for his concern but let him let him rest a little they had a lot to do starting tomorrow Garden asked in Surprise a lot to do he replied that he needed to meet someone in the evening they went to a restaurant and took a table there while they were waiting for the waiter Garden asked in confusion wasn't this Santino's Garden he confirmed his words and said that it was one of the 10 best restaurants in the capital he knew
that didn't he he confirmed his words and said that he was a regular customer here he looked at his wig and asked why he suddenly decided to change his clothes a man knocked on the door and entered asking if he could take their order Rael said that he would have pasta with sauce but separately and also a salad without vegetables also let him bring graped wine that is not made from grapes he will eat until sunrise is that okay the man understood the meaning of the words spoken and asked him to follow him and garden
was perplexed he followed His Highness and asked in a whisper what kind of order this was he told him to follow him and he would see for himself they reached a passage hidden behind a wine cabinet and the man said that they would need to go down Garden looked down the stairs and thought is there such a place in this restaurant but how does His Highness know about it the the prince at this time began to go down and side with relief thinking that everything was as described in the novel The Doctor asked what kind
of place this was and why they were here he replied that he had come to collect a small large fee for the treatment Garden did not understand what he meant and he said that he was looking for someone here they went down to a small room where there were huge doors and he asked if he had heard of Daman Garden replied that it was not so and he said that it was not surprising after that he opened the doors and they went out onto a small small balcony above the arena where two fighters were now
fighting the rest of the spectators were joyfully shouting watching their fight and garden looking around this place worriedly asked the prince where they had come he crossed his arms over his chest and answered with a smile that they had come to a secret place after that he began to wander his gaze around the arena in search of Damian and garden seeing a muscular man with scars below asked if it was him he looks very strong MC replied that it was not him and at that moment the doors swung open and a new fighter entered the
arena seeing him the prince smiled and said that he had finally shown himself the real protagonist of the novel Damen Cain entered the arena for another fight the spotlights illuminated the evening's protagonist and the crowd buzzed with joy at the sight of him the host looked displeased at the man standing next to him and said that if he was finished he should leave quickly he awkwardly scratched the back of his head and agreed after which the host said with a smile that it was time for the main fight on one side a terribly talented swordsman
Damen cayen his debut took place in the Coliseum when he was 17 years old in three months he became a champion defeating everyone and everyone on the other side his opponent a pair of sparkling eyes appeared in the dark passage and then a troll entered the arena shaking the entire room with his steps as soon as he appeared in front of his opponent he screamed loudly which made Rael shudder and think that this was a real troll a serious opponent guard trembling with fear grabbed his clothes and excitedly asked where he had brought them they
feed people to trolls what kind of place is this anyway at that very moment the troll clenched his fists and decided to attack the man in front of him but he didn't even move the Troll's fist flew past his face but missed the Target and hit the ground leaving cracks on it confused about how he avoided his blow the troll got angry and with a loud cry pounced on him again and swung his fist but Damen dodged each such blow moving to the sides when the troll attacked again he decided to act he pulled out
his sword from its sheath and at the moment when his opponent roared loudly he struck from top to bottom and cut the monster's body in half his chopped corpse fell to the ground with a crash and silence rained in the arena and then the crowd screamed loudly rejoicing at his victory Damen decided to leave the arena and MC looking after him in Surprise thought did he do it this guy is more monstrous than he thought that's why he is the main character he is the one who is comparable to Javier the strongest swordsman Grandmaster in
history he is a genius he decided to go after him and told the doctor to stay alert and follow him Garden shuddering with fear agreed after which they headed to the Fighter's rooms and noticed the guard at daman's door they came closer and he immediately blocked the way asking discontentedly who they were he wanted to drive them away but when raiko gave him a gold bar he immediately became Kinder and allowed them to go further and MC looked into daman's room and asked him for forgiveness and he remained silent wiping the blood from his face
Rael nervously walked inside and thought that he needed to stay calm his colon laughed because he was scared and he took a bottle of pills from the table and said that he felt sorry for him why is he drinking such cheap painkillers can he even sleep after that Damian asked who he was and he answered with a smile that he was the one he needed he asked if he came to sell him medicine he confirmed his words in Damian not wanting to listen to him anymore told him to leave he already had medicine the Crown
Prince did not let him finish and he threw the bottle of pills to the side saying that even if he had a lot of medicine what good was it Daman with a gloomy expression put his hand on the hilt of his sword and suddenly shuddered when he heard from his lips the words that it would never relieve him of the burning pain in the back of his head noticing his reaction MC thought that he was caught now it was his turn after that he decided to give him a lecture on traditional medicine and asked him
to listen to him carefully the pain starts in the back of his brain he came up to him and grabbed the back of his head saying that the muscles in his neck and head there become rigid so that everything tingles and aches then he put his hands on his shoulders and asked if he felt tension in the back of his head and shoulders noticing his displeased look he asked why he was looking at him like that he was curious how did he know all this Damen remained silent and raiko continued saying that when the pain
becomes very sharp it's it spreads along the sides of the head to the forehead and even goes to the eyes he gets Goosebumps all over and sweats profusely his eyes hurt so much that it seems as if they are about to pop out the funny thing is that this pain rolls in like waves and then subsides after which everything repeats itself this pain just drives a person crazy it's like he's in hell and when it seems like the torture is over it continues but instead of getting rid of the source of the pain he relies
on cheap painkillers does he know that they're not a cure of course he doesn't know that Damen remained silent and feeling how his ears were already starting to bleed thought with displeasure that he was talking too much maybe he should kill him MC approached him and calling him a pathetic fool asked him to say at least something he had a mouth after all Daman remained silent and thought that he wasn't letting him get a word in and then asked who he even was raiko proudly called himself the Crown Prince and Damian not wanting to listen
to this nonsense anymore took out his sword and said that it was time to finish him off MC waved his hands and asked him to wait and then said that it was a joke kman sent him at the mention of this name Damen frowned and asked if it was true he confirmed his words and said that he was sent by his Patron an intermediary with the Coliseum the man remained silent and MC said that he told about his complaint and that the pills had not helped lately kman is suffering because no one has enough ingredients
for him because of the current season Daman asked what he means by this he answered what with a smile that he has another way to relieve him of pain what will he say now he trusts him more he did not answer and asked did he bring a new medicine the prince replied that it was not so the medicine would not help here it was necessary to get rid of the source of the pain he patted him on the back and asked him to take off his clothes and lie down on the bed he would explain
everything during the treatment Daman agreed and laid down on his stomach and Rael sat next to him and asked if he was scared he replied that of course he was not MC noticed the mark on his back and taking something out from under his jacket asked with a smile is it true Damien turned around and exclaimed with displeasure that he was a warrior who had killed been wounded and risked his life countless times the Crown Prince replied that he understood everything after which he placed a huge piece of pressed foliage on his back which made
him a little surprised after that he took a torch and asked with a smile is this the first time he encounters mausan he replied that he is a warrior such treatment will not scare him but as soon as Rael Set Fire to the foliage his loud scream Was Heard which scared garden and the guard standing outside MC laughed at him and said that he was like a little child but what about his words about being a warrior Damen remained silent trying to endure this pain and the prince asked if he was really crying he stopped
mocking him and thought that he knew it was painful but he had to hold on the reason Daman couldn't leave the underworld was because of this Mark the it curse was activated the moment the wearer's blood began to circulate the fierce battles in the Coliseum put him through incredible pain to endure it he bought painkillers with the money he borrowed from kman to pay off the debt he would have to participate in another fight fight medicine and fight again a vicious circle what a scumbag this kman was as the smoke slowly filled the room he
thought that Daman was now under enormous heat which would burn through the Mark if he cured the protagonist of the novel and the strongest man would he side with him everything would be even better if he helped the other Gladiators too this thought brought a wide smile to his face while Damian in an attempt to endure the pain began to squeeze the sheet in his hands he sighed heavily and soon the prince said that the treatment was over so he could get up Damen sat up in bed shaking in pain and MC looked at the
huge red mark on his back noticed the mark and saw that it had faded and thought that it was fading well he crossed his arms over his chest and asked confidently did he feel better right does it not hurt anywhere anymore does he feel fresher Damen was slightly surprised and touching his shoulder said that he felt renewed he smiled and added that he had not felt that way for a long time raiko rubbed his nose contentedly thinking that they could no longer speak formally and said that he was not completely cured yet more such procedures
needed to be done Damian asked if this was true and he confirmed his words saying that if blisters appeared on his back then he should not touch them and he should not overexert his body until it returned to normal he can't eat fatty foods either Daman asked what he meant by not overexerting himself he responded by hitting his chest and exclaiming loudly that it meant he can't fight isn't that clear Damen leaned forward and said that kman wouldn't let him and he replied that he wouldn't have to fight he would take care of that hearing
this he looked at him in Surprise and asked who he was let him say his name the Crown Prince replied with a smile that he had already told him he was the Crown Prince an awkward silence hung in the room when Daman said with a slight smile that he must have his reasons MC cursed in his mind and thought that he had told him the truth after which he cleared his throat and told him to follow his instructions from now on in the evening no matter what happens in the Coliseum he should not run away
and stay here The Swordsman didn't understand what he meant and he pointed his finger at him and told him not to DARE doubt let him just stay here it's safer he headed for the exit and said lastly that this was the only way they could meet again having regained hope Damen looked after him in Surprise then knelt down and said that he understood everything meanwhile Garden called out to His Highness and asked why he was looking for him and Performing such a strange treatment this place doesn't seems safe and legal he really doesn't understand what
happened today he replied that he would understand everything later let him just do what he has to do which is help him the doctor asked him how he could help him and he ordered him to find a man with black hair tied in a ponytail he is quite large and has narrow eyes after that they returned to the arena and looked around the spectator areas and the bar Garden looked around for the right person and noticing a similar man called out to The Prince and said that he seemed to have found him Rael decided to
take a closer look approaching the table where the man was sitting and thought that the description really fits he should check he pulled out his chair deciding to sit opposite him but the man's gaze immediately became angry the Crown Prince asked if he was kusman he said that he did not know him and MC smiled slightly saying that he knew Damian he only had one thing for him he wanted to buy Damian Ken how much does he need to pay to recoup his debts for the painkillers and the break in the contract kman smirked and
said the price was 9 trillion Megan and that he would not give it to him for Less only the Crown Prince himself could pay that much he laughed after hearing these words and Rael asked if this was true how lucky since he was the Crown Prince the man laughed even harder after hearing these words and said that he was as much of a Crown Prince as he was his name was the Crown Prince who sold the medicine MC was slightly surprised at how kman introduced himself and he exclaimed that if he was not going to
buy it then he should leave after this the Crown Prince stood up without further Ado and headed for the exit and the man looked after him thinking that he had never seen him there before he snapped his fingers calling his servant delic and said that this skinny idiot was trying to trick him let him find out who he is he needs to find out if he works at the Coliseum or if the organizers hired him he can resort to torture and interrogation and then tear him to pieces and throw him into the river as usual
an hour later the doors to the bar suddenly swung open in kman unhappy with being interrupted from drinking beer exclaimed what's the matter his battered and wounded servant entered the room with the last of his strength he reached him and immediately fell exhausted on the floor and kman worriedly called out to him and asked what was wrong with him after that the doors to the room opened again and Rael appeared on the threshold with the guards he took off his wig took a badge out of his pocket and the guards reported that a secret Imperial
inspector had arrived and after that the prince showed the man the badge with a smile an hour ago he left the restaurant with garden and noticing that the doctor was constantly looking back displeased Le told him to behave naturally otherwise they would expose them Garden scratched his head with a smile and agreed saying that he had never been followed before and he noticed the shadow following them and thought that he knew this would happen as soon as kman sensed the slightest threat he would send his men to follow whoever was bothering him that was why
he had deliberately approached him but how could he be so predictable at this time Delk pulled a knife out from under his shirt and was about to attack Rael but as soon as he came out from behind the corner he ran into a guard who shouted that he was accused of attempted murder of a member of the ruling family the guards immediately surrounded the attacker from all sides and point pointed their swords at him at this time kman looked at the prince in Surprise and garden asked what kind of secret Imperial inspector is This MC
smiled and rubbed his neck telling him not to pay attention to it he just wanted to say it at least once after that he pinned the badge back on the guard's cloak and said that he had done a good job and kman was Furious and thought what the hell is going on why are the Imperial guards here suddenly Rael pointed at him and said his name and ordered the guards to raise this place to the ground and take that man into custody kman became very nervous and the guards obeying the order rushed forward Garden surprised
by the sight thought that everything was going according to his plan His Highness had definitely become a completely different person he had subjugated the underground organization and was worried about their empire watching the guards detain all the people in the Coliseum and chase them MC smiled and clapped his hands and said that they were real professionals this was very cool he was so happy that he was going to have a lot of extra days to live now it was kuzman's time he started looking for him calling him the Crown Prince who sells medicine and asked
him to answer kman who was at the secret door at that time turned around when he heard his voice and became nervous thinking that if he was caught that would be the end he went into the secret passage and ran forward along the corridor wondering how he could be the real Crown Prince why did he need to buy Daman he headed towards the wine cabinet so that he would be at the end of the corridor and thought that he needed time to hide he would wait until everything calmed down but as soon as he moved
the cabinet aside and walked out of the secret passage he was immediately met by guards and he froze in place thinking why are they here the prince smiled and said that he said that he would come here he extended his open Palm to garden and said that he owed him 500 Megan and he was upset that he had lost the bet and handed him the gold coins kman gritted his teeth and thought what the hell was this Rael came closer and asked if he was surprised he couldn't understand anything no matter how hard he thought
he Shrugged and said that he believed that it was important to pay for the medicine and he couldn't stand it when people didn't pay for it both to him and to others kman didn't understand him and thought what kind of nonsense was this the prince continued by saying that that was why he asked him for the bill for daman's painkillers and wondered how much he owed had he forgotten the man remained silent and he said that in any case he had offered a fair deal it was he who hadn't accepted it kman clenched his fist
in Rage then pulled out two blades and pounced on him loudly asking what kind of nonsense he was talking about but before he could get any closer he came face to face with a guard's fist which knocked out his tooth his daggers fell out of his hands and fell to the floor and he fell to his knees from such a strong blow and covered his bleeding nose and mouth another guard threatened him with a sword and said that he better not get up and he thought that since it had come to this he should take
advantage of it he took out a small capsule and bit into it after which he thought that in 5 seconds it would explode it would cause a poisonous explosion and there would be a huge commotion as soon as someone inhales the poison it will paralyze them if they are very unlucky they will die and he will survive having spat out the capsule and advance and what will happen next then he would cut off the crown Prince's head and run away that was just a perfect plan he smiled and started counting down in his mind his
cheeks puffed out slightly preparing to spit and raiko continued the countdown for him then covered his mouth and asked with a creepy smile what's the matter does he want to spit something out kman looked at him nervously and thought did this idiot know about his secret weapon MC finished the countdown and a bright light appeared in the man's mouth then he fell to the floor and feeling the paralysis starting to spread thought that he needed to gather his strength he would lose Consciousness in 3 minutes the only way he could survive was if he took
the antidote with a trembling hand he reached for his inside pocket but raiko beat him to it and pulled out a small vial after which he took a closer look and said that he was probably dying of curiosity about how he knew all this kman confirmed his words and his thoughts and the prince uncorking the bottle said that he would not tell him the man reached out for the antidote in horror but seeing that he was already drinking it he cursed in his thoughts he tasted the antidote MC wiped his mouth and said that it
was so bitter and kman reached for the bottle in his hands and asked him to give it to him in his thoughts but the prince did not want him to be cured so easily and threw the bottle on the floor saying that he would not give it to him since he had poisoned him himself he smirked and thought that he needed to use the ability to request payment for medical treatment now his first slot was filled with the antidote kman meanwhile began to choke on his own saliva and thought that he would not last much
longer after that he collapsed face down on the floor and Rael sat down next to him smiling thinking that everything was ready below the fifth thoracic vertebra about an inch and a half on both sides is the heart's carrier point he pressed this point with both thumbs causing the man to vomit immediately and nmc decided to use the antidote the system reported that 0.01 L of antidote had been removed from the slot Mana flowed from his heart to his hands and began to flow into the man's body causing him to scream loudly and then lose
Consciousness the system reported that the ability to request payment for medical treatment has been activated patient kusman has been cured of detoxification the amount of additional lifespan gained is 3.81 the number is rounded off the final additional lifespan is 4 days his total lifespan is 118 days after reading the notifications Rael was very happy and then ordered the guards to arrest kman and thought that now it was time to take what he came for and return to the Palace meanwhile there was a real commotion near the Gladiator quarters they all gathered together to fight back
the Imperial guards and even wounded several of them one of the guards gritted his teeth hesitating to attack and thought why are these Gladiators so strong luckily before they killed each other MSY came down to them and told Daman that he had asked him to just stand still the guards parted to the sides calling out for the Crown Prince in Surprise and daman's eyes widened slightly in surprise when he heard it Rael walked closer to him and asked if he now believed he was a prince he remained silent and then lowered his sword earlier his
mother was lying on the cold floor and next to her was a bottle of pills this is what she looked like on her deathbed he dreams of repeating that day again when he was left all alone in the whole world no that was the day he was abandoned suddenly the prince's voice rang out telling him to get up waking up from a nightmare he opened his eyes and sat up in bed looking at the two people in front of him Garden extended his hand with a smile and introduced himself and he shook it and also
said his name MC turned to leave the room and said that that was enough introductions for today let him follow him they had a lot of things to do today Garden followed him and asked what he was up to again he asked with displeasure did he not trust him Damen watched them go and thought about something of his own after which they went to a place called The maxy buusan Clinic where the other Gladiators had gathered they all sat down on the beds and Damen asked what kind of place it was raiko answered that it
was a treatment room one of the Gladiators asked in Surprise not only did he rescue them from that place but he would also allow them to stay in the small Palace and treat them why was he so kind to them MC thought that it was no wonder he was suspicious of this after all he was not trying out of the kindness of his heart most of the Gladiators were in their early 20s and the oldest were around 30 if he could rid them of the curs mark he would greatly increase his lifespan but they would
think he was crazy if he told the truth he said that there was nothing free in this world they think he was just kind they were wrong he was very sick or rather he had a lot of diseases one of the young Gladiators happily raised his hand and exclaimed that everyone in the Empire knew about it Rael didn't like it and smiled Riley thinking that he would treat him with special ruthlessness he cleared his throat and continued saying that no doctor in the Empire could help him no matter what treatment he received he only got
worse day by day so he decided to look for a cure on his own he looked at Damien and said that he most likely understood what he was getting at he replied that he thought he needed them to test new treatments on them MC confirmed his words and the other Gladiators became very nervous and the prince asked Daman to tell about his feelings after that procedure he replied that the nerve pain had almost disappeared after which the other Gladiators looked at each other beginning to calm down little by little Rael asked if there was anyone
here who was worried about the upcoming treatment and hearing silence and response he smiled and thought that he had succeeded now he could fulfill his plan he said that they would begin the procedures immediately let them take off their shirts and lie down on the beds after that he opened the window and a loud scream flew out of the room along with the smoke 6 days later the treatment was still not over looking at their condition MC thought that they were nauseous and breaking out in a cold sweat these are withdrawal symptoms after stopping the
use of painkillers it will be difficult to continue the treatment this way he turned his gaze to Daman who was calmly sitting on the bed and came closer to him asking if he was dizzy he confirmed his words and he asked if he was nauseous he replied that he was holding back the urge and Rael looked at him in Surprise thinking that he was the main character for a reason in any case he would have to change his treatment method for now he told the other patients that that was all for today that they should
rest and drink more water he turned to Sergio and ordered him to stay in bed then came closer and asked if he was having a hard time with the withdrawal symptoms right shaking in pain he replied that that was not the case at all he was fine the Crown Prince smiled and told him to lie down that he did not look well so he would help him after that he took out a needle and said that he would help him with this Sergio looked at His Highness in confusion and he thought that to be honest
he doubted that acupuncture would work but since he had been taking pain colors for the longest time it was natural that his symptoms would be more severe there was no better candidate to test this method he will start from the pain point near the stomach and the first will be the running point he stuck the needle into his toe and he flinched Sergio's trembling subsided and the moment MC was about to stick the next needle he pounced on him and threw him to the floor with a loud scream starting to strangle him raiko became very
nervous and clenched his teeth mentally asking for someone to help Sergio continued to squeeze his neck from which he began to choke and then suddenly a blow was heard the man immediately lost Consciousness and fell to the floor and MC got up and grabbed his neck catching his breath Daman extended his hand to him and asked if he was okay he accepted his help and nervously replied that he was okay after which he turned around and looked down at the man thinking because of the withdrawal syndrome the convulsions appeared even after light stimulation his nervous
system must be very sensitive right now and the slightest impact feels like he's being pierced by a sword to get around this he needs thinner needles he sent an order to the blacksmith and soon received a letter from him with a reply his order to create a needle as thin as a thread can be fulfilled but he is not sure if he can make several of the same thickness it is difficult after all he is not a dwarf Craftsman so he apologizes the Crown Prince sighed tiredly and put the letter aside thinking that this is
so annoying for him he does not have much time the withdrawal symptoms will only get worse he grabbed his head and clenched his teeth wondering what he should do the system reported that his internal organs sensed his stress stress is the cause of many diseases his internal organs advise him to get rid of it meanwhile all of his internal organs gathered on one bed and began to discuss what had happened while the twins joyfully waved their fists the hearts sighed with a smile and asked if maybe they should give him a hint the colon that
was massaging his leg said that it would be nice to hear that before the sphincter completely opened raiko wondered in Surprise what was going on there after that the system asked did he already forget he was sent a guide on how to use the health points he had received by investing the points he had received he could unlock various abilities or summon monsters he wondered that this was also mentioned in the novel after which the system announced that he had chosen to summon a monster using the gacha mechanics a powerful monster with a strong character
absolute loyalty to its owner and allowing one to gain various abilities the summoning requires 300 health points and he currently has 500 does he wish to summon it he agreed and prayed in his mind that it would be useful after which the system announced that the summoning was starting before choosing let him say the ability he would like to give to the monster the summoned monster will have the desired ability he exclaimed loudly that he needed a lot of thin needles let this creature be able to create them in large quantities and identically his request
was accepted and three boxes appeared in front of him from the Golden Glow the first box contained a candidate named happy grunting creature the second box contained a steel maker and the third box contained a hedgehog he wondered what was up with their names the system reported that these three candidates could fulfill 100 50 and 0% of his request the choice cannot be changed the creature or points cannot be returned either so let him choose carefully he thought there was one jackpot one good option and one dud he crossed his arms over his chest and
said their names then thoughtfully tapped his foot and wondered who he should choose so he stood there and thought until the morning and eventually his heart just couldn't take it anymore and exclaimed that his heart was about to burst from despair let him just choose the Hedgehog MC agreed and the third box began to Sparkle and he looked at it with tears in his eyes and folded his hands in prayer asking for this creature to be good he already had few health points left after that the Box opened and a small spiky animal jumped into
his hands Rael exclaimed is he a hedgehog the animal made a joyful sound in response and then the system reported that the size of the Hedgehog can be changed if you feed it with sunflower seeds which come with it he thought where did the seeds come from after that the system reported that the red sunflower seeds make the Hedgehog huge the duration of the form is 12 hours blue seeds make the Hedgehog tiny let him give it to him when the effect of the red ones is about to end the Hedgehog also has several abilities
infinite Thorns of the first level new Thorns will grow in place of the pulled out ones acceleration of the prickly Chestnut of the first level the user turns into a prickly Chestnut and attacks explosion iuson of three colored needles the user shoots white brown and black needles the intensity of pain depends on the color the Crown Prince said that this was to be expected from the Hedgehog he attacks with needles he put the small Hedgehog on the table and asked if he could take a needle from him he agreed and he asked and will it
not hurt him he made a happy sound again and MC asked him to give him a white black and brown needle the Hedgehog strained himself a little and gave him the needles and then he tried the white one on himself and thought with a smile that it only caused a slight pain it would be good for gladiators after that he tried the brown one and said that it felt like a Sting the Hedgehog began to snort and Rael asked does he know how strong the pain from the black needle can be something ominous emanates from
it so he will try it on someone else now that the problem with the needles is solved he grabbed the Hedgehog and exclaimed that it will be his pet and it snorted happily after that he went to the treatment room and garden noticing a small animal on his shoulder asked who is this he replied that it was Sir Hedgehog who asked him to say hello to him and he asked in bewilderment why does he need it the Crown Prince told him some more nonsense about how he miraculously got this little animal then turned away from
him and said that he could check the details with sir Hedgehog Garden looked after him in bewilderment and thought isn't this a summoned monster 300 years ago the genius Builder Roy fronter had a hamster a snake and others who helped him very rarely summon monsters that appear in this world in front of a person voluntarily agreed to work for them for the rest of their lives they are extremely mysterious creatures but how did he get it is there something he doesn't know about His Highness meanwhile Sergio apologized to the prince for what he did and
said that he committed a crime for which he should have been deprived of Life yesterday but MC wasn't angry and told him not to worry something like this can happen if he is in tremendous pain but he doesn't feel anything anymore no matter how many needles he uses the man said in surprise that he hadn't done anything yet he replied that he had done something after all Sergio looked down and saw a bunch of needles on his leg and was very surprised after which Rael smiled and stuck the needles into another gladiator's body and then
moved on to the next patient all of them didn't feel the needles in their legs at all and he thought that everything was going just fine if he could keep this up he would finally get it as he expected the system reported that the ability to request payment for medical treatment had been activated 14 patients had been cured of the Cur of the mark the final amount of additional lifespan gained was 80 Days life expectancy was 171 days the level of request for payment for medical treatment was increased due to the large amount of additional
lifespan gained now his ability had risen to the second level the ratio had changed to 1950 to1 he was very happy that the ability level had risen and without holding back he began to jump in one place while Damen was watching him he clenched his hand into a fist and thought that this was the the Crown Prince what had they done that made him happy why did their recovery make him happy the prince meanwhile thought that it was time to finish with the Gladiators but there was something else he looked at the Gladiators who were
full of strength and smirked when an idea flashed through his head time passed the emperor was drinking tea and his servant came to give him another report on the Crown Prince two days ago all 14 Gladiators were given the title of Bodyguards of the Crown Prince aelion became interested and the servants said that now they were called the special Imperial Guard they were ordered to stay near the Crown Prince at all times the emperor asked how he paid them he replied that the contract included a salary and other benefits aelion remained silent and thought that
Rael was sickly and spent his days in bed and now he had formed a personal Squad of Gladiators he laughed loudly thinking that he was becoming more and more interesting but the report did not end there and the servant said that he also gathered all the servants and guards of the small Palace together and began to mercilessly pierced them with needles the emperor's Joy immediately disappeared from this news and he looked at the servant in bewilderment not believing what was said meanwhile MC continued his work he pierced one needle into the guard's face and he
screamed slightly after which the prince asked slightly surprised did it hurt he replied that it was not so at all and he asked then why was he screaming these are just needles the guard remained Silent not knowing what to answer and then the Crown Prince began to work on the other servants a few days ago he was walking in the garden and heard Daman coughing behind him he immediately turned around and asked with a smile how he was feeling after a couple of days of treatments he replied that he was in a little pain and
the prince closed his eyes saying with a sad smile that it was a Pity that the treatment was over Damian did not understand him and he said that that was it he had recovered the man asked if it was true he confirmed his words and said that the treatment worked and he was done with the experiments Damen remained silent choosing his words then bowed his head and thanked him for his help but Rael did not let him finish and excitedly asked him to wait let him listen to him first he needs his skill with a
sword he does not want to send him away such talent should not be wasted in vain so let him become his personal bodyguard of course he asks this without hoping for such eccentricities as a noble heart friendship or loyalty he will make sure that he is paid well that he has enough for his expenses and that he has savings for retirement he thought that in fact he will soon reach the level of an advanced expert and experience the sword master syndrome he is sure he understands this too since he knows very well at what level
his abilities are at this level the senses are incredibly heightened but they are impossible to control he experiences even more severe insomnia than last time he could ask him to stay under the pretext of not finishing the treatment but there is a high chance that he will just leave in the current situation the only solution is mutual concessions he crossed his arms over his chest and said with a smile that they will sign a contract and he will also be given maternity leave and child care benefits Damen remained silent and the prince smiled Riley saying
that he will let him decide when to finish work the man remained silent again and MC said that he sees that he knows how to negotiate two pairs of eyes appeared in the bushes nearby watching them closely and Rael excitedly exclaimed how was he enjoying a 4-day work week he definitely couldn't refuse that suddenly Gladiators jumped out of the bushes and asked the prince to hire them too he was very surprised by their presence and asked how long they had been there they asked hadn't he healed them so he could hire them they would also
take payment or rather let him allow them to repay him for his help they would protect him when Damen was not around he said that he would help them become better after all MC asked discontentedly so it was not about gratitude for the treatment but about their love for money and benefits the Gladiators confirmed his words in chorus and he wondered if they were too honest he remembered how he recruited workers for his clinic and thought that it would be better to do so than empty talk about loyalty and harboring anger it would also be
good for him to gather a personal Army exclusively for himself the Imperial guards were not his alone so in case of conflict the emperor's order would take precedence over his he waved his hand happily and exclaimed that they were all hired they would be his personal special Imperial Guard or Si for short the Gladiators were very happy about their new job and began to talk among themselves and Daman looked at His Highness with a slight smile in the meantime he headed back to the palace and thought that even after studying them all the bonus amount
of life was not that great in total he increased their lifespans by 100 years and he himself only received an additional 18 days with his weak stamina and physical strength he cannot go out on his own to look for patience he looked at his Palace and suddenly an idea came to him he thought thought about it in his office until the night and finally decided to share his thoughts that he needed to open a clinic in the small Palace Daman standing next to him asked what it was the prince looked up at him and asked
doesn't he know what a clinic is he replied that he did he wanted to say something else but suddenly Garden began to tremble with excitement and at the same second he slammed his hands on the table calling out to His Highness with tears in his eyes Rael shuttered in fear and asked what is it the doctor said that he finally understood everything he realized that he had a beautiful aristocratic heart he wanted to open a clinic to look after and help the sick the Prince Rose from his chair and leaned forward hesitantly confirming his words
and saying that his intentions had finally become clear to him Garden was very happy and said that he couldn't believe that he was concerned about the health of the town's people despite his own illness they both struck a dramatic pose and simultaneously said that it was all for the sake of the town's people Daman standing calmly nearby was probably wondering at this moment how he had ended up here MC said that he wanted to cure the palace Staff first Garden was interested and the prince asked if he opened a clinic to treat people right away
would they feel comfortable coming here Garden thoughtfully said that since it was his Palace after all he thought they would feel awkward the Crown Prince said that was why he needed publicity in the form of stories of successful extractions to lure them in once people started spreading the word more and more people would come to him for treatment at the tradition medicine clinic in the small Palace a new day came and he checked all 500 patients but he was very dissatisfied because they were all too healthy he started pacing nervously thinking that for examining 500
people he only got two extra days this was bad he needed very sick people an idea suddenly occurred to him and soon Garden put a huge stack of paper on his desk and said that here was information on all 500 people as he ordered they collected data on their families gender age and diseases raiko looked at the stack of papers with a smirk and thought that since the servants in the palace are healthy he will check the health of their families he is just a genius he began to read the information about each person thinking
that he was sure that there would be at least one with a complex disease he began to check each sheet of paper but the stack of healthy people kept growing and he thought disappointedly there is no one at all why are their family members healthy too there are only 10 pages left suddenly Daman said that he would was disappointed the prince looked at him with surprise and he said that with his permission he would like to ask a question for him patience are tools MC did not understand what he meant and Damen explained that he
said that he needed good reviews so he tried to get as many patients as possible but now it seems to him that he is only looking for those who are on the verge of death these words seem to pierce raiko through because he was absolutely right Garden stood up for him and exclaimed what kind of impudence is this he is sure His Highness has a plan Damen asked is this true the Crown Prince smiled nervously and thanked Garden for defending him saying that Damen was right in way the doctor immediately drooped and awkwardly rubbed his
neck apologizing to him and then Daman suddenly stood up for him and told his highness that he was too strict how can he embarrass a loyal subject who stood up for him Garden stood up for the prince and asked this contentedly if he was being too rude to His Highness Damen drooped and MC thought what are they even doing after that he kicked them both out and continued to do business he looked at the remaining stack of sheets and scratched his head in confusion saying that things were bad there were only 10 sheets left but
suddenly he noticed something interesting on a piece of paper was written the words of a maid that she did not know whether it was possible to write such questionnaires but she plucked up her courage her brother is 8 years old once or twice a month his whole body trembles and Foams at the mouth as if he is possessed by a demon she called several doctor doors to him but they were unable to determine the cause the priests also prayed fervently for him but no matter how hard they tried to drive out the evil spirits it
did not help after reading this MC was very happy that the right patient was found after which he ordered to find the maid soon she came to his office with her brother and said that his name was George a little embarrassed the boy grabbed his sister's skirt and when she walked away from him the prince sat down opposite him and greeted him and he awkwardly responded in kind Rael said that he could just call him by his name after which he thought that Not only was this his first time at the palace but he had
also never seen him before right now he was probably more scared than curious he reached into his pocket thinking that there was a great way to relax the young patient he pulled out something covered with cloth from his pocket and showed it to the boy after that he pulled the cloth off and a candy appeared on his palm which immediately delighted George and MC reached out to him saying that it was a gift seeing that he wanted to touch it the boy became very nervous and hid his hands behind his back and the prince asked
in Surprise is something wrong he hung his head dejectedly and said that he was not allowed to touch him the prince asked him to tell him the reason and he replied that he was cursed by a spirit and other children teased him because of it they think that he is a weirdo he replied that this is not true he is not a weirdo George continued and said that yesterday they teased and bullied him and they fought but he lost at first he had a strange feeling and then everything around him went dark raiko asked him
to describe this state in more detail and he said that sometimes he suddenly gets this strange feeling and his body starts to get stronger it goes numb and it seems to him that he is flying down and falling to the ground the sky moves away and a strange voice comes from somewhere and when he wakes up he has no strength at all the prince said that he understood even so he manages to cope with it after that he hugged him and with a smile said said that he is very brave from this action the boy
burst into tears and said that he really can't touch him because he is possessed by an evil spirit MC used his ability and said that no evil spirits exist the system reported that the pulse measurement is starting a scan is being performed the patient is generally healthy but has seizure symptoms due to irregular brain waves this can lead to severe all encompassing tonic seizures after examining him he looked at him seriously and realized that he was suffering from epilepsy there would be no problem if the uncontrolled brain waves did not cause his entire body to
convulse and the patient to lose Consciousness he stood up and said that even if he was possessed he himself was not strange at all George was happy and asked if this was true Rael confidently pointed at himself and replied that the prince was never wrong he thought that he was lucky to have found out about his epilepsy but even if he tried to cure it he would not be able to find the cause now he was annoyed that he did not have Imaging equipment like an MRI suddenly George's weak voice called his name and he
turned his attention to him seeing him clutching his clothes his whole body shaking and drooling from his mouth the poor boy said that something was wrong with him and MC became very worried and thought that he was having a seizure but why now the maid began to cry Garden became very worried and Damen put his hand on the hilt of his sword the elder sister George fell to her knees in horror and garden exclaimed that he was definitely possessed by an evil spirit Damian took out his sword and pointed it at the boy asking His
Highness to move away from him their words made the Crown Prince very angry and he waved his hand loudly ordering them to stop this has nothing to do with an evil spirit he is simply sick patience are people who need to be taken care of and protected heun in pain now let them quickly bring a pillow the maid agreed after which she brought a pillow and they put it under the head of the boy who was convulsing they all sat around him and garden noticed that he was foaming at the mouth and asked if he
should wipe it with a towel Rael shook his head from side to side and told him never to do that his chin muscles are now moving without control if something goes wrong he can bite the towel and swallow it there is nothing they can do now they can only help when the attack is over while he was watching George he noticed Mana emanating from him and immediately realized that it was all because of the Azran core technique it is very sensitive to Mana flows Mana is in fact circulating energy if he can see this he
will be able to determine the cause of epilepsy he touched his chest and closed his eyes concentrating on his feelings after which he saw a large flow of Mana that was circling his body it was going where it wanted he needed to focus such a chance did not come often he had to find the cause he followed the flow and thought that it was the cranial nerve that originated in the brain stem he wiped the sweat from his face and thought that it was too early for him to get tired he had not found any
information yet the Mana circles inside his body began to work even harder but despite this he continued to move towards the goal because there was still a little left soon he reached the right place and noticing a bright spark realized that it was all about the Vagas nerve a nerve signal appears in it causing an attack in the brain and the whole body he returned to reality and asked the others to bring a blanket and cover him now he needed rest let them not wake him up he needs to sleep and let them not make
noise there was no need to cause a commotion he felt really bad and fell to the floor without strength and his servants excitedly called out to him and asked if he was okay they asked him to wake up and he starting to lose Consciousness thought that it was a relief that he had found the cause and could now cure him soon night fell he opened his eyes and got out of bed feeling a strong pain in his head after which he wondered if he had lost Consciousness it seemed that azan's core technique had opened up
to its maximum while he was unconscious suddenly suddenly daman's voice was heard from the side saying that he had woken up he had slept for half a day MC was very scared and said that he had mistaken him for the reaper of death after which he asked about the boy's health and he replied that he had woken up in the evening but was without strength the prince said that this was normal he had a serious attack Damen agreed with him and added that after dinner he fell asleep right away after that Rael sat up in
bed and thought that he knew what could happen but he didn't expect to make such a perfect diagnosis with the Azran core technique it is much better than X-rays and MRI he started getting dressed with the thought that now that it turned out that the cause was in the Vegas nerve there was only one way to cure it he needed to use nerve stimulation Daman asked where he was going in the middle of the night an MC smiling as he pulled on his coat confidently replied that he would go under a lightning strike he headed
to the main Palace and the guards noticing Two Silhouettes in the darkness immediately became wary and asked who was coming but as soon as these people came out of the Shadows they calmed down and Rael thanking them for their work asked them to take him to Sir xan's Chambers the guards LED them along the palace Corridor and when they found themselves at the door of the palace magician they said that they had arrived MC opened the door loudly and the old man jumped up on the bed indignant why the hell he was woken up seeing
His Highness he was very surprised and asked what brought him here Rael came closer and awkwardly scratched the back of his head apologizing for the sudden visit but he had one request xanit sat on the edge of the bed and asked what was the matter and the prince winked at him and asked him to hit him in the back with lightning magic hearing this the old man looked at him in shock and then remembered what happened the day before the emperor called him to him and said that Rael had changed lately he was doing strange
things in fact he does everything he can he begins to worry about what else will come to his mind after these words he smiled slightly and the palace mage remained silent thinking that all people behave stupidly when it comes to their children he served him all his life and knows what he is thinking at this moment the Crown Prince started shaking him by the shoulders asking him to hit him with lightning and he thought that he had clearly changed a lot and become even more insane he looked down at the prince with displeasure and gritted
his teeth then asked why he would want to harm him if something happened to him he would be dead Rael asked him to wait and said that he didn't need to be killed a little electricity wouldn't hurt him he would need to inject it into his body for 3 hours without a break the old man mentally called him a scoundrel and wondered what kind of quirks this was lightning is extremely destructive in nature a high- ranking Mage can compete with a natural disaster with it and he asks him to give out a weak voltage of
electricity for 3 hours for this a mage needs to have excellent control he called out to His Highness and asked if he knows that his request is incredibly difficult to fulfill MC confirmed his words and thought that it was like driving a car at a speed of 30 km per hour for more than 3 hours he threw his arm over his shoulder and said that this is why he came to him who else can control Mana so well he is the best mage in their entire Empire his internal organs began to support his words joyfully
shouting the old man's name meanwhile the guards and Daman watched them from the side and did not understand what was happening after the prince's words xanit stroked his beard and thought that he was not so against participating in this test he decided to ask what would happen if something happened and he told him in response not to worry he would not hold him responsible he would not be obliged to account for either his injury or death he pointed to the guards and said that they would be Witnesses they became very worried and mentally asked him
not to drag them into this after which the prince said that he was not planning anything bad he just wanted to help someone the magician agreed to fulfill his request and asked when they would begin raiko confidently answered that right now after which the they turned on the light in the room and zantis took his staff and stood behind the prince thinking that he could not mindlessly use electricity on the child first he needed to try everything on himself and make sure that you were safe he called out to His Highness and asked if he
was ready the MC who was concentrating on the flows of men around him nodded and the old man extended his hand forward saying that he was beginning a Golden Glow appeared around him after which a thin stream of Sparks hit Rael from the staff and he felt how it stung he thought with a smile that he knew that the palace magician could handle this now it was his turn he would absorb the electric current and convert it into an electrode and then introduce an electrical signal directly into the abnormal nerve impulse appearing in the boy's
Vegas nerve thereby taking it under control he opened his eyes and thought that the Azran core technique was too strong he didn't expect to succeed the first time he turned sharply to the court Mage and said that this was enough and he asked if he wanted him to stop if anything he could continue all day the Crown Prince exclaimed that it hurt let him stop right now the next day raiko gathered his personal guards and servants and they wondered what all this was for the maid said that she heard he called those who like to
spread rumors another servant replied that he did not understand him at all after that the doors to the room opened and the eldest sister George saw her brother sitting on the bed opposite the prince the court Mage and the doctor the servant stopped at the door to watch and MC showed the boy a needle and said that he would not ask him to relax medicine is Harsh the procedures are painful George asked will it hurt him a lot he replied that it was like a mosquito bite he said that it meant that it hurt the
prince replied that it wasn't like that at all and he asked was that true he confirmed his words and asked hadn't he even noticed how he had already inserted the needle George looked down in surprise at the needle that was already in his neck and the prince stood up from his chair and nodded to the magician thinking that from now on it would stand thing after that the old man used magic and began to pour electricity into rael's body which made him shudder and feel how it was gradually gathering in his heart Garden fainted and
said that he couldn't believe that His Highness would be fried by electricity and at that time he mentally told them to watch carefully and tell everyone about this revolutionary treatment this is what viral marketing is now he needs to process the electric current with this thought he reached out to the boy and stuck the needle in and then entered his inner world after walking along the Mana flows for a while he stopped and noticed something raising his head he found a spark above him and became nervous thinking that it was something ominous he screwed up
the Mana flow was moving unsteadily it would explode soon which meant that an attack would happen meanwhile George felt uneasy and asked how much longer he had to endure this raiki did not answer and ran faster along his Mana flows thinking that there were a maximum of 3 minutes left before the attack in the worst case scenario one he found himself at his destination and seeing many Sparks around thought that he needed to set the opposite signal in this electrode this is bad there is little time even if he activated the Azran core technique at
full power the process would still take half an hour should he stop and try another time but if the attack happens the servants will blab about it he doesn't know how long Sanitas will agree to help he's not sure if there will be another chance a terminally ill person like him doesn't have time to be weak he returned to reality and called out to the court magician asking him to increase the power of magic three times the old man was very surprised and Rael ordered him to do this he will explain everything later the old
man said that it will hurt and he answered with a confident face that it does not matter zantis agreed and increased the power three-fold causing rael's body to tremble and he screamed in pain there are 10 seconds left before the attack he needs to absorb more Mana process it and complete the treatment he returned to George's inner world and decided that the electrode should be placed on the main artery then jumped down to the artery and wrapped it with a scroll there are 5 seconds left before the attack and he began to act the boy
meanwhile felt really bad and started foaming at the mouth but MC didn't give up everyone else was getting really worried and a bright flash flared up in George's inner world and the scroll was still in place when there was one second left Rael applied his strength and clenched his teeth and then stretched his hand forward and threw out all the electricity he had Sparks spread throughout the Mana flow and George clenched his teeth in intense pain and then suddenly everything disappeared and he sighed heavily looking at the prince he smiled and asked does he feel
better now the old man sighed with relief and the sick boy's older sister thought in Surprise nothing happened usually he loses Consciousness when the pain starts meanwhile MC sighed with relief and thought that he was on the edge his body was still numb the system reported that the request to provide payment for the second level medical treatment was activated he cured the patient George of the Vegas nerve the total amount of extra life gained is 3 days his total lifespan is 161 days he was overjoyed when he saw the notification and a system message immediately
appeared in front of him informing him that he had maximized the use of the asran core technique to withstand the intense stimulation of his body in the process he had surpassed his limit the level of the Azran core technique had been increased the second level technique greatly increases the Mana in the Mana Circle by 130% the required indicators for the next increase are 1,200 Health points the Crown Prince clenched his fist in joy and thought that the core technique had been leveled up and his Mana had also increased the system reported that he had successfully
carried out stimulation with powerful electricity thanks to this the gold energy in his lungs and large intestine was activated and affected the wood energy since metal restricts wood the organ that has the energy of wood the liver awakened meanwhile a new Resident arrived at the dormatory liver kicked the door open and waved his bag calling the others lazy idiots and throwing the bag at them telling them to take it with a grumpy expression the room went silent and heart asked is this a newbie colen got really happy and took off his shirt shouting that he
was no longer a newbie after that he ran up to liver and he hit him in the face asking is he trying to enroll him as a newbie had he already decided what his last words would be the system informed Rael that liver had given him 300 health points his lungs heart and colon were very happy with the new addition and gave him 500 health points liver's birthday party was starting he got an extra 300 points currently he had 1,300 Health points the prince smiled at the news thinking that now he would be able to
get even more Health points what a wonderful day he pumped up the technique awakened the liver and received additional Health points maybe they will give him something else but contrary to his expectations the system reported that this was all and then suddenly the voice of George was heard calling him MC was distracted from his thoughts and asked what is wrong the boy answered that something is wrong with him the prince bent down to him and pulled the needle out of his neck smiling said that everything is fine with him George confusedly said that usually when
he has a strange feeling then it darkens in his eyes and he loses control of himself the prince asked was he surprised that this time everything was different he confirmed his words and MC with a smile said that from now on it will be like this and until the end of his life the boy was very happy and asked is it true he confirmed his words and said that he will no longer suffer from pain if he is lying then tomorrow he will stop being the Crown Prince the maid burst into tears of happiness and
called her brother and he joyfully called out to her then ran up and threw himself into her arms looking at them the prince crossed his arms over his chest and thought with a smile that this was a complete success now all the servants saw this and the news of his Good Deed would spread it was time to receive patience in the small Palace he would treat them and receive tons of extra days of Life a long and healthy life awaited him but when he was inspired by this he suddenly felt a strange feeling and began
to fall wondering what was the matter was he losing Consciousness again the system reported that of course after such stress that his body had gone through he was losing Consciousness night fell the prince found himself in his room and finally opened his eyes the first thing he did was wonder how long he had been unconscious Garden standing next to him asked was he awake Rael turned his gaze to him and asked with a smile why were they all watching him sleep did they have nothing better to do his personal physician replied that he was very
tired of watching him sleep after which he burst into tears and said that that is why he hoped that he would wake up soon he prayed for him so much the prince became worried and exclaimed what is the matter why is he crying again while Garden was drowning in tears Damen said that he had slept for two whole days at this news MC suddenly sat up in bed and was very surprised and the court magician approached his bed and with a gloomy expression asked did he try to kill him how was he supposed to explain
to his majesty that he lost Consciousness because of his lightning magic Rael laughed awkwardly and asked him for forgiveness after which he asked about George's well-being the boy who was also there looked out from behind garden and said with a smile that he was completely fine he came closer and laughed joyfully and the prince asked what he was doing here George pointed at the doctor and said that he had been bothering him until he let him in he groped behind his back and said a little shyly that he wanted to give this to him when
he woke up he handed him a homemade heart-shaped pendant and MC asked if he had made this while he was sleeping he took it and thought that it was unnecessary he had only saved him because he wanted to live longer he shouldn't have been impressed by his actions George suddenly distracted him from his thoughts by calling out to him after which he said with delight that he also wanted to become great and help others just like him these words greatly surprised the Crown Prince and he said that the pendant was wellmade he was grateful to
it the boy smiled and he continued saying that for him the best reward was to see him healthy the others present in the room also smiled in the prince coughing into his fist said that he needed to rest a little more Garden wished him a good rest and said that it was time for them to leave after which they all headed towards the exit of the chambers but George turned around and waved happily to the prince saying that they would see each other again Rael also said goodbye to him and as soon as the door
closed he looked down at the pendant and asked who would wear such a thing without precious stones it looks very simple he decided that it was time to sleep and lay down on the bed but before that he put on the pendant given to him a new day began one of the servants returned home from the palace and warned his parents about it his mother looked out into the corridor and asked why he came today he answered with a smile that he was on vacation she was very surprised by this and he said that he
had been given a special leave after this they gathered around the same table to have lunch and his mother asked if the prince had suddenly given him 5 days off he confirmed her words and said that many people from the small Palace had to his father asked how the Crown Prince was doing and he replied with a smile that he seemed to be feeling much better his parents said said that this was good news he suddenly became curious is this why he had been feeling strange lately they asked what he meant he replied that he
was always talking about wanting to heal other people just like a doctor he took a scroll out of his bag and asked them to look at it after which they all leaned over the table together and reacted with great surprise to it exactly the same leaflets were distributed throughout the city and people of course became interested it was an advertising leaflet about the opening of a traditional medicine clinic in the small Palace in honor of which a free treatment Festival was being held the leaflet also had treatment methods written on it and a portrait of
the Crown Prince drawn after watching this the towns people wondered if he was offering to straighten their spines meanwhile MC was looking out the window and smiling saying that it seemed like the rumor had spread Garden entered his office and said that it was time to go out and the prince turned around with a smile agreeing with him they went out into the corridor and headed to the clinic and garden noted that he had gotten up up quite early today he replied that today was the Clinic's first day of operation his personal physician reported that
he had also bought all the medicinal ingredients as he had requested he asked even licorice he replied that he had chosen it with special care the Crown Prince praised him and said that he would need a large Supply so he should buy as much as possible even if it caused a rush Garden replied that he understood after which he suddenly stopped and called out to him making him turn around he asked where he had learned all this Rael didn't understand what he was talking about so he explained that he meant making new concoctions getting rid
of joint pain by piercing with thorns he was really curious as a doctor MC remained silent and garden said that to be honest he hadn't been sleeping well lately his thoughts were occupied by the medical techniques that he had taken from who knows where he couldn't figure out how they work no matter how hard he tried that's why he was a little sad he hung his head dejectedly and the prince remained silent again frowning slightly with the thought that most likely he felt pathetic since he couldn't figure out how they worked he understood his feelings
because he was also a doctor he decided to tell him the truth and said that in fact he came from another world there he was not a prince but a commoner named lehan and he made a living using traditional medical techniques that he uses now Garden was very surprised and then disappointedly said that it took him a long time to think before sharing his thoughts with him the Crown Prince scratched his head with with a smile and replied that that was why he had told him the truth and he had said that if it were
the truth he would be upset maybe he should still be honest the prince replied that he had already been honest why did he need to understand all of this Garden confidently clenched his fist and replied that he wanted to become a better doctor and have the same pleasure as he did he replied that he could do it anyway the man did not understand what he was talking about and was surprised and Rael turned away from him and said that they had enough of this chatter and that they had to get down to business after that
he smiled slightly and thought that he had managed to get this far because he had always been there to help him he hoped that on the opening day the clinic would be filled with patients and not just flies I hop that people would not be afraid to come here because the Crown Prince lived here he remembered how his Clinic was closed and began to nervously bite his nails thinking that he had a PTSD he prayed for many patients to be there then he opened the windows and happily greeted the town people at the traditional medicine
clinic in the small Palace but there was not a single soul at the entrance he became very upset and thought that he was cursed then he began to go down the stairs leaning his Trembling Hands on the railing but suddenly his personal doctor noticed something and called out to him asking him to look over there MC looked to the side and his eyes immediately widened in Surprise seeing the huge crowd of patients he thought that he was saved while the town's people began to push and swear for their place in line after that the reception
of patients began the first day was the busiest while the Crown Prince was taking the old man's pulse his servant approached him and apologized for disturbing him and then asked what he should do Rael paid attention to him and ordered him to go around and see if anyone needed emergency care he noticed that someone was preparing the medicine incorrectly and called out to that servant then returned to the examination and thought that the care system still needed to be adjusted it would take some time before they learned how to work the system reported that he
had gained enough experience from treating many patients using his experience as a basis the level of the ability to measure the pulse increased now the pulse measurement was at the second level the patient would be able to get more information about the symptoms of the internal organs if he tried his own in the meantime his internal organs were participating in the process of measuring the pulse they all went to meet the patient organs and the Heart confidently told them to prepare for a blind date the lungs replied that they were so excited and the Heart
said that he told them that they were not interested in those who were 4 years older or younger the large intestine said with a smile that a blind date was cool the liver asked them to pull themselves together and said that they were going to meet the grandpas meanwhile the Aged heart lungs colon and liver were waiting for them at the table the system reported that the consultation with the internal organs had been completed the heart reported that everything was fine the lungs responded that everything was going smoothly but the colon found slight constipation and
the rest was was normal the liver reported that the old man had signs of hepatitis he needed to stop drinking MC was slightly surprised in thought is his liver in very bad condition the liver confirmed his words and said that it was almost crying he had been destroying his liver with alcohol for the past 50 years at this rate it would definitely fail in about 5 years after reading this Rael smiled and thought that the detailed consultation with the internal organs was amazing making an accurate diagnosis is the most important part of the treatment he
needs to awaken the other internal organs as soon as possible he told the man that his liver was in bad condition and he was very surprised and he explained that this was the reason for his tired appearance and yellowish complexion the liver needs rest he will prescribe him a decoction of bulurum let him take it for 10 days depending on the subsequent diagnosis he can also recommend cinnamon and a por a pill his face instantly became serious and he added that he also must stop drinking from today hearing this the man was horrified and Rael
said that his liver was in terrible condition if he continued In The Same Spirit he would not last more than 5 years the patient was upset and he asked can he live without drinking the man nodded several times and MC said that not as a doctor but as the Crown Prince he ordered him to stop drinking if he disobeyed the order he would go to prison after his words the man was shocked and as soon as evening came the prince finished the reception and said that everyone whose condition is not critical should return tomorrow after
finishing his work his servants came to him and told him that he had done a good job and one of the maids apologized to him for the mistake with the medicine she wasn't sure if they were coping he smiled and told her not to worry they were all doing well so let them keep working he thought that since there was no such thing as a nurse in this world there was nothing he could do he would be in a difficult situation if he received too many patients who only needed the help of nurses he needed
to set up a system of care so that patients were taken care of Around the Clock he remembered the two large women who worked in his clinic and he thought that it would be good if Miss Kim and Miss Lee were here now suddenly someone's quick footsteps were heard from the corridor Garden opened the doors to the room and called out to His Highness excitedly saying that a person needed urgent help the man standing next to him who was carrying a woman on his back said worriedly that he was the eldest son of the House
of drier it was an honor for him to meet His Highness he begs very much to save his mother after that the patient was laid on the bed and Rael examined her said that her fever was frightening how long has she been in this condition the man answered that she had been like this since the beginning of the day she had been fine until then but then she felt cold and her condition was gradually getting worse the Crown Prince decided to check her pulse and felt something frightening this was the disease that had killed 40,000
of Napoleon soldiers he was horrified by the diagnosis and thought it was a tyus epidemic a deadly acute febrile disease caused by infection with rsia bacteria he asked the liver if he was serious and he confirmed his words saying that he had seen bacteria in the blood that had gotten into the lady's liver he became a little nervous then turned to the patient's son and asked when the last time she had taken a bath the man was slightly surprised by his question and the prince said that he needed to know to better understand her condition
he replied that she had taken a bath yesterday among other things MC asked what that me and he replied that she took a warm bath every day the Crown Prince rubbed his chin and thought it was strange that someone who washed herself every day could become infected with rsia bacteria he asked what about her house especially her bed he replied that everything was tidy and clean Rael asked if there were any lice or fleas in the house he replied that there were none the prince then asked if she had been to any places lately where
she could have picked up parasites the man thought for a second and then said excitedly that she had been to some places about 2 weeks ago her carriage broke down on the way to visit relatives and she had spent the night at a farmer's house they had let her sleep on their bed raiko thought that The Fever had started today she had been to the farmer's House 2 weeks ago and the incubation period was 15 days he swore and thought that the symptoms matched those of typhus perfectly he looked up at the man and said
that she had become infected at that farm he asked what exactly she had contracted and he replied that she had typhus it was transmitted by lice that bit a person's skin and suck their blood he looked at the woman and thought that this was very bad she was already old and the Xiao was quite strong in the worst case she could develop pneumonia damage her central nervous system or have necrosis of body parts he clenched his teeth nervously and then turned to his servants and ordered them to listen carefully let them take off all her
clothes and wash her thoroughly with towels soaked in warm water then let them dress her in hospital clothes what one of the maids raised her hand and asked what they should do with her clothes he ordered them to burn them as well as the bed she was currently lying on when they were done let them take a bath and burn their clothes if they failed to follow even one instruction they would be fired immediately and punished the maids were frightened and nervously replied that they understood everything after which he turned to the man and ordered
him to send someone to report to her family about what had happened he waved his hand and ordered them to do so immediately after which they all rushed to the exit Rael meanwhile went to the kitchen and poured the prepared broth into a bowl with the thought that the cure for her illness was a tonic soup made from the root of the kutsu it is excellent for feverish diseases the tonic soup from this root is an analgesic that reduces the symptoms of fever it is prepared from aedra and the root of the kutsu after this
he returned to the patient with the soup and gave it to her to drink asking her not to hurry because of her serious illness she remained there for a long time but the maids looked after her day and night and fed her soup one night she felt unwell in MC who was sitting next to her thought that they had been taking care of her for 3 days all three Maids working in shifts for 8 or 10 hours but she had not gotten better her condition had only worsened due to the high fever in this case
soup alone would not be enough the balance of I and yang was completely disrupted which resulted in the depletion of I energy first he needed to restore the balance only then could the soup have a positive effect on her body he would need a special medicinal herb that had powerful in energy he mentally ordered his internal organs to think but they replied that there was no brain among them and he thought they were idiots they were completely useless in an emergency he suddenly remembered a place and had an idea and then he immediately ordered Garden
to prepare the carriage the secret storage room of the palace contains all kinds of rare treasures and artifacts he is not sure but he can most likely find suitable herbs there only the emperor can go there and it is extremely difficult to gain access but he was the Crown Prince he should take this opportunity to ask his father for help he arrived at his father's place in the middle of the night and greeted him respectfully and his father asked him with displeasure why he had come to see him at such a late hour the prince
felt a powerful pressure coming from him as always and he felt uneasy after which he replied that the reason for his coming was to ask to be allowed to enter the secret vault his father asked why he needed to go there and Rael sighed saying saying that he must have heard that he had founded a traditional medicine clinic in the small Palace many patients come there and he treats them 3 days ago a Gravely ill Noble woman was brought to him aelian asked what this had to do with the Vault he replied that the ingredients
needed to treat her might be stored there his father thought about it and said that he was not sure if he was telling the truth perhaps he wanted to use the plight of an innocent patient to enter the Vault for his own selfish reasons he smiled and thought it was interesting his son had turned to him first he had changed seeing his expression MC thought with displeasure that this old man was clearly enjoying himself now it seemed like he was deliberately complicating things and he was also a middle-aged man who had experienced ups and downs
convincing his father was also difficult he rose from his knees and waved his hand exclaiming that there was no time for this her life was already hanging by a thread the emperor frowned and asked where the proof was that his diagnosis was correct after all he had been sick all his Youth and had studied little and now he had taken up medicine his doubts were not unfounded he started shouting and said that he was not sure if he was taking good enough care of the patient and whether his diagnosis could be trusted raiko calmly replied
that he understood everything he wanted to test him he smiled and asked defiantly he was right right his father confirmed his words with a smile and said that everything was simple the commander of the Imperial Knights Roberto had recently ly Fallen ill and he should diagnose him Roberto who was standing next to him became slightly nervous and the emperor said that if he could diagnose him correctly he would allow him to enter the secret vault after this Rael approached the night and began to feel his pulse and the emperor watching this carefully thought with a
smile that he would never be able to cope only the commander his wife and he knew about the illness after finishing the examination the Crown Prince called out to the commander and said that he was suffering from Bess causing him and the emperor to be very surprised there was silence in the room for a few seconds after which aelion jumped up from his chair and pointed his finger at the Knight telling his son to open his eyes wider his hair was in place and even shiny Roberto's whole body Shook and MC told his father that
it was easy to explain and then grabbed the Knight by the hair and pulled it off smiling and saying that he was wearing a wig Roberto burst into tears that someone else knew about his embarrassing illness and mentally asked the two of them to stop and his bald spot began to shine which made him feel even worse and he fell to his knees after a short conversation with his father Rael left the office and told Daman to follow him and they headed towards the Vault Damen asked if he had been too cruel to him he
cheerfully replied that everything was fine he would cure him later but for now he needed to concentrate on something else they both stopped and the Crown Prince looking at the glow ahead said with a smile that there was a secret vault here he huge Enchanted doors appeared in front of him and Roberto meanwhile asked the emperor why he didn't ask him how to cure this aelion began to calm him down and said that he would go to the small Palace later and get treatment the protagonist said look there is a secret storage they stopped near
the large shining doors and looked at it the Knight went forward and said His Highness he held out a shining pass and said he asked him to take it Rael asked in Surprise what is this the Knight answered this is a pass to The Secret store stage he must have it with him to enter the protagonist asked what will happen if he does not take it the light above the door changed to R and the Knight answered then all the protective magic in the storage will be activated and Rael must also give him a record
of how long they are allowed to stay there if they are late they will die the Knight waved his hand near his neck and grinned he said for his information he is allowed to be in the vault until dawn the protagonist looked at the watch on his hand and shouted what only a couple of hours left he ran forward and said Damian come quickly the Knight stretched out his hand in fear and shouted your highness there the advanced level area several different doors held different levels Advanced intermediate and basic Rael smiled and said let him
forgive him he did not know he frowned and thought he did not fall for it the protagonist remembered atian saying that since he passed the test he will allow him to enter the basic level area tonight he can take one item from there the servant was kneeling and shaking with shame Rael looked forward in Surprise and said forgive aelan asked the question did he have an objection to his permission the protagonist stretched his lips forward and said discontentedly it's not exactly an objection he worked so hard and passed the test and he only allowed him
to the basic level aelan replied he can't say that he worked hard besides he didn't say in advance what level he was aiming for the protagonist said discontented he played it all in his own way when he passed the test aelan thought does his son have no shame at all at the moment the protagonist turned away discontentedly and thought the emperor is so stingy did he even want to help him he put the past to the protective window on the wall and thought it's better not to contact him until it's really hot the green light
approved the opening of the doors and the night lowered his head and said see you soon your highness the guys widened their eyes in Surprise seeing the contents a moment later they went inside and Rael looked around he saw many cabinets and energy seals he said wow there's enough work there for the whole night the energy clock turned over and the countdown began the protagonist looked at Damen and said Daman they need to find a suitable item there he asked in Surprise and how to do that the protagonist answered it will be cold Damen asked
pardon raiko presented many different items and answered it is either an item or a reagent or a magic ball with an ice attribute or something similar if he finds such a thing let him write down the location of it he will come later Damien took a small piece of paper and a pen from the protagonist hands Rael pointed his finger first in One Direction and said they will divide the territory in two and check each section he will go that way Daman pointed his finger in the opposite direction and said and he in that direction
the protagonist answered okay a moment later the guys began searching and there was less and less time left raiko put his hand to his chin and thought I wonder if the thing is that this is a base level Zone he does not see anything suitable hopefully Daman is doing better at this point Damen was standing next to the item and looking at it carefully after a while Rael asked if he wrote down the location as he asked Damen replied yes he handed over a piece of paper and the protagonist was puzzled wondering what was written
there anyway the boys walked forward and Rael asked if there was anything with an ice attribute in this vast area Damien replied yes sir the protagonist walked over to the cabinet and wondered was this their last hope he said they'll see the tablet said the name 10,000 years snow the type of this Shield the origin is unknown and the level is basic the description when Mana is input into it the core in the center changes it and creates an ice Shield rikiel asked 10,000 years snow he wondered it looked like a pager button that they
give out in cafes he he widened his eyes and thought however he saw the inscription below the ice Shield will break when it takes too much damage the frost fragment that would drop when damaged was a product of pure Mana it would melt on its own over time but please refrain from mindlessly touching or consuming it he reached out towards it and thought wow it's cold the protagonist thought an ice Shield would be created when Mana was input into it he picked it up and looked closely it started to glow and Shake raiko thought wait
could this be some kind of button that someone brought from the cafe he really wanted to go pick up his order it hummed louder the more Mana he input so he shouldn't mindlessly do it the shield required a minimum of Mana which is why it was placed at the basic level the protagonist thought he'll try again slower he imagined his past self standing in the shower and trying to adjust the temperature of the water raiko thought about it it was like changing the temperature of the water in the shower yes it felt the same he
would continue in The Same Spirit suddenly an eyes Shield appeared in front of him and he shouted happily it worked he looked at it in admiration and thought The Shield is so huge but it weighs nothing at all and it's cold too this should help he will be able to cure that lady from the drier house Rael turned around and said Daman he will need his help again he thought about it he has no idea what he is thinking he asked a question what the protagonist answered he will tell you later let's go it's time
for him to earn extra Health points Damian asked again puzzled what extra Health points the protagonist answered oh he meant to cure the patient at that moment a knight came inside and said your highness what did you choose he looked at Daman and asked this sword the protagonist shouted in displeasure Daman what is he doing he is completely disappointed in him Rael at that moment stood with a crown on his head a cape on his shoulders and a huge amount of jewelry in his hands and Pockets the Knight said he should also take off what
he took his highness after a while voices were heard under the windows Garden woke up and heard he why he thoughtfully rubbed his eyes and went to the window below he saw the protagonist and Daman he said his highness has returned Garden smiled and thought he was with Daman previously he considered Damen a rude and tough person but he copes well with his task of protecting the prince how good that His Highness who was sick all his life now found such a friend with whom he is comfortable he made tea and went outside with a
tray Garden thought he thinks he can start to trust him a little at that moment Rael laughed and hugged Damen who was not very happy about it it was starting to get light and the protagonist took out a shield and activated an ice Shield Garden's eyes widened and thought what is this Damian took out a sword and frowned and garden thought why did he take out a sword he pushed off the ground and rushed forward swinging it Daman struck the shield but it remained unharmed Garden dropped the tray and clutched his face and screamed in
horror traitor a few minutes ago raiko folded his arms over his chest and told him to listen carefully to what he was about to tell him Daman replied yes your highness he thought his Pure Heart Is sincerely trying to help patients in need so he will gladly and without hesitation carry out his instructions the protagonist folded his hands in front of his face and said with a smile in that case can he hit him with a sword Damen froze and frowned and thought is he really out of his mind Rael ordered to hit until his
eyes Shield falls apart Damen asked again was he serious the protagonist answered yes at that moment daman's respect for raiko fell he asked why him it was from this question that Garden woke up and looked out the window Damen asked did he want to kill him making him look like a traitor the protagonist answered he needed to hit his shield so that he could save lady drier only in this way will they all survive he pointed his finger forward and said and him he pointed at himself and said and him Damen was puzzled thought what
was he talking about he frowned and demanded a better explanation Rael asked did he see what was written about the 10,000-year old snow and the secret storage Damen remembered the inscription and asked yes but how does this relate to the fact that he will hit him the protagonist answered he is going to used the fragment of frost that will fall after the destruction of the shield for medical purposes Damian put his hand to his lips and coughed he asked can he just put it on the ground he imagined himself hitting the shield with his sword
and the protagonist replied that's impossible Rael activated the shield and said he can see it now he put it back and said but now it's not for that to happen he has to input Mana into it he himself would like to resort to a safer method Damen looked at it carefully and asked so he was asking to break the shield without harming him right the protagonist pointed at him and replied yes that's right Damen came closer and said your highness this could be taken as treason what should he do he will never agree he frowned
and shouted without payment Rael looked at him in Surprise and Damien said please let him give him a bonus for each hit the first rule of discussing wages is to attack first to win the protagonist smiled and asked so he wants to be paid for beating him Daman said yes he put his hand on his heart and bowed and said your highness he considers him his benefactor and respects his gratuitous help to other people but this is a different matter so he must be paid for it Rael thought well all the misfortunes in daman's life
cannot be reduced to a lack of money he imagined several fragments from his life the death of his mother battles with monsters and the mark he thought even in the novel he was surprisingly quite poor the moment Garden left the house the protagonist hugged Damen and laughed and said he is the same as described in the book Damen asked displeased where did he read about him Rael said he knew everything but in reality he was much more Shameless Damen looked at him puzzled it was getting light and the protagonist shouted okay he will pay for
every blow Daman replied he hopes the money will come on time he took out his sword and struck Garden dropped the tray from his hands and shouted he is a traitor hard lost Consciousness and fell to the ground and Damen froze with the sword in his hands never breaking the shield the protagonist trembled with anxiety and Damen swung and said it seems that such a large amount of force cannot break it he will try again Rael twisted his face in fear and began to shake Damen looked at him puzzled and said he has not swung
yet the protagonist shouted hurry up Damen struck and responded okay he struck again but to no avail he he thought should he strike harder raiko cried out in displeasure oh he's small trying to earn more Damen got angry and replied this time he'll be serious he swung and dealt a strong Blow from which cracks appeared on the shield fragments fell to the ground and the protagonist looked at it happily he began to jump for joy and shout it worked he did it long live the long and painless life of a rich member of the ruling
family he suggested collecting the fragments and going he saw Garden lying on the ground around and asked why he was sleeping on the street after some time Rael Was preparing a decoction kzu edra JuJu seeds pey and licorice Roots as well as ginger roots and Chinese cinnamon bark it turned out to be a regular tonic soup from the Kazo root the protagonist stirred the contents of the pan and thought now he will add fragments of cold and put everything in the slot the system window reported his experience has increased significantly due to the use of
a new method a new ability tonic brew has been unlocked ability level one tonic Brew the tonic Brews he makes will be 10% more effective than normal through ingredient analysis he can find out detailed information about the tonic's effectiveness side effects and toxicity level Rael took the pot off and put it on the table the system window reported he created a new recipe based on the traditional kazur rot tonic soup his heart sighed and said greatest for hell this is the Kazu rot tonic he ordered ice cold kazuro tonic soup known as kazuro tonic the
system window reported tonic Brew preparation ability variant ingredient analysis does he wish to activate the protagonist thought amazing of course yes ice cold kaduru tonic description dark brown liquid effect it restores water energy reduces fever how to use take three times a day after meals note patients with sore throat or heart attack cannot use it manufacturer Rael Audria Magano the protagonist thought what a powerful ability he no longer needs to test the medicine himself and it also restores water energy he clenched his fist and looked at the contents of the pot Rael thought Mrs drier
now he can save her he smiled and looked ahead carefully after a while he entered the room where the lady was lying the man shouted his majesty the protagonist asked how is she the man lowered his head and replied she is still lying there without strength raiko looked at her carefully and thought her energy level has dropped even more he hopes his medicine will work the protagonist took out a spoon and broke off a piece of the decoction he brought the spoon to the lady's lips and said lady he asked for this to be drunk
it is a little colder after a while a voice was heard how bitter the protagonist sat down on a chair near the bed and laughed the more bitter the medicine the more effective it is at night night he sat near the lady and during the day he again prepared the decoction 10 days later the servants looked at the protagonist with admiration and garden thought they cannot believe that his majesty himself created the medicine and gives it to the patient to drink was he always like this before him was a completely different person than the former
sensitive idiot His Highness he really respected him now he always believed in him Garden squeezed the handkerchief with his lips and cried with emotion he thought his highness Rael at this time sat on a chair and laughed maliciously and in his hand laid the unfortunate Hedgehog the protagonist thought about it he somehow managed to cope but he was terribly exhausted he himself conducted examinations care procedures and prepared medicines Rachel he needs to hold on for the sake of the reward he is already the system window reported he used the icy Kazu rot tonic and successfully
cured typhus tireless care for his patient condition demonstrates exemplary selfs sacrifice those who observe him respect and appreciate him greatly they applaud him in addition to the reward for the treatment he received a bonus compliment effect the effectiveness of the ability to request payment for the second level medical treatment has increased by one and a half times the protagonist's eyes widened and thought what a bonus for a compliment the effectiveness of his ability has increased by one and a half times so the system window reported the life expectancy of the patient Miss drier has increased
by 27 years and 3 months the amount of bonus life received 5 and a half days until the bonus compliment effect is calculated the bonus amount of life will be rounded up the game amount of the bonus life received 8 Days the updated lifespan 146 days Rael smiled and thought amazing if the people around him respect and praise him he will be able to earn more bonus life he imagined the mixture of the energies of respect and praise and laugh he will confuse them all even more after a while when the sunset Sky had already
appeared the protagonist was riding in a carriage with an escort he thought this time he somehow managed to sort out the situation but running a clinic alone is gradually becoming difficult Rael looked out the window and thought he needs professional nurses after a while the carriage stopped and Mrs drier got out she smiled and said your highness not only did he cure her but he also drove her home she she does not even know how to thank him for his kindness the protagonist thought there is no need to worry he has already received many benefits
the system window reported the heart lungs large intestine and liver gave him 200 Health points to congratulate him on the successful treatment the current number of Health points 1,500 Rael smiled and said no need it is enough for him that she is healthy everyone grabbed their faces and tears gushed from their eyes they thought how touching the downers decided to say goodbye when suddenly the protagonist ordered to stop he said but he wants to talk to him Lord drier pointed his finger at himself and asked excuse me to him Rael ordered to get into the
carriage after a while they arrived in the forest and the Lord asked His Highness is it really necessary for them to sit and talk like this the protagonist answered yes there is something that requires their attention while they are sitting like this even the shinai did this the the birds took off and headed towards the sunset Sky the gentleman shook his jacket and thought in confusion why was he silent Rael sighed heavily and said God he hurts all over Mr drier glanced back in fear and thought really the protagonists began to speak pitifully he spent
so many days looking after her without any sleep the gentleman turned around and thought he knew it he said his highness he was thinking about how to repay him the protagonist asked doesn't he know that he doesn't charge for treatment so you can lose clients if word gets around that his advertising was untrue Mr darer said but His Highness he wants to repay him somehow for his kindness Rael cried out really well he's not his patient after all he doesn't charge anything from patience the man turned around and said puzzled yes he was right something's
fishy there the protagonist took out sheets of paper and began to read he said as far as he knows he's an artist right the G gentleman replied yes although he's just a beginner Rael narrowed his eyes and said he wants him to work with him on a project a few days later in Plaza frona a merchant asked if he'd heard the news the guy asked what about the merchant replied the Crown Prince is looking for workers for the small Palace the guy asked why is he telling him this the old man put his hands on
his shoulders and said he thought he'd be interested since he's been out of work for 5 years the guy Cried Out puzzled hey master why does he care about his employment there's no point in crossing the border he has enough to pay the rent the old man nudged him and said he's already overdue twice the guy smiled and said he'd go and get him some money at that moment anise approached the point of sale and picked up an apple she smirked and said nothing after a while a sign was visible on a large beautiful building
an exhibition of the eldest son of the drier house everyone is invited many people went inside and carefully looked at the the paintings the main character approached the gentleman and clapped his hands joyfully and said he congratulated him on becoming a professional artist Mr drier put his hand to his hair and replied thank you His Highness Rael looked at the painting and asked but why does he have such an elongated face the gentleman thoughtfully remained silent the gentleman said it feels like he is fooling people each painting had a main character painted on it and
the works were called life together life comes back to him and sometimes he cries Daman looked at the last painting with rael's crying face and said he doesn't know why but he wants to cut this canvas the protagonist put his hand on Mr drier's shoulder and said it's okay they do this themselves in Photoshop the gentleman asked in confusion what is Photoshop His Highness will his works really help him with the advertising campaign Rael answered of course it will work the largest painting depicted doctors in a Burning Flame the protagonist extended his hand and and
said terribly good amazing let them show him the medical staff the people stood with their mouths open and wondered what this drawing meant they came because the entrance was free the people saw a sign near the painting it said let them show him the medical staff oil painting on canvas they can become one of the angels in white one must feel the pleasure and happiness of Life by becoming a medical worker along with a bonus in the form of an enticing salary guaranteed by the Crown Prince himself you need to apply now a voice said
darling she must admit that she always wanted to be a nurse the man asked what a place to apply for the medical staff selection test Garden was standing behind the counter and accepting applications the man said the pay is very good they say it can cover two years of rent the guy was holding a piece of paper in his hands and crying he said mother he will become a highly paid nurse and repay her for raising him anise was standing next to him and looking at the leaflet she read the Clause that she was required
to live in the imperial capital she squeezed the paper in displeasure and the protagonist stood behind and laughed contentedly Damian looked at him and asked your highness are you happy Rael was drooling with joy he wiped it off and answered of course how else he looked at the crowd and said if they can attract capable and talented people to work in the small Palace they will be able to cure more patience the protagonist waved his hand and said that's why he began to sing loudly how could he not be happy raiko thought oh his bonuses
his life expectancy Damen looked at him and thought he is incredible and he pays well 6 days later there was a sign near the Small Castle show him the medical staff the host stood on the stage and looked at the gathered people anise approached the crowd and said she is on time the host took the microphone and shouted he asked for attention the first task of the test for selecting medical staff which is conducted by the Crown Prince is about to begin show him the medical staff and the first task the people were waiting for
the announcement in anticipation the presenter shouted this will be this will be he showed a piece of paper and shouted it will be announced next week a week later the town's people gathered near the stage again and the host said the organizer and sponsor of the competition this is the Crown Prince the first task for choosing medical personnel is that he waved his hand and shouted that they need to run to the place where the interview will be held the guy looked away in confusion and said how strange and they had been waiting for this
for a whole week the girl told him not to be disappointed ahead of time after a while the guard said that they would be divided into groups of 50 people they would have to quickly run from there to the main building of the small Palace the map indicated that it was 3 km from the current location to the main building of the small Palace the guard said that only the first 10 people from each group would go on to the interview the guy Cried Out In Fear what let them wait and what about the remaining
40 the guard shook his head and replied that those who were not in the first 10 would be disqualified loud shouts were heard this was funny so the first group move out the town's people quickly rushed forward sweat pouring down their faces at the end point stood garden and the main character waiting for the participants Garden waved his hand in front of the running guy and said all the following are disqualified the towns people who looked to run faster than the others fell to the ground and began to breathe heavily Garden looked at them and
said they tried very hard but he waved his hand towards the dishes that were on the table and said the next task will begin right now it is that they must find six medical ingredients on the table that were stored incorrectly the participants began to sniff and examine the ingredients a man in a robe stood at the far table and examined the ingredients suddenly he began to breathe heavily and losing Consciousness fell to the ground the participants looked at each other and thought is it okay that he lost consciousness why is no one helping him
maybe I should help him what should I do this question was asked by each of the town's people looking at the man lying on the ground the participants turned away and started sorting out the ingredients again they thought that there was no time for this first they had to go on the task Rael looked at the man lying on the ground and froze he turned around abruptly and nodded to Garden who came forward and waved his hands and said enough he smiled and said it was nice to see that they were all so focused on
completing the task they would notify the one who passed later the participants walked forward dejectedly and started talking among themselves she didn't pass he couldn't find the ingredients when everyone left the protagonist bent down and said he can get up now Damen quickly jumped up from the ground and shook himself off and said fortunately he managed to trick them raiko waved his hand and said he was worried that they would find his fall too dramatic Damen fixed his hair and asked is it true the protagonist said to watch he grabbed his head drooped and then
spun around and fell to the ground frowning he wiped his lips and asked it looked more natural right Garden burst into tears and said your highness there is no limmit to his talents Damian just remained silent in response raiko asked should he send him to a drama school anyway thanks to daman's pretense he was able to properly evaluate them someone asked a question what will happen to these nine candidates the protagonist frowned and answered they all failed knowledge can always be obtained but Daman interrupted him and asked the question does he mean that their personal
qualities are much more important rikiel answered exactly that's why they screwed up he is looking for future medical workers and now they will check the next group the second group of participants also did not react to the Fallen Man Zero people moved on in the third group also zero passed and in the fourth too the protagonist fell to the ground and stared in confusion he wondered if he was imagining things did they all care about a man who had lost Consciousness he suggested that Damian take a walk to which he responded approvingly after a while
they walked along a path in the garden and Rael thought there were no more candidates what should he do suddenly a Cry came from the side what do you mean it's impossible the Knight pointed his finger at anise and said because she's not a human the protagonist looked at them in confusion and thought what is he talking about she's not a human anise frowned and screamed in displeasure she's a human the guard pushed her away and said not at all raiko got really angry and screamed what a bastard why is he talking to her like
that when they have a shortage of candidates he rolled up his sleeves and asked if she's not a human then who is Damen was silent at first and then answered she's a werewolf the protagonist eyes widened and he asked a werewolf but she doesn't have a tail anise stood behind the fence her arms folded across her chest and Daman said it's just not visible under her baggy pants Rael said thoughtfully I see a werewolf that's a bit Damen thought about it it seems that even the Crown Prince doesn't like werewolves the protagonist imagined the ability
to transform when the wolf was sleeping under the blanket and the strong body of this one impeccable dog sense of smell he screamed enthusiastically she's perfect for the role of a nurse Damian looked at him puzzled and thought he was worried in vain anise screamed in displeasure she is also a citizen of the Empire the law protects her the guard picked his ear and said but sometimes she loses control and turns into a beast anise clenched her jaw and said in displeasure this is a Prejudice no that will not happen the guard behaved inappropriately tried
to mimic her he said oh how scary she even now looks at him like a wolf anise clenched her fists and the veins on her face stood out she thought what an idiot suddenly the main character came out to them and waved his hand and cried out enough enough the guard turned around in fear and asked His Highness Rael clenched his fist and asked didn't he mention in his requirements for the medical staff that any Resident of the capital can take part the guard lowered his head and answered shamefacedly he mentioned the protagonist asked again
even if she was a werewolf but she lived in the capital he apologized to His Highness r he said he should apologize not to him but to her anise widened her eyes and froze in Surprise the protagonist bowed and put his hand to his heart and said let her accept his apology on behalf of the guard for his disrespectful attitude anise answered she is Anise the daughter of Hasa she greets him his highness the protagonist asked the question so does she want to complete the task andise answered yes His Highness Rael turned around and cried
out okay then they will start right now does she agree anise looked at him in Surprise and asked excuse me the protagonist turned around and asked carefully since she is a werewolf she is very Hardy right but he had not seen her in action if she overtakes the guard she will pass the first task the guard pointed his finger at himself and looked at him questioningly after a while Rael pointed his finger towards the fountain and said it's 400 m from there to the Fountain the first one to run to it and return wins anise
threw off her cloak and said she understood the protagonist looked at the guard and asked what is he looking at let him get ready he answered obey he undressed and thought the preparation is complete the guys were standing at the start and warming up the guard frowned and thought he will win a crushing Victory anise thought the same as he did purposefully looking ahead the protagonist took out a small red flag and swung it and said so attention the guard and anise frowned waiting for the command to start Rael waved and shouted start anise quickly
rushed forward which greatly surprised the guard he tried to run after her but all to no avail the protagonist grabbed his cheeks and happily thought God what speed anise quickly ran to the Fountain and grabbed a small pole she turned and ran back anise ran to the guard when she was going back his eyes widened in surprise when he saw her speed he was breathing heavily as he walked forward anise looked at him and thought he was too slow Victory is hers the guard frowned and screamed damn it he twisted his leg and fell to
the ground grabbing it and rolling from side to side in pain anise heard him scream in pain and turned around she saw how much he was suffering in thought did he dislocate his shoulder she quickly turned and clenched her jaw and screamed no need anise rushed to the guy to try to help with the injury she screamed and she so wanted to win by a large margin damn it the protagonist frowned and looked at her carefully she ran up to the guard which surprised him greatly she grabbed his shoulder and started massaging it the guard
asked what she was doing anise ordered him to shut up and not move the guard's Bon snapped into place and he screamed loudly in pain scaring away the birds in the area Rael came up to them and said amazing this is what we need he handed anise a wooden amulet and said she is accepted it was a pendant of acceptance that a little boy George had given him after after a while when the sun was already setting behind the Horizon the protagonist was sitting on a chair and handing over the contract to Anise he said
he asks here is the contract we need to read it anise took the papers in her hands and said it looks pretty complicated Rael folded his hands and said happily there is no need to worry too much let her read thoughtfully Damen looked at him and thought he suddenly looked like an old man Garden thought he does not behave according to his age the protagonist looked Clos closely at the thoughtful ance who was reading the contract he thought about it this girl's physical abilities are incredible and she is also wise however he saw everything she
smiled when she set her shoulder raiko remembered Ana's sarcastic face and thought she helped him but she intentionally did it painfully he folded his hands on his knees and rested his head on them he thought they were waiting for different patients some would be unhappy after this but it was a Pity that they could not get more people like her anise put the contract on the table and the protagonist asked how she liked the contract she answered everything is fine but she would like to add a few points Rael widened his eyes in Surprise and
asked really and which ones anise said that in fact she is the head of a clan which includes about 50 people the protagonist looked ahead in admiration and thought what saliva flowed from his mouth and he thought are there 50 more like her he started kneading an's shoulders and said miss you should have told him earlier Rael imagined a pack of werewolves and thought no one would refuse to get 50 medical workers of such a level anise turned around and said well let him let them take the test too the protagonist thought there there wolves
anise said and also she asked him to help them resolve the problem that has been bothering them since time immemorial raiko looked at her questioningly and asked since time immemorial do they have a food shortage anise answered no he asked the question then what she answered because of this problem they always find themselves in unsightly situations in society anise remembered how people mocked them and said it's their tals the protagonist asked again in their taals anise answered taals move at their own discretion and Rael asked is that a problem anise lowered her head and said
yes because they are not able to hide their emotions the protagonist imagined the position of anise's tail depending on her mood and thought that's how it is since people can easily read their emotions it is very easy to run into scammers he looked at her pants and asked is that why she wears loose pants anise answered yes but the tail is so powerful that it cannot be hidden even under them Rael imagined it tied to her leg and asked is that how she ties it to her leg anise shook her head and said even in
this case it will find a way to free itself she imagined that the tale was telling her it would do as it pleased the protagonist thought is this a muscle that lives its own life he asked maybe I should cut it off anise answered they tried but without a tail they cannot move normally and therefore live besides it will grow back in a month Rael laughed and said like lizards he folded his arms across his chest and thought for a minute she was asking him to deal with this this was the only way to get
highquality employees he had never treated tails before he grabbed his head and leaned back slightly the protagonist thought in panic he had no idea what to do he raised his hand and asked maybe he could become their protector in society anise asked in Surprise how raiko replied he would use his title and power to support their lineage anise crossed her arms and replied with displeasure thanks for the offer but no she shook her head and said this would not solve the main problem if something happened to him or he changed his mind they would end
up in the same situation again or it would get even worse she was not asking him for a temporary solution the protagonist sighed and said then needed to get rid of the problem completely anise replied yes your highness he folded his arms and said okay he heard her anise climbed onto the sofa with her legs and asked impatiently so he would help them Rael answered yes there is no other way is there anise asked does he have an idea the protagonist closed his eyes and said to be honest not yet but he will think of
something anise thought about it he is very honest if he is one of those who only promise to help in words then she will be very disappointed Rael put his hand to his lips and thought what should he do anise got up and said okay she will go we'll wait for news from him the protagonist answered okay there is no need to go anywhere let her stay in the small Palace anise left the room closing the door behind her silence hung in the office and the protagonist grabbed his head with his hands and thought their
talents are too good this cannot be missed he can't believe that he has the opportunity to get 50 of the best medical workers at once he sighed and thought what should he do with the muscles and their intelligent Tails Rael fell on the sofa and garden looked at this silently the protagonist sighed clenched his jaw and remained silent after a while he sat on the stairs in the library and bit his lips looking at the pages of the books his tired appearance betrayed the fact that he had been reading and searching for the material he
needed for a long time he thought he looked everywhere but he could not come up with anything suddenly Garden entered the library and shouted loudly tearing through the air His Highness the protagonist threw the book away in fear and screamed he scared him on purpose or something Garden answered no Rael asked the question then why what was the matter again Garden frowned and said seriously if he frowned for too long and allowed stress to accumulate in his body he risked getting sick the protagonist grabbed his heart and answered he would rather get sick if he
continued to scare him he would definitely have a heart attack Garden answered no way His Highness Rael looked at him questioningly and asked how could he know that Garden pointed to the crease under his brow and said that if he kept frowning he would get wrinkles and there was no getting rid of that maybe he would stop the protagonist asked really he smiled and thought was he trying to cheer him up it was too obvious he felt both shame and gratitude at the same time he was a good person the protagonist spread his arms out
in different dire directions and said no problem he would think about it wrinkles it would be enough to inject fillers or Botox Garden asked again sorry fillers Botox what is it Rael smiled and said it does a good job of preventing wrinkles and getting rid of them suddenly his eyes widened and he thought wait that's it bachelin and toxin that's the full name of Botox of all the poisons discovered it is the most powerful paralyzing one werewolves Tales move on their own it paralyzes the muscle in these and all it takes his poison he imagined
kman and said Garden he needs kuzman's poison he kept it in a hiding place didn't he Garden timidly answered yes Rael happily ordered to bring it and take him to an's Chambers after a while when it was already completely dark outside and the Moonlight illuminated the room anise was training she briskly did push-ups when suddenly a sound came from the door that attracted her attention anise opened the door and seeing the protagonist and and asked what brought them at such a late hour Rael happily sang and said it seems he has come up with a
solution to the problem she spoke of he began to push her forward and said letun go he frowned and thought he first needed to find out two things first the place where the procedure would be carried out the protagonist put his hands on an's back and launched his energy he thought that's it he sees he knew it the flow in her body is different from a human there is a difference in the location of the meridian governing vessel the Chang Xiang and yau acupuncture points in the hip area are further apart than in humans and
in the middle there is something that humans do not have it is a completely new blood vessel that leads to the tail Rael frowned and said further detailed explanation can be omitted the result she looks like a human he asked can she now turn into a wolf anise turned around and asked in Surprise forgive me the protagonist answered the location of the acupuncture point will change after the transformation he needs to know where it will be anise nodded her head concentrated and turned into a wolf with large clawed Paws raiko looked at her carefully and
said she did not grow as much as he expected he is like de Sheil anise looked at him thoughtfully the protagonist smiled and said that was the name of his dog anise growled in response Rael said she cannot speak because of the differently shaped mouth cavity he held out his hand and said let her give him her paw anise growed bearing her teeth and the protagonist apologized to her Rael pointed his finger at her and shouted bang anise fell to the floor and began to roll on the floor Garden smiled and looked in their Direction
the protagonist asked did it work he laughed and asked for forgiveness it was time to move on to the examination after a while rikiel sat at the table and thought he had figured out one point but the second would be a little more difficult in front of him was a box of pills and he looked at it carefully the protagonist thought the most important thing is to determine the amount of paralyzing poison that needs to be used he needs to figure out what ingredients it consists of then he will know how much to take to
make a e Botox he picked up the pill and began to examine it the protagonist thought about kman in prison and wondered maybe he should ask kman no he can't be trusted kman is the number one villain Rael thought should he eat it himself place it in the Mana Circle and test it he started to stuff the pill into his mouth when suddenly alarming system Windows began to arrive the heart asked is he crazy the lungs colon liver asked is he crazy crazy they grabbed each other in a circle and the Heart asked does he
just want to take and consume the poison the lungs just laughed in response and the Colin asked did he really decide to test this on himself the liver asked discontentedly who will do the detoxification he screamed loudly it was him it would be better if he summoned a monster and fed it to this the protagonist read the liver's message and plaintively asked do they want him to give the poison to a cute little monster isn't that too much in their opinion the organs asked discontentedly but is it not too much to conduct experiments on your
own body the liver screamed angrily there are monsters that specialize in analyzing ingredients including poisons the protagonist imagined the silhouette of the creature and thought what did it say he asked what is there a creature that specializes in analyzing ingredients theer laughed and said he met it when he was in the system waiting room Rael asked in Surprise what does the waiting room mean the liver answered that's it before waking up he slept there he imagined a room where organs were lying in flasks it the heart the lungs the large intestin everything the protagonist asked
a question does that mean all the internal organs are sleeping there the system window answered of course the same with creatures that are waiting to be called raiko thoughtfully asked what is this system the system window answered enough questions it cannot tell everything it knows this is the rule the dissemination of this information is prohibited Rael smiled and asked in that case would it be able to list the properties of a creature that analyzes substances after all he would have to make a choice again like in the case of the Hedgehog the liver stuck his
finger in his ear and said no he doesn't want to the protagonist grimed and said well well the internal organs laughed and enjoyed the situation raiko clenched his jaw and clicked his tongue he thought what idiots he stood up and clenched his fist and ordered them to shut up he made them talk the protagonist covered his nose with his hands and frowned the heart asked what is he doing the large intestine asked is he holding his breath the lungs asked lungs raiko frowned and continued holding his breath the lungs screamed in fear the lungs the
heart lowered its head and asked what it doesn't have enough oxygen the system window reported the internal organs are panicking because of the actions of the protagonist the lungs began to choke and hiss the lungs they felt lifeless to the floor and the Heart grabbed the neck the liver and large intestine screamed loudly the lungs are dying idiot the system window reported they understood it sign of a creature analyzing ingredients suddenly there was an energy explosion and a small fish appeared in the office it said Sunshine Rael looked around and asked sunfish the fish frowned
and asked Sunshine the protagonist happily offered to cooperate the fish answered Sunshine after a while the fish and the Hedgehog shook Paws and introduced themselves sunshine and Hedgehog the protagonist stood near the table watching the creatures play he took a pill out of the box and asked sunshine do you want to eat it's delicious the sunshine frowned and asked Sunshine son the system window reported he is Immortal the organs asked in confusion who does he get such a character from Rael opened the pill and thought Sunny's ability is that when it eats he poured the
contents of the pill into Sunny's mouth and the system window reported The Immortal Sunfish Sunny used an ability just a little Sunny opened its mouth and said he lied a terrible idiot it fell on the table and Hedgehog got scared Sunny thought it is dying the system window reported The Immortal Sunfish Sunny used the ability of level one recovery the protagonist thought come on let it recover Sunny woke up and pulled out its tooth and Rael thought let it write a note he smiled and apologized to him Sunny burst into tears tore off a piece
of his Fin and began to write the protagonist looked at the note and thought Sunny had recovered and written about everything he had eaten about the ingredients the average lethal dose and all the signs like a real Informer Rael took the note and thought this is a strong poison that weakens Botox now he will definitely be able to use the exact amount that will put Ana's tail to sleep he said Garden he turned around and saw Garden there and wondered where did he come from garden put his hand to his chest and said yes His
Highness he opened his mouth in Surprise and asked another creature rikiel smiled and answered it just came at night looking for him looks like he is popular garden laughed and a few of his hairs stood on end the protagonist asked why is he laughing Garden answered it just reminded him of a great man mentioned in history books Rael asked who is he Garden answered his name is Lloyd Frontier the protagonist asked is he the one who lived during the time when the empire was a kingdom Garden remembered the monument in the square and answered yes
he remembers how the records mentioned that he had five summoned creatures Rael asked in Surprise is he that great his creatures looked at him with displeasure and garden answered after all he was the one who laid the foundation of their empire they say that on Fridays he was the most popular the protagonist asked what could this mean he waved his hand with displeasure and shouted okay let him go and bring an East there Garden turned around in fear and cried out okay your highness after a while Garden nise were walking down the corridor she was
thinking even though he was the Crown Prince but will he be able to cope not even a day has passed suddenly Garden stopped and said he sees that she is worried he smiled and said well you can tell by her face anise frowned and asked is he sure it's not by her tail Garden's eyes widened and heed a loud sigh then he grabbed his neck and asked for forgiveness in a guilty tone anise smiled slightly and waved her hand and said no problem she's used to it they hadn't introduced themselves to each other formally yet
Garden extended his hand and said the crown Prince's Chief personal physician Pio Garden anise shook his hand and said anise arys of the robo family and daughter of hashin Garden turned around and asked Mrs anise let him forgive her but can he give her some advice anise replied yes of course he walked forward and said don't be too surprised when you find out what treatment the Crown Prince will suggest anise asked puzzled what what do you mean by that Garden came to the door and said when he told her what he was going to do
he thought it was very likely that she would think he was crazy he opened the door and anise looked ahead questioningly she wondered what kind of treatment was there the protagonist turned turned around and said happily oh here they are he stood up and pointed his hands at the bed and said to sit down anise sat down and asked did he come up with something to do in one day Rael nodded and said of course she should trust him anise screamed in fear can he tell her what the treatment would be the protagonist sat down
on a chair in front of her and asked is she worried okay first he will use this needle to pierce her tail several times anise thought fearfully what the protagonist showed the needle and the ample and said and then he will inject this poison he asked what she would say great the servants who were standing behind clapped their hands enthusiastically and said His Highness he is the best wow anise thought great this is terrible Garden looked at her scared face and then smiled and said you have to trust His Highness the servants also folded their
hands and smiled sweetly at her they said yes you have to trust the prince Rael asked to trust him anise grabbed her face in fear and thought not only he is so crazy but everyone else is too she held her head and remained silent continuing to think Rael smiled and said come on you don't have to think too much you just have to trust him anise looked up at him and thought he doesn't look reliable but she will try if he succeeds her pod will stop suffering because of the tals if that's the case it's
worth the risk anise raised her head and said okay she's ready the protagonist snapped his fingers and said great so the servants took out a large sheet which surprised Denise greatly they covered it and put it on the bed cutting a hole for the tail Rael turned around and said let's start the servant clenched her fists and said wow he looks really cool the protagonist was covered in energy and his heart activated the Rings his energy went through Ana's body the technique of azan's core is incredible he thought acupuncture points exist but neither thousand years
of experience nor knowledge nor modern equipment will help to see it this is exactly what he lacked when he practiced traditional medicine he believed that it existed but did not see it but now he sees it Rael smiled and touched the core thought it's time to start the procedure he took one of several needles and thought the first will be the shenu point it will go deep by 1 and 1/2 CM at the same time the system window reported the output function of slot number one has been activated 100th milligram of paralyzing poison stored in
the circle slot as output anise lay motionless on the bed face down the protagonist thought next is the mingmen point the puncture depth is 2.1 cm and after the yanin point the puncture depth is 2.4 CM the Mana that bypassed the shenu point has now made its way through this and flows down along the extensor muscles of the spine raiko looked at the tail and thought okay her tail has lost its power but this is where it all begins it is not enough to just paralyze it it is more important to maintain the effect for
the rest of her life suddenly Ana's tail began to move and hit the protagonist in the face he thought has it already recovered an amazing ability however he was prepared for this raiko frowned and decided it's time to speed up he stretched out his hand and pricked the Yu point and finally the point of naan anise lay on the bed and thought did he stick a needle into the back of her head she asked to calm the tail what is it doing to her head suddenly her tail began to shake and fell and anise moved
the millets on her leg the protagonist raised his hands and shouted happily done he began to wipe his hands and said that's it now she can relax anise got off the bed and asked did he do it Rael answered the procedure was successful she arched her eyebrows and thought so fast it took a little time the protagonist asked did the feeling in the tail change anise turned around and cried out in Surprise she widened her eyes and thought the tail should have curled up because she was not feeling well but it did not move at
all Rael smiled and said he tricked the nerves in her body and paralyzed the tail anise asked in Surprise what he answered he redirected the nerve endings from the tail to the little finger now it will move instead of the tail during joy and sorrow he waved his hands and shouted enthusiastically her little finger became a tail it's magic garden repeated during joy and sorrow anise sat on the bed and was silent when suddenly she burst into loud sobs tears flowed from her eyes and she tried to wipe them with her hands the protagonist looked
at her carefully and smiled slightly and thought the sadness and contempt that werewolves were forced to endure will not be able to bother them anymore anise cried and spoke intermittently thank you your majesty Rael folded his arms across his chest and said enough thanks the procedure is complete they can sign the contract he held out the contract and asked does she remember the special condition she said that she would bring other assistants from her kind if he pacified the tail he smiled and held out his pen and said first you need to sign the contract
anise looked at him with displeasure and thought the Crown Prince is an unusual person after a while loud laughter was heard in the castle the protagonist stood in the office with his arms folded and laughing Garden smiled and asked is he very happy His Highness Rael answered of course he looked ahead and saw the werewolf staff the protagonist thought after all we are talking about 50 s-rank Medics he smirked and thought 50 werewolves they were trained in basic nursing and emergency techniques they also took classes in professional nursing and they went through all the training
in distinguishing medicinal ingredients storing them preparing them creating tonic soups and applying bandages so that the clinic could function at that moment a nurse interrupted his thoughts and said your highness they have created a new shift schedule Rael smiled and thought good good the traditional medicine clinic in the small Palace will finally be open 24 hours a day he imagined the nurses working caring for the patients who passed by on the conveyor belt the protagonist thought it seems they have gotten used to the moving finger in each of the werewolves shoes the little finger was
moving Rael smiled smugly arching his eyebrows and folding his arms over his chest the system window reported he successfully performed the operation Ana's tail and 50 other werewolves since the procedure did not affect their lifespan the request to provide payment for second level medical treatment was not activated his internal organs gave him a standing ovation for giving them an unusual show they all spoke happily and he is tenacious suddenly the system window reported one of the internal organs with the Earth element woke up due to the noise suddenly his eyes lit up and the system
window reported his stomach opened its eyes he spoke he is a baby stomach he needs to be fed fried pork cutlet sweet and sour pork fried chicken raiko thought a child sounds cute the stomach screamed Pizza let him be given everything he grabbed his head and screamed he seems to be losing Consciousness faster the protagonist said what's wrong with this guy there is no food like that in this world garden and Daman looked at him puzzled the stomach said with pitiful eyes it wants to dip Kimble and take baky sauce Rael thought it wants to
too but they can't do anything about it let it just restrain itself a little okay the system window reported okay then sweets the protagonist threw a candy into his mouth and thought he has the taste buds of a kindergartener right the system window reported the stomach rejoices in the sweet taste that marks its birth giving it 300 health points the heart lungs large intestine and liver Rejoice at the birth of the youngest organ giving it 700 Health points the current number of points a thousand raiko thought this means that now the internal organs can give
a wider range of consultations it will be much easier for him to cope with stomach diseases the system window reported thanks to the precise control he demonstrated during the tail paralysis procedure his Azran core technique had improved the level of the Azran core technique had increased skill name Azran core technique stage three single Circle Mana increased by 150 % the Mana storage space in the circle had expanded the protagonist thought it felt like a small water balloon was growing in his chest what a surprisingly large amount of Health points as a reward so early in
the morning suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a male nurse he coughed and said your highness the patient in room number six looks strange Rael asked what's wrong the maale nurse replied his body smells different and he also seems to have a fever the protagonist went ahead and suggested that they check it out together he thought no matter what the foundation of this traditional medicine clinic is quite solid now their Clinic can be stable at this time pavard was sitting in his office doing calculations the head Butler of the palace sir pavard said if he
uses this this month are his eyes deceiving him he threw the Abacus back and grabbed the notebook in surprise he said it can't be pavard sniffed the notebook and threw it back and shouted they are in a complete nightmare he stood up and quickly ran to the crown Prince's office he shouted his majesty the protagonist eyes widened and looked at him in surprise he turned around and said he scared him Garden is he there sir pavard what's the matter is he feeling unwell bavard bowed on wobbly legs and said he had something urgent to report
he begs to be forgiven for the rudess of his late visit he came closer and adjusted his glasses and said His Highness actually Rael asked what's the matter bavard replied the budget of the side Palace it will run out soon the protagonist stood up and shouted loudly what are they running out of money but he is the Crown Prince he lowered his head and thought this is too bad if they don't have money they won't be able to do anything and they certainly won't be able to run a traditional medicine clinic his dream of a
long Royal life will also be destroyed Rael asked where all the money went he was eager to call for details replied that he was very sorry but the problem was that he had cut the palace budget a lot last fall the protagonist thought madly him he clenched his fists and slammed them on the table and shouted Rachel this crazy idiot an idiot pavard looked at him puzzled and thought doesn't he remember after a while they were sitting on the sofas and pavard was talking he thought it was because he believed that he would not live
long that was the impression he got the protagonist asked does he mean to say that he gave up but vard replied yes because he was only able to move for 2 days out of 10 there was too much money in the palace at the time raiko rolled down his chair and said his past mistakes haunt him in the present pavard smiled and said but your highness he has become much healthier compared to last year he thinks this is a reason to Rejoice the protagonist rolled over and fell from his chair and said no not at
all he is not happy pavard looked at him puzzled and remained silent Rael said what should he be happy about if he is penniless he began to beat his knees and scream it's all about the damn money seriously the protagonist laid down on the floor spreading his arms out to the sides and began to think raiko Audria Magano does he want to play on such terms why is he doing this to him he sighed and imagined himself lying on the bed Rael thought well it's not that he couldn't understand why Rael chose this path grumbling
or complaining won't solve anything he thought for a moment then jumped up and asked can't they just ask for more money to maintain the palace this year pavard replied that's impossible blood started flowing from the protagonist mouth and he said without money they would have to close the traditional medicine clinic and he would die pavar ducked down and asked your highness how does closing the traditional medicine clinic have anything to do with his death Rael asked can't they really ask for more money pavard replied they can't that would be against the laws of the Empire
the budget for a certain year can only be requested at the end of the previous year the only person who is not limited by law who can do something is the Emperor himself the protagonist stood up and boldly replied okay he clenched his fist and said then he will ask him for help he quickly got on the carriage and headed to the main Castle but his father did not want to help and he went back after a while he was sitting in his office and pavard looked at him puzzled raiko thought he can't let the
clinic close again because of money he won't let stop him again he frowned and thought in that case this is his only way out the protagonist raised his head and asked sir pavard does he have a list of the palace's property pavard replied of course he does Rael smiled and said okay let him bring it to him pavard asked puzzled let him forgive him but for what the protagonist replied he was going to sell everything paintings stone statues gold and silver watches a sail after a while pavard stood near the painted and cried he said
oh my God his dear ones he cared for all of them so much your highness please let him change his mind the protagonist shook his head and replied no and there is no need to ask pavard burst into tears ran away and screamed your highness he hates him a few days later his assistant stood in front of the protagonist he clapped his hands and said so let them listen they sold things that were useless luxuries to feed themselves for the time being but this is only a temporary solution Damen asked is he already preparing for
the next step the protagonist frowned and said this short period that will allow them to rest a little is extremely important if they cannot create a stable and long-term fund pavard interrupted him and wiping away his tears said His Highness they have nothing more to sell raiko replied he knows from now on they will make medicines to sell pavard asked pardon the protagonist replied yes from now on he will be the Crown Prince who sells medicine after a while in the plaza frona the merchant asked have you heard the news about the small Palace the
one who failed the medical worker test asked dissatisfied small Palace did something happen the merchant replied the Crown Prince seemed to have sold all the luxurious things the boy asked in confusion why the girl replied she heard it was so that he could maintain the traditional medicine clinic in working order the boy widened his eyes and asked did he sell all the wealth to continue taking care of patients the merchant nodded his head and asked yes isn't he wonderful the Crown Prince he is truly a great man he doesn't think anyone else could do such
a thing everyone nodded approvingly and the girl said even if they reread all the history books such people are extremely rare the merchant said he agrees their Crown Prince is simply amazing they introduced the image of the main character that he will heal them all this is the Church of St Rachel someone said he is an angel an angel incarnate at this time time raiko was sitting in the office and thinking he needs to make money if he is going to open a clinic only in this way can he live at this point pavard asked
His Highness does he want to make medicine himself and sell it if it is a matter of funds wouldn't it be better to take a small fee from patience instead the protagonist folded his arms across his chest and shook his head and answered no way if they do that there will be few patients he thought he needs to accept as many patients as possible to get the maximum number of bonuses he said he will never take money from patients and he does not plan to in the future instead he will make money on Pharma very
expensive but it will be so effective and luxurious that people will want to buy everything just to show off he imagined a luxurious red box with a small ball in it Rael stamped his foot and said a signature product which the Crown Prince will release personally any family that is even a little rich and arrogant will be able to boast of its status this will be a new new marker of luxury the protagonist raised his hand up and said super medicine super luxury pavard and Damen looked puzzled at Rachel who climbed on to the table
and asked if such a remedy existed what is it at all the protagonist replied of course it does it is a medicine that uses the gallstone of the Minotaur Damien frowned and asked again Minotaur what Rael said the medicine is called the Golden calming pill of the Minotaur all Koreans have heard of the chaman clear M pill in traditional Korean medicine it is used to treat various Limbs and attacks of epilepsy apoplexy and others chaman is a high quality medicine with a proven effect both in the treatment and in the stabilization of diseases of the
brain heart and high blood pressure it is a powerful medicine that calms the nerves after a while the protagonist and Damian went outside Damen asked the question with the minur gallstone does he intend to make a gold minur sedative pill and sell it Rael answered yes Daman asked will people use it the protagonist answered briefly again of course he swears because everyone will think it is rare limited edition which attracts people so much this is human psychology they do not just use bull products but something more powerful and rare minur gallstones and the effectiveness and
branding will be enough to make them buy it it will definitely sell the protagonist showed five fingers and said he gives himself five stars for the idea Damien interrupted his enthusiastic reasoning and said and yet he does not think people will buy it the protagonist remained silent in response Damen frowned and said the sedative pill and the effect of it he heard about it for the first time if it is an incredible medicine with high efficiency shouldn't it be famous raiko replied it was widely known in the ancient Kingdom that fell Damen frowned and asked
the ancient Kingdom that fell what kingdom the protagonist replied it was called josian Damian said said he had never heard of it Rael smiled and asked yes he saw it in his dreams he learned all his procedures with needles and tonics in his dreams Daman replied he heard about it from Sir Garden he frowned and thought but he doubted it was true sir gardan was a very naive person and as someone who supported His Highness he would easily accept it as the truth the protagonist walked forward and remained silent Daman looked at him and thought
as for him he only cares about getting his salary on time he said so he wants to treat patients without a license raiko froze and asked with wide eyes did he need a license Daman answered yes of course he heard that there was an exam to get the right to heal sir Garden also passed it the protagonist froze and then turned around and said with a smile he did not know that such a thing existed he thought this would not be a problem for him right he said first the issue of financing needs to be
resolved he needs to get the gallstone of a minur Damian asked will he send people to the herbalist shop in the capital for it rikiel answered no when he tried to buy other ingredients they did not have it he supposes they do not use Bulls as a medicinal ingredient Damien asked then how is he going to get them the protagonist clenched his fist and said he will have to buy a live Minotaur he will go to Creo the capital magenta the center of trade in the northeastern part of their empire where one of the best
monster auction houses is located Damian asked is he going to go there personally Rael answered of course he will go and assess the minotaur's condition he needs to check this one's gallstones Damien frowned and thought although seriously it felt like he had big problems with his head after a while a large cart with several carriages was standing in the yard anise was sitting on one of them and the protagonist looked around and said come on they have to go Damen thought in Surprise right now he went ahead and said they will go Daman asked are
they leaving right now raiko answered of course time is more valuable to him than gold suddenly he got angry turned around and shouted Damian let him move he is coming Damen looked at him questioningly and then they got into the carriage and quickly drove off Garden ran after them and choking with tears shouted His Highness how can he leave him he is his chief doctor the protagonist answered he needs him to look after the clinic after a while the carriages arrived in the city and Damien said the carriage is more comfortable than he expected Rael
closed his eyes and asked although who is the Crown Prince traveling in Comfort that's what you should expect real first class Damen said but it's a little strange 8 Days had passed since they left magenta anise was lying on the roof of one of the carriages but suddenly she widened her eyes and looked around and thought the smell of the sea she pointed her finger forward and said your highness she sees a port behind the hill a beautiful Sunset was setting behind the sea Horizon andise said this is the port of Creo the guys arrived
in Creo a large sea port where ships were mured the protagonist rode through the streets in a carriage and said this is the auction house of the monsters of Creo a large round building was located in the center of the city The Carriage stopped near it and the guy looked at it puzzled he waved his hand and said old man let him Park his Carriage somewhere else they can't park it there kza got off and asked discontentedly does he know who is in this Carriage the guy spread his arms and asked mockingly and who is
it the Crown Prince Rael looked out the window and greeted him loudly the guy screamed in fear and covered in sweat asked the Crown Prince after a while people were gathering in the Great Hall the guy ran into the hall and screamed the mayor AEL cremo the mayor of cremo asked what's the matter the guy lowered his head and tried to catch his breath he pointed his hand to the side and screamed the Crown Prince is there the mayor screamed in fear what the Crown Prince he ran up to him and said oh my God
His Highness what brought him there the protagonist smiled and answered he wants to buy something AEL sat down and said smilingly in that case they would provide him with additional bodyguards Rael replied no need he smiled and pointed his hand back and said he already has guards the mayor said in surprise but the protagonist replied he would leave as soon as he looked around so could not worry about him AEL said that's how he came all this way he continued to talk for a long time but the protagonist did not listen to him at all
but only got angry clenching his Jaws Rael thought how annoying he passed by him and said he will visit him later mayor AEL put his hand to his head and said yes your highness he clenched his fists and shouted let them move clean up the yard and take care of the rest too we need to make sure everyone is in place the protagonist walked forward and thought he felt sorry for them he felt like a military commander who came out of nowhere after a while he came to the arena where monsters were being sold many
people were sitting on chairs with signs with different amounts written on them the host opened the curtain and a monster lying in a cage appeared on the stage Damien stood up from his chair and said it was much quieter than he expected the protagonist said yeah he noticed too could it be that this is a monster Auction House Damen looked around and said he thought thought so the monsters will wake up if there is too much noise at that moment one monster was dragged off the stage and a second cage was pulled out people immediately
put up their amounts and the host announced the winner raiko was completely bored and yawned and thought it seems like it's almost over no Minotaur today at that moment the horses pulled a large cage onto the stage and inside sat a minor the protagonist looked at the steam coming from the monster's mouth and then a loud scream rael's eyes widened and he thought you can make a 100 bowls of jellied meat from this how huge he thinks it could squeeze 300 tons in the gym the host shouted the highlight of the evening minur seven of
the best hunting teams from the northern mountains work together the main lot of the day a Minotaur of record large size and excellent condition the character of the creature very Fierce the host said they hunted for this for 3 months and barely caught it alive their best product they highly recom Rec commend it for breeding or demonstration the protagonist looked at it with admiration and thought he needs this the huge monster screamed loudly raiko thought they must have used a ton of anesthesia and all sorts of tranquilizers but it was still able to make such
a roar he will kill it and cut it it's his the host waved his hand and said right now they are starting with 50,000 Megan the protagonist looked ahead with displeasure and asked Damian he heard right right that was the final selling price of the the other monsters why is the starting bidding price 50,000 Damen looked at him and asked didn't he take more raiko remained silent but he brought 100,000 Megan he frowned and thought yes but that's all he has too expensive he looked at the people sitting and thought he should buy this Minotaur
the fire in their eyes is serious the protagonist folded his arms and said so he can't buy it for 100,000 Megan Damian asked what do you think the protagonist replied it's not such a small amount he could buy daman's luxury apartment in Souls Gangnam District Daman pointed at himself and asked what him Soul ganam raiko frowned and thought he really doesn't want to miss this need to think think front a l Damian he looked at him and said he has an idea Daman asked yes His Highness the protagonist approached him and ordered him to listen
carefully to what he was going to tell him he whispered in his ear after which Damen asked disply is he really going to do this Rael answered of course Damen asked again really the protagonist answered yes Damen frowned and said His Highness he doesn't know how he will feel after hearing his words but the order he gives is so gangster the protagonist smiled and asked so what the system window reported the comparison with the Bandit did not cause any harm Damian stood up and bowed and said he will be back soon Rael smiled and wished
him luck the the host raised his hand and shouted they have one person with 50,500 Megan the man raised a sign with 53,000 Megan and then with 55,000 Megan the protagonist clenched his jaw and thought discontentedly Daman where is he wandering around there is little time left suddenly AEL approached Rael and said His Highness the protagonist smiled and asked mayor what is he doing there he answered let him forgive Rael thought did he also say that he would provide bodyguards he smiled and looked closely at AEL who was frightenedly sorting through his thoughts he thought
his political career has always been based on a flexible mind he can determine his desires from one facial expression he wants people to know who he is while he is collecting points ail cleared his throat and shouted loudly Crown Prince he is asking let him listen to his request the people in the hall turned around and questions were heard everywhere what Crown Prince is he there what is he doing doing there AEL put his hand to his head and shouted a 100 bodyguards are waiting for his orders the protagonist stood up and put his hand
on the mayor's shoulder said he raiko Audria Magano will gladly accept his good intentions he laughed loudly and Daman stood nearby and remained silent displeased the protagonist turned around took the sign and said let them stand he forgot that the auction was still going on he held up a sign with the inscription 60 Megan which made the people freeze in shock they thought the Crown Prince made a bid the protagonist proudly held the sign and thought he is the Crown Prince he mockingly asked questions and what will they do to him the people looked at
him with displeasure and said let them look at his face he is ruining the auction how can anyone bid higher than him why weren't they born into a royal family they will have to give into such a high bid the host opened his mouth in Surprise and thought what is the Crown Prince doing there no more importantly how can they sell their best lot for only 60,000 Megan they spent so much effort to get this isn't this robbery in broad daylight tears flowed from the host eyes and he thought is this the end for them
suddenly Guinness who was sitting in the middle row grinned and showed a sign with the amount of 70,000 Megan he said 70,000 Megan the host looked at him in Surprise and thought what 70,000 someone actually raised the bit he said that noble man saved them I mean 70,000 the protagonist cried out in displeasure what he frowned and thought wasn't that Guinness there was some chatter among the people present the girl looked at the boy and asked him something and he replied the one who enjoys the favor of the king of the Southern country of amas
the ambas magnate Guinness desam Guinness smirked and looked away he wondered what would he do the Crown Prince he was not a citizen of the Empire someone from the audience shouted Guinness this is their savior he will drive away the the insignificant Crown Prince another responded hey can you keep it down he had heard that the Crown Prince was known for holding a grudge for a very long time raiko got angry and clenched his jaw thinking can he hear them Guinness he wants to measure his strength right Guinness narrowed his eyes and thought the Crown
Prince of magent Tano is he going to give up his status and fight him with the power of money the protagonist quickly began to carve the amount on the board and thought he dares come on the minur will be his he held up a sign that said 71,000 Megan the host happily announced the Crown Prince is offering 71,000 Megan Guinness held up the sign again and the host pointed in his Direction and said sir Guinness is offering 72,000 Megan the Crown Prince is offering 75,000 Megan sir Guinness is offering 880,000 Megan the host announced many
more increases in the bid and after a while he happily said the main lot of today's auction a top quality minur has been sold for 250,000 Megan Guinness happily imagined his riches and thought he has one Crown Prince the protagonist froze in annoyance and then with tears in his eyes he extended his hand and shouted no you don't need to leave Daman walked up to him and said he is glad that he lost his highness Rael looked at him in Surprise Daman spoke it was too inefficient to spend all 100,000 Megan on one Minotaur if
he spent all the money now raiko rubbed his nose with with his finger and thought how cute he was so loyal caring about his finances and protecting him everywhere but suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by Damian who said he couldn't pay him a salary so please let him use the money carefully Rael took a step back puzzled having received an unexpected answer Damen frowned and said the only reason he was protecting him it was a generous and stable payment if he couldn't provide him with that he would have no reason to stay by his side
the pro protagonist froze in horror and thought a capitalist monster he asked did he not feel gratitude for saving him from the underground Coliseum Damien nodded and answered of course he did but that was a separate issue from his salary Rael chuckled and asked was his gratitude independent of financial issues Daman answered naturally the protagonist remained silent in response looking at him carefully the protagonist he was rooting for while reading demon sword Emperor Damen cayen if he thought about his development potential he doubted that there was anyone in the world as reliable as him basically
the strongest person in this universe was protecting him but that was not the only reason he had to be by his side he had to make sure that he was striving for a stable Life by his side because only then would everyone be safe and happy Rael folded his arms and said he heard him there was no need to worry he would not allow any delays in salary Damien put his hand to his head and said he understood your highness the protagonist suggested that they go to the mayor's residence AEL opened his mouth in Surprise
and then asked forgive me yes your highness but why are they running raiko ran forward and thought it was terribly embarrassing for him to lose after resorting to cheap tricks jennis turned around with displeasure where there was no one left after a while when it was already dark jennis was standing next to the minur which was tied up with chains it moved opening its eyes said its condition looks even better up close he folded his arms over his chest and then turned around and said if only he could see the crown Prince's face when he
stole this from him the assistant stepped forward and said what a Pity would they start the Taxidermy today jennis said yes that's why he called him the most skilled taxidermist in Creo the guy waved his hands and said he flattered him he was there because he was generous when it came to rewards however could he ask what style he would like Jenice said let him make it as Majestic as possible he wanted to present it to the king at the celebratory banquet the guy nodded and asked so he wanted an image of power to be
shown when he presented it Jenis asked if he had the magician he had asked for to make the perfect Effigy the boy replied of course he was ready he ordered them to come in and the magician entered the room he said they must be busy people so he would start without further delay the magician approached the Minotaur and said he would kill it with void Magic leaving no trace an energy flow covered the monster's body after which it began to remember moments of its life it said evil people it can't breathe suddenly all the nuts
loosened and the Minotaur Rose removing its chains the men looked at this in fear when suddenly the Minotaur waved its huge Paws and screamed at this time raiko returned home and lay down on the bed spreading his arms in different directions he said he was so tired his whole body achd Damian replied he had overloaded himself too much the protagonists internal organs were protesting at this point they were screaming they the internal organs were protesting against such a tight schedule raiko clenched his fist and said he would definitely buy the minur tomorrow within the budget
of 100,000 Megan suddenly there was a loud knock on the door the guards ran inside and shouted your highness please let him get up they are in big trouble Damen grabbed the hilt of the sword and asked what are they talking about the protagonist sat on the bed and asked what is going on he was so tired the guards replied they must evacuate him to a safe place immediately raiko asked to explain normally when suddenly a huge fist broke through the wall Damen ran forward and shouted your highness let him stay behind him the monster
hit him and threw him into the wall the protagonist looked at him in fear and shouted Damian the Minotaur extended its clawed paw and reached towards Rachel it's its Bright Eyes flashing the protagonist looked at it in fear and said minur some time ago the Minotaur tore off its chains and screamed loudly the assistant and the magician were crushed by stone slabs that fell from the ceiling jennis crawled back in fear and asked how did this happen the monster screamed he is the most evil it clenched its Fist and hit next to Jenice who screamed
loudly in fear he clenched his fist and screamed vile creature does it even know who he is he is a large Merchant from ambas and his master jennis ran out of the castle and ran forward he screamed no need to come closer he will not be the master of this he will not the Minotaur ran after him and moved loudly Jenice turned around and thought he needs to get to a safe place first he saw the palace and thought this is the residence of the mayor of Creo Jenis pointed his finger in the direction of
it and screamed what's there the Minotaur put his hand to his face and looked forward realized that it had lost sight of Jenice and began to look around the Minotaur clenched its jaws and rushed towards the palace it struck the building destroying it now back to the present a huge minur stood in front of the protagonist who screamed in fear and froze the monster clenched its jaws and moaned loudly raiko frowned and thought why did its eyes look like this he often saw such symptoms when he worked at the traditional Korean medicine clinic it was
an Agony but it could not do anything about it these were the eyes of a patient the Minotaur looked at it carefully and asked that guy it remembered the protagonist standing in the hall it got angry and screamed he is the same as that man the protagonist thought fearfully why is it angry at him the minur began to clim inside the palace clenching its fists and screaming loudly the protagonist covered his head with his hands and Daman clenched his fist sitting against the wall he grabbed his sword and struck the monster rael's eyes widened in
surprise and said Damian he frowned and screamed His Highness he asks him to leave there immediately the protagonist began to run away and screamed he does not want to die in such a place he went through a lot to get the life he has now the Minotaur got even angrier and screamed loudly it began to strike the building and Rael thought it is too fast if it gets hit by this blow the bones will crumble and smoothie will come out of the internal organs he began to run away and the minur clenched his fist and
de decided to strike suddenly Damen kicked him away and turned towards the monster the protagonist flew into the wall and thought discontentedly Daman did he just kick him the wall began to collapse and fell down blocking the exit Damen said it looks like they are trapped Rael cried out in displeasure does he think he can't see it himself Damen frowned and said nothing in response he turned around and said His Highness he has something to tell him if they survive today please let him give him a a bonus the protagonist stood up and cried out
in displeasure is he asking him for this at a time like this and what will he do if he doesn't give it to him Damen answered briefly he will run away alone Rael sighed and cried out what a nasty thing he is Damen looked at the monster and said when he counts to three he will attack the Minotaur this will give him a chance to escape the protagonist asked but where should he run Damen pointed his finger towards the destroyed wall and raiko cried out in display me they are on the second floor Damen swung
his sword in order not to think about it but to just jump the protagonist answered he cannot think about it Damen jumped aside and said anything is better than being crushed alive raiko remained silent and Damen said judging by the sounds coming from outside the guards are preparing to deal with the Minotaur and the Damage it is causing AEL pointed his finger towards the palace and ordered to save His Highness he will not allow his political career to go down on the drain like this the guards approached the building holding a ladder in their hands
the protagonist said Damen wants to say that even if he falls and breaks his legs they can carry him to safety right Damen ran forward and answered this is the only way to get out of there he squeezed the hilt of the sword and said okay then here we go one Damian struck the monster's body and jumped up and shouted 2 three raiko ran towards the street and said displeased he thinks too fast Damian struck the min T his head and it moaned loudly it went berserk and the protagonist jumped out and thought with tears
in his eyes seriously his life is so terrible suddenly a huge monster paw appeared in front of him which he grabbed with his hands the protagonist coughed in fear and then thought what a red system window appeared in front of him and he thought what the system window reported that a scan was in progress basic health check report Target the king of the Minotaur Urus is a representative of the minur race he is male 48 years old waris's height is 712 cm and his weight is 14,926 kg blood type C2 heart function f General opinion
the balance in the body is Disturbed due to a long stay in prison and tranquilizer injections as well as eating a lot of grains the heart reported that his heart is in very bad condition this is stable angina his heart must be in severe pain if left untreated he could get a heart infection and a heart attack the protagonist looked at Urus and thought stable angina means that his heart vessels are clogged about halfway the pain in his chest must be hellish like a car remming his heart he became Furious because it hurt he was
so sorry Urus began to shake his paw and Rael screamed but he was in no condition to treat him because now he thinks he is in more danger he thought if he lets go and flies away his body will fly fly into pieces the Minotaur swung his second paw towards Rachel to which Damen looked in surprise he swung and hit Urus in the head with his sword which made him scream loudly Damen thought horror he aimed for the eye but he hurried and hit the horn he jumped back and said His Highness please let him
hold on a little longer he will save him Rael burst into tears and asked him to hurry Daman slightly bent down and ran forward clutching the hilt of his sword he thought his side and shoulder he will cut those parts open as fast as he can it will not matter if the cuts are not too deep at least some damage is needed Daman continued to strike the monster and the protagonist shook closing his eyes he thought there is no strength left to hold on he fell down and screamed he will not get his special bonus
raiko closed his eyes and thought well what a wonderful weather to die suddenly anise appeared turning into a wolf and grabbed him the protagonist's eyes widened in Surprise and asked anise she went down and the guard screamed His Highness is he okay Rael looked at them with frightened eyes and answered yes I think so one of the guards pointed to the side and ordered quickly over there the safety of His Highness is their priority let them move the minor frowned and moaned questioningly he spread his arms in different directions and moaned very loudly his eyes
flashed red and Damen smirked and said since he lost his highness will he deal with him he thrust his sword forward and the monster swung and hit the floor with his fist Damen jumped back and thought he will definitely demand a fee for the difficulty warus clenched his fist again and swung Daman concentrated on this and thought when the fist comes closer he will cut this and then the whole arm he swung and hit the Minotaur daman's hands shook he squinted and thought this is more difficult than he thought Uris threw his head back and
moaned loudly in pain Damian's sword was left with a bloody Mark of the monster and Urus stopped Damen looked at him and thought did he hit but no the monster only got angrier and rushed forward Damen raised his sword above his head and prepared to attack Urus ran next to him and hooked Damen and threw him into the wall blood flowed from his head and the walls fell down the guards looked at this in fear and screamed the dust settled and Damen appeared in front of them who coughed and looked at his crushed leg the
Minotaur began to stamp his feet and moo again he clenched his fist and looked at the lying Damian he tried to lift the stone and screamed horror the monster's fist approached his head and he thought is this his end suddenly there was a loud cry Hedgehog a blow with a body the monster turned around and saw a flying Hedgehog orus moved loudly and daman's eyes widened and he thought sir Hedgehog the spiky creature Flew Over the monster's head and fell to the floor Daman looked down and saw the protagonist and thought what is he doing
there he tried so hard to help him Escape raiko Cried Out happily cool R On Target he thought the red sunflower seeds he got when he summoned the monster the Hedgehog really got bigger after he ate it the protagonist started jumping and shouted Daman let him go it's payday Damien smiled and said he hopes so the amount is crazy raiko replied sure sure just need to get out of there Damien cut the stone and looked at his leg in fear he thought he can't move his legs at that moment warus took the Hedgehog off himself
and moaned in displeasure he tore it out and blood poured out of his body the monster threw the Hedgehog out and screamed he rushed towards Daman and the protagonist shouted come on let him hold on to Hedgehog's needle Damen grabbed Hedgehog and flew up they landed on the ground and Urus moaned discontentedly after them Damen raised his head and looked at him he swung and completely destroyed the palace after which a loud questioning moo Was Heard Damen looked forward emotionlessly the building collapsed and the protagonist stroked the Hedgehog he said good job Hedgehog it answered
Hedgehog Rael asked a question Damien is he okay Damen closed his eyes and answered yes of course the protagonist said but he does not look very good he fell silent and looking at the building thought Minotaur he will not die so easily the medicine that will come out of him will be the best if he is not careful he may die raiko waved his hand and suggested that they get out of there for now suddenly AEL ran up to them and shouted your majesty from now on he will accompany him he intends to take him
to the safest place in this city after a while the guys moved towards the port AEL pointed his hand at the ship and said please let them board the ship if they use this to take him to the sea no matter how Fierce the minor is he will not be able to touch them the protagonist looked around and thought getting on the ship and running not bad he stepped on a wooden ramp and said mayor let him climb up faster Asel frowned and replied he will not run away your highness Rael widened his eyes in
Surprise and asked what AEL replied this place this city is responsible for him the mayor the safety and livelihood of many people rests on his shoulders he cannot just run away from there he bowed and said he will stay to command the guards please let them go to a safe place the protagonist looked at him in amazement and thought he thought he was obsessed with the idea of succeeding in life it seemed wrong to him to run away without him could he really do such a thing Damen approached him and said your highness they must
leave as soon as possible Rael answered but Damien interrupted him and said he should not feel guilty everyone has a role the protagonist looked away and thought right he looked at how AEL was leading the guards and thought the mayor's role is to protect the city he looked at his comrades and realized that their role is to protect him and his role is to survive and protect the Imperial family the protagonist ordered to raise the anchor he stood on the deck and gave a thumbs up to the mayor who saluted him suddenly the captain of
the ship saw something ahead and asked in fear what is it the Minotaur ran into the square and screamed loudly the guys started running in different directions and the monster pushed off the ground and rushed forward he jumped onto the ship and broke through the floor Boris screamed loudly clenching his paws he pulled out a wooden pole and the protagonist screamed everyone down everyone fell to the floor and Uris swung it REO thought about what was happening what to do escape this is a priority but there is no way he can't swim the system window
reported that his internal organs sense danger and shake like jelly the heart suggested thinking about how to save themselves what does the brain do they began to cry because there is no brain there the protagonists began to cry when suddenly Damen appeared next to him and whispered your highness no need to stick your head out it's good that the Sails are lowered he pointed his finger forward and told him to stay close to the remains of the deck and not to move raiko frowned and asked does he want him to hide there Damen replied yes
that was the best plan they had at the moment the protagonist looked at him in fear and asked what about him Damen grinned and replied he had a lot of bonuses to get from him after today he pulled the sword out of the hilt and said he needed to work Rael frowned and looked at him carefully he turned around and started running towards the rest of the deck Damen pushed himself off the floor and screamed anise she jumped out from around the corner and grabbed the monster's body with her claws Uris moaned loudly in pain
and grabbed anise by the tail he threw her on the floor causing her to scream in pain the Minotaur went on swinging his fists Damen fell to the floor and coughed painfully the entire crew was in serious condition they were lying on the floor under the pieces of the ship the protagonist's eyes widened and he thought this is bad he ordered himself to pull himself together at this rate everyone would die his breathing in movements he had to watch everything carefully not missing a single detail the system window reported that he was in an extremely
dangerous and unprecedented situation intense experience he strengthened azan's precise diagnosis to the Limit rael's eyes widened and he thought Azran precise diagnosis was added as an option to his pulse reading skill the system window reported an exclusive skill option acupuncture scanning within a certain radius it can scan the targets acupuncture points and predict its movement the number of targets to fix one is limited to living beings a red barrier surrounded uris's head and the protagonist thought what is this such a cheating skill like a map Haack the angle of muscle movement where his fist will
hit he can see it all cool now he can dodge everything raiko froze and thought wait can he really Dodge all of his attacks before his stamina runs out he has to do something let him think think they need to survive Damian was sitting on the floor clutching the hilt of his sword Rael thought he and everyone else they need to survive he looked down and saw Hedgehog lying there the protagonist thought horror will this really work no matter what he has to do it because this is his the Minotaur ran forward and clenched his
fists headed towards the team suddenly the protagonist appeared in front of them and blocked the blow the guy screamed in Surprise what His Highness Uris screamed loudly and raiko crossed his arms and clenched his Jaws the system window reported he ate the red seed intended for summoning the protagonist grew and became the size of the Minotaur he thought in surprise he became bigger much bigger he did not think that he would be so huge the Sailor screamed His Highness Damien looked at him in confusion and thought who is he the system window reported he is
a human not a summoned creature red sunflower seeds can have an extremely adverse effect on the human body so please let him consult a doctor or a specialist in traditional medicine raiko thought he is a doctor himself the system window reported that gigantism would only last for 3 minutes the Minotaur hauled again and the system window reported that after gigantification was complet complete there would be serious side effects he would fall into a coma for 5 days time left until gigantification was complete 2 minutes and 37 seconds the protagonist held Uris back and thought this
means he has to finish everything in 2 minutes and 30 seconds and then fly away for 5 days his hands began to shake and he thought if he couldn't finish in the specified time he would be finished he pushed the monster away and it clenched its Fist and swung Urus hit the prot anist in the face and he cried out in pain raiko remained on his feet and then grabbed his cheek and thought this hurts terribly but he can handle it usually even a scratch from him would kill him in this case Urus hit the
protagonist in the face again and he thought it's impossible to kill this big guy in just two minutes now he can only stop his berser State and try to calm him down raiko looked at the beaten in sad Hedgehog and thought only then will Damian and the Royal Knights be able to cope with him even if he faints he cried out Hedgehog let him give him needles the Hedgehog strained with his last strength and shot needles the protagonist grabbed the needles and rushed to the side he screamed loudly and ran at the monster he pushed
off the monster and jumped over as if over a goat raiko grabbed the needle and hugging Urus screamed time for acupuncture he pricked him in the tanu point this point is located on the head and is used to treat diseases of the head openings hence the name the main function of tianu is to assist the openings of the head these are the ears eyes nostrils and mouth Urus moaned loudly and the protagonist realized that the needle did not reach the flow of the minotaur's Mana the protagonist screamed loudly Damian let him hit the end of
the needle Damen jumped up and stabbed the needle into the monster's head raiko thought he needs to calm this one's thoughts he will decrease the stimulation of the sympathetic nerve and increase the stimulation of the parasympathetic Tian Lea point he stabbed the needle and shouted Damian he ran towards the needle and stabbed it chimi Point Damen stabbed the needle again and then the eone point the protagonist team watched in Surprise Xiao Sun Point orus screamed loudly stretching out his moing the protagonist thought he pricked the blood and energy flow of the meridian he is like
a child who turns away from acupuncture if he is a good boy and lets him do the treatment he will give him candy the last Point Airmen point the Monster's eyes widened and its nerve impulses spread throughout its body it stopped and looked around questioningly the protagonist stuck a couple more needles and thought the fact that he had calmed down was one thing it seemed that the pain from the sore throat had also passed for now in fact it was not the acupuncture just a coincidence that's what stable Ang is it can become so painful
that it seems like it's dying and then suddenly disappears The the guys asked in Surprise His Highness the Minotaur examined his hands and said strange but it doesn't hurt anymore Rael looked at Daman who was standing on his shoulder and said Damian good job Urus put his paw on the protagonist shoulder and thanked him raiko thought in any case his pain subsided quite in time now he thinks that it is his Merit he fell to the floor and said he is so terribly tired the system window reported his internal organs are shaking due to the
sudden change in condition the heart asked what did he do what did he eat to become so big and the blood flow is strange the lungs hugged and laughed loudly and the Heart spoke again breathing is also not okay he is on the verge of fainting the large intestine said the feces at holds also increased as his body became larger the stomach screamed happily it is now big the system window reported that the stomach is slightly in thought time left until the end of giganti 0 minutes and 0 seconds he feels himself getting smaller the
servant stood up and shouted His Highness His Highness the protagonist spoke heavily he has something to tell them he he will be in a coma for 5 days so there is no need to fuss the Minotaur is no longer hostile they can rest easy after these words he passed out the system window reported that giganti was over and serious side effects occurred he will be in a coma for the next 120 hours good night someone asked what the hell is going on is this magic at this moment on the lower deck the sailors were collecting
water the guy pointed his hand to the side and ordered to quickly pour out the water Captain there are more and more holes they can't stop it we need to go up on Deck immediately otherwise they will all die there the guy clenched his fist and replied there is a monster raging above at that moment Urus calmed down and sat on the floor the Sailor felt the floor going down and screamed what the ship is sinking the monster suddenly began to look around and then clenched his fists and asked for forgiveness it's because of him
Damien rushed at the main character and screamed His Highness Uris screamed loudly he will repay his kindness he will save him the minur grabbed Rael and pushed off the floor heading forward he fell into the water and put the main character on his head the Sailor screamed in fear His Highness how dare he kidnap the Crown Prince Daman said His Highness after a while Damen opened his eyes and saw that he was in a dark closed room rats were running under his feet and chains were hanging on the wall he wondered was he sleeping he
hadn't seen such a sight for a long time it looked like the place where he lived in his youth in front of him Sat an interrogator and laughed loudly he said how absurd the interrogator of the inspection Squad reporting directly to the emperor folded his arms across his chest and said he couldn't believe that he was sleeping in such a situation he didn't know if he was Shameless or just impudent the interrogator asked doesn't he understand what situation he's in Daman answered he understands the interrogator raised his eyebrows and said it's already the sixth day
since the Crown Prince was kidnapped by a monster he clenched his jaw and said discontentedly it took a day for this news to reach the capital he slammed his fist on the table and shouted in irritation and it took him two days to get there he had wasted 3 days without finding His Highness what's more they hadn't found a single clue as to where he was all the conspirators there including the mayor and Daman were acting as if they were investigating just to waste precious time what had they been doing all this time where had
the Minotaur fled and where had the ambo magnate Guinness dasam who had bought the Minotaur disappeared to the interrogator continued shouting blushing with anger he said not a single clue they had found nothing he lowered his voice slightly and said no no it wasn't that they couldn't find any traces they were deliberately ignoring it the interrogator folded his hands on the table and said because they wanted to harm His Highness Damien listened to him and said he says that all the people who traveled with His Highness conspired with the minur to kidnap and harm him
he frowned and asked displeased is that the conclusion he draws the interrogator stood up and answered not that he wanted to he is just trying to find the truth together with those who are in inocent he came closer to Daman and asked does he think this makes sense Damen said displeased but he the interrogator interrupted him and said he knows the world is a place where ridiculous conclusions can become an answer that fits the riddle who should be held responsible for this the mayor of Creo in charge of the security of the city and those
who traveled with His Highness including him but could not protect him responsibility for the crime committed there should be placed on them so that they can calmly finish this matter Damen clenched his jaw and thought are they trying to hush up the incident by blaming it on them what kind of nonsense is this this man probably just wants to close the Cold Case without making it any more complicated the interrogator put his hand on his shoulder and said so let him think carefully Mercy will be shown to those who confess Damen asked again Mercy the
interrogator smiled and replied a comfortable and quick death awaits them Daman ordered with displeasure not to talk such nonsense the interrogator said well if it is difficult for him to confess he will use other methods guards approached the chair Damien was sitting on which made him frown after a while Daman was placed in a cage and he screamed AEL Daman and anise were hung high above the city anise screamed in fear Damian he turned around and saw the mayor and anise crying he thought what a horror anise and even the mayor Damen looked down and
saw that underneath them they had collected a mountain of wooden boards which the guards were pouring oil on he thought the smell of oil do they want to burn them alive the interrogator came out into the square and folded his arms over his chest and said since they were all gathered there can they talk about the detention again are they ready to discuss the matter Damian quickly answered there will be no confessions but he is ready to tell the truth the interrogator happily ask the truth well let him speak Damen shouted loudly under the pretext
of an investigation he interfered with the sech for the Missing Crown Prince the interrogator frowned and asked what Damien was covered in bright energy and shouted he was desperate like no one else trying to find him the interrogator grinned and asked is he sure that he is not simply trying to avoid Justice well that does not change the essence the interrogation is over the guard with the torch went towards the firewood and Damen squeezed one of the bars of the cage and thought forgive me His Highness but he does not want to die so senselessly
he must live suddenly a loud moo Was Heard and the minur appeared in the square daman's eyes widened in Surprise and thought a minor he landed on the ground and took the cage off Damian the protagonist stood on the monster's shoulder and stroked it rael's allies widened their eyes in Surprise and pressed themselves against the cage and the investigators employees froze in fear the protagonist nodded his head and asked in displeasure what did they do there documentary series The Crown Prince selles medicine the Crown Prince and the Minotaur special episode 6 days after the incident
the Crown Prince of Magento Rachel woke up in a distant sea cave Urus the Minotaur who only yesterday wanted to kill Rachel now only love can be seen on his face the protagonist woke up and saw a huge monster face in front of him he listened to its moing and asked he almost fell into the sea but he saved him thank you they are friends now it seems that the misunderstanding between them was resolved someone asked how his relationship with Urus improved so suddenly raiko ruffled his hair and answered well it seems that he had
a small misund understanding he says that he cured him that he is his savior it is partially true he just stopped His Pain by coincidence well he thinks that small misunderstandings are normal someone asked why he says that the protagonist chuckled and answered the thing is he will follow him for free documentary series The Crown Prince and the minur the end he this is the devil Rael looked at Urus and said since he helped him he would like to help him in return is he okay with it minor hummed questioningly and the protagonist waved his
hand and said the truth is that his chest pain is not completely cured yet if they leave things as they are the suffering will return Uris smiled and hummed back at him Rael stroked six Urus and said yellowy he will first check the condition of his body yellowy this is a typical name for pets in Korea minor replied dissatisfied he is not yellowy he is Urus the system window reported the pulse reading skill is an exclusive variant of one acupuncture scanning is activated the protagonist looked at the monster's body and thought fortunately his angina is
not very Advanced they will be able to start treatment when they return to Kemo he decided to take a look at his gallbladder he looked at it in Surprise and asked hey doesn't this part seem more swollen to him while chewing Uris hummed in response and Rael said because there is a lot of crap inside once everything is pulled out the swelling will disappear now he will bring it out he needs to do everything he says first the bio Meridian of the foot they will press on the main acupuncture now you need to raise your
hands press on the Yuan point on the fourth rib and then on the ru point on the seventh rib they will move to the wo Shu point and the jeongu point moving up from the center to the forehead the Minotaur looked puzzled and listened to everything the protagonist said Rael said you just need to press your finger on the place he asks he imagined a strip of points and the minur hummed questioningly the protagonist happily said okay they are almost done now you need to clench your fist and hit it hard in the solar plexus
Urus looked down and hummed doubtfully in response to which the protagonist said to trust him and hit right now the Minotaur hit himself in the solar plexus and screamed loudly in pain he started spitting something out of his mouth and raiko looked at him carefully and thought something huge is coming out of him Uris spat out a huge diamond-shaped Stone from his mouth the protagonist looked at it and thought happily holy Lords the system window reported he got cistitis of a special rank s+ Rael thought even a very large kestis usually does not go beyond
5 cm and this one was no less than 20 he picked it up and asked yellowy how is he feeling is he better huh he raised his head and moaned with relief in response the protagonist smiled and said he is glad that the bloating has passed he congratulates he thought now it is his too Rael spoke but he thinks the team needs to move on Urus moaned questioningly and the protagonist suggested returning to cremo he remembered daman's frightened face and said his team is probably already experiencing some problems the protagonist looked at Uris and thought
is he afraid that he will have to fight again if he returns he smiled and said no one will be able to do anything to him if he returns with him he is serious the Minotaur looked closely at his face and mumbled Rael said he is not lying he promises Urus Rose and entered the water after a while they approached the city and the protagonist saw a raised flag he looked at it and thought an inspection Squad under the command of the emperor no wonder they hurried letun return to the present Rael stood on uris's
shoulder and asked who is in charge the interrogator opened his mouth in Surprise and remained silent the protagonist clenched his jaw and shouted should he repeat it who is in charge the interrogator frowned and stepped forward he answered he Rael descended to the ground and asked he he asked drawn out he the interrogator thought is this idiot addressing him so casually he frowned and said he is the one the Minotaur brought back and he looks exactly like the Crown Prince who is he the guards who were imprisoned in the cages asked in Surprise is he
crazy he is the Crown Prince raiko folded his arms and asked does he mean to say that he might be a fake posing as the Crown Prince the interrogator answered yes because there are forces that will take advantage of this situation to try to harm the royal family Rael lowered his head and asked so he wants to confirm his identity right the interrogator answered briefly again yes the protagonist frowned and asked in that case why didn't he check his people properly the interrogator asked what the protagonist pointed to the Allies in the cages and shouted
he is talking about them why didn't he check what sacrifices they made the hardships they endured and the Loyalty they showed the interrogator eyes widened and he asked what is he talking about raiko continued to scream Damen Cayenne he rushed forward to save him the Crown Prince from the minur Damen looked at him in Surprise as the protagonist continued trying to buy time for him to get to safety he showed his loyalty by fighting the Minotaur alone at that moment Urus grabbed a bar with his finger and and tore it out releasing Daman he said
your highness the protagonist turned around and smiled back he turned away and said next anise daughter of henta his main werewolf bodyguard she rushed to catch him when he fell from the minotaur's hand and flew out of the mayor's residence if not for her quick thinking and courage he would have ended up a crushed corpse buried under the rubble Urus removed the cage from anise and tore the bars freeing her Rael turned around and looked at anise and said she showed great courage and self sacrifice for him he said next Sergio he stood in the
cage and cried Rael said the special captain of the royal Knights he was the first to arrive that night before anyone else and protected him while he was trying to escape if it weren't for his bravery and Zeal I wonder if he would be standing there now while listing the Allies the Minotaur gradually took them down and tore apart the cages the protagonist continued speaking sir frle a knight he led the especially wounded Royal Knights to safety and was an example to follow demonstrating the honor of a knight Montero and Pedro their hands were injured
when they blocked the minotaur's horn are they all right he also can't forget what Sir Hamilton did for him despite the loss of his sword and the destruction of his shield he was ready to fight on Sergio clenched his fists and said his His Highness in tears the guard looked towards the interrogator and said he thinks he really is the Crown Prince the interrogator asked but how did he come back back and how did he tame the minur he got angry and thought something went wrong there he was sure that the Crown Prince who was
captured by the Minotaur had no chance of survival that's why he tried to blame his team for no reason it didn't matter that it wasn't their fault he always did this because it was the natural outcome of events he imagined that if a member of the royal family died of illness the head doctor would be executed when someone with a high status dies another must must take responsibility the interrogator got Furious and looked at the protagonist and thought however how did the Crown Prince return alive how he suddenly fell to his knees and shouted your
highness he begs you to forgive him for doubting his identity Rael frowned and looked at him carefully he turned away and said the mayor of the city AEL cremo that night in the face of danger and a difficult situation he decided to stay rather than run away to protect the city ail cried and stretched out his hand and said His Highness the protagonist said and it showed how proud he was of his duties he walked up and touched the mayor's hand with his hand and said he this is the most virtuous and significant example of
how a noble person should act Azel cried and said His Highness Rael turned around and shouted but he the interrogator of the inspection Squad he asked him to confirm his identity didn't he the interrogator looked at him in Surprise the protagonist spoke but he was not the one who proved who he is these these people who stayed by his side who were ready to sacrifice for him without fear they were the ones who showed who he is the interrogator looked at him in fear without saying a word the protagonist came closer to him and said
it was better for him not to make excuses he already knows what he wants to say he thought about it he clearly sees what a person like that would do the same situation was in Korea he asked the question he was just asking him wasn't he he was asking who was in charge the man stepped forward in response to his question does he know what that means the one in charge is the one in charge of what's going on as for the lousy investigation he'd done he'd be held accountable for it the investigator laid his
head on the ground and closed his eyes after a while some workers were picking up trash near the mayor's Palace the boy wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked what the charge was that the stupid investigator had been told the old man looked at him carefully and replied intentionally obstructing the search for the Crown Prince the third worker said that's a pretty serious crime he thinks the name of it just reflects how serious it is if he's unlucky he'll be executed otherwise he'll probably rot in prison for the rest of his days yes one
of the two the boy put his hand to his lips and said but is it true the old man cried out he's telling them the truth I saw with my own eyes this Fierce minur he was so obedient and followed the orders of the Crown Prince he moved just by his gaze and then he destroyed the iron cage it was incredible he does not know what he did but the Crown Prince grew to the size of a minotaur the workers stood to the side and Eaves dropped on the conversations each of the workers listened with
great interest to all the Snippets of Gossip that were heard from all sides someone said and fought with him himself he saw how he stuck huge spikes into the back and neck of the Minotaur the guy mockingly said come on he's probably lying the old man cried out and displ pleasure he's telling the truth the worker said in Surprise just think about it he remembered something there were Rumors in the capital had they heard that the Crown Prince became the Ruler all the workers turned around in confusion and thought they also want to know at
that moment Damen looked out the window and was silent he approached the protagonist and said His Highness Rael was sitting on a chair and picking his nose and the creatures were playing next to him he asked yes Damen asked a question how did he manage to tame the Minotaur at that moment wus was sleeping on the grass near the castle the protagonist asked again tame he never did that they just resolved their misunderstanding Damien asked puzzled what Rael asked he remembers how he suddenly became huge sticking spikes in the place where it hurt by chance
it got better Daman asked what does it mean that the minor thinks that he cured him the protagonist answered yes he thinks that he is his savior that's good he doesn't think so Damen answered indeed it must be good luck Rael asked good luck what is he talking about Daman approached him and said well now he can get his reward for the risk the protagonist asked he doesn't even hide the fact that he wants more money right is this what Hired Hands are like wow he was amazed at his shamelessness Damen smiled and thought he
needs to train even harder he wants to get more money but he couldn't do a perfect job he cleared his throat and said anyway he was a bit overconfident because he completed the task he received yesterday raiko cried out what he collected all the samples of medicinal ingredients in one day Daman lowered his head and answered yes Creo it is the largest port in the north and a trading city after all and he has one more piece of news his majesty has left for the capital on the way there he heard that he returned safely
the protagonist smiled and asked so he returned as soon as he knew he was safe he thought what a cold and heartless man just like him you have to continue living your life while remaining indifferent this old man is not easy to deal with Rael stood up and said great now that the emperor has returned and they have obtained all the necessary components they can begin Daman asked what does he mean the protagonist shouted preparing the gold pill of the Minotaur let them immediately clean the Kya in the mayor's residence the servants were working hard
near the clinic but Rael himself prepared all the ingredients in the kitchen saying that it was time for them to get down to business he cut the root and began to grind it in a mortar humming something and Damen thought it was interesting raiko plans to create medicine for 5 days or practice singing for 5 days he has already formed a ball from the mixture making a gold minur pill although he was sorry to eat it himself he needed to make sure of the effect the system immediately reported that his internal organs felt incredibly energetic
after a minur snack his heart seemed to flare up and scream that it felt overwhelmed with energy an upset stomach stood behind him and asked why everything that is good for the body is not tasty at all internal organs Dio 500 horsepower now he has 1,500 CP the medicine he made was found he has an active skill this is a tonic potion option analyzing ingredients it was as if a core appeared inside his body Distributing energy information about the golden pill appeared the Active Components are cic acid B Rubin vitamin D also the Active Components
include propan aadal oleanolic acid pinol cumarin tin and much more gadol sopin there is a description of the old version of the pill and its effects the pill increases the density of calcium in muscle cells improves muscle tissue the medicine has many other properties is suitable for adults and children but there are some contraindications for patients with chronic diseases and and the elderly the protagonist did not understand why there was so much he frowned and began to think finally he found something it was written there that the pill helps regulate blood pressure in addition the
pill treats cardiovascular diseases and painful symptoms the medicine can help you get a good night's sleep has no serious side effects and is not addictive as soon as the protagonist read this he realized that the properties are real Madness at this time wus was sleeping peacefully in the garden while the servants were working around but Rael was quickly approaching him and calling him lurus immediately woke up and was happy to see the main character he asked if Urus had rested well how was he feeling the minor moaned contentedly and Rael said that he was pleased
to hear that did he want to try eating something else Urus was surprised when Rael poured pills into his palm and said that with this his heart would stop hurting the minutor looked at the pills and immediately poured them into his mouth saying that Rael was his savior so he believed him energy began to spread from uris's heart throughout his body the vessels of the heart were filled with medicine Urus was surprised and examined his fingers and Rael knew that the inflammation should have disappeared he probably felt a surge of energy throughout his body the
system reported that he fed Urus his patient with a minotaur's golden pill which he made himself thanks to the effect of the skill level one tonic potion the effectiveness of the medicine is increased by 10% the protagonist looked at the system panel and was delighted a full recovery after one medicine the system added 7 days to him in total the estimated lifespan is6 days his internal organs are delighted with the results they gave Rael 600 horsepower to express their gratitude now he has 2,100 horsepower his organs were happy and offered Rael to eat another pill
and the protagonist himself laughed he lay with pleasure and continued to laugh he rested on the body of Urus now he is counting on the rank minur soon a huge crowd gathered in the square of the city of Creo looking at the stage everyone was talking among themselves not understanding what was happening someone heard that the Crown Prince was presenting an award to those who stood up for him that night soon everyone heard the sound of hooves and then looked up in fear the Crown Prince had arrived on a giant Minotaur raiko waved to everyone
and climbed down from uris's hand all the spectators were shocked the rumors that the Crown Prince would be next in line for the throne where true raiko looked at the bright ball was this a magical device for voice volume he remembered Theodore and the fight with him the protagonist only attracted so much attention during the fight with him he can't be afraid now he took the ball and said Damien cayen and 33 other people during the unprecedented event when the minur went berserk everyone fought without hesitation to protect a member of the royal family therefore
on behalf of the Crown Prince I wanted to publicly acknowledge their efforts and bestow this medicine he raised the pill box up after which everyone was surprised only mayor AEL showed an approving gesture the protagonist chuckled the mayor is doing his job well he is very useful two days ago while he was lying on the Minotaur AEL came up to him and asked if the prince had called him Rael said that he needed the mayor to do something for him he was planning to hold an award ceremony to present Awards and advertise his new medicine
AEL asked if he wanted to hold an award ceremony to promote his product Rael said that was exactly it the Minotaur had scared many people and he couldn't ignore those who had selflessly protected him so he wanted to give it to them and then he showed him the pill saying that he had recently developed the golden Minotaur pill himself AEL was confused and told himself to think about what the prince wanted he said that he got the idea but Rael said that he hadn't finished speaking yet the protagonists believed that after such advertising the pill
would be able to interest all the Nobles of the Empire he wanted to tell them more about the medicine but then he looked at the mayor in surprise he said enthusiastically that the medicine was great it was the crown Prince's Premium Edition they had to make the award ceremony as Grand as possible only then would it really help the promotion the prince would be able to sell it at a high price he asked for 2 days he would start immediately so he had to leave raiko thought that this man he thought the mayor understood everything
immediately as soon as the protagonist asked if there was anything unusual about him at the ceremony he showed an approving gesture and said that he would not forget the mayor's help the protagonist said he Crown Prince Rael audrea Magano created this special medicine out of gratitude for the loyalty and courage of his workers they are true heroes and warriors who fought the minur however Angus and Daman thought that it sounded suspicious raiko continued he decided that these people deserve to receive this special and Powerful medicine made from the gallstone of the Minotaur people did not
understand him they said if he added a part of the Minotaur to the pill it is a wonderful medicine the main character said that after eating the pill they will feel that their heart has become much stronger and this pill will also rid the blood vessels of blood clots they will gain amazing endurance and will not get tired like the Minotaur but that's not all for those who suffer from insomnia this pill will grant the desired sleep and rest everyone was already shocked by such a statement finally the prince thanked everyone who showed loyalty and
devotion even the Birds listened to him in surprise he said that could not be happier than to tell the citizens of his Empire about the existence of this medicine they want to ask him the reason and he will answer that it is because from today for just a month it will be sold at an affordable price but the medicine is saturated with nutrients and is known as the invention of the Crown Prince so they will be able to sell the medicine to everyone Urus held up a sign with a price of 9,9 99 Megan this
is a special price for a limited quantity one pill per person will be sold until supplies last Daman and anise frowned thinking that they smelled quackery but Damen took Sergio by the shoulder and offered them to take an advertising sign with advertising slogans Rael said that you don't see such a thing every day they can come themselves and quickly soon he showed everyone the pill while he was surrounded by Advertising Signs in addition it was recommended to consult with the traditional doctor of the small Palace sir Garden before using it soon they heard shouts people
asking to sell them pills someone wanted to buy several at once and some were ready to take out a loan for this Rael was happy about this as the reviews were excellent if he was holding an advertising campaign he would make the most of it he imagined his employees as happy promoters he would PR his Clinic the protagonist coughed and addressed the people of Creo again as they all knew he Crown Prince Rael audrea magnano he runs the traditional Medicine Clinic of the small Palace they looked at him in Surprise IO grinned and his team
nodded approvingly with displeasure he said that if they were all gathered there he would tell about this wonderful place as an advertisement everyone took a poster of the advertisement but only Sergio smiled the signs said that he was an expert on the spine and Joints the traditional Medicine Clinic of the small Palace is the place to go for treatment this is a message from the director of the traditional medicine clinic raal the clinic is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week treatment is free he said said that although the clinic has not been
around for long they have introduced new medical services that did not exist before he asked if anyone in the crowd knew about his clinic however the crowd was silent they were only asking what the prince was talking about what is this but suddenly two men raised their hands and shouted that they knew this Clinic Rael said that this was more than he expected but anise looked at him with disbelief since only two people responded he said that he was the director of the clinic who came there in person it would be a little strange if
he just praised his clinic right he decided that it was time for him to let everyone be interested he said that the city of keml was the most beautiful trading city of the northern Seas it was the heart of the north of the Empire they all had to stay healthy so that cremo could continue to prosper and the Empire would only Prosper if keml grew the citizens looked at him and listened with delight and Rael seemed to suffer for them he hoped that they would all be healthy if anyone present felt unwell he asked them
to come forward even if their illness was not serious they could come forward he the director of the clinic would personally examine them but the people were worried raiko realized that they were hesitating he would have to use his foolproof method he said that those who came forward now the first 100 people would receive free treatment coupons anise was horrified weren't the coupons free to begin with but the protagonist raised his fist in the air and enthusiastically repeated that the coupons were free if they started earlier they would finish earlier and it it was time
to start soon a crowd of people started running towards him he was pleased considering them his lucky stars he imagined the sea in a huge fish and himself as a fisherman throwing a rod with a pill into people's hands he seemed to be in Euphoria imagining bonus lives he continued examining patients right on the stage and gave them coupons asking them to visit his Clinic with this they would prepare a medicine to improve her physique also pay for travel to the capital and even provide housing of of course the treatment was also free the woman
stood up and thanked him the protagonist was happy that he managed to hand out all 100 coupons this is amazing wonderful if at least 10% of them come to the clinic then he will have at least 10 patients anise was gloomy raiko offered free treatment and will pay for their travel will they survive at all he said happily that it was perfect but anise was almost crying she mentally told the Lord Chamberlain that they would have to sell everything they had Rael was glad that their Clinic was now known in Creo he considered it a
double benefit and marketing Daman was watching him it had been 9 hours already the prince was constantly examining patience was he okay soon the protagonist stood up and stretched his body which suddenly began to tremble had he overdone it the system reported that his internal organs were asking him to obey the labor code the tired intestines were almost dying of fatigue he said that 10 hours of continuous treatment had been carried out this man had gone crazy and the heart was Furious it was screaming when will they finally rest Rael felt weak but decided that
he could not fall there people were watching he needed to look cool while everyone was watching he couldn't let them see him faint but soon his vision became blurry and everyone became worried he still fell and pushed the chair Sergio and Damien immediately ran to him they called His Highness the protagonist cursed the disgusting body with low stamina while the two guys looked at him excitedly and called several notifications appeared at once he cured many patients putting in maximum effort as a result he fell into a state of overwork and exhaustion the people of Creo
witnessed what he did people were touched by how hard he tried for them and then fell exhausted the people of Creo felt his sincerity they became his fans their awe and respect for him earned him a title his skills in traditional medicine gain new Strength now the great Dr points system is open to him while he was asking if he was okay Rao looked at the panel with admiration he saw the inscription GDP and did not understand what it was but then the system reported that it was a type of reputation he earns points when
he performs Feats or influences Society through Medical Practice many are already touched by his actions he received 101 GDP the current GDP is 101 the protagonists realized that GDP is good but how to use it the system notified that he can use GDP to buy live vouchers a voucher can be bought for one 100 GDP when he uses a voucher the person he lied to will believe it unconditionally and forever he smiled nervously and then began to laugh like a villain it is a wonderful cheating item Damen took his hand and helped him stand up
at the same time the system notified when he uses a lie voucher it is necessary to choose who will be affected one voucher must indicate only one target he can tell only one lie per voucher if the target is a mythical creature or someone close to him they can see through his lie this panel was right in front of daman's face who asked if his majesty was okay the protagonist leaned on his shoulders and asked if he would carry him on his back but Damen replied that he would only do so for a fee raiko
replied that it was just like him they approached the mayor who was almost crying he asked if His Highness was really leaving like this he examined the prince's entire body and said that he didn't look very healthy but raiko awkwardly replied that he had just tripped and bruised his buttocks a little it wasn't worth the worry AEL asked if he should stay another night to rest before leaving but Rael said that he was fine he would sleep on the road the mayor asked if it wasn't less comfortable than a bed but the prince replied that
sleeping in a carriage was just fine at that moment Damian remembered their comfortable beds with displeasure he thanked AEL for everything he had done and today's award ceremony was also great but the mayor said he didn't deserve such praise the protagonist got into the carriage and invited AEL to his Clinic with sir Roberto AEL didn't understand anything since he didn't see Roberto crying so the prince said it didn't matter they just needed to meet again he left after saying goodbye and arrived in the capital of magent Tano at night when he entered the city people
were terrified and asked what kind of horror this was they were afraid to look at the Minotaur even the servant who came to meet His Highness froze in fear in his eyes Urus was a scary and terrible monster but then he shook his head and came to his senses greeting His Highness he is the company commander of the second Battalion of the sixth Capital defense Corps he is the first lieutenant of Mardo he pays his respects to him sleepy Rael asked what happened then the lieutenant handed him the letter and said that it was the
emperor's order the protagonist felt something strange he looked at the envelope with excitement it said that the Crown Prince should come to the Emperor as soon as he arrived in the capital raiko felt something strange the emperor is not the one who needs meetings if he asks Rael to do something strange or impossible possible he will just use the livee voucher after that he smiled and relaxed he arrived at the palace when it was dark outside he bowed in the hall then he said that Rael Audria Magento pays respects to the rightful ruler and owner
of these lands aelion looked at him carefully this irritated the protagonist very much why is he silent if the emperor asked him to come then let him say something he said that he would ask this why did he cause so many difficulties to those who traveled with him with his irresponsible and competent Behavior but the protagonist knew it would happen he remembered the blow to the face from the Minotaur he can accept that it is called irresponsible and incompetent because he himself almost died the emperor heard that the Minotaur attacked the mayor's residence Rael answered
that it was true then his father asked why he did not run away that day but put those who protected him in senseless danger the protagonist was surprised his hands were shaking he did not know the answer aelion said perhaps Rael thinks he did everything possible but he is wrong he should have escaped to a safe place before the slightest chance of risk arose if he understands how important his position is he should have prepared for any situation the protagonist was annoyed how could he have foreseen such an outcome if he was not a shaman
the emperor asked what Rael was thinking now he replied that he had no thoughts the nellan said menacingly and displeased as a result of the prince's ignorance those around him were in trouble the protagonist even felt Pleasant that his father did not worry about him the emperor said that in the future Rael would take his place he would be responsible for supporting millions of citizens of their empire this time he only had dozens of people under his care but he had put them all in danger they were in terrible conditions he slammed his fist on
the throne and screamed does the Crown Prince understand how shameful this is although Rael appeared unperturbed he was nervous inside he feels insulted but he cannot disagree with the emperor's words he is right aelion wants the prince to have time to think about this incident so that he never repeats this mistake he replied that he understood his majesty then the emperor asked if Rael wanted to say something the protagonist knew that he had to answer something otherwise their relationship would remain a one-sided relationship as it was now he said that he had a question did
the emperor quit smoking as Rael asked him to the emperor should quit this habit only then will he be able to stay healthy and full of strength as the emperor said the person who leads and supports millions of citizens of their empire is aelan he smirked and waited for the emperor's reaction his father tried to tell him something but Rael interrupted and said that he really should refrain from smoking the prosperity of the Imperial family depends on his health but he said this for a reason in fact after the death of this Rael the emperor
had a stroke caused by excessive smoking and stress he must make the emperor quit smoking no matter what only then will the Empire not be drawn into the impending War he must do this if he does not want the emperor to become like his father aelion stood up from the throne saying that on the day they talked about this when Rael dared to Grumble at the emperor he quit smoking the protagonist was very surprised and the emperor asked if he had any more questions he replied that he had no questions and that it was time
for him to leave but the emperor said that there was one more thing he came closer and asked not to mindlessly eat the summoned monsters that had magic in them he turned away away and awkwardly coughed saying that it was harmful to the prince's body soon as stelan was left alone in the hall he decided that Rael was worried about him he asked his assistant what happened to rael's Miracle medicine the secret agent said that they mobilized the information unit of the Imperial family as the emperor ordered they are spreading information about the Minotaur pill
aelion asked about the result the man replied even the Nobles on the borders of their empire will know about the golden pill the emperor looked out the window and smiled smiled contentedly then laughed saying that it was very good raiko returned to his part of the palace he counted 1 2 Damian walked behind and asked what the prince was doing when raiko counted to three he said that he was coming and soon they heard a fast run and garden approaching who was crying and loudly calling His Highness the protagonists began to understand that this was
bad and soon began to panic even more he stopped garden with one hand pushing his cheek away told him to stop and tell him is he so happy to see the prince Garden screamed that Rael left behind too many patients that he had to take care of when the prince left the protagonist covered his ears from the scream and then said that he would prepare a tonic drink for garden later he is grateful that his friend took care of the clinic in rael's absence although Garden said that he was fine Rael did not believe him
as the doctor looked too exhausted the protagonist wondered if Garden had heard about the events in keml the doctor replied that he was shocked by the news the prince said that that this was good but that was not all there was something more shocking at the same moment wus jumped to the carriage and roared and garden screamed along with him Rael said that Garden had become a better player he was sure that the doctor had already heard rumors that the prince would return with a Minotaur Garden blushed and laughed his game is impressive right Damien
frowned as he watched them why were they acting like this everyone in this Clinic was crazy Rael asked for more news and garden said that since yesterday they had been receiving strange requests the protagonist was also confused and the doctor explained that they wanted to buy medicine that they did not have soon Rael looked in shock at the huge stack of documents these were all the letters from those wishing to buy gold minur Garden said that it was so all the people of noble families lined up for the medicine the prince looked out the window
not understanding what was happening was there a real live quue there which he had only heard of it's even better than the boutiques he has no reason to turn these people away he delightedly enroled asking to invite everyone in turn he had many pills in beautiful boxes this was the crown Prince's Edition the Empire of 987 a special edition of the first year 10 days later they hung up a poster it said that the entire year's supply of the minur pill was completely sold out everyone in the clinic was constantly working as was Rael himself
Garden called him and said that he had received a letter asking him to visit the Imperial Palace the Crown Prince and garden did not even guess why he was being called but Rael ordered a carriage to be prepared was he unhappy that the emperor would criticize him this time the butler was already waiting for him at the door and nervously asked Rael to hurry to that particular room the protagonist cautiously entered there realizing that this was not the audience Hall soon he made a sound of surprise and his expression was filled with panic he saw
the bed in which aelan was lying he remembered the hospital he did not understand why his m ma y was in the same condition as the protagonist father lehan visited the computer Club in rainy weather he played all night he was constantly irritated by others he shouted that he asked the player to calm down he could not do such a simple thing was he so hopeless his mother constantly called him there were already six Miss calls his friend asked if lehan wanted to answer someone was constantly calling him he replied that he did not care
about it and then continued to play dissatisfied soon he sighed in disappointment when he lost lost the phone kept ringing so he answered and after the conversation he was overcome with horror he immediately ran to his mother in the rain as soon as he entered the hospital room his hands trembled and tears streamed down his face he saw his father lying down and his mother crying after which he dropped the backpack from his hands lehan remembered his father unconscious now the emperor was lying in front of Rael in the same state he slapped his cheeks
and told himself to calm down now was not the time to think about the past and act like a loser he began to examine the emperor knowing that it was a stroke muscles and the nervous system are signals that allow one to make such a conclusion he asked what happened and the servant replied he thought someone else could clarify the situation the man bowed and said that his name was baso he the chief physician of his majesty greeted His Highness raiko asked how much time had passed since the emperor lost Consciousness the doctor became nervous
he replied that one night had already passed after these words the prince began to panic a whole night was too much he inquired about the reason the doctor said that after dinner the emperor was strangely drunk but Rael did not understand anything the doctor explained that his speech became slurred although he drank only one glass of wine the emperor began to stagger while walking pasaro suggested that he go to bed early and then he saw him this morning raiko realized that the emperor had become like this overnight his hands were shaking he recognized the symptoms
of a typical stroke he looked at the doctor because of his negligence they missed the golden hour but then the prince remembered the emperor told him that he quit smoking and took care of his health then why did this happen he realized with horror if everything continues like this the plot will go according to the original plan although if the emperor dies right now the story will deviate from the original Rael will become the emperor and not the second Prince but it won't work he imagined himself in front of stacks of documents because being an
emperor me means having a lot of work he realized how exhausted he would be and he had less than 200 days left he couldn't live with such a load he realized that if the Emperor died then he himself would go after him Rael began to pour His Mana into a stallion's body the cause of the stroke is the most important goal he hopes it is not because of the brain hemorrhage there are two main types of Strokes the first is a cerebral hemorhage due to a ruptured vessel that is hemorrhagic the second type is a
vein blockage due to thrombos and atherosclerosis stopping the supply of oxygen to the brain which means es schic disease is a symptom that often causes death as a rule the hemorrhagic type is much more dangerous he asked for it not to be so soon he realized that a cerebral infarction occurs in the artery of the anterior inferior cerebral artery this means that it is es schic fortunately he does not see other bleeding he believes that complications can be paralysis disability or lack of coordination it was as if he was in front of the emperor's brain
now he needs to know which part of the veins is blocked he can make a decision on treatment After he finds out something surprised him something with the clot it is unnatural why can't he see the lines of Zan in the clot raiko was horrified this was impossible both in reality and within the framework of Common Sense this was definitely not normal he turned around sharply and looked angrily at the doctor and the servant he knew something was wrong but the treatment was his top priority he would investigate after he saved the emperor he could
not do this in the chambers Rael said that he would transfer the emperor to a traditional medicine clinic to focus on treatment at that very moment a priest came to them as if sparkling he wished everyone to be calm in the arms of God the servant was glad to see the Archbishop the man introduced himself he the Archbishop of Burton greets His Highness the protagonist greeted the priest and asked did he come to heal his majesty he replied that everything was exactly so although he was told that prayers were necessary he did not expect that
his majesty would need it it seems that the emperor is in serious condition so he will start right now Rael agreed he asked for divine power or whatever anything that could help would be welcome the Archbishop began to read a prayer and direct his holy power into the emperor's body the whole room was filled with a warm light but the emperor did not move the system reported that Rael had an exclusive version of the acupuncture scanning skill he looked in amazement at how six cells became healthy he was surprised that the cells regenerated so quickly
the Archbishop did not stop praying and Rael monitored the condition of the cells usually when brain cells are damaged regeneration becomes almost impossible he covered his mouth with his hand to keep from exclaiming but he was glad that they could save aelion he began to pray together with the Archbishop he really asked for salvation for a long time the priest poured his holy Powers into the emperor and then he himself fell to his knees from fatigue he was trembling but he told the prince that everything was ready Rael praised him he decided to check at
himself and began to pour his power vessels appeared in front of him he realized that the clot had not been removed so the vein was still blocked even if the brain cells recovered they would just die again this blood clot blocking the vein must be removed although this is the most urgent task what should he do the most terrible thing now is reperfusion injury this is the process of resuming blood flow to a part of the body that was previously es schic due to the cessation of blood supply but the cell recovery which should have
accelerated actually worsened he imagine how the body's organs escape from the powerful flow of blood when reperfusion injury occurs this part of the body receives irreversible damage he closed his eyes while thinking but soon punched his fist as soon as he found a solution he immediately called Sir Roberto and ordered to call the Palace magician he was surprised and asked does the prince want to see sir xantis as soon as he realized this he was horrified Rael wanted to electrocute his majesty the protagonist said that this was not the case after which Roberto relaxed however
then Rael said that he was going to freeze the emperor this shocked Roberto and he screamed in Surprise a magician accompanied by servants walked along the corridor he entered and said that he came at the request of his majesty but as soon as he entered he was met by two frightened looks in Rael smiling like a real villain xanit is tensed up and asked what was going on there soon he approached the emperor's bed and asked does the prince want him to use ice magic on his majesty the prince confirmed this and the magician looked
at him with anger and resentment why is the prince doing this to him again he could not believe rael's seriousness but he said that it was exactly so he wants the magician to freeze the emperor properly without killing him the magician flinched when the prince placed his hand on him and he said with a smile that it was like how he treated a child with epilepsy xantis wanted to object but Rael assured him that the magician's help was necessary without it his Majesty's condition would worsen he would be in even greater danger he asked in
surprise if this was true the prince replied that he would not lie to the magician zantis knew that it was difficult but perhaps it was impossible for something bad to happen to his majesty he looked at the prince tensely maybe he really was aiming for the throne he imagined Rael as an angry and mocking Prince saying that the magician did everything zantis was afraid that the prince wanted to harm his majesty using the magician but then he shook his head driving away such thoughts judging by what he had seen so far Rael was not the
type to pursue power the memories of all the patients and the prince confidently monitoring the health of the people appeared before him instead of preparing for the succession to the crown he takes care of the patients in the small Palace day and night the more the Mage thinks about it the more unique his actions seem therefore although the instructions are strange he will trust Rael once more he answered His Highness that he agrees the protagonist thanked him for his trust now he can provide the emperor with due assistance he called the Hedgehog and the Mage
looked at the prince in surprise to whom the cute hedgehog ran as soon as the animal jumped on the protagonist shoulder he said the Hedgehog does not mind borrowing a few Thorns again the Hedgehog made an approving gesture and soon Rael had the needles and the minotaur's pill in his hands preparations for treatment got complete it would be ideal if he had one more thing the sacred Magic a blessing a tired Archbishop sat on the sofa who was surprised when Rael approached him the prince said he wanted to ask for something then the priest said
he would listen to him the protagonist said it was about the sacred blessing magic he had just used could he use it again in about three or 4 hours the Archbishop said that unfortunately it was impossible then everyone in the chambers tensed up Rael did not understand the reason then he explained that the sacred blessing could only be used once a month the protagonist said he understood everything but he himself covered his face in disappointment and then clenched his teeth the prince would have saved this for a better time if he knew but now he
said he had another question could he learn to use the sacred blessing himself he understood that it was very difficult but it would be very useful to master it if he combined traditional medicine and blessing he would be able to receive bonus lives he immediately imagined many system notifications about receiving a bonus the Archbishop clapped him and asked with admiration does that mean he wants to become a Believer he shook the prince's hands and said that it was a wonderful aspiration Faith was never too far away Rael didn't understand anything because he just wanted to
get bonus lives faster the Archbishop said that Faith was also close to people of noble birth like him even the holy blessing that seemed so hard to achieve was actually available to everyone he said this with Incredible delight and raised his hands up and then said that all the prince needed was a sincere heart and the desire to show this faith he just needed to think less rationally no physical contact was needed he didn't need to talk or make eye contact for more than 3 seconds and he also needed to be in the same space
for more than 3 minutes but not breathe the same air Rael should just offer all the care and love that comes from rationality to Faith everyone was shocked when the Archbishop said that Faith just needed to be shown for 30 years however the priest was pleased it was only 30 years in the name of faith it was not that long if he succeeded he would be able to receive the holy blessing doesn't Rael think it's incredibly simple but he looked at the Archbishop with hostility thinking that the priest could do it himself and then he
refused he couldn't cope without it he sighed and started to leave the priest tried to talk to him but the prince said that they were starting the treatment he raised the emperor's back if he wanted to prevent reperfusion injury he needed to reduce his metabolic rate as much as possible this would help reduce the amount of abrupt changes in the cells minimize structural damage to the cell cells the most effective way to do this would be to lower his body temperature to Safe limits xantis began to cast the Spell surrounding himself with streams of cold
snow and ice the emperor was now also enveloped in this cold stream this is hypothermia when the body temperature decreases the metabolic rate in the entire body slows down he felt how the emperor's heartbeat and breathing slowed down and soon asked the magician to stop just maintain this temperature Zenius was tense and watched this while raiko went to his devices the gold tablet of the minur which he had previously crushed would help dissolve the clot he began to give the emperor the medicine now he had no room for error the medicine penetrated inside through the
vein the clock began to dissolve raiko realized that from this moment on he needed to act quickly otherwise other side effects could occur he took the needle and aimed at the acupuncture point that is responsible for the pulse soon the needle was at the chingi point let the change in energy and blood flow from the chinki point then spread throughout the stomach Meridian all the spectators were shocked and terrified and one of them lost Consciousness but the prince knew they had to wait until the emperor's pulse returned to normal soon the system reported that this
was an exclusive version of the acupuncture Point scan Mana spread throughout the body this was the effect of the sibi juliad Jang Gia ding points the prince needed to control the blood flow to the anterior inferior cerebella artery if to too much blood flow is added to the reperfusion injury the damaged blood vessel walls in the brain will definitely burst that is why this process must be carried out with extreme Precision he injected again but faster he used the two-way Point saguan Rael felt the reaction of the Mana not much but the energy was pulsating
the magician was tense while he controlled the temperature and Roberto was worried about the emperor everyone was watching the emperor's bed which was shining brightly Rael felt that the blood flows slowed down by about 20% there was hope the rest will depend on the emperor's vitality and his fate all they can do is hope for the best he really asked that things are not like last time in lehan's memories there was a hospital Corridor he stood in front of his father's bed and said if he woke up lehan would listen very carefully to everything his
father said he cried and said that he would but soon he heard them and not in the sound of the machine his father's hand fell lehan wished for the best but in the end his father never opened his eyes lehon cried a lot and at the funeral he only had Sadness the ear with his father's remains was warm unlike his cold hands if he could hold his father's Hot Hands one more time if he could do it one more time after that raiko woke up and aelion's trembling hand covered his hand he was surprised and
cried out the emperor woke up aelion said it was him his son Rael he was very grateful to him the protagonist bit his lip he was not the emperor son but but still he said that everything was fine he asked not to strain himself too much and to rest he himself felt at the limit so he said that he would go out for a while he walked along the dark Corridor regretting because if he had answered the phone earlier that day if he had come right away this time at least he was not late he
leaned his head against the glass he was so sorry and soon he began to cry he sat by the window for a while but then he began to shake his head no he must calm down and concentrate he has no time for such thoughts now such a state of apathy will not lead to anything good so far the emperor has only passed one obstacle and there are many more ahead there is no guarantee that a second or third relapse will not occur stress disorders may occur so it is also necessary to plan for rehabilitation if
aelan lives for a month they will be able to use the sacred blessing then a full recovery is possible the system reported through the use of hypothermia precise acupuncture the gold pill of the min he gave the patient his full attention aelan Testo's magent Tano has overcome the crisis and is no longer in critical condition now he has hoped for recovery and Rehabilitation in the process of this treatment he created history on the continent of lorenia Rael introduced the concept of reperfusion injury he left a significant mark on the history of medicine on the continent
of lorenia the new reperfusion injury will enter the basic medical books of future Generations young people will be indignant studying all this those who dream of becoming doctor's despair from The increased volume of verified knowledge they will blame Rael he received points of an excellent doctor as well as Li vouchers 121 GPD he has a total of 222 he can buy two live vouchers for him this was an unexpected reward while he was sitting the doctor and servant came to him saying that Rael saved the emperor and his adviser pasaro said that thanks to this
incident he realized how incompetent he was how arrogant and complacent he had become raiko asked if the doctor thought well after which pasaro became worried but answered in the affirmative then the protagonist hopes that they will take responsibility the doctor was surprised by such a statement and the prince explained that the emperor almost died and he was unable to determine the cause of the disease as well as prescribe an appropriate prescription or treatment he asked if the prince was wrong but pasaro could not answer because of the excitement the protagonist continued what should the do
should he take responsibility then the doctor began to panic and wanted to object but the prince stopped him and said that from today pasaro was suspended from work he would personally look after the emperor the protagonist looked at the worried doctor thinking that this man was really incompetent then he ordered Lord Chamberlain to make sure that no one spoke about the deviations in his Majesty's Health then he told everyone to leave since the emperor needed absolute peace everyone obeyed and began to leave and the protagonists looked at their backs realizing that the problem was not
only in their negligence there were other areas where he could not trust them finally the morning came he was sitting next to the emperor and sleeping while he was called Chamberlain entered the chambers and called His Highness he woke up and did not understand what was happening then the servant said This concerns what he ordered to do yesterday the prince asked if they had managed to stop all the rumors about the emperor's illness he replied that everything had gone well the outside world thought that his majesty had caught a cold and was currently resting Rael
stretched kneading his body and asked what happened to those who knew the truth then the Lord Chamberlain said that only The Prince and he who were in his Majesty's Chambers knew the truth he said that a good job had been done but why did the Lord look like he had something else to say he replied that the anvo from ambas had requested an audience with his majesty this morning Rael stood up abruptly knocking over his chair he immediately imagined the envoy's displeased face and exclaimed anas this Kingdom although it has existed for a little over
a century and a half is known as a rebellious strong Kingdom and in a few years they will start a full scale War which will drag the Magento family into the Empire will fall because of the Anis Dynasty rikiel asked but why would there envo meet with the emperor then the Chamberlain said that 5 days ago his majesty asked the envo for a personal meeting the protagonists began to guess he asked is it because of the Man known as Guinness the emperor wants to hold him accountable for his inability to control the Minotaur the Chamberlain
said that it was exactly like that upon learning of what happened his majesty was Furious he summoned the envoy anas to call him to account Rael said that the meeting would take place today but the adviser thought that they would have to call the envoy to understanding and send him back the protagonist could not believe that they would just let the envoy go so easily and the adviser continued to worry and asked maybe they should let him know what was happening in the palace say that his majesty was recovering from his illness Rael did not
understand the Chamberlain did he want them to send back the anba that the emperor summoned to answer in that case it would be difficult to summon him again if the meeting was disrupted due to a simple cold the other side would understand that something was wrong they can guess that the emperor has health problems this is an enemy country that will want to start a war they cannot allow the loss of authority the prince said that he himself will meet with the envoy this surprised the adviser very much the protagonist continued to insist that he
would meet the anva instead of his majesty but did not say that he would do it in his own style the envoy was waiting for an audience and was alone in the room count Benjamin was drinking tea and enjoying the taste but still this did not help him calm down he could not believe that he had to go so far because of this unscrupulous Merchant if the Crown Prince had died then because of the incident with the Minotaur the war would not have been avoided this meeting would not be easy but he himself is not
an ordinary person he is a master of diplomacy no matter what shortcomings the Emperor of magenta tried to find in them he is skillful enough to overcome them Benjamin prepared all the cards for the negotiations besides he is so charming and attractive his eyes were shining with anticipation of the fight he was ready to meet the Emperor of magenta the doors opened and the protagonist apologized asked how long they had been waiting for him Benjamin bowed and said that it was not that long but when he raised his head he was surprised in front of
him was the Crown Prince Where is the Emperor but still he introduced himself as the anvo of Anis and also expressed his respect to the prince he decided that he needed to calm down Rael understood that there were only two things that someone who was not very good at diplomacy like him could do he needed to behave modestly first so he invited the envo to sit down and then shook his hand and said that it was a pleasure to meet him this is the second step he needs to capture him on his territory and take
the initiative while the prince looked at him the envoy was worried and the prince was thinking only that they must avoid war at all costs for the sake of his Imperial life and Rich pension Benjamin through his excitement wanted to start a conversation about that incident but the prince interrupted him and asked too kindly it seemed that their dear Envoy was not in the best condition Benjamin didn't understand anything then the prince asked him to stretch out his hand the messenger held out his hand to the prince in bewilderment Rael asked him to stretch his
hand even closer right to him but Benjamin asked anxiously what was all this for raiko grabbed his hand and began to pour His Mana he asked did the messenger feel that his head was Heavy when he woke up in the morning right he didn't understand what was happening at all and was scared but he answered that everything was right after all what was the prince talking about the protagonist looked at his hand thoughtfully the messenger often felt tightness in the trapezius muscles on his neck and also constantly experienced headaches right Benjamin again said that everything
was exactly like that but could the prince first let go of his hand but Rael asked did the messenger also like to drink and smoke right it was as if his own organs were looking at him and did not understand what kind of nonsense Rael was talking about he said that the messenger's Vision had also weakened the man again agreed but said that this was not important now the protagonist did not stop talking he noticed that Benjamin's fingertips were constantly trembling the envoy began to panic and thought that something was wrong he was being sucked
into the rhythm of the Crown Prince he must meet the Emperor as soon as possible he called out to His Highness in fear and abruptly pulled his hand away Benjamin Had prepared so many cards for the negotiations but the Crown Prince just did not stop talking he slammed his palm on the table and told his highness that he had come to meet the Emperor of Magento today Rael smirked he thought that the envo wanted to deprive him of his property but he would not allow it he said that count Benjamin was given the authority to
represent the kingdom of vanas he is an important and valuable guest who was sent to their empire a representative of the royal family of amas if the prince sees deviations in the health of an important and precious guest how can he ignore it if the envoy faints because of these ailments does he know how much everyone will criticize the emperor's family Benjamin was scared when the prince put his hand on his shoulder Rael looked worried he said that they cannot allow misunderstandings something like this should not happen he also asked the envit to say whether
this should happen or not in Benjamin's mind mind the prince looked scary he answered that this should not happen he became nervous and panicked realizing that he was in trouble and Reiko walked around the room and asked permission to give advice to the envoy he asks him to reduce drinking and smoking and Benjamin should do better every day for 30 minutes only then can he avoid becoming like his majesty at this moment he was surprised and asked what was wrong with the emperor but Rael calmly answered everything is as he said the emperor is not
feeling well now benjam began to worry what was wrong with him is the Emperor ill the protagonist replied that aelion simply caught a cold he had been overworked and under a lot of stress lately he had started drinking and smoking more perhaps this was the reason for his illness he had even lost his appetite because of the cold he was not feeling well now now Benjamin understood why the emperor had sent the prince to meet him raiko replied that everything was correct the emperor asked him to tell the anva that he sincerely apologized he would
invite him to dinner another other day Benjamin did not expect the prince to tell him everything even if it was true he really apologized and said that he would arrange a dinner to make amend he was so honest that Benjamin could not find any flaws in it the Crown Prince himself intervened to demonstrate his sincerity he shared the situation so frankly if he tried to find flaws in this they would lose the basis for being above them would he really lose all the cards for negotiations so easily he looked tensely at the prince smile realizing
that this was not an Ord AR person in front of him at that moment Rael approached him and said that he had something else to say they talked for a while and then walked together along the corridor the messenger was delighted he did not expect the prince to be so attentive and thought everything through so carefully Rael also laughed and pretended to be embarrassed by such praise and then Benjamin with the scroll happily began to leave he said that he would definitely pass on this letter and everything that the Crown Prince said Damen inquired about
the meeting raik replied that everything went almost well he looked at the happy Benjamin and said that everything looked fine the protagonist was glad that the messenger was able to see his sincere heart however Damen was suspicious of this he realized that the messenger was simply deceived the prince said that he had a task for Damen he said that he would listen to everything but Rael said that this was a top secret operation Damen was confused then Rael told him that an important patient would be brought to the Palace today he still didn't understand understand
anything and the protagonist leaned closer and told Daman to be quieter not to let anyone hear him now he wondered who the patient was that was causing the prince to act like this Rael answered that it would be the emperor so he wanted Damen to return to the small Palace first he asked if all the special Royal Guards should be put on alert for emergency Duty the protagonist answered that it was true he was sorry because he knew that Daman had trained very hard but he replied that it was nothing to worry about compared to
training his primary mission was to protect important people raiko guessed that Damen had felt his limits when they were in Creo upon arriving back he had trained a lot and the prince was watching this Damen looked incredible he was very fast and strong but that event became a big wall for him he trained until he was completely exhausted destroying the entire training field Rael thinks that the time is approaching when he will realize his true identity then he will be reborn as the strongest man in the world but the time has has not come yet
Damen bowed and said that he will return to the small Palace and begin training the prince began to leave Damen went the other way he was worried about the fact that he had significantly increased his training but he still had a long way to go he had never studied swordsmanship systematically will he be able to surpass his capabilities he clenched his fist what should he do to become stronger at this time Rael took the emperor out in a wheelchair he could not leave him in the palace they do not know what one of his close
ones can plan and he is still very sick since they do not know when an emergency may arise he must stay with aelan as long as possible he must do this until the Archbishop can benefit from the sacred blessing in a month but if Rael himself remains in the palace for too long people will begin to suspect that the emperor's illness is more serious than a cold it would be better for them to avoid such a situation as much as possible he also needs to start preparing for his next VIP raiko grinned wickedly he thinks
it's time to get going in the Kingdom of anas the ruler was surprised by Benjamin's quick return however he was not happy the Emperor of magenta is very difficult to deal with King maringer was tensely waiting for the messenger soon he opened the doors and told his King that he had arrived the king greeted the count and asked how everything went Benjamin was worried but still answered that he was unable to meet the Emperor of magenta but he was pleased to say that he was able to see the Crown Prince in the palace the prince
said that they should quickly move on to the main topic of their meeting he believes that the king of ambas knows about what happened in Creo Benjamin confirmed this that's why Rael wants to tell about it no ask this put the messenger on guard then the protagonist said he wants the first in line for the throne princess Adeline de Damas to stay in their Capital magenta for 6 months Benjamin was horrified they were planning to take their princess hostage anaz is a strictly independent country it is not one of magenta's vast states he can't believe
that they would humiliate anois like that Benjamin was angry and trembling he said that they could not agree to this then the protagonist used the LIE voucher the system reported that count Benjamin began to succumb to his lies the prince said in fact he was sincerely interested in developing constructive peaceful and friendly relations with the kingdom of anas moreover he would very much like to establish close personal relations the system reported that the count would now unconditionally and forever trust one lie of the prince he thought about personal relations and asked with interest why does
the prince need this but then he was confused by his guess maybe the prince likes their princess what if she lives in magenta for 6 months and then falls in love with the Crown Prince he grabbed his head in panic but then he began to think again could this lead to a powerful Alliance or incredibly even a confederation could an unprecedented great Empire be born soon he imagined himself in a huge picture showing his greatness this be his chance to write his name in history forever a meeting where the Cornerstone of a great Empire would
be laid he imagined himself in front of a crowd of jubilant on wa's residence he is a great Diplomat leading the meeting maringer hit the throne with his fist and shouted this brought the Diplomat out of his dreams he was angry that they wanted to take Adeline away for 6 months how dare they treat their Kingdom like a vassel state and take the princess hostage do they want war Benjamin he just stood by while they proposed such a ridiculous thing the Diplomat was trembling with fear but he counted that it was a reasonable request made
in the hopes of strengthening friendly relations between their countries the King was at a loss so Benjamin continued the Crown Prince of magenta would like to establish ties between both countries through exchanges and also to build a close relationship with the princess the king took note of the proposal for a close relationship the Diplomat said that if the Future Leaders of the countries maintain a strong connection they can have a peaceful future the Maya vengeance screamed in Rage that he did not want to hear anymore he stood up and said that their negotiations with magenta
had completely failed Benjamin asked the king to calm his anger he asked to read the letter from the Crown Prince the king became worried he did not understand what had happened to Benjamin he had always been able to remain neutral why was he supporting the Crown Prince so much he presented the king with a scroll that was imbued with rael's Mana May Avenger took the letter abruptly and displeased saying that he would read it as soon as he opened the scroll his whole body was enveloped in Magic he read carefully after reading he said to
the count it seems that he was too hasty in his reasoning come to think of it the Crown Prince of magent tanos seems to be a man with great Ambitions the king likes him very much they must resolve this matter as soon as possible he enthusiastically ordered to call Adeline all the servants were shocked why is he acting like this maraver began to walk towards the throne he thought that the Crown Prince was just a man with a weak body but he was much more impressive marenger read the letter again and the live voucher was
successfully applied in the letter the king saw a request to give his daughter's hand to the Crown Prince now the satisfied King called the protagonist not Rael audrea Magano but his son-in-law sometime later Adeline came to him she said that she did not understand her father how could he so easily agree to the request of the Magano Empire she looked at the frightened Benjamin with displeasure and told the king that this decision was founded it was simply unreasonable the king turned to his only daughter Adeline she said that she was listening to him carefully then
marer asked she says that he simply succumbed to magent Tana's pressure by making such a decision after these words Adeline tensed up and could not answer the king said that perhaps this is true she cannot yet understand his decision so she objects Adeline did not understand what was written in that letter did they really find her father's weaknesses or something like that or was there some kind of threat that he could not even imagine she really wants to know everything the king said that he understands it is difficult for her to accept his decision her
depressed state is Justified but the day will come when she will understand and thank her father for this Choice Adeline wanted to object but the king shouted that it was enough he did not want to hear her objections from now on she must prepare for the trip since she will go to magenta for 6 months Adeline was terrified and tried to call her father but the guards began to take the disgruntled girl out of the room she was known as The Smiling angel of anas maybe for her mercy or her warm character now the guards
had a hard time holding her she ordered them to let her go Adeline was a pretty good swordsman and a first class fighter and she also had a unique habit of beating up others after she broke free her fist flew towards the guard and soon the guy was brutally beaten in the stomach Adeline smiled very widely when she defeated her opponents the guard flew into the wall hitting and creating cracks even drops of blood flew from him this habit gave her the nickname smiling Angel the King was very angry and all the Nobles and servants
were scared suddenly the surprised girl was surrounded by people who appeared out of thin air she was bound with magic chains and she screamed to be released but the same dissatisfied Adeline screamed in the carriage bound with chains the king showed her an approving gesture and wished her all the best as soon as the carriage began to move there was an explosion and then the carriage flew through the city at an incredible speed leaving a trail of lightning the serious guard's clothes Rose from the wind he asked if this was the same Dawn Carriage that
only the onas family uses his comrad said that it was exactly so the carriage guarantees delivery by dawn after some time the carriage arrived right at the palace 10 days had passed her escort said that it was really Dawn Adeline got out and asked were they already in magenta indignation burned in the girl's eyes the captain said that the princess should walk with her head held hi she is the princess of ambas Adeline said that she remembered it and then with a grin promised not to show her weaknesses raiko came out to meet her she
looked at him carefully she remembered this face the protagonist thanked her for the journey and greeted the princess of ambas she looked at him with displeasure because she remembered the face of the Crown Prince of magenta before he looked like he was dying but now he looked completely different the protagonist introduced himself saying that he was the Crown Prince of magenta raiko Audria magenta she looked at him with displeasure and coldness saying that she was the princess of Anis Adeline bour she did not offer her hand to the prince who was trying to be friendly
he looked at the palm of his hand and realized that she was a cold woman he had encountered this countless times he understood his dates and meetings with girls this is a standard situation in Korea girls always looked at him with displeasure especially on blind dates he almost cried thinking he had PTSD he could tell how much she hated him but still he clapped his hands and said they must be tired after such a long journey he asked to follow him Adeline arrogantly began to walk leading her servants soon they were sitting at the table
raiko offered her to have breakfast first after that he would lead them to the small Palace where they would stay but Adeline did not speak only looked displeased the protagonist knew that she was the main key that would prevent a great War Adeline hates to lose and has an aggressive character but still prefers peace than War before the meal she asked if the captain was hungry but he told her not to worry the prince knew that she was wise moreover she was strong and healthy she could break through a wall with her fist but she
suddenly died without ascending the throne as a result someone from a distant branch of the anois family became king unlike Adeline the new King was inclined to war and extreme political views he began large-scale military operations against magent tanel in other words a catastrophe occurred just thinking about it made him feel bad that guy was born for war but he cannot allow this rikiel looked at the irritated girl and decided that he must help her become Queen judging by the novel the symptoms that Adeline had he assumes are bilary at treia due to gallstones he
knew someone who had the same concerns he was the author of a novel that lehan was introduced to by her best friends one who and unio the author's name was beckan anyway if she already had G he would remove them and prescribe medicine to prevent a relapse he noticed that she had put down her fork and said that he was sorry he couldn't believe that he invited her to a meal after such a long journey she must have difficulty digesting food he snapped his fingers and said that he had prepared a tonic for her garden
very quickly brought the medicine with a proud look and the prince said that they had brewed a restorative decoction it was a tonic that was good for the body Adeline looked into the glass and asked is this medicine she became irritated they seriously dared to feed her poison the captain was scared when she raised her fist in the air and then slammed it hard on the table breaking the glass everyone was scared because the sound was loud and half the table was cracked and food was flying everywhere she asked if Rael was making fun of
her he looked at her and the dirty table and asked if he was making fun of her Adeline also asked if that was why he had invited her to the Empire Rael did not understand her words and then the princess said she was only there because the prince had asked her to come it was a very difficult decision for her and the entire Kingdom of Anis and he did not know that she decided to tell him in advance that she would stay for 6 months as he had asked her father she pointed at him and
said she would not do anything else and he should not even think about asking for anything the protagonist was worried and he was sure she had misunderstood but Adeline stood up and said she understood perfectly then he asked if it was possible that she was scared the girl froze in place the this word was endlessly rushing through her ears but she asked what the prince had just said but raiko replied that he had done nothing he had simply offered her something to eat given her an excellent tonic medicine so that she could recover from her
fatigue what was she so afraid and wary of if she wanted to escaped from the palace Adeline replied that she was not afraid but the protagonist interrupted her again if she was afraid that the medicine was poisoned then he asked sir Garden to bring him some too Garden obeyed him and soon brought a glass which raiki examined carefully he felt sorry to drink something that was made from the most expensive ingredients he drank it all in one quick Gulp and asked if they really thought that he the Crown Prince of the Empire would mix poison
into the medicine during an official meal Adeline was surprised and did not know what to answer the Insidious Rael pretended to be upset and said that he could not do anything although he understood that she could not trust so he put him in such an awkward position she did not drink the tonic he gave all Adeline got was fear he knew that Adeline hated fearful cowards the most now the girl was really angry the prince dared to treat her like a coward she wanted to hit him Adeline said that she was never Afraid of Anything
the prince could give her medicine but she had one condition it would be the first and last time she tried his creation but he asked her to postpone the decision until she drank the tonic after which garden and the prince nodded to each other she looked at the glass tensely it seemed to her that the words about the usefulness of the drink were a lie no matter how she perceived this liquid it was very similar to poison she even covered her nose from the smell but then she decided to take a risk and drank it
all in one gulp but soon felt a terrible taste as if she had licked an elephant's armpit Rael immediately came up to her and said that if she drank at all then she should have a snack the captain looked at him in Surprise and Adeline could not recover from the disgusting taste the prince gave her a candy and said that it was the law to eat sweets right after drinking bitter medicine he said that it was a plum flavored candy Adeline looked at his palm with displeasure and embarrassment she was drooling she really wanted the
candy but her Pride would not allow her to do this she tried to restrain herself but at that moment raiko said that he also had a great flavored candy Adeline abruptly took the candy and ate it soon she was smiling with pleasure it tasted like the edge when she realized that the prince was looking at her she stood up and said that she had fulfilled the condition drank the medicine and ate the sweet now it was time for her to go Rael said that it was too early and the princess replied that she had no
reason to stay there but he said that everything was fine Lord Chamberlain would take her to her room to rest Adeline hoped that she would not see him for these six months otherwise she might not be able to hold back she flexed her fists and grinned eily in the afternoon in the garden the princess and her people trained it was hard for her but because they were in enemy territory she was persistent she looked at her body contentedly today's back exercises seemed to be quite effective but she did not understand why her body was so
light what was happening she felt like she could fly Adeline turned around and asked isn't the captain tired he apologized and said that they were fine they had only been riding in a carriage for 10 days it was nothing she looked at the guys lying down and tired who were shaking and thought that fatigue was normal after all but why didn't she feel tired maybe because of the medicine she had taken remembering the taste an appearance of the liquid she decided that she didn't even want to think about it behind her at the gate she
saw a crowd of people and was surprised what was going on there there were old people and children in the small Palace but they didn't look like workers they looked like they were sick and they were going straight to the prince she thought about it and then secretly followed the crowd and without realizing it she found herself inside but she was wondering what these people were doing in the small Palace and she saw the Crown Prince there and was surprised he said that the patient had a fever in his liver he needed to stop drinking
alcohol for a while and reduce his intake of fatty foods the man replied that he understood everything then Rael said to drink a tonic and do cauterization he can go further Adeline saw that the prince was approaching so she quickly disappeared behind the door but he also noticed her as soon as she sighed Rael suddenly asked what she was doing there Adeline screamed in fear and he asked what is a this is the consultation room did she fill out the paperwork the princess did not understand what he was talking about then reel asked was she
in the right line the princess tried to say something but the protagonist sternly asked her did his words sound like a joke there they all take care of patience in this place they are all equal except the emperor the status gender and age of everyone present do not matter he pointed to the door and said if she wanted to come into him he asked her to start by filling out the paperwork she listened confusedly as he ordered her to fill out the paperwork first first and then come if she understood Adeline stood alone in front
of the entire crowd of patients and soon began to move to the end of the line 2 hours later Rael called the next patient and looked closely at the newcomer Adeline showed the document and said that she had done everything as he ordered in fact the prince knew that she would do this Adeline told him to remember this she was not one of those Royals who abused their position he understood that this was exactly what she wanted to prove to him but Adeline explained that she had already had a humiliating experience Rael said that he
was glad she came he wanted to meet her in the consultation room Adeline did not understand him then the protagonist asked did not she want to know the reason for which he asked her to stay for 6 months the princess did not understand why he called her there he did not try to humiliate her because of the incident in Creo was there another reason raiko was worried but he was glad that his words worked he thought for a long time about how to lead her to this moment he sat down and began to take out
the paper he could not miss such an opportunity to cure gallstones he needed her to become aware of her symptoms self-awareness of symptoms is difficult you can see this in the example of Damian for example Garden said that he had money obsess syndrome unfortunately he only had 3 months left Daman asked why the name of the disease sounded so strange besides he felt completely normal but people should realize where they are sick so Garden shouted if he wanted to live he must immed immediately begin treatment Damen frowned in disbelief and said that he did not
feel sick why should he be treated however a person must admit to having a disease and begin therapy because Damen can fall right on the floor lying covered in blood next to coins and regretting that he did not listen to the doctor and did not begin treatment recognizing the disease is the first step to recovery but Adeline has not done this yet one of the signs of gallstone disease is a lack of self-awareness if he suddenly asks her to go to the hospital the princess will not cooperate he grinned wickedly and said that he will
start with the next one she will die within 2 years Adeline was horrified what is he saying but the prince replied that it was not a joke the princess became angry because it looked like a curse not a joke Rael said that she could think of anything but it was true this was the conclusion of the Imperial family's intelligence Department if Adeline knew that it was a lie she would have seen how much his wooden nose had grown like Pinocchio's but now she was surprised and asked him to clarify everything then the prince said that
the imperial intelligence has eyes and ears everywhere even in the royal family of ANW everything they do and say is no exception thanks to this they found the first signs of a serious illness in Adeline which she did not even know about they were able to analyze the symptoms Adeline asked does he mean to say that because of this illness she will die within 2 years she could not believe his words about death because she thought he was smart and serious and now she she is disappointed by his ridiculous jokes Adeline became angry even her
hands were shaking she said that it was a terrible joke but Rael said as a rule the truth is Harsh and insipid Adeline stood up and screamed does he like to mock her so much but he replied that he was not mocking her he just wanted to cure her she could not believe him then Rael said that he would show her everything and then called bobac Adeline was surprised when she saw that a fish jumped out of rael's pocket leaving a bright light Bob happily spun in the air Rael said that it had been very
boring lately but now he had something for the fish to do Bob tried to ask something then the prince said that today there was nothing to eat Adeline was shocked that Rael had a summoned monster the protagonist said that first they need to get acquainted this is Princess Adeline she is a patient undergoing treatment she was excited when the prince said that this was Sir bobach he was in charge of analyzing the medicinal ingredients of the traditional Medicine of the small Palace but today the monster had a different role she greeted bobach who liked the
princess the protagonist said enthusiastically that it was time for them to begin and the fish itself was also happy to see him the system reported that he was using an exclusive variant of the number one skill scanning acupuncture points bobok began to inflate like a balloon and emit electricity streams of flame began to emanate from each of the fish's fins soon a large fish with a fiery Aura and an electric field was flying in front of Adeline a few days ago raiko fell onto the bed tiredly it seems that today he will not be able
to go to bed early either the system reported that his intestines were complaining about an irregular sleep pattern he did not understand what his organs were doing then the system reported that his intestines were openly rebelling against his actions all the organs looked at him with displeasure holding a sign that they were upset what is raiko bothering you this time he said that he actually received a reply from ambas his heart was curious about what they answered Rael said that the kingdom agreed to send the princess as he requested she will arrive in about 3
days but he has some concerns a lamp suddenly lit up above his heart and an alarm sounded the heart was urgently calling everyone the stomach said that the prince's father-in-law agreed to send the princess and the intestines said that it was time to propose the lungs were happy and the liver said to confess his feelings like a real man the system reported that his organs gave him 1,000 HP he has 2,500 HP in total then he explained that this is not the case at all he needs to cure the princess so that there is no
war the system reported that his organs are disappointed they want to return the HP they gave raiko was disappointed with their pettiness he thinks sataline should realize her symptoms before she starts to cooperate if his organs want him to go to bed on time they should help him all his organs began to confer in a circle they were unhappy with him so they did not understand whether to help him they thought that they would finally stop being in a pit of lonely less raiko was also unhappy and asked are they not planning to sleep the
organs began to think faster soon the heart said that Rael should raise the level of the pulse reading skill which greatly surprised the protagonist Rael wanted the princess to believe that she had symptoms wouldn't it be better to skip all the meaningless explanations and just show her the protagonist was surprised that he could show others the pulse reading skill information about his level five skill appeared on the panel by feeling the targets pulse he can assess their health status he can check the overall health check report for detailed results he will also see more information
about the symptoms of the internal organs if they were awakened in his body this will allow him to make a more accurate diagnosis he currently has 2,500 HP to level up the exclusive variant of the acupuncture Point scanning skill you need to spend 300 HP which is what rikiel did for the next level up he needs to spend 350 HP he decided that only one increase would not do anything he will continue until the end so he began to click on the level up many times soon the skill reached level seven then eight then nine
and finally 10 he was congratulated on raising to level 10 the rank of his skill also increased now his skill is not a basic rank but an intermediate rank the level is increased to 11 after gaining experience and investing points he has become much better at reading the pulse thanks to this he can not only see the patient but also show the results due to the increase in the skill rank a new skill option was unlocked he has an exclusive skill option too when using the acupuncture Point scanning option he can show the patient the
diagnostic results on the external screen but the external screen must have the appropriate brightness right now he showed the princess the screen and said that this was her gallbladder shown on a computer program she was shocked that her gallbladder looked like this he said if she was not sure she could press on the right side of her stomach she decided Ed that if she tried it should not hurt she pressed on her stomach her gallbladder on the screen began to tremble she saw that her organs were really moving the prince was pleased this will work
she is starting to believe he understands that she is surprised it would be a shock for anyone to see their internal organs Adeline was sad she asked if this could be the cause of her death raiko answered that gallstones in the bladder will eventually clog the bow ducts when this happens the bow that should pass through the ducts into the dadum will enter the liver from there the liver spleen and pancreas will begin to deteriorate rapidly that is why if she does not get treatment now she will die Adeline said that she did not understand
even if she was sick why would Rael treat her she was surprised by the answer he said that he was doing it for the sake of a peaceful life he hoped that she would become the queen of anas with a healthy body this was the only way to peace between their countries that was why he brought her to magenta Adeline asked if she agreed to the treatment what would he do the prince answered that it was very simple he would show her this too he clenched his fist and began to aim at adeline's stomach as
if before a blow she was scared and quickly stopped his hand and then hit him after which Rael screamed loudly raising his Ren hand with tears in his eyes he said that he only wanted to show her his method of therapy why did she hit him Adeline answered that no one shows their methods like that then Rael said that he would show her again he began to count to three and hit himself on the stomach after which he trembled in pain he said all she had to do was squeeze her hand and hit her stomach
how was that therapy it looked Lego she was horrified and asked what he just said she just had to hit her stomach would that remove the stones to her it seemed like a new way to kill but Rael interrupted her and asked if she could release Mana before striking she was surprised by such a question but answered that she could release a little Mana he answered that it was necessary to crush the stones in the gallbladder he himself uses an external shock wave Adeline asked him again about the external shock wave Rael explained that in
addition to the Mana that she released from her fist he would use his asran core technique with this he would direct the flow of a Mana shock wave Adeline did not understand what he was talking about the protagonist continued to explain she should know that the Azran core technique specializes in absorbing and directing Mana that's why they do this he remembered his training with Daman they trained with the help of a huge piece of meat Rael said that when the princess splashed Mana towards her stomach he would adjust the direction Rael trained with peas Daman
was ready to help he hit a piece of meat and the prince channeled this power through his body with Mana and directed it at the pce now he explained that he would direct the princess's power to her gallstones but she looked at her body with doubt he assured that they would succeed he could destroy gallstones he had a level 10 Sal skill despite the fact that such a skill did not exist in the system raiko suggested starting with treatment with waves of external influence Adeline asked if she succumbed to the therapy she wanted him to
fulfill one of her requests the prince asked what she wanted and began to listen carefully Adeline asked him for a guarantee that as soon as her body returned to normal she would return to her kingdom without fulfilling his request he happily said that he agreed to this but the princess was surprised since he agreed to her condition too easily Rael explained that once they had treated her gallbladder he had no reason to keep her in the palace how did he understand that she agreed to be treated Adeline still felt like she was trapped but in
front of her was a smiling Rael he extended his hand and said that it was too crowded they could go to another room for consultations after which they left together they were alone in the second room he asked her to turn her back and not move until he said so and she also needed to hold her breath for a while he put his hand on her back and explained that he needed to check the location and size of the formations soon he said that he was done and she could start breathing and she should also
clench her right Fist and place it on her stomach she tried and asked if her hand was in the right position he asked her to place her fist a little lower and then a little to the left he said with a smile that now she should hit herself which angered Adeline but he asked her to remember the Mana she releases from her fist must be concentrated she must make the energy hard and sharp as a needle deliver a clear blow with Mana in the form of an arrow concentrating on one point he asked if she
could do it after which he immediately received an affirmative answer the princess's body began to Glow brightly with her Mana she took a deep breath deciding that she would make the first blow weaker Adeline raised her fist and then hit herself hard in the stomach feeling something strange the released Mana definitely hit her stomach but it did not hurt at all she felt like the Mana changed vector and disappeared Rael said that it was wonderful she could look at bulach Adeline was surprised when the fish showed her the screen Rael explained that the gallstone were
starting to crack the Mana hit them right he winked and asked her to do the same thing again Adeline replied that she would do it with pleasure after which she began to hit herself in the stomach several times a bright Mana surrounded her and the princess herself began to smile eily returning her personality of a smiling Angel the small Palace began to shake even Urus was surprised by this and garden was afraid that an earthquake had begun Roberto was shocked when the emperor's eyelids opened due to the shaking and then panicked when they closed again
Rael said that the princess could stop hitting herself and she could also see on the screen that the neoplasms had been ground into dust he said that she had done well for a beginner this made Adeline very happy the fragments would be excreted from her body naturally so she could not worry they were done for today she was surprised that they would finish so quickly there was still a stone left but behind her stood a trembling Rael she looked at him seeing the terrible State Adeline didn't understand what was wrong with him at first but
then she realized the shock wave she thought had disappeared had been absorbed but what did it do Adeline started shaking him and asking if he was okay although raiko replied that he was fine he didn't expect the princess's Mana to be so strong too strong she shook him excitedly and asked why he had gone so far raiko replied that it was natural because she was his responsibility if she decided to start treatment then she was his patient Adeline was surprised by his words and Rael tried to explain that she needed to rest but he began
to tremble and lose Consciousness when he fell Adeline ran up to him and started calling for the Crown Prince in a panic after a while Rael was lying in his bed garden said fortunately he was okay Adeline asked if the doctor was sure then he explained that he had no fever his pulse and breathing were normal but she didn't understand why the Crown Prince hadn't woken up yet Garden guessed that he had put too much stress on his body in a short period of time his his body naturally wanted to rest apparently he had fallen
into a deep sleep he wasn't healthy to begin with he was born with a very weak body Constitution Adeline awkwardly said that she was sorry for the inconvenience but Garden said that it wasn't so in fact Rael had said something beforehand the Crown Prince had told her that treating the princess could be quite a painful matter to the point that he might faint so she shouldn't worry too much she was surprised but Garden said that it happened from time to time he always put others before himself that's why Garden was so worried about the prince
after all he was his personal doctor Adeline thought it seemed like all his actions came from the heart the system reported that rael's actions towards the patient had caused a deep emotion in someone's heart but the organs were outraged by this Adeline was very touched she felt that she was very narrow-minded she was guilty for not believing such a great man as the Crown Prince the system knew that Rael was acting out of his own self-interest but her devot to the patient came from the heart he had yet to realize it such sincerity would lead
to many positive changes in the future Adeline raised her hand and began to hold rael's hand the system reported that the highest form of medical trust had been established between him and Adeline she would not doubt any medical procedures that he would perform on her she carefully held the prince's hand and his organs were trying to tell her not to believe it she was being deceived the system reported that rael's organs sincerely applauded him for what he had done in fact they called him a scammer but nothing can be changed he really tried they gave
him 1,500 HP now he has 2,500 HP Garden looked at the princess he was shocked to see them holding hands he immediately began to imagine what it could be his face turned red and a bright green alarm was glowing above his head but he was not the only one who saw it after a while Rael and the princess were drinking tea together she asked if he felt better he answered that he felt fine from the beginning does she remember what he said before he fainted Adeline said that it was very awkward does he not remember
at all raiko became worried and said that he did not remember anything at all she blushed and said that this could not be he looked her straight in the eyes he said that if Adeline decided to start the treatment she was his at that moment he blushing with embarrassment stood up and ordered her to stop anyway he is fine now he had to take a risk to do this process she cannot work about it being a problem for her therapy Rael will take his time in the afternoon to treat her he decided that today he
will not faint he will take care of it Adeline said that she decided to trust him but Rael did not understand what she was talking about the princess explained that she saw how he tried to treat her well how much he had to endure for it so she decided to believe that the gallstones needed to be removed so that she could survive he could not believe that it was true but Adeline said that it was so and she was also very grateful she really wanted to say it Rael was a little embarrassed he began to
laugh wickedly although it was bad he was not ashamed at all after all it was for his own good he asked enthusiastically can they begin the treatment Adeline turned her back to him and prepared a fist filling her body with Mana she asked if she could begin the prince replied that he was ready the small Palace began to shake again from her blows the system reported that he used the Azan core technique to continuously absorb external Mana into fluence Adeline did not stop while rael's bright streams of Mana directed her power the system reported that
he used the Azran core technique to continuously absorb external Mana influence raiko was very tense and focused his Mana crushed the stone into small grains the system reported that a series of such processes became a precious experience for his Azran technique his Azran core technique level increased he has a stage of a single circle of the fourth level the increase in Mana is 70% for the next level he needs 1,800 HP now he has 2,500 HP the number of circle slots he owns depends on the growth of his azaran core technique the memory capacity of
the circle slot has increased the slot number has expanded the maximum storage of slot one from 12 to 13 l a few days later a tired rikiel said that the 15th gallstone was also successfully destroyed he looked terribly ill the system reported that his Azran core technique is at the stage of a single circle of level six the maximum storage of slot number one is now 15 lers Adeline happily asked they still have one more Stone to destroy right tired Rael stood on trembling legs but showed an approving gesture and said that it was all
thanks to her active cooperation the shock wave she released was heavy and Powerful after these words he felt sick which Adeline looked at with disgust but then she said that she felt guilty because of him the protagonist asked what does she think about saying a few words of gratitude Adeline asked why does it sound like he wants a reward he replied it's because there is nothing free in this world and she actually asked what kind of reward would satisfy him he replied his wish is that he wants her kingdom to never start a war with
the empire for the rest of their lives she couldn't answer something then Rael asked what's wrong she became embarrassed and said that everything is fine he just said something unexpected the protagonist really didn't understand her what did she mean she didn't know how to say it a person like him is quite interesting she hasn't met such people Rael who didn't understand anything looked at the embarrassed Adeline what was she talking about what did this mean he stretched to stretch his body and said that it was time for them to stop for today he needed to
discharge a patient soon Rael was standing in front of the emperor's bed the Archbishop said that he would start in response the emperor nodded to him the Archbishop began to infuse his sacred energy into his body body the energy spread throughout the room the emperor felt better he was able to sit up on the bed which made his Entourage very happy they almost cried with joy aelion raised his trembling hand and said that he did not have the strength to speak so he asked for a pen and paper they immediately gave him everything the emperor
wrote his message but this horrified Rael what was the emperor saying aelion wrote from what his ears heard while he was sick and lying in bed something very tricky happened with whom was raiko going to go on his date the protagonist looked at the emperor with displeasure and confusion what date was he talking about had he not fully recovered aelion explained that he was talking about the princess of vas which surprised the prince very much the emperor does not want to ask how raiki will Bewitched the Ambassador as well as to find out with what
help the prince managed to deceive that old Fox it was Rael who would one day take responsibility for the royal family and the people of the Empire but why did he enter into such a marriage without consulting his father the protagonist was shocked did the emperor now think that he and the princess were having an affair but then he remembered the looks of the maids if he thought about it it made sense even anise was staring at them even if he told the emperor about the Great War and everything else he would never believe it
aelion did not understand why Rael did not answer him and the prince was too lazy to explain everything he said that he was actually rejected with these words he shocked the emperor what was wrong with his son Rael thought that that the excuse worked he bowed and said that his Majesty's words were more accurate than ever during his Majesty's rest he took the opportunity to do something terrible he managed to bring the princess to the Imperial Palace but the events after did not unfold as planned he was rejected Rael even filled his eyes with tears
as Stellan began to guess could it really be it Rael said that everything was exactly like that and the emperor was indignant could it be that the prince did something to her he answered that it was true the emperor wanted to know the outcome and the prince confirmed the most terrible guesses aelion screamed for the Archbishop to treat him again all the close ones leaned over the emperor they began to call him and cry until the emperor said that everything was swimming before his eyes after that he said discontentedly if Rael was at least half
as good as his father everything would not be so bad the protagonist realized that it was time for him to leave until the emperor began to Grumble he said that he had a lot to do and it was time for him to go but aelion told him not to leave because the lecture was not over yet the protagonist had to listen to Long stories and lectures about his brother with a disatisfied face why he did this at all besides from now on he will do everything differently his confidance asked in Surprise did everyone see it
his Majesty's left nostril flares slightly he must be proud of the prince Rael now himself understood what the emperor's reaction meant he is not even his biological son does he deserve such a warm attitude he said that he understands the emperor's concerns but asks him to forgive him since the patients are waiting the emperor shouted for him to leave already and Rael said that he warned his majesty aelion turned away and irritably said that he will be careful now Rael can leave unfortunately so far Rael has not found the criminal who tried to kill the
emperor at the moment he has no choice but to be careful now that the emperor knows naturally he will be careful Guinness rode his horse quickly and said that they should be faster they should let you know faster meanwhile the small Palace was shaking again raiko bent over in pain and said that he had been beaten 500 times in 16 days and this was the last one Adeline asked if he meant beating when he called the treatment what was that he explained that it was the number of times he had passed out from beatings and
now there was the last one left Adeline showed her muscles and promised to finish it Rael directed his Mana at her back and the princess made the most powerful blow she could cracks appeared on the floor raiko felt the strongest shock wave but now all the stones were crushed into dust the system reported that he had withstood 5001 Mana shock waves coming from outside a new option was opened in the basic azaran technique raiko fell and trembled while reading the system panel skill two exclusive option impossible to win limited can be activated once a day
for 5 minutes he wondered if this meant that after activating it he would not faint once a day his organs showed a gesture of approval with Trembling Hands they were also incredibly tired and lay on the floor for them this means survival proof that Rael is the strongest but the system reported that the whole body is happy with the new skill his organs gave him 2,200 HP now he has 4,700 HP he said that it was over and the princess asked is he bleeding from the mouth still Rael said that it was too early for
them to relax the treatment itself was not finished Adeline asked is there anything left the protagonist replied that from now on they should carry out the therapy consistently the fact that she has so many gallstones at such a young age means that she is prone to this disease Rael screamed for garden but Garden appeared out of nowhere with the medicine ready Adeline was to take the in jinho decoction continuously for the next two weeks to ensure that her body was in order and that her bile circulation and excretion were normal Adeline drank the decoction and
was again horrified by The Taste while Rael watched the system messages a level medical claim was activated thanks to rael's treatment adeline's life expectancy had been increased to 67 years and 10 months he would receive a portion of the bonus equivalent to one in 1,950 of adeline's extended life his final life expectancy bonus would be 13 days for a total of 176 days of life expectancy for him it's great if she continues to take the eninho decoction she will not die of gallstones when she safely becomes the queen nanas the Great War that destroyed the
Imperial family of Magento will not begin he was about to imagine his life in a super rich Kingdom but he heard a loud knock on the door the captain called loudly for the princess and said that he had urgent news from his home country he burst into the room with the Ambassador and said that a side branch of the ruling family in the western part of the Kingdom jabin they raised a rebellion Adeline was horrified she asked what the justification for the rebellion was the captain replied that they wanted to overthrow the current weak royal
family for the sake of vas she asked if there was any reason to criticize jabalin the captain looked at the prince incredulously but decided to tell they scolded The Diplomatic weakness of easily giving in to the unreasonable demands of the Crown Prince of Magento Rael began to panic he worked so hard to keep them alive what now a rebellion he repeated irritably and angrily a rebellion Adeline asked about the current state of affairs the captain replied according to the news delivered by the messenger several large- scale clashes have already occurred the central army has currently
retreated to Fort vwa and occupied a defensive line but the losses are greater than expected the protagonists began to think have the main forces of VZ been seriously damaged after that A Satisfied grin appeared on his face if he heals these soldiers then he will gain even more life the system reported that his organs gave him 100 HP for this crazy idea he has 4,800 HP in total even even if he is criticized it is sad but it has already happened he did his best raiko would rather do what he can and reap the benefits
for himself he said he was sorry to hear such news from anois he could not help but be sad therefore he had a condition Adeline must take him with her to anas she wanted to ask him something but he interrupted her and said that her thoughts were correct he wanted to serve as a military doctor and treat wounded soldiers in Anis he wanted to save at least one more person the organs said disappointedly that their body was truly amazing and Rael scolded them Adeline was surprised by the words of his highness she bowed and thanked
him the protagonist was embarrassed but said that they should hurry and get ready to hit the road they needed to hurry to which Adeline agreed sometime later they arrived at a military Camp the carriages with cargo gradually stopped and when he went out into the street he asked what kind of place this was why was it so untidy the entire Camp was in torn tense there was a lot of trash round Rael stretched and said that he was tired and also missed his first class Carriage Damen said that he could not get used to it
no matter how many times he looked at rael's new body Garden asked excitedly maybe His Highness should return to magent Tano the protagonist asked disply did he say His Highness Garden should call him young Master ran he is now ran bin the descendant of the Fallen Noble Balin family a few days ago the suitcases were already packed Adeline said that she finished packing her things suddenly Rael entered the room in a new body and shouted that it was time for him and the princess to go the guards closed her with their hands she asked who
he was he said that he was already the Crown Prince Adeline called the night tiary shouting that this guy was posing as the Crown Prince he must be arrested immediately he said in fear that he was not he had cured Adeline of 16 gallstones by taking 500 blows he gave her Plum and grape flavored lollipops after the terrible tasting medicine she asked in surpris was it really him the Crown Prince soon Garden came and told the princess that he really was the Crown Prince perhaps it was hard to believe based on appearance alone raiko was
still unhappy and irritated and Adeline touched his stomach and asked how he had gotten into such a state while she was poking him with her finger he said that he had received a camouflage from his majesty the emperor some time ago he approached the emperor and addressed him in an excited voice they say that a civil war has broken out in abas aelan asked him again about what was happening then Rael said that a large number of casualties were expected there but the emperor still did not understand what the prince wanted he replied that he
wanted to go to anas with the help of the princess to get a job as a military doctor Undercover the emperor did not understand what the point of this was but Rael explained that he would be serving in a relatively safe place in the rear he would learn about the chain of command military Administration and operational situation in other countries he would take this opportunity to see and feel everything for himself the emperor's left nostril widened slightly Rael asked would the emperor allow him to go aelan realized that this guy really liked to test everything
Adeline the prince explained that he still received permission he asked the court magician to cast the camouflage spell then the princess realized that because of this his body became plump he explained that this was just an illusion that changed the appearance it could be removed by strong physical impact Adeline looked at the document he brought it said that he was a ruined nobleman who graduated from a public school with honors Rael explained that it was a fake ID it looked very credible now can they go when they were already riding in the carriage Damen asked
if everything would be fine with the clinic Garden replied that they had a faithful Miss anise she could diagnose minor illnesses with her sense of smell in addition she received herbal medicine recipes from His Highness that are suitable for many symptoms for at least a few months it will be possible to run a traditional medicine Clinic without His Highness being present in addition it will be announced to the public that the prince has decided to recuperate due to health problems and minimize contact with Outsiders but still Garden thinks there is something wrong with the crown
prins being a special agent Damian remembered that Miss anise receives a special salary right Garden was shocked by Damian's thoughts but he felt sorry for Miss anise a doctor must run to save patients as soon as they need it it's natural but Garden has a long way to go Damian sat next to him and simply enjoyed the ride when they passed several cities and fortresses day and night replaced each other several times Rael joined the army of the kingdom of anas and with the support of Adeline he was sent to a safe rear camp for
the wounded he managed to give her a decoction of in jinho and also told her not to forget to drink the medicine every day accompanied by about a dozen soldiers of the royal Army he arrived at the camp for the wounded now he looked at that very camp with displeasure saying that this was too much were there really no healers there they walked forward and looked around and soon Rael went into one of the tents and apologized what he saw horrified him all three looked at the mountain of corpses and were shocked a man appeared
behind Rael and asked him to introduce himself but the prince said that he would only tell his name to the second then the man said that he was a caretaker at the wounded camp and in front of him was an officer who had arrived from the main Camp Rael said that he was a military doctor but the soldiers said incredulously that they did not expect a military doctor to arrive the protagonist asked if the caretaker knew what was going on inside the tent the caretaker passed by and said that he knew everything those guys were
probably already dead when he looked into the tent he was surprised that someone was even moving the prince did not understand such Behavior the man said indifferently that it would be difficult for them it seemed that there would not be enough space to accommodate the wounded soldiers raiko did not understand what this meant the caretaker understood that the doctor was not familiar with the wounded Camp since he had come there for the first time they take down the tent when everyone dies so that the next ones can be accommodated he waved his hand irritably saying
that there were a lot of flies inside they were so annoying when you had to clean up the bodies raiko began to think about his lives he had come such a long way but the camp was in such a state how could he get an extra life the protagonist asked who was in charge of this Camp the caretaker answered that it was the command an Baron Province then Rael asked to meet him at this time The Baron's tent was well furnished and he himself was enjoying wine everything was excellent with the Battalion Commander suddenly he
heard something provin barely managed to dodge Damian's magical attack who destroyed half of the tent with his sword provin shouted in displeasure for them to introduce themselves he was surprised by two visitors Rael told Damen to beat the baron he asked how much the prince said Damien should make provin feel like he hadn't been paid for two months Damen thought about it then began to take out his sword two is a lot for him but then he put the sword away since he can't kill Province he jumped High preparing the sheath for an attack and
then hit the baron right on the nose after which he screamed loudly Damen beat Province mercilessly and counted the days after each blow soon the baron crawled to the side and asked them to stop doing this at least they know who is in front of them he is the head of this Camp Rael said that he knows this but he is a secret Royal inspector who has come to catch people like Province the baron swallowed he did not understand what secret inspector they were talking about then the protagonist said that he is an honest doctor
undercover who has come to punish people like him Damen asked but if the doctor is honest why is he the one doing this Rio replied that he has paid for it he showed the document to provin and told her to read it he soon began to panic princess Adeline of Banas first in line to the throne was handing over all authority over the wounded Camp to ran Balin provin did not understand what he had done wrong if they were doing this raiko became angry he grabbed The Baron's clothes and shouted what had he done wrong
and he is the one responsible for treating the wounded soldiers he threw Province to the ground and told Daman to take him away right now he obeyed him without question after a while Damen returned the prince asked if the commander had had a row over the dismissal the Knight replied that Province was surprisingly calm he muttered that his military career was ruined it seems that the to him was too strong or is this normal the protagonist replied that sometimes fists could get the point across Better Than Words regardless of whether the current situation was hopeless
or not he was only thinking about maintaining the status quo if things continued like this the wounded soldiers would die this was not a recovery Camp so provin deserved it he had turned this place into a morg Damen looked at him carefully such a look was incomprehensible to Rael but he replied that he did not mean anything like that and what was the Prince planning to do the protagonist said that they should go to Garden first they came to the tent and began to think while sitting at the table if we draw an analogy with
the history of the earth then this is approximately the 17th or 18th century in that era there was almost no concept of proper treatment or care for the wounded they cannot leave it like this he turned to garden and said that they need to classify the wounded prioritize and provide treatment they should replace the tents with new highquality ones and pay more attention to personal hygi consumables Garden said he would do everything and then a soldier came into the tent apologized but immediately asked for help While others were already carrying a seriously wounded soldier raiko
asked about the patient condition his comrade replied that the man was wounded by two arrows in the forearm and one in the side Rael looked worriedly at the soldier whose condition was not encouraging about 2 days had passed the bandage was in such bad condition that mold was blooming on it although the wound was not fatal the lack of care was critical if this continued they would not be able to save anyone he asked Garden's opinion he replied that an urgent operation was needed raiko was glad that he invited Garden who specializes in surgery he
received surgical training during his studies at the Medical University but he has no practical experience with Garden's help he will be able to close his greatest weakness this will significantly expand the scope of his capabilities the protagonist asked if Garden could perform an urgent operation right now he replied that he could do it then immediately began to take out his tools the prince asked what he had Garden took out a large knife and called it a scalpel an object used to cut skin and muscle during amputation Rael was horrified but then he was even more
terrified when Garden took out a bone saw human bones are so hard that this is a necessary tool for successfully cutting off a limb he prepared the tool and said the faster it was done the less pain and bleeding the protagonist asked what about n athesia but Garden asked again what is this if the prince asks how to ease the patient pain they can make him drink strong rum mixed with opium this will cause unconsciousness which is definitely better than doing the operation while he is conscious he said contentedly that he uses vodka instead of
rum it tastes better rikiel looked at him in bewilderment what does Garden plan to do with this the doctor replied that he will perform the amputation first you can cut off the arm what does the Prince think about this he replied that it was not necessary he had better put the instruments Back Garden decided that they would not operate but Rael with a terrible face said that they would perform the operation in a less barbaric way they could not let the soldier die the doctor was perplexed and raiko began to examine the damaged area was
infected and there was a fever the man's physical strength and Immunity were probably at the limit if they cut him in this state then there was a high probability that he would die anesthesia was needed perhaps the nerve dissection technique that he used on anise would work although this alone would not eliminate the pain maybe the paralyzing poison from kusman would work but this was another serious risk he began to worry then a system notification appeared his organs and intestines listened with interest to the prince's worries the heart asked isn't it easier for people to
endure pain the intestines said that it was better not to feel pain during the operation and the liver suggested enjoying the pain if it was unavoidable the stomach asked if felt like he was stuck he could try to develop skills there was no point in collecting HP even a child like him understood that the system reported that his five internal organs and six intestines gave him 100 HP as support now he had 4,900 HP raiko wanted to save as much HP as possible was this the only option he opened a list of possible skills many
panels with skill names appeared around him cupping cauterization drug identification he was attracted by one of the unusual skills which was called his hands are Healing Hands every time he acquired a new Talent skill or knowledge a new skill appeared on the list the skill Healing Hands will be a great help in relieving patients from pain he realized that he found exactly the right thing while he giggled insidiously everyone looked at him thinking that something was wrong with his head he noticed the solders Gaze and returned to normal however his choice had already been made
the system asked does he want to acquire the skill healing hands for now the skill is level one he must gently touch the patient's body to reduce pain this reduces pain at the level of local anesthesia the strength range and duration will increase as the level increases he considered it a real cheat that a simple stroke causes anesthesia he told the surprise Garden that he takes back his words he found a way to anesthetize the patient they should prepare for surgery Garden enthusiastically said that he understood everything Rael asked the solders name he answered that
he was doop a junior private the protagonist said that from now on he will treat him would doop mind the soldier asked if they would cut off his hand the prince said that he would not do it there was nothing to worry about the soldier humbly said that he understood everything raiko repeated that he would not do it but doop said that he was a positive person he doesn't think his life will end just because he loses his arm the protagonist screamed again that he won't touch his arm deop was glad that at least it
wasn't his leg if he lost his arm it would just be uncomfortable raiko promised that they would cure everything and the soldiers said that if he lost his leg he would have to use crutches which was much more uncomfortable his dream was to become a violinist he might never be able to play the violin again raiko was tired of listening to this and the crying Soldier said now they can see that he really is an optimist the irritated Prince told the o to stop this before they cut off his head he was going to start
injecting the anesthesia now can they start Garden said that everything was ready then Rael put his hand on the Soldier's stomach and embarrassedly began to sing that his hands are Healing Hands his hands are healing Damen and garden were confused they looked at the prince with horror the soldiers were also shocked everyone had difficulty listening to his singing even the patient however this was the activation condition Rael must cast a spell his hands are Healing Hands draw out the sound a little but do everything accurately and continuously in accordance with the Rhythm while the prince
sang it seemed to him that his voice was especially good today but the system lacks sincerity he failed to activate The Healing Hand skill this made raiko very angry he hated this status panel he needs to sing the song correctly he convinced himself that this is the track of his authorship now the pitch of his voice is e this corresponds to the original pitch of the voice e the lyrics of the song were written by his internal organs and also the arrangement he began to shake his head and diligently sing that his hands are Healing
Hands he did not stop the music filled the space and next to him it was as if Urus was supporting while the prince sang contentedly that his hands are Healing Hands everyone looked at him with complete incomprehension when he reached 100 points the system reported that the skill was activated the pain of the patient Deo begins to subside the soldier looked at the glowing hands of the prince he could not believe that his side did not hurt anymore while Rao was singing he asked how the soldier was feeling he replied that it stung a little
but it did not hurt that much anymore what was going on raiko replied that there was a way out of everything his hands were Healing Hands he was going to check if the anesthesia was working well then he grabbed the arrow theop said that it did not hurt at all the prince was happy this skill really worked he told sir garden now that he had done the anesthesia they will begin the operation first they need to clean the wounds and Stitch them up they can start with the side to which the doctor agreed after a
while all their instruments were covered in blood Garden said that they were done with the body the arrow was removed Rael said that they should Now work on the hand and began to chant the spell again at this point the soldier asked if everything would be okay if they did not amputate the damaged area he felt that the pain was gone thanks to the anesthesia but the anxiety did not go away while Rael was chanting the spell he said that they would take care of diop's wounds he could not worry they did not plann to
cut anything the system reported that he successfully relieved the pain of diop's patient the level of his hand skill is increased these are Healing Hands the skill was increased to the second level it reduces pain equivalent to local anesthesia 20% more effective Rael sharply and strongly squeezed the solders hand who looked at the prince in surprise he did not react to the pain when the protagonist pinched him harder than when pressing on the side the effect was excellent he said that he and garden would begin the operation the doctor immediately took out a thread and
cut off aart then he took a scalpel his work was precise and fast the scalpel in his hands seemed to fly raiko was surprised at his abilities even from his point of view who received a modern education Garden skills are good surgery was indeed his specialty but was this a vertical mattress suture technique he watched the doctor work with passion which was not surprising given that he had been appointed to the Palace at such a young age the soldiers asked each other did he see this so that guy could only help the wounded with his
hands it looked like a needle was piercing the body but it didn't hurt at all was that possible this plump doctor could he be a miracle doctor some time passed and there were more bloody instruments the prince asked the op it wasn't that bad right the soldier said it was true but were they finished yet raiko asked him not to relax it was too early the real treatment was only beginning now when the supplies arrived in 2 days he would prescribe him some medicine he had to take it regularly deop agreed but asked why the
doctor was so kind to him he was a wounded soldier and couldn't return to the battle it was a waste of resources that's what everyone thought of him Rael asked he doesn't understand is there any point in saving people theop is a wounded soldier and he is a military doctor who treats is that enough or do you need some other reasons the soldier began to cry and thank the doctor and Rael said it just for the bonus but it seemed to work the other soldiers were also touched his song is strange but the doctor is
very sensitive Rael told doop to put his worries aside and rest he began to leave the tent and at this time his organs applauded their body the system said that they were glad that Rael was not fine for lying their body is amazing theop and the other soldiers were shocked and touched it does not matter if those words were sincere or not from now on his good deeds will be well known to others now everyone in the wounded Camp will rever him like a saint he will also be recorded in medical history as the first
person to introduce a revolutionary concept of helping the wounded on the back Battlefield as a reward for his social and historical achievements in the field of medicine he will receive 5,000 HP his total is 5,400 2 days later he performed an emergency operation with sir Garden he used singing again while the patient looked at him in confusion meanwhile thanks to the admiring glances of the camp leaders his efficiency rate reached 98 and the skill of Healing Hands reached the third level which allows him to apply anesthesia to the brachial plexus for him this achievement was
incredible now he can anesthetize the entire arm in the modern world a simple ointment with antibiotics and disinfectant was enough to treat such wounds however in this era ignoring them leads to disaster people undergo amputation one day Gren asked if they do not amputate the leg will the wound not Fester but raiko replied that this will not happen in order to prevent the amputation of Limbs of wounded soldiers due to flegman they need medicines to prevent and treat infections during the operations he continued to chant the spell he said that he had thought of everything
Garden should first clean the wound and then Stitch it up Suddenly he remembered a special medicine and treatment method that the elves used it was in the second half of the novel The Emperor of the Demonic sword that saved Daman from Death Garden followed rael's orders he knew that if they used the medicine they would be able to create antibiotics after the operation he asked sir garden and Damen for a meeting he started with Garden saying that while the Prince was gone he should put the sanitary conditions in order it was necessary to replace all
the tents bedding and clothes in which the wounded soldiers were Garden said that he would do everything but why would the prince not be there he smiled and said that he would go somewhere with Daman Garden asked what about him Rael went into the forest with six Royal soldiers sent by Adeline and a guide the guide's name was timap his hometown was not that far from their location so he knew the area well he would show them a shortcut Damen asked if Rael was sure he knew how to get there he replied irritably that he
had already told them that he had read about it in a book Damian asked the name of the book but Rael said that he did not remember it did Damien remember the names of all the books he had read in the past year the Knight decided to leave it for now the Crown Prince sometimes seemed strange to him he said that he thought they had gone too far in places like this they might encounter monsters in places where there are few people it is possible to accidentally wander into the territory of an apo's Nest Rael
did not take his words seriously and examined the caterpillar of the monster Damen asked if Rael meant that they were heading to an APO Nest did he the prince waved his hand and said that he should not worry even if they were Appo nests so what yes in such a remote place they can wander into their territory but they already know that right the soldiers were eavesdropping on him in fear Rael reassured everyone that the aperos behave quietly unless someone provokes them first they didn't know the soldiers began to panic no one in their right
mind would go to them the doctor was saying the soldier exhaled he was already afraid that the doctor was going to take them there at that moment Rael said frivolously and cheerfully that they would not touch the aperos they would just kidnap the queen but everyone was horrified by him because it was the same thing the heart did not understand what was the point was a mistake acceptable was he right or not was he unsteady or not all the organs screamed that the heart was right then he said that they would kidnap the queen without
touching anything everyone tried to hold back their laughter but they failed they all laughed loudly saying that their body was simply Shameless raiko was deliberately silent and now he said something like that he is Shameless the system reported that his internal organs criticize his character but I give him 100 HP now Rael has 5,500 HP but Rael did not care if he said in advance they would have refused to go or offered to return to the camp of course such a reaction is natural but they definitely need to get the queen larvae the substance secreted
by the larvae has incredible antibacterial properties if they could simply extract this secretion and manage to rid countless wounded soldiers of infection they would not need amputation he told all the soldiers to listen to him what with those dissatisfied faces what was wrong Damian said that there was a problem Rael knew that even a Meek AOS was a powerful monster Rael agreed then Daman asked if the prince could imagine what happened when a person touched the Queen's Nest the protagonist answered that he knew everything dissatisfied Damen asked then did he realize how much it would
cost to kidnap the Queen's larvae Rael answered that he understood that too Damen asked but how could the prince suggest such a thing the protagonist began to manipulate saying that Damen was about to commit treason Damen understands that sometimes Rael does absolutely Reckless things he has seen enough of this throughout his service but this time it is too terrible Rael smiled and did not understand where he crossed the line Damen shouted that it was exactly like that who did the prince want to forced to kidnap the Queen Mother whoever takes on this role will be
treated horribly by all the bees in the nest they would not ask someone from their company to take on this role right Rael answered that this was the plan Damian said that he was crazy the protagonist agreed with him and all the soldiers began to panic each hoping that he would not go to the lair of the appos Damen began to guess and asked the prince would not do something so crazy right raiko walked past carelessly and said of course he himself would not do it because there is Daman the Knight became angry and asked
really but Rael said that everything was fine he would not get hurt or die Damien could not worry he knew a way to do it safely Damian said discontentedly that he did not believe in it easier said than done the protagonist did not listen to him and called the Hedgehog the little monster immediately appeared and was very happy Damen greeted sir Hedgehog and Rael said that he would now tell you about his plan first he needs to go to the nest of the apos he imagined it as a game after knocking on the wall of
the nest the swarm of aperos will go berserk right at this time the Hedgehog will eat the red sunflower seeds and grow to the sky a Counterattack will be made on Damian so he will release the Hedgehog into the ring the monster uses the giant Hedgehog skill and immediately grows up then Damen hides behind the grown hedgehog and is safe because of this the airos will not be able to get through the thorns in his mind the Hedgehog easily blocked the attack of the airos while he and the Hedgehog will distract attention to themselves raiko
will run up and steal the queen Damen said that even if they managed to kidnap the Queen the airos are very persistent in searching for intruders and will not give up chasing him and Sir Hedgehog the protagonists replied that this is true they will never Retreat unless there is a fire or something like that in the nest the Knight was surprised to hear about the the fire and Rael said that it was time for them to move on if everything was clear Damen looked at him with displeasure he did not like this man at all
but then he said that he understood everything about the fire if it is such a dangerous place but the prince shouted that he would give Damien a bonus so he should keep his mouth shut Daman immediately stopped saying anything which Rael was very pleased with the soldiers began to talk if this was the Crown Prince of Magento he would not act rashly right one of the soers heard this military doctor performed a miracle so even if they were hurt he could save them right that's why they were going to the nest right they walked in
the tall and thick grass Damen parted the leaves and saw a giant nest of AOS around which many bees were flying buzzing loudly huge bees Flew Over the grass in which they were hiding Daman watched this nest with fear he doubted that one bonus would be enough Rael also noticed that the nest was much larger than he heard if they had not soaked their bodies with the scent of flowers they would have been caught need to learn their moves and strike he counts on Daman and the Hedgehog suddenly they heard the buzzing intensify raiko fell
into the grass and did not understand anything all the appos bees began to fly down to them Daman did not understand how this happened then the prince asked did not he get caught because his disguise flew off but the Knight answered that he hid his presence well in any case what should he do now the protagonist threw a stone at him and said that it was obvious if it came to this he needed to run there and hit them Daman also began to get irritated he would have to use the skills that he had trained
so much bright streams of magic surrounded his body surprised Rael looked at it in horror Damien is Just a Fool something is wrong with his heart Mana these are two rough movements if this continues and the Mana starts to flow in the opposite direction there will be big problems he quickly crawled closer and began to call Daman he told the guy to stop because raiko was scared of the tension in his body as well as powerful lightning Damien felt something strange and then raised his sword High Rael continued to shout for him to stop he
looked up in Surprise a bright and Powerful explosion occurred in the sky the prince did not understand what it was the bees huddled together in a huge flock and were approaching they were very angry and Rael noticed that these monsters were larger than Aeros these creatures pierced the apos with their stings they destroyed each bee tearing them apart Rael did not understand why they were fighting each other soon he noticed something to the side a huge monster was approaching them the insect's mouth was already too close to them but the monster turned sharply and pierced
the aperos with its fangs the guys were lying on the grass the main character was really scared because they almost died he saw the bleeding Aeros and realized that this was not a hunt but a Slaughter more and more Aeros were wounded and killed they were bleeding but they did not have enough strength to defend themselves soon the boys saw a huge flock of monsters approaching the top of the nest Rael did not understand what kind of creatures they were that were larger than Aeros then a frightened Soldier said that they were vesos but the
prince still did not understand anything Damien said that they were wasl monsters for whom aperos is their main food they can easily kill 100 aperos but there is a problem Rael interrupted him and told everyone to stand up Damian did not understand the reason for this as did the soldiers but the prince said that they were caught and noticed at that moment everyone looked up and saw a group of giant and Angry Monsters above them they screamed in fear that they needed to run after which everyone began to save themselves running away from The Fast
and cruel vesos Damien screamed why did they come to such a place why did raiko create such a situation he replied that they needed to catch the queen mother to heal the wounded soldiers he could not let them die did Damen really think that the prince was doing this just because of his whim the system reported that the skill of selling medicine with words of the 10th level was activated they could not run far enough from the monsters Damen realized that he needed to somehow buy time he took out his sword and swung it cutting
down several trees at once he pushed off and seemed to fly quite a distance catching up with everyone else Rael saw a huge Cliff of stones ahead and suggested that they hide behind it they began to jump and hide behind the stones because of his new body Rael did it with difficulty and fell to the ground the tired Soldier said that he did not tell the military doctor about another problem vesos have a special habit they carefully clean up after hunting the leader did not understand what kind of cleaning this was the soldier explained that
the monsters collect the bodies of the airos in one place in the process they find and kill those of them that are still breathing or hiding after completing the hunt and Slaughter they carefully search the area and do not leave a single rat alive of course this will happen to them too raiko began to panic they must run as fast and as far as they can he was disappointed they need to leave but what about his Queen he looked at the ongoing Battle of the monsters The Nest was already destroyed no one will survive not
even the queen saving the queen is just a waste of time they saw the monsters approaching buzzing menacingly everyone immediately crouched and covered their mouths with their hands vesos began to look for them they could feel the heat of their bodies even through the stone so they noticed them one of the monsters began to approach and with one blow cut the stone in half Daman asked if the baron was okay then grabbed him by the collar and threw him as hard as he could Rael flew high in the sky and shouted scolding Daman while he
was flying the Knight fought with monsters that used stings instead of a sword Rael fell into the trees he grabbed the trunk thinking that before he served the prince tea to Creo and now he was throwing it to God knows where he got angry and said that Damien should say goodbye to A month's salary raiko felt something below there he saw Tim on whom he was sitting Rael was surprised by the speed of the guy and timap replied that he used to live in the forest so he runs well he asked where Damen and the
Knights of anas were then timap pointed to the side where they were fighting the vesos Damian boldly and successfully hit the monsters with his sword he delivered powerful and clear blows even the vesos flew to the side after colliding with him the sounds of battle could be heard throughout the forest and clearing the vesos were flying in different directions but then they attacked rikiel asked how these monsters could find them so easily timap held the prince with difficulty and answered that it seemed to be because of the smell of wild flowers and Juice raiko watched
the battle from cover the method he used to reduce the hostility of the airos actually made the vesos recognize them as their victims the soldier asked what they should do but Rael himself did not understand the battle was pointless it was very difficult for the soldiers they were afraid of the vesos Daman and the Knights would have to use all their power to stop 10 vesos he racked his brains and told himself to think soon he happily realized that he had found a solution he asked timap to give him the backpack and then took out
a bottle of water timap asked in Surprise what he would do Rael said it was strong alcohol which he brought to use as a disinfectant he said that if vesos were wasps they also liked alcohol and swung throwing an open bottle at them telling them to like it the bottle broke on the tree trunk and Rael knew that the difference in the taste of bees and w wasps is that bees hate alcohol while wasps love it all the vesos stopped as soon as they felt a stream of alcohol smell Damian noticed this and did not
understand why the attacks suddenly stopped soon all the vesos flew to the tree which was doused with alcohol Rael was glad that he succeeded the soldiers told the doctor that now was their last chance to escape they need to do it immediately but the main character said that they would die if they ran right now the soldiers did not understand this nonsense but raik said that it was true right now the vesos were acting like this because they were attracted by the smell of alcohol from the bottle he threw away but the soldiers didn't understand
why don't they just hide while they were distracted Rael asked how long they thought the smell of such a small concentration would last were they sure it was possible to hide in a safe place in such a short period of time timap still didn't understand what they should do then the protagonist answered that they would set the vesos on fire timap should get the torch that the doctor had prep prepared timap was worried that the elves would punish them then Rael said that they didn't have time to think timap agreed to hurry and Daman realized
that Rael was up to something soon several torches were Burning Brightly Rael checked everything and timap said that he had poured oil on the Torches and was setting them on fire the protagonist ordered them to throw the Torches after which the forest began to Glow with red fire
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